#avii speaks
platypus-beans · 6 days
I'm currently working on redoing all my refs for @cupheart-land-of-aviie as we speak. It's taking a while because school is a lot more taxing this year, but I don't want anyone to think it's abandoned. I'm posting the new refs as I go on my insta (platypus_dr) but if you dont want future spoilers I wouldn't look.
So. Ah. Basically...
Tell me your thoughts about cupheart if you have em...I wanna know. Just like, any thoughts as long as ya not gonna be a dick about it. abwabwabwa
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tallboyben · 4 years
broke: christmas
woke: 244th anniversary of crossing the delaware
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papercinders · 4 years
obi-wan is such a weird character. half the fandom thinks he’s chronically flirty and the other half thinks he’s chronically depressed
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aviiens · 4 years
possibly the greatest feeling in the world is making a writing schedule and actually sticking to it :-)
i’ve been writing at least 1k words every day for four days so far and i’m so proud because i’ve never been this consistent before!!
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julymarte · 4 years
Idk what to ask but Avii looks rad so tell me something about them?
sure! gonna use one of veleea’s designs  for the explaination
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starting with some lore, Avii are one of the 3 races living in the Flux, a sort of planetary system linked by portals made by a flux on mana that passesthrough them... Avii were the less numerous but the smartest and  most talented with magic wich they could use without spells and crystals.... avii were pa peaceful population and lived in harmonywith nature, they were more developped than humans and helped them greatly teaching them magic and helping them in simple tasks without speeding up their  natural evolution (consider humans didn’t have huge cities  back then, it was mostly small villages) but causeof...stuff... the Padoor( the other race withhorns andpurple skin)declared war to the numerous but weak humans so veleea herself used her magic to save some human villages and towns  making them islands in the skies(only in one of the manyworlds that now it’s called kingdom of sky) and together with other powerful avii mages  gifted them  some of her magic and taught them thespell to flyto be freeto roam in safety far from thewar  raging on the land.... avii kept helping humans during the war  but being apeaceful  civilization they weren’t ready for war and had to retreat to avoid going extinct,veleeaherself diedto seal away the padoor with a powerful spell together with two human rulers... now thepeople of thekingdom of sky worship them as gods and wait for their return
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as a species Avii are pretty clearly  part birds, they also have lighter bones and  hatchfrom eggs so they don’t have navelsor nipples(girls and boys both can have puffy or flat chests and their genitals are never exposed so it’s kinda hard to tell a girl and boy apart sometimes so it’salwaysbetterto start off a conversation using neutral pronouns, even if males tend to have  flashier colors or are bigger accordingto the species), they have fangs as they eat bothfruits and meat butdon’t have beaks... as i said they are natural magic users( magic in my universe is almost strictly elemental..at least white magic) and live twice as humans..in some cases like veleea even more
avii who are born with 4 wings are an anomaly, amutation but  since they can weild  magic better they aren’t outcasted but considered respectavble and end up getting  high ranks in the avii society
in the flux there’s some sort of international lenguage as wemight consider english but avii have their own lenguage that among humans only the priests of the kingdom of sky  can speak
in thecurrent timeline avii are still into hiding as they are scared of the weird obsession some humans  have for them and are afraid that  they’d be treated like rare merch or get worshipped by some cult if coming out of their hideout, wich is in a deserted planet called  kingdom of void.
i think that is all??but i’m not sure dfghjk i’ll check if i’ll haveto add more stuff later
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dead-blog-aviilia · 4 years
Hello this is Avii speaking
and some of you don't know that I moved from this blog to @aviilia
if it's not that hard you can follow me💪
(I try to be active on Tumblr as much as on Instagram,, 😳👉👈)
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suepixels · 6 years
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29 | Yoga Class - Namaste [🔗]
Bridgeport Quays - Skye Fitness “It’s all about the balance, gurl” Yoga and Mika are like water and fire they don’t get along pretty well. But for Avea, she would burn if she would have to. Dancing? If you mean Hip-Hop and simply normal dancing heck yeah she loves it but Ballet? No this is hard work the tiptoe dancing and all the discipline? Mika tried it once and realized it wasn’t that easy to dance like that! This hardcore daily body performance struggle and pain? Hell no plus Mika has no endurance whatsoever to stay patient compared to Avea who has a bright smile and can wait until she achieves what she is going for. Since she knows how it feels to dance ballet she gained huge respect to those who dance and well Yoga is not that much different! “OM” is simply not her mantra.
“Hey Mik, here you are. I thought you forgot me already with all the sweet talk chatting to Mr. Bastien. How is his accent? Does it sound sexy, huh? Like you know Emric’s accent” she says eager to hear how it went with the two lovebirds! 
Mik looks at Avea down-hearted: “Ah guurl I could cry... he is only dating “casual” so we wouldn’t be exclusive at least not now or anytime soon and who knows maybe it was all just sweet talk as you just said, you know? We agreed to be first friends and we will see where it takes us. “HE” doesn’t “forces” himself into relationships. He said if it’s meant to happen he goes with the “FLOOOW”.” Mika is rolling dramatically her eyes. “Accent? Noo, I haven’t noticed anything yet. His English is perfectly accent-free. But I’m quite sure he talks dirty french when it gets steamy, haha! You liked Emric’s French accent, didn’t you Avii?”  she says jauntily.
Avea snickers and adds saucily: “Mik wait until you have it and then ask me again if I liked it or not, okay...? Mon amour! teasing Mika. Regardless if I lost the feelings for Emric but hell yes it is a turn on to have someone who speaks an accent!” Well the class starts, now let’s go inside.
Sweet, let’s burn some stretching calories together” Mika responses dramatically “I guess the instructor is already here. Man, he looks grumpy today.”
Mika struggles a bit during the class and it takes her longer to do some exercises, she whispers “Avii... fuck it looks so simple and I struggle to find my “center” you rock this so much better than I do.”
“Sis, no pain no gain, right? Keep doing it as far as I can tell you do just fine, you are not the only one who struggles. Look my Crescent Lunge won’t work well for me. Damm, I’m out of balance... need to do some more of these”
“I guess it all about balance. 50% ex-boyfriend, 35% dating causal and 15% body balance. Damm it why is everything so hard? Mika cackles and Avea couldn’t help it but she had to laugh “Oh Mik what has that to do with anything?” The yoga instructor gives them both a grumpy face and says “Shhhh, girls are you done giggling and chatting?” Both look at him and then at each other and began again to giggle. But they remain suddenly silent after the instructor gave them another firm look and they continued to focus on their flexibility workout. 
45 minutes later the class was finally over. 
“This instructor had an “I’m gonna kill you - look” geez! Sweety, are you excited? In less than two hours you will date Val in his restaurant. Isn’t the first time that you will date him there?” Mika asks.  “Hmm?” Avea is suddenly drifting away with her thoughts. Time is almost up and the bad feeling is coming back to her, somehow she feels this could leave a bad aftertaste, she says musingly:
“He never invited me to his restaurant, Mik. I mean we have been in many places but he never took me there. I never asked, I thought when he is ready he will do it anyway. I’m not excited, to be honest, I’m rather more nervous! Last night, Mik, he was different the way how he talked to me the way how he desperately loved me as if he would lose me once I know the truth.”
“Avea, don’t put too much thought into that, okay? I mean I saw you guys together and you are so adorable. I see the magic between you and him. You know? May he has something to tell you about his family or business or else, right? Be open and listen first.” Mik sees her confusion and tries to cheer her up.
“May I do overreact, you’re right. Mik? Thank you for your soothing words. I think I should head home now get myself ready and we will talk later, okay?” Avea hugs Mika tight. “Wish me luck, I don’t want to lose him, Mika”.
“Go, and make sure to look flawless as usual and he may won’t be able to say anything but enjoy the evening with you” she winks at Avea.
Avea leaves the gym but this bad feeling deep inside whispers “Don’t do this - don’t go there” but she decides to overhear it and she wants to give Val a chance to tell her whatever it is and she decided that she will be strong to overcome each obstacle because she loves him and she promised him to love him forever, right? 
She was determined to find out what bothers him so much that he fears to lose her...
Cool yoga poses are by @quiddity-jones  Talking poses by the wonderful @something-wicked-sims 😍 without your talking master pack I would be honestly lost. Angry pose by cool @akuiyumi 😊
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aviinue · 6 years
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tallboyben · 4 years
hey quick reminder:
i know some users don’t like it when people scroll through their blog and like a bunch of posts and generally spam their notifications and on one hand i get it (getting a constant stream of likes from one person without a follow is sometimes a little bit annoying ngl) but also it makes me happy to see that someone genuinely enjoys my blog and the content i have to offer; that someone is entertained enough by my blog whether they’re just bored out of their mind or are actively seeking out the kind of content i post. so you have my full permission to spam likes without reblogging or following bc my blog exists for pure enjoyment. please do NOT feel guilty. sometimes i feel like i’m being annoying by liking someone’s posts but it’s not annoying and please don’t feel guilty for showing appreciation in the way you see fit :)
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tallboyben · 4 years
that gifset of ben and his dad after the battle of setauket... i have nothing meaningful to contribute except that it reminds me of why i love this show so much. the emotions are so complex and real because the characters are messy and imperfect. it gives me this bittersweet feeling of wistfulness that i can’t exactly explain, and maybe it’s a ridiculous longing for a time that has already passed, or a strange desire for the kinds of connections that the characters in turn are able to forge. maybe it’s sonder, except for people who lived such vivid lives hundreds of years ago. maybe it’s how ben seems to always be searching for someone to affirm him, and yet he has earned the respect and love of his father already. maybe it’s seeing what ben is fighting for. i can’t explain.
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tallboyben · 4 years
i think the reason why i’m so drawn to the american revolution is because i’m a writer at heart — i have a deep love for stories that speak of hope in the darkest of times and people that persevere despite all else and unlikely, hard-won victories. the american revolution is extraordinary in that the colonists fought the greatest military power in the world and won. it’s a story in which the idealists and the hopeful fools march through doubt and darkness but never lose their conviction that it’s worth it. we can debate how successful america is as a nation and we can discuss the flaws of the founding fathers — and we should — but from another, less analytical, less quantitative perspective, the american revolution is an incredible story of resilience, conviction, and perseverance. that’s what draws me to it. that’s what makes me long for a distant time that was, in reality, marked by hardship and turmoil and loss.
history is a lot more complicated than george washington giving up power after two terms or thomas jefferson declaring all men are created equal, but the human and the storyteller in me are drawn to the seed that lies at the heart of the american revolution: that voice that says, give me liberty or give me death; that story that speaks of freedom.
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tallboyben · 4 years
i have no idea why i had this idea that ben was some goody two shoes???? like did i just ignore how he kidnapped abe, let caleb beat simcoe up, took a court-martial, and rescued setauket without orders to do so and all in season 1???
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tallboyben · 4 years
a small rant on patriotism for independence day
Patriotism in America is declining. A lot. And I’m not surprised that so many, especially younger generations, have lost faith: just look at Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, or the reaction of Americans to having to wear a mask, or George Floyd’s death, one in a long chain of injustices that have plagued America for far too long. America is built upon systemic racism and oppression. It can be easy to lose hope and declare patriotism dead.
But patriotism isn’t a blind devotion to your country’s superiority or a justification of all of the American government’s decisions. It’s defined as “devotion” and “vigorous support.” You can be a patriot and simultaneously rally for change in America. Change is what this country needs. Change is what is best for America. We want change because we want the best for America and its people. Wanting change isn’t the opposite of supporting your country. Wanting change speaks of wanting the best for America. It speaks of devotion to what this country becomes. Wanting change can be patriotic; it’s saying: I’m an American, I want the best for America, and that means that I want change for America.
You can love something and want it to change. It’s my own patriotism that fuels my desire for America to change: I genuinely care about this country. I know it’s messed up, and I want it to change because I care.
The Founding Fathers fought for democracy and equality. Their perceptions of those ideas were flawed. Clearly, their idea of freedom was confined to white men. The Founding Fathers were real, flawed people who had flawed ideas. But those ideas, at their core, are still worth fighting for. Maybe freedom and democracy and equality mean different things to us, now, than they did to the Founding Fathers. It doesn’t mean that we can’t fight for those same things that they did centuries ago. Definitions have changed, people have changed, and America has undoubtedly changed. But our commitment to liberty and desire for a better America has not.
Our country was founded on the idea of freedom, and yet so many are not free. What about systemic racism against black people? What about treatment of prisoners? And of immigrants in ICE detention centers? This Independence Day, let’s remember those who are not free. Let’s fight for their freedom. There is nothing unpatriotic in that—in fact, I believe that dedication to true freedom for everyone in America is truly patriotic, because it’s what this country needs.
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tallboyben · 4 years
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no sir i’m not saying i’m inspired by this and that i want to write an angsty turn fic about a gal who enlists with her husband and then he dies and then she falls in love with someone else but that’s exactly what i’m saying
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tallboyben · 4 years
i have the highest respect for all the absolutely cursed founding father blogs which exist solely to make fun of thomas jefferson and alexander hamilton
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tallboyben · 4 years
i can’t believe thomas paine came to america in 1774 and only two years later, wrote common sense, one of the most influential political pamphlet in history (which contributed to american independence). he also wrote an abolitionist essay in a newspaper (though anonymously) and later, moved to france and played a part in the french revolution (after escaping imprisonment in england). what a man.
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