#author: SmutWithPlot
yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 9 Recs: I'm Working, Here!
The Week 9 theme was, "I'm Working, Here!" I asked people to tell me about their favorite works-in-progress. We got some works still updating and some on hiatus, but all WIPs recommended from around the Yeehan community. Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Jack Rabbit by SmutWithPlot [WIP; 112,261 words] Reccer comment: "Hands down the best thing I've read in fandom"
If you want something a little different (and maybe a lot Western) that's an odd little bar in Koenji run by legitimate cowboy and westerner, Jesse James McCree, who sells his home cuisine of nachos, enchiladas, tacos, and quesadillas with salsa fresca and guacamole that is alleged to be made with tequila. It is a well-kept secret, but don't let his profuse amount of English and Spanish overwhelm you - his Japanese is also quite good, and there is Japanese staff. Just be careful: he flirts back. With anyone.
Macchiato by CommonNonsense [WIP; 64,661 words] Reccer comment: "I also love 'Macchiato,' the coffee shop AU that isn't a coffee shop AU, by CommonNonsense, & I regularly struggle to find a way to say, 'I hope this continues!' without applying any pressure"
Overwatch takes an extended mission undercover in a coffee shop in the heart of Seattle, a prime location to stake out their current targets. McCree's not one for the big city or fancy coffee, but the work needs doing, and it's not like anyone outside Overwatch will get it done. It should be a straightforward, if tedious, mission.
Then Hanzo Shimada complicates things by walking in, unaware, for want of a simple mocha.
Redemption Blues by clownsick, JessenoSabaku (orphan_account) [WIP; 71,658 words] Reccer comment: "It's probably abandoned but oh my good, I love this fic. Great side characters, especially the Omnics and a very intriguing Yeehan."
While on a mission to redeem himself in the eyes of his clan, Hanzo Shimada becomes indebted to a reckless vigilante, who constantly throws himself headlong into danger. The two clash in every way, except on the battlefield. There, Hanzo rediscovers the feeling of having someone to cover his own weaknesses.
Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle [WIP; 542,989 words] Reccer comment: "Silver N' Gold by KittenzCaboodle 🥰 my all time favourite slow burn that gets you right in the FEELS❤️"
Some things just pair up perfectly.
The sun and the moon.
Stars and the night sky.
Thunder and lightning.
Some things are just meant to be.
Even a bounty hunter cowboy and a lone wolf mercenary who discover how two loners can help each other be a little bit less lonely and how good life can actually be when you have the right person by your side to help change it for the better.
Some things just go together.
Like Silver N’ Gold.
Undercover by lyriumveins [WIP; Series; 22,535 words] Reccer comment: "I love the character interactions in this fanfictio , the really on point writing of each one, and just the way Hanzo and Cassidy go back forth when Hanzo sees the writing and tries to figure it out while it gets more obvious 😭 and the second one in the series is just as amazing, wish I could real them both one more time"
Hanzo is a new member of Overwatch, working undercover in a coffee shop with a few other agents. He’s adjusting to his new life – and making good progress on his missions – when he starts finding ridiculous messages scrawled on coffee cups… Messages that are, apparently, for him. While he’s convinced it’s all just a ridiculous prank, D.Va calls them “pick-up lines” and insists that he has a “secret admirer.”
Afterdrop by ClaroQueQuiza [WIP; 638,116 words] Reccer comment: "HaVe YOU heArD aBouT a fic whoSe cALLeD AFTERDROP?! (I am the worst, I'm pestering everyone and their mothers about this fic but hey, read this fic it's really cool and ClaroQueQuiza is a great dude 👍)"
Overwatch can be forgiven for keeping Hanzo at arm's length despite the endorsement of his intended murder victim. Six months of provisional membership, spent in the field, is a reasonable compromise.
But not everyone is on board with giving Hanzo a chance.
Cassidy, least of all.
The Chain by midgetnazgul [WIP; 188,243 words] Reccer comment: "I'm following a lot of WIPs, but 'The Chain' by midgetnazgul is definitely a fave!"
It wasn't that Jesse had lived his whole life with nothing - it was about keeping what he'd managed to cobble together.
For Hanzo, it was about trying to make anything truly his own.
And for both of them, the virtue of letting go.
Coyote Lovely by t_pock [WIP; 38,969 words] Reccer comment: "the best-smelling fic I've ever read, with great characterizations and incredible descriptions, and a massively oblivious Hanzo"
After a mission gone wrong, Hanzo and McCree must lie low in New Mexico for a week. Together.
In the Pocket by robocryptid [WIP; 11,002 words] Reccer comment: "I recently reread 'Not that I'm complaining' and after that this Sequel intrigued me more than ever."
An AU in which both Shimadas joined Blackwatch and Cole Cassidy fell in love dick first, but that was almost 15 years ago. Now Overwatch is being Recalled, and Cole has to make up his mind.
Look Up and Wonder by MarieJacquelyn [WIP; 131,796] Reccer comment: "I will never ever shut up about Look Up and Wonder. I feel like Cass stans in particular will find his characterization quite enjoyable. (Idk if this will ever be finished, but even if it isn't, it's definitely worth the read, TRUST ME.)"
Jesse McCree gets a job offer to rescue one H. Shimada at 3:23 AM. He accepts it at 3:54 AM. It does not go according to plan. (An Overwatch/Firefly AU)
Mismatch by MsTrick [WIP; 15,280 words] Reccer comment: "I don't read a lot of ABO, but this fic grabbed me by the balls"
“And the only way your intel will be believed is if it appears your alpha’s claim on you has been overwritten." Hanzo sank into thought. “I…suppose, if intercourse is necessary, for this plan, then we should go through with it,” he said hesitantly, as though his insides weren’t fizzing hot with the possibility.
To his chagrin, Jesse burst into laughter. “Boy, how could any beta resist such saccharine sweet talk?"
One Man's Hero by mataglap [WIP; 99,485 words] Reccer 1 comment: "A very cool superhero AU with great atmosphere :D"
Reccer 2 comment: "Love Hanzo and Cole in this. Prickly old men."
Hanzo Shimada is an assassin, a murderer, and decidedly not a hero, let alone a superhero — and yet.
The Only Ten I See by robocryptid [WIP; 65,380 words]
Hanzo and Cassidy investigate a gang running guns through a small town in rural Tennessee. There's only one bedroom in the safehouse, half the town thinks they're dating, and Hanzo is weirdly angry about Cassidy's tight pants.
It can only escalate.
And that's it for the Week 9 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a fic rec. Come back next time for the Week 10 theme: "When We Were Young," i.e. all the young Yeehan fics your heart desires.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 8 recs here or check the list of past and future themes here!
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eomma-jpeg · 1 year
Heyyyyfor the writer ask! 20, 32 (not me please I want to hear about other cool writers!!), 58, 66, 73, and 75 for itm have a good one!!!<33333
squid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I gotta brainstorm this
I used to use the word ‘jarring’ all the time because I say that in real life LOL
I think when it comes to writing and more dynamic themes, i think the main thing i try to emulate in my writing is that you know whats going on in the scene. I want to make sure that the reader knows the layout and how every person is interacting with each other. I try and go back over my writing over and over again to make sure it is understandable
I think a newer theme is emotions ? i focused so much on physical descriptions in my older works that it wasn’t,,,, fun? To read my stuff. So with my newer works i tried to experiment with more complex emotions, especially the physical repercussions of the emotions lol
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
Squid said i cant say her T-T
SmutWithPlot on FF.net is an author who’s style inspires me SO MUCH. Their description style and flow is something I aspire to have. tension is so good….. (they’re also on ao3)
I’ve said this before but @eilwen is SUCH an incredible writer. No Reason is a fic that I cry whenever i see that its been updated. Their style is so poetic and detailed and i lovelovelove the story and world building its so incredible.
Kuwakun or @tomboyyyaoi here on tumblr has the most beautiful like,,, poetic style of writing… i want to try my hand at poetry style writing one of these days. I have such a literal and straightforward writing style that i would need to practice if I wanted to write the beautiful imagery that they have in their works…. (I sincerely believe they are one of the only people that really understand trimax vashmeryl)
58. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc)
I think outlining and editing are tied in my mind. I LOVE creating the story, and that happens when i outline. I see it all in my mind and can normally get it down on the page okay, but the story really comes to life when i outline, and then it is reborn when i edit lol
I love going back over my work and editing. It helps me realize what isn’t flowing well, what words were strange to use, what sentences just make absolutely no sense because my brain was moving so fast that i forgot half of the words lol. But I love editing in general…. Its so fun.
66. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie. pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc.)?
So far i haven’t faced a lot, which has been nice. I think what helps is that I do this because I like to. I love sharing it with people and knowing that others really enjoy the story,,, but its really a selfish act LOL 
If i get negative comments,,, those fly over my head. The positive ones far outweigh the negative ones (although, i havent gotten any ! which is so nice lolol)
Updating and deadlines,,,, i set those myself ? so like,,, if they need to be moved or adjusted i can just do that
And you can too ! please work at your own pace. Don’t feel burdened by those who read or consume your creations, I am certain most if not all are patient and willing to wait however long it takes for you to feel like its good enough to share
73. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
Hmmmmmm im gonna be a brat about this and say I write stuff that flows well. Funfact about lace, this is because I have written so many history papers, and those need to flow well in order to make sense. I go back over my works countless times to make sure everything is coming across well and that the audience knows whats going on. Is it perfect? No. I went back and reread chapter 1 of in the meadow recently and immediately wanted to start fixing lolol (i might do that 👀)
I would say it helps that I know grammar lolol,,,, i try to not put dialogue for different people in the same paragraph or do run on sentences,,, but I am certainly guilty of using the same adjectives over and over or putting too many commas in one sentence lol 
75. What scene in in the meadow took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
Okay,,, there have been a few parts where i had to pause and take a moment before i actually got my thoughts down
The first was the fight between Milly and Knives about Wolfwood. I had planned that scene so early on,,, but I … i couldn’t figure out each character’s motivation for SO LONG. it took me forever to find why Milly would even put up with him when he was the one to kill WW but also Milly wouldn’t hold a grudge like that and yakjdlkfjsdlj it took so long and i went over it a billion times to fix it and change it ugh
Another one that was sillier was in the latest chapter (28) I was having the hardest time planning out the silly conversation with the sisters. It literally made me stop writing for like a week T-T I couldn’t figure out how to make the conversation flow or how to make Vash seem like a sleaze while not a huge sleaze or for the ladies to tease Meryl UGH
I still don’t think its good but it was the best i could get it
I also avoided writing the final chapter for a minute cuz i didn’t want it to be over,,, then i wrote the whole thing in one day lol (squid knows lol)
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