#average feanor behavior
curufiin · 4 months
Regarding Feener and the ring:
I believe that Feanor is just such a hater that the Ring, even if it tempts him, ultimately will have zero way of controlling him. Because he thinks he is so much better and smarter than Sauron.
He gets the ring and the moment he learns of its origin he’s like what the fuck is this. This pathetic thing is made by SAURON? Lieutenant of MORGOTH??? Fucking pathetic. Amateur. My SON can do better (background pained Curufin noise). What a shitty excuse of a dark lord.
And then he puts it on and he feels that he is stronger but then his hater grindset immediately takes over because um… an artifact of SAURON? making HIM? FEANARO CURUFINWE, SON OF FINWE AND MIRIEL THERINDE, CROWN PRINCE/KING OF THE NOLDOR, CREATOR OF THE SILMARILS STRONGER? ABSOLUTELY not. he will NEVER EVER EVERRR use ANYTHING from the stink lord. Not when he can do better. Oh yes, he will simply make his own ring. FUCK you Sauron and FUCK your stupid ring and FUCK you earendil.
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moonlightsdreaming · 7 years
Let Me Tell You About The Silmarillion (pt 6/12)
PREVIOUSLY:  So now you have a better idea of who Feanor was and who his sons are and the half-siblings he had, lets talk about the children of those half-siblings because they actually have the bigger chunk of the family tree. I like to use 5ummit's Elven Geneology post because it's very easy to read and is helpfully color-coded by Elven culture!  (Which can provide context a lot of the time.)  As you can see, Feanor had a crapload of kids (seven is a HUGE number for Elves, probably the most any parents ever had) but only one of them managed to have a child of their own and he's dead, too.  He's really, really dead.  ):  We'll get to Celebrimbor feelings later, though. So, Feanor had two half-brothers (and two half-sisters, but Tolkien never told us much about them) named Fingolfin and Finarfin.  The real problems were between Fingolfin (because he was the next oldest son and because people generally liked him better on average) and Feanor, those two did not get along.  Finarfin is generally depicted as being a little too young to get in between them and was generally more on Fingolfin's side because, you know, not a batshit rage monster in their eyes.  (I'm being harsh.  They loved Feanor, I choose to believe.  He just was not easy to get along with and was mad a lot of the time.  My Fingolfin feelings are showing.) Fingolfin had four children--Fingon, Turgon, Aredhel, and Argon.  You can semi-forget Argon, he doesn't play a huge role and died pretty early on. That’s harsh.  But sometimes you gotta be harsh to get this shit straight in your head. You'll remember Fingon from the Maedhros part of the story.  (Though, he does a lot on his own, too!)  And Aredhel is awesome, we'll get to her eventually.  All four of them came to Middle-Earth with their father. Finarfin had four children as well--Finrod, Angrod, Aegnor, and Galadriel. While Finarfin turned back home when Feanor burned the ships, his children all followed their uncle Fingolfin to Middle-Earth.  You'll know them because they were the ones with the pretty golden hair that they got from their father (Finarfin), who got it from his Vanyaran mother Indis (Finwe's second wife) and that coloring was passed down that family like HARD.  The two ones to watch in this family line are Finrod and Galadriel.  However, Angrod is important because he's the father of Orodreth, who is then the (possible) father of Gil-galad, who will be important later because I have feelings about him. Quick summaries of these Elves: FINGOLFIN:  Half-brother of Feanor, generally more reasonable in temper, but don't cross him, DON'T DO IT.  Decided to go to Middle-Earth against his better judgement because he didn't want to abandon his people to Feanor's whims.  It's not 100% clear who was and wasn't involved in the Kin-Slaying of the Teleri Elves, but I don't believe Fingolfin himself was involved.  (Feanor and his people attacked, then Fingon and some of Fingolfin's people came up, saw the battle, misinterpreted it and assumed the Teleri attacked the Noldor or that it was a mutual battle and so joined the fight.)  When Feanor burned the ships (after getting to Middle-Earth while everyone else was still back in the Blessed Realm), Fingolfin and his people were furious with Feanor and ashamed of their behavior up to this point, so they couldn't bring themselves to turn back to face the Valar and other Elves and instead kept going across the GIANT ICE BRIDGE TO THE NORTH which took them 30 years to cross on foot and a lot of them died along the way, but they were goddamned determined. When they got to Middle-Earth, Fingolfin marched right the fuck up to the doors of Morgoth's fortress and directly challenges that fucker, because THAT IS HOW FUCKING MAJESTIC FINGOLFIN IS.  And because Fingolfin is 100% amazing, Morgoth stayed inside and wouldn't come out. Amazing. So, because Morgoth was apparently cowering in his fortress because FINGOLFIN WAS TOO AWESOME FOR HIM, they eventually left to go find the rest of the Feanorians, but things were kind of tense, because you know Feanor got himself killed by a thousand Balrogs almost immediately and the rest of the Feanorians were not quite as batshit as he was so they each camped on one side of a huge lake and just sat there, probably muttering angrily in each others' directions while sitting on their thumbs.  Picture the most passive aggressive camping trip with you and your extended family, where nobody’s sharing their fucking smores or helping to find firewood for the other side or lending someone an extra sleeping bag, but you’re not outright murdering each other yet, and then dial it up by like a million and you start to get the picture. Eventually, though, Fingon rescues Maedhros, who abdicates and Fingolfin becomes High King of the Noldor and proceeds to wage war on Morgoth for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS.  A lot of people died because of this (well, other stuff happened along the way, but broad strokes) and eventually Fingolfin said, fuck it, I'm gonna go challenge that fucker again, and rode out to Morgoth's fortress alone and challenged him to single combat. Now, here's the thing about Morgoth--he's the mightiest of the Valar, there's no one in all of creation that's stronger than him, except for Eru himself.  Sure, there are 14 of them, so he's no match for all of them together, but one on one, he's the strongest of them all.  And no matter how mighty an Elf is, they cannot possibly ever be as strong as a Vala.  But Fingolfin doesn't care about that, he still rides out there and they have a mighty battle.  It's no contest, really, but Fingolfin does not go down without a fight and he's so badass that he manages to wound Morgoth seven times, then struck one last blow to Morgoth's foot and that fucker walked with a limp forever after that because FINGOLFIN IS JUST THAT AMAZING. I have a lot of Fingolfin feelings, okay. Shit, that got long.  Now I'm going to have to break this up. NEXT TIME:  THE REST OF THOSE ELVES WITH ALL THE NAMES AND STUFF.
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