kikitrait · 6 months
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Instant besties??
(Cleo by @tulipsimss!!!!!!!!!!!)
@tulipsimss They finally met!!!! Somehow Cleo and Naomi were never home at the same time, but it turned out that they got along so well <3
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simulation-machine · 8 months
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Uhhh so apparently at some point during my first week back to school I got 200 followers? BONKERS. I think I follow like 900ish folks but am endlessly delighted that anyone would look at my pixel babies! <3 So, in celebration, here are some details of each heiress from the first Sims 4 legacy challenge I ever completed (the Autumnal Zodiac Challenge). It was a 12-generation legacy challenge and took me like 7 months to do since I was playing it on the normal lifespan. They are very much alpha, and from before I learned to clutter up my spaces.
In order: Calliope, Tallo, Alice, Harriet, Deborah, Marlowe, Hannah, Eleanor, Penelope, Tilly, Sinead, annnd Amser!
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Calliope was the Aquarius generation, she liked yoga and hosted a weekly movie night with her best friends. Her husband was Akira Kibo, and they had 3 kids overall.
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Thallo was the youngest child of Calliope and Akira's kids (who died while she was still a teen), and was the Pisces. She was bisexual, a hopeless romantic, with heterochromia. She loved dyeing her hair and painting, and had two daughters who absolutely loathed each other. Had a lot of romantic drama before marrying the only child of Gunther Munch and Liberty Lee, Scott Much-Lee.
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Alice was your stereotypical hot-headed, high-energy Aries. She and her older sister fought nonstop until they were both young adults. She completed the athletic aspiration, so lived long enough to meet her first great-grandchild before kicking it. She only had one child.
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Harriet (Taurus) loved gardening, cooking, and karaoke in fairly equal measure. Since she found being an only child to be quite lonely, she had four kids, two of whom were twins. Possibly one of the most peaceful generations of this legacy.
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Deborah (Gemini) was one of my most favorite heiresses to play, since she had such a messy life that consisted of moving out to the big city on her own, cheating on her partners, having twins of her own, living in an apartment that required constant fixing-up, and making it as a freelance writer. She was also a total dog person, and loved spicy food. I don't think she ever missed a festival in San Myshuno.
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Marlowe (Cancer) was the older twin, and aspired to be the perfect mom and housewife. She made a packed lunch for her kids and husband every day, had her family and friends over every Sunday for a tea party complete with three different types of pastries
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Hannah (Leo) absolutely hated how smothered she felt by her mother and dreamed of being a singer-songwriter. Which, she was very successful as, and ended up being the first celebrity in the family. She had a one-night stand with a fan after a show and ended up pregnant, but had very little interest in parenting. She had a number of lovers throughout her life, but never married.
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After a rough childhood in which she was more or less ignored and left to her own devices, Eleanor (Virgo) was the definition of self-reliant. She and her husband separated for a brief time due to him cheating on her, but they worked through it. She created a robot that helped her by cleaning the house and cooking while she focused on her science career.
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Penelope (Libra) was another favorite heiress of mine! She was an internet celebrity due to her family blog. She loved taking pictures, and in fact had an entire wall in her Windenburg home covered in the family photos she had taken over the years. She loved camping, traveling to new hot spots, and spending time with her big family.
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Tilly (Scorpio) was an actual genius who grew up to become a police detective, specializing in solving murders. She was a big fan of psychological thrillers and mystery novels, and upgraded every single appliance in their house. Her husband, who was her high school sweetheart, ended up cheating on her with her younger sister, which shattered her heart. She remarried a coworker when she was an elder.
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Sinead (Sagittarius) was a hot mess who loved clubbing, hooking up with random men, and traveling. She lived in Selvadorada, Sulani, San Myshuno, and finally settled down in Strangerville. She had three daughters with three different men, never married, and never wound up in a committed relationship. Btw, the first picture of a toddler wandering off towards the moon is of a baby Sinead, already demonstrating her wanderlust.
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And finally, we have Amser (Capricorn). Ngl, she was my favorite. As the eldest of her siblings, she had a strong sense of responsibility starting at a very young age. Since her mother provided no direction, Amser was extremely self-disciplined, getting A's throughout her childhood and college years. She was a lesbian and had no interest in having her own children, having more-or-less raised her siblings, but she was a dedicated aunt and loved cats. She became stupid-wealthy, impressive since by this point the family was already crazy rich, and when she died she divided her assets amongst her siblings, niblings, and grand-niblings.
And that's it! I had a lot of fun with that legacy challenge, and have wanted to complete another ever since. I did several in Sims 3 and Sims 2, but for some reason seem to get a lot more easily distracted for Sims 4.
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simnetd · 3 years
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maerikaroliina · 3 years
The Sims 4: Zodiac Legacy Challenge suomeksi - Horoskoopit haaste
Tämä on vapaa suomennos alkuperäisestä postauksesta. Alkuperäisestä haasteesta poiketen, olen lisännyt jokaiselle sukupolvelle horoskoopille ominaisen elementin ja kiven, joita voit käyttää inspiraationa ulkoasua tehdessä.
Horoskoopit on kahdentoista sukupolven kestävä legacy haaste, jossa jokainen sukupolvi edustaa yhtä horoskooppimerkkiä. Tee vapaasti ensimmäisen sukupolven sim. Luonteenpiirteet ja tavoitteet on määritelty säännöissä, mutta voit vapaasti valita simien ulkonäön! Aloita haaste 50x50 tai 64x64 tontilta ja tavanomaisilla legacy-säännöillä. Luo haluamasi tyylinen nuori aikuinen ja muuta se tyhjälle tontille. Aseta starttirahaksi joko 1800 Simoleonia tai vaikean alun luomiseksi 0 Simoleonia.
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Ei rahakoodeja.
Modit ovat sallittuja (kuten MC Command Center) mutta ei välttämättömiä.
Ei modeja, jotka antavat selkeitä etuja haasteen läpäisemiseksi.
CC on sallittu.
Jos et saa valmiiksi jotakin haasteen osaa, häviät haasteen.
Sukupolvi 1: Vesimies
Vesimiehet ovat ujoja ja hiljaisia, mutta toisaalta he voivat olla hyvin omalaatuisia ja energisiä. Molemmissa tapauksissa, he ovat syvällisiä ajattelijoita ja erittäin älykkäitä ihmisiä, jotka rakastavat auttaa muita. He pystyvät tarkastelemaan asioita toisesta näkökulmasta ilman ennakkoluuloja, mikä tekee heistä hyviä ongelmanratkaisijoita.
Kuka on koskaan sanonut tavallisuudesta poikkeamisen olevan huono asia? Saatat pysytellä vähän sivussa ja ottaa tilaa, mutta kaiken kaikkiaan olet erittäin intohimoinen moraalisi suhteen ja pyrit parantamaan muiden elämää. Ole kuitenkin varovainen, ettet joudu heittopussiksi.
Elementti: Ilma Kivi: Smaragdi ja granaatti
Piirteet: Itsevarma, arvaamaton, kunnianhimoinen Tavoite: Joukon johtaja Ura: Poliitikko
Saavuta poliitikon uran huippu.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Järjestä kerhotapaaminen vähintään kerran viikossa (kerhosi voi olla millainen tahansa! Ole luova!).
Hanki kolme lasta ja mene naimisiin aikuisena.
Omaa vähintään neljä hyvää ystävää (heidän ei tarvitse kuulua kerhoosi).
Maksimoi hyvinvointitaito.
Sukupolvi 2: Kalat
Kalat ovat hyvin ystävällisiä, joten he löytävät itsensä usein hyvin erilaisten ihmisten seurasta. Kalat ovat epäitsekkäistä ja he ovat aina halukkaita auttamaan muita vaatimatta vastapalveluksia.
Rakastat sosiaalisia tilanteita ja ympäröit itsesi kaikenlaisilla ihmisillä. Vanhempasi rakastavat sinua ja kasvattivat sinusta kiltin ihmisen, ehkä jopa hieman herkän. Saatat olla joskus epävarma, etenkin kun kyse on kumppanistasi. Jostakin syystä, et kykene pysyttelemään suhteessa kovinkaan kauaa. Onkohan tähän ratkaisua?
Elementti: Vesi Kivi: Ametisti ja verikivi
Piirteet: Luova, mustasukkainen, synkistelijä Tavoite: Sielunkumppani Ura: Taidemaalari
Hanki vähintään kaksi ystävää, jotka ovat eri etnisyyttä, sukupuolta tai seksuaalista suuntautumista kuin oma simisi.
Maksimoi maalaustaito.
Saavuta taidemaalarin uran huippu.
Sinulla on oltava vähintään kaksi kumppania ennen kuin sitoudut lopullisesti.
Hanki kaksi lasta.
Omista uima-allas (vähintään 4x4).
Sukupolvi 3: Oinas
Ensimmäisenä eläinradan merkkinä oinaan läsnäolo tarkoittaa aina jonkin energisen ja myrskyisän tapahtuman alkua. Oinaat ovat jatkuvasti etsimässä vauhtia ja kilpailua sekä ovat ensimmäisinä paikalla aina työstä sosiaalisiin tapahtumiin.
Olet kilpailuhenkinen ja ahkera sekä saatat joskus vaikuttaa ylimieliseltä. Joka tapauksessa, sinulla on pieni alemmuuskompleksi, joten joka kerta, kun sisaruksesi tai ystäväsi menestyy, et ole siitä kovinkaan onnellinen vaan yrität aina ylittää heidät. Jonkin ajan kuluttua tajuat, että tällä tavalla työnnät sinulle tärkeitä ihmisiä pois luotasi. Pystytkö pelastamaan nämä ihmissuhteet ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä ja vahinko on jo tapahtunut?
Elementti: Tuli Kivi: Akvamariini ja jade
Piirteet: Tuittupää, kunnianhimoinen, perfektionisti Tavoite: Moniosaaja Ura: Salainen agentti
Ole sisarustesi vihollinen, kunnes olette nuoria aikuisia.
Omaa ainoastaan yksi ystävä kunnes olet nuori aikuinen (ainut joka jaksoi sinua).
Korjaa ihmissuhteesi mahdollisimman nopeasti.
Maksimoi kuntoilutaito.
Saavuta salaisen agentin uran huippu.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Käy lenkillä vähintään kolme tuntia joka viikko.
Hanki yksi lapsi.
Sukupolvi 4: Härkä
Käytännönläheinen ja perusteellinen härkä on henkilö, joka korjaa työn hedelmät. Heillä on jatkuva tarve olla rakkauden ja kauniiden asioiden ympäröimänä, ja he kääntyvät aineellisen maailman ja fyysisten nautintojen puoleen. Vakaa ja vanhoillinen, tämä on yksi luotettavimmista horoskooppimerkeistä, ja he ovat valmiita kestämään ja pysymään valinnoissaan, kunnes saavuttavat henkilökohtaisen tyydytyksen.
Vartuit arvostamaan ruokaa todella. Hämmästyit siitä, kuinka yksinkertainenkin ateria toi perheen yhteen ja kuinka monta muistoa tämän ansiosta tehtiin. Olit läheinen vanhempiesi kanssa ja sinut opetettiin pitämään pintasi ja jakamaan mielipiteesi. Tämä kuitenkin teki sinusta hieman itsepäisen, etkä halua myöntää olevasi koskaan väärässä. Tämä tekee romanttisista suhteista sinulle hankalaa, mutta jatkat yrittämistä, sillä olet sydämeltäsi toivoton romantikko. Ja kun löydät tuon sinulle erityisen henkilön, olet uskollinen loppuun saakka.
Elementti: Maa Kivi: Timantti ja opaali
Piirteet: Romanttinen, kulinaristi, materialisti Tavoite: Kartanoparoni Ura: Liiketalous tai ravintola-ala
Omista puutarha, jossa kasvaa kymmenen täydellistä kasvia.
Tee ainoastaan luomuruokaa (käytä raaka-aineita, ei pika-aterioita eikä ulkona syömistä).
Maksimoi laulutaito.
Järjestä karaokeilta perheesi kanssa joka toinen viikko.
Saavuta liiketalouden tai ravintola-alan uran huippu.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Hanki neljä lasta, joista yhdet on kaksoset (huijaaminen sallittu).
Saavuta sielunkumppani-suhde puolisosi kanssa ennen vanhuutta.
Sukupolvi 5: Kaksoset
Ilmeikäs ja sanavalmis kaksoset edustaa kahta erilaista persoonallisuutta yhdessä, etkä ole koskaan varma kumman kohtaat. Kaksoset ovat seurallisia, kommunikoivia ja valmiita hauskanpitoon, mutta heillä on taipumus muuttua yhtäkkiä vakaviksi, mietteliäiksi ja levottomiksi. Heitä kiehtoo ympäröivä maailma ja he ovat erittäin uteliaita. Heitä omaa jatkuvasti tunne, ettei ole tarpeeksi aikaa kokea kaikkea, mitä he haluaisivat.
Varttuessasi sinulla oli “täydellinen elämä”: kaksi toisiaan rakastavaa vanhempaa, paljon ystäviä, hyvät arvosanat ja kaunis koti. Elit hyvää elämää, joten miksi sinusta tuntui aina, että haluat enemmän? Otit tuumasta toimeen ja jätit perheesi taakse toteuttaaksesi unelmiasi suurkaupungissa. Huomasit kuitenkin pian, että elämä on vaikeampaa kuin mitä kuvittelit. Et löydä mieluisaa työtä, etkä pysty pitämään ystävyyssuhteistasi kiinni, mutta lohduttaudut viihdyttämällä ihmisiä ja järjestämällä juhlia. Jokin juhlien järjestämisessä saa sinut onnelliseksi.
Elementti: Ilma Kivi: Smaragdi ja safiiri
Piirteet: Sitoutumiskammoinen, ystävällinen, sisäpiiriläinen Tavoite: Bilehile Ura: Ei mitään
Sinulla on oltava kaksonen.
Olet kaksosesi vastakohta ilmeisillä tavoilla, kuten tyyliltäsi, mutta myös tunteiltasi ja miten reagoit tapahtumiin (voit esimerkiksi tehdä stereotyyppisen asetelman ja tehdä toisesta kaksosesta “kiltin” ja toisesta “angstin”).
Maksimoi karismataito.
Muuta asuntoon, mikä kaipaa kunnostusta.
Järjestä jokainen mahdollinen sosiaalinen tapahtuma vähintään kerran.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Kokeile kolmea työtä (vähintään viikon ajan jokaista) ennen kuin päätät ryhtyä freelanceriksi.
Matkusta vähintään kahdelle yhteisötontille viikossa ja vietä siellä vähintään tunti aikaa.
Hanki vähintään taso 4 kolmessa eri taidossa ennen kuin olet vanhus.
Opi kaikki myyntikojujen reseptit Kaupunkielämää-lisäosasta.
Hanki kaksoset (yritä niin kauan kunnes onnistut).
Jää kiinni puolisosi pettämisestä (voit päättää pysyvätkö he yhdessä vai ei).
Sukupolvi 6: Rapu
Syvästi intuitiivinen ja sentimentaalinen rapu voi olla yksi haastavimmista horoskooppimerkeistä tutustua. He ovat hyvin tunteellisia sekä herkkiä ja pitävät hyvää huolta perheen ja kodin asioista. Rapu on sympaattinen ja kiintyy helposti läheisiin ihmisiin. Ravut ovat hyvin uskollisia ja empaattisia toisten kipua ja kärsimystä kohtaan.
Toisessa elämässä sinusta olisi tullut lääkäri, mutta tässä olet tyytynyt perheestäsi huolehtimiseen ja siihen, että lapsesi kasvavat parhaansa mukaan. Olet rakastava, mutta tiukka vanhempi ja haluat lapsillesi vain parasta. Mutta työnnätkö heidät pois olemalla liiankin määräilevä?
Elementti: Vesi Kivi: Kuukivi ja helmi
Piirteet: Synkistelijä, mustasukkainen, perhekeskeinen Tavoite: Superkasvattaja Ura: Ei mitään
Maksimoi mielikuvitus ja puhuminen taaperona.
Maksimoi leivonta sekä ruoanlaitto tai gourmet-ruoanlaitto.
Järjestä teekutsut (tai pieni kokoontuminen) joka viikko. Kutsu naapureitasi, ystäviäsi, perheenjäseniäsi, ketä tahansa haluat. Tarjolla täytyy olla tekemiäsi leivoksia.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Harrasta puutöitä ja tee jokainen mahdollinen veistos.
Elät vanhempiesi rahoilla kunnes löydät puolison: sinusta tulee kotiäiti/koti-isä etkä tee koskaan töitä. Saat kuitenkin myydä veistosten kopioita, jos tahdot.
Esittele veistoksiasi asettelemalla ne taloosi esille.
Pakkaa lapsillesi lounas joka aamu. Jos unohdat, tee heille välipala koulun jälkeen.
Pidä koti siistinä - eihän sinulla loppujen lopuksi ole muuta kuin kotityöt!
Hanki kaksi lasta.
Molempien lasten täytyy saada erinomaisia arvosanoja.
Sukupolvi 7: Leijona
Leijonat ovat luonnollisia johtajia. He ovat dramaattisia, luovia, itsevarmoja, hallitsevia ja äärimmäisen vaikeita vastustaa sekä voivat saavuttaa mitä tahansa haluavat kaikilla elämänalueilla, joihin he sitoutuvat. Leijonilla ja heidän “viidakon kuningas”-statuksella on erityinen vahvuus. Leijonilla on usein paljon ystäviä, sillä he ovat anteliaita ja uskollisia. Itsevarmuus ja puoleensavetävyys mahdollistaa yhdistämään erilaiset ihmisryhmät ja johtamaan heitä kohti yhteistä tavoitetta.
Vanhempasi olivat niin määräileviä sinua ja sisaruksiasi kohtaan, että teinivuosina aloit kapinoida. Valvoit myöhään, lintsasit koulusta, teit mitä tahansa keksitkään. Vanhempasi pitivät huolta, että saat hyvä arvosanat, mutta sinua ei koulu kiinnostanut. Halusit vain säteillä parrasvaloissa. Tavoittelit suuria, eikä kertotaulut auttaisi sinua rokkaamaan lavalla tai koskettamaan yleisöä näyttelyntaidoillasi. Olet ylimielinen ja itsepäinen, mutta olet päättänyt menestyä hinnasta viis. Valitettavasti se tarkoittaa, että voit missata asioita, jotka ovat tärkeimpiä elämässä.
Elementti: Tuli Kivi: Rubiini
Piirteet: Materialisti, musiikin ystävä, hilpeä Tavoite: Musikaalinen nero / Mestarinäyttelijä Ura: Viihdyttäjä / Näyttelijä
Vietä yhden illan juttu fanin kanssa, kun olet saavuttanut uralla tason 5. Tämä johtaa suunnittelemattomaan raskauteen.
Jos tämä perijä on mies, keksi jokin syy miksi vauva päätyy sinulle. Äiti ei halunnut sitä, äiti kuoli synnytyksessä tai mitä tahansa. Voit muuttaa hänet samaan talouteen ennen lapsen syntymää, ja sen jälkeen riidellä ja hän lähtee pois jättäen vauvan sinulle.
Saavuta viihdyttäjän (muusikko) tai näyttelijän uran huippu.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Hanki yksi lapsi.
Älä mene naimisiin, mutta sinulla voi olla niin monta suhdetta kuin haluat.
Älä ole kovinkaan läsnä lapsesi elämässä; et halua olla ylimääräilevä kuten omat vanhempasi.
Maksimoi kahden soittimen soittotaito.
Voit lisensoida kappaleita lisätienestiksi.
Maksimoi näytteleminen.
Videoiden tekeminen lisätienestiksi on ok.
Sukupolvi 8: Neitsyt
Neitsyt kiinnittää aina huomiota kaikista pienimpiinkin yksityiskohtiin. Heidän metodinen lähestymistapa elämään varmistaa ettei mitään jää sattuman varaan, ja heidän sydämensä saattaa olla suljettu ulkomaailmalle. Neitsyt on usein väärinymmärretty, ei kyvyttömyydestä ilmaista itseään, vaan koska hän ei hyväksy tunteitaan. Nimen symboliikka puhuu puolestaan, sillä luonteeltaan neitsyt tuntee kokevansa asiat ensimmäistä kertaa.
Kasvoit ilman vahvaa isä-/äitihahmoa elämässäsi, mikä vaikeutti luottamusta muihin ihmisiin. Mistä voit tietää ovatko he paikalla sinua varten, silloin kun todella tarvitset? Olet varovainen ja ujo, mutta utelias ympäröivästä maailmasta. Nautit asioiden oppimisesta ja keräilystä, ja tämän intohimon kautta tapaat elämäsi rakkauden. Hän on ainut henkilö kehen luotat, mutta hän tietää, että pidättelet itseäsi ja piilottelet osaa luonteestasi häneltä. Voiko suhde kestää tällaisen epäluottamuksen kanssa?
Elementti: Maa Kivi: Peridootti ja timantti
Piirteet: Erakko, nörtti, lukutoukka Tavoite: Intendentti Ura: Tieteilijä
Mene naimisiin työkaverin kanssa, jolla on vähintään yksi sama luonteenpiirre kanssasi.
Mene naimisiin juuri ennen kuin ikäännyt aikuiseksi.
Ole erossa puolisostasi jonkin aikaa ison riidan jälkeen (voit päättää palaavatko he yhteen).
Saavuta tieteilijän uran huippu.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Omista kotikirjasto (vähintään 25 kirjaa).
Kerää jokin kokoelma täyteen.
Hanki kaksi lasta.
Sukupolvi 9: Vaaka
Vaaka-merkin alla syntyneet ovat rauhallisia ja oikeudenmukaisia, ja he vihaavat olla yksin. Kumppanuus on vaa’alle erittäin tärkeä, ja hänellä on voitokas mentaliteetti ja hyvät yhteistyötaidot. Vaaka on älykäs ja innokas, joka voi inspiroitua hyvistä kirjoista, ylitsepääsemättömistä keskusteluista ja mielenkiintoisista ihmisistä.
Elät sosiaalisista tilanteista. Vanhempasi ovat melko ujoja kotihiiriä, mutta sinä kaipaat jatkuvasti seuraa, etkä siedä olla yksin. Joillekin tämä voi olla liian määräilevää, joten joskus sinun on vaikea saada ystäviä. Ja huolimatta siitä, että olet seurallinen, olet melko unohtavainen romantiikan suhteen. Olet lapsellinen parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja sellainen vanhempi, joka oikeasti leikkii lastensa kanssa. Olet kannustava vanhempi ja pyrit tekemään perheestäsi niin onnellisen kuin mahdollista, mitä tahansa se vaatiikaan.
Elementti: Ilma Kivi: Safiiri, akaatti ja kuukivi
Piirteet: Epäromanttinen, ulkoilmasim, hassuttelija Tavoite: Onnellinen suurperhe Ura: Sosiaalinen media / Puutarhuri
Mene lomalle Granite Fallsiin joka toinen viikko (tai kerran jokaisena vuodenaikana).
Rohkaise lapsiasi tekemään kotiläksyjä ja kehittämään taitoja.
Lapsesi tulee maksimoida vähintään yksi taito.
Hanki neljä hyvää ystävää.
Ole parhaat ystävät puolisosi kanssa.
Vieraile kahdella yhteisötontilla vähintään joka viikko ja vietä siellä neljä tuntia sosialisoituen ja tavaten uusia simejä.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Saavuta sosiaalisen median tai puutarhurin uran huippu.
Postaat paljon lapsistasi ja elämästäsi, joten ota lapsistasi niin paljon kuvia kuin voit!
Sinulla on kotona seinä täynnä perhekuvia.
Maksimoi valokuvaus, vanhemmuus ja yrtti-/puutarhanhoito.
Hanki kaksi biologista lasta ja adoptoi yksi.
Sukupolvi 10: Skorpioni
Skorpionit ovat intohimoisia ja itsevarmoja ihmisiä. He ovat päättäväisiä ja tekevät taustatutkimusta, kunnes löytävät totuuden. Skorpionit ovat hyviä johtajia ja aina tilanteen tasalla. He ovat näkyvästi kekseliäitä.
Vartuit katsoen rikosohjelmia sekä supersankarielokuvia ja päätit, että näin sinäkin haluat elää elämääsi: puolustaa oikeutta ja taistella pahiksia vastaan. Valitettavasti et voi ryhtyä supersankariksi, mutta sinusta voi tulla rikosetsivä. Haluat tehdä maailmasta paremman paikan ja haluat jättää perinnöksesi legendan. Olet ahkera ja päättäväinen urallasi, ja joskus keskityt työhön jopa liikaa, mikä rasittaa parisuhdettasi.
Elementti: Vesi Kivi: Opaali ja jaspis
Piirteet: Kunnianhimoinen, hyvä, nero Tavoite: Nörttiaivo Ura: Rikosetsivä
Mene naimisiin lukioaikaisen kullanmurusi kanssa.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Saavuta rikosetsivän uran huippu.
Maksimoi logiikka ja kätevyys.
Eroa puolisostasi (voit päättää kumpi pitää lapset).
Mene uudelleen naimisiin vanhuksena ja jää eläkkeelle.
Hanki kolme lasta.
Sukupolvi 11: Jousimies
Utelias ja energinen jousimies on yksi suurimmista maailmanmatkaajista. Heidän avomielisyys ja filosofinen näkemyksensä motivoivat vaeltamaan ympäri maailmaa elämän tarkoitusta etsien.
Rakastat matkustelua ja uusien asioiden oppimista. Haluat kokea elämäsi aikana niin paljon kuin mahdollista ja tavata erilaisia ihmisiä. Olet kuullut eräästä esivanhemmastasi (viides sukupolvi), joka tykkäsi myös matkustella, joten päätät seurata hänen jalanjälkiänsä.
Elementti: Tuli Kivi: Topaasi, sitriini ja helmi
Piirteet: Ulospäinsuuntaunut, sitoutumiskammoinen, tanssimasiina Tavoite: Koko maailman ystävä / Arkeologian asiantuntija / Viidakonkävijä Ura: Ei mitään
Asu kolmessa eri maailmassa vähintään viikon ajan ennen kuin asetut aloillesi.
Hanki lapsia kolmen eri ihmisen kanssa.
Älä mene naimisiin.
Tee töitä freelancerina (keräile, hoida puutarhaa, maalaa, kirjoita, tee mitä huvittaa!).
Tee kotiisi täydellinen muodonmuutos vähintään kerran (kunhan olet asettunut johonkin).
Mene kaikille festivaaleille (ellet ole töissä, treffeillä tai häissä jne).
Käy yökerhossa joka perjantai.
Toteuta simin tavoite.
Maksimoi tanssitaito ja komedia.
Sukupolvi 12: Kauris
Kauris edustaa aikaa sekä vastuullisuutta, ja he ovat luonteeltaan perinteisiä ja vakavia. Kauriit ovat hyvin itsenäisiä, joka mahdollistaa merkittävän edistymisen niin henkilökohtaisessa elämässä kuin työelämässäkin. He ovat itsehillinnän mestareita ja kykenevät näyttämään tietä.
Vihasit kuinka vapaamielinen ja rento vanhempasi oli, ja kaipasit järjestystä ja kuria. Teinistä asti olit aikatauluttanut jokaisen päivän: tee kotiläksyt, harjoita taitoja tunnin verran, syö päivällinen, mene nukkumaan. Jatkuva muuttaminen paikasta toiseen aiheutti sen, ettet saanut paljoa ystäviä, joten omistit aikasi taitojen kehittämiseen. Mutta keskittymällä elämän pieniin yksityiskohtiin, et nähnyt kokonaiskuvaa.
Elementti: Maa Kivi: Turkoosi, onyksi ja rubiini
Piirteet: Kunnianhimoinen, snobi, ilkimys Tavoite: Ökyrikas Ura: Teknologiaguru
Koska tämä on viimeinen sukupolvi, voit itse päättää hankitko lapsia vai et. Mieluiten et.
Saavuta teknologiagurun uran huippu.
Maksimoi logiikka.
Saavuta taso 7 vähintään kolmessa muussa taidossa.
Seuraa aikataulua joka päivä; spontaanius ei ole vahvin alasi.
Mene naimisiin aikuisena jonkun kanssa, jolla on vähintään yksi yhteinen piirre kanssasi ja joka on samalla uralla.
Asu kalliissa talossa (200 000+ Simoleonia) viimeistään aikuisena.
Ympäröi itsesi toisilla snobeilla.
Osta kallis esine joka keskiviikko (Aloita esimerkiksi taidekokoelma keräämällä kalliita tauluja ja veistoksia ja esittele niitä talossasi. Ole vapaasti luova tämän kanssa.).
Mahtavaa, pääsimme haasteen loppuun! Toivottavasti nautit siitä. Voit käyttää kuvien jakamisessa virallista tägiä #autumnalzodiac.
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maplespritz · 5 years
Zodiac Legacy Challenge - Base Game Version
So, I’ve gotten a few requests to convert this to just base game. As someone who didn’t have a lot of the packs for a long while, I understand the desire for it. And, as a celebration and a sign of welcoming to those of you who recently got the base game for free, I’ve decided to do a base game only version of my challenge!
This is a 12-generation legacy, with each generation representing one of the different zodiacs.
Side note: This legacy is not meant to misrepresent or offend anyone. The generations are being based off of descriptions of the zodiacs from this website. Feel free to read up more about each zodiac to get a better sense of your sim’s personality!
Starting out:
Feel free to make your founder however you’d like. Traits for each heir will be listed in their section, but their looks are up to you so feel free to get creative! You’ll start out like a traditional legacy on one of the 50x50 lots (or 64x64 if you’d like). Here is a link to Pinstar’s legacy rules.
General Challenge Rules:
No money cheats
Mods such as MC Command Center is allowed (and encouraged) but not necessary
No mods that give you a clear advantage over people who don’t use it
CC is allowed
If you don’t complete one of the goals for the generation, you lose the challenge.
Honestly this is the only way to fail the challenge, other than not producing an heir.
Generation One: Aquarius
“Aquarius’ are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.”
Who ever said eccentricity was a bad thing? You are a little out there and can be pretty spacey sometimes, but overall you are very passionate about your morals and strive to make other people’s lives better. Just be careful not to become a pushover.
Traits: Self-assured, Erratic, Ambitious Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: Business
Reach level ten of the Business career, either branch
Complete your aspiration
Have a friendly gathering or a party at least once a week
Have three kids, get married as an adult
Have at least four good friends
Reach level ten of the Fitness skill
Generation Two: Pisces
“Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back.”
You love to socialize and surround yourself with all different kinds of people. Your parents loved you and raised you to be kind and perhaps a bit sensitive. You can be insecure at times, especially when it comes to your significant other. For some reason, you can’t seem to stay in a relationship for very long. Is there a way to fix this?
Traits: Creative, Jealous, Gloomy Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Painter
Have at least two friends of a different race/gender/sexuality than your sim
Reach level ten of the Painting skill
Reach level ten of the Painter career, either branch
Must go through at least two girl/boyfriends before settling down
Have two kids
Own a pool (at least a 4x4 size)
Generation Three: Aries
“As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings.”
You’re competitive and hard working, and can sometimes come across as a bit arrogant. However, you have a bit of an inferiority complex, so every time your sibling or a friend succeeds, you aren’t too happy about it and always try to one up them. But after a while, you realize that you acting this way is pushing away the people you care about. Can you salvage these relationships before it’s too late and the damage is done?
Traits: Hot-headed, Ambitious, Perfectionist Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Secret Agent
Be enemies with your sibling until you are both YA
Only have one friend until you are a YA, since they were the only one who stuck around
Repair your relationships as fast as possible
Reach level ten of the fitness skill
Reach level ten of the Secret Agent career (any branch)
Complete your aspiration
Go for a jog for a total of three hours each week
Have one kid
Generation Four: Taurus
“Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world and physical pleasures. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction.”
You grew up truly appreciating food and what it meant. You were amazed how a simple meal could bring a family together, and how many memories were made because of that. You were close to your parents and were taught to always stand your ground and share your opinions. However, this caused you to become a little bull-headed (pun intended). You’re super stubborn and don’t like to be wrong, and won’t admit that you are ever wrong. This makes romance hard for you, but you keep trying because you are a hopeless romantic at heart. And once you find that special someone, you are loyal ‘til the end.
Traits: Romantic, Foodie, Materialistic Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career: Business or Culinary
Have a garden with ten perfect plants
Only make organic meals (using ingredients, no quick meals, no eating out)
Reach level ten of an instrument of your choosing
Have a family night every other week
Reach level ten of the Business or Culinary career (any branch)
Complete your aspiration
Have four kids (one set of twins, feel free to cheat for this)
use the cheat sims.get_sim_id_by_name {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} Get the pregnant Sim's ID, then use the cheat pregnancy.force_offspring_count {simID} {amount}
Reach Soulmate status with your spouse before becoming an elder
Generation Five: Gemini
“Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see.”
Growing up, you had the “perfect life”: two parents who loved each other, lots of friends, good grades, and a beautiful house. You were living the good life, so why did you always feel like you wanted more? You decide to take a step on your own, leaving your family behind to pursue your dreams in a new city. However, you quickly realize that life is harder than it seems. You can’t find a job you’re comfortable in, you can’t hold down a relationship, but you find solace in entertaining people and throwing parties. Something about being a host really makes you feel happy.
Traits: Noncommittal, Outgoing, Snob Aspiration: Party Animal Career: None
Must have a twin (feel free to cheat for this)
You are the opposite of your twin, in obvious ways such as style, but also in more subtle ways such as emotions and reactions to events (for example, you could be stereotypical and make one of the twins a “preppy” person and the other an “emo” person)
Reach level ten of the charisma skill
Must move out to a rundown house that you’ll slowly fix up
Throw every type of party at least once
Complete your aspiration
Have three jobs (at least one week for each) before deciding to freelance
Travel to at least two community lots each week and stay there for at least an hour
Have at least level four in three different skills by the time you’re an elder
Have one set of twins (keep trying until you get them)
Be caught cheating by your spouse (you can decide whether they stay together or not)
Generation Six: Cancer
“Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close. Those born with their Sun in Cancer are very loyal and able to empathize with other people’s pain and suffering.”
In another life you would have become a doctor, but in this one you are content with looking after your family and making sure your children grow up the best they can. You’re a loving but strict parent, and just want what’s best for your children. However, will you push them away by being too overbearing?
Traits: Gloomy, Jealous, Family-Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: None
Gen six heir must reach level five in Imagination and Communication as a toddler
Master Cooking/Gourmet Cooking skills
Host a tea party (or a small get together) every week. Invite over your neighbors, your friends, your family, whomever you’d like. Must have a baked good for the gathering made by you.
Complete your aspiration
Pick up woodworking as a hobby and craft every sculpture
You live off of your parents’ money until you get a spouse: you are to be a house wife/husband, and will never have a job. You’re allowed to sell duplicate sculptures for money, however.
Show off your sculptures by putting them on display somewhere in your house!
Pack a lunch for your kids every morning. If you forget, make them a snack when they get home.
Keep the house clean—all you have to do all day is chores, after all!
Have two kids
Both kids need to have A’s in school
Generation Seven: Leo
“People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their “king of the jungle” status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause.”
Your parents were so overbearing to you and your sibling growing up that in your teenage years you began to rebel. Staying out late, skipping class, whatever you could think of. Your parent made sure you got good grades, but you didn’t care about school. All you cared about was the spotlight. You were going to make it big, and you didn’t need calculus to help you rock out on your guitar. You’re arrogant and stubborn, but determined to succeed no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, that means that you can miss out on things that are most important in life.
Traits: Materialistic, Music Lover, Cheerful Aspiration: Musical Genius Career: Entertainer
Have a one night stand with a groupie once you reach level five in your career, which leads to an unplanned pregnancy
If your heir for this generation is male, come up with some sort of reason for why you got the baby. The mother didn’t want it, the mother died in childbirth, whatever. You can even move her in until she gives birth, then they have a big fight and she walks out on them.
Reach level ten of the Entertainer career (musician branch)
Complete your aspiration
Have one kid
Never get married, but have as many relationships as you’d like
Never be that present in your child’s life; you don’t want to be overbearing like your parents
Reach level ten in two instruments (you can choose)
Licensing songs is okay to make some extra money
Generation Eight: Virgo
“Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance and their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time.”
You grew up without a strong parental figure in your life, which made it hard for you to trust other people. How do you know that they would be there for you when you truly needed them? You’re cautious and shy, but curious about the world. You truly enjoy learning and collecting things, and through this passion is how you meet the love of your life. They are the only person you can trust, but they can tell you’re always holding yourself back and hiding parts of yourself away from them. Can a relationship last with this kind of distrust?
Traits: Loner, Geek, Bookworm Aspiration: The Curator Career: Astronaut
Marry a coworker who has at least one trait in common with you
Get married right before becoming an adult
Separate from your spouse for a while after a large fight (your choice if they get back together)
Reach level ten of the Astronaut career (either branch)
Complete your aspiration
Have a home library (at least 25 books)
Finish a collection (your choice)
Have two kids
Generation Nine: Libra
“People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful and fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for Libra-born, and with their victorious mentality and cooperation, they cannot stand to be alone. The Libra is an Air sign, with expressed intellect and a keen mind. They can be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and interesting people.”
You thrive on socialization. Your parents are kind of shy homebodies, but you crave constant company and cannot stand to be by yourself. This can come across as quite overbearing to some people, so sometimes it’s hard for you to make friends. And, despite being such a sociable person, you are kind of oblivious when it comes to romance. You are very childish in the best possible way, and are the kind of parent to get down in the dirt and play with your children. You are a very supportive parent and you strive to make your family as happy as they can be, through whatever means.
Traits: Outgoing, Loves the Outdoors, Goofball Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Freelance Gardener (Have a home garden & sell your produce)
Go on “vacation” to a community lot every other week (stay the weekend away from home)
Encourage your children to do homework and practice skills
Have your children max at least one skill
Have four good friends
Be best friends with your spouse
Visit at least two community lots each week and spend four hours socializing and meet new sims
Complete Aspiration
You post a lot about your kids and about your life, so take as many pictures of your kids as you can!
Generation Ten: Scorpio
“Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.”
You grew up watching true crime television shows and superhero movies and decided that’s what you wanted to do with your life: bring justice and fight evil. Unfortunately you can’t become a superhero, but you can become a secret agent. You want to make the world a better place than it was before, and you want your legacy to be something of legend. Hardworking and dedicated to your craft, you tend to focus too much on work and it puts a strain on your relationship.
Traits: Ambitious, Good, Genius Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Secret Agent
Get married to your high school sweetheart
Complete your aspiration
Reach level ten of the Secret Agent career (either branch)
Reach level ten of the logic skill
Reach level ten of the handiness skill
Get a divorce (you can decide who gets custody of your kids)
Get remarried as an elder, retire from your career
Have three kids
Generation Eleven: Sagittarius
“Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.”
You love travel and learning new things. You want to experience as much as you can in your lifetime, which means meeting people different from yourself. You heard that one of your ancestors (generation five) was a big traveler too, so you decide to follow in their footsteps.
Traits: Outgoing, Noncommittal, Music Lover Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: None
Live in three different worlds for at least a week before settling down
Have kids with three different people
Never get married
Make money freelancing (collecting, gardening, painting, writing, whatever you wish!)
Completely redesign your house at least once (after settling down for good)
Travel to the Nightclub every Friday
Complete aspiration
Master mixology skill
Master comedy skill
Generation Twelve: Capricorn
“Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way.”
You hated how free spirited and laid back your parent was, and craved structure and discipline. Since a teen, you had a schedule every day after school: do homework, practice your skills for an hour, eat dinner, go to bed. Moving around so often meant that you didn’t make many friends, so you chose to devote all of your time to mastering as many skills as you could. But focusing in on one detail of life made you miss out on the bigger picture.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Mean Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Tech Guru
Since this is the final generation, you can choose whether to have kids or not. Preferably none.
Reach level ten of the Tech Guru career (either branch)
Master logic skill
Have at least level seven in three other skills (your choice)
Follow a schedule every day; spontaneity is not your strong suit
Get married as an adult to someone who shares at least one of your traits and is in the same career as you.
Live in an expensive house (200,000 simoleons or more) by the time you’re an adult
Surround yourself only with other snobby people
Buy an expensive item every Wednesday. (Perhaps even start a collection of expensive artwork or sculptures and showcase them somewhere in your house. Feel free to get creative with it.)
Oh wow, we’ve made it to the end of the challenge! I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to show me pictures or update me on your playthrough on this if you’d like (tumblr: autumnalpixels.tumblr.com/twitter: @dainty_cherub). You can also use the hashtag #autumnalzodiac so I can see your posts and reblog some of them!
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to tell me and I’ll take them into consideration. <3
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melispring · 6 years
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Bong Cha: Kittyyyy 
Oreo: Mow mow
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oldnightsqueensims · 7 years
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Rattlesnake Juice Bar, 11:15am
The following day, Eleven decided to cure her hangover with alcohol (I would not recommend)
She remembered Chris saying that he works at the Rattlesnake Juice Bar. Now would be a good time to try and talk to him again.
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tianaberrie · 5 years
NUEVO COMIENZO SIN NADA ♒ | Sims 4 Zodiac Challenge EP 1
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kikitrait · 6 months
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zodiac legacy challenge | Gen 01: Aquarius
Whoever said eccentricity was a bad thing? You are a little out there and can be pretty spacey sometimes, but overall you are very passionate about your morals and strive to make other people’s lives better. Just be careful not to become a pushover.
Rules below~
Traits: Self-assured, Erratic, Ambitious Aspiration: Leader of the Pack Career: Politician
Reach level ten of the Politician career, either branch
Complete your aspiration
Have a club gathering at least once a week (your club can literally be for anything! Get creative!)
Have three kids, get married as an adult
Have at least four good friends (they don’t have to be a part of your club)
Reach level ten of the Wellness skill
(I finally posted it @tulipsimss hehe, thanks for the suggestion!)
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simulation-machine · 3 years
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Teen Muriel’s got some Daenerys vibes going on. 
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simnetd · 3 years
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maplespritz · 7 years
Zodiac Legacy Challenge - Updated for Seasons/Get Famous
As someone who is a bit of a nerd when it comes to astrology and witchcraft in general, I of course love learning about western zodiacs. So I thought I’d bring my love of the zodiac signs to the sims.
I know that a challenge with this name has been made before, however mine will be more structured for each generation. This is a 12-generation legacy, with each generation representing one of the different zodiacs.
Side note: This legacy is not meant to misrepresent or offend anyone. The generations are being based off of descriptions of the zodiacs from this website. Feel free to read up more about each zodiac to get a better sense of your sim’s personality!
Starting out:
Feel free to make your founder however you’d like. Traits for each heir will be listed in their section, but their looks are up to you so feel free to get creative! You’ll start out like a traditional legacy on one of the 50x50 lots (or 64x64 if you’d like). Here is a link to Pinstar’s legacy rules.
General Challenge Rules:
No money cheats
Mods such as MC Command Center is allowed (and encouraged) but not necessary
No mods that give you a clear advantage over people who don’t use it
CC is allowed
If you don’t complete one of the goals for the generation, you lose the challenge.
Honestly this is the only way to fail the challenge, other than not producing an heir.
Generation One: Aquarius
“Aquarius’ are shy and quiet, but on the other hand they can be eccentric and energetic. However, in both cases, they are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. They are able to see without prejudice, on both sides, which makes them people who can easily solve problems.”
Who ever said eccentricity was a bad thing? You are a little out there and can be pretty spacey sometimes, but overall you are very passionate about your morals and strive to make other people’s lives better. Just be careful not to become a pushover.
Traits: Self-assured, Erratic, Ambitious Aspiration: Leader of the Pack Career: Politician
Reach level ten of the Politician career, either branch
Complete your aspiration
Have a club gathering at least once a week (your club can literally be for anything! Get creative!)
Have three kids, get married as an adult
Have at least four good friends (they don’t have to be a part of your club)
Reach level ten of the Wellness skill
Generation Two: Pisces
“Pisces are very friendly, so they often find themselves in a company of very different people. Pisces are selfless, they are always willing to help others, without hoping to get anything back.”
You love to socialize and surround yourself with all different kinds of people. Your parents loved you and raised you to be kind and perhaps a bit sensitive. You can be insecure at times, especially when it comes to your significant other. For some reason, you can’t seem to stay in a relationship for very long. Is there a way to fix this?
Traits: Creative, Jealous, Gloomy Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Painter
Have at least two friends of a different race/gender/sexuality than your sim
Reach level ten of the Painting skill
Reach level ten of the Painter career, either branch
Must go through at least two girl/boyfriends before settling down
Have two kids
Own a pool (at least a 4x4 size)
Generation Three: Aries
“As the first sign in the zodiac, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. They are continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition, always being the first in everything - from work to social gatherings.”
You’re competitive and hard working, and can sometimes come across as a bit arrogant. However, you have a bit of an inferiority complex, so every time your sibling or a friend succeeds, you aren’t too happy about it and always try to one up them. But after a while, you realize that you acting this way is pushing away the people you care about. Can you salvage these relationships before it’s too late and the damage is done?
Traits: Hot-headed, Ambitious, Perfectionist Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Career: Secret Agent
Be enemies with your sibling until you are both YA
Only have one friend until you are a YA, since they were the only one who stuck around
Repair your relationships as fast as possible
Reach level ten of the fitness skill
Reach level ten of the Secret Agent career (any branch)
Complete your aspiration
Go for a jog for a total of three hours each week
Have one kid
Generation Four: Taurus
“Practical and well-grounded, Taurus is the sign that harvests the fruits of labor. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world and physical pleasures. Stable and conservative, this is one of the most reliable signs of the zodiac, ready to endure and stick to their choices until they reach the point of personal satisfaction.”
You grew up truly appreciating food and what it meant. You were amazed how a simple meal could bring a family together, and how many memories were made because of that. You were close to your parents and were taught to always stand your ground and share your opinions. However, this caused you to become a little bull-headed (pun intended). You’re super stubborn and don’t like to be wrong, and won’t admit that you are ever wrong. This makes romance hard for you, but you keep trying because you are a hopeless romantic at heart. And once you find that special someone, you are loyal ‘til the end.
Traits: Romantic, Foodie, Materialistic Aspiration: Mansion Baron Career: Business or Culinary
Have a garden with ten perfect plants
Only make organic meals (using ingredients, no quick meals, no eating out)
Reach level ten of the singing skill
Have a karaoke night with your family every other week
Reach level ten of the Business/Culinary career (any branch)
Complete your aspiration
Have four kids (one set of twins, feel free to cheat for this)
use the cheat sims.get_sim_id_by_name {PlayedSimFirstName} {PlayedSimLastName} Get the pregnant Sim's ID, then use the cheat pregnancy.force_offspring_count {simID} {amount}
Reach Soulmate status with your spouse before becoming an elder
Generation Five: Gemini
“Expressive and quick-witted, Gemini represents two different personalities in one and you will never be sure which one you will face. They are sociable, communicative and ready for fun, with a tendency to suddenly get serious, thoughtful and restless. They are fascinated with the world itself, extremely curious, with a constant feeling that there is not enough time to experience everything they want to see.”
Growing up, you had the “perfect life”: two parents who loved each other, lots of friends, good grades, and a beautiful house. You were living the good life, so why did you always feel like you wanted more? You decide to take a step on your own, leaving your family behind to pursue your dreams in the big city. However, you quickly realize that life is harder than it seems. You can’t find a job you’re comfortable in, you can’t hold down a relationship, but you find solace in entertaining people and throwing parties. Something about being a host really makes you feel happy.
Traits: Noncommittal, Outgoing, Insider Aspiration: Party Animal Career: None
Must have a twin (feel free to cheat for this)
You are the opposite of your twin, in obvious ways such as style, but also in more subtle ways such as emotions and reactions to events (for example, you could be stereotypical and make one of the twins a “preppy” person and the other an “emo” person)
Reach level ten of the charisma skill
Must move out to an apartment with the Needs TLC trait
Throw every type of party at least once
Complete your aspiration
Have three jobs (at least one week for each) before deciding to freelance
Travel to at least two community lots each week and stay there for at least an hour
Have at least level four in three different skills by the time you’re an elder
Learn all of the recipes from the vender stalls in City Living
Have one set of twins (keep trying until you get them)
Be caught cheating by your spouse (you can decide whether they stay together or not)
Generation Six: Cancer
“Deeply intuitive and sentimental, Cancer can be one of the most challenging zodiac signs to get to know. They are very emotional and sensitive, and care deeply about matters of the family and their home. Cancer is sympathetic and attached to people they keep close. Those born with their Sun in Cancer are very loyal and able to empathize with other people's pain and suffering.”
In another life you would have become a doctor, but in this one you are content with looking after your family and making sure your children grow up the best they can. You’re a loving but strict parent, and just want what’s best for your children. However, will you push them away by being too overbearing?
Traits: Gloomy, Jealous, Family-Oriented Aspiration: Super Parent Career: None
Gen six heir must reach level five in Imagination and Communication as a toddler
Master Baking skill
Master Cooking/Gourmet Cooking skills
Host a tea party (or a small get together) every week. Invite over your neighbors, your friends, your family, whomever you’d like. Must have a baked good for the gathering made by you.
Complete your aspiration
Pick up woodworking as a hobby and craft every sculpture
You live off of your parents’ money until you get a spouse: you are to be a house wife/husband, and will never have a job. You’re allowed to sell duplicate sculptures for money, however.
Show off your sculptures by putting them on display somewhere in your house!
Pack a lunch for your kids every morning. If you forget, make them a snack when they get home.
Keep the house clean—all you have to do all day is chores, after all!
Have two kids
Both kids need to have A’s in school
Generation Seven: Leo
“People born under the sign of Leo are natural born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant and extremely difficult to resist, able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. There is a specific strength to a Leo and their "king of the jungle" status. Leo often has many friends for they are generous and loyal. Self-confident and attractive, this is a Sun sign capable of uniting different groups of people and leading them as one towards a shared cause.”
Your parents were so overbearing to you and your sibling growing up that in your teenage years you began to rebel. Staying out late, skipping class, whatever you could think of. Your parent made sure you got good grades, but you didn’t care about school. All you cared about was the spotlight. You were going to make it big, and you didn’t need calculus to help you rock out on your guitar or make the crowds feel emotions from your acting. You’re arrogant and stubborn, but determined to succeed no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, that means that you can miss out on things that are most important in life.
Traits: Materialistic, Music Lover, Cheerful Aspiration: Musical Genius/Master Actor Career: Entertainer/Actor
Have a one night stand with a groupie once you reach level five in your career, which leads to an unplanned pregnancy
If your heir for this generation is male, come up with some sort of reason for why you got the baby. The mother didn’t want it, the mother died in childbirth, whatever. You can even move her in until she gives birth, then they have a big fight and she walks out on them.
Reach level ten of the Entertainer/Actor career (musician branch)
Complete your aspiration
Have one kid
Never get married, but have as many relationships as you’d like
Never be that present in your child’s life; you don’t want to be overbearing like your parents
Reach level ten in two instruments (you can choose)
Licensing songs is okay to make some extra money
Master the Acting Skill
Making videos is also okay for extra money
Generation Eight: Virgo
“Virgos are always paying attention to the smallest details. Their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is left to chance and their heart might be closed for the outer world. This is a sign often misunderstood, not because they lack the ability to express, but because they won’t accept their feelings as valid. The symbolism behind the name speaks well of their nature, born with a feeling they are experiencing everything for the first time.”
You grew up without a strong parental figure in your life, which made it hard for you to trust other people. How do you know that they would be there for you when you truly needed them? You’re cautious and shy, but curious about the world. You truly enjoy learning and collecting things, and through this passion is how you meet the love of your life. They are the only person you can trust, but they can tell you’re always holding yourself back and hiding parts of yourself away from them. Can a relationship last with this kind of distrust?
Traits: Loner, Geek, Bookworm Aspiration: The Curator Career: Scientist
Marry a coworker who has at least one trait in common with you
Get married right before becoming an adult
Separate from your spouse for a while after a large fight (your choice if they get back together)
Reach level ten of the Scientist career
Complete your aspiration
Have a home library (at least 25 books)
Finish a collection (your choice)
Have two kids
Generation Nine: Libra
“People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful and fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for Libra-born, and with their victorious mentality and cooperation, they cannot stand to be alone. The Libra is an Air sign, with expressed intellect and a keen mind. They can be inspired by good books, insurmountable discussions and interesting people.”
You thrive on socialization. Your parents are kind of shy homebodies, but you crave constant company and cannot stand to be by yourself. This can come across as quite overbearing to some people, so sometimes it’s hard for you to make friends. And, despite being such a sociable person, you are kind of oblivious when it comes to romance. You are very childish in the best possible way, and are the kind of parent to get down in the dirt and play with your children. You are a very supportive parent and you strive to make your family as happy as they can be, through whatever means.
Traits: Unflirty, Loves the Outdoors, Goofball Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Social Media/Gardener
Go on vacation to Granite Falls every other week (or once a season)
Encourage your children to do homework and practice skills
Have your children max at least one skill
Have four good friends
Be best friends with your spouse
Visit at least two community lots each week and spend four hours socializing and meet new sims
Complete Aspiration
Reach level ten of the Social Media/Gardener career (either branch)
You post a lot about your kids and about your life, so take as many pictures of your kids as you can!
Have a wall in the house filled with family photographs
Master photography skill
Master parenting skill
Master Herbalism/Gardening skill
Have two kids, and adopt one (total of three kids)
Generation Ten: Scorpio
“Scorpio-born are passionate and assertive people. They are determined and decisive, and will research until they find out the truth. Scorpio is a great leader, always aware of the situation and also features prominently in resourcefulness.”
You grew up watching true crime television shows and superhero movies and decided that’s what you wanted to do with your life: bring justice and fight evil. Unfortunately you can’t become a superhero, but you can become a police officer/detective. You want to make the world a better place than it was before, and you want your legacy to be something of legend. Hardworking and dedicated to your craft, you tend to focus too much on work and it puts a strain on your relationship.
Traits: Ambitious, Good, Genius Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Detective
Get married to your high school sweetheart
Complete your aspiration
Reach level ten of the Detective career
Reach level ten of the logic skill
Reach level ten of the handiness skill
Get a divorce (you can decide who gets custody of your kids)
Get remarried as an elder, retire from your career
Have three kids
Generation Eleven: Sagittarius
“Curious and energetic, Sagittarius is one of the biggest travelers among all zodiac signs. Their open mind and philosophical view motivates them to wander around the world in search of the meaning of life.”
You love travel and learning new things. You want to experience as much as you can in your lifetime, which means meeting people different from yourself. You heard that one of your ancestors (generation five) was a big traveler too, so you decide to follow in their footsteps.
Traits: Outgoing, Noncommittal, Dance Machine Aspiration: Friend of the World or Archeology Scholar/Jungle Explorer Career: None
Live in three different worlds for at least a week before settling down
Have kids with three different people
Never get married
Make money freelancing (collecting, gardening, painting, writing, whatever you wish! This includes the stuff that comes along with Jungle Adventure, such as archeology and treasure hunting.)
Completely redesign your house at least once (after settling down for good)
Go to every festival (unless you’re at work/on a date/at a wedding/etc)
Travel to the Nightclub every Friday
Complete aspiration
Master dancing skill
Master comedy skill
Generation Twelve: Capricorn
“Capricorn is a sign that represents time and responsibility, and its representatives are traditional and often very serious by nature. These individuals possess an inner state of independence that enables significant progress both in their personal and professional lives. They are masters of self-control and have the ability to lead the way.”
You hated how free spirited and laid back your parent was, and craved structure and discipline. Since a teen, you had a schedule every day after school: do homework, practice your skills for an hour, eat dinner, go to bed. Moving around so often meant that you didn’t make many friends, so you chose to devote all of your time to mastering as many skills as you could. But focusing in on one detail of life made you miss out on the bigger picture.
Traits: Ambitious, Snob, Mean Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Tech Guru
Since this is the final generation, you can choose whether to have kids or not. Preferably none.
Reach level ten of the Tech Guru career (either branch).
Master logic skill
Have at least level seven in three other skills (your choice)
Follow a schedule every day; spontaneity is not your strong suit
Get married as an adult to someone who shares at least one of your traits and is in the same career as you.
Live in an expensive house (200,000 simoleons or more) by the time you’re an adult
Surround yourself only with other snobby people
Buy an expensive item every Wednesday. (Perhaps even start a collection of expensive artwork or sculptures and showcase them somewhere in your house. Feel free to get creative with it.)
Oh wow, we’ve made it to the end of the challenge! I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to show me pictures or update me on your playthrough on this if you’d like (tumblr: lemonfraise.tumblr.com/twitter: @dainty_cherub). You can also use the hashtag #autumnalzodiac so I can see your posts and reblog some of them!
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to tell me and I’ll take them into consideration. <3
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melispring · 6 years
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Soo Bin: Say ‘Mama’
Bong Cha: Mmmmmah
Soo Bin: Maaaa Maa
Bong Cha: Maaaama? 
Soo Bin: YES Mama
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oldnightsqueensims · 7 years
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“A distraction?! I love you! There’s no possible way that for the last 10 years that we’ve known eachother that you haven’t realised that!” Chris said raising his voice, his sadness turning to anger “you’re afraid of what might happen!”
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