#02 meta
nookisms · 5 months
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Wo. Low quality 02 t-pose be upon thee.
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gethoce · 1 month
"Greetings, Valfrey! It's been a while, pon... How have you been, pon? Hope Fal is not importunate, pon... Fal Uh... Fal wanted to ask..."
He hesitate, not knowing whether to continue or not
"... What do you think of Dark Matters, pon...? Being someone who judged so many souls and who witnessed so many... Do you think they deserve a chance, pon?"
(btw, VOTE FOR VALFREY!!!!!!!!!)
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At one point Valfrey was tricked into hating dark matter with a burning passion. For many years they made it their mission to wipe the species out, only to find out that they had been deceived. Now they're more accepting of those of the matter most dark, however they do not regret any of their past actions as it isn't an emotion they can feel.
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seventeenlovesthree · 11 months
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@digimon02countdown Day 7 - What do you love about Digimon Adventure 02?
While my attachment to Digimon started and persisted due to my love to the original Adventure, there are still quite a few things about 02 that always kept me around. I have already hinted at it in previous posts; the relationships, similarities and support between the "older" and "new" Chosen Children, the concept of the multiverse, Jogress evolution (also the fact that my OTP are absolute dads to the kids)... But I'd say the most important aspect for me is the bonding between the characters. And nothing signifies this more for me, nothing is as outstanding, significant and vibrant - as the development of the relationship between Daisuke and Ken.
I would argue that, overall, no relationship gets that much focus, that much visible positive development than these two. And yes, upon getting asked, I will never deny that, in my opinion, there is a sense of romantic tension between them too, but in this post, I just want to write about how fascinating, soothing and beautiful their bond is to me in general.
Their initial set-up is, once again, that of rivals. That is a theme Digimon has always been playing with - but I'd say no other series threw that trope for a loop like this before. On one hand, there is the fact that they're both playing football, even ending up facing each other at a point in the series where Ken is still considered to be that perfect, untouchable genius, good at and with everything, while Daisuke is considered a thick-headed knucklehead, goodhearted, but brash and not really talented in many areas - and yet, he still admired Ken at this point. Then of course, there is the fact that they're on opposing ends, enemies in the Digital World, having brutal, cruel fights against one another as Chosen Child vs. Digimon Kaiser - until the spell breaks, with the Crest of Miracles breaking Ken's curse.
And from now on, the boy - who's responsible for his own Digimon partner's death and the suffering of so many others - will have to face the aftermath of what he's done, dealing with guilt and self-esteem issues, feeling unworthy and unlovable.
But then there is Daisuke - the only one who immediately wants to give him the chance to atone for what he's done. He is not forgiving him right away, but wants him to be able to make up for everything - and with kindness and the persistence to not let him sacrifice himself and die, they achieve the unthinkable: Their Digimon combine, their hearts pound in sync. They seem to be connected in ways that make Daisuke get excited - and scare the heck out of Ken. He thought he didn't have anything or anyone else but his reborn Digimon partner and family, and now there's this boy he used to fight, he used to be enemies with... Who simply wants to be his friend, who wants them to be "partners" and work together.
It's confusing, it's scary. While Daisuke is sure that they're meant to be and fight next to each other, it takes time for Ken to feel ready to take the steps towards him, the others, forming bonds, friendships. But Daisuke being Daisuke makes it so much easier for him to let his walls down, slowly but steadily enabling him to show his gentle and soft side, starting to trust and rely on him as much as he does in return.
And Daisuke? Daisuke is displaying a sense of confidence and comfort that we rarely saw before - he tended to be so focused on impressing others, covering up his own insecurities with cockiness. But his bond with Ken makes all his natural kindness and straightforwardness come through easily. He may appear more simple-minded at first glance, but his heart has the right priorities - and he'll do what it takes to save Ken, from himself, from darkness, helping him to be his true self.
Daisuke doesn't doubt their connection for a second - and that's why it's so important that Ken is still able to shake him. That he has an impact on him like no other. He will give Ken all the time he needs to face his demons, to do the things that are uncomfortable to him - and he'll be by his side all the way.
They are partners, they've got each other's backs. And as long as they don't lose sight of themselves and each other, it will always be this way.
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paintpanic · 11 months
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Yet another drawing page..
I like to do these ("these" being big pages of low-to-medium-effort drawings) often because I feel like they help me get better at drawing. The better my medium effort stuff gets, the better my high effort stuff gets. That's the idea, at least.
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skinmanwithaskinplan · 5 months
I made celebratory cookies for beating Kirby 64 at 100%.
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There used to be a Galacta Knight too, but he is no longer with us (I ate him).
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mamuzzy · 2 months
Hey dear :D can you tell us about your headcanons on Jango training the Alphas ? :D
I finally got here to answer this ask. <3
And ooooh boy do I have??? Only angsty ones, love.
I use RepComm lore as a base of my headcanons, just to make clear in what continuity I'm creating in. And that means: NO INHIBITOR CHIPS.
The whole idea of the Clone Army revolves around one thing ultimately: to completely exterminate the jedi. To create an army that is ready for the decisive moment of taking down the enemies of the Sith without the jedi even noticing what is coming at them.
The trainers of course didn't know that this is the ultimate goal of the army, but they knew they had to train a whole army for a future war that who knows when will come. They had be loyal. And they had to be effective.
Every trainer had different approach:
Kal Skirata used love and insisted on the importance of comradeship which ultimately didn't necesserily made his commandos loyal to the Republic, but to each other.
Walon Vau used harsh discipline and insisted on the importance to make his commandos remember: they are superior than others and they have the most important mission in their life. Nothing awaits them outside because they have everything they need: their duty. Vau's trainees remained loyal even after the regime change.
And then we have the Alpha ARC Troopers trained by Jango Fett.
The Alpha ARCs in their mind are the unaltered version of Jango Fett. 100 copy of Jango Fett with their brain remained untouched (compared to the Nulls who's brain was tampered with). Meaning, the Alpha's undying loyalty to the Republic is not pre-programmed, it is not in their genes. It is conditioned with traditional methods: And that is FEAR.
More under the cut
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Jango Fett didn't care about the clones and I will sparta-kick everyone from this hill who tries to fight me. I don't have a single worldbuilding where Jango was a "good daddy" for the Clones. He was a great, loving and caring father to Boba and Boba alone.
For him, the clones are products, but also they are part of his agenda: Even he dies, there will be millions of Jango Fetts who will fulfill his revenge of killing off all the Jedi.
The books often mention that Jango was a sociopath (meaning he is on the spectrum of ASPD), and this template was able to make the clones to be so effective. His brain is just built different and wasn't cluttered with moral based inhibitions. That's why I think that Jango wasn't actually a sadist who enjoyed tormenting his trainees - The Alphas - out of joy and personal amusement. It served the purpose, it was all pragmatic.
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There wasn't any more description what was Alpha's training like on Kamino but these little snippets of lores made my brain go brrrrrrr about the theories. If the Alphas - THE ALPHAS!!!! - were scared of Jango it could mean that their training included something that gave a reason to fear him.
We know that he installed his own commands into the Alphas such us destroying the Clone Facility in case of Separatist attack on Kamino which Alpha-17 almost fulfilled. But also, being unquestionably loyal to the Jedi. For me, these commands weren't installed. I truly love the unaltered brain-Alphas.
-- Physical pain --
When you are in the military and under training, the line between educational violence and actual physical abuse is very thin. Insubordination had to be punished. Jango had to make sure that the Alphas remain loyal despite not having the same inhibitions like the rest of the clones, so there must have been exercises where he tested how far the Alphas would go to fullfill their duties, achieve victory, enforce an order, AT ALL COST.
They had to put through physical hell, pushed over their limits, pushed over their thresholds and beyond. If caught crying, if caught showing pain, if caught showing the single muscle of questioning Jango's orders, they had to be punished. They weren't made to compete with each other, but they also couldn't protect each other publicly when Jango punished the Alphas for insubordination. They had to watch. They had to learn from it.
The Alphas found secret ways to communicate with each other. To find comfort in each other in one way or another. Oh they knew the concept of love and caring. They watched Jango and Boba from the distance. The reassuring words. The caring touches of a father. They watched how the Nulls were running to their precious sergeant for comfort when hurt. They were very much aware that this is not something they would get.
The Alphas needed only one case of serious insubordination to learn their places and that was Alpha-Ø2. He was truly an independent mind and free-thinker, a true inspiration to thrive for individualism in the sea of Jango Fetts. Spar refused to comply and refused to sworn loyalty to "a republic" which he didn't knew.
And one day Alpha-Ø2 disappeared. Only to return without his memories. Returning without his fiery temper, without his free-spirit... and without any knowledge of how he used to love his Alpha-brothers dearly.
The brainwashing of the Alphas were so much successful later in time, when Alpha-Ø2 - called now Spar - actually deserted at age 8, two years before Geonosis, most of the Alphas felt disgust just by thinking about him - they had to.
Alphas had to believe that Spar was the utter disgrace to the Republic, otherwise it would mean, that they were actually treated wrong.
They had no idea that Spar's desertion was orchestrated by Mij Gilamar and Jango Fett himself after Spar regained his memories - probably the only mercy Jango showed for a clone.
-- Jango had to find the perfect balance --
The Kaminoans wanted soldiers who are independent thinkers but still loyal. Completely supressing their individualism wasn't an option, learned from Spar's case.
What the Alphas did in their non-existent freetime wasn't his business. But the Alphas had to drop everything that is them, when Jango ordered them to do so.
Jango hated every form of authority and realized that the Alphas inherited this trait for his disdain. So he used this train in them to be more effective as advisors for the Jedi. The Alphas had to make sure the Jedi survive until the critical point after all.
Alpha-17 is the smartest of them and the closest thing they had for Spar, which made him always walking on thin ice.
Tavo and Sull, lovebirds.
Maze had knowledge of wide variety of things due to reading forbidden literature that wasn't their in their curriculum.
Fordo communicated only through sign language due to trauma, and his closest friends learned too so they can speak to each other. He only spoke when Jango ordered him to do so.
They were smart enough to know what is was truly considered disobedience. And that was going against the Republic and Jango. If they comply to these rules, they will be safe.
-- ALPHA vs NULL conflict --
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Jango always had to remind the Alphas that they were expected to be better than their precedessors, the Nulls. If they fail to meet with the standards, they won't have "a kal skirata" to save them from recondition.
Alpha-Ø2 sure didn't have.
The Alphas after a while didn't need outside motivation to be obedient and loyal. Because they were meant to be everything the Nulls couldn't be. Seeing the examples with their own eyes, how chaotic the Nulls were, how the Nulls as children were actually unruly and sadistic toward the kaminoan technicians, how they disobeyed everyone who was not Kal Skirata, they finally saw what is expected from them: BE BETTER THAN THEM.
And they finally found their positive reassurance on their own. How to take pride in being the true servants of the Republic. Only the Nulls didn't give a shit about this rivalry. They didn't care about Jango or the Alphas or being better than the Alphas.
Being obedient without question was totally against he Alphas nature but they tried. They tried fucking hard.
Alphas: We are the perfect soldiers of the Republic because we are obedient, well-behaved, and we don't cause trouble to our trainers unlike you.
Nulls: We are perfect soldiers because Kal'buir said so, nyenyenyeeeee!!!
Indeed. That Alpha's didn't have "a kal skirata" in their life to tell them they are enough. That they are perfect. That they do the best. Because their best was never enough.
And they weren't enough.
The Alpha ARCs deemed to be failure in the end and their template genes weren't put in to mass-production. When the deployment to Geonosis began, they realized that they weren't meant to be used in the battle and it almost broke them.
Despite their effort and hard work, the Alphas still deemed a failure. Unpredictable, unruly, and because they didn't have any inhibition in them, the Kaminoan didn't trust that they would fulfill their roles. Alphas had to watch the Nulls leave to Geonosis while they were put into stasis.
They didn't have "a kal skirata" to save them from this fate. They didn't have Jango Fett, he wasn't there at all.
They were all alone.
-- Did Jango's approach work? --
My answer is: no.
Despite the conditioning, the Alphas had wide-variety of reactions to the Republic, to the Jedi, and Order 66.
Some were able to shake down the effects of the conditioning, and realized that this dead man won't come after them from the grave to punish them for disobedience.
Some Alpha deserted and died by the hands of Clone Assassins sent after them during the Clone Wars.
Some Alpha remained loyal to Jango's orders, the Republic and then the Empire, training the new generation of soldiers.
Some Alpha went into hiding and became bounty hunters.
Ultimately, how they interacted with the world around them as individual and how the environment treated them decided their own fate.
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frostiwars · 26 days
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i hope you guys are as confused as i expect you to be, but also i hope you guys enjoy this chapter because it was WILD to write
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kacchy · 2 months
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I made a Kirby fan song :P
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tmagpposting · 8 months
Alice’s Attitude
and why I don’t think it’s going to save her.
I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about the implication of Alice's attitude towards the incidents and horror elements so far, so I’m going to. Someone else may have already made a post about this, but I haven’t found anything yet, and I couldn’t find a way to get this out of my mind without writing it down. Naturally, I’m also going to inflict this long-winded and potentially needless analysis on all of you, since I spent 2 hours typing it out (sorry in advance). TW for blatant overuse of parentheticals and politics towards the end. This draws on content from TMAGP episodes 1-3 and TMA overall, particularly the series finale.
I feel like a lot of us going into TMAGP and having listened to TMA already were probably pleasantly surprised by Alice’s attitude of “The Horrors? Just say no!” since a lot of TMA revolved around the idea that curiosity and investigation of the fears usually doomed people to be consumed by one of them, as we saw with a lot of the Archive staff, particularly Jon. I certainly was. Though her ideas about how to deal with the incident reports are definitely somewhat callous, in the context of TMA, they feel very pragmatic, and I found myself thinking, “finally, a character who knows what genre she’s in and refuses to surrender to it.” I’ve been seeing a couple people agree with this, and say that her approach might even help her stay afloat when things start to escalate as the conflicts of TMAGP develop in the coming episodes. I thought that too, at least for a while. 
After thinking about it for several days, I don’t think this is the case. Given TMA’s themes and propensity for tragedy, and Jonny’s approach to tackling social issues, I don’t think Alice’s apathy is going to save her. In fact, I think it’s potentially going to be the character flaw that will doom her in the first place.
1. Alice already cares (not about the horrors, but about people)
To start with, I’d like to point out that Alice will only be able to maintain her apathy to a limited extent, and when people she cares about start being harmed, she is going to get involved. In fact, we can already see this happening. Ep 3 notably starts and ends with Alice making a plan to get Central IT involved in looking into their computers, when she tries to mention them to Colin in the first scene, and when she asks Sam to call them on her behalf in the final scene. I’d argue that the issue comes up because she’s concerned about Colin more than fixing the OIAR’s computers. She tells Sam it’s because Colin may not be able to handle FR3-D1 as well as he thinks he can since he’s been working on it forever with very little positive progress, but given the additional context of the starting scene, I think it’s reasonable to assume she also wants to meddle for Colin’s sake. In the first scene of ep 3, she seemingly talks more softly/slowly than usual (to me, it sounds like she’s trying to be soothing when compared to how she normally talks, even outside of the times she’s actually soothing FR3-D1), she doesn’t make too many digs at Colin as he sounds increasingly stressed, and she asks gently and subtly about calling Central IT for help when she is generally pretty direct when she seriously wants something (like all the times she repeatedly shuts down Sam’s questions because she wants him to stay out of danger). It sounds like she’s trying to slip it in as a half-joke, but Colin treats it as a genuine suggestion when he usually either brushes off her jokes or plays into them instead, so I think it was her actual intent to involve Central IT even at that point. Furthermore, Gwen tells Sam something along the lines of “Alice is the only one [Colin] tolerates” in a previous episode, they have good banter throughout so far, and Colin’s explosive reaction to Sam mentioning the app completely deflates when he learns it was Alice’s idea. All of this seemingly demonstrates a bond that goes pretty far beyond what I’d think of as a basic work relationship with no actual friendship involved. Colin is already pretty deep into investigating FR3-D1 to the point that it’s probably going to be detrimental for him based on him threatening/ranting at the computers in the first episode, and Alice is already trying to intervene on his behalf. Simply put, she is doing a pretty bad job of pretending not to care and staying out of it so far, and we’re only 3 episodes in.
With that in mind, I don’t even think Colin will be the primary reason she’ll get involved as the series goes on, and I actually think Sam is being set up to be the one to draw her into much of the conflict. She cares enough about Sam to find him a job when he’s having a rough time, based on their conversation in the bar, and she tells him not to care about the incidents precisely because she cares about him, and doesn’t want him to get sucked in and hurt by them. With Sam’s propensity for curiosity established and likely being set up to be one of his fatal flaws, Alice will probably get drawn into the conflict whether she likes it or not if/when Sam goes digging and actually stumbles on something dangerous later on. As a side note, I really do think Sam’s curiosity is being set up to be something big here, since he repeatedly wants to look into the Magnus Institute and says it’s a “blast from the past,” he wonders about how the code system works and how it could be improved, and he’s generally shown to ask a lot of questions about the OIAR, Gwen’s backstory, etc. He asks about things more often than I think he would if his questions were purely an expositional device for the audience and not actual characterization (I could make a post just about this, but I think other people have definitely already done that). Finally, our very first introduction to Alice as a character in TMAGP shows her trying and failing to be glib and uncaring about Teddy leaving, where she jokes with him casually before admitting, sincerely and somewhat hesitantly, “I’m gonna miss you.” If her failing to not care about something in the opening scene of the entire series isn’t going to turn out to be important, if not Jonny Sims style foreshadowing of some kind, I’ll eat my hat.
2. Apathy kind of sucks, actually (thematically and otherwise)
Alice being saved by her refusal to care, assuming she manages to maintain it, feels too much like an easy out for the kinds of stories TMA was trying to tell, and clashes with its sensibilities in my opinion. A lot of people fall into the trap of nihilistic apathy when thinking about the state of the world right now, and TMA even acknowledged this in the series with the Extinction beginning to emerge as a new entity/fear. Between worsening climate change, the gradual rise of bigotry and the increasing trend toward fascism in the western world (especially america, it sucks here), escalating international conflict, poverty and the worsening cost/standard of living, like the fact that a majority of people my age will probably never own a house and our college debt is going to eat us alive, etc., it feels like we’re all circling the drain and no one with the power to help is interested in doing anything other than making it worse to make themselves money. A lot of people think the only way to cope with that is to decide to not give a shit, which is a pretty natural response to being constantly confronted with worse and worse news every year that shows no sign of stopping. This has also naturally inspired a lot of doomerism and a rise in insincerity/irony poisoning and cynicism in popular culture that’s really hard to escape even if you avoid the news entirely.
However, the idea that not giving a shit about the problems in the world can somehow spare you from them is a) ludicrous, since they won’t go away if you decide to ignore them (a majority of the TMA statement givers didn’t previously know or care about the fears, and they got screwed over regardless), and b) definitely not supported by TMA’s cannon or themes. Surrendering to the idea of your own helplessness is precisely what TMA ends by specifically not doing. Jon sunk into a hopeless state of mind throughout S5, with the culmination of this process being his proposal to let the world end and allow the End to consume everything, including the rest of the fears. It wasn’t necessarily that Jon didn’t care or was apathetic, especially since one of his primary motivation was to avoid inflicting the fears on another universe, rather, he didn’t think anything could be done to stop the fears from destroying his world or whatever world they ended up in, which is the same deterministic mindset that Alice’s style of apathy stems from (“I can’t change or fix it, so I don’t care”). The other characters refusing this course of action and banishing the fears is what ultimately spares TMA’s universe from the sort of extinction it would’ve had if they’d accepted that it was hopeless and Jon had gone through with what he wanted. TMA ends with the central takeaway that you can’t give in to the idea you won’t be able to fix things because then you won’t try, and shows the characters subverting their helplessness and actually solving the problem of the fears by getting rid of it at the source (the ethics of sending the fears somewhere else are definitely debatable, but that’s a totally different post). The idea that Alice could be saved from the consequences of the problems in TMAGP’s world by choosing not to care flies in the face of the conclusion to the previous series. Alice’s refusal to care won’t save her from whatever TMAGP has in store, and judging by the events of TMA, fatalism and apathy might even seal her fate. 
Some of these points of evidence might be a little bit basic “water is wet” types of statements and I probably could’ve explained this in half the time, but I really do think that Alice’s apathy isn’t going to turn out to be very useful to her and I wanted to include everything I could think of that led me to believe that.
TLDR, Alice is just as screwed as the rest of the cast, if not more so, and her attitude is not going to get her out of it.
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eckodrawsgoobers · 1 month
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Buncha lil kirby related doodles
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theworldofkirby · 9 months
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some stuff i made in ms paint on uhhhhh windows 1.0? 2.0? 3.1?? can't remember but it was one of the really old versions of windows that I was emulating
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pizzathepumpkin · 11 months
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sorry my hyness sucks it’s my first time drawing ‘em
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sholmeser · 10 months
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another thing that bugs me is how people consistently portray kazuma as fucking hating baroks guts post-canon which he just? wouldn’t? and i feel like this is kind of obvious after this scene following court.
obviously barok’s actions have hurt kazuma in an irreversible way. they hurt him so deeply that it fundamentally changed his life alongside him as a person, and that isn’t something that just goes away in one afternoon. but kazuma is mature enough to accept the fact that when genshin was convicted barok was in an incredibly emotional, state that was easily-exploitable, and that is just what stronghart did: he twisted barok’s actions to fall in like exactly like he wanted them to while barok was none the wiser. he can’t be blamed for that, but his actions did result in the death of the most important person in kazuma’s life. and while he can’t blame barok for rashness during an understandably very turbulent time for him (this would be so fucking hypocritical because 2-5 trial was. you know. [gestures vaguely] That), he is allowed to be angry at the fact that barok’s conviction led to his father’s death. that’s completely fair. but it doesn’t mean he still hates barok the way that he used to.
i think this interpretation stems from kazuma’s attitude during the trial, because a lot of people will immediately equate emotional instability to outright immaturity. the trial was obviously incredibly difficult for…basically everyone involved, in many different ways (barok, yuujin, daley, and even ryuunosuke), but it very clearly affected kazuma the hardest. he was a fucking mess during the proceedings. which, again, is completely understandable: his entire worldview has quite literally been flipped on its head. his entire reason for living was destroying barok and avenging his father and he suddenly doesn’t have that anymore and he has to deal with the fact that this man who he hates so much never did anything wrong. he has to accept the fact that his father was supposed to make it home and just barely didn’t. and he understandably flips out because! again! this is an incredible amount of information to process! and he does act very immaturely more than once during the trial! and ryuunsouke calls him out on this! because he is quite literally having a mental breakdown! but after the fact! when all is said and done! HE DOES NOT HATE BAROK THE WAY SOME OF YOU THINK HE DOES!!!! because while he showed immaturity during the trial that does not mean he really is like that, and that’s why ryuunosuke’s final line here is so important: he’s immediately able to recognize this change in kazuma because he’s been changed so fundamentally over the course of just a few short hours. but he remains a rational person at his core
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
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I had to shorten some dialogue and exclude some of the "They're glued to each other by the hip" shots, but here it is: The "Digimon Adventure 02 The Beginning Takari" masterpost.
In a similar fashion as Miyakensuke, Takari are mostly framed next to each other whenever there is a group shot. There are a few exceptions, but they still remain as close as ever, responding to each other's remarks and/or sharing knowing glances and smiles. And while that is nothing we haven't seen before, they're still displaying some notable dynamics: First of all, they are back to being "the old souls" of the 02 squad, meaning that, even though they can - and will! - be silly little trolls and teases, their position as "senior Chosen Children" becomes visible again whenever a part of the "lore" gets brought up they are familiar with - or not.
The most interesting scene they share has to be the "What should we do?" scene in which, as outlined here, they are basically mirroring Taichi's and Yamato's conversation in Kizuna. Hikari, while taking after Taichi due to their past experiences, still displays more idealistic outlooks throughout the movie (that also get challenged here and there); while she understands the need to fight for the sake of others, she still believes that her faith in her bond with Tailmon will outlast every obstacle - and that this can apply to every person out there as well. In her view, their belief will affect everyone - thus, her trying to comfort and calm Takeru is only natural. Takeru, on the other hand, understands the need to fight as well, but he interprets the "responsibility for others" differently. He's trying to be more rational about it all, basically implying that they cannot make this choice for everyone else - because if they fail, it'll affect everyone just as much. It is basically an argument about faith vs. rationality to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved. They basically agree, but insist on their own viewpoints, which is a refreshing aspect we haven't seen about these two and their relationship before.
(There may be a tiny bit of an underlying romantic subtext too, but it is very subtle; not only are they shown during the snowball fight before Miyaken, they're also INDIRECTLY pulling a trope-y "It's pretty" - "Yeah, you are it is" moment, which may or may not be taken with a grain of salt.)
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Bonus Poll! Music Edition!
It's character theme time! These options were based on what mod's friends responded with! ^-^
:D /pos
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digisurvive · 10 months
Keep thinking how immature Aoi gets in Wrathful, I'm so delighted lol Think about it this way: one of the important lessons Iori Hida 02 has to learn in order to grow up is to be able to contextualize his actions within the possibilities the circumstances offer so he can choose what causes less harm or is more fair beyond strict adherence to clear cut rules. His extremely black and white morality signals how childish he is (and this is fine because he's 9, I find very endearing how righteous he wants to be). Yet, in Wrathful, Aoi basically regresses to that kind of inflexible mentality. Every body must obey strictly (which she reads as well behaved), everyone must know their place and not act out of it, there must be no fighting nor conflict. She holds no nuance nor compassion for anyone that doesn't follow her rules to a tee.
Aoi even struggles with paralysis caused by her moralitiy crisis, too. While Iori's about lying and thust tailored to the fact he's 9, at the core of it is struggling to reconcile how acting in a way that is fair clashes with his view of what is correct behavior, which trips Aoi up, too. She gets a similar blockage where she feels incredibly torn if what she wants to do goes against social order. Thinking about how she also felt Shuuji was being unfair, so she likely wanted to do something more than just keeping her juniors in line... And in the end, couldn't even commit to preserving harmony that way because of her self-doubt about her own capacities as leader and troubled convictions. It feels very pointed that in part 6, Aoi is promising to actually get involved in mediating the group fights, coming at the tails of what happened with Shuuji.
Anyway, I love how we get that peek to her internal struggles in Wrathful. Like she correctly identifies as part of the issue that she can't step out of what she considers correct (and makes a lot of sense how much she likes the flippant Saki lol), yet Wrathful has her doubling down. I love the irony.
I also really enjoy how different her spin on a scrupolous work ethic is to Iori's because their different social positions (Iori being the youngest vs Aoi always being responsible for others), their age and gender. Endlessly fascinating to me.
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