#avpol if you squint
starplatimoon · 10 months
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Even more old Jotaro ask blog art! I really want to do something similar again one day, but better
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braiinwormz · 2 months
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just finished jjba part 3 still trying to figure out how to draw these losers
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domirine · 2 years
These ships have aroused my interests
I'M GLAD though idk which ship you mean so i'll tentatively post this wee tiny tiny joseph/avpol snippet. the sort of tiny you can't see shit in unless you squint
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leucoratia · 2 years
Chanting "Avpol, Avpol, AVPOL!!" The potential! The romance! The hilarious pinning we should have seen from jean! Love it all, why couldn't they be Happy!?!
A/N/: efbcdfeshdlqhfuesgfuegujks LITERALLY they are my favourite dynamic in part 3 like UM???? The disaster gay and the calm and collected gay who is secretly as unhinged as his partner I-
Secretly very happy to finally get jojo-related asks because it's my current hyperfixation so thank you anon for indulging me- This post is a literal pamphlet I'm so sorry but I had a lot to say about my boys.
-Warnings: I know you wanted fluff but I couln't resist a LITTLE angst because well I mean these boys have so much trauma-. Mentions of Caejose and Jotakak.
My avpol headcanons under the cut!
Jean-Pierre Polnareff in Avpol Hcs:
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-To kick things off I personally HC Polnareff as a female-leaning bisexual and prone to flings, so when I tell you this man is down BAD for Muhammad-
-Polnareff is more of a sub, so he likes broad, big powerful men to take care of him. He's a very needy partner.
-When they met for the first time, Polnareff instantly knew one thing in his little fleshbud-possessed brain: he wanted to know what was going on behind that iron diaper.
-He was true to his physical attraction to Muhammad from the get-go, but oh boy realizing he had a CRUSH??? No. No no no. This man is going to be oblivious until someone explains to him mathematically why his stomach is doing little flips and why his brain is freezing every time he sees him smile.
-Kakyoin would probably the one to tell him. It would go down like
-Kakyoin: *eyes darting back and forth between Avdol, doubled down in laughter over something Joseph said; and Polnareff, eyes locked on the Egyptian seemingly lost in thought while his lips part in a slight smile* ... you like him huh?
-Polnareff would abruptly snap out of his reverie, probably lose balance from shock and fall on his ass while denying Kakyoin's words in a stammering voice.
-With enough coaxing, Polnareff might not vocally admit to the young man that he has a teeny tiny crush on the fortune teller; but mentally...oh boy. His brain is running around in his skull absolutely unhinged, panicked over the fact that "oh god I'm in love with Muhammad, I'm in love with Muhammad; what am I gonna do- I have to court him properly- should I buy flowers? Chocolates? Write a serenade? Oh mon Dieu does he even like men-"
-Prepare for him to be an absolute mess. He tries to keep composure but you know how he is, it's so hard not to get lost in Muhammad's golden eyes.
-Muhammad was talking to him and Jean-Pierre is trying so, so hard to focus on the conversation but the man's eyes are so sunny, his neck so broad yet infinitely delicate, his hands so rough and yet so soft, his voice velvety and deep and- oh god he forgot what they were talking about.
-He would have all those little attention because well, he does come from the self-proclaimed country of romance and intends to honour his nation.
-His love language would be acts of service and words of affirmation. Muhammad doesn't realize it, but he is being absolutely DROWNED in little gestures and compliments. He's the only one of the crusaders to be oblivious about it actually. Joseph reminisces on his younger days (and flirting with Caesar), Kakyoin saw it coming and Jotaro yare-yare-dazes his way out of it.
-Polnareff would have the most romantic and elaborate declaration of loved planned out, he would have written a speech that he knows by heart and rehearses every night in front of the mirror; but he would NEVER dare to make the first move. I mean is Avdol even into guys and what if he doesn’t like him and-
-Definitely cries himself to sleep about it.
Muhammad Avdol in Avpol Hcs:
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-In my own little brain word Avdol is a demi sex/ro gay so feeling anything remotely close to romance for Polnareff is going to take a loooong while.
-He noticed how Polnareff is acting around him, but brushes it off as Polnareff being his usual extra self. Such good bros.
-He doesn't have a specific type, since he's well...demi as fuck. So he only has so much experience (meaning none). But I feel like he would be attracted to men with a similar build as himself. He wants someone strong, but that he can still take care of. He's the mature adult of the relationship (or is he? Who am I kidding he's chaotic as hell).
-Avdol considers Polnareff his best friend amongst the crusaders (and possibly amongst everyone else). Sure, he knew Joseph for longer, but their relationship is more work-coded even though they get along great. It's just...easier with someone his age (friendly reminder that Muhammad is only in his late 20's, I hc him as being 25 while Jean-Pierre is canonically 22 in part 3). So while the Frenchman is fretting all over him and acting like a bashful schoolgirl, Avdol would consider their relationship as a close friendship more than anything else at first.
-Avdol deeply appreciates Polnareff's chaotic, outgoing and friendly personality. It helps him let loose a little, and slip out of his serious and collected guy persona (e: the pissing incident).
-He's the only one he can show this side of him to really. He has to stay calm for the kids and provide counsel to Joseph, who's prone to being all over the place. It's...nice. To be himself for once.
-Falling in love with Jean-Pierre happens...almost naturally. It's a slippery slope he happily goes down.
-First they travel together. Then they almost die together. They heal together. They struggle with their trauma together. Then they live together. And after a year or two, they love each other together.
-Muhammad would be at peace with his feelings. It made sense, in a way. He couldn't have fallen for anyone else than him.
-At this point in their relationship, they've both tackled more intimate and private topics in their conversations. Muhammad talked about his childhood in Cairo. Jean-Pierre told him about Sherry. Avdol opened up to him about growing up gay in the Islamic part of the Egyptian capital. Polnareff shared how loving men and women in the 70's, especially in the very homophobic french countryside, was extremely hard to make peace with. They understand and know each other like no one else before them.
-Muhammad would make the first move and confess first. Even if Jean-Pierre knows he likes men, he also knows that romance takes him a while. And he wouldn't dare violate his boundaries.
-Muhammad would probably bring it up on a nice evening. Maybe they're dining together in their shared living room. Maybe they're stargazing. It wouldn't matter. He wants to be true to himself and he feels ready to return Jean-Pierre's feelings. Because after all this time, of course he knows. He may be oblivious but he still has a working pair of eyes and ears.
-"I love you". Such simple words that held an infinite weight. They were looking each other in the eyes, and the words slipped Avdol's tongue like they were said a thousand times before. His velvety voice resonated over everything, even Jean-Pierre's thoughts. It took up his entire mind, his entire heart, and for a moment he forgot everything except for his lover. Muhammad was smiling with a softness he hadn't ever seen before. Their hands were clasped in a warm embrace, and that night, it was like there were only the two of them in the world.
Avpol pair hcs:
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-When Muhammad confessed, Jean-Pierre couldn't believe it. After years of pining, the words flipped around in his mind and occupied his entire brain capacity.
-Soft tears ran on his cheeks as he fully understood what he was just told.
"Say it again"
-Muhammad said it again every time.
-Their first kiss was messy. As was their first everything. Jean-Pierre initiated the gesture but couldn't bring himself to close the distance between them, afraid to step over some unspoken boundary. The Egyptian silently put a hand behind the man's neck and pulled him into a loving embrace, lips meeting each other in a chaos of bumping noses and half-opened mouths. Muhammad didn't admit that it was his first kiss. It might not have been the most pleasurable, but it was the best kiss he ever had.
"Let me do it again. Let me do it right. I promise to kiss you how you deserve to be kissed this time"
-Their second kiss was more organized. Polnareff took the fortune teller's lips between his expertly, and Muhammad was sure that he forgot how to breathe for a few moments after they parted.
-It was the first of many that night, and all the nights that followed.
-There would be lots of physical touch. Polnareff is very needy, even more after nearly losing his beloved to Dio. He can't let Avdol out of his sight.
-Even if Polnareff was almost always around Avdol, especially after they were both discharged from the hospital; he's literally attached to the man's leg by now.
-They've been living together since they got out of the blasted hospital really. Jean-Pierre didn't have anywhere to go back to (his little house in the countryside is there but it's so, so lonely without Sherry and he would have to think and be alone and-); and Avdol couldn't be by himself with two newly-attached prosthetic hands. It was only natural for the Frenchman to live in Avdol's house. He loved being introduced to the chickens (when some baby chicks joined the flock, he didn't pass on the opportunity to name the black one Jotaro. He definitely sent the boys pictures.)
-When Muhammad woke up screaming, Jean-Pierre would be out of bed and at his side faster than he could summon Silver Chariot. In the beginning, the Egyptian tried to keep composure after his nightmares, brushing him off at the wave of a hand; but it only took two nights for him to break down completely. Polnareff never saw Avdol cry as hard as he did that night. He didn't dare hold him, hands just ghosting his frame as the man shuddered and wept and fell apart at the seams in front of him. He only muttered reassuring words and tried his best to comfort his best friend, because for once Muhammad allowed himself to be weak and he needed him.
-They ended up sharing bedrooms soon after. It was an unspoken agreement. Avdol often woke up because of horrible nightmares, and Polnareff needed the constant reassurance of Muhammad's presence; he needed to know that the man he loved was alive and not wherever Vanilla Ice took him.
-Polnareff did his best to help around the house, even more when Avdol re-opened his fortune-telling shop. He took up loads of little jobs, wanting to pull his weight even though Muhammad told him time and time again that it wasn't necessary. He did it anyway.
-Jean-Pierre would spend hours reading on how to take care of natural hair. His "housemate" had trouble doing it with his new metallic hands, hair sometimes getting stuck in the delicate mechanism, although he would rather die than admit it. The first time he convinced Muhammad into letting him twist his Bantu knots, the result was...undescribable. The Frenchman felt terrible about messing it up while his partner couldn't stop himself from laughing at the terrible state of his hair.
-Eventually, practice did make perfect, and Jean-Pierre could twist and braid his hair in authentic fashion. Muhammad always made sure to thank him for his service, keeping to himself how the delicate feeling of the man's hands against his scalp made him feel like he was safe from everything.
-The frenchman read somewhere that silk caps were good for natural hair. The very next day, a similar cap was sitting in Avdol's bathroom. He never said a word about it, but he uses it every night.
-Polnareff would also cook quite often, insisting on making Avdol taste the delights of his country. The Egyptian would sometimes wake up to the delicious scent of freshly baked pastry, his lover having woken up extra-early to beat him to breakfast. He's not a stellar cook, but Avdol always swear that his cooking is the best he ever had.
-They would definitely share clothes. Polnareff steals them. Avdol lends them. Seeing his lover in his oversized red cloak is a sight that he holds close to his heart.
-They show each other where they grew up. Avdol makes Polnareff tour Cairo, while the man shows him around the countryside and tells him of his childhood.
-They both enjoyed the cultural exchange they were getting from living together full time, being able to settle down. Polnareff is Christian, while Muhammad is Muslim. The Frenchman was especially curious over the other man's practice. He even tried to do Ramadan with him once, but ended up breaking fast early (his organism was unfortunately pressuring him to drink too hard and he fainted in the middle of the afternoon). Muhammad apreciated the effort nonetheless.
-I believe they both practice their respective religions and deeply respect the other's faith. Hence, Jean-Pierre never pipes a word when Muhammad wakes up in the dead of the night to pray and spends the whole day cooking with him during ramadan; while Avdol makes sure to strictly observe Polnareff's food restrictions during Lent.
-After they get together, the only thing Polnareff struggles with is having to put off the bedroom exercise two times during the year.
-The two would fly to Japan to visit the boys once or twice a year. When they arrive, Kakyoin would slide Jean-Pierre a knowing look, seeing their joint hands; while Jotaro would pull his hat over his eyes and mutter something close to "fucking finally". Meanwhile, Joseph falls off a chair at the news.
-He would probably make a few jokes about Avdol having poor taste in men while Polnareff acts all offended.
"It appears that Kakyoin has quite questionable taste as well", said Avdol, a playful smile dancing on his lips while eyeing Jotaro. The redhead's eyebrows shot up to his hairline while his partner embarrassingly pulled his hat all the way down to his nose, concealing a blush. Fortunately for them, Joseph was oblivious as ever.
-Avdol and Polnareff would spend hours reminiscing together, huddled close on the couch or in bed; telling each other what has never been told before.
-They love each other, and they're alive, and it's enough for them.
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circasoleil · 4 years
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Bakamitai <3
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neon-skies95 · 7 years
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Avpol week: Steel and Fire
The prompt sounded like a cheesy romance novel, so I made a cover of one complete with unreadable title font! (if you squint, you can see my signature)
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leucoratia · 2 years
Headcanons masterlist
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NBC Hannibal 
-What does Hannibal do when you sleep all day? (platonic, no warnings)
-Hannibal when you stare and follow him in silence all the time (platonic, mentions of cannibalism)
-Hannibal and an extrovert, magnetic y/n (platonic, non-consensual cannibalism)
-Hannibal and a sarcastic, funny y/n (platonic, no warnings)
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Loki (MCU)
-Loki and a tattoed s/o (fluff, no warnings)
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Levi Ackerman
-Angsty Levi headcanons (whump, mourning, self-harm, unhealthy coping, canon character death)
-All for you (whump, mentions of torture and rape, violence, curses, kidnapping).
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Jojo's bizarre adventure
-Avpol general headcanons (slight angst, fluff, mentions of sex and homophobia if you squint)
-Jotakak general headcanons (angst, fluff, aroace Jotaro, QPR)
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