#autism is just another way to be quirky these days im so distanced from being autistic
selfundiagnosed · 4 months
Omg having people who randomly hated my guts because i was a little off and extremely socially inept who actively targeted me to take their anger out on me before 2020 now identifying as autistic post pandemjc. I hate it here.. i know you probably resented me because i wasnt masking ever in my entire life bc i have mostly autistic family i never thought i was doing weird social things. and you felt like maybe i should have been suffering like you were and thus is made you like see red when i was around but duuuude. the way i had multiple ppl in my life throughout all ages try to make me their punching bag to themselves feel above me .. most of them being so obsessed with making it my problem by sending me anonymous hate or being fake nice to me and then lashing out at me giving me emotional whiplash are now saying theyre autistic like i think youre just mean dude?
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