poisonous-parade · 5 years
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Art trade with @authorrjcity! For once, it didnt take too long for me to do my part ・◡・
So here’s Caroline, I really like her simplistic design :0
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mercurialsmile · 5 years
I associate you with the things you love, but ESPECIALLY space, the word Y'ALL, P!ATD, and oddly enough snails and cows ^^ Like... every time I see a pigeon, you come to mind :X Gee I hope that doesn't sound too weird-! But it's true ^^ Also, the color PURPLE (no idea why though XD)
Ah! I also forgot about DRAGONS!!
KAJSKAJS GOOD those are all v good things yes ;3c 
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saltseashark · 6 years
For the palette thingie: Rose + The Sweetest Chill :D
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listen im not entirely sure why this was what came to mind but i think suits are rad and rose looks great in them
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incurablestyle · 6 years
Also, I can't wait for you to open up commissions! ^^ If anything, I'll be your biggest customer, promise! XD That's how much I love your art, dear~ 😉👍 Of course... if you decide not to in the end, I won't be disappointed or anything! It's YOUR decision, after all 💖
I’ll probably open them after I quit my job next year! and then continue to have them open, especially when I will be between jobs! 
I also plan on moving out sometime in 2019/2020 so I wanna have extra cash on the side to help me n my future roommate out ^^ 
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rubyneoalt · 6 years
🍊 🍊
Orange 🍊: I look up to you and I trust you
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k--havok · 6 years
Xero used to run his own winery! A couple of years before the series starts officially, he “retired” tho. 
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poisonous-parade · 6 years
Okay?? So I shuffled and ended up with "Fifteen fathoms, Counting" of Bring Me The Horizon, which is an instrumental song, there's no lyrics!
So I reshuffled and the song is named 'Sight Unseen' of Rise against. The lyrics are
"Cause this is all I've got, and I've nothing more.
We save the worst excuse, but the best in store.
Maybe now, we'll finally even the score.
Are you counting? - do you even wanna know?"
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mercurialsmile · 5 years
For the band ask: Of Monsters and Men (LOVE THEM BTW)
favourite song: Love Love Love or Dirty Paws idk 
least favourite song: I don’t have one!
have i ever seen them live: SADLY NOPE I want to tho!!
favourite band member: Tbh I don’t follow the members of this band so..
least favourite band member: See above 
how many of their albums i have: I own MHiaA irl and both on my phone
favourite album: My Head is an Animal
favorite lyrics: Idk... I like most the lyrics of their songs theyre v powerful and beautiful to me
favorite music video: Little Talks bc I’ve only seen 2 of them and I liked that one more lol 
ever met any members: nope!!
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prideandpen · 7 years
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ This is the Amazing Person Award! (and trust me... you are AMAZING) Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but know that someone thinks you're amazing inside and outside.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am still screaming! You as well! thank youuu!
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bibliophilicwitch · 7 years
frost, maple, spice, crow & cocoa! ^^ (for the autumnal ask)
frost - if you could give some advice to your younger self, what would you say?
get excited about your future and make some plans. if you miss those plans at least you tried for something had felt like you had direction
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
i’ve always wanted to learn more languages and to be good at playing an instrument or two. i took spanish in high school but dropped out because the class got too large and the students weren’t respecting the teacher and wouldn’t shut up and band lessons started at the exact time my parents’ started their divorce process, so i didn’t ask because money and also my school didn’t offer the instruments i really wanted to learn. i later started to learn guitar and piano, but seemed to lack the drive to really get decent at playing either.
spice - have you ever encountered a house that you believed to be haunted?
mmm. no, i don’t think so and i moved a lot as a kid, so that’s a tiny bit disappointing tbh.
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
first things first, i wasn’t very driven in high school. so i know that i could’ve easily done better than i did, but since i didn’t try very hard i was mediocre at best. so, the biggest thing is that i wish i had just applied myself a bit more. i also wish i had an aptitude for languages and music. (i had an aptitude for english/reading and art, but i haven’t done much drawing in years so i’m not very good at that anymore.)
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
auburn bouncy curls at about chin length to shoulder length, unless we’re talking fantastical? hmmm, then probably either rich brown that you swear smells like a cool forest fresh and green and earthy with leaves and flowers caught in it - or is that actually growing?
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vinndicate · 7 years
✨ Happy birthday!! ✨
thank YOU THANK YOU thank yOU
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mercurialsmile · 5 years
For the band ask: Panic! At the Disco :)
favourite song: Build God, Then We’ll Talk (idk I just r like it...)
least favourite song: Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks (It sounds like he autotuned his voice?? Idk why he can sing so it just sounds bad) 
have i ever seen them live: Yes!! I’ve actually seen him twice! Once on the Death of a Bachelor Tour and the second time on the Pray for the Wicked Tour!! 
favourite band member: Uhhh there’s only one so like XD 
least favourite band member: SEE ABOVE 
how many of their albums i have: Only PFTW irl but I own all their albums besides Pretty. Odd on my phone
favourite album: Prob DoaB tbh but idk 
favorite lyrics: Uhh I don’t even know?? I like most the lyric hooks tbh 
favorite music video: this is gonna sound so typical and cliche but Emperor’s New Clothes 
ever met any members: SADLY NOPE I want to tho!!
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mercurialsmile · 5 years
Unpopular Opinion about doing fanart vs. original work with ocs and the sort of reaction it gets?
Uhh I don’t think I really have an unpopular opinion? Like yeah it sucks that online original work isnt as popular as fanwork but also... like ofc it isnt...
and likewise, if you go to art school and are in those circles, i’m p sure fanart is looked down upon while original work is better praised. It just matters who your audience is. 
im r guilty in the pass of getting upset that i dont get a lot of notes on my original art but tbh im kinda over it now? like ofc it doesnt... no one is searching up my original story tags. im not an amazing and professional artist either and although i dont think my character designs are bad at all, the fact that ppl look at these still images and dont know these characters doesnt make them feel connected to what i draw either. 
it is what it is, i guess. i dont r have an opinion on this topic that much bc i think fighting over fanart and original work, at this point, is silly online
fanwork will always be more popular than smth completely original that stems from someone online (UNLESS that person makes it big) thats just how it works 
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mercurialsmile · 6 years
Interview Questions for Reluz: 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20!
12. If someone else stole something and you stole it back is that a good deed, a bad deed or one of equal worth? Are you better than the original thief?
“Well, if the object was originally mine, then it wouldn’t be stealing if I took it back. I’d just be taking back what’s mine. Which would not make me a thief. Though, I would be really surprised if someone tried to break into my house. It’s not exactly the brightest idea. Plus, I’d rather go to the police. I’m sure Aria would be able to find the thief easily. She’s good at tracking.” 
14. What of love? Say you discover your lifelong crush on another has finally been reciprocated… but they are currently dating a family member or a dear friend the crush feels responsible to honour. Do you force the break up? Date on the side? Bottle it up forever?
“Love is a complicated thing that requires a lot of work and compromise. Although I never have and doubt I will ever be in this hypothetical situation, I would never force a breakup. I’d instead try and talk to my love to get him to initiate a break up. If he’s in love with me and not with the one he’s dating, then he should break up with her. Things shouldn’t be made more complicated than they have to be.” 
16. Have you ever contemplated killing someone? Who and why? Would you ever act on it? Are you frightened you might?
“No, never! Though I have met some people that drive me utterly crazy... and I can recall some people who’s death in high school I wouldn’t cry over, I would never kill anyone. Not ever. That’s something my boyfriend knows more about than me.” 
18. Have you ever done something morally wrong? If it’s morally wrong do you regret it?
“Everyone has done something morally wrong, so of course. I’ll admit, I could be quite petty and catty when I was in high school. And it’s been argued that dating someone like Braxous is morally wrong in itself. I don’t regret the latter, however. But I do have my regrets, like everyone else.” 
20. Are there people in this world who, no matter how much time and penitence is given, should never be forgiven?
“That’s a loaded question. Personally, there are things I can forgive or arguably, even turn a blind eye to in regards to my boyfriend and his... work. Other things, not so much. However, while working with people, I have realized that these things are complicated and forgiveness isn’t black or as white as people make it out to be. I also think it matters on how badly someone wants forgiveness and who its from as well that matters. I have forgave most people who have wronged myself personally, but I can’t see myself forgiving someone who has done something truly terrible to me. I guess it all comes down to the situation and who the person is.” 
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mercurialsmile · 6 years
For the color ask: red, yellow, green, indigo, pink, mint, beige, coral, and gold! ^^
red - what are you most passionate about? how did this passion develop?
I guess writing and it was developed by me wanting to tell stories and also spite so lol 
yellow - what’s your happy place? real or fictional?
I don’t have one tbh... 
green - do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors? which is your favourite flower to smell?
Indoors, and probably roses and also honeysuckle 
indigo - what’re your top three favourite names? would you consider having children in the future?
I guess Luna, Keith, and uhh I don’t have another name I particularly like tbh. I don’t want children at all theyre kinda gross and annoying. 
pink - which is your favourite animal? zoos or farms?
I like cows, pigeons, snails, and doves tbh!! I also like foxes and zebras as well! Aaaand uhhh i don’t like either so neither. Tho since zoos help animals more I guess zoos?? idk 
mint - do you like astrology? do you consider pluto a ‘real’ planet?
I enjoy astrology tho I don’t take it that seriously. Pluto is a dwarf planet, its still a planet just a small one. Idk why ppl get so up in arms abt that... dwarf planet sounds cute yall are just stubborn. 
its smaller than the moon yall. Like... idk why are ppl still debating this? its not like we’re erasing its existence cmon. 
beige - which is your favourite type of soda? do you enjoy alcohol?
I’ve been getting addicted to soda again bc I used to dislike soda... I guess sprite rn bc it helps settle my stomach. Matters on the alcohol, but yes. 
coral - which is your favourite disney movie? who makes the better movies, disney or pixar?
Ummm Beauty and the Beast. And I don’t know, their movies are really similar to me so I always get the CGI disney and pixar movies confused w one another. 
gold - what do you consider to be your biggest achievement? when was the last time you won something?
Ig writing Life is a Fairytale bc I actually finished that?? Hmm maybe my CS novel but its r short and on hiatus bc it sucks and idk how to fix it yet.... uhh yeah. 
I’ve never won an award bc i suck at everything. 
thanks for the ask!!
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mercurialsmile · 6 years
Angelonia, Baneberries, Bergenia, Black-Eyed Susan, Blazing Stars, Bugleherb, Common Boneset, Coneflower, Freesia, Hoary Stock, Lavender, Pansy, Prairie Gentian, Rose, Sunflower, Transvaal Daisy, Tulip, and Wolf’s Bane! (for the flower ask ^^)
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
Umm I guess Lucifer rn? ye 
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I have a lot of favorites but I’ve been listening to The Greatest Show on Earth by Nightwish lately. Super long song but also really amazing and it always makes me tear up!!
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Night for sure! Mornings kill me
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
A fat lazy cat tbh. Or maybe a bird to experience flying? hm 
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
Already Answered! 
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
Tbh I’d just chill I guess? Why is it my last day on Earth? Is the Earth gonna be destroyed or am I dying bc if I’m dying I’ll prob be stuck in a hospital or smth 
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Umm the end of the school semester ngl 
Coneflower: Dream job?
School counselor I guess! Tho I’ve been having doubts abt wanting to do that as I am v interested in sleep psychology so... hmmm 
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Pffft uhhh hmmm my birthday happened, I went to a concert w @niki-crazy and it was pretty great ngl aaaand I’ve been rewatching this yt series I used to be obsessed with and enjoying it a lot!! 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
Hmmm probably something I’ve written but I dunno what tbh... I’ve written a lot of good stuff and some shit stuff so I’d have to look thru pages of stuff and I am too lazy to do that. so ye 
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Idk I guess my creativity. 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Tbh I haven’t had too many memorable birthdays as of late? I guess my latest one would count... but also I remember one year I went to a place called the Rainforest Cafe and it was really cool!! I was pretty young tho... and I remember going to an arcade place called Amazing Jake’s a couple of times... and I remember one year my best friend (at the time we dont talk no more) didn’t come to my party bc they went to a concert instead and I was really angry and upset for a while lmfao 
But all that happened many years ago... during hs my birthday always landed on UIL day for band and it was always kinda miserable so yeah. But I guess that also counts as memorable? Sorry I rambled lol 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
My mom bc she’s v v awesome, hard working, and tough. I admire her a lot. 
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Uhh hmm genuine laughter 
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
My friends ngl... also probably my hands and my vision? I need both those a lot and hope I never lose either. (all four? yeah) 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My Green Day coat!! 
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Genuine Human Connection
Uhh well besides that food works too. I also like being given p much anything people think I would like?? so ye 
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Hopefully, I’ll be feeling better, have a better job, and will be preparing to move out. I wanna be More Adult basically lol 
Thanks for the long ask!! 
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