#author: ArthursKnight
spnangelbang · 10 months
Heaven is a Place on Earth
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Author: ArthursKnight (@heavenssexiestangel-blog) Artist: Bakh_Meliorism (@bakh-meliorism) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Featured characters: Gadreel, Dean Winchester, Emma Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Bobby Singer, Kate Milligan, Adam Milligan, Sam Winchester Featured relationships: Gadreel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchesrer/Ruby (Minor), Lee Webb/Dean Winchester (minor) Length: 56,608 words Tags:  Alternative Universe, Fallen Gadreel, Trans Dean Winchester, Jewish Dean Winchester, Slow Burn, Found Family, May/December Relationship, Child Death (Past, Nephilim)
Summary:  Gadreel thought that, after centuries of torture, he had learned his lesson. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and he found himself falling from Heaven once again. Trapped on Earth without his Grace or powers, trapped in a human body without any experience of being Human, Gadreel finds the help he needs in a young Trans man, Dean Winchester, and his baby daughter, Emma. Using the identity of the human he took as a vessel, David, Gadreel will slowly learn what it means to be human, and will finally find the family and love he has always longed for. May it have been God’s plan all along?
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ladyknightskye · 1 month
Hii for the fic recs ask: 🥰😊 👀 💖 👍🏽
No fandom or pairings - haha, random we be!
🥰 A fic that gives you warm fuzzy feelings.
felled by you, held by you by lowtides (Far Cry 5)
I just have so many thoughts about touched-starved characters in general, but this one has some good Jacob Seed touched-starved madness. The writing itself is very comedic in tone, but it ends up being very sweet in the end, but not so rushed to be out of character for either Jacob or the Junior Deputy (insofar as the author establishes the personality of the Deputy). So many cuddles.
☺️ A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Heaven is a Place on Earth by ArthursKnight (Supernatural)
So, I got to beta this one, and I distinctly remember a couple of times where I was in no mood to read anything (difficult mental health times y'all) and this one gave me so many feelings. So many. I don't usually stim when I read something good, but I was flapping my hands and smacking my desk over this one. It's beautifully written, and while I know Gadreel/Dean is not a lot of people's cup of tea, I think the examination of Gadreel's emotions surrounding his relationship to his Father and humanity is just, chef's kiss.
👀 A fic you love a normal amount.
Texts from Hannibal by textsfromhannibal (Hannibal NBC)
Look. Look. It's batshit unhinged and I love it, okay? It literally opens on Will Graham finding Clarice Starling ducktaped to a fridge with Hannibal's blood all over her mouth. And even in all the insanity, it does somehow manage to delve into deeper issues like self-worth and grief, while still being absolute crack on steriods. I love it.
💖 A drabble that made you want 100k more words.
Mine for the Taking by theinsaneseer (Supernatural)
I have so many, many thoughts about this one. I could have read all the gory details that are glossed over here, and wanted more. I have an affection for fics that look at the bad future of The End and play around with how Lucifer and either Dean or Cas interact after that. And yes, I'm total Ducifer trash, and this was right up my alley.
👍🏽 A fic you bookmarked recently.
Serpent's Tongue by bloodandcream (Supernatural)
So, I don't usually ship Lucifer/Anna but when I do I love it when it's a little off-beat and dark~ I also love that this one plays up the seductive part of Lucifer's personality. I love his manipulative little shit ways.
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feuxx · 1 year
My "Great things that happened in 2022" list
(in no particular order)
Rejoined tumblr
Still can't believe I'm moots with so many incredible talented people in here what the hell ;w; <3
FINALLY managed to make friends in the merlin fandom (❤️)
Participated in ACBB !!!!!!!!! (THE MOST ICONIC FEST OF ALL TIME)
Had the honor of working with Slantedknitting, one of my most admired writers (❤️)
Passed one (if not the one) of the most important exams in my life
Received SO MUCH LOVE AND SUPPORT from you all (💖💖💖)
Still can't fathom it when people say that my art is unique and recognizable and that they love it 😭❤️❤️❤️
Gayble 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Failed to get a bingo but had a grand time with the Merlin bingo fest 🤣
Participated in a DTIYS and had so much fun with it!!!
Grieved with yall about the 10th anniversary of the finale: we were mourning but we were mourning together 😭❤️
A little word to people who have made my 2022 memorable under the cut (in no particular order)
@lauradonnelly : My beloved tas, I can't stress how lovely and important you were to me. I'm not a great conversationalist and I felt bad that our conversations were not great as I was also very shy and not good at keeping a conversation flowing. But that you took the effort to welcome me when I joined tumblr, to dm me and send me messages!! Even though you were so busy with your irl things!!! I wouldn't have so much fun making and keeping a tumblr if it weren't for you. Thank you!!!! <3
@coffee-writes : Cofffeeeeeee 😭❤️😭❤️😭 Words fail me to even begin to unpack how grateful I am to you and how amazing and wonderful you are!!!! I hit the lowest of my lows this year and each time you were there to gently cradle me and hold me as to not let myself fall apart, despite your own struggles!! I'm also so glad that you joined me in the bbc merlin fandom and that we could share an unhinged love for it!!! 🤣💛 I love you so much, thank you!!!!
@insane-ohwhyfandoms : Fyre 🥺💖 Thank you for taking notice of me in sprinter-bot channel, I don't think I'd have have succeeded to make friends in mfbc if it weren't for you welcoming me so warmly!!!! Even now, I feel so blessed that I have such a wonderful close friend in you. I couldn't have foreseen this and each time i think of it, I have this silly smile on my face at the thought. Thank you for you! <3
@glaftwlet : Hi dear!! You didn't know this but to me, you were one of the first to call me by name in the merlin fandom and it made me go "oh my god people know me? people remember me???". It was at a moment in my life where I felt very lonely and I really needed it. I can't explain how giddy and excited i was for the whole day, knowing that someone were aware and took notice of me. It may have been inconsequential to you but it meant everything to me. so thank you <3
@arthursknight : Cee!! Love of my life, light of my days, I could not imagine a world where I wouldn't have the honor and the pleasure of meeting you. I'm so so so glad that you sent me that friendship shot. Your love and gentle comprehension really helped me back in the summer this year. I'm so so so so lucky that the universe let us cross our paths and that I got to know you. (Also you're the hottest person alive so xxxxx 😘💖)
@aemelia : I know we joke around but truly i admire your passion and commitment to The Book of Merthur. You're one of the funniest, sassiest of the people i know on here and i love receiving your messages and partake in the salt you spread. It makes my life more fun! 🤣💖
@excited-insomniac : Hi sophie 🫶 You're one of my favorite authors of ALL TIME and frankly I do NOT get why you're not more famous in the fandom. Everything you write is incredible!!!! And I'm incredibly honoured and flabbergasted that we've been talking, and becoming friends!!!! Like!!!!!!!! aaaaaaa 🫶🫶🫶🥺💛💛💛
@aithusar : Hi Loaf!! 🥰 Honestly i half-fell out of my chair when I noticed that you followed me. You're such a cool person and that you regularly rb and leave incredible tags make me blush each time!!!! It's like knowing someone is a Taste Haver and then they like your bullshit???? Like holy fuck perhaps I am doing something right. Additionally, i was stupid, ignorant even, about the beauty and importance of gifs. and then i saw the light (your gifs) and holy fuck 🛐🛐🛐 i was Changed after that.
@burglarhobbit : Liz 🥺💛!!!!!!! My love!!! You're legit one of my favs!!! (favorite person, favorite writer, favorite reason to stay awake, you name it). I'm so happy that 2022 brought you to me and I couldn't be happier and luckier that we've become friends. 😭💕🫶
@mykingdomcomeundone : Honestly we have not talked much but seeing you in my notifs was always a daily highlight. You were my "blorbo from my dash" 🤣💖 Thank you for making me smile!!!
@nextstopparis Hi Roya 🫶 I'm but a humble admirer of you. You have the best tags, your takes are all right, and your edits kill me inside but they fuel me at the same time. I wish you the best new year that you possible can have, despite everything and all life circumstances that there may be. 💕
@queerofthedagger hi love 💕One of my highlights this year was seeing that you followed me! To say that I was "immensely flattered" is an understatement. 😭🫶🫶🫶 I'm so honoured to be moots with you and each time i see that you rb something from me or even tag it "prev" i die inside a bit (of happiness 🫶). Happy new year and thank you for the love!!!! 😭💕💕💕🥰
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returnofahsoka · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @hypsiacrobasiphobia Thank you dear!
Name: kam
Star sign: aries
Height: 1.72 m
Put your iTunes on shuffle. What are the first four songs that popped up?: Kings and Rulers - Ozone Mama, Back in Black - ACDC, The Enemy Inside - Dream Theater, Hard Times - Ozone Mama
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?: “Négy évig tanítottalak, pontosan tudom, mikor hazudsz!" (Időfutár 7.)
Had a poem or song written about you?: yeah, my high school class' secret santa tradition was to write poems about the person you're giving the gift to. so i have like 6 poems written about me
When was the last time you played air guitar?: just yesterday
Who is your celebrity crush?: idk... maybe lupita nyongo
What sound do you hate + sound you love?: hate: people talking shit, love: fire crackling
Do you believe in ghosts?: nope
How about aliens?: yup
Do you drive?: nah
What was the last book you read?: Archaeology: A Very Short Introduction i don't remember the author's name
Do you like the smell of gasoline?: not at all
What was the last movie you saw?: Wreck-it Ralph??? maybe
Do you have any obsessions right now?: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?: uhm yeah
In a relationship?: no but i wanna be
I tag: @calmtolkienreader @ihamtmus @arthursknight @aquamanisnotuseless and anyone else who wants to do this
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spnangelbang · 1 year
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“Heaven is a Place on Earth” - Saturday, August 5
Author: ArthursKnight( @heavenssexiestangel​ ) Artist:  bakh_meliorism ( @bakh-meliorism ) Rating: Explicit Featured characters: Gadreel, Dean Winchester, Emma Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Bobby Singer Featured relationships:  Gadreel/Dean Winchester Length: 50,000 words Tags: Alternative Universe, Trans Dean Winchester, Found Family, Slow Burn, Demisexual Gadreel Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Summary:  Gadreel thought that, after centuries of torture, he had learned his lesson. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and he found himself falling from Heaven once again. Trapped on Earth without his Grace or powers, trapped in a human body without any experience of being Human, Gadreel finds the help he needs in a young Trans man, Dean Winchester, and his baby daughter, Emma. Using the identity of the human he took as a vessel, David, Gadreel will slowly learn what it means to be human, and will finally find the family and love he has always longed for. May it have been God's plan all along?
A soft beeping sound woke Gadreel from his slumber. He felt weird, sort of trapped, but couldn’t pinpoint the reason. It was unfamiliar.
Where am I? He opened his eyes – eyes which he shouldn’t have had, too human, too different from what he knew – and pushed himself up on his vessel’s – now his – arms to observe his surroundings.
Pain shot through his back, up to his neck, and he grunted softly as he closed his eyes again.
Father, what’s going on? Blinking his eyes open again, he looked around.
The room’s white walls were hit by the sunset light, which painted them a warm orange, but the colors were not as bright or lively as he was used to see.
“Uhm…” Gadreel cleared his very human throat, which was dry and itchy. He frowned, an action he had never done before but seemed appropriate in the moment, and brought a hand to his neck.
Something in his chest – a heart, if he remembered correctly – beat increasingly faster.
Another beep came from his side, and Gadreel turned to see a machine he didn’t know the use for. A small tube connected his arm to it, while another tube connected him to a bag containing a clear liquid.
“David?” A soft voice asked on the other side. A young human was looking at him with worried green eyes, still heavy with sleep. They were sitting on a chair, using their jacket as a cover. “Sorry… I, uhm, I checked your ID before the ambulance came, and… Well. I lied. I said I knew you so I could stay here.”
Gadreel blinked, staring at the human, and stilled. He couldn’t see the soul.
The heart in his chest beat faster and faster.
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spnangelbang · 1 year
SPN Angel Bang: Posting Schedule Released
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Thank you to all of our writers and artists who has been working hard to bring together what’s going to be an AMAZING collection of new fic this summer! Below is our planned posting schedule. Keep your angel radio tuned in right here, because promo posts will start tomorrow for our first upcoming story.
Date: “Title” Author | Artist July 3: "Devotion" FriendofCarlotta | Bees July 4: "You Promised" anyrei and queerwerewolf | PetraAmia July 5: "What We Deserve" butterflyslinky | Klayr De Gall July 6: "An Act of Humanity" seidenapfel | xfancyfranart July 7: "Loki Spake" mukur0 | bakh_meliorism July 8: "doors unlocked and open" sidewinder | fluffsnake July 9: "Casifer's Deception" Kinetic-Passion | Keikakudom July 10: "Take me out" TheLadyKeira | Dimitri Evans July 11: "A Light Above Descending" Hedderstheowl | enigmaticNeurologist July 12: "Plan B" Akajed | golby-moon July 13: "The Law of Entanglement" AngelEyz4ever | anyrei July 14: "escaping the labyrinth" Kyra_Maximoff | Slurpy Natural July 15: "Time Enough For Counting" angelshotgun | kingdumbass July 16: "A Gift of Penance for Your Sins" Swirlycloud | Babyhorseshoecrabe July 17: "Apple Pie and the Apocalypse" LadyKnightSkye | sidewinder July 18: "circle, broken" autisticandroids | sketcheun July 19: "True Colours" angelofthequeers | comfycowboy July 20: "creation myth" howldean | angel July 21: "What Sacred Game" prettydizzeed | Hectatess July 22: "The angel with the scared face" Dimiti Evans | Atlas_Pie July 23: "Jack's Angels" MercurialKitty | sidewinder July 24: "Ethereal Feathers" Atlas_Pie | seidenapfel July 25: "The Garden’s Keeper" Gitten | Dimitri Evans July 26: "Birds of a Feather" CathiesCreations | sketcheun July 27: "A Cupid's Work" Redamber79 | LadyRandomBox July 28: "Earth Angel" Eyes_of_a_Tragedy, tfw_cas | rezal July 29: "Consumption" Angel | Emmatheslayer July 30: "Dialogues of the Undead" occasionally_always | spn-fanfic-reblog-writes July 31: "How to Break a Colt" myguardianangel-ina-trenchcoat | As-lost-as-sams-shoe August 1: "Wings" Lyconite | Atlas_Pie August 2: "Unraveling the Past" Avalon Silver | As-lost-as-sams-shoe August 3: "Angel Academy" Crematosis | DoggoJin August 4: "Instrumental" Restlesshush | ThePlaidFox August 5: "Heaven is a Place on Earth" ArthursKnight | bakh_meliorism
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