#automatic steel rule bending machine
vicky-qin-die-maker · 5 years
400watt Laser Cutting Machine for 18mm Plywood Cutting
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speedyinfluencerkid · 3 years
SCP – 0606.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures (Obsolete Information): All instances of SCP - 0606 are to be contained in Area 11A. The perimeter of the area is to be fenced off with a 220 V high current steel lattice fence, █ █ meters high. The area and individuals should be monitored by automatic security cameras and unmanned aerial vehicles plying over the area. Access to Site 11A is only permitted to personnel of class 4 and above, the main requirement for which is the absence of children or old age. New instances of SCP - 0606 appearing in area 11A are to be destroyed immediately by drones.
All instances of SCP - 0606 are to be contained in Area 11A. The perimeter of the containment area should be fenced off with a lattice steel fence with a current of 220v, the height of which should be increased by meters, and the entire area of ​​the containment area should be completely concreted. The area should be free of any foreign objects other than SCP - 0606 specimens. All airspace above the area should be traversed by a laser grid. Tracking drones should be equipped with a self-destruct system in case of failure. Heavy machine guns and flamethrowers are to be deployed every ██ meters around the perimeter of the zone.
Only Class 4 personnel are allowed access to Zone 11A, the main requirement for which is not to have children or to be in old age.
New instances of SCP - 0606 appearing in Area 11A are to be immediately destroyed by drones and their troupes incinerated. In the event that SCP - 0606 instances appear outside of Zone 11A, the Steel Wall Flamethrower Teams are to immediately destroy both SCP - 0606 and SCP - 0606-1 instances. Destruction of SCP - 0606-2 has been made a priority. Steel Wall personnel are to comply with SCP-0606's clearance rules.
At this time, the Foundation does not have significant methods to contain SCP - 0606.
After Incident 11-2, Area 11A was completely abolished, and all individuals contained within it were incinerated. In the event of the appearance of new instances of SCP - 0606, the "Steel Wall" fire and flamethrower teams are to immediately destroy both SCP - 0606 and SCP - 0606-1 instances, as well as SCP - 0606-2. Destruction of SCP - 0606-2 has been made a priority. All acquaintances of SCP - 0606-1 are to be treated with Class C amnisiacs. The basic requirement for members of the Steel Wall group is good physical fitness, professional skill in using small arms, a high level of mental stability, and not having children or being in old age. Any images of SCP - 0606 are to be captured and destroyed by the Disinformation Team as soon as possible.
Description: SCP - 0606 is a multicellular prokaryotic life form. Individuals have a cylindrical or cone-shaped body, four slender limbs up to thirty to forty centimeters in diameter and a perfectly round head, devoid of eyes and ears, and several long, thin processes at the "crown". SCP - 0606 has four finger-like branches on its upper limbs. On the lower, front part of the head, there is a semblance of a large toothless mouth.
The entire surface of SCP - 0606's body is covered with a thin layer of parchment epidermis, which contains organic fibers as well as unclassified carbonate compounds and alkaline earth metal oxides. The processes on the head are composed entirely of keratinized "dermis".
Body color is not uniform. On the limbs, it is more dark (up to black). The body has different color shades, the head corresponds to the flesh color of the skin of the Caucasian, on the frontal part there are two black heels 5mm in diameter.
SCP - 0606 lacks skeleton, nervous, circulatory, immune and lymphatic systems, and lacks any internal organs at all, including the heart and brain. Internally, SCP - 0606 is composed entirely of randomly spaced muscle cells of unknown classification. Analysis has shown SCP - 0606 cells to be more structurally similar to bacteria from the Spirochete order.
In the absence of a throat, SCP - 0606 is still capable of ingesting food and further defecating. It is not known at the expense of what and how exactly SCP - 0606 will mix. Despite the thickness of the limbs, they can not only walk upright, but also develop a running speed of up to 42 km / h.
Emit SCP - 0606 sounds that resemble human speech accelerated several times. The decoding of the "speech" was not crowned with the result, since in fact, it is a chaotic set of vocalizations of different timbre. At the same time, SCP - 0606 themselves understand each other well and act collectively.
For all its apparent survivability, SCP - 0606 is quite vulnerable to piercing weapons and fire.
SCP - 0606 are capable of two types of reproduction: division and parasitism. Observations in zone 11A showed that reproduction by division occurs only if there are at least ten individuals within a meter of each other.
SCP - 0606 are aggressive and purposefully seek out humans for further parasitic reproduction.
Parasitization occurs as follows. SCP - 0606 possess powerful psycho-hypnotic effects, affecting 90% of humans. The hypnotic effect does not apply to minors and the elderly.
The hypnotic effect is transmitted through eye contact, and it does not matter whether the victim sees SCP-0606 itself or only its image. After, the victim's (hereinafter referred to as SCP - 0606-1) level of intelligence drops sharply, he begins to mix in abrupt jerks, sharply bend his legs and feet, and shouts out limited phrases as well as very loud and insane laughter. Occasionally, SCP - 0606-1 attempts to mimic the sounds of SCP - 0606. It is likely that SCP - 0606-1 are unable to see SCP - 0606 in their vicinity.
Seconds after becoming SCP-0606-1, SCP-0606-1 will begin self-mutilation, manifesting itself in lacerating its own mouth, sewing eyes, removing ears and nose, knocking out teeth, removing the fifth toe, and removing the scalp from itself, and attempts to unnaturally thin their limbs. Apparently, SCP - 0606-1 are trying to make themselves something like SCP - 0606.
If a child or an untouched person is in the vicinity, SCP - 0606-1 shifts its attention to it. It behaves extremely aggressively, constantly snaps and beats its victim, and, if successful, produces similar self-mutilation with it. Observations have shown that children are a priority target for both SCP - 0606-1 and SCP - 0606.
Subsequently, SCP - 0606-1 dies from blood loss or from exhaustion, since having crippled its arms and legs, it cannot serve itself. SCP - 0606 who are near SCP - 0606 all this time (which SCP - 0606-1 is most likely not able to see), take away his body, as well as the bodies of victims killed by him or by SCP - 0606 themselves, and form an incubation cocoon from them, designated as SCP - 0606 -2. After approximately 30 hours, new instances of SCP-0606 begin to emerge from SCP - 0606-2, approximately one per hour. SCP-0606-2 itself dries up over time and ceases to function.
If the psycho-hypnotic effect does not work, SCP - 0606 will attack the victim in a group and attempt to kill it in a similar manner.
Despite the lack of a brain, SCP - 0606 can use a variety of tools, including those made from scrap materials, and in some cases exhibit advanced strategies. There is an assumption about the presence of collective thinking.
Incident 11-1
On 20██ / 20██, a sharp decline in the activity and number of SCP-0606 instances was recorded in Zone 11a. As a result, the doctor, along with several members of the Steel Wall, went to the zone to investigate the cause of the incident. After the doctor and team members entered the [DATA EXPUNGED] area. Moving 20 meters away from the perimeter, the ground collapsed under them. [DATA EXPUNGED] resulting in the death of 15 members of the flamethrower team trying to rescue the doctor. As it turned out later, the entire underground structure of the zone was dug by tunnels strongly protruding to the surface near the perimeter (presumably used by SCP - 0606 as traps).
Following Incident 11-1, it was decided to concretize the entire area of Zone 11a and significantly improve security.
Русский перевод.
Объект SCP - 0606 
Класс объекта: Кетер 
Особые условия содержания (устаревшая информация): Все особи объекта SCP - 0606 должны содержаться в зоне 11A. Периметр зоны должен быть огорожен решетчатым стальным забором под током в 220v, высотой ██метра. Слежение за зоной и особями должно осуществляться при помощи автоматических камер слежения и курсирующих над зоной дронов. Допуск к зоне 11A разрешён только сотрудникам 4 и выше класса, основное требование к которым — не имение детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Новые особи SCP – 0606 появившиеся в зоне 11A должны быть немедленно уничтожены при помощи дронов. 
Все особи объекта SCP - 0606 должны содержаться в зоне 11A. Периметр зоны содержания должен быть огорожен решетчатым стальным забором под током в 220v, высота которого должна быть увеличена на ██ метра, а вся площадь зоны содержания полностью забетонирована. В зоне не должно быть никаких посторонних предметов кроме особей SCP - 0606. Всё воздушное пространство над зоной должно быть пересечено лазерной «сеткой». Дроны слежения должны оснащаться системой самоуничтожения в случаи отказа.  
Через каждые ██метра вокруг периметра зоны должны быть установлены крупнокалиберные турельные пулемёты и огнемёты. Допуск к зоне 11A разрешён только сотрудникам 4 класса,  основное требование к которым - не имение  детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Новые особи SCP – 0606 появившиеся в зоне 11A должны быт�� немедленно уничтожены при помощи дронов, а их труппы сожжены. В случаи появления особей SCP – 0606 вне зоны 11A, стрелково-огнемётные группы «Стальная стена» должны немедленно произвести уничтожение как особей SCP – 0606, так и SCP – 0606-1. Уничтожение SCP - 0606-2 поставлено как приоритетная задача. Персонал группы «Стальная стена» должен соответствовать правилам допуска к SCP – 0606. 
На данный момент, фонд не располагает существенными методами по сдерживанию SCP - 0606. После инцидента 11-2, зона 11A полностью упразднена, а все содержащиеся в ней особи сожжены. В случаи появления новых особей SCP - 0606 стрелково-огнемётные группы «Стальная стена» должны немедленно произвести уничтожение как особей SCP - 0606, так и SCP - 0606-1, а также SCP - 0606-2. Уничтожение SCP - 0606-2 поставлено как приоритетная задача. Все знакомые SCP - 0606-1 должны обработаться амнизиаками класса C. Основное требование к членам группы "Стальная стена" – хорошая физическая подготовка, профессиональный навык пользования стрелковым оружием, высокий уровень психической устойчивости а также не имение детей либо нахождение в преклонном возрасте. Дезинформационная группа должна фиксировать и скорейшим образом уничтожать любые изображения  SCP - 0606.   
Описание: SCP - 0606 это многоклеточная прокариотная форма жизни. Особи имеют цилиндрическое или конусообразное туловище, четыре тонкие, до тридцати/сорока сантиметров в диаметре конечности, и идеально круглую голову, лишённую глаз и ушей и несколькими длинными, тонкими отростками на «темечке». На верхних конечностях SCP - 0606  расположены четыре ответвления на подобие пальцев. На нижней, передней части головы имеется подобие большого, беззубого рта. 
Вся поверхность тела SCP - 0606 покрыта тонким слоем пергаментированной эпидермиса, в состав которого входят органические волокна, а также неклассифицируемые карбонатные соединения и окислы щёлочноземельных металлов. Отростки на голове состоят полностью из ороговевшего "дермиса". Цвет тела не однородный. На конечностях он боле тёмный (вплоть до чёрного). Туловище имеет разные цветовые оттенки, голова соответствует телесному цвету кожи европеоида, на лобной части имеются два пятка чёрного цвета 5мм в диаметре. SCP - 0606 не имеют скелета, нервной, кровеносной, иммунной и лимфатической системы, у них полностью отсутствуют какие-либо внутренние органы включая сердце и мозг. Внутренне SCP - 0606 полностью состоят из хаотично расположенных мышечных клеток не��звестной классификации. Анализ показал, что клетки SCP - 0606 по своей структуре больше напоминают бактерии из порядка Спирохет. При отсутствии горла, SCP - 0606 всё же способны к поглощению пищи и дальнейшей дефекации. Не известно за счёт чего и как именно перемешаются SCP - 0606. Несмотря на толщину конечностей, они могут не только к прямохождению, но также развитию скорости бега до 42км/ч. Издавать SCP - 0606 звуки, напоминающие человеческую речь ускоренную в несколько раз. Расшифровка "речи" не увенчалась результатом, так как на деле, она является хаотичным набором вокализаций разного тембра. При этом сами SCP - 0606 хорошо понимают друг друга и действовать коллективно. При всей кажущейся живучести, SCP - 0606 достаточно уязвимы к колющему оружию и огню. SCP - 0606 способны к двум типам размножения: деление и паразитирование. Наблюдения в зоне 11A показали, что размножение делением происходит только при наличии хотя бы десяти особей в пределах метра друг от друга. SCP - 0606 агрессивны, и целенаправленно ищут людей для дальнейшего паразитического размножения. Паразитирование происходит следующим образом. SCP - 0606 обладают мощным психо-гипнотическим воздействием, распространяющимся на 90% людей. Гипнотическое воздействие не распространяется на несовершеннолетних и людей пожилого возраста. Гипнотическое воздействие передаётся при помощи зрительного контакта, причём не важно видит жертва самого SCP - 0606 или только его изображение. После, у жертвы (далее обозначаемой как SCP - 0606-1) резко падает уровень интеллекта, она начинает перемешаться отрывистыми рывками, резко сгибать ноги и ноги, и выкрикивает ограниченные фразы а также очень громкий и безумный хохот. Переодически, SCP - 0606-1 пытается сымитировать звуки SCP - 0606. Вероятно, что SCP - 0606-1 не способны видеть SCP – 0606 находящихся всё это время рядом. Через несколько секунд после становления, SCP - 0606-1 приступают к членовредительству, проявляющемуся в раздирании собственного рта, зашивание глаз, удаление ушей и носа, выбивания зубов, удаление пятого пальца а также снятия с себя скальпа и попытках неестественно утончить свои конечности. Судя по всему, SCP - 0606-1 пытаются сделать из себя некое подобие SCP - 0606. Если по близости находится ребёнок, или человек не подвергшийся воздействию, SCP - 0606-1 переключает внимание на него.Он ведет себя крайне агрессивно, постоянно огрызается и избивает свою жертву, и если удаётся, производит с ней аналогичное членовредительство. Наблюдения показали, что дети являются приоритетной целью как для SCP - 0606-1 так и для SCP - 0606. В дальнейшем SCP - 0606-1 умирает от кровопотерь либо из-за истощения, так как покалечив свои руки и ноги не может себя обслужить. Находящиеся всё это время рядом SCP - 0606 (которых  SCP - 0606-1 вероятнее всего не способен видеть), забирают его тело, а также тела убитых им или самими SCP - 0606 жертв, и формируют из них инкубационный кокон, обозначаемый как SCP - 0606-2. Через приблизительно 30 часов, из SCP - 0606-2 начинают появляться новые особи SCP - 0606, примерно по одной в час. Сам же SCP - 0606-2 со временем усыхает и перестаёт функционировать. В случаи если психо-гипнотическое воздействие не сработало, SCP - 0606 нападают на жертву группой и пытаются убить её аналогичным образом. Несмотря на отсутствие мозга, SCP - 0606 могут пользоваться различными инструментами, в том числе сделанными ими же из подручных материалов, и в некоторых случаях проявляют развитую стратегию. Есть предположение, о наличии коллективного мышления. 
Приложение: Инцидент 11-1 20.██.20██ в зоне 11а было зафиксировано резкое снижение активности и численности особей SCP – 0606. В связи с чем, доктор █████ вместе с несколькими сотрудниками из «Стальной стены» направились в зону доля выяснения причины случившегося. После того, как доктор █████ и сотрудники группы зашли в зону [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ]. Отойдя на 20 метров от периметра, под ними провалилась земля. [ДАННЫЕ УДАЛЕНЫ] что привело к гибели 15 членов огнемётной группы, пытавшихся спасти █████. Как оказалось далее, вся подземная структура зону была изрыта тоннелями сильно выходящими к поверхности вблизи периметра (предположительно использовались SCP – 0606 как ловушки). После инцидента 11-1 было принято решение забетонировать всю площадь зоны 11а, и значительно усилить охрану.
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Genre : Thriller/ Angst/ Trigger Warningssss/ Smutty/ Exo, oc, and blackpink gang au
Summary : Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast paced lifestyle, but for these young, rich, savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 9 : Blood thirst
 The sheep will always be a wolf. No matter what.
I’m cold.
It’s so cold here.
My eyes hurt like hell too.
I tightened my already closed eyes. My body turned to the side and i felt the soreness that siwon left me with in every limb. 
I felt like throwing up when i thought about what happens to me at night. That fucker carmelo and his raggedy ass syringe. My head started pounding when a flash of that image came to mind. 
This really was it huh?
Siwon the dickhead really did all of this to me. To my friends. Just to drug me up and fuck me. Just so he could call me his. And so i would never leave him with broken kneecaps again. 
A groan came through my lips and i flipped on my back. He has me fucked up if he thinks im just going to continue this for however long he wants. 
My mind slipped to what everyone else might be doing. Without a doubt looking for my ass, that’s if they even think im alive. If not, they’re fucking crying on the floor like babies. It pains me to know that exo is my like family now and i already let them down. Them and my girls.
My girls. Im so sorry. 
I failed as a leader. I swear when i get myself out of here i’ll never let shit like this happen again. 
Just wait for me.
I feel like i have been torn away from my own heart. I Can’t stand being away from them like this. I can’t stand their presence not being near mine. Every time i think about it i lose my shit just a little more. It’s surprising that im not hanging on by a thread as of now. But then again, im fucking Park bong cha. You can bend me. But this bitch will never fucking break.
Im still a fucking queen. No matter where i am. Or what im doing. I can’t change that even if i wanted to. 
A smirk found it’s way on my face. 
And i’ll always have this iron confidence that won’t subside even after i die. 
My mind is still in a good enough place it seems. Im glad. With that fact in mind it’s time to think.
There is a camera in the corner of this room. On my right. There is another one on the left right across from the first. No windows. Just cracks on the floors. The ceiling, floors and walls are all the same fucking thing. Smooth dark grey concrete. There is one steel door in the middle of the room. Two guards outside of it. Automatic machine guns in hand. I don’t know exactly where we are or what kind of place we are in. But i know there has to be more guards somewhere close. Siwon and carmelo are still business men, so they leave me here and go back to doing the usual work they always do. During lunch time carmelo comes to give me food. I don’t know what time it is right now though.
Damn it. 
I think about all of this everyday. But i still can’t think of a damn plan to get out of here. It feels like everything is so tight knit. 
The only idea i have is fucking with carmelo’s head until he does my bidding. Which i would rather not do. But it’s my only shot.
A knock on the door snapped me out of my own head and i sat up quickly.
Must be lunch time.
In comes angelos and one guard from who knows where. The guard stood at the door when he stepped inside while carmelo continued to walk towards the bed im on.
“Hungry?” he asked not paying me any mind as he sat at the end of the mattress with a bag of food. I looked at him and the food. For all i know they could be putting drugs in the food too. But then again i highly doubt that. If they were, they wouldn’t give a fuck and it would be absolutely obvious. His hands dug into the bag and pulled out an expensive looking sandwich wrapped in a light brown paper that says “Tsui mama. Fresh, fast eats.” and i took it from him. 
“Thanks.” I mumbled. A girl can never forget her manners. I snorted in laughter at what i just said in my head. That rule doesn’t apply to me because i never had manners in the first damn place. But still a good silent rule nonetheless.
“What’s funny?” carmelo blurted out as he pulled out another sandwich. Seems like he’s going to be eating with me today. Just like yesterday.
“Nothing.” i said as i opened up the fancy sandwich.
Angelos turned his head and looked at the guard in the room. I did the same and smiled holding out my sandwich to silently ask if he wants a bite. At this point none of this effects me. The only thing that’s getting to me is the fact that siwon did me dirty and took me from my friends. That and the lack of freedom. Everything else i can pretty much handle like a boss. So i continue to smile at the guard, because, why not?
I can’t afford for this shit to get to me anyways. I need to keep it cute or else my attempts to get out of here will be fucked up.
Carmelo pushed my hand down and i looked at him with my mouth full. 
“The fuck?” I said to him with one eyebrow shooting upwards.
“Get out.” carmelo dismissively said to the guard inside of the room.
The guard looked at him nonchalantly. “Im sorry, i can’t do that sir. Boss said to not leave you two alone.”
I looked between angelos and the guard. What is he trying to do here?
Suddenly carmelo pulled out his wallet and threw it at the man. The guard caught it after it hit his chest. He looked up at carmelo and i stared at the wallet in his hands. It’s actually swollen from how much cash he stuffed in there. I looked the other way and made a psshh sound with my mouth. My wallet is just as fat.
“It’s alot of money in there. Take it, and then get the fuck out.” he said dismissively. The guard started to think about it hard. Sad thing is we already knew he was going to take it. It’s not his fault. It’s siwon’s. He picks slimy people to work under him for Various meticulous reasons. He prefers people like this over others. The only problem is sometimes he can’t control them like he wants to.
The guard looked at his watch and then looked at me and angelos. 
“Okay im gone. But i’ll be back after lunch time is up. And if siwon finds out about this you better make sure i don’t get into trouble.” the guard spoke as he stood at the door with one hand on the knob. We both know if siwon finds out, that guy is going to eat a few bullets before either of us do.
When the door blocked our view of him walking out, and all we heard was his fading footsteps, i put my sandwich down and sighed before carmelo’s hand slowly moved towards my face and caressed my cheek gently. 
“What the fuck are you doing carmelo?” I asked quickly.
He stayed silent and slid his hand down to my left shoulder. His other hand flew to my right shoulder and swiftly pushed me to the matress, pinning me down strongly.
“How many times are we going to do this carmelo? You know im not going to let you fuck me, right?”
“I fucking know.”
“Im serious angelos. Just because im locked in this room doesn’t mean i can’t choke you to death and dismember your body with my teeth.”
He scoffed up a laugh and leaned down in my ear.
“Just shut the fuck up for a second, will you?”
The tone in his voice was something i couldn’t recognize and i looked up at the ceiling. He’s not trying to do anything with me. He knows better than to try that by now. Yet he’s got me pinned down and he’s whispering in my ears to shut up.
The cameras? It has to be.
“Im not sorry for what’s happening to you.”
“Mhm, fuck you too.”
“But he killed my daughter.”
“Correction. He killed me.”
“Stop fucking around. Im trying to help you here.”
My eyes widened at his sentence. His hand slipped down to my thigh and he pushed his body up on mine, so that to the cameras, it looked like we were doing more than just whispering to each other.
“Listen up.”
“I want revenge for taeyeon, and you want to get out of here. If we work this out right. We both can get what we desire.”
“How do i know this isn’t pure bullshit you’re spewing right now.”
“You don’t. But what do you have to lose. Plus i think im at more of a risk. I mean im surprised you haven’t fucking decapitated me already.”
“What good would that do for me.”
“Exactly. All you can do is roll with me.”
His hand squeezed my thigh as he pulled it up to his waist. 
“I guess so.”
A loud gunshot sound and harsh footsteps of someone rushing down the hallway snapped us out of our serious conversation. We both looked at each other. My hands flew to hike up the short white nightie that’s draped over me and exposed my naked body to him. He ruffled his hair and popped a few buttons on his shirt after loosening his tie. This was no easy task because of the fact that we are still trying to be discrete in front of the cameras. 
“They know you’re alive aya. I made sure of that.” he made sure? “And soon they will come to find you. Then that assholes whole world will come undone. I can almost guarantee you it.” He whispered into my neck and i looked at the door.
“Let it be so.”
The door busted open and in came a furious siwon. His hair is tossled and his shirt has coffee and blood stains on it while a gun occupied his right hand. He looked at us as his breathing was unsteady and put his hands on his hips.
“Well, well. Look what we have here. It’s the little ingrate on top of my sweet aya baby. Tell me. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE, HUH?”
We both faked surprised and startled expressions even though we both couldn’t give any less fucks.
He ran towards the bed and grabbed carmelo off of me, i sat up quickly pulling down my nightie in the process. Siwon pushed him up and on to the wall before he stuck the gun in his hand under carmelo’s chin. 
“Didn’t i say you need permission to ride that ride, little boy?”
“Oh im sorry, i didn’t know aya was ride, so i just thou-”
Siwon whipped the gun across the face of the man being held against the cold wall.
“Listen to me! You will give me some damn respect! Or else i will do to you what i did to your annoying ass daughter! You understand that!”
Carmelo swallowed what seems like his pride down his throat harshly.“Yeah. I understand that.” he said looking at siwon with untapped anger inside.
They stared each other down as if it was a contest before siwon let out a huff of air from his mouth in frustration.
Siwon slowly let him go and slid him back onto his feet.
“Beat it.” Siwon said rudely. 
Carmelo moved away from the asshole as he stood there, angry, and walked towards the door. He looked towards me before turning to leave.
The stare he gave was almost unreadable. But i understand what it means. 
As soon as his hand touched the knob siwon turned around swiftly shooting twice at carmelo’s left arm. He fell to the ground letting out sounds of pain.
I jumped off the bed and ran towards the wounded angelos.
“Siwon! what the fuck!” Carmelo screamed out at the man with the gun.  
“Never fucking disrespect me, boy.”
My heart became erratic when i looked at the blood on carmelo. My breathing is less steady and i stared down the gun in siwon’s hand. 
I can feel it. It’s screaming at me. Provoking me. The thing is, I want it to take over.
Before i could even think, my feet ran towards him. I jumped onto him attaching my limbs to his torso before i punched him once, twice, and then three times in his face. He backed into the wall, and i jumped down from his body swiftly, taking his gun and twisting his arm behind his back while forcefully pushing his face into the wall. I pushed the muzzle to the back of his head and let my finger tease the trigger. Then, before another move was made, the door busted open and four guards came rushing in.
It was fun while it lasted. It always is.
 I sighed and let him go slowly. I could just shoot him in the head then use his corpse as a shield while shooting everyone of these fuckers brains out. But after everything i went through. He’s not going to get that special treatment from me. I’ll wait. Because once im finally able to get out of here. I am going to watch siwon die a slow painful death. 
I stepped away from the man and put my hands up. 
Siwon turned towards me and smiled, smoothly taking the gun out of my raised hand. 
“Mhm. As i expected from you. You still have that bull like strength inside of you. So damn sexy.” Siwon said as he slid the gun down my torso. “That’s enough for now. Get out, and take carmelo with you before he bleeds all over my floors.”
They dragged him up and out, following orders without hesitation and the door slammed behind them. I made eye contact with the asshole before he threw the gun to the side and rolled his shoulders. 
“What do you want?” i asked him as i eyed his stained shirt.
“Yeah, i know. What do you want from me though.”
“Everything.” He said as he hands went out to grab my waist. I slapped them away and put a finger on his chest.
“What a huge death wish you have.” i said as i looked at him disgusted by everything that i see.
He ignored me and continued to grab at me as i continued to swat his hands away. I can tell he loves every moment of me not allowing him access to my body. He’s so fucking slimy. My hand balled up and flew into his stomach without warning for either of us. I put strength behind it as my muscle flexed and my fist twisted. I pulled back and he held onto the area that’s experiencing pain.
Damn that felt good. I looked at the man and smirked.
“Sorry. My hand slipped.”
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The simple fact that aya is alive has flipped everyone’s attitude in the best way. It’s like someone just blew life back into our half dead bodies. Me especially. 
The only thing left to do is find her. No giving up this time. I will find her even if it’s the last thing i do.
And now, finally, is the time to get some answers. I was determined to find out everything. That’s what i want. And if they don’t want to give me that then i have no use for them. 
I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes, staring down the two men from last night, who are currently tied up in rope, and occupying old, random, blood stained chairs.  
Everyone is gathered around me in the oddly warm basement. Im supposed to take the lead on this one. But i have no idea where to start.
I drew in a breathe and put my hands in my pockets. The silence only making the moment more nerve wracking for the men adorned in ropes. 
“I must say a thank you first.” I said to the men. “Without that phone you delivered, i probably would have drowned myself in drugs and the asses of random women.” 
Chanyeol snorted a laugh and put his hand on my relaxed shoulders,
“I think you two deserve the easy route for that. Don’t you agree?” I asked chanyeol.
“I agree.” he darkly replied, as he licked his lips in pure hunger. 
I think we all are craving a little blood shed right now.
I held out my hands for one of the golden guns they had brought into my “no guns allowed” club last night. I checked it for bullets then held it out in front of me to lock and load it. The men started the begging when i slowly raised and aimed for their heads, 
“Hmmm, you first? orr you first? Damn, i can’t decide.” I said with a pout. Chanyeol said a quick tsk tsk before leaning his elbow on my shoulder now.
“Wait! Wait! You need us you can’t do that! Please give us a chance!?” Fucking marcus spewed out as he started to sweat. Looking desperate as all hell.
I smirked. 
“Now, why the fuck would i do that? Does it look like im here to play stupid games with the two of you? I have a princess to find and as much as i would like to, i don’t have the time to sit here and torture your asses, none of us do. I mind as well just kill you both and then send your bodies straight back to wherever they came from.”
“No! No! Wait! We can work this out!”
“Can we?” i asked now moving the gun towards the kneecap of fucking marcus. I have no intentions of killing these men. But i do want to. The thing is they only know about the latter of the two. My trigger finger pulled in a backwards motion, suddenly shooting a bullet straight into the knee of the man. 
“Yes! please! we can work this out! we can! we can!” fucking marcus cried at me.
“Oh really? And how will we do that?” I asked sounding half interested. I pointed the gun at the shoulder of the other guy. I steadied my hand making sure my aim was perfect, or else i might kill him. With another push of my finger, a second bullet flew out of the weapon and shot the man it was aiming at right in shoulder.
“Uh oh. By the time he’s done you’ll be full of holes. Better speak up.” chanyeol said slyly. I could tell this is exactly what he wanted. This was making his blood rush faster. I could feel it too.
“Okay! Okay! Spare him at least! Please! And i promise to tell you everything i know! Please just don’t hurt him anymore!” Fucking marcus screamed at me as he struggled in his ropes.
Aha. So now i know where to shoot when i need to apply pressure. These guys are too easy though. They can’t work for siwon. Siwon’s men are usually always  fucking difficult and basically mentally insane.
I put the gun down and smiled. “Oh? Okay, bet. You got yourself a deal, fucking marcus. Speak that shit.”
Before the guy could let out a full sentence, the door flew open and sehun came running in with his glasses on, along with kai. 
“Baekhyun! We might have a problem! But! We also made a breakthrough!” Sehun spewed out while running his fingers through his messy hair. Kai was behind him, holding the door open, and shaking his head upwards and downwards vigorously. 
I didn’t need to hear more about the situation. My feet took the lead and ran passed everyone straight out of the door. My heart beat was erratic and unstable when i hit the stairs with my feet. 
Please. Please. I need this.
My forearm harshly pushed aside the door to the Computer room. Inside this room is complete darkness usually, the only light is blue lights adorning the walls and the brightness from the computers. Sehun usually spends most of his time here. Even though we don’t need to do much computer work, sehun has always fancied criminal technology work. His favorite thing is hacking and hiding files and reports of shit that could get us into trouble. No lie, he does all the actual work. Without him we probably would all be in some bullshit prison on death row. The only time i use this room is when im feeling the need to let stress out in a wholesome way. That’s when i break out the PC games. We don’t do game consoles in this house bitch. Well sometimes maybe.
“Sehun! hurry your ass!” i yelled, being the first person inside the room. I didn’t understand what was on the screen of the computer and i shook my head at the thought of trying to decipher it.
He ran in with the others and moved me to sit on the chair in front of the desk the computer was being held up on. 
“Let’s look into this shall we.” sehun spoke over me confidently. Everyone huddled around the area as sehun began to point at the screen. “When i began the search for the source of the phone and where it was purchased, i found two locations, SoCal, and phoenix. Pheonix is its location at the moment. But i don’t know if it’s fake because it leads to some custom dressmaker that goes by the name of panda. Fucking weird. That’s all i got though, for now.”
“Well that has to be the guy from video right? The seungri guy?” Kai said with his hands on his hips.
“No, we aren’t sure of that. For all we know this whole thing could be a trap. And that person isn’t even real.” Suho blurted out. Everyone looked at each other than to me.
What would aya do at this moment. 
She would probably stand up, walk over to suho, slap the shit out of him, then come up with a half ass plan to the situation at hand. Which would make suho think out the rest of the plan, and we would full proof and ready to go after 30 minutes.
I smiled and looked at the computer screen. I can finally understand what it’s saying. 
The real question is, what would baekhyun do? 
He would go full confrontational. Arrive at the area locked and loaded. Ready to kill anyone that even thinks about stopping him. No remorse. No mercy. Just a whole lot of blood shed. Love made me weaker. But if i want to have her, i have become stronger. But as i said before.
“I’ve never been a little bitch.” The words slipped out of my mouth and everyone continued to look in my direction. I got up out of the chair and looked around. “Well i guess we’ll have to find out the hard way if it’s a trap or not. I see no reason to hold back now. Not after everything.”
My eyes went to suho and he looked a bit surprised at me. I know why though. 
“Well, i did say confrontation is our strong suit. It could work.” Suho said with his hand now adorning his chin as he contemplates. “But of course we have to think about it more thoroughly.”
Everyone’s faces lit up, completely ready for all the action that is to come. 
We’re ready now. 
And siwon will learn how badly he fucked up. Because when you poke a sleeping beast, The result is never a good one.
“Before that though. Let’s finish up downstairs.” I said as i made my way to the door.
This time. This time i won’t fuck up. Because i can’t continue to live without her. I need to find her so i can be my full self again. I need her.
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“Your happiness means nothing to me. But i love you so much im starting to want you to know what it feels like.” Siwon spoke into my ear as stood at the end of the bed and held onto a fancy modiste the panda bag. 
“So you brought that thing? Because that’s, uhh, that’s not going to make me happy.” I said back at him with a bored expression on my face. 
“You WILL love it. Trust me.”
I looked away. Like hell i will. 
It’s drafty because of the bath i just had, and the fact that im in just a big towel. The place they bathed me in was right across the hall. The room looked just like this one, except it had things in it that you would only find in a bathroom. I didn’t put up much of a fight during that time. I was just happy to feel warm water on my body. 
“Lighten up! Im going to dress you up again tonight! Isn’t that always fun.”
“Was that a rhetorical question? Because i think you know how i feel about everything by now.”
“Yes. It was.” He said with his eyes digging holes into mines. My eyes dug deeper though. I can tell they scare him. He can see it. His downfall inside of them.
He turned away and threw the bag on the bed.
“Be a good little one while im gone. I have work to do.” 
“Is that even possible for me.” I said to him with a smirk. Did i really just make him cower a bit just now? 
“You’re capable of anything aya.” He replied back to me. His hand pulled open the door and as he left i saw a few women in front of him, bowing. They are all dressed as slutty maids and their hands are occupied by what looks like make up and hair products. These girls are different then the ones from before. They all look a bit younger, and look more like they could be models than just regular girls. The ones before were probably older and had a more refined beauty. 
I guess he’s still into human trafficking. 
How shitty of him. But then again im not surprised at all.
The ladies walked in politely looking at the cameras nervously and i let out a huff. This is really pissing me off. 
“Aya. is it?” one of the women asked. She screamed plastic surgery and her body is killer. She also seemed to be more confident about herself and the situation at hand. 
“Yeah. Yours?”
“Seol. Just call me seol.” She said nonchalantly as she sat the makeup down on the bed. “That’s bamby, that’s angel, and that’s pearl.” 
I waved at the girls that she introduced. They all looked so sexy. But their faces were distraught. And one girl, pearl i think, just looks like she doesn’t give a fuck about anything around her. 
“Take the dress out, please, and let’s get started.” Seol spoke out.
My hand reached out for the bag and i accidentally bumped my fingers against bambys and she jumped harshly in reaction. Her eyes looked touched as she stared at my hand. 
“Hey, hey, Im not going to hurt you. I promise.” I said to her. I reached out for her hand as all the ladies stared at me. 
I remember when i first met my girls. They all were scared and lost too. Except jennie. She hid it well. Seol reminds me of her during those days. They all remind me of one of my girls during those days. When we were just learning how to love ourselves. And just learning how to carry ourselves. How to kill. How to move and sell. Us at the beginning. Everything seemed so hard back then. Hard and harsh. Everything hurt a lot more than it does now. 
I wonder. How similar these girls are to us really?
I held the hand of the woman in mine gently. I wanted to remind her of what a gentle touch felt like. My big lush towel i had wrapped around me loosened and my grip on her became slowly tighter. She just looked at me with scared eyes. Her breathing becoming more stable now.
“Bamby? Can you continue?” I asked. She gave me a small nod and i smiled, pulling back my hand.
I slowly pulled out the dress and gave it a once-over. It’s encrusted with real jewels and diamonds. The over all color is a bit of an off white and gold, with the upper half being sheer so you can see skin. The dress is gorgeous. And if i could estimate the cost i would say somewhere close to one million at least.
“Whoa.” Seol blurted out. “I know just the make up for that.”
I looked at her up and down. I think her figure would look better in something like this. I love expensive clothes and diamonds a lot. But this isn’t my style. I don’t like how heavy it is. It might restrict my movements. But that’s probably what he wants. Even though the crazy asshole is just going to rip it off of me. If not something is going to happen to it. These dresses he buys for me never survive a whole night. I always make sure of that. It doesn’t make a difference to him though. He loves wasting money. Especially when im involved.
“That dress is amazing.” Angel said looking adoringly at the item. The extravagance is getting to all of them. The expensive look exciting them almost to the core.
“Face me.” Seol said as she had me sit on the edge of the bed to start the dolling up process. She smells exactly like roses. And her hands are gentle when they start to prep my face for make up. 
Pearl came behind me and started to brush my almost completely dry hair with a sparkly silver brush. 
I felt relaxed in this atmosphere. The most relaxed i have felt in days. I felt as if i was in the presence of my girls. It’s comforting.
After a while of doing make up and hair, im finally ready to put the dress on.The ladies became more relaxed with me as time passed and they seemed more like themselves when they spoke now. I learned a bit more about them as they shared with me that they all chose to be here. And that this is better than the life they are used to. I believe every word. Because one thing siwon can do despite everything else, is take care of you. I mean that’s the reason i got involved with him in the first place. The guy is loaded. But it’s not worth all the psychological stress and abuse. Im lucky i got away when i did. Granted, im not living a fucking fairy tale. But it’s much better than living with him. Im making it a priority of mine to get them out of here. Because I like them and they deserve better.
My body slipped in the dress and filled it out well. It’s obviously tailored just for me. My hair is in a updo so it accentuates the dress nicely without taking away from it. My lips are a deep red shade and my eyes have a strong wing to them.
“Wow, you look stunning.” bamby said to me. as i looked in a full length mirror that a guard brought in as a request from seol. They did a good job. An amazing one actually. 
The steel door opened slowly all of a sudden as siwon made his way inside. He was dressed in a all black silk suit and his hair is slicked back completely. He held a box in his hands which is most likely the shoes that go with this dress.
“Come to me baby.” He said deeply. I stood in my place looking at him with an annoyed expression. 
“He said come here.” Seol said said rudely giving me a little push towards him. I looked at her and frowned. Im not going to get offended by that, I know she’s just putting on a show. Unless she’s not. I can’t tell. But im just going to assume for now.
I walked over to him with bear feet and held out my hands. “The shoes.” I said to him monotonously.
He filled my hands with the box and reached out for a kiss. My back turned before it landed and i opened up the box on the way to the bed. 
The shoes matched the dress pretty well, and the bottom of them are a deep red like my lips. I slipped them on and walked around a bit in them. My eyes met the women in the room and i smiled. 
“Thank you.” i said. Despite the situation, i want to be as polite and sweet to them as possible. They deserve it. They bowed in response and gathered up their stuff.
“Are you ready for dinner lovely?” siwon asked after the ladies left.
“Fuck you.”
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“That has to be why we got that phone. He’s probably trying to get back at siwon using us.” I said to suho as we all sat at the table in the meeting room.
“But that doesn’t make any sense. Why would angelos be in on a plan that requires the death of his own daughter?” Suho spoke from behind his locked together hands.
“He didn’t know. He couldn’t have. Because one thing i know he wasn’t faking was his love for his daughter. It’s almost too obvious.” I spoke back to him. Everyone was sitting around us listening to every word. Probably wondering why they didn’t get it before. 
“True. I bet he was planning on killing her all along though. It couldn’t have been an amazing coincidence that they both dyed their hair blonde around the same time. Fucking blindsided everyone.” Suho contemplated harder as he let his words flow.
“Shit, i didn’t even notice that!” Chanyeol blurted out.
I think it’s safe to say everyone here is intrigued by the depth of his plan. But It’s not perfect. And the more we think about it, the more we find little cracks that could help us tremendously. 
I can already feel the blood on my hands. 
I can almost smell the gun powder. 
And i can almost taste her again. That addictive salty honey taste i love. Drives me crazy.
Ehem, no, no, this is not the time for that baekhyun. 
What the fuck is wrong with me?
“Baekhyun?” Suho called out to me.
“Uhh, yeah?”
“Lets go through with your plan.”
I sat up seriously. 
“It’s not going to be easy. But im sure we can pull it off.” Suho stood up from his seat and looked at everyone. “Even though we got fucked over. We’re still the shit. And we can do whatever we put our minds to. As your leader i promise you that.”
“Now let’s go get aya, and bash some skulls!” Lisa yelled.
Everyone’s confidence and spirits are up again as we all made cheers of agreement. That untouchable, royalty feeling, finally showed it’s ass again. Except this time we won’t let it leave.
Believe that.
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First thing in the morning we got on a private jet that was brought a few months ago but hasn’t been used since then. Our goal is to go straight to phoenix and ask the person named panda what the fuck is up. The plan is full proofed enough so that if anything unexpected happens we can still have control over the situation. 
“Do you wanna know what it feels like to be high on a jet?” Chen asked rose. She frowned a little and slid more into her seat next to jongin as he put his arm over her shoulders. She’s not trying to act shy. Chen is just a bit creepy sometimes. 
I shook my head at the scene and looked out the window. Im antsy. And fidgety. I don’t want to get high but i might have to. I don’t like this feeling. Impatience. Anxiety. And im getting hard thinking about her again. I feel like i can’t control my body right now. 
“Baek? you okay?” Jennie asked while standing at side of the unoccupied seat next to me.
“Yeah. im good.” i lied to her as she sat down.
“You don’t look it.”
“I know, but i am.”
“Suuurree. Tell me more lies please. I really love that shit.”
I giggled nervously. 
“Im just having a bit of a hard time with how to feel right now.”
“I know what you mean. Im fucked up inside too right now. I kind of want to throw up when i think about the fact that she’s not here with me. With us.”
“Just focus on one thing for now, and try to be patient.”
“Okay. Will do.”
She got up after giving me a quick reassuring smile. 
A yawn escaped my lips and surprised me. I haven’t been genuinely sleepy in awhile. Not since this whole thing with aya. Maybe i’ll take this opportunity while i still can. My hands popped in my headphones and played a random playlist i have. 
I’ll let myself go. For no-
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“Damn, i hate traveling.” I spoke as i sat down in a car we brought to carry out our plan. Im pretty over this already. I just want to lay my eyes on her right now. But in do time i guess. 
“Sehun if you will, can you tell us a few things.” Suho said from the passenger seat. Everyone became more quiet than before, Wanting to be able to hear all the info he gathered.
“Well, first things first “the panda” is a man. Our earlier thoughts are false. Also the guy makes dresses and suits for a very exclusive group and that group most likely consist of your average la danse autour goer. Rich, douchey, and is disgusted by the thought of wearing the same thing twice.”
“Do you have a specific list of people or just a good idea.” Kyungsoo asked.
“Nope. I did some research and know only three people that actually have said that they buy from him publicly. Which is shady in itself.” Sehun was looking at his phone as he spoke, probably still deep into his research. “Person numero one is elise elaine, That old lady with lots of plastic surgery that baekhyun used to fuck around with, then it’s si yeon park, and siwon.” 
“Are you kidding me!?” Jisoo asked from behind him.
“Hey! that was hard to find okay! These people are very secretive with everything they do!” Sehun yelled at her taking offense to her question, because it probably made him feel like she was calling him dumb.
“Well damn. That clears up a lot.” I said now looking at the road ahead of me.
“Anyways, the guy has been arrested and sued multiple times for things like possession of narcotics, domestic violence, Sexual harassment, tax evasion, public indecency, And possession of crack cocaine.” Sehun read off his phone. “Mind you all these charges were “taken care of” perfectly somehow, it’s almost like he got away with it all.”
“Damn, that guy has more charges than my fucking black card.” Jennie said with a disgusted face.
“We got ourselves a bad boy ladies and gentleman.” Chanyeol chuckled out from the drivers seat.
“The guy makes dresses how bad can he really be!?” Chen yelled from the seat while laughing.
“That doesn’t mean shit, but i get your point.” I said. 
“Well he’s going to be attending some random fashion show that’s featuring one of his custom made dresses. The only other designer that will be showing clothes is a woman named milian.” Sehun spoke again.
“A fashion show!” Jennie yelled. 
“Yeah, a fashion show.” Jisoo responded to her with annoyed expression.
“Is there a way we get on that list?” Suho asked from his seat up front.
We all looked at kai with questioning faces. We all are aware of his background. So he was the first person that comes in everyone’s mind. The guy is a real life adonis. How could he not have been a model. He only did it for a few years though. Some shit went bad and thankfully we found him soon enough to pick up the pieces. I wonder if he likes modeling as much as he’s made for it. I guess it doesn’t matter at this point. All that matters is if he has the connections we need.
“I-i might know a guy, that knows a guy.” Kai said nervously while looking at everyone.
“Kai, don’t you mean, you plowed the girl, that is the girl?” Chanyeol asked. “Milian, i mean.”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s her, that’s the girl that i used to date.” He replied sounding defeated as rose stared holes into the guy. 
“Well, the fuck are we waiting for? a theme song?” Chen asked.
“A phone call, douchebag.” Kyungsoo spoke now putting his attention on the road ahead.
i looked at the time on my phone and let a smile slip “This is going to be fun.”
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“You’re going to thank me when we arrived and people applaud us on our attire.” Chanyeol spoke. He’s referring to the fact that we all spent too much time on our outfits for the event, even though we are only going to whop ass and get information, and suho began to complain a little earlier as we all got settled back in the car. 
I could care less when we get there though, despite my impatience to see aya. I think it’s called fashionably late. So with that in mind there isn’t much to worry about. I guess.
“mhm, yeah i could totally do that.” Kai was talking on the phone with his ex who is running the fashion show. It was quite a surprise that she even hit him back when he contacted her. But then again who wouldn’t. It’s motherfucking kim jongin. Thank goodness is all i can think. That plan was a real hit or miss, shot in the dark, type thing. And it worked. “Yeah, im on my way. Yeah, i can see the building right now, mili.” Jongin continued on the phone, as he started to sound a bit frustrated with the woman.
“Alright guys. Lets haul ass.” Suho said as we pulled up in front of the location. We all quickly got out of the car and ran towards the entrance.
Kai pushed himself in front and walked up to the guards with a smile. “The name is kai. Just kai. These are my friends.” He pointed to us and we all waved at the big guy checking for his name.
“You all are in. Kai you come with me. I’ll show you where the wardrobe area is.” The guard said and began to walk off.
“You guys watch your backs. And stick together.”
We all nodded at him as he followed the heavy set man and then looked at each other.
Let’s do it.
We all walked in at the same time and people turned their heads. Im sure they’re wondering who we are since going to fashion shows wasn’t really our thing, ever. The girls looked for seats with the others while suho and i scanned the room. I don’t know what panda looks like, but all the seats that are designated have a name on them. So it should be easy for my eyes to lock onto the man. 
“Shit, baekhyun don’t look now.” Suho hit my arm with a shocked look on his face. 
“Suho, if you’re pointing at a mirror again, just so you can say “Me, im so damn fine.” I swear to god i’ll clock your ass.” 
“Nooo, It’s fucking si yeon, she’s hereee.” He was htting me and covering his face as i looked around for her.
Am i scared? No. Did we plan for this? No. Do i care? Fuck no.
“Please shut the fuck up suho.” I proceeded to my sit after deciding to just lay low, and if she spots me, deal with the situation calmly.
“Hello, ladies and gentleman, im milian amlish!” A round of applause surrounded the place as she continued. “Tonight i will be presenting my new collection hana hana grew, which represents humans as flowers and shows a sort of coming of age story through every piece worn. I hope you all enjoy it and it touches you the way it did me.” Another round of applause for the designer as she smiled before walking away to backstage. One guy in particular was standing up and shout whistling at the lady.
That’s the damn panda. It has to be.
The man sat down in his designated seat and looked around quickly, letting me catch a good glimpse of him. 
Yup. That’s the target. 
“Damn, that guy really needs some sleep.” I said under my breath while music started to burst through speakers all around us.
I made eye contact with chanyeol, who was seated right behind the guy, and he got the message when i nonchalantly made gestures towards him. 
The first girl came out and we looked at each other more intensely, and speaking silently.
“I’ll have a quiet chat with him like we discussed.”
“And i’ll tell lay to bring the car around.”
“And if anyone sees something they shouldn’t”
“We got suho to take care of that.”
“Baekhyun!?” I jumped when i heard si yeon call out for me. 
She was leaning in her seat, which was in front of me, two seats to my left.
Damn it. Stay calm.
“H-hey, si yeon-ah, what’s up girrrl.” I tried my best but the words came out so weird. I heard suho beside me snort in laughter and a pout took over my lips.
Fuck you suho. Fuck you.
“Baekhyun, what the fuck?” Si yeon spoke again, a bit more angry this time though.
I shot out of my seat and ran towards the refreshments table. I knew she was going to follow me so i kept my back turned waiting for her angry arrival. Lo and behold a slap landed on my back after i heard her heels close in on me.
“Seriously baekhyun!? You fucking ditch at the sky cafe, then tell me to fuck off at club goutter!? What is the matter with you!?” Si yeon whisper yelled at me as i took a sip of a drink i snagged off the table.
“Shit is happening, yeon-ah, im sorry i did you dirty but things happened and i think you have a good idea of what the fuck i mean when i say that.”
“I don’t!”
“Yeah, sure, why don’t you tell me you’re a virgin too while you’re still at it.”
“Ugh, Fuck you baekhyun! I literally was nothing but good to you!”
“Hm, well thanks for not denying it.”
“Fine! Fine! maybe i do fucking know what happened! But that doesn’t mean anything! That doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole to me!”
“Oh yeah? Tell me, what do you know?” I looked at her with mock desperation. This way she’ll feel of value to me again. I know it’s fucked up. But there’s no way it’s not going to work.
“Tell me what i want to know first.”
The business woman in her showed up just now. Too bad she won’t be here for long.
“I treated you like that because i was going through a few things. I was mentally scarred for a few weeks and i didn’t want to drag you into it.” Some of what i said is true. But not all of it, of course. I deserve an oscar award, honestly.
“Bae-baby. Im sorry for what happened to you, okay. And im sorry for what happened to aya. But remember you told me you have no feelings for her. You don’t need to feel guilty baby. Im here for you. Always.”
Oh really?
I pulled her in for a hug and kissed her neck. Trying my hardest not to make any moves that could ruin this moment.
“Im sorry for your lost. I really am. But it’s for the best. Soon you’ll see. We’re all better off this way.” her grip on me tightened when she finished and my eyes widened.
“I think so too.” I looked up to the runway and saw kai walking down slowly. It’s now or never.
“I think you should stick with me for awhile. Noona.”  
I hurriedly grabbed her right arm and twisted it, making her back face me, as i pulled my phone out.
“H-hey! What the do you think you’re doing baekhyun!?”
“Yeah, lay? Mhm, it’s time. Whip it as fast as possible. We got an unexpected guest on our hands.”
Chanyeol abruptly stood up trying not to make it obvious that he had a gun to the back of mr.panda. 
I rushed si yeon to the backdoor exit and kicked the door open.
“Took you assholes long enough!” Chen yelled as he swung open the black van him and lay just equipped us with. 
Suddenly kai ran from around the building still in the same clothes. He looks something like a music video, or a perfume commercial. I pushed a yelling si yeon to chen and he grabbed her roughly slapping a hand over her mouth. Everyone came rushing out at once and the panda stayed in front with his hands up, looking stiff. 
We pushed our way inside the now cramped van and huddled around the two captives, tying ropes around them and applying duct tape to their mouths. Our blood was pumping, as we all tried to catch our breath. This is the shit we live for. This is the shit we’ve been missing. We almost forgot. We almost forgot who we are. Who we we love to be.
“Hyung, if it’s okay. I would like to handle this one.” I said to suho, and calmly pulled out the gun on my person. 
“Go for it.”
“Panda, this is si yeon. Si yeon-ah this is panda. Get a good look at each other. Because you should at least like the person you get buried six feet under with. No?”
They made muffled noises that i assume is disagreement. My head shook when a smirk shined through. 
“Im going to take that as a yes.”
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AUTHORS NOTE : yayyy! im doneee! it took me so long for this one becasue i was having some problems with delivery T-T but i think i did it finally! even though the delivery is shitty still.......T-T i hope you huys enjoy it.
Kisses T-T ~ laila <3
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checkmate-cherik · 6 years
River of Tears pt. 2
Ayyyyy there’s more!
“How were your days, pups?” Erik asked his children easily as he gave all three of them hugs. It was their joke, from that time a child with no filter had said Erik had a smile like a shark. It still made his kids smile, though Pietro wriggled uncomfortably when Erik gave him his brief hug.
“Fine,” Wanda answered serenely.
“Okay,” Pietro said with a shrug.
“Aunt Raven has two boyfriends!” Lorna blurted excitedly.
Erik raised an eyebrow. Raven was Lorna’s tutor, and she and Erik sometimes got beers with Emma to complain about their lives. He’d known Raven was getting serious with Azazel—they’d had a kid together, after all, who would be about the twins’ age now—but he hadn’t known there was a second man in the picture. “Did she tell you that you could tell others?” Erik asked, tweaking Lorna’s nose gently.
“No.” Lorna pouted a little, knowing that her papa would not let her regale them all with tales of the two boyfriends if she did not have permission.
“Alright then.” Erik kissed her forehead. “Get her permission and tell me everything.”
Lorna brightened at that.
The three children and Erik squeezed into the tiny kitchen of their small house and made dinner all together. Lorna practiced her control with knives and the peeler, Peter and Wanda bickered about some school gossip, and Erik hummed softly as he made spaghetti sauce from scratch.
He’d had a good day at the steel mill. They had tried to promote him three times, but instead he’d just asked for a raise, and gotten it; and now he was the highest-paid quality checker at the mill. He deserved it. Even his enemies grudgingly admitted that Erik was the greatest asset. He could do literally any job at the mill, his mutation was instrumental in keeping everyone safe and the machines working properly, and he genuinely enjoyed the work. He was a little pissed that they still hadn’t replaced the machines so they would be safer, but not enough to do more than send periodic memos.
Erik smiled to hear Lorna squeal gleefully, “Papa, I did it, I did it! None of them warped!”
“Excellent!” Erik turned and hugged Lorna, checking the metal of the knives just to be sure; but they were still sharp and in perfect condition. “I’m proud of you, pup.”
Lorna grinned up at him.
Dinner was eaten around the tiny table, with barely enough elbow room for all of them. But the children talked easily to their papa, and he spoke gently to his pups, in a way that would’ve made his coworkers gape in shock. He blinked in surprise, though, to hear Pietro casually mention, “Oh, that Haller kid who abandoned his dad, I told him off for it. He’s an ass.”
“I did, too!” Wanda exclaimed, surprised. “He’s still a selfish little kid. I hope he grows up soon.”
“How old is he, again?” Erik asked.
“Sixteen,” the twins said in unison, then glared at each other. When they were younger they would laugh when they spoke in unison; now they were eighteen and tired of it, but it seemed like it was just something that was going to happen forever. Erik and Lorna had made their peace with it.
Erik hummed thoughtfully. Then he told his children, “I don’t think you should bring it up to him again. He might listen, he might not, but it isn’t your problem.”
Pietro scowled, but nodded. Wanda sighed and nodded too.
After clean-up, the kids all got out their homework and Erik worked on the new porch. He was putting in a newer, better ramp up to the front door for his mother’s visits, and he wanted to build a porch to match. He trusted his children to work hard and help each other while he wasn’t there, and they had never betrayed that trust. The thought warmed him, and he hummed Star Wars songs as he finished anchoring the ramp to the new porch.
When Pietro came out for his evening run, Erik packed up his tools and materials and put them away in the garage. Then he went in, to see Lorna lounging on the couch with a book and Wanda still at the table, scowling as she chewed her pencil. Erik ruffled Lorna’s hair in passing and sat beside Wanda.
“What’s stumping you?” he asked.
Wanda shoved her book at him. He raised his eyebrow, recognizing Les Mis when he saw it. “I’m supposed to write an essay about Marius and Cosette,” she muttered, “But they’re boring to me. I wanna write about Enjolras.”
Erik smiled. He’d always identified with Enjolras far more than anyone else, too. But he felt more like Valjean these days; protective of his children, trying to redeem himself…
No, better not to think of that.
“Alright. So do that,” he told Wanda.
She stared at him. “But the teacher said we had to write about Marius and Cosette,” she protested.
“Break the rules,” Erik said in a reasonable tone. “You told me this teacher is fairly conservative; shake him up a little bit. Write about Enjolras and his struggles. Write about his charisma, how he drew together Les Amis de l’ABC. Write about his relationship with violence. Write about whatever you want.” Erik smiled to see a fire begin in Wanda’s eyes, as she began to grin. “Break the damn rules, Wanda.”
She lunged and hugged her father tightly, then turned back to her notebook and began to write at a furious pace. Erik kissed her head and stood to go check on Lorna.
Charles was exhausted when he got home to see David playing video games and a grilled ham-and-cheese sandwich waiting on the counter, still warm.
Charles went first to David and leaned down to kiss his head, earning an annoyed grumble, then turned and went to eat. It was much better than he could’ve done. He got out the papers that needed to be graded, and spent three hours on them. Then he sighed; he couldn’t put it off much longer.
“Dad?” David called warily.
“It’s fine,” Charles answered, a little too quickly. “Everything’s fine.” He kept his shields up and tight. But he took a deep breath and got out the thirty-page manifesto an anonymous professor had sent him about how he was inherently vile and an abomination and deceptive and all manner of bad things. There was plenty of “You cheated to get your PhD’s” as well. He forced himself to read through it more thoroughly, putting more layers on his shields the further he went so he wouldn’t leak out and hurt David.
Because this did hurt. Reading that people hated him for something he didn’t ask for, something he never used out of fear of retaliation, it was worse than—well, no, it wasn’t worse than his own mother screaming and throwing things when he first showed signs. But it brought up the same fears, the same self-hatred, and he closed his eyes and tightened his shields so hard he couldn’t feel or hear anything but his own thoughts.
But that took up all his concentration, so that he didn’t notice until David had picked up the manuscript that his own son was less than a foot away. Charles gasped out a tiny, “Don’t--!”
And then he lost his grip on his shields.
They didn’t just drop, they crumbled, until there was nothing between himself and the world—and there was nothing between himself and David, because David’s shields broke too under the pressure of Charles’ mind.
Too much to put into words, images flashing past so fast, fear and anger predominant and wild, so many other people that they seemed to meld together, so much horror Dad Dad DAD!
Physical pain broke the connection. He blinked, and realized his wheelchair had tipped, and he’d hit his head very hard on the wooden floor. David was bending over him, terror pouring out of him, and Charles couldn’t breathe, that terror squeezing him as if it were his own—and beyond David, beyond this house, thousands, millions, billions of minds, bleeding into his own—
Shields, shaky and spun out of pure fear, enclosed on his mind, and he slumped on the floor, panting and dazed.
“Oh god oh god oh god, Dad, Dad, say something, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry, Dad—“
Charles reached up and David grabbed his hand. “I’m—I’m fine,” he croaked, the biggest lie he’d ever told. “I’m fine, Davey.”
“You are not fine!” David spat, and began to cry. “Why do you keep saying that?! You’re not fine!”
Charles didn’t need to tell him. David had read everything, just as Charles had. It was love, and cowardice, and blind optimism, because if he kept saying it and kept working towards it, surely it would come true. Everything was going to be fine.
He opened his mouth to say this, then thought better of it, and set about calming his mind. It was hard. It was harder than anything he’d ever done before. His heart was still pounding, and his head was beginning to ache. But he managed, somehow. He pushed his own emotions aside, and gently removed those of everyone else, and rebuilt his shield. When he was done, he was exhausted, and David had stopped crying, and was just staring at Charles’ hand, still gripped by both of his own.
“Help me up, please,” Charles murmured.
David scrambled to help him, and when Charles was set straight he stood there in front of Charles and looked at him, his own expression so helpless that Charles couldn’t stop from thinking of that little six year old whose mommy had dropped him off at his daddy’s house and never came back. Phone calls and letters and shipped presents, those weren’t enough for a small child.
Charles held out his arms automatically, but David backed away, shaking his head. So Charles put down his arms.
There was a silence, heavy and uncertain and unhappy. Then David turned and went to his room.
Charles bit his lip and refused to cry for his son.
Peter was surprised when David curled up on the wall, hugging his knees and hiding his face, and refused to be goaded, threatened, or entreated into participating. Peter approached cautiously, and slowly sat beside David, not too close. He didn’t want David to lash out. Not that Peter couldn’t avoid him easily, but it was the thought that counted.
“Dude,” Peter said, and David responded.
“Go away,” he croaked, voice cracking.
“No,” Peter responded. But he didn’t say anything else. He just sat there, watching the class, and feeling irritated with the world. At least Dad let him take runs.
He was aware of tiny pushes to go away, to forget David even existed, to leave him alone, but they didn’t feel like his own thoughts, so he ignored them easily. Aunt Emma had taught him plenty about learning what his own thoughts felt like, him and Wanda. Lorna was still learning, but she was getting there.
Peter smirked when the pushes stopped.
Wanda had conferred with Peter over lunch, and was therefore prepared when David shuffled in looking like Death warmed over. Wanda was better at sharing thoughts than Peter; when David sat down, Wanda sent him a tiny bit of warmth.
His head snapped around and he gaped at her. She gazed back calmly, and carefully formed the words, Are you properly sorry?
David nodded.
Wanda sent another little bit a warmth and a single word; Good. Then, for good measure, she wrapped her arm around David’s shoulders and gave a quick squeeze before letting go and going back to her worksheet as if nothing had happened.
At the end of class, she heard a soft voice in the back of her head; Thank you.
You’re welcome, she replied.
David wondered if the Maximoffs knew what they had done. Probably not.
Dad was still dealing with the assholes who were trying to get him fired. David hadn’t meant to hear the fight Dad had had with some of the other professors yesterday, it had just—it had just happened. He still didn’t know how their walls had broken at the same time, but he knew Dad’s had fallen a split second before that terrifying pressure had cracked David’s shields like a nut.
David had never heard that many voices before. If that’s what Dad had dealt with, what he’d always tried to protect David from—David was glad of his protection. It had been so scary, though, to—to basically be in his own father’s head, to see everything, hear everything, even the dark and private things David had never known about his dad, and then see Dad’s eyes glaze over and his face go blank and he just fell and David had been so scared, hadn’t known what to do—
David sat in his car after school and stared at the steering wheel, shivering, automatically making people look away from him without really thinking about it. He didn’t want to go home. He didn’t want to go anywhere. He wanted to hide in his car all night and in the morning drive away, just—just drive so far away.
Someone tapped on his window.
He jumped and his head snapped up, to see the Maximoff twins standing there, looking grave. Gingerly, he rolled down the window.
“You need help?” Peter asked bluntly.
“No,” David tried to say firmly, but it came out ragged. He could feel determination radiating off them. It made him feel small and weak. Dad had always said he was strong, but—shouldn’t he be able to control himself, if he were strong?
“Yes you do,” Wanda corrected. “Meet us in the gym after school tomorrow, and we’ll have help for you.”
Then they walked away.
David gaped after them. Then, when they had climbed into the van and driven away, he rolled up his window and drove home very carefully.
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heshangkeji · 3 years
Operation process of slitting machine
Today we will take everyone to understand the operation process of the slitting machine, so that we can have a good start when we operate the machine.
Start preparation 1. Check whether the power and air source are normal. 2. Check whether each transmission part needs to be filled with lubricating oil, and whether each part is loose. 3. Turn on the electrical isolation switch and check whether the voltage, current, and temperature are correct. 4. Turn on the power switch of the hydraulic system and check whether the oil level of the main hydraulic drive system and the pressure gauge display are correct and stable. 5. Open the start throttle valve and check whether the air pressure is correct (not less than 6.0bar) and stable.
Settings control 1. Set the slitting menu according to the PVC film type, thickness, length, width, etc. of the slitting plan. 2. Extract the corresponding PVC film file from the PDF. 3. Set the rewinding length and width of the film of corresponding specifications. 4. Select the corresponding winding station, adjust the pressure roller arm and pressure roller, and install the paper core of the corresponding specification. Loading, piercing and adding film 1. According to the requirements of the slitting plan, in accordance with the operating rules and actual conditions, hoist the corresponding parent roll on the aging rack, select the direction according to the corona surface inside and outside, and place it on the unwinding rack of the slitting machine, and press the control button Clamp and tighten the steel core, leave the steel core support arm and drive. 2. Film piercing​​: When there is no film on the slitting machine, the film must be pierced. Use the film-piercing device and function keys of the slitting machine to tie one end of the original film to the eyelet of the film-piercing chain, and press the film-piercing button to make the film evenly distributed on the rollers along the slitting process. 3. Film splicing: When there is film on the slitting machine and the roll joint is changed, use the vacuum splicing table, first start the film splicing table to the working position, manually flatten the film on the first traction roller of the slitting machine and start the upper vacuum pump for suction Film, so that the film is smoothly absorbed on the film splicing table, paste the double-sided tape and cut off the excess film under the tape, flatten the film on the unwinding rack, start the vacuum to make the film absorb smoothly, and remove the tape. Put the paper layer, level the film, and the joints should be neat and wrinkle-free, then turn off the upper and lower vacuum pumps, and open the splicing table to a non-working position.
start up Change the specifications and put the paper core on the inner and outer winding arms. When the press roller is in the ready state, the people around the machine should evacuate quickly. Slitting control 1. During the slitting operation, carefully monitor and observe the slitting effect, and appropriately adjust and control the slitting speed, unwinding tension, contact pressure, bending roller, edge material traction roller, edge guide, etc. Receipt 1. When the inner and outer ends of the winding are finished and the machine stops, use the film unloading button to place the film on the prepared film unloading trolley, cut the film, and paste the film roll with sealant. 2. Use the chuck release button to release the chuck and check whether the paper core of each roll of film rolls away from the paper core. If one end is still stuck on the paper core, remove the film roll manually. 3. Make sure that all the films leave the chuck and put them on the trolley. Use the film loading button to raise the winding arm, install the corresponding paper core, and place the film neatly on the paper core for the next slitting.
Stop device When the film roll reaches the set length, the equipment automatically stops.
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jackson8678 · 4 years
TSD-830 Auto bender machine processing 1.3pt thick, 8mm width steel rule...
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victoriansword · 8 years
Making Military Swords in Victorian Britain
@drasticklyslackin asked:
Technical stuff, how they made their equipment.
To answer this question I have selected excerpts from “Swords: How they are made and something about curious ones” by Frank Lamburn, Pearson’s Magazine, Vol. 2, July to December, 1896, which details how Wilkinson made swords.
The early stages of the process are essentially similar in a broad sense to those passed through by most other pieces of cutlery. The steel, of Sheffield make, is drawn into strips, equal in length to two blades, cut in half, heated in a furnace, and hammered out until it resembles roughly a sword blade.
An iron tang, designed eventually to receive the hilt, is welded on to the steel and the blade is tempered. In tempering, each blade is made hot singly, plunged into a bath of tepid water containing certain chemical ingredients, drawn out--at this stage it is glass hard, being so brittle that if dropped it would break in a dozen pieces--and slowly heated over the fire until sufficiently tempered.
This operation can only be performed at its best when the day is bright. During the winter month,s on account of the poor light, the average time available for hardening is only two days a week.
Beyond this point the blade may not again be worked in the forge; further heating would decarbonise it. In converting blades from one shape to another they are reheated, with the result that too great a quantity of carbon is extracted and the steel becomes soft and of inferior quality.
After the blade has been cut and trimmed to the regulation size, it passes to a man at one of the enormous Newcastle and Leeds stones constituting the grinding department. During this operation five or six ounces of metal are removed from the blade before it is finally brought down to correspond with the rough gauges of thickness and width. Although the stone is particularly hard, the steel causes it to fly off in thin, wet streams, and wears it away to a degree that results in a stone seven feet in diameter being reduced to two feet in diameter in about six months.
When the blade comes from this room it is a dull bright, and requires to be polished, but it is never sharpened before it leaves the factory unless in compliance with a special order. Before going on active service, the bayonets and swords of all the soldiers and officers ordered away are returned to Enfield to have a cutting edge put on them.
Before the hilt and guard are fixed to Government blades, they undergo a number of severe tests on the premises at the hands of a Government inspector. So far as the blade is concerned, the polished blade is laid in a trough--a length of solid, three inch thick steel, with the exact shape of the blade cut in the surface--and it has to fit this at every point along its edge.
Next, the blade is bent round a semi-circular sheet of steel, covered with a wire netting to protect the operator in the event of breakage, after which it is placed in a machine that causes it to strike with its edge a block of oak with a force of 160 pounds, and on its flat sides a sheet of iron with a force of 80 pounds. In another machine it has to bear a vertical pressure of 180 pounds without bending. When the handle is fixed, the weapon is struck by hand on a solid block of oak, and the operator can tell by the ring whether the blade is sound and if the grip is securely attached.
In testing cavalry swords, the blade is struck under the same conditions as the bayonet, is placed in a machine and pressed on the top while in a vertical position, until it is shortened four inches, and must bear a 28lb vertical pressure without bending. As the result of a scientific investigation instituted by the Government, it was recently discovered that in pressing on a blade so that it bent first on one side, then on the other--a common practice among infantry officers--the fibre of the metal was injuriously strained; when, therefore, the vertical pressure test is applied and the blade sprung, a small cross is stamped on the convex side to denote that the sword may be sprung only on that side.
The sword-grip is automatically carved from a block of hard Italian walnut. A block of wood is placed in the machine and left for three minutes, when it is taken out in its completed form. This grip is covered with the skin of a Japanese fish--the only suitable material--and bound with silver wire after which the guard, stamped or cut, according to the quality, from a flat sheet of metal is attached.
Although the average weight of the British officer's sword is only a pound and three-quarters (this is heavier than the French and United States sword, but lighter than those of other nations), it is quite possible for him to avert a blow delivered from a heavy tulwar, provided he catches it on that portion of the blade nearest the hilt, and is sufficiently skillful in the art of fencing. It is essential, of course, in a case of this kind that the steel should be of the finest possible temper, and for this reason British blades are sent out to the Indian Army, where they are fitted by regimental armourers with hilts of regulation pattern.
The fate of old swords is very ordinary. Those belonging to officers are, as a rule, preserved in the family, being handed down to father and son; and in order to assist in carrying out this custom, the Wilkinson Company keep a record which enables them to return the sword of any officer killed on active service to his relatives at home. The swords of privates, when returned to the Government Stores, are retested, and, if serviceable, are again issued, or if unserviceable, are cut in half, the proof marks effaced, and sold as scrap. They are then sent to Belgium, where they are welded together again and returned to this country and offered for sale.
Below: Making swords at the Wilkinson Sword factory.  Still making them as they were made in the 19th century!
Additionally, here is an account of how swords were made at Charles Reeves’ Toledo Works factory in Birmingham, from England's Workshops by Dr. G.L.M. Strauss, Charles William Quin, John Cargill Brough, Thomas Archer, William Bernhard Tegetmeier, and William Jeffery Prowse, London, 1864.
The steel from which the swords are made is supplied (by Mr. John Sanderson of Sheffield) in long pieces somewhat tapering at each end, and having a square portion in the middle, which being cut through, leaves material for two blades, the bisection of the square leaving a shoulder at one end to receive the iron “tang” by which the blade is afterwards fixed into the handle. The manufacture of these blades is almost entirely effected by the forgers, who hammer them into the required shape upon the anvil, a mould running down the centre of which secures the hollow which in swords extends for about two thirds of the length from hilt to point. In a little street of smithies the musical clink is being sounded by a score of stalwart arms, either forging the rough steel into form or hammering the formed blade into perfect shape and symmetry, an operation which requires it to be kept at a certain heat lest the embryo blade should be injured in the process. Once perfected as to proportion, the hardening commences, and the blade is thrust backward and forward into the furnace until it has acquired a proper and uniform heat, at which point it is removed and instantly plunged into cold water. This process, which has obviously suggested the Turkish bath, renders it hard indeed, but at the same time so extremely brittle that we whisperingly suggest the propriety of contracting to supply our enemies with weapons and neglecting to carry them beyond that particular stage of preparation when they may be snapped with the fingers. Carefully supported, however, the blade is again subjected to the fiery ordeal until it attains a slaty-blue colour and a beautiful and elastic temper, which has been partially secured by the previous hammering. By the process of forging it has become about six inches longer than the pristine steel shape, and by the tempering it has attained a springy strength which enables it to be bent in a curve sufficient to bring the hand five inches nearer the point.
There is yet another operation before the blades are taken to the finishing-shop, one of the most important, too, since it is no other than grinding, a process which secures an exact and uniform thickness, and increases their elasticity.
We are standing at the open end of a long, vast, and gloomy shed-like building, supported by iron pillars. On each side through the entire length a series of enormous grindstones spin round amidst sand and water and the mud from both. Seated astride the bodies of wooden horses, whose heads seem to have been transformed into these wheels, the grinders seize upon the blades, and each fearless rider rising in his stirrups--or what looks much the same standing tiptoe till he no longer touches his saddle--throws himself forward and presses the sword, matchet, or bayonet on the wheel, at the same time guiding it deftly with his left hand till its whole surface has been smoothly ground.
Along the whole line of whirling stones fly the lurid red sparks; and as the grinders, with squared elbows, seem to curb the struggling and impetuous wheels, we think of the wild dreams of Callot or Dore, and fancy a double rank of riders bestriding horses strangely foaled by some hideous nightmare.
After polishing, which is completed by wooden wheels bearing a coating of leather covered with emery, the swords and matchets go to receive handles, and the bayonets locking-rings. The handles of swords are made of walnut-wood covered with the skin of the dogfish, while the hilt and guard are formed from a plain flat sheet of steel, in shape not unlike one side of a pair of bellows.
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ssteezyy · 7 years
9th Anniversary Celebration and BIG Giveaway
This giveaway is sponsored by participating brands and contains affiliate links*
Today is our 9th anniversary! I can’t believe it’s been nine years since I started this blog, inspired by Amber, the original Conscious Cat. And while this is a huge milestone for Allegra, Ruby and me, this day really belongs to you, our readers. Without you, we wouldn’t be here, and we appreciate you so much for reading, commenting, and sharing every day.
9 years – 3,291 posts – 82,477 comments – 12.5 million page views
Since March 1, 2009, we have brought you 3,291 new posts. 82,477 comments are a testament to the strength of our Conscious Cat community. And with more than 12.5 million page views, our site is reaching an ever growing audience of cat lovers who want the best for their feline family members.
The Conscious Cat has become the “go to” site for cat guardians looking for reliable information about cat health, behavior and nutrition, as well as new cat products, book reviews, and more. Our Conscious Cat Sunday feature provides feline wisdom and inspurr-ation each week.
223,670 Facebook Fans
Our community extends to our Facebook page, which, at 223,670 and counting, attracts new cat lovers who enjoy sharing their love for cats with a group of like minded people every day. It’s truly a joy to curate this page. We post unique content and lots and lots of cat photos and videos several times each day, and we love seeing your photos and contributions on the page. We’re also represented on Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. The internet is truly a wonderful place when it creates thriving communities like ours.
Happy, Healthy Cats and Humans
But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Behind these numbers are countless cats who live happier and healthier lives thanks to the information their humans have found on this site. There’s nothing that makes me happier than receiving messages from readers whose cats have been helped by the information found here.
To celebrate all of this bounty, and to thank all of you for reading, commenting and sharing, we have a BIG giveaway for you!
9th Anniversary Giveaway: 9 Grand Prizes, 9 Winners
We’re giving away a KIT-TY Tree Deluxe from Pet Tree Houses, a Sleepypod Air Carrier, a Neko Flies prize package, a $100 gift certificate from Triple T Studios, a prize package from Cats Rule, a Primetime Petz Lounge from Hauspanther, an Assisi Loop, a Jackson Galaxy prize package, and a Meowfia felted wool cat cave.
For instructions on how to enter to win, see the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post.
KIT-TY Tree Deluxe with Topper
This fabulous cat tree is a DIY (Do It Yourself) re-assembly Tree Kit. It has the same great quality materials and craftsmanship as Pet Tree Houses’ other trees, featuring real trees and silk foliage to bring the outside in for your cats. Providing 4 levels of pure fun, this tree stands nearly 72″ high. The real bark acts as a natural scratching post. The natural scent of the real trees is used to focus on the heightened sense of smell that all cats have. The sound of the leaves as the cats jump and play awakens their heightened sense of hearing. The carpets and leaves are removable for easy maintenance. Retail value: $495 plus $75 shipping.
Exclusive offer for Conscious Cat readers: Free shipping on the KIT-TY Tree Deluxe or KIT-TY Tree Standard (a $75.00 value!). Shipping in the Continental USA only. Enter Code CC9FS. Offer good through 4/30/2017.
Visit http://www.PetTreeHouses.com for more information and to purchase.
Sleepypod Air Carrier
If you’ve ever had to research traveling by plane with your cat, you have most likely run into confusing size restrictions, depending on which airline you check with. The Sleepypod Air’s innovative design addresses this issue by providing size versatility through flexibility. The unique design allows the carrier to contract to fit under the seat during takeoff and landing. Once the plane is in the air, the carrier can easily be expanded so that your cat can have the largest possible space underneath the seat. And of course, the Sleepypod Air also maintains the same strict safety standards as all of Sleepypod’s carriers and was put through the same safety testing that continues to position Sleepypod among one of the safest pet product manufacturers on the market.
For more information and to purchase, visit Sleepypod.com.
Neko Flies Prize Pack
Neko Flies are award winning interchangeable cat toys, sure to drive your fe-lion wild! This prize pack includes the Neko Flies Birbug and Foxifur Kittenator toys. Neko Flies toys are designed to entice cats with unique materials, in colors they can actually see, and by mimicking natural movements. With seven different toy options, you’re sure to find your cat’s favorite. Combined with the Ultimate Rod, your cats won’t be able to resist Neko Flies toys. The Ultimate Rod is a uniquely designed ‘fishing pole’ style rod, extendable to three different lengths; 17”, 25” and 32”. The string length of toys can be easily adjusted by attaching it to any of the four stainless steel guide rings, giving you even more ways to play.
Exclusive offer for Conscious Cat readers: Free shipping on orders over $30, US shipping addresses only. Use code CCSPR2018 at checkout. Offer valid through March 15, 2018.
See Neko Flies in action at nekoflies.com.
Cats Rule Prize Pack
Cats Rule salutes The Conscious Cat and the great work they do on their 9th Anniversary! Cats Rule provides smart solutions for cats and cat owners. They’ve put together a full suite of products including a Charlie’s Closed Box & Scoop Set, 2 Layer Litter Capture Mat, Stand Up & Scoop Extending Scoop (never bend to scoop again,) Watering Hole Automatic Water Fish Fountain and Shell Pad. This is a $115 value!
For more information, and to purchase, visit http://www.CatsRule.com.
Primetime Petz Pet Lounge from Hauspanther
The Primetime Petz Pet Lounge comes in two versions, one in white with a teal cover,  and one in natural wood with a taupe and off white cover. The covers are double-sided and reversible. Your cats won’t care about that, but it gives you the option to flip the cover for a different look. Assembly is super easy and doesn’t require any tools: simply snap the four pieces for the frame into place, and attach the cover by joining the clips together. The cover is easily removed for cleaning.
The Primetime Petz Lounge is available from Amazon in white/teal and natural/taupe with free shipping. You can also purchase the Pet Lounge from Hauspanther.
$100 Gift Certificate from Triple T Studios
Triple T Studios creates and curates uniquely designed handbags and accessories with feline finesse. Shop their cat inspired handbags, jewelry, scarves, and cat toys. Triple T Studios donates to global conservation projects including Lion Guardians Project, The Cheetah Conservation Fund, Panthera, and select domestic cat non-profit organizations. Triple T Studios motto is Fashion with a Passion™.
Exclusive 20% discount for Conscious Cat readers: use code ConsciousCat20. Code never expires.
For more information and to purchase, visit http://www.triple-t-studios.com.
Assisi Loop
The Assisi Loop provides safe and effective pain relief without adverse effects. The Assisi Loop features targeted pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (tPEMF™). This modality was first studied in the 1970s and is FDA-cleared for use in humans. It uses low-level pulses of electromagnetic energy to stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms to help relieve pain, inflammation and swelling. You can find multiple accounts of how the Assisi Loop helped cats with varying conditions ranging from arthritis to post surgical pain to lymphoma here. Please note that the Assisi Loop requires a prescription from a veterinarian. Winner will need to provide a prescription in order to claim their prize.
For more information about how the Loop could help your cat, visit http://www.assisianimalhealth.com or contact Assisi Animal Health at [email protected], 866-830-7342.
Jackson Galaxy Prize Pack
This prize pack contains an assortment of toys and supplies from the Jackson Galaxy Collection by Petmate. All of the items are designed by the Cat Daddy himself, so you know your kitties will love everything in this prize pack. Actual prize pack may vary from the image shown above.
For more information about all of Jackson’s fantastic products for happier, healthier cats, visit JacksonGalaxy.com.
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Cave
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Caves are handmade from 100% Merino wool, a soft, lightweight natural fiber. Merino wool is breathable, keeping your cat warm in the winter or cool in warmer weather. The beds are safe and eco-friendly. There are no plastic or other man-made materials used. Merino wool naturally repels odor, dirt and stains. The caves can be hand washed in cold water with a mild detergent designed for wool, and should be air dried. Machine washing is not recommended.
Meowfia Felted Wool Cat Caves are available from Amazon in a variety of colors.
Enter to win one of 9 Grand Prizes – 9 Winners
For up to 13 ways to enter, see the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to readers in the United States only, and ends Friday, March 31. Winners and prize will be chosen by random drawing.**
a Rafflecopter giveaway
*FTC Disclosure: This giveaway is sponsored by the brands providing the prizes, which means that I was paid to feature this content. Regardless of payment received, you will only see products featured on this site that I believe are of interest to my readers. The Conscious Cat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon and affiliated sites. The Conscious Cat is an affiliate partner of Jackson Galaxy and Triple T Studios. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission.
**No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook. By entering this giveaway, you understand that you are providing your information to The Conscious Cat, and not to Facebook. We will never sell, rent or share your information with third parties. Winners will be notified via e-mail. Prize winner must provide The Conscious Cat with a physical address to which the prize will be mailed within 72 hours. If this information is not received, an alternate winner will be chosen by random drawing. Winners will be announced in a separate post following the drawing.
The post 9th Anniversary Celebration and BIG Giveaway appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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itsworn · 8 years
This ‘70 ‘Cuda Triple Crown Winner Beat All Street Rods!
The act of swapping a high-horsepower Hemi engine into a radically modified Barracuda has been a tradition since 1965 when Hurst’s Hemi Under Glass debuted on drag strips nationwide with a fire-breathing 426 beneath its rear glass. Since that time even the factory got into the Hemi ’Cuda act. Most recently, the Hemi-in-a-Barracuda theme upped the ante once again, this time dominating a universe normally populated with ’32 Fords and ’49 Mercs. The street rod world was taken aback as our featured car swept the prestigious Triple Crown of custom car building in 2016 with another Hemi in a Barracuda. Mopar guys are used to winning against long odds, but this venue is indeed new territory.
There’s an old adage seasoned customizers often cite when the query is how to begin a build, and that is to start with the very best example of the desired car one can find. That’s really good advice, but here’s an exception to the rule: this stunning 1970 ’Cuda that took Best Street Machine at the inaugural Triple Crown of Rodding held within the 34th Annual Hot Rod Roundup, hosted by Shades of the Past Car Club in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
The saga of Zach Ingram’s Z Rodz and Customs (Knox, IN) resurrecting Casey Hornik’s 1970 ’Cuda into a show winner began when the prime-year Plymouth was found stuffed in a semi trailer in a salvage yard on the outskirts of South Bend, Indiana. It was an extremely rusted hulk, so rusty that plucking it out of the trailer on the prongs of a forklift and plopping it onto a car trailer didn’t seem overly disrespectful. Underneath its hole-riddled cancerous shell, the skeleton of the 1970 ’Cuda was intact. DNA-wise the car had excellent bones; it rolled off Plymouth’s Hamtramck, Michigan, assembly line as a 340 ’Cuda. It’s guessed somewhere in the ’80s that the 340 ’Cuda was cloned to AAR specs using genuine AAR parts.
Typically when a hard-core Mopar fanatic spots a 340 ’Cuda as heavily modified styling-wise as this ’Cuda, an outburst of preservationist tongues start wagging, but the truth of it is few would have gone to the trouble and expense it took to bring this ’Cuda back from a totally rusted hulk. This car would have never been whole again if hadn’t been entrusted to the right hands. That means a capable shop with a good client and a good wallet to match. The process of putting a car body back together panel-by-panel has to be done exactly right or the fenders, doors, and quarter-panels aren’t going to square up, and that’s after the trunk floor and roof have been put back precisely where they need to go. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the extreme process involved to convert this ’Cuda from unibody construction into a body-on-frame configuration.
We’ll start from the ground up. The frame is Art Morrison Enterprises (AME) new Max G chassis built on mandrel-formed 2×4-inch rails that feature the company’s latest design, a dropped steering arm that operates Corvette C6 spindles and allows the Detroit Speed rack-and-pinion steering to be mounted lower. This translates into more engine clearance with a lower center of gravity. The independent suspension doesn’t stop at the front wheels. The AME multi-link independent rear suspension features a Strange Dana 60 packed with 3.55 gears and a limited slip. JRi Pro Touring coilovers and Wilwood 14-inch disc brakes equip all four corners. The Wilwood brake master cylinder and hydraulic lines are plumbed in stainless steel with Aeromotive fittings and flex hoses. Contributing to the stance, Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires are on 19×10 Nutek Series 755 wheels in front, and Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires on 20×12 Nutek Series 755 wheels in the rear.
Converting the ’Cuda to body-on-frame meant cutting out the entire stock floorpan with its boxed support structures beneath and inner fenderwells tied integrally to the radiator core support. In its place, Z Rodz fabricated a one-off floor from 16-gauge steel, and punched-in ribs with a Pullmax to strengthen it. With the beefy new floorpan in position and welded to the original ’Cuda skeleton, the next step was hanging Auto Metal Direct quarter-panels, roof, trunk floor, front fenders, and trunklid into place.
Adhering to the concept illustration penned by Problem Child Kustoms’ Brian Stupski, Zach created Barracuda gills on the front fenders, formed a detail line in the roof, and notched the quarters for recessed door-release buttons. It’s a tossup which is more unique between the custom tail panel with flipped and switched sides, 1971 Dodge Charger RT SE Digi-Tails taillights, or the custom-fabricated hood with 1970 Charger insets. Z Rodz modified the stock 1970 ’Cuda front bumper. Caliber Mold & Machine of Akron, Ohio cast the one-off grille mounted between Oracle Halo headlights. The flush-mount acrylic windshield and rear window were made by AM Hot Rod Glass of Fontana, California.
The 340 ’Cuda came from the factory in Alpine White, but Zach repainted it Viper White in PPG products, starting with Deltron DP90LF epoxy primer followed with PPG V-Prime acrylic surfacer, sealed with PPG V-Seal, basecoated in Viper White, and cleared with VC5700 Ditzler Custom Clear. The finishing touch was a complete color sand and rub.
Stupski designed the interior and then John Mayer at Ogden Top & Trim of Berwyn, Illinois put it to gray European leather stitched with heavy gauge orange accent thread. In front between a custom-fabricated console by Z Rodz sits a pair of GT3 Carbon sport seats with Impact Racing seatbelts. The rear seat Mayer scratch-built by sculpting a block of high-density foam. Sound deadening is handled with Hush Mat laid front to rear underneath gray and black German square-weave carpeting. The sound system was installed by Deluxe Auto and features a Pioneer 2-DIN Flagship head unit with JL Audio speakers and components. Creature comforts include Vintage Air air conditioning and a leather-wrapped Billet Specialties steering wheel on an ididit tilt steering column, all highlighted by instrumentation from Classic Instruments of Boyne City, Michigan.
There’s a group of guys, friends actually, who Zach accredits as major contributors to constructing the ’Cuda. Dave Daunheimer of Competition Fabrications in Maple Park, Illinois, is where Zach transported the car to fabricate a 21-gallon aluminum gas tank, four-point chrome 4130 chromoly rollbar, and custom-bent 4.5-inch oval exhaust system with SpinTech mufflers. Dave also wired the ’Cuda using an American Auto Wire wiring harness.
An over-the-top car deserves an over-the-top engine and transmission, so Zach looked to Moran Motorsports of Taylor, Michigan, to build an all-aluminum 572-inch Hemi reported to produce 850-plus horsepower with 800-plus pounds of torque. Ancillary devices like the power steering pump and high-output alternator keep spinning thanks to a Billet Specialties Tru Trac system. Competition Fabrications built custom headers for the Hemi with the engine installed in the car.
It takes a bulletproof transmission to handle the extreme amount of horsepower and torque produced by the Moran-built 572-inch Hemi, so that’s exactly what Bowler Performance Transmissions did—beef a GM 4L80E automatic to the utmost degree. It takes a special bellhousing to adapt the 572-inch Hemi to a GM 4L80E, and from there back it’s beefed with the goodies to keep it together.
It took a tremendous amount of work and attention to detail to transform the ’Cuda from a rusted-out hulk peeled out of a salvage yard shipping container into winning Best Street Machine at the inaugural Triple Crown of Rodding at the 34th Annual Hot Rod Roundup. We’d have to say the payoff was big!
The Pro Touring build trend has been slow to infect the Mopar world, but when it does—as in this Zach Ingram-built ’70 Plymouth ’Cuda—the results are stunning. No expense was spared to nail the perfect stance and put handling on a supercar footing.
Getting that stance just right while optimizing the handling and ride is an Art Morrison GT Sport chassis. Starting from scratch allows the full frame to be mounted to the body in the ideal orientation for ride height, ground clearance, and chassis performance.
Fans of truly fast street cars know the name of engine builder and racer Mike Moran. His quarter-century reign of terror in Sportsman, Pro Stock, and numerous outlaw ranks runs unabated. Tapping Moran for the build of an indestructible all-aluminum fuel-injected 572ci Hemi that tops 800 hp was a no-brainer.
In contrast to the traditional street machine tradition which tends toward a racecar aesthetic, the Pro Touring style of the ZRodz ’Cuda embraces a European touring car look and feel. Ogden Top & Trim gets kudos for knocking this one out of the ballpark.
Nutek wheels take the unsprung weight and the rotational moment of inertia down a notch with carbon-fiber spun hoops mounted on an alloy hub/spoke assembly. As with many world-class supercars, Michelin Pilot Sports get the nod for their tenacious grip.
Fast Facts
1970 Plymouth ’Cuda | Casey Hornik; Lemont, IL
ENGINE Type: V8 Chrysler second-generation Hemi Bore x stroke: 4.500 X 4.500 Stroke (572 ci) Block: Indy Maxx aluminum Gen II Hemi Rotating assembly: Callies crank & rods, Diamond forged and coated pistons Compression: 11:1 Cylinder heads: Stage V, aluminum Hemi heads and rockers; 2.25-/1.94-inch diameter valves Camshaft: MRE solid roller, .700-inch lift, 262-/272-degrees duration at .050-inch lift, 116 degree LSA Valvetrain: Stage V rockers, 1.6:1 intake/1.7:1 exhaust ratio, two-piece billet aluminum valve covers by Moran Motor Sports Induction: MRE custom designed all billet aluminum intake Fuel system: sequential multi-port electronic fuel injection, Bigstuff 3 engine management system tuned by MRE Oiling: Dailey dry-sump oiling system Exhaust: custom stainless headers by Competition Fabrications, 4.5-inch oval exhaust tubing, Spin Tech mufflers Ignition: Big Stuff 3 LS coil-on-plug Fuel: 91-octane gasoline Output: 825 hp at 7,500 rpm Engine built by: MRE
DRIVETRAIN Transmission: 4L80E built by Bowler Performance Transmissions Rearend: Strange Engineering Dana 60 with 3.55 gears Driveshaft: custom chromoly steel
CHASSIS Frame: Art Morrison Enterprises GT Sport Chassis, body and frame built to a front ride height of 6 inches, rear set at 7 inches from bottom of frame rail Front suspension: Art Morrison IFS upper/lower control arms, JRi double-adjustable coilovers, AM swaybar Rear suspension: Art Morrison multi-link IRS with JRi double-adjustable coilovers and AM swaybar Steering: DSE 20:1 rack & pinion steering, ididit tilt steering column, Billet Specialties steering wheel Brakes: Wilwood 14-inch rotors & 6-piston calipers (front), Wilwood 14-inch rotors & 4-piston calipers (rear) Electrical: American Auto Wire kit, Phantom Works Tough & Go ignition wiring by Competition Fabrications
EXTERIOR & INTERIOR Seats: carbon fiber GT-3 seats Instruments: custom by Classic Instruments Interior: dash and console built by Z Rodz Trim: carbon front splitter, rear diffuser, rocker moldings
WHEELS & TIRES Wheels: custom Nutek rims, 19×10, front; 20×12, rear. Rims feature carbon fiber outer drums Tires: Michelin Pilot Super Sport, 295/40R19, front; 335/30R20, rear
The post This ‘70 ‘Cuda Triple Crown Winner Beat All Street Rods! appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/70-cuda-triple-crown-winner-beat-street-rods/ via IFTTT
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