#av daeva
daeva-agas · 6 months
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I made it this annual habit for some reason to draw Agas on my birthday, but on the day itself I had been busy, so this is some days late.
Agas sans armour, LOL.
This Agas is... my "experiment" in creating a humanoid appearance that's not just "looks 100% just like a regular person" or "has 100% animal face, but acts like human". I want it to be more of an alien-ish hybrid kind of look. Most of the time I'm lazy so I just make him wear a "human disguise", though, LOL.
I don't know how the character designers do it in movies and games. I've heard some people say "study animals" or whatever, but I don't know how to apply it? I can draw animals, I can draw humans, I don't know how to mix them. This is kind of my best attempt thus far.
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suraanahita · 2 years
“buništag dō ēk dādār ud ēk murnjēnīdār...”
“The principles are two: one is the creator, one is the destroyer...”
(cf. VZ 1.21, 28; 22.5)
••• ••• •••
Eudoxos, Theopompos, and Hermippus spoke of “two principles” (δύο ... ἀρχάς) that were called Oromazdes and Areimanios by the Magi. Aristotle uses δαίμων (≈ Av. mainiiu-) as the generic term for two opposing transcendent beings of the Iranian religion. In Plutarch’s de Iside (46), θεός, “god” is used as a general term for the two highest divinities (θεοὺς), which are seen as “rivals” (ἀντιτέχνους). Referring then back to the relevant Iranian terminology, Plutarch makes the distinction between θεός = Ahura Mazdā (Ὡρομάζης) and δαίμων = Aŋra Mainiiu (Ἀρειμάνιος).
This distinction between θεός vs. δαίμων could also be an an allusion to Av. ahura vs. daēuua.
••• ••• •••
Ἀριστοτέλης δ' ἐν πρώτῳ Περὶ φιλοσοφίας καὶ πρεσβυτέρους εἶναι τῶν Αἰγυπτίων· καὶ δύο κατ' αὐτοὺς εἶναι ἀρχάς, ἀγαθὸν δαίμονα καὶ κακὸν δαίμονα· καὶ τῷ μὲν ὄνομα εἶναι Ζεὺς καὶ Ὠρομάσδης, τῷ δὲ Ἅιδης καὶ Ἀρειμάνιος.
“Aristotle in the first book of his dialogue ‘On Philosophy’ declares that the Magi are more ancient than the Egyptians; and further, that they believe in two principles, the good spirit and the evil spirit, the one called Zeus or Oromasdes, the other Hades or Arimanius.”
(Diog. Laert., Proem. 6.8)
••• ••• •••
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Now onto the actual Pārsīg term ‘bun(išt)(ag)’, ‘principle’, in Middle Persian and Avestan texts…
MPers. ‘bun’ (bwn), derives from OIr. *buna-/būna- (OAv. būna-, YAv. buna-), denoting ‘source, origin, foundation’ (a fundament or principle).
In the Avesta though, the word seems to denote a deep, dark, lightless, material place of origin/rest. One phrase from the Vidēvdāt (19.47) writes, “bunəm aŋhəūš təmaŋhe”, “(into the) ground of the dark existence (where demons reside)”. The Pahlavi translation of the line then uses the same ‘bun’; “ō bun ī axvān ī tom* kē ērang dūzax”, “into the basis of the dark-places of being, the horrible hell.” (*MPers. tom = Av. təma-, ‘dark’.)
It may be that the term underwent semantic development into a generic meaning of “source, principle” later on (post-Achaemenid). Hence we receive MPers. ‘dō-bun’, the two-origins — the creative and destructive forces (Dadar Ohrmazd & Ahriman, Yazata & Daeva, Asha & Druj) that battle in the material creation (gētīg/gusha/gita) through the linear cycles of finite time (linear-wise it’s 9,000 total warring years which make up the last 3 cyclical periods of Zurvan-Daregho-Xvadata).
Although that being stated, it seems that evil is ultimately finite vs. good which is always infinite.
Ohrmazd exists as zamān ī akanārag “for (as?) the infinite time.” The expression zamān ī akanārag is a calque for zurvān ī akanārag “infinite time/space.” The appearance of that Z/zurvān (endless space/time) in the cosmological context (cf. VZ 1.27-28) is motivated by the idea of a “pact” (paymān, pašt) between both principles (Ahriman & Ohrmazd) which again, lasts for 9,000 years (see Bundahišn 1.10 and then 1.24). Mithra/Mehr, who is the divinity of oath/contract, is sometimes identified as serving as the mediator between the duo’s battling.
In addition, the reason why the material creation and material/finite time/space are created by Ohrmazd is to serve as a trap for Ahriman, who through the prior mentioned reciprocal agreement leads himself unknowingly (as he has no foresight) to his demise (frašokereti). Otherwise they’d be in conflict for eternity (prior to Bundahišn/creation, they were unmanifest in Zurvan Akarana). Ohrmazd ultimately bases the world off of Asha, the order and flow of the cosmos. It is visually seen as a flame (thus the creation is like the living fire).
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luiz-henrique · 3 years
" Imagem Representativa de Lilith..., que Tem Vários Títulos Atributais -: Jahi..., Sthriga, Também chamada de Sthrega..., a Bruxa..., Sacerdotiza- Mór ..., Rainha da Noite..., Gimela: Nahash...,
a Serpente..., Jerarquia Obscura Terrível..., Alyda ..., Acompanha de Indizíveis..., de sua Manifestação Espelhada , Desdobrada Co- Ubíqua , para estarem -: Ante si..., que Tem Outros Nomes..., e que Não deixam de Com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
serem a mesma...,
Personificação Deidática...,
Igraith : Aggarath : Agrath- Bath- Malath: Igrath- Bath- Malath..., Mochlath:Machaloth:Mahalath:
Umm- El-Subyan : " Kashshapthu : Feitiçeira ...,
Isheth Zinunin: Eisheth Zinunin:
Ashth Zinunin: Ishth Zinunin...,
Nahemah: a Encantadora Rainha da Sedução: Nahemoth: Naamah: Neehmeh...,
e Específicas : São Manifestações Espelhadas com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
e Simultâneas -: com Nomes, Apresentações, Atributos -:
Diferentes ou Semelhantes...,
e Nós de Expressão Manifestatória - : Simultâneos Diferentes -: como Arqui- Demônesa , Vampira , Qlippho e, então em si ,o Destaque de Qlipphoth..., Druj , Daeva, Arch- Daeva , Asura , Manhã - Asura, Kakodaimon , Deusa , Deusa- Demônesa, Fantasma ou Espectro-: Não- Humanos, Djinn ou Jinn : Arqui- Vampira , Assombração -: Personificação Deidática e Simultâneamente-: Distintos de Natureza Deidática -: Co- Espelhar de : "Lilithu
...", "Lillake"(...)-:
"Ardath- Lili...,"
Amorfo: Amozrpho : Senhora das Lilim , Súccubus e Outras...,
Haqash : Matrona das Feras , Lôbos , Chacais , Predadores da Noite , Aves de Rapina...,
Solo: Ayylo : Senhora dos Ventos da Tempestade...,
Rainha da Luxúria , Lascívia e das Paixões...,
Ikpodo : a do Vôo Veloz...,
Ptrota : Sthriga: Sthrega: Strine : Bruxa...,
Khods : Alada...,
Abnukta :Abniqta : Quem se Apráz com as Montanhas , Florestas , Bosques , Lugares Solitários e Específicos Todos como Malditos...,
Abyzou : A que Surge dos Abismos...,Tltoi - Pritsa...,
Kle- Ptuza...,
Rainha da Morte ,
Doadora da Vida ,
Senhora da Imortalidade ,
Bela , Jovial e que Jamais morre e Nunca Envelhece...,
Aquela dos Véus das Ilusões...,
a de Muitos Nomes ...,
e mesma..., Lilith (...)!!! "
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camerxn · 7 years
proof that I'm not that great at DJing.
Ambient | Techno | Industrial | Drone | Grey Area
Camerxn - VX-Athena [intro]
Cloistral - Ծագում
Ventress - Untitled 2 [AVN002]
SØS Gunver Ryberg, Camerxn - Terra-Cytherean
>> Ntogn - Hatchlings, hatching
Mønic - Lust Product
Fis - Drain Torch
ıšdavıkaı - Det restes inga gravar i våra namn
Cloistral - Ոչ մի սպասում
Camerxn - Aurora Athenalis
Drottning Omma - Untitled 3 [Iris av is]
Camerxn - TRM-Interplanetary
Lundin Oil - They Need Tragedy
>> Fjäder - Bifrost
Lundin Oil - Assisting Genocide
Meer - The feelings you thought you'd forgotten
Varg - Vitberget
Camerxn - Warrior's Meditation
Nastika - Daeva
SØS Gunver Ryberg, Camerxn - Kirkwood Gaps
Kondaktor - Signal #1 (ANFS Remix)
Ancestral Voices - Eiyani
Camerxn - Star Strangle
Morenceli - Exalted
Lundin Oil - Failed State
Sam KDC Ft. Petra Zhivkova & Gloria Petkova - Survive / Exist
Offworldcolonies + Inget - Tilting Morals
Morenceli - Caligula Statue
>> Ane Østergaard - Borrowed
Oake - Paysage dépaysé
>> SØS Gunver Ryberg - 1170 Siva (Bare Bones)
Double arrow (>>) tracks do not fully segue from the previous song.
live recording with 3 decks audio file: AAC duration: 1:10:18 bit rate: 256 kbps (variable) sample rate: 44.1 kHz channels: stereo
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daeva-agas · 8 months
Crack animation 2: Crispmas. There's a HP/MP bar because in the initial scene it was meant to look like someone actually playing a game and switching around party members to decorate the room.
Never finished for the same reason as the other one: I forgot the script/plot. Was making these between school/college activities, and then like... Woops.
Why are the daeva just chilling there with the druids having "Crispmas party" together together and everything's fine? It was supposed to be explained in the thing, but yeah, silly me for not actually writing down the script.
Funny scenes from the "footage" I already did:
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Inside joke about venisons from Ye Olde Forums (courtesy of @druidofdarkness).
Breaking the Fourth Wall
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And references to AV3
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daeva-agas · 8 months
Crack animation from around 2010 or so.
No matter whether it's a canon compliant or AU scenario, in my headcanon Derez and AV1-Gavin and all the random warlock/sorcerers/etc in AV2 and 3 that are recolours of that same base sprite will always be "Nanghaithya clone minions".
Man, I suddenly kind of want to replace that Vohu faceset, because I just grabbed a random drawing that I had on hand and it was a bit bleh, but I don't wanna reupload this stupid video. It's short but for some reason it takes forever to upload and process.
I really was also gonna make the capture scenarios of all the druids, but at the time I was like "I don't need to write this down, I can remember all my dialogue script". Well, of course I forgot everything afterwards LMAO. The idea was that all 6 daeva had a different spell/method for it, plus chaotic interactions.
I did make Eithera and it's even sillier than this one and I now have second hand embarrassment from it LOL. I'll show the "soul capture" spell at least:
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daeva-agas · 8 months
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I was thinking "I should clarify my designs/mental image of the AV druids some more because of Lore (TM)", but LMAO I can't help thinking of the daeva all the time...
I've had this mental gag for the longest time that "Rashnu looks kind of creepy, and Nanghaithya looks more like the druid than him". Wanted to draw visuals to compare (also Nanghaithya's full face without the covering on his mouth).
Rashnu isn't actually fierce, he just... has permanent frown lines from years of overthinking. Nanghaithya has a few braids that can turn into vines and thorns (because of his Earth element thing).
I probably should make a more detailed character drawing/profile someday... I originally wanted to try to fanfic it, but it's been like 5 years and the words still aren't working.
This version of Nanghaithya is different than this one because the one pictured in this post is for a specific AU/canon divergent lore. Mostly canon compliant, but there's a few flights of fancy taken. That other one is more fully canon compliant.
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daeva-agas · 7 months
Me just making complicated wild ideas because it's fun. I mentioned that I like the headcanon idea that AV summoners have different "ways "poses" for summoning, so here they are.
Summoning hand gesture:
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Lore(ish) headcanon that to "contract" higher rank demons (e.g the daeva) they need to actually know the demon's personal names. If the demon is in front of them they can do this to find out their names with this spell (cannot be done long distance):
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All this for drama purposes that I don't really know how to write LOL.
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daeva-agas · 2 years
Hello a aveyond 1 question, why do you like agas so much? Im mere curious, I really like his sprite, it reminds me of kain of ff4. Also do you have headcannon for him?
It's time for ~Deep Lore~
Believe it or not, it's actually not like that. Among the AV daeva my first favourite was Nanghaithya because "his" sprite is the one that looks most normal and stuff. You can't even see Agas's face, so it's like meh. I just paid attention to Agas sort of because of the cutscene where he makes snippy comments at Dameon.
(I'm not sure how long have you been in the fandom, but back in the day a lot of us players do not like Dameon, so like, I cheered on him because he makes Dameon look really bad in front of the other team members)
But anyway, my gag crack ship involving Agas somehow stuck permanently, and he ended up just being my focus of attention because I had wanted to make a fanfic out of it. I wrote 1-2 chapters, and I never managed to finish writing, but I already did pretty extensive plotting for it so yeah.
I shifted stuff around for a bit, but I kinda settled for my daeva "mains" being a trio of Agas, Nanghaithya, and Zarich.
Funny thing is, those three are literally just default RPG Maker XP sprites. Agas is a default lance warrior, Nanghaithya a default wizard, and Zarich a default ghost/monster.
Also. My headcanon is like... Really Long. Like all amateur fantasy writers, we all want to be like Tolkien LOLOL.
The short version is that Agas's dad is Saurva, his mother is human, and he is a fake daeva. This ties into another long-winded headcanon where the daeva are not actually evil, they're the mirror/shadow version of the druids and the Ahriman thing happened because of a huge mistake. The daeva actually are more powerful than Ahriman, he isn't their master, but things just happened.
Also he knows Gyendal and Te'ijal at some point, back when they were still human. They just don't remember anymore.
If... uh... you wanna hear more, please come by to ask again, I'm not sure you want to hear me ramble about this really ridiculous dramatic tale that I came up with.
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Technically AV OC but it doesn’t actually matter jgdkfjhknbk it would’ve been relevant if I actually manage to write my fic but herp derp. I just like designing character visuals.
They’re twins.
Aveyond headcanon/AU where the Darkthrops are daeva descendants. Specifically, Agas (because :v)
Sivara is just because I want one of Agas’s spawn to look like grandpa *cough*. Mordred and Mel’s ancestor is Riven. In my planned-but-never-got-there fic only Sivara shows up, but Riven is mentioned so... 
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suraanahita · 5 years
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Shab e Yalda is the Zoroastrian celebration of the Winter Solstice. It is celebrated every December 21th. Culturally, like Nowruz and Mehregan, it involves decorating a table with sweets and symbolic items, particularly pomegranates and watermelons. Also walnuts, dried fruits, and halva. They symbolize good health and the renewal of life. The red hues of these objects symbolize the warm crimson colours in the sky when the sun returns.
Last winter we had so much watermelon out. Even had watermelon jelly. Lmao.
Yalda is an important day.
It is usually said that during the winter solstice, the forces of the daevas and Angra Mainyu were on the loose, or at their peak. They caused a lot of mischief and derangement as the Earth faced its longest hours of the cold night.
There is an old tradition where people would place small fires outside to melt some of the snow and drive out/protect them from evil spirits. They'd also stay inside their homes, play music, eat, etc, because it was important that these negative energies would not get to them. Usually there will be close family get-togethers for this, and many candles are lit for their warming glow. So we spend this day in much good company :)
It is also a celebration of Ahura Mazda’s victory, as the next day ultimately belongs to Him. It is an auspicious and beneficent time, one that signifies the coming glory of the dawn (brilliance of the supreme consciousness which overcomes all difficulties and obstacles).
“There would be feasts, acts of charity and a number of Zoroastrian divinities honoured, and prayers performed to ensure the total victory of the sun that was essential for the protection of winter crops. There would be prayers to God Mithra (Mithr/Mihr/Mehr) and feasts in his honour, since Mithra is an īzad (av. Yazata) and responsible for protecting "the light of the early morning", known as "Hāvangāh".”
It is representative of the light and its victory over eternal night; the forces of good conquering evil. The adorable Yazata or god Mehr (Mithra) is also associated with this holiday as the bringer of light and the rising Sun itself. It is a special festival, marking the power of goodness which illuminates the people with a loving colourful light; saving them from the chaotic darkness.
There is a certain profound type of wisdom in realizing this.
Mithra is ‘apaourvim’, aka ‘without a beginning’, or ‘eternal’, like our other Yazatas. He is the beautiful force of truth. The oath-keeper. Eternal, sleepless, and ever-awake. He is the bridge of friendship between a man and woman to their beloved Yazatas, for in Zoroastrianism God is an ally to mankind; their greatest one at that. Mithra comes into battle against Druj/ultimate falsehood, with the aid of Rashnu (righteousness or integrity), Sraosha (good conscience; inspiration), and Verethragna (victory over obstacles).
Even in our darkest moments light shall shine through. Even in chaos, order will take hold. Even in death, there will be life. This is the hope of Yalda aka “Yaar”, or the most frozen/coldest winter. (edit: or indeed as the Syriac-rooted word would suggest, “birth”. Check my reblog on this post!)
40 days later (Jan.30th) there is Jashn-e Sadeh, the festival of magnificent bonfires, which celebrates the final defeat of the chilling cold and a day to honour the holy and bright fire.
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luiz-henrique · 3 years
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" Imagem Representativa de Lilith..., que Tem Vários Títulos Atributais -: Jahi..., Sthriga, Também chamada de Sthrega..., a Bruxa..., Sacerdotiza- Mór ..., Rainha da Noite..., Gimela: Nahash...,
a Serpente..., Jerarquia Obscura Terrível..., Alyda ..., Acompanha de Indizíveis..., de sua Manifestação Espelhada , Desdobrada Co- Ubíqua , para estarem -: Ante si..., que Tem Outros Nomes..., e que Não deixam de Com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
serem a mesma...,
Personificação Deidática...,
Igraith : Aggarath : Agrath- Bath- Malath: Igrath- Bath- Malath..., Mochlath:Machaloth:Mahalath:
Umm- El-Subyan : " Kashshapthu : Feitiçeira ...,
Isheth Zinunin: Eisheth Zinunin:
Ashth Zinunin: Ishth Zinunin...,
Nahemah: a Encantadora Rainha da Sedução: Nahemoth: Naamah: Neehmeh...,
e Específicas : São Manifestações Espelhadas com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
e Simultâneas -: com Nomes, Apresentações, Atributos -:
Diferentes ou Semelhantes...,
e Nós de Expressão Manifestatória - : Simultâneos Diferentes -: como Arqui- Demônesa , Vampira , Qlippho e, então em si ,o Destaque de Qlipphoth..., Druj , Daeva, Arch- Daeva , Asura , Manhã - Asura, Kakodaimon , Deusa , Deusa- Demônesa, Fantasma ou Espectro-: Não- Humanos, Djinn ou Jinn : Arqui- Vampira , Assombração -: Personificação Deidática e Simultâneamente-: Distintos de Natureza Deidática -: Co- Espelhar de : "Lilithu
...", "Lillake"(...)-:
"Ardath- Lili...,"
Amorfo: Amozrpho : Senhora das Lilim , Súccubus e Outras...,
Haqash : Matrona das Feras , Lôbos , Chacais , Predadores da Noite , Aves de Rapina...,
Solo: Ayylo : Senhora dos Ventos da Tempestade...,
Rainha da Luxúria , Lascívia e das Paixões...,
Ikpodo : a do Vôo Veloz...,
Ptrota : Sthriga: Sthrega: Strine : Bruxa...,
Khods : Alada...,
Abnukta :Abniqta : Quem se Apráz com as Montanhas , Florestas , Bosques , Lugares Solitários e Específicos Todos como Malditos...,
Abyzou : A que Surge dos Abismos...,Tltoi - Pritsa...,
Kle- Ptuza...,
Rainha da Morte ,
Doadora da Vida ,
Senhora da Imortalidade ,
Bela , Jovial e que Jamais morre e Nunca Envelhece...,
Aquela dos Véus das Ilusões...,
a de Muitos Nomes ...,
e mesma..., Lilith (...)!!! "
0 notes
luiz-henrique · 3 years
" Imagem Representativa de Lilith..., que Tem Vários Títulos Atributais -: Jahi..., Sthriga, Também chamada de Sthrega..., a Bruxa..., Sacerdotiza- Mór ..., Rainha da Noite..., Gimela: Nahash...,
a Serpente..., Jerarquia Obscura Terrível..., Alyda ..., Acompanha de Indizíveis..., de sua Manifestação Espelhada , Desdobrada Co- Ubíqua , para estarem -: Ante si..., que Tem Outros Nomes..., e que Não deixam de Com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
serem a mesma...,
Personificação Deidática...,
Igraith : Aggarath : Agrath- Bath- Malath: Igrath- Bath- Malath..., Mochlath:Machaloth:Mahalath:
Umm- El-Subyan : " Kashshapthu : Feitiçeira ...,
Isheth Zinunin: Eisheth Zinunin:
Ashth Zinunin: Ishth Zinunin...,
Nahemah: a Encantadora Rainha da Sedução: Nahemoth: Naamah: Neehmeh...,
e Específicas : São Manifestações Espelhadas com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
e Simultâneas -: com Nomes, Apresentações, Atributos -:
Diferentes ou Semelhantes...,
e Nós de Expressão Manifestatória - : Simultâneos Diferentes -: como Arqui- Demônesa , Vampira , Qlippho e, então em si ,o Destaque de Qlipphoth..., Druj , Daeva, Arch- Daeva , Asura , Manhã - Asura, Kakodaimon , Deusa , Deusa- Demônesa, Fantasma ou Espectro-: Não- Humanos, Djinn ou Jinn : Arqui- Vampira , Assombração -: Personificação Deidática e Simultâneamente-: Distintos de Natureza Deidática -: Co- Espelhar de : "Lilithu
...", "Lillake"(...)-:
"Ardath- Lili...,"
Amorfo: Amozrpho : Senhora das Lilim , Súccubus e Outras...,
Haqash : Matrona das Feras , Lôbos , Chacais , Predadores da Noite , Aves de Rapina...,
Solo: Ayylo : Senhora dos Ventos da Tempestade...,
Rainha da Luxúria , Lascívia e das Paixões...,
Ikpodo : a do Vôo Veloz...,
Ptrota : Sthriga: Sthrega: Strine : Bruxa...,
Khods : Alada...,
Abnukta :Abniqta : Quem se Apráz com as Montanhas , Florestas , Bosques , Lugares Solitários e Específicos Todos como Malditos...,
Abyzou : A que Surge dos Abismos...,Tltoi - Pritsa...,
Kle- Ptuza...,
Rainha da Morte ,
Doadora da Vida ,
Senhora da Imortalidade ,
Bela , Jovial e que Jamais morre e Nunca Envelhece...,
Aquela dos Véus das Ilusões...,
a de Muitos Nomes ...,
e mesma..., Lilith (...)!!! "
0 notes
luiz-henrique · 3 years
" Imagem Representativa de Lilith..., que Tem Vários Títulos Atributais -: Jahi..., Sthriga, Também chamada de Sthrega..., a Bruxa..., Sacerdotiza- Mór ..., Rainha da Noite..., Gimela: Nahash...,
a Serpente..., Jerarquia Obscura Terrível..., Alyda ..., Acompanha de Indizíveis..., de sua Manifestação Espelhada , Desdobrada Co- Ubíqua , para estarem -: Ante si..., que Tem Outros Nomes..., e que Não deixam de Com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
serem a mesma...,
Personificação Deidática...,
Igraith : Aggarath : Agrath- Bath- Malath: Igrath- Bath- Malath..., Mochlath:Machaloth:Mahalath:
Umm- El-Subyan : " Kashshapthu : Feitiçeira ...,
Isheth Zinunin: Eisheth Zinunin:
Ashth Zinunin: Ishth Zinunin...,
Nahemah: a Encantadora Rainha da Sedução: Nahemoth: Naamah: Neehmeh...,
e Específicas : São Manifestações Espelhadas com Máscaras Facéticas Diferentes...,
e Simultâneas -: com Nomes, Apresentações, Atributos -:
Diferentes ou Semelhantes...,
e Nós de Expressão Manifestatória - : Simultâneos Diferentes -: como Arqui- Demônesa , Vampira , Qlippho e, então em si ,o Destaque de Qlipphoth..., Druj , Daeva, Arch- Daeva , Asura , Manhã - Asura, Kakodaimon , Deusa , Deusa- Demônesa, Fantasma ou Espectro-: Não- Humanos, Djinn ou Jinn : Arqui- Vampira , Assombração -: Personificação Deidática e Simultâneamente-: Distintos de Natureza Deidática -: Co- Espelhar de : "Lilithu
...", "Lillake"(...)-:
"Ardath- Lili...,"
Amorfo: Amozrpho : Senhora das Lilim , Súccubus e Outras...,
Haqash : Matrona das Feras , Lôbos , Chacais , Predadores da Noite , Aves de Rapina...,
Solo: Ayylo : Senhora dos Ventos da Tempestade...,
Rainha da Luxúria , Lascívia e das Paixões...,
Ikpodo : a do Vôo Veloz...,
Ptrota : Sthriga: Sthrega: Strine : Bruxa...,
Khods : Alada...,
Abnukta :Abniqta : Quem se Apráz com as Montanhas , Florestas , Bosques , Lugares Solitários e Específicos Todos como Malditos...,
Abyzou : A que Surge dos Abismos...,Tltoi - Pritsa...,
Kle- Ptuza...,
Rainha da Morte ,
Doadora da Vida ,
Senhora da Imortalidade ,
Bela , Jovial e que Jamais morre e Nunca Envelhece...,
Aquela dos Véus das Ilusões...,
a de Muitos Nomes ...,
e mesma..., Lilith (...)!!! "
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