dsanimao · 4 days
Avispate con la queque o te la quitaran
somos amigos solamente y si alguien estuviera interesado en ella a mi solo me importaría que la quiera de verdad y no la haga sufrir 🤝
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avispate con el nacho :3 los shipeamos n-n
Mira Nachito, viste 😂 JSJAJS @dsanimao
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babydoslilo · 1 year
Qual é o plot?
Da Louis (fem) guitarrista e o Harry (homem) bem delicadinho.
Avisp: no plot doado falaram nela ser punk, e como não entendo muito sobre o estilo musical nem estilo de roupa, estou me baseando mais ou menos na Victoria do Maneskin (não conheço, falo só das roupas).
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egbpng · 1 year
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Carta para mi yo del futuro:
Mi círculo de amigos se hizo más grande este último tiempo, mis notas son mucho mejores, empecé a practicar deporte, mi familia está más calmada, tengo una polola interesante, tendra sus problemas y yo los míos, pero ya no me siento ahogado de estar con alguien al lado.
Si te escribo esto es porque a estas alturas del año pasado recién comenzaste a ir a terapias por segunda vez en tu vida después de los sucesos que tuviste en la media, por segunda vez atentaste contra tu vida. Sin embargo, en un período muy corto de tiempo volviste a estar mejor, pese a que a veces no deseas despegarte de la cama, ahora tienes motivos para estar ahí, motivos que ya no son un "mamá se sentira triste sino voy" o "no creo ser necesario en ese lugar".
Es bonito saber que mi vida, pese a no tener un rumbo, si siento que yo soy el capitán de mi barco, no como antiguamente que me era lo más próximo a un naufragio.
Quierete mucho y no dudes de lo que haces, eres felíz y no lo sabes, avispate.
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apoteosicasex30 · 18 days
Ya viste que no te aman, que no te respetan, cada lágrima vale.
Te hayan hecho sentir las cosas que necesitas en tu corazón no significa que te amén o que todo esté bien.
Avispate Kaory
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stroubcita · 8 months
avispate o xao noma
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sweetbluemoonsworld · 10 months
Hay veces que me gustaría una señal donde pueda ver qué aún puedo confiar en ti, en dónde, al menos en algún lugar de ti, me pidas una disculpa, al menos por como me has hecho sentir, donde pueda ver qué en realidad me amas o en donde pueda ver qué me tienes algo de cariño.
Detesto verme así, detesto escribir estás cosas para que te avispes, sobre todo porque la ascurrida es gratis... Detesto verme y sentirme así, así tan estúpida por amor...
No quiero llorar más, no quiero verme más tonta, estúpida e idiota...
Me siento realmente patética...
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fafa20p · 1 year
Ya pues... Avispate...
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avispixel · 2 years
How to use A/B testing to improve website conversion rates
A/B testing is an effective method for improving website conversion rates. Conversion rate refers to the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. By conducting A/B testing, you can experiment with different versions of your website to see which one performs better in terms of conversion rate. Here are some tips on how to use A/B testing to improve website conversion rates:
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Define your goals
Before you start conducting A/B tests, you need to define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your website? Do you want to increase sales, generate more leads, or improve user engagement? Once you have a clear goal in mind, you can design your A/B tests accordingly. For example, if you want to increase sales, you might test different product descriptions or pricing options.
Identify your key metrics
In addition to defining your goals, you also need to identify the key metrics that you will use to measure the success of your A/B tests. These might include conversion rate, bounce rate, time on site, or other metrics that are relevant to your goals. By tracking these metrics, you can determine which version of your website is performing better in terms of your desired outcome.
Develop your hypotheses
Once you have defined your goals and identified your key metrics, you can start developing your hypotheses. A hypothesis is a statement that you believe to be true based on your observations or experience. In the context of A/B testing, a hypothesis might be that changing the color of a button will increase the conversion rate. You can then design an A/B test to see if your hypothesis is correct.
Create your variations
To conduct an A/B test, you need to create two or more variations of your website. These variations should be identical except for the element that you are testing. For example, you might create two versions of your website that are identical except for the color of a button. You can then direct half of your website visitors to one version and the other half to the other version.
Run your test
Once you have created your variations, you can start running your A/B test. Make sure that you track your key metrics carefully so that you can determine which version of your website is performing better. It's also important to run your test for a sufficient amount of time to ensure that your results are statistically significant.
Analyze your results
After you have run your A/B test, you need to analyze your results. Look at your key metrics to see which version of your website performed better. If one version outperformed the other, you can implement the changes on your website permanently. If neither version performed significantly better than the other, you might need to refine your hypothesis and try again.
Repeat the process
A/B testing is an iterative process. Once you have implemented the changes from your first A/B test, you can start the process again with a new hypothesis. Over time, you can use A/B testing to continually improve your website conversion rate and achieve your goals.
In addition to these general tips, there are some best practices that can help you get the most out of your A/B testing:
Test one element at a time: To get clear results, it's important to test one element at a time. If you test multiple elements at once, it will be difficult to determine which one is responsible for the changes in your key metrics.
Test a significant sample size: To ensure that your results are statistically significant, you need to test a sufficient sample size. The size of your sample will depend on your website traffic and the size of the changes that you are testing.
Test over a sufficient time period: It's important to run your A/B test for a sufficient amount of time
To know more about A/B testing or if you are looking for digital marketing services; You may share your requirements on [email protected] or visit our website
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55579378 · 2 years
ya pero cuando va a ser el día en el q se avispe y me hable gjmgjfkgnmgk mucho sapeo
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jinhyun · 2 years
casi me da ataque cuando vi ese ask diciendo que era la última parte NCKDNFKDKDK gracias por otro cap maravilloso!!! 🌹🌹
y pucha Hyunjin ya no puedo seguir defendiendote pq es tan pavo para el amor
KDÑAJDÑSJD LO SIENTOOO, no podía dejar esa oportunidad pasar 😭
nos salió demasiado pavo en cabro 😔 esperemos que se avispe luego nomás
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long-lost-surf · 6 years
Date Interrupted Part 3
               You quickly rush home afraid of what just happened, and what might happen next. Afraid Devlyn might come back. What happened to your nice simple life? For the rest of the day you are restless, you can’t stop thinking about Dark and Devlyn. He didn’t seem as evil as Dark made him out to be, well except the whole kidnapping. So many questions and no answers. Dark won’t tell you, he never has.
               As evening approaches Dark returns home. You rush up and embrace him with a bear hug and whisper, “I am happy you are here.” He gently pats you on the back before disentangling himself from you. He leads you to the table before getting himself some coffee and joining you.
               “Now what happened today.” He sips his coffee and asks, with a look like he is expecting some girl drama from your friends.
               As you start of you story he forgets his coffee, and his look goes from one of humor to one of anger. An anger like you haven’t seen from him before. “Why did you leave? I told you to stay here!” He growls.
               You weakly mutter, “I… I didn’t think it would be dangerous…”
               He slams his fist on the table, “You didn’t think!” He shakes his head slightly and composes himself, “Do you at least know where he took you to, so I can go finish this once and for all?”
               “All I know it was an old mansion in the middle of a waste land. Within in sight there was nothing to see except dead plants.” You respond.
              As you finish Dark hits the table again, this time cracking the table, “Damn that could anywhere. I must leave again, and this time do something right and stay inside until I return.” With that he stands, as he does you notice his knuckles are bleeding. Without another word he leaves you again, you have never seen him this way before.  This angry.
               You try to watch your shows on the television, however your mind keeps wandering to Dark, Devlyn, and all that has happened. Is Dark really who you think he is? Is Devlyn nice or evil? Why are you in the middle of this mess? So many questions but no answers.
           You slowly drift off to sleep and begin to dream. You look around the room you are in. It appears to be an old fashion torture room, with all the implements you would expect. There is only one door into the room and no windows, so you can’t tell where you are at, but you are sure you have never been here before and have never seen a room like this. There is currently only one occupant here. He is strange figure strapped to rack. He is shirtless, and you can see all the scars crisscrossing his back. He has a strange white and black lights dancing around his body.
               About this time the door to the room opens and a single individual enter. You don’t recognize his face, but you cringe from him because you sense he is truly an evil person. He has a blackness around him that oozes as if it was sludge. He walks up behind the person on the rack and retrieves a whip from his belt. “You know why I must do this. You are a failure.” With that the whip flicks across the individuals back, leaving a fresh sore. “You were supposed to kill them. Yet you failed again!” After each word the whip lashes the person back, never landing in the same place. After each stroke there is less white dancing around the person, and with the last stroke there is only blackness around the figure. During the whole event he mutters no sound and you would assume he was dead except his hands clench each time the whip lands.
           Even though you don’t know who is being whipped, you feel pity for them, and by the end you are screaming but no one can hear you. Finishing the person returns the whip to his belt and moves to whisper in the persons ear. “You are a failure. You are pitiful. If it wasn’t for me, you would be dead. Don’t disappoint me again. You owe me all you are.” The figure turns and leaves then.
               As the figure leaves the room, the bindings magically open and the prisoner falls to the ground. The first and only sound that you hear from him is a whimper as he lays on the floor with his back bleeding.
               You startle yourself awake, and smell a wonderful smell permeating the house. Wrapping yourself in a robe you head into the kitchen to find Dark there. What is going on? He has never cooked before, actually you didn’t even know he knew how to cook. As you enter he says, “You were sleeping when I came in, so I started breakfast. You were whimpering in your sleep. Is all well.?” He says with concern.
               You both take your plates of food and sit at the damaged table. As you eat you tell Dark about your dream and expect him to be angry again, instead he smiles. “Ah it seems your gift has finally awoken. It also seems my thoughts were correct, someone is behind Devlyn, controlling him.”
               “My gift?” You ask.
               “Yes, you are a far seer. You can see things that happen at other places. I am glad it finally manifested itself.” He says with happiness, like a kid at Christmas.
               “Wait, what are you talking about? Surely that wasn’t really happening?”
               “Yes, it did, and I have wished to do that to him so many times myself. As far as your gift it is a blessing, soon, with practice you might even be able to see distant people and place when you command it. Call in sick to work today, I think this occasion needs to be celebrated.”
               Most of the day passes uneventfully with shopping and eating decadent foods. You have never seen Dark this happy before. Was your gift that important to him? What is all this about? It seems like every day there is more questions and fewer answers. Every time you try to talk with Dark about it he refuses to answer or gives vague statements. As you are pulling away from the restaurant where you had just eating dinner you look back to see Devlyn standing under the street light watching you. He is wearing a suit again, and his face is void of emotions. For some reason you decide not to mention him to Dark.
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sunrise-tears · 6 years
Cacha po weón, si hasta solo pensándote se me alegra el día.
Déjame estar un poquito más cerca
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auroras-boreales · 7 years
Si tu me hablas de Marte Tal vez yo vuele hacia allá Si no vas a acompañarme Hoy lo harás...
Y puede ser, nuestra señal Mirarte a los ojos y bailar Te sientes mejor, te paso a buscar y hablamos de amor...
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puulga-blog1 · 7 years
Tantos palos y con ninguno te avispai
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citadasprofundas · 4 years
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Home – Mujer Avíspate ✨¿Te has preguntando alguna vez que somos?✨🙏 Pues somos un espíritu, que habita en un cuerpo, y que tiene un alma.
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