#author: Cozaure
profoundbondfanfic · 6 months
More Than One Ace to Play
More Than One Ace to Play by Cozaure Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 57k
Cas, a 3rd-year biology student, is an introverted and very anxious guy. Full of insecurities, he doesn't need to add one more thing to worry about in his life (and certainly not his potential "asexuality"). However, one day, he meets Dean at a poker night his roommate Balthazar is hosting. Dean is Cas’ exact opposite : easy-going, confident, funny… and also, very flirty. They keep bumping into each other around the campus and, somehow, every time Cas is with Dean, all of his worries seem to go away… However, when Cas learns about Dean’s reputation as “the master of one-night stands”, he is certain that they are DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY not compatible. Or, are they?
We’re back at it with another college AU. More Than One Ace to Play caught my eye thanks to the asexual!Cas tag. Always on the lookout for any ace rep, this fic didn’t disappoint even a little. One of the things I loved about it was how much it embraced Cas’s journey with figuring out his sexuality beyond knowing for sure that he’s gay. Not only does he come to terms with who he is, but he does so all while battling his anxiety, the portrayal of which I found accurate and compelling with the way the author wrote it. 
This story is told from Cas’s POV, but with that comes a great depiction of Dean as an easy-going college student, living a pretty damn good life when he meets Cas at poker night. The magic of fanfic finds them volunteering for the same program where they are immediately paired up as partners hosting afternoon activities and tutoring with young kids. They become fast friends and even though Cas doubts it at every turn, we the reader can tell Dean is interested in being more than just friends with Cas, even if they think it’s for different reasons. You can’t help but fall for Dean a little too, when he stumbles his way through asking Cas out on a date that Cas is convinced isn’t a date. You feel for Cas as his anxiety dictates his doubt in Dean’s flirting, and, as tagged, Dean’s constant winks. When they finally figure it all out, you’ll be just as relieved and delighted at the outcome, a very satisfying happy ending you shouldn’t skip. 
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deancaspinefest · 3 years
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MORE THAN ONE ACE TO PLAY  |  T  |  57 219
Author: Cozaure | Artist: Aggiedoll
Cas, a 3rd-year biology student, is an introverted and very anxious guy. Full of insecurities, he doesn’t need to add one more thing to worry about in his life (and certainly not his potential “asexuality”). However, one day, he meets Dean at a poker night his roommate Balthazar is hosting.
Dean is Cas’ exact opposite : easy-going, confident, funny… and also, very flirty. They keep bumping into each other around the campus and, somehow, every time Cas is with Dean, all of his worries seem to go away…
However, when Cas learns about Dean’s reputation as “the master of one-night stands”, he is certain that they are DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY not compatible. Or, are they?
Link to fic  |  Link to art 
Pairings: Dean/Cas (background Benny/Meg)
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Anxiety Attacks
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deancaspinefest · 4 years
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More Than One Ace To Play
Teen | ~53k | Posting on May 7 Author: Cozaure | Artist: Aggiedoll
Cas, a 3rd-year biology student, is an introverted and very anxious guy. Full of insecurities, he doesn't need to add one more thing to worry about in his life (and certainly not his potential "asexuality"). However, one day, he meets Dean at a poker night his roommate Balthazar is hosting.
Dean is Cas’s exact opposite: easy-going, confident, funny… and also, very flirty. They keep bumping into each other around the campus and, somehow, every time Cas is with Dean, all of his worries seem to go away…
However, when Cas learns about Dean’s reputation as “the master of one-night stands”, he is certain that they are DEFINITELY ABSOLUTELY not compatible. Or, are they?
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
No one seemed to notice Cas, so he quickly ran to the kitchen, relieved that he wouldn’t have to socialize. He opened one of the high cupboards, looking for bread to prepare a sandwich.
“If you’re looking for the pizza, there are still some pieces of it in the living room, but you better hurry up, we just began to eat the last one!”
Cas startled, bumping his head on the door of the cupboard that was still open.
"Ouch," he grunted before quickly turning around.
The guy from the couch was standing in the kitchen doorway, two empty bottles of beer in his hands. Cas brought his hand to his head, rubbing his skull, grimacing a little with pain. The guy quickly put the bottles on the table and reached towards Cas.
“Sorry, man, I didn’t mean to startle you! Are you alright?”
He raised his hands towards Cas’s head, before stopping his gesture, uncertain. They looked at each other, the guy trying to probe Cas’s expression, as Cas was trying to come to his senses. He’d never seen that boy before, he wasn’t one of Balthazar’s usual friends. Cas dropped the hand that was still on his skull and brushed past the boy’s shoulder. That’s how they both realized how close to each other they were standing, and the guy took a step back. He was still looking at Cas.
“Are you okay?” he repeated.  
Cas blinked.
“Ye… Yes, I think so.”
“Good. I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would hit your head…”
“No… No worries, I’m still half asleep, it’s not your fault.”
The guy smiled.
“Oh yeah, that explains the bed hair.”
Cas blushed and ran a hand through his hair, looking at his feet, suddenly aware of his sleeping outfit: an old, worn shirt, plain sweatpants, and bare feet. He usually liked wearing button-down shirts, fancy crew-neck pullovers, or nice polo shirts, even when he was with his friends, and he almost felt naked. In comparison, the guy was wearing a casual outfit, nothing fancy, but it made him look cool and at ease: blue jeans with an open plaid shirt over a dark t-shirt. He was wearing a metal pendant hanging from a leather string, and Cas wondered briefly what it represented.
“Sorry, I didn’t think I’d run into anyone… Which was stupid, because obviously I knew you were all here, and I…” Cas began to say, very embarrassed.
“Hey, it’s cool, man”, the guy interrupted him. “Don’t worry, it looks good on you.” He winked and Cas felt himself blushing furiously.
“You must be Balthazar's roommate?”
“Yes. I’m Castiel.”
The guy frowned. “Castiel?”
“Maybe Balthazar referred to me as “Cas”? That’s what my friends call me”.
“”Cas” sounds right”, the guy nodded. “I’m Dean, by the way. Dean Winchester. Nice to meet you!”.
[continue reading on May 7]
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deancaspinefest · 4 years
2021 Author/Artist Teams
Congrats to all of our official authors and artists for the 2021 round! This may have been our fastest claims day yet, with all 32 fics being claimed in under 19 hours.
Now that all teams have been finalized, we’ll be sending out emails to each of you so that you can get to know one another and start discussing your plans. Please bear with us as we finish putting these emails together.
In the meantime, read more to see who you’ve been paired with!
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verobatto-angelxhunter & alinawahab98
FriendofCarlotta & Aggiedoll
LoversAntiquities & Jayjayverse
andimeantittosting & thevioletcaptain
QQButtBB & Kayanem
Mistofstars & alinawahab98
Hectatess & Blucifer
sloshnozzle & UV
Kekinkawaii & Kory
Castielsdisciple & Lady Random Box
Emily & Solstheimart
GhoulsnHalos & Lady Random Box
dothraki_shieldmaiden & cheelow
Spnsmile & starsdahb
allmystars & AnSchiArt
Carrieosity & Caitlin
Desirae & Solstheimart
casloveshisfreckles & KayRoseBee
jennyfly & girlinthemirrorbluenight
supernatural9917 & SomethingAboutNoodles
MalMuses & Nioell
anastiel & Gio
darkwings17 & Zoelily
Veronica & thevioletcaptain
Felicia Angel & Solus
saltyravenclaw & jununyarts
DarknessBound & Blucifer
Cozaure & Aggiedoll
Misha_McCarthy & kuwlshadow
TessAlyn & Dmsilvisart
tiamatv & Hazel
Tossukka & dmsilvisart
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