therapardalis · 2 years
//So I’m looking through the job ads here and one comes up at a company called ‘Recom Cleaning’.
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nxytiri · 1 year
starter for @avtrr !!
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❝ Jake...you are not..saying anything. is something wrong? ❞
her tail twitched in anticipation, ears flattened slightly as she tried to gauge her mate's reaction. or lack thereof. around them, Pandora was flush with life. the pa'li nearby snuffed and snorted as they grazed, and a flock of stingbats left their overhang in preparation of darkness to hunt.
Neytiri pursed her lips, searching Jake's face with wide eyes.
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purginqpast · 2 years
❛ everything you touch, you ruin. ❜ (neytiri)
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turning on her heel, the human turned to face the other , her face impassive. gripping the handle of her microgun, rex pursed her lips as her brows furrowed. did the other really come all the way out here to pick a fight ? fuck , she must’ve been followed..
those words. she didn’t even know neytiri , so why — ? her breathing picked up, brown eyes trained on the other, that annoying ringing picking up again. ‘ 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘷𝘦 𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 ! ’ creeping over her shoulder again… ‘ 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙢𝙖𝙙𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙚 !! ’ that wasn’t — it’s already done—!
a noise bubbled up in rex’s throat, shoulders convulsing slightly before smiling coldly at the woman.
“  holy fuck ! if i had a nickel every time i heard that—! ” rex laughed, feeling the solid weight of her weapon suddenly. “  it’s always somebody’s fault for every shit thing that happens. so what is it this time? gonna filet me for daring to step foot out here ? tick tock, girly , one human down won’t be enough. ” her hand moved backwards just the slightest, the Sting slowly whirring to life. make a move. give me a reason. or not! in the end, did it really matter ?
chuckling lowly, she tilted her head. listening for any other sounds besides the two of them. was this all a set-up ? how long had they been tracking her ? whatever, she wouldn’t go down easy.
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magflora · 2 years
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@avtrr Liked for starter call. ♡ -> for (Neytiri)
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With times changing around there, the things, the Metkayina were going through with the Sully family was something quite unusual, in fact, them learning their customs and how they acted in themselves was something quite curious for Tsireya! That, she was tasked to help Neytiri and Jake's children. She didn't complain, of course, they were just as kind, and so, she didn't want to treat them incorrectly like her brother, Aonung once did with Lo'ak.
While Tsireya was preparing some baskets near the coral bay, noticed Mrs. Sully, Neytiri sitting nearby and of course , she thought about going to talk a little with her. When swimming close to her, with the basket on her hand, she would present herself in front of her and sit beside . "Kaltxi (Hello), Miss T'Sully, you seem to be thinking… is there something bothering you?" she puts her hand-made basket on her lap and briefly looks at it. " If may I ask... "
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sayitan · 2 years
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his  father's  grappling  style  was  unlike  any  of  the  other  omaticaya  warriors.  there  was  a  sharpness  to  his  movements  that  the  others  didn't  have,  the  motions  were  stiffer  yet  more  powerful,  more  grounded  in  the  feet  and  the  legs.  neteyam  had  been  learning  his  father's  fighting  style  since  he  had  been  a  boy,  and  now  he  could  test  his  skills  against  him  as  a  man.
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          neteyam  stood,  palms  up  and  slightly  crouched  as  he  grinned  widely  up  at  him,  testing  his  father's  reflexes  as  he  reached  out  to  slap  his  bare  thigh  with  an  open  hand.  neteyam  hopped  backwards,  laughter  singing  in  his  mouth  as  he  switched  his  stance.  ❝  are  you  going  easy  on  me  again?  ❞  neteyam  accused. // @avtrr  ♡'d  for  a starter for jake .
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tahnisreu · 2 years
@avtrr || [  bullet  ]  sender  takes  a  bullet  for  receiver  (  literal  or  figurative  )// i'm going for angst and say uncle jake got shot while trying to take addi and the kids out of danger
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Instinctively, Addi had her hands over her mouth, though in reality they were over her mask. The idea had been to hold down any sort of noise, or to keep her from crying, but it did little good as the plasti-glass was keeping any form of contact. All she could do was crouch where her feet had decided to freeze, hoping that the base of the tree was enough to cover her from searching eyes. Between the rounds of gunfire, there was yelling from the soldiers, hollering orders at the trespassers or giving warnings to the others. None of their words made it far into her senses as they were jumbled around from the adrenaline and confusion.
The sound of metal clinking and heavy footfalls gave the terrifying announcement that her hiding spot hadn't been unseen. Several paces away stood a man, head to toe in a black gear. But all she could focus on was the gun in his hands.. and how she was staring down the barrel. In that moment, her hands had fallen, like the realization had caused all strength to leave her body.
Loud. That's what gunfire sounded like so up close; loud, jarring, piercing. The sound bounced off the inside of her head like her mind was playing it on repeat even though it had only happened a second ago, burning it into her memory. The bullet hardly traveled far, and it certainly didn't hit its target but it hit a target.
" U-un-- Uncle Jake? " The words fell out, stunned and weighed down by the verge of tears. The RDA soldier had been taken out but he had managed to get one pull of the trigger. Blood was running down from where the bullet had struck him. " You're-- you've-- "
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corruptedforce · 2 years
✰ i have no idea how yet, but could be interesting
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YES PLEASE! I don't know how yet either, but maybe some sort of mission, and it's a planet where they meet there? This likely makes no sense and would need a whole lot of development. Or Anakin could wind up in their world even somehow? Because he winds up in situations sometimes?
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hearherheartbeat · 2 years
-- @avtrr ♥'d for a starter ( for Lo'ak )
“I wish that I could have been there, to see the things you did.” Her words were soft, wistful, gently voiced as she moved to sit beside her brother. Ahead of them the expanse of the sea stretched out toward the horizon, glittering as the waves caught the light; behind them, the village stood, likely still rippling just as much with discussion of the day's events. Kiri watched as an Ilu peeked out of the water, playfully slapping the surface with a flipper before diving again. Tilting her head, she turned her gaze to Lo'ak, leaning forward with a look of eager interest.
“Payakan... What was he really like?”
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wayfaringstrangxr · 2 years
↕ + 262cm Neytiri pra humilhar o Obi d novo kkkkkkk
Height comparisson | @avtrr
"Amazingly tall... lady."
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gwiazdowe · 2 years
“ :OOO you're so tiny!” (from kiri xD)
His chin lifts so that he can meet the other's eyes. A hint of indigo colors his cheeks. He actually got taller this year, but it’s not like it counted for anything and it’s not like it should bother him but he continues to hold himself straight for extra height. “I suppose I am. From your point of view.”
“But it’s not that bad.” He adds. The corners of his lips rise in a smile. “Like. Um. You never see the flip side of the leaves with your head up there.” (And he could see, because the leaves in question were also a good meter taller than him.)
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therapardalis · 2 years
[Random Thing for @avtrr​‘s Norm and possibly Jake ...]
High Camp, Pandora ...
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“We are not just getting drunk, we’re doing science. See, I’m writing it down!”
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stars33ker · 2 years
“Hey, blue guy ! You used to be a human right ? I don’t know if you were a pilot but the children told me you were a soldier... I carried several soldier friends and made many expeditions on this ship, do you want to know the place?”
The proud Corellian pilot pointed to the huge male Avatar who was sitting amongside the trees.  That form of life was very curious, they looked like Zygerrians due to the shape of their faces and ears but at the same time they had long and dark hair, in addition to very blue skin. Pandora was indeed a curious planet.
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jakexneytiri · 8 months
HELLO HELLO!! I'm asking random people in the Avatar fandom!! Who is/are your favorite person/people in this fandom??!!
i adore the following people:
@sullyfortress @thevanityofthefox @blue-slxt @eywaite @eywascall @fleurriee @hotsingledragon @hotdsworld @headsincloud9 @itchaboi-itchyboy @justcaptiannoodles @jakesullyfatjuicypeen @luvv4j4ybe11 @manneys3s @mayhemories @moonlightsolo @neteyamswillow @normspellsman @neteyamsyawntu @neteyamsoare @oakbuggy @oaresosul @ollisid @pandoraslxna @plooto @rosyjn @sulieykte @teyamsatan @tallulah477 @teyums @tiredmamaissy @upside-down-peonies @venusssthings @xylianasblog @yagirlheree @zestys-stuff @blackityblackwoman @black-broken-beauty @thewiltedpeony @avtrr @oceanstide @samistars @zafrinaxyz
and i’m very aware i’m missing others as well and i’m SORRY FOR IT, just know i love you all! and to all my lovely anons 🫶🏼💕💓💖
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avtrr · 2 years
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#AVTRR. a PRIVATE and SELECTIVE indie multimuse from James Cameron's Avatar. loved by ana lee. Muses include Jake, Neytiri, Kiri and Mo'at but I may add more in the future
about / muses / rules
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sayitan · 2 years
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↴    𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐄    𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒        ➸        ACCEPTING    .    .    . @avtrr  from  jake
what  was  your  plan  ??    you  could’ve  gotten  yourself  killed  !
❝  i  wasn't  going  to  leave  you!  ❞  his  voice  carried,  a  sudden  harshness  to  the  way  that  he  lashed  out.  frustration  and  anger  spilling  from  his  mouth  without  his  consent,  his  heart  drumming  impossibly  loud  against  his  ears,  deafening  and  distracting  as  he  stood  up  to  his  father's  own  frustration  and  worry.  for  neteyam  knew,  knew  the  same  way  that  he  knew  his  own  frustration,  came  from  a  place  of  care  and  love.
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          ❝  sully's  stick  together,  ❞  neteyam  said,  swallowing  whatever  anxieties  were  morphing  into  anger.  he  calmed  his  heart,  taking  his  feelings  of  fear  and  grief  and  all  manner  of  other  thing  that  scuttled  across  his  skin  like  something  living  and  other  from  himself,  and  acknowledge  it.  he  faced  it,  faced  the  look  on  his  father's  face  and  the  strain  in  his  voice,  and  he  let  it  go.
          ❝  isn't  that  what  you  always  say?  we  watch  each  other's  backs?  ❞
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tahnisreu · 2 years
“  i  cooked  it  for  you.  it  may  not  be  edible,  but  it’s  the  thought,  right ?  ”(lo'ak cause i thought this would be funny sjsjdjd)
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ㅤㅤㅤThe amount of thought it was going to have to take to counteract -- whatever she was looking at was...insurmountable. " Uh--" she started lamely. She wanted to be nice. Did she have the ability to? " It's the thought that counts, yeah, but.. you have to try thinking first. " ( The answer was no. ) " Lo'ak, you know when you put the thing on the fire, you're not supposed to just walk away from it, right? "
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