#avatara the last airbender x reader
Requested: yup
Warnings: she/her pronounced reader, mentions of boobs because I’m kinda gross, also I didn’t edit it through
Pairing: Zuko x blind! Reader
Authors note: I’m really sorry it took me this long to do this request, I don’t really have a good excuse or anything I’m just kinda lazy. Anyways, the other requests I got will come up soon, I promise! Okay, so in this you’re a blind waterbender, the only thing you can see are colors but everything is very blurry, luckily you’re able to see better through your bending. Kinda like Toph can see through her earthbending, are you able to feel the blood in other people and therefore know where they are. I hope you enjoy it!
The first thing you saw when you woke up was red. Something red standing over you. Or was it someone?
Quickly a blurry, blue form moved in front of the red, and you heard a girls voice. So it was someone.
“Zuko, can you get me some water?”
The girl in blue said, and the red figure let out a little grumble, before disappearing out of your sight.
Quickly, you tried to sit up, scared of what the two figured might do to you, but two gentle hands pushed you back down.
“Calm down, we’re not here to hurt you, actually I’m trying to heal you,”
The feminine voice explained, and you cocked your head slightly as you allowed her to push you down on the bed.
“Heal me?”
Your voice came out a little hoarse, surprising yourself, as you wondered why in the world she was trying to heal you.
Where you hurt?
“Yes, heal you. You it your head pretty bad, back in the village,”
The girl explained, and you closed your eyes again, trying to remember.
You had left the North Pole with your aunt a few years back, and moved into a little peaceful village in the earth kingdom, sadly your aunt died a couple months back and you’d been living on your own. The last you remember was going outside your house when you heard screams, you didn’t see much except some blurry black and red figures, before you woke up here.
“W-what happened?”
You asked, this time a little scared as your head were spinning, desperately trying to remember why you woke up here.
You heard the girl sigh sadly, before sitting down on the bed next to you.
“Your village was attacked by fire nation soldiers, we tried to stop them, but..”
You saw the blurry outlines of the girls head drop, as your eyebrows furrowed.
“Wha- is everyone okay?”
You asked, voice a little hesitant, scared to hear the answer.
The girl stopped mid sentence, and turned her head fully to you, her long hair tickling your arm slightly. She swallowed hard.
“You where the only survivor, they’ve become much more ruthless,”
She started, sorrow lacing her voice and instantly you opened your mouth in shock, fists clenching.
You didn’t cry, only swallowed hard a couple times, before tilting your head up again to look in the girls direction.
“I’m so sorry-“
“Excuse me, but who are you?”
You demanded, instantly going into defense mode, fingers already moving, ready to search for nearby water.
“Sorry, I should have introduced myself first. I’m Katara, from the southern water tribe-“
“You’re from the south?”
Your defensive demeanor was quickly changed to overjoyed, when you heard where Katara was from.
“Yes, I’m their last waterbender,”
She stated, voice still filled with sorrow, but you ignored it and beamed up at what your blurry vision identified as her face.
“I’m from the north,”
You stated rather proudly, extending your hand.
“(y/n) (l/n), a bender from the northern water tribe,”
Instead of taking your hand, she instantly pulled you into a bonecrushing hug, a sharp pain erupting from your lower back all the way up to your head, and Katara instantly pulled away once she felt you cringe.
“I’m so so sorry, I completely forgot for a moment-“
She started, and you just shook your head.
“Don’t worry about it, but, what exactly did you forget?”
You tilted your head once again, the sharp pain slowly fading away.
“You got knocked out pretty hard, we saw you being thrown right into a wall, does your burn marks hurt?”
“Which burn marks- shit!”
You hissed when your hand made contact with a rather large burnmark, stretching up your neck, anger returning to you once again.
“Sit still, I’m trying to heal that-“
Katara explained, removing your hands and placing them in your lap, as you sat fully up, the blanket falling completely off you, as you bares your throat for Katara.
The water she bended around it didn’t hurt, quite contrary did it cool and soothe, and you sighed contently as the burning sensations slowly faded.
“Hey Katara-“
The sound of a bowl full of water being dropped to the floor, hit your ears, and you quickly turned your head in the sounds direction.
Closing your eyes, you focused what little engery you had left to feel the water and the person who had dropped it. You where able to locate the water, but as you focused deeper and felt the persons blood you noticed a male with a rather frantic heartbeat. It was much quicker than your own and Katara’s.
“Zuko, what in the world are you doing?”
Katara’s stern voice snapped at the boy, and you felt him shudder slightly.
“I-I’m- why isn’t she wearing a shirt?”
The boy asked, blood rushing to his head, you presumed he was blushing. And suddenly you knew why.
With a quick squeak you realized you were completely bare chested, except for a small string of bondages covering the most important parts of your chest.
Instantly you felt blood rush to your face, and with shaking hands you quickly covered your chest opting for staring pityfully at Katara.
“Zuko! Out!”
Katara was quick to squeak at him, and it took no more than a few milliseconds before you heard scrambling out, what you presumed was a tent.
“I’m so so sorry-“
Katara rambled on, quickly helping you into one of her shirts, before silently continuing to heal your wounds.
It had been a couple days since the incident with Zuko, and thankfully no one had brought it up afterwards.
You had decided to stay and help team avatar, and everyday you, Katara and Aang would go down to a nearby lake and practice waterbending. Katara has already learned you lots of cool tricks, you didn’t even knew existed.
The burn marks on your neck were slowly starting to fade, and you were finally able to be hugged without your back and head killing you.
“Earth to (y/n)!”
Aang yelled, right before a big wave of water washes over you, instantly breaking your train of thoughts as you gave Aang the nasties glare you could muster.
“What was that for?”
You yelled, and splashed water back at the grinning avatar, as soon as you surfaced from the water again.
“We’re going back to the camp, wanna come?”
Aang asked, voice still full of laughter and you couldn’t help but smile.
“No thank you, I think I’ll stay here for a little while,”
You shook your head as you spoke, and it wasn’t long before you felt them leaving the water, leaving you alone.
You sighed contently, and laid back in the water to look up at the sky. Even though you couldn’t see much, one of your favorite activities was to stare at the sky. For you, all the colors blended together creating a beautiful mess of white, yellow and blue.
Suddenly, your ears perked up, upon hearing footsteps approaching the lake. Your body relaxed, once you caught onto Zuko’s heartbeat, but quickly a warm blush spread across your cheeks when you realized that once again he would see you in only undergarments.
“O-oh, hi (y/n), I didn’t think anyone was here,”
He stammered, sounding more flustered than startled.
“Y-Yeah, where do you think we go to practice, dummy,”
You joked back, becoming a stuttering mess yourself, quickly folding hour arms over your chest in attempt to cover it even the tiniest bit.
There was silent for a bit, before you heard a little rustling and suddenly felt Zuko approach you in the water.
“Mhm, there’s tons of lakes around here,”
He grumbled, righ behind you, and a little startled you turned around to face him, chuckling.
The water around him was already starting to heat up, due to his high body temperature, and you couldn’t help but enjoy it, slowly moving closer to him.
“Why is it, you’re never wearing prober clothes when I’m around?”
He jokingly asked, and poked the hand you held protectively over your chest quickly, making you shudder and look up to look at the blurry outline of his face.
“Hm, what do you look like?”
You wondered out loud, smoothly ignoring his joke, when you felt a gentle pair of hands grip your wrist.
“You can feel,”
Zuko mumbled, and before you knew it, you were placing your hand over the scar he had told you about a couple days earlier, the other one moving down to place itself right over his heart. It was beating more frantically than ever before, you noticed.
You took you time, gently brushing your hands over his face, and before you knew it, you had come to the conclusion that he in fact was pretty handsome.
“Thank you,”
You muttered, feeling flustered, as his heartbeat sped up.
“Your heart, it’s beating very fast,”
You informed him, before gently removing your hand, sliding it down his stomach slowly.
“Y-Yeah I know, it does that a lot around you, you know?”
He said smoothly, and you let out a little squeak at his attempt at flirting, face going even redder and you playfully hit his chest.
“Stop that,”
You mumbled, voice just above a whisper, when you felt his hands come to rest on your hips, and before you knew it, a soft pair of lips was pressed against your own.
Your eyes widened, but you still leaned into the kiss, placing your hands on his shoulders and standing on your tiptoes.
His careful kiss, soon turned heated, and when you pulled away for air, he had your legs hoisted up around his waist and both your hands cupping his face, as you both were sat on a big rock in the water.
“Is my heart still beating fast?”
He wondered, leaning his head on yours and gazing into your white orbs, trying to imagine what you were seeing.
“Not anymore,”
You breathed, chest pressed against his, and you felt his increasingly slowing heartbeat against your own.
He mumbled, before bowing his head down and capturing your lips again.
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