#awakened avenger - complete control mv;
altered-personas · 2 months
Going Beyond
[@oraclememehacker liked this post for a starter]
Sunday, June 21st
Shibuya Rooftops
"Ugh, so bored..."
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It was a slow day for the crimefighter, and Anat was not happy about it. She was just laying on her back, looking up into sky like she was waiting for something to drop out of it.
'We don't have to be out here, y'know?' Makoto prompted. Whenever they were on patrol, she was typically just along for the ride. 'We could do some studying, or go watch a movie-'
"That would be even more boring." She replied. "You spent most of your life with your nose in a book, and now you want us to do more of that when we don't even need it?? We know most of the answers by heart by now!"
'Better safe than sorry. It is my future on the line, after all. Not like you'd understand that. All you care about is hitting things.'
"Oh please, like you-"
Their argument was cut short by a strange tear forming in the sky above them. Rather high up, in fact.
'What... in the world is that?'
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"... Something interesting."
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"And it's about damn time."
She quickly got to her feet, moving to scale up a nearby building to get a closer look.
'Anat! Don't get careless!'
"Oh relax! I'm not an idiot."
She perched on the corner of the roof, squinting at the rift. It was like a hole in the air, floating only a few feet in front of her and glowing an ominous red color.
'Definitely Metaverse related.'
"No shit-"
'But... Hold on. Do you see that? On the other side?'
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They had to squint to see it clearly, it was a bit blurry and hidden by the glow, but it... kinda looked like Futaba's room?
"What the hell..?"
Was this a portal of some sort? Why would it lead there?? And what was it doing in the middle of sky??
'Maybe try throwing something through?'
She looked around for a moment, finding nothing but small bits of trash that probably wouldn't make it to the rift due to the wind. So instead she fired a small glob of her trademark dark blue webbing at it, seeing it pass through and stick to the curtains covering up the window.
'It... is a portal.'
Though, that didn't help solve the main question. And Anat was starting to get impatient-
"$&#$ it. I'm jumping in-"
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'What!? Nonono, why would you-!?'
Her words felt on deaf ears, as Sovereign leapt from the rooftop and dived through the portal, and seemingly straight into Futaba's bedroom.
"See? We're fine."
'That doesn't-!? Why would you just jump in?!'
"To get answers, obviously."
'Answers from wha-!? Y'know what? No. I'm taking the wheel.'
Her suit receded into her clothes, changing their appearance as it always did. It was almost odd how... used to this she was.
'Because we need to think this through and not just do the first thing that comes to mind because you're bored!'
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... Fine.
'Good. Now, since we're here, let's see if anyone's home.'
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altered-personas · 2 months
Mirror of Another
[starter for @heroicmultiverse's Gwenom]
Sunday, September 22nd
Early Morning
Location Unknown
'Ugh, what... Where-'
It took her a moment for her mind to process... everything. It was all so much to take in. One minute she and Anat where kicking the asses of a gang of thieves trying to steal some experimental tech from ShidoCorp, the next... was a bit of a blur.
She remembered gun fire, an explosion, the migraine of a lifetime, and then... Nothing.
Perhaps she could've had an easier time coming to grips with this, if her "companion" hadn't decided to take her body out for a spin.
Bout time you woke up. You're missing all the fun.
What she saw was about what she'd expected, with Anat having dragged them into yet another fight on some rooftop against what looked to be... ninjas??
'... Anat? What's going on?? Where are we??'
Don't know, don't care. All I know is these guys are a lot more filling than the gutter trash we usually take on.
This was... also somewhat typical. Anat craved violence like an addict, and tended to refer to combat like food. It was still a bit hard to wrap her head around the idea that these were traits she'd also shared, albeit not as... extreme as her other.
'What do you mean you don't know?? You didn't take us here??'
Nope. Doubt I could if I wanted to. Cause this sure as shit ain't Tokyo.
Upon closer inspection, which was difficult considering they were very much still in combat, she could see what she meant. The buildings here were unfamiliar, different in both design and placement. Though, she wasn't that much of an expert on architecture, so she couldn't quite place just where they were.
'S-shouldn't we be trying to figure that out??'
Yeah yeah, in a minute "Mom."
Her scarf moved as if it had a mind of its own, snagging the arm of an enemy behind her, before slamming them down on top of the last one in front of her.
"Is this really all you've got!? We've barely even broken a sweat!!"
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She cackled maniacally, to the point that even Makoto was unnerved by it. It reminded her of those horror movies Sae used to watch when they were kids.
... God, she hated those.
'C-Can we please focus on getting back home??'
Oh, relax. We have all day to look into that. Quit being such a wet blanket and let me enjoy myself for once-
'I- I am NOT a-'
And that's when they sensed it. They weren't alone on the roof anymore... Well, aside from the dozens of brutally injured ninjas.
... weird that she didn't even think twice about that sentence-
"Finally... The main course is here."
'Anat-! Let's not be hasty!'
"Screw that!! We've finally found some decent competition! I ain't stopping at the appetizers!!"
She tried with all her might to reign her in, to get control of her body back, but Anat was like a wild dog staring at a piece of meat, not letting anything stop her from getting her fill. She'd barely even gotten a look at the new arrival, yet she'd already decided what she was going to do.
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She lunges towards the other, tendrils lashing out from her suit, with fisted poised to strike.
They were gonna fight, whether Makoto liked it or not.
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