#auuugh do I have to tag everyone
luna-rigain · 8 months
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enstars texposts except it’s in the context of my fire emblem crossover
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Horse Friends
Yuu runs into Epel and gets an offer worth taking. Contains coarse language, discussions of masculinity/femininity and a fierce case of foot-in-mouth disease. Check my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag for more, let me know if you enjoyed it, and if you ever want to let me know what you liked? Please do.
You like most creatures. Anything that deserves a pet should get one if they want it. So, you'd thought to yourself, let's go pet something you don't get to see every day. That's how you found yourself kicking around the edge of the horse pasture, watching majestic beasts eat and fart and amiably ignore your existence.
"You like them?"
You turned, and saw Epel had come up beside you.
"They're pretty cool. Not something I'm around much."
He nodded. "Wanna see a really big one?"
Did the barn smell bad or just like a barn? You couldn't tell, you didn't get to spend time in them and had no frame of reference. Where did they put the waste? You were thinking of asking where they buried the dead ones so you could go hunting with a shovel later when Epel came through the door, with the most fuckoff huge animal you've ever seen in your life. It was so tall you wondered if you could stand under it; a soft dapple grey, with long feathered fetlocks and a mane that reached past it's knees. It had to duck to get through the doorway, and stood, blinking, when Epel stopped, nevermind that this thing could probably swallow him whole if it had half a mind to.
"Are you sure it's not a kelpie?"
He laughed. "Ain't drowned anyone! 's nothing but a big guy. He's friendly! He's the one we use to teach riding."
You tentatively walked over and offered a hand. You did like horses - you really did! But they were very big, this one especially, and were deeply antsy despite being able to trample things easily. The last think you wanted was it to smell your nervousness and freak out.
It simply bypassed your hand, and instead nosed at your face with it's snout.
"He likes you!"
"I like him too." You prrbted his nose while he sniffed at you. "He got a name?"
"Yes! Really."
"I can't believe Vil would let that slide."
"Yeah well, Beans was here first." Epel looked back and forth between you. "You want to try riding him? He's very gentle."
"Not today. But I'll take you up on that."
"Pull back to stop!"
You pulled back on the reins, and Beans stopped, and then started to back up.
"Nope, too much!"
You eased your grip and he stopped, flicking his ear an an errant fly.
This was the third time Epel had you up on the horse, and the first time he actually let you have the reins instead of simply leading you around. You weren't in a state of panic whenever the beast under you did something unexpected (though you jumped every time he or another horse whinnied; the sound drilled through your ears into the back if your skull in the worst way). The whole thing was pretty fun! Even if your legs got sore from straddling something as big around as you were tall.
Epel moved easily around on his own horse, a delicate-looking white stallion with murder in his heart, clearly a perfect pair. In the little bit of hanging out you'd done, you'd learned a few things about him:
- He hated being called cute. He was, which made it worse, but being treated as something precious drove him nuts.
- He was, by natural inclination, a rough and tumble farm boy. You knew more about motorbi- no, magical wheels than you ever had in your life, and now knew some truly vile curses that sounded wonderful coming out of his mouth.
- He really liked hanging out with someone he didn't have to pretend elegance around; which you had a feeling was part of why he started giving you private lessons. You were many things, but paragon of grace and propriety you were not.
Remembering what he told you, you lightly flicked the reins, and Beans started forward at a sedate pace. 
"There you go!" Epel beamed at you, and you reflected your own smile back at him.
Today, he seemed sour, and you could not understand why, so instead of gong in to greet the horses, you stopped and asked what crawled up his ass and died.
"Nothin' you'd know 'bout."
"Try me."
He stood there glowering, until he finally said, "Am I girlier than you?"
You had to stop and really consider that. "Who started on that one?"
"Some asshole. They said you're manlier than I'll ever be."
You snorted. "That's like, a matter of opinion. I'm kinda butch, sure, but what it is is that femininity is... it requires effort." You moved your hands, in an effort to grasp the words. "It takes effort to put on makeup, or shave your legs. Stuff like that is required to be seen as feminine if you're a girl. Neither of which you do? You're not feminine, really. You're young and pretty. And pretty was never exclusive to girls."
This did not seem to help, so you continued digging. "And you're real pretty, Epel. Combine that with being real young, it makes you cute to others, but like... give it a few years. Yeah. You get a little older and lose the young babyface. You'll still be pretty, but you won't be read as cute, not the way everyone reads you now."
All of his sullen fury was now clearly at you.
"I'm sorry dude. I don't know how to use my words right. But I sure as hell ain't more of a dude than you. Because you actually are one."
He still stood there, and you thought of something to lighten the mood. "Did you kick his ass?"
He finally cracked a smile. "Thoroughly."
"Good. You want to do this today, or do you wanna just vent at me over people being assholes?"
He thought for a moment. "The second one, but don't say anything 'til I say so. You suck at making me feel better."
You nod and give an okay sign, which got a snicker out of him.
"And he says I shouldn't lift weights! 'oooh Epel, it'll ruin the lines', Vil can fuck right off and choke on mangey pig cock, he hasn't missed a day of lifting for eight years unless he was too sick to get out of bed." 
You nodded, petting Lucius. He'd seen the both of you out on the grass and wandered over to play with people who were friendly, but not desperate.
"He's all Pomefiore ideals this and that and AUUUGH. I wanna stick a fork up his ass and beat down the doors of Savannahclaw until they let me change dorms."
You raised a finger, and he nodded. "But they don't do dorm changes."
"They do not and I hate it so fucking much." He flopped onto the grass, and you offered a hand that he high-fived. "It sucks. They wouldn't even move me when I went to beat Vil's ass when I first got sorted."
"You what."
"I did! Only got a swing in before he beat me down, but I tried." 
"Please say there's a recording of this."
"He cursed every electronic in a hundred-foot radius just to make sure no one had footage."
He nodded. "That could have made all the money."
You nodded, until Lucius caught your eye and you swatted at Epel to get him to watch. Lucius, crawling through the grass, crept, sprung... and walked back over with a headless lizard, the missing piece long down his gullet.
"Finish it up, Lucius."
Lucius, his play done, walked away, leaving you both with the corpse.
"Gross. Should we bury it?"
"Maybe." The gears are turning, and you instead fetch back a grumbling Lucius. "Epel. What is this?"
He raised an eyebrow. "A fat old cat?"
You held up the irritated cat with a smile. "This is, pound for pound, the most efficient land predator on the planet. I know of cats that have single handedly eradicated entire species. Cats are eight pounds of asskicking. They will fu-OW" You dropped Lucius and checked the welling scratches on your arm. "Cats will fuck you up. But cats are also fluffy and cute and like to be cuddled. They're elegant and lovely, silly and playful. The murder and the cute is inherent to the cat."
He frowned. "Where are you going with this."
"I'm saying you're basically a cat."
He was silent for a beat. "Thanks, I hate it."
"How much?"
"Enh." He wiggled his hand. "I get what you're trying to say, at least. As long as you don't run around calling me that I’m good."
"A cat?"
"No, other C word."
Your brain drew the only conclusion you could think of. "A cunt?"
He let out the ugliest laugh you'd ever heard, and things were good.
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kihaku-gato · 4 years
Among Us Fansong gushings
(Putting down the timestamp of Sept. 26th, as I’m sure more good fansongs/animations for the game will come up after this)
“auuugh you’re deep in this too-“ yes yes, here you go, under readmore cause this is turning into a bigger happy ramble than I anticipated (mainly cause I’m eating my words when I gonna say “there are surprisingly few fansongs for Among Us yet”), and #Among Us tag so you can have it filtered out of your feed ANYYYYWAYs
I gotta say before we start that I LOVE the ryhyming in most of these fansngs. 10/10 love.
Emergency Meeting by Random Encounters
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- The live-action for it was unexpected as I’m used to most video game fansongs being 2d or 3d animated and/or showing gameplay footage. They put a good amount of effort into this and it shows.
- The dramatical music that sounds both comedic, dramatic, and villainous (despise the context being that it’s the non-imposters singing it)
- The screaming for every poor person struggling to escape before they are thrown out of the spaceship as everyone else sings
- The classic silly sound effects when throwing stuff etc. around at some points
- The crew members being VERY physically animated/expressive with their bodies, really reminiscent of oldschool Power Rangers when they’re talking in their suits
- How it escalates more and more and more and more crewmembers get thrown out of the ship till it’s two facing off each other being both suspicious that they are the imposter
- The fact that after all of the crew is either in space or dead, that it’s revealed that the first dead person who set this in motion was actually alive all along; just was in a food coma and just wakes up to find everyone missing or dead. That is some (dark?) humor right there.
Imposter Imperceptible by NerdOut!
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- A LOT of different voices (mainly cause several other really good videogame rappers/singers are in this video are involved in this one) which really expands its vocal variety from the usual, and makes it really feel like the different crewmembers are different; cause they are being voiced by different peeps
- wordgame sharp and quick as expected from them. I really hope some Rap-rating youtubers get on reacting/analyzing this video cause I’d love to hear the lyrics broken down.
- starting with one of the Imposters for the rap and has that dizzying nature of wordgame that intentionally confuses you even though clearly they are the Imposter as they vehemently deny that they are the Imposter
- huge awknowledgement of the gameplay mechanics and even terminologies/accusations that are frequently used by players (”sus” is used multiple times between crewmembers arguing between each other). Despite being animation it stays fairly faithful to the source material. Multiple watches and I’m discovering more and more details that are big nods to the actual gameplay.
- While the Imposters do win in this fansong animation, one Imposter is definitely discovered and booted out of the spaceship
Show Yourself by CG5
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- while it keeps faithful to the videogame character models (save for the glass of the helmet being translated as a large singular eyeball- but the previous fansong animation did the same thing so that doesn’t count) this animation makes some liberties in several points that add much comedic affect (ex- the chorus of “I don’t want to be carried away in a Hearse” show him riding on top of a Space Hearse rocketship)
- The fact that the singer bobs to the beat of the song pretty much the entire time. really adds bounce to the entire thing.
- the singer themselves checks off both as the Paranoid one as well as the actual Imposter, and it goes for great comedic affect as well as tragic affect. Those who are not familiar with the game could be easily tricked into thinking that he’s not the Imposter due to not spotting the small signs peppered in the animation (ex- jumping through vents, and more symbolically dressing up like an actor while they say “The actor’s playing the part”, and the mirror of themsevles showing a reflection of themselves holding a knife)
- following the above point, being that he never kills in any alien/monster sort of way, it can be headcanoned that the singer is actually a regular crewmember that became the Imposter due to paranoia that may kick in while living out in space. The fact he keeps pointing at people they kill and accusing THEM as the Imposter really feeds to that tradegy headcanon
- How dramatically lit/shaded the scenes are where crewmembers are being killed or are dead, it really adds a sharpness despite the song being rather upbeat
- The fact the singer disturbs many of the crewmembers during the animation while accusing them of being the Imposter; disturbing them while they are on the toilet or sleeping or videogaming much to their frustration. It’s quite funny
- The Imposter/singer does NOT win in the animation, and it ends with them being kicked out after killing several people and there’s the nod “CG5 was the Imposter“ like you would normally see in the game
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raevenlywrites · 6 years
Find the Word: Sweet, Music, Key, Coffee
Tagged by @cirianne (thanks!), I had to go digging through a few WIPs to find all of these. The first two are from Asylum, and the latter are from Zig’s home story, Summer Spiders.
The demoness snorted. “Cut the mysterious act, Kain. I don't have the time or patience for it.”
“Do you have somewhere else to be?”
“You know I do. It's never good when Az starts whispering sweet nothings. If you'll recall his last messenger.”
The bass, Kain, rumbled in acknowledgment. “Do we need to take similar steps to prepare then?”
Dev scoffed. “How can we? Nica isn't here anymore.”
Nica made a rude noise, but otherwise didn't comment. She began to pace, stepping lightly from foot to foot, the motion almost too elegant to be called pacing. It wasn't quite dancing, but there was music in it, something lyrical. Her motions embodied the serpent principal of ramn: motion, lyric, and beat. It was oversimplifying to call ramn mere “dancing”. Proper honoring of ramn permeated one's life, one's being—as it clearly did in this hawk that moved like a serpent.
“Honestly, that dog is kinda like barometer for the whole dang shop,” she said, trotting over to the gate. “I should have known everyone was in rare form today when The Duke gave me shit just trying to get out the door.”
Rain sighed heavily, double checking the latch behind her. Most people wouldn't even notice the gate out here, let alone be able to open it, but still, it was habit well drilled into her by both Meliki and Frost. Wouldn’t do to get too careless about magic.
She slid her key into the side door again, having forgotten to unlock it when wrangling Duke. They didn't really leave it open during business hours anyways, but it was a pain to have to key open a door she'd just come through.
The smell of coffee wafted in from the lobby, which meant Rinna was up. If she was up, then that meant any minute now-
“Damnit Rabies! I swear if you touch that fucking radio-” The opening chords of “Rebel Rebel” came blaring to life through the silence, punctuated by a very angry “AUUUGH!” from Z. A squeal of giggles preceded a cheetah print blur down the hallway.
“HiTrippHiJulesHiRainGottaGo!” Rabe called as she flew past the open door towards the side exit.
Gotta love those crazy kids over at 8-Leggs :P For my tagging fun, I am inspired to choose the words: Noise, Chaos, Hectic, and Race
@jaimistoryteller @silvertalonwriteblr @cohldhands and @steakfryday
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moosefrog · 7 years
Tagged by the alluring @medusinestories​
Rules: Tag people at the end of this challenge!
Five things you’ll find in my bag
A portable pharmacy (pillbox filled with all sorts of pills!)
A mini first-aid kit including neoprene gloves in case I’m helping a stranger who is bleeding (inna ziplock bag)
Sunscreen (gawd I hate the sun)
Emergency period pack with different sized pads inna ziplock bag
Look, I like to be prepared, okay? Plus, pads are great if someone cut themself badly. ...I think I may have prepping tendencies.
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom
The MEGA QUEEN! My partner and I each have a queen-sized bed. We have pushed them together to create the MEGA QUEEN! This is why we have been together for fourteen years.
Stacks of books beside my bed. Just, so many books.
Regular bedroom things like clothes? Accessories? TBH we use the bedroom for sleeping and not much else. Even the books are from me reading in the master bath then being too lazy to cart them back into the great room to put them away.
Uhh.... dreams?
Soggy pillows from sad dreams?!
Five things I’ve always wanted to do
Visit Iceland/Europe
Live in a rustic cabin in the woods (I have lived in a canvas, dirt-floored tent like this before but not a cabin.)
Not work for a whole winter. Just sleeping in as long as I want, not having to go out in the cold unless I feel like it, writing and painting and drawing to fill my days... This bucket-list item WILL happen one of these years!
Visit New Zealand! And probably stay for the length of a visa?
Have an art show at a gallery for my paintings!
Five things that make me feel happy
Internet culture. No, really, even when people are being shitty I am just in awe of what we’ve built.
Chatting with someone interesting
Five things I’m currently into
Breath of the WildBreath of the WildBreath of the Wild
Low-carb cooking (I have a background in culinary arts and I get curious about different food restrictions. I went through a phase where I cooked gluten-free for a few months. I’ve cooked vegetarian. Vegan. Ingredient substitution and new techniques are so interesting to me! That and I need to shed a few pounds. =p)
The Hobbit
Black Sails
An original comic I’m putting together
Five things on my to-do list
Finish that asdfasdf next part of the Messengers series. It only needs like, a paragraph? Why am I so hesitant to finish stories? I have a half-dozen sitting around waiting for endings!
Take a buncha stuff I don’t need to charity
Prep posts for next week for two tumblrs (auuugh that’s four posts. Why did I decide to expand my operations?)
CSS Grid. I think I’ve got a handle on it, now to reconstruct a recent design using grid instead of Bootstrap. I’m so excited for this!
Avocado toast.
Tagging (if you want): @pangur-pangur, @minstrelmaglor, @tea-blitz, @joasakura, @pkoceres + everyone else who wants to do it
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sunken-standard · 7 years
From my most recent fanfic ask meme:
I almost hate to do this, because I don't want to distract you from getting back to the Girlfriend series, lol, but... from the Fanfic Ask -- E for Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, I, S, and U. I don't know if I'm allowed to ask for that many, so apologies if it's bad etiquette. :-) Thank you!
E: If you wrote a sequel to Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, what would it be about?
I have one started, and a futurefic vaguely outlined/ brainstormed.  The one I have started (one whole chapter written and stalled on the second for 2 months) is the lead-up to the wedding (and eventually the wedding itself).  I want to get at least half of it finished before I ever start posting it, because I don't do so well under pressure (even if it's all just pressure I put on myself).  The futurefic I'm keeping close to the chest because I don't have enough nailed down, and I don't want to put the idea out there and then never end up writing it.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Reading: I don't know about guilty, per se, just more like "I don't exactly advertise because people think I'm... whatever... already."  I like darkfic and kink that pushes my own boundaries, lax as they already are.  Recently I'm really into the idea of BDSM Marylock, though I think I've only read like two fics.
Writing: Fluff.  I hate to read it.  It makes me gag.  I'm the Grinch, other people's happiness is an affront to my very being.  But I like to write those warm moments of human connection and unfettered joy, so I mean, I think that probably says a lot about me.  And crack, a little bit, because it's all so self-indulgent and OOC.  But it's fun.  I'm getting over myself as far as 'everything must be serious all the time and I must make people want to throw themselves off a bridge at all times while reading my fic or else I'm not doing it right.'  
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I try to steer clear of them when writing as much as I can, at least as far as intra-fandom tropes (see my feelings on 'his pathologist' and also, one I forgot, 'it's for an experiment!' sex [pre-S4]).  As far as fandom/ fanfic at large, I'm a sucker for platonic bed-sharing and blanketfic.  Also fake-dating. And Unholy Matrimony (via TV Tropes)/ partners in crime.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Auuugh, why do you guys always do this to me?  It's not that I don't want to give credit where I think credit is due or that I hold myself above everyone else or anything like that, but it makes me so uncomfortable to name any names.  It makes me feel like I'm creating an inner circle or being a sycophant. The one name I will drop is maybe_amanda, because she got me into the ship and I can't say enough good things about her (she's a friend and I bounce ideas off her for things I'm writing [my key party ficlet came from a conversation we had] and she makes a lot of things make sense/ provides perspective and she's just a good egg); she's also currently inactive, so it's not like I'm hitching myself to her star or anything, either, if that makes sense.  And I mean, honestly, I don't read a lot of fic.  I read some of the things that come across my dash or I see in the sherlolly tag, but I don't feel like I can comfortably call anyone a favorite until I've read their entire back catalogue, and I have yet to do that with anyone who's been active after I left fandom in 2012.  (Sorry if that sounds like a rant, it's really not.  I'm not trying to be oily like a politician, either, I just really want to avoid hierarchies and cliques and all those human social things my robot brain just does not intuit the navigation of.)    
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