#aveyond daeva
daeva-agas · 9 months
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Element: Earth
Original species: Quarem
Special ability: Mind control
The quarem uses song to snare their prey and eat them. Nanghaithya is of the ascended class of the kind who has evolved the skill so that he can control others with normal spoken words. For that reason he had to wear a sealing cloth on his mouth, to prevent him from using his powers.
Quarem are, typically, immune to the mind control abilities of their fellow kind, and more perceptive of other methods of hypnotism.
I can't believe I forgot to post this here. Or, if I did, I tagged it incorrectly because I can't find it. Was going to make a full set of "encyclopaedia profiles" for 'em, but I got sidetracked while doing Zarich and never finished.
Because of Elini's summon animations, I always headcanon the daeva as being associated to a specific element. How it works has been evolving in my head over time, but currently they are "elemental guardians" who are each assigned to one element. They individually have other spell abilities based on whatever demon species they are.
Also, walking cactus, one of Nanghaithya's minions:
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They're about as ridiculous and dumb as those yellow Minions.
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druidofdarkness · 8 months
On Journey Roads and Judgement Calls
Ordinarily a druid's journey to the Sun Shrine is not long, but there are a great deal of things that make the present circumstances rather extraordinary. Rhen might be the Oracle's Chosen One, but this does not give her the power of teleportation--and thus, she and her party have another long walk ahead of them if they are to see Rashnu safely to Aveyond.
As told by Rashnu, the Druid of Darkness. Set during Rhen's Quest. 6 chapters, total of 12.7k words. No warnings, no spoilers if you've played the game to the point of rescuing Rashnu.
Peace had never felt so chaotic.
The world hit my senses with the force of a tidal wave. My balance was compromised, I needed to right it. I was under attack, I needed to defend myself. The daeva--
--- --- ---
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rhendarzon · 2 years
Someone just messaged me telling me that artwork relating to Lars on deviantart, in particular Lars x Rhen artwork, are being reported as "abuse" by someone who is against the ship/dislike the character/a Dameon stan
So far my stuff are fine but if my artwork gets taken down I'm gonna be so pissed
Like, how petty can you be? Whether you ship them romantically or just enjoy their platonic friendship, you gotta admit HIS CHARACTER GREW. HE HAD FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. PROVEN, TIME AND TIME AGAIN.
"Not even essential to the story." lol girl you couldn't even LEAVE Veldarah without him in the party. And yet you could defeat all Daevas up to Aesma without Dameon.
I don't even want to compare him with Dameon because that has been done countless times and we all know the same damn result
How about you just ship your thing and leave the Larshen artwork alone? The Aveyond fandom is small enough we don't need this kind of shit
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ghedahrianvampress · 5 years
Day 8 of the 31 Day Aveyond Fandom Challenge:
The theme for day 8 is; favorite daeva. I had hoped to write a fanfic, mostly because I feel like so far I’ve been writing mostly rants instead, but I just started feeling kinda low about my writing, and so yeah ... Anyway, my favorite daeva is probably Nangaithya (mostly because he is so easy to fight!) He definitely has a cool looking sprite, with all the purple and what not.
Plus, I love pomegranates and the party has to plant and grow some before we can get to him. As I mentioned earlier, he is super easy to fight (Especially when your playing with goodies and are at LV 35 with the best weapons and equipment.) Plus, if you defeat him, Vohu Manah will give you his key to the underworld and then you can go find Te’ijal! Though, you have to defeat Zarich and save Rashnu in order to actually get the sunscreen and have her join the party...
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queenrhenpendragon · 7 years
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For day 8 of the Aveyond 31 day fandom challenge, favorite daeva. I chose Aesma because I love his line. “I eat you now” XD XD 
Such straightforward elegance, such unabashed confidence. A++ role model for sure!
Tiny Dameon is there because... I said I would include flower crowns in every entry possible,  and unfortunately for Aesma, I found that it was possible for this picture. I had to twist canon a tiny bit but considering some of the other crack that goes on in this fandom, I don't think I went too far. 
So here's the story. If Dameon's father was working with Ahriman as far back as when Thais was destroyed (or a little after, just around there somewhere), and if Mr. Maurva didn't want to ask Talia to watch Dameon during his demon meetings (for fear of being found out or something), then somebody would have to babysit Dameon. And clearly, obviously, the only logical choice for who would receive such a responsibility is Aesma. Which is conveniently perfect for my purposes, because tiny Dameon would totally make flower crowns for giant monsters and convince them to wear said crowns with his stupid cute little face.
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daeva-agas · 8 months
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I was thinking "I should clarify my designs/mental image of the AV druids some more because of Lore (TM)", but LMAO I can't help thinking of the daeva all the time...
I've had this mental gag for the longest time that "Rashnu looks kind of creepy, and Nanghaithya looks more like the druid than him". Wanted to draw visuals to compare (also Nanghaithya's full face without the covering on his mouth).
Rashnu isn't actually fierce, he just... has permanent frown lines from years of overthinking. Nanghaithya has a few braids that can turn into vines and thorns (because of his Earth element thing).
I probably should make a more detailed character drawing/profile someday... I originally wanted to try to fanfic it, but it's been like 5 years and the words still aren't working.
This version of Nanghaithya is different than this one because the one pictured in this post is for a specific AU/canon divergent lore. Mostly canon compliant, but there's a few flights of fancy taken. That other one is more fully canon compliant.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
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I draw Agas every year on my birbday
After thinking about this, this version of Agas is the “AU-verse”. The blond one can stay, and that’s gonna be the more-AV-canon-compliant version. Still with a lot of lolz and giggles involved, but eh.
I need to get better at drawing animal/beast/non-human creatures so I can draw his “true face”. Since I suck at it I usually just draw his “mostly-human face”... His real face is supposed to be more scary/demon-y, I just can’t draw the way I imagined it to look in my head.
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daeva-agas · 6 months
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I made it this annual habit for some reason to draw Agas on my birthday, but on the day itself I had been busy, so this is some days late.
Agas sans armour, LOL.
This Agas is... my "experiment" in creating a humanoid appearance that's not just "looks 100% just like a regular person" or "has 100% animal face, but acts like human". I want it to be more of an alien-ish hybrid kind of look. Most of the time I'm lazy so I just make him wear a "human disguise", though, LOL.
I don't know how the character designers do it in movies and games. I've heard some people say "study animals" or whatever, but I don't know how to apply it? I can draw animals, I can draw humans, I don't know how to mix them. This is kind of my best attempt thus far.
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daeva-agas · 8 months
Crack animation 2: Crispmas. There's a HP/MP bar because in the initial scene it was meant to look like someone actually playing a game and switching around party members to decorate the room.
Never finished for the same reason as the other one: I forgot the script/plot. Was making these between school/college activities, and then like... Woops.
Why are the daeva just chilling there with the druids having "Crispmas party" together together and everything's fine? It was supposed to be explained in the thing, but yeah, silly me for not actually writing down the script.
Funny scenes from the "footage" I already did:
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Inside joke about venisons from Ye Olde Forums (courtesy of @druidofdarkness).
Breaking the Fourth Wall
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And references to AV3
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daeva-agas · 8 months
Crack animation from around 2010 or so.
No matter whether it's a canon compliant or AU scenario, in my headcanon Derez and AV1-Gavin and all the random warlock/sorcerers/etc in AV2 and 3 that are recolours of that same base sprite will always be "Nanghaithya clone minions".
Man, I suddenly kind of want to replace that Vohu faceset, because I just grabbed a random drawing that I had on hand and it was a bit bleh, but I don't wanna reupload this stupid video. It's short but for some reason it takes forever to upload and process.
I really was also gonna make the capture scenarios of all the druids, but at the time I was like "I don't need to write this down, I can remember all my dialogue script". Well, of course I forgot everything afterwards LMAO. The idea was that all 6 daeva had a different spell/method for it, plus chaotic interactions.
I did make Eithera and it's even sillier than this one and I now have second hand embarrassment from it LOL. I'll show the "soul capture" spell at least:
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Back when RPG Maker VX/Ace was all the rage I tried making Agas in the style of the RPG Maker VX RTP facesets/busts.
Dunno why I did this. It must’ve been 12 years ago, so I don’t remember why anymore.
Agas being really handsome (and otherwise mostly-looks-human) guy when he removes his armour is a crack idea that still makes me laugh when I think about it. My thought process was like the team members being like “Hey do you think the armoured one looks like a monster under the helmet or more like a person?” “Well the nose and mouth looks humanish? But maybe he has like three eyes though.”
Then they had Elini summon him and have him remove his helmet and everyone’s shocked at his face. 
Good ol’ forum days. 
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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*It was a sign*
This blondie version of Agas had such a high shcool edgelord vibe to him, I’m randomly thinking what he’d be like when he’s “older” (in my headcanon he’s the equivalent of a late teens-early 20s during canon timeline).
Probably some kind of “rock ‘n roll cool guy” vibes. I wanted to draw it, but I’m blanking on “casual outfit” look for a fantasy universe, so I just... didn’t.
SKJDHFJEHKG It’s just so funny that half of the Aveyond daeva stuff I thought up were mostly for laughs, and it got stuck, and when I bothered to put some thought into it, it’s for an AU that involves some form of canon deviation. So now that I think of it, I never really have a fully canon compliant version of them.
Meanwhile Rhen and co are mostly the same across the different headcanons.
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Agas but in Obey Me uniform
I’ve been thinking that this version of Agas is somewhat similar to Mammon, LMAO... just slightly less dumb, and more spiteful (a bit like Satan in some ways)
The version with the white hair is funnily enough a bit like Solomon, now that I think of it. Wow. Is that why I like them? 
The RAD uniform is so complicated bleh... 
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daeva-agas · 2 years
Hello a aveyond 1 question, why do you like agas so much? Im mere curious, I really like his sprite, it reminds me of kain of ff4. Also do you have headcannon for him?
It's time for ~Deep Lore~
Believe it or not, it's actually not like that. Among the AV daeva my first favourite was Nanghaithya because "his" sprite is the one that looks most normal and stuff. You can't even see Agas's face, so it's like meh. I just paid attention to Agas sort of because of the cutscene where he makes snippy comments at Dameon.
(I'm not sure how long have you been in the fandom, but back in the day a lot of us players do not like Dameon, so like, I cheered on him because he makes Dameon look really bad in front of the other team members)
But anyway, my gag crack ship involving Agas somehow stuck permanently, and he ended up just being my focus of attention because I had wanted to make a fanfic out of it. I wrote 1-2 chapters, and I never managed to finish writing, but I already did pretty extensive plotting for it so yeah.
I shifted stuff around for a bit, but I kinda settled for my daeva "mains" being a trio of Agas, Nanghaithya, and Zarich.
Funny thing is, those three are literally just default RPG Maker XP sprites. Agas is a default lance warrior, Nanghaithya a default wizard, and Zarich a default ghost/monster.
Also. My headcanon is like... Really Long. Like all amateur fantasy writers, we all want to be like Tolkien LOLOL.
The short version is that Agas's dad is Saurva, his mother is human, and he is a fake daeva. This ties into another long-winded headcanon where the daeva are not actually evil, they're the mirror/shadow version of the druids and the Ahriman thing happened because of a huge mistake. The daeva actually are more powerful than Ahriman, he isn't their master, but things just happened.
Also he knows Gyendal and Te'ijal at some point, back when they were still human. They just don't remember anymore.
If... uh... you wanna hear more, please come by to ask again, I'm not sure you want to hear me ramble about this really ridiculous dramatic tale that I came up with.
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Redraw of old art I found in my old folders. The old painting is from 2009. I’m amazed how old that drawing is. It wasn’t that bad, so I had assumed it was newer.
Pre-redesign Nanghaithya is so... well, not soft per se, but he’s nicer. 
I feel like. In Saiyuki terms. He's vaguely reminiscent of Hakkai ahaaahaha my Saiyuki phase is showing.
I cannot remember for the life of me why I designed Nanghaithya with (mostly) Chinese aesthetics despite the typical Western fantasy RPG setting. I guess I was just trying something different.
Since in the older drawing it’s just a flat art with no environment/BG I took the BG design from an even older art. It’s some lake with falling stars and for some reason I called it Lake Averne just because it sounds cool. It has nothing to do with the mythology/legends. 
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daeva-agas · 4 years
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This probably means absolutely nothing to 90% of my followers OTL
Aveyond 1, how I got my username, long story, don’t worry if you don’t get it.
Anyway between that old drawing and now, I tweaked the daeva squad so that they’re less cutesy/silly and more... well, semi-serious. Mostly just more deranged, though with slightly more organized backstories. It also entails minor redesign of appearance, so in human AU they look different too. Due to the personality change the Hogwarts AU house alignments would shift too, so... 
I’m mostly just horrified that Nanghaithya looks like some sort of anime Snape and Agas looks like anime Malfoy that I see on Twitter or Pixiv fanarts. Maybe it would look less weird if I preserved their bizarro hair colours, but I enforced a strict Normal Human Appearance on myself this time, so eh. I’ll live. 
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