#auto watches digimon 02
autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Dub edits that are 1000x funnier than what the original clearly was.
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Since I’ve been in rambly mode recently, I wanted to pick up some of the points I thought were highly interesting when it came to “how Digimon actually tried to foreshadow (and allude to) Taichi going into politics”. This will not be a FULL analysis, because I always like to include picture evidence to further my points, buuuuuuut I still wanted to get my general thoughts out of the system.
The rant I went into started with the simple notion that I was wondering whether or not Taichi has learned/will learn more languages in the future - since Kaguya-sama’s Chika Fujiwara is supposedly able to speak 5 languages, as her parents are diplomats and Taichi may or may not have become studious (or may have Koushirou develop an auto-translator-device for him, the jury is still out there).
Considering how we saw Taichi already being in his fourth year of political sciences on university level in Kizuna, I was wondering about the transition period here. Because despite the fact that he still seemed pretty aimless by the start of the movie and hadn’t even decided on the topic of his thesis yet, he at least must have had a general idea of where he wanted to go - right?
If you take it at face value - Tri as a whole was contextualizing it by making him not wanting to fight at first and find a better alternative with less damage. That's even what Yamato of all people says about him in the last movie (with only Koushirou going "Nope, I will not risk more lives by letting a reboot happen, I’ll find a different solution" as additional impulse control, but let's not dive further into that).
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Either way, the first half of the first Tri movie WAS about Taichi not having figured out any career choices yet - and  thanks to being exposed to Daigo working for the government linked to Digimon affairs, his experiences and especially his DEATH may have had a huge impact on Taichi wanting to change the course of how the Digital World is perceived already (especially by the public/media), strengthening the relationships, etc. So in that regard - Tri may actually have succeeded in explaining why Taichi went where he went. It may not have been pleasant to watch him falter so much, but considering everything he went through, it's NOT unlikely, because that's what he HAD to overcome. 
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But before looking at that, we of course have to include 01 and 02, because the epilogue was interwoven here. Besides Koushirou, he was the most committed to Digital World related shenanigans in 02, adding Yamato at times, but Taichi was already pretty involved there. All iterations of the anime Adventure timeline confront him with making unpleasant choices for the sake of everyone time and time again and while that visibly stressed him every single time (and required some punching to get out of his system), it was basically the best preparation he could have gone through.
Going even further back, in 01, throughout the first half of the season, he displays more of your typical Shounen growth attitudes - overcoming his recklessness, etc. -, nothing too outstanding here, but if you squint, you can already see that as him having to become more "moderate". Once he gets called "leader", he doesn't really apply that to himself yet, BUT he absolutely has the sense of responsibility, not only because he is used to that as a big brother, but because he IS a caring, perceptive person under that layer of "head-through-wall"-attitude of an actual 11-year-old. 
And then in the second half of 01, he was seen contemplating a lot more, weighing options (even if Yamato still told him he was reckless, but we know Yamato is an unreliable narrator due to being influenced by his own dark cave arc at this point).
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In sum, you may not expect the sporty leader stereotype to go into politics, but his personality structure actually made him want to look for options that were suitable for the most amount of people involved at some point! And the relationship between the real and digital world became more and more important to him as well!
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The only thing they struggled with was finding a good transition, because they spent SO MUCH TIME on Taichi not knowing where he wanted to go (which is VERY relatable of course!!!). Personally, I like to believe they just wanted to make Taichi's story more complicated, because the focus HAD to be on him due to main character syndrome. He was so put together in 02 already and then hormones and depression and abandonment issues hit him... Him wanting to go back in time, because everything seemed simpler (even though his brain was pretty much lying to him there, because nope, that wasn't simple, that was at least 8 near-death-experiences in a row, you are traumatized, my friend), because he felt like he was more courageous back then. When, in reality, life DID become more complex, yes, but like Agumon said in the stageplay: There are simply more things he learned he wanted to protect.
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mr-kamiyama · 4 years
Hard Of Hearing and Watching TV
I honestly wish I liked more cartoons. I'm older than the target demograph at premiere date for both of these, but the only two I really, really like are Bleach, and Digimon 02-Savers
And of course, the only Western cartoons on broadcast TV now thanks to the Education Parent Kids Aren't Allowed to Relax Act of 1996 are for preschoolers or aimed at adults and made entirely of obscene shock "jokes" because who needs brains and decorum in 'Murica?
The reason I wish I liked more cartoons is actually the way the audio is recorded.
In cartoons as well as import dubs of live action, actors record sitting directly in front of a microphone.
In live action sans import dubbing, actors are wherever on the set, and there's a boom mic picking it all up somewhere in the room
(and of course, even though I grew up on Japanese dubs of live action American shows, I lip read these days, and watching a dub and mismatching lips renders the whole thing unintelligible)
I dunno if healthy hearing people even notice this difference, but save overly loud background music (Bleach, for one, does have a foreground music problem, as do some movies. Some even has vocals, like Ichigo's theme) cartoons are much easier to hear without inconveniencing the neighbours (flat, not house), which I don't like to do. I don't wanna be that guy.
The audio is just so much clearer when the mic is closer.
Unfortunately, my favourite genre is actually sitcom. This means recorded on boom mic, and not even my first language. Second are tied family drama and specifically Japanese detective (can't watch anything where you're supposed to root for American cops, whereas I have a more neutral view of Japanese ones based on experience) both are in my language. But they're still done via boom mic. So they're much harder to hear than cartoon.
Sure, I can lip-read live action if the character is shown from a conducive angle throughout the line. But this often isn't the case. You'd have to be watching a speech or court telecast for that. (News varies)
Obviously, I'm completely fluent in English, but there is a thing where your ears are forever tuned by your native. I do not hear a lot of final consonants, for example (I do hear "n" or "s" but I rarely ever hear, say, final "d," "t" or "p" unless they're overenunciated, which then sounds weird) It all sounds like a glottal stop to me.
Anyway, it's a bit difficult that what I want to watch and what I can hear better don't often cross.
(And never mind that Japanese broadcasts in America and VCDs don't have closed captioning even though Unicode should make the former possible, even modern English closed captioning in America is auto-generated garbage. I miss American captioning being done by WGBH, that PBS out of Chicago or whatever)
I don't have a conclusion, just griping about accessibility issues
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I set Savers in its airing year, so Masaru was born in '92. Can take place anytime after episode 49. However, there just won't be any explicit sexual content regardless of when the thread takes place. I also don't auto-ship: I'm here to walk a character through things, so ships will all be more slow-burn. Also, while Masaru's just pan, I'm actually asexual, so don't even expect me to present beyond a textbook understanding of sexual attraction
Masaru's kind of a jerk. My other two muses are generally at least kind unless the other person isn't, but Masaru's kind of abrasive and gleefully violent. If we're playing, I'll probably warn you beforehand, but Masaru may snap at your muse if your muse isn't a little kid. If your muse didn't deserve it, he'll probably apologise at some point, but yeah, this muse is even less like me than 02's Ken (Bleach's Ichigo is my muse most like me)
I'm on mobile. Period. I can't cut threads. I usually just tag "long post." Can't cut threads.
Seen JP ver only. Haven't seen any others, and I have no reason to bother--the original's in my native. Why would I bother with "orange juice bomb"?
Masaru is mixed race here. In a planned project that's a sister project to my Bleach project I already got a bit of stuff up for, Masaru's mum is Japanese and Russian, and related to Junpei of Frontier, and Masaru's dad was Japanese and Afghani. Masaru actually does speak Japanese, Russian, and Persian.
Masaru's also trans here. He never got puberty blockers, but he finally got testosterone at 13. So his voice changed at a pretty normal age. But he does need a binder and all that. (He loved that black tank top he wears after the memory wipe because it was just the right cut to cover the binder while showing off his arm muscles!) He does someday want kids, and Japanese law, like most US states or most places, requires sterilisation to recognise gender change. His papers also say a different first name. Of course, this probably came up with Satuma. Satuma and payroll at DATS probably know all about it. But being trans isn't *as* hard in Japan as the Anglophonic world. Especially thanks to Kamikawa Aya advocating on outlets like NHK radio since '95, which Masaru would be three then.
I toss the epilogue. Don't like the losing their digimon, and Masaru ditching his family he feels so responsible for and his dad he just got back?
Actually, in my project, ep 48 never happens. Suguru is dead, DATS remains, and Sayuri gets BanchouLeomon as her digimon partner.
Oh, another rule--poor spelling and grammar is acceptable if you are not a native speaker. It infuriates me to no end that I'm supposed to be an idiot for being fluent in three just because English is not my first, but native speakers get to run around spelling "bins" "ben's" and congratulating themselves for "kohnichuwa" but I get beaten/decried for actually knowing the language... And also, ,ZERO TOLERANCE for "garnish my human default English with exotic Japanese uwu" See "zero tolerance for chasers and racism"
Totally available to play in Japanese or Spanish, but you must be fluent.
Masaru lives in Tobechou, Yokohama. I went to the Chinatown in Yokohama once with my dad, but I lived in Koube. And we didn't leave Hanshin region all that much. My knowledge of much outside there being a Chinatown in the '80s (obviously still there, as it was the setting for the Savers movie) and big landmarks like Minatomirai is minimal. I also haven't been back to Japan period since '94. My relatives there are all deceased since the '90s, and flights alone are 1,000$, which, until recently, was definitely over a month of rent. Two for a studio, one plus a couple hundred for a 1 or 2LDK, depending. Might even have had 1.5 baths. By the time Savers was airing in Japan, I was able to keep up with Japanese news via now-gone Japanese-language broadcasts in California, as well as the Web, which is also how I saw Savers. But my knowledge of Japanese things may run the risk of being almost 30 years out of date. Or it might be completely current because I still read Asahi News, the most left-leaning paper I can find. Unsure if related to Hanshin region channel 6, but channel 6 was the best when I was there.
The Daimon family didn't move when Masaru came out, but he came out pretty young. It's just difficult to get trans care for minors. That being said, most peers don't know he's trans. They do know he's mixed, though. That being said, it's not like it's *only* him fighting racist bullies. It's only partially that. Like I said, I fully acknowledge he's pretty abrasive. So he's not completely blameless for all the fights. He could easily someday be the kind of parent who gets arrested for punching a rival dad. Violence is not a last resort for him. It's the best resort.
I do multi-para and don't use icons. But I'm not asking for an exact word count match. All I ask is give me stuff to go off of in replies and for Heaven's sake, do *not* format like House of Leaves when you play with me. Format button abuse looks like a visual panic attack, and is just too chaotic for me to read.
I may go spotty on replies with you. I'll still chat with you via the messenger thingy, and I don't play with people I've never spoken to, even if I've started the interaction, because I need to filter for my sanity, so I need to know the people I play with aren't gonna pull racism or something on me, but when my replies slow, it's because I work on-call at a shelter for seriously physically ill people, I'm also disabled myself, and I don't have the ability to put enough energy for the high-quality replies I strive to give in at the moment. I'm stalling because I want to give you my best. If I want to drop a thread, which is admittedly rare, I'll let you know. I won't leave you guessing.
Some h/cs just for fun
Masaru loves metal. The metal I know is 70s prog and 80s glam metal and stuff. I don't really like much music past about '94, and exactly two albums after 2000 (neither are metal)
Masaru has always had the same kind of attention span I have now even though I completely didn't when I was younger. He's running commentary if you watch an movie with him, his biggest problem with school is the whole sitting and passively listening to a lecture part, he thinks he doesn't like reading because others always talk about sitting there and reading for hours on end (if he's older, he may have realised it's OK to read for 20-minute bursts, something I eventually realised, too). He only really learns by doing. That being said, depending on age, he may not have had the chance to *realise* that yet.
He wouldn't become a sumo wrestler, but he totally watches it. Honestly, any fighting sport, and he's there.
He's very Japanese as far as religion. Sort of takes part and believes in a lot of them at the same time, but none are a overly influential part of his life. This is a thing.
Crossovers with any season preceding Savers are pretty easy with this blog considering my project. The project will eventually merge with the Bleach project, toi, so I also have a thing for that. Overall, I welcome crossovers with most animated media. Live action, I'll consider if you don't use icons with me (it ends up looking like Who Framed Roger Rabbit in my head) I don't do any real person stuff beyond, say, having Masaru listen to real bands or know of other public figures.
There is also a flexibility in playing Masaru in other countries. He could visit family in Russia or Afghanistan, he can be sent over from DATS to help with digimon appearances in countries allied with Japan (coughcontroloverjapanliketheuscough) or I totally ship him with Touma, so he could be in whatever that country is (obviously a Germanic nation in Western Europe)
He's definitely leftist, but his tactics aren't really common among the left. Typically, it's the fascists that will throw the first punch. Except Masaru will, as well. Unfortunately, this means he can take *away* from, say, antifa efforts to counter demo anti-Korean rioters.
He looks down on most weapon use, but probably none more so than guns and other weapons that remove the user from the target. To him, anyone who hides safely behind a weapon and makes the fight so one-sided is a coward. To this extent, he thinks war should be done away with and the leaders of the countries should duel instead of America just wiping out thousands of Japanese (WWII) or Afghani (during his lifetime) civilians (well, in that war, it was definitely not the Afghani government's fault, as that was a radical rebel sect powered initially by Regean, but it was most certainly civilian deaths en masse)
Masaru cannot meditate at all. He's also very reactive. To that extent, he's never really done well with martial arts. There's a lot less focus on self-discipline in boxing and wrestling than in Aikido or karate or what have you. He'd probably love the intensity of Krav Maga or CQC. I just don't know if Krav Maga has a self-discipline component. CQC almost certainly doesn't--it's American.
More when I think of it.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Hiromi Seki’s FULL answer re: the 02 epilogue...
(Under cut for length/spoilers)
TL;Dr: There’s MANY possibilities for in-between timeline ‘modifications’. No, she did not say a flat-out “no, I won’t change a single thing.” while leaving it only at that one statement. (i.e. “only with the full timeline as presented in 02″ for example) The full answer is a bit more complicated but it’s not that hard to understand. I copied the entire text on Eng stream (explaining opening lines) so you don’t have to.
(Posting for MY reference. Honestly I’d prefer no re-blogs but you can ‘Like’ post if wanted)
[Note: I am not posting this inviting ““debate”” or arguments and will auto-block you if you attempt to do so.]
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"Ano, {um} tatoeba {for example} desu ne, ano..." (Note: Eng stream just has “NO” exclaimed at start. It’s not quite that. Listening, I heard “ano” and “tatoeba”. “Ano” =/= a definite final “no”.)
"No one knows what may happen in the world, whether it be 2027, which was shown at the end of 02, or ten years from now, because look at how much all of our lives have completely changed. In just these two or three years, it's 2022, but who's to say how the world will change in the next 5 to 6 years? So I illustrate what their lives might be like 25 years later while hoping the best for them. Yeah, so, as a creator, I show what I HOPE it would be like for the characters 25 years later, but actually, there's only 5 years left before 2027. And in the meantime, who knows?"
"J@pan might sink into the ocean. Or... w@rs might erupt around the world. In that case, Daisuke might not have a ramen shop anymore. Having a ramen shop might be an impossible luxury in such crisis. But I've never regretted showing a brighter future that I hoped would come true. Nor have I ever thought about changing it." ...
"But... I'd like to say to the producers for the future DGMN series, a single tree has many branches from which leaves grow. With no leaves, there's no photosynthesis, and the tree itself cannot grow. So, I think it's better to have a variety of branches and leaves. With that many more possibilities, it could reach the future of 02."
"And if the world is able to regain peace in the meantime, I'm sure they'll find that future."
(Kizuna producer) "When you come to think about it, what we had in mind when we made Last Evolution, was the possibilities what might happen around the year of 2010."
"That separation that we illustrated in 2010, might come as a great shock to some, but it was still ONLY 2010 at the time."
(Kizuna producer) "There's still 17 years..."
"That's right! From that point, there's still 17 years until 2027! That's enough time for a newborn to grow into adulthood! That's why I think, it's not better to think in such linear terms. But rather like a tree with it's branches unfurled in various directions."
"You'd have more fun watching it that way, right?"
(Seki) "I think it'd be fun watching it that way! And for those who watch that way, you might be able to imagine the new Digimon that have matured into various forms. So I hope that's how it turns out."
Basically: if you are using this as a means of now shooting down other’s Queer ships/HCs for Sor@to and Kenxyako, or ANY Queer ships for literally 0 reason (when it was never outright specified they were all definitively “in Straight relationships”)... you are wrong and you SHOULD feel bad.
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dragonspirebooks · 5 years
Welcome to my September updates post!
Wow, where did September go? Anybody else feel like it vanished into thin air? It’s been colder, with a couple of very heavy rainstorms and gusts of wind, and I’ve been pretty productive!
My goals for September were:
Continue researching critical commentary and autobiographical fiction for university. Continue researching proofreading and copy-editing. Don’t watch so much TV. Beta read a short story. Write two short stories. Complete the 14 days to a writing habit course. Ease the pressure on my novels. Read one book. Draw weekly. Catch up on emails. Use social media more.
Halfway through September, during the 14 days to a Writing Habit course, I realised some of my goals weren’t achievable or realistic, so I dropped a few for now. I wrote a post about setting realistic goals and vowed to change my ways: Other than that, how did I do?
University Research:
I read a published PhD level Creative Writing assignment with critical commentary. Whilst it was very useful, and high quality, the amount of academic language put me off a PhD myself! I still have a little more research on critical commentary to do, which I’ll aim to finish in October.
I started researching life writing by reading books in that genre. In October I’ll continue reading and learn how to write it. I’ve also thought of project ideas for when they, inevitably, tell me dragons can’t be in autobiographical fiction: At the moment my favourite idea is to write in the style of the film Sliding Doors using two narratives, one speculative and one real.
I binged Disenchantment, but there were only 10 episodes and it ended on another cliffhanger. I don’t think season 2 was as good as the first, although the steampunk part was awesome! I also watched the Doctor Who seasons with Rose: Rose and the 10th Doctor are my favourites, and they’re one of the only TV couples I buy into. I only wish they had more time!
Carole and Tuesday, which I started last month, was excellent. I love the music and characters, and I can’t wait for the next part! I’ve paused watching Digimon 02 for now. I’ll continue one day, but I’m going to (finally) finish Gotham instead! I don’t think I watched less TV, but it didn’t affect my writing.
Merlin got his own introductory post earlier in the month. He was sleeping (and snoring!) on my office windowsill as I wrote some of this post, and the moment I got up he stole my chair! He can be so cute, but don’t let him fool you! His latest obsession is chewing on the wire of an expensive gaming keyboard, which we have to hide at night!
His tail is getting really fluffy, and he’s so big. Apparently he still has 5 months of growing to do, and I have no idea how big he’s going to get!
I wrote two short stories, Less than Perfect, based on my experience with writer’s block, and Wishing on a Star, about how different choices could change our lives. I’ll aim for two more stories this month, based on the #sunscribbles prompts Promise and Panic. The 14 day writing habit course by Writer’s HQ was excellent: I’m doing another course now, on short stories, which I hope will be just as good.
I didn’t set any goals for my works in progress, but I worked on my Arthurian legend retelling anyway. I typed up notes from my notebooks and planned the first eight chapters. The old me would’ve rushed to finish my outline so I could start writing for Nanowrimo. The new me says no to Nanowrimo, and I’ll aim to finish outlining the next eight chapters by November.
Drawing, and Proofreading & Copy-editing research:
I abandoned my weekly drawing goal. It was too much to fit in with everything else I wanted to do. I really want to practice, so I’m going to draw one picture in October: Probably Halloween fanart to give me an entire month to finish it! I’ve also put my proofreading & copy-editing research goals on hold for now, as I won’t have time once I start university again.
I read a lot in September. Lots of non-fiction for research, some Doctor Who fanfiction, beta-reading, The Diary of Anne Frank (plus half of another book in an attempt to understand life writing for university), and one and a half fiction books:
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Princess of Death was a fun story about princesses and pirates, which I rated 4 stars, and I’m currently halfway through Heroes of Englandom, described as a cross between the Hunger Games and Divergent with a gay MC. I hated the comparison titles, because I couldn’t relate to the main characters, but I’m loving Derin and Dylan so far!
In October I’ll aim to read one book: Although I smashed my reading goals in September, I’d rather keep my goals small and manageable!
Other random stuff:
I’ve caught up on emails, but I decided not to focus on social media until I’m writing again.
I’ve been exercising regularly, but eating lots of pizza!
I’m growing potatoes! (and cucumbers, but I think I planted them too late!)
It’s my birthday in October, and I won’t be around much from the 8th-12th!
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Thanks for reading!
I’m pretty pleased with last month, although I still seem to take on too much. With one month until I’m back at university, I need to get organised!
How was your September? What are your October goals? Are you doing Nanowrimo? Any book or TV recommendations? Chat in the comments!
Writing, Reading, Research and Kitten Updates: September 2019! Welcome to my September updates post! Wow, where did September go? Anybody else feel like it vanished into thin air?
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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No they don’t???
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Are you thinking of Veemon???????
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Just... hide them in the classroom, I guess.
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Yeah, he’ll do it completely alone, it’s fine. Not even Patamon is needed for TK’s Ultimate Quest.
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Why is Cody the most Relatable one of them this season?
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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I love these clips of the previous series Digimon behind the Armour Digivolution animations, and Patamon’s is the one that looks the best, because it looks like Angemon’s wings fold inward as it changes to Magnaangemon.
And then Gatomon’s is hilarious because
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Angewomon, alone, just sorta sliiiiiides up there.
Poor Gatomon, getting such little in the previous series.
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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That’s... a fucked up thing to say about a preteen.
Preteen? Young teen? Either way, what the fuck? Even setting aside the blatant heteronormativity...
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Thankfully, the scene cuts away just before Yolei tried to take some of the food for herself and gets her hand bit.
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Wouldn’t it be funny if two new Digimon came out of here? And Patamon and Gatomon are just... sidelined for the rest of the series.
They went to so much trouble to find Gatomon, and Patamon went through all that effort coming back to life, and they’re not important anymore, bye bye!
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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The battle animation in this episode looks really cool! They’re using the environment and doing cool dodges and and and
my inner 8 year old is doing this right now
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autoplaysdigimon · 2 years
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Is it more fucked up this way, when they’re both being controlled...
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...or this way, where only one is, and the other one doesn’t want to fight back?
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