#awesamedude mention
the-bite-of-87-lol · 4 months
I love awesamdude
"I'm so sad to see the server tearing itself apart", it sounded so sad ong
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piscespixiewastaken · 7 months
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foolishgamers · 3 years
sometimes i genuinely wonder what the dsmp looks like to outsiders
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antoni-anxiety · 3 years
thank you for the suggestion!!
Cw- anger issues, loud verbal violence
It was quite a chill day for Quackity, just had to get some materials for an extension to the casino, so nothing too stressful, but unfortunately for him, a certain ball of slime decided to bother him while he was going through an oak forest. Now normally, Quackity would have just let him do his own thing as he was a friend of sorts to the man but for no actual reason today he was really short tempered. And so, with Charlie’s little queries and exclamations, Big Q got irritated quite easily, crimson fog covering his sight like aggressive rose tinted glasses and couldn't help but start screaming at him saying things such as, ‘‘WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO GOD DAMN IRRITATING’’ and ‘‘DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!’’. Those words brought a lot of sour nostalgia to the man as it did sound like things he heard against Tommy when the two used to speak in the less chaotic times. However, as the red began to fade from his sight he saw Charlie’s shoulders slump slightly and yet, in an attempt to hide his guilt he childishly huffed, turned back around and stomped forward in search for a good looking tree to chop next.
After a solid 10 minutes of silence, the older of the two started to get concerned; even if he did yell at the slime boy to be quiet, he didn't expect complete radio silence other than the occasional drip of goop to the leaves that scattered the forest ground. Finally pushing back his stubborn nature, he turned around to see the boy missing. He would never admit this but he did feel quite overprotective over the goopy man, so when he saw him missing in the middle of a forest that the both of them barely knew, he couldn’t help but panic. Letting out a distressed cry in his fear, he mentally declared that he should probably take a second to calm himself down before looking for Charlie. He did some breathing exercises he’s almost certain Sam taught him when he was younger before he set off retracing his steps. Something that scared the man even more was not knowing when his friend had left him so he wasn’t sure where to look. Regardless of this, he kept looking and as if the stars were just -nearly- perfectly aligned today, he found him yet it was in quite a concerning state that he did so. Charlie was curled in a tight ball and crying to himself- Quackity wasn’t sure and he didn’t think he ever would be about where the tears were produced in the Goop Man™ ‘s body but that wasn’t his biggest concern in this moment.
Hearing something disturb the quiet he grew used to after a while Slimecicle looked
up and immediately hid his face again after he saw the short yet intimidating
Quackity standing above him. Something didn’t seem right to the boy as he took in his surroundings yet again: everything seemed so much bigger and scarier to him than it did before. Everything being, well, everything except Quackity which surprised Charlie who was the one thinking these thoughts. Although it was obvious to everyone who saw them that the younger of the two looked up to his friend, he also feared him a lot; it was like a condescending parent and their kid who constantly wanted to make them feel proud. It was always so tiring for Charlie to keep trying to be more independent and more serious when it was just in his nature to be curious and boisterous. This is why it shocked Charlie to not feel the need to put this facáde up- maybe it was the concerned and open look on his friend's face or the hand reaching out towards him but Slime already felt safer than usual. This however didn’t stop the goop-like-tears rolling down his face; in his already confused mind, it made no sense to him why everything was so scary or why he felt so small and he didn’t like it.
Quackity grew more and more concerned by the second when Charlie’s shoulders started quivering more and his sobs were getting louder and it was like he wasn’t even trying to hide them anymore. Sighing, Big Q decided that he had to do something more than stand around so he knelt down and pulled Slime into a tight, awkward hug. To each of their surprises, that helped both of their stresses melt away. After the young one’s cries slowed down, Quackity pulled away and decided that he had to pull out the big guns- w o r d s. ‘‘Hey.. you doing okay there?’’ he asked, unsure of what tone of voice to put on so he settled on a hesitant yet caring one. Charlie's head tilted slightly at the question and even if it seemed like he was considering answering it, it didn’t matter because his train of thought changed to his own slimy fingers which he found more entertaining than conversing properly. (same bud, same) Quackity somehow guessed that the situation was that Charlie had regressed in the stressful situation. Being completely honest, Big Q only took care of one little in the past before and it wasn’t too bad but it was sure an experience trying to catch Karl from running directly into the ocean. Our friend somehow managed to pick up his favourite, annoying ball of slime up and decided to abandon the logs of wood, this being his current priority- he could come back for them later.
After a 20 minute walk to his home in Las Nevadas, Charlie seemed to have fallen asleep in Quackity’s arms and not wanting to disturb the boy anymore, he laid him on the couch, grabbing a blanket and snuggling up to him. It was well known information to everybody in the server that words weren’t Quackity’s strong suit, especially not in serious situations like this but nobody actually knew what his love language was. This would later on quickly become well known in Las Nevadas when early in the morning, Foolish walked in on the wholesome scene and took a picture of it. That would definitely be getting framed, and Big Q would not be happy.
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emo-and-confused · 4 years
“Oh, come on, man! You know i’m afraid of- of lava! And- and- and heights! And just- just this entire scenario, actually.” -Tommy
Lava and Heights. I wonder why those two things sound familiar.
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alexthemagicaldevil · 3 years
Of Medea, Jason, and Other Tragedies
Some of you might remember a post I made a little while ago comparing how Quackity and Technoblade fit into the lore of the DSMP. Here are my thoughts via a 3k words of angst:
Read it on AO3
There was nothing left of L’Manburg.
It was something universally understood and known. Something that was never questioned. Something that everyone just accepted so that they could move on and not think about the nation that had too many traitors, too many broken promises, too many memories. It was something that everyone thought they believed so that they wouldn’t go looking for little pieces left behind, pieces that miraculously survived the desimation.
But Quackity knew the truth. Those little pieces could be found without looking too hard, whether it be in the fractured relationships of the SMP or the physical evidence that managed to not become ash at the bottom of a crater. And Quackity, well, he held both of those pieces in the palms of his hands.
In one hand, he held the souls of those fractured by L’Manburg’s memory. Fundy and his desperate need of a stable family, with a past scarred by a father that went mad and nightmares that haunt his waking actions. Sam and his futile attempts at control, gradually being poisoned as he pushes everyone away and tries to single handedly keep the server’s god locked in his own prison. Purpled and his lack of legacy, even in a place he so heavily influenced and his skills so valued yet so dismissed. Foolish and his beautiful builds and broken heart, running away from his destructive past and wanting peace despite the possibility of godhood sitting at his fingertips.
In the other hand, Quackity held a poster, one of the last remaining remnants of the place he had once fiercely declared home. He has no idea how it survived. Most of the physical pieces of L’Manburg that could be found were sections of buildings just far enough away from the explosions, items in random chests, or whatever was on the citizens at the time. Yet somehow, through all the fire and TNT, this poster had survived.
Technoblade. Wanted dead or alive.
Quackity had found it relatively soon after Doomsday, wandering around the crater where L’Manburg once stood. It was slightly singed on the edges and an entire corner was gone, but there it was, lying on the ground innocently, Technoblade’s mocking eyes staring at him with something like satisfaction.
He should have left the thing there. It would have eventually faded away like the rest of L’Manburg with enough time under the elements. Or maybe he should have burned it and forgot it was there in the first place. Whatever he should have done, picking it up, carefully folding it, and stuffing it into his back pocket was definitely not it. But he did. And it stayed with him for a long time.
At first, it was just there, a burning reminder in his back pocket of all he failed to do and what he promised to accomplish. It was there as he built Las Nevadas from the ground up, barely noticeable besides the constant nagging reminder in the back of his thoughts. It was there when he hired Purpled and Technoblade to take care of the Eggpire that had gone on for far too long, growing heavier and heavier each time the Blood God looked at him. It was there when he found out about Kinoko Kingdom for the first time, how the only three people he thought he could trust, the reasons he built Las Nevadas in the first place, left him behind without a second thought.
(The poster didn’t feel heavy then, but it did feel like it was laughing at him. Low and monotone, coming from deep within his memories.
The poster didn’t feel heavy then, but the two rings threaded through a chain around his neck did. They felt like shackles threatening to weigh him down and drown him.
Quackity removed the rings and hid them in a chest after that. Somehow, though, they still felt suffocating).
The poster was there for everything, tucked away in his back pocket, even when he began recruiting members for Las Nevadas. Through Foolish and Fundy, Purpled and Sam, and even through Slime. It knew everything, Quackity would find himself thinking. Of course, there was no way for a poster to know anything, but it didn’t stop the thought.
It wasn’t until after Wilbur visited him with Tommy after his revival (and so many memories of Pogtopia) that he finally took the poster out of his pocket. He was alone at the time (as he always is these days, it feels like, even surrounded by other beings) and in his unfinished casino. Sam had left nearly an hour ago to continue his duties as the Warden at the prison. The echoes of their conversation reverberated through Quackity’s mind.
Technoblade is going to the prison to see Dream tomorrow, he remembers saying. I trust you know what you have to do.
Of course, Sam had replied, the intense green of his eyes sparking in the dim lighting of the casino. You’ve done your part. Now I’ll do mine.
Quackity stared at the glass of whiskey in his hand. It had always Schlatt’s drink of choice, when he was still breathing. The smell reminded Quackity of the long nights he spent as Vice-President to a man barely sober enough to stand, let alone run a country. How many times had he put the smallest amount of poison in Schlatt’s drink, hoping that this time, it would be enough to end him for good? How many days had he spent hiding bruises and putting on fake smiles, wondering if it was all worth it? How many nightmares had he endured, thinking about everything Schlatt did and made him do?
He drank all the whiskey in one go. It burned his throat and pooled like fire in his stomach.
The glass made a satisfying thud on the counter as Quackity set it down. It was then that he finally reached for the poster in his back pocket, holding it almost gently in his scarred hands. He traced the edge of it with his finger, thinking deeply.
Quackity unfolded the poster, one fold at a time. The folds were deep from the sheer amount of time it’s spent in his pocket. It was honestly a miracle that it was still intact, given the state it was in when Quackity found it and the constant strain it’s been under since.
When Quackity finished unfolding the poster, he placed it against the wall and used his empty whiskey glass to hold it up. It looked just like he remembered, even back when the Butcher Army was first created. Sure it was faded and threatened to fold on itself at any moment, but it was still there. The reward, Technoblade’s face, the L’Manburgian flag.
Quackity stared into Technoblade’s red eyes. It was only a drawing, but whoever had done the picture nailed the resemblance to the Blood God. The scar over his eye and lip itched just looking at it.
“You know Technoblade,” Quackity found himself saying. “Before we met, I always had a healthy respect for you. Who didn’t? Everyone was in awe over the Blood God, the most terrifying fighter of our generation, rumored to never be able to die.” He sighed. “Of course, fighting was never my strong suit. You found that out first hand,” he added with some humor, though it felt flat. “Still, a part of me longed to do what you do. Words can only get you so far, get you so much respect.
“They say you should never meet your heroes. Something in that has to be true, because ever since I’ve known you, my life has been nothing but one bitter failure after another.” The poster didn’t reply, and Quackity understood with some absurdity that he was literally talking to a poster as if it were a real being. Still, he continued on.
“Well, maybe that’s giving you too much credit, but it sure feels like that. It’s just,” he trailed off slightly, moving his hands around, trying to figure out some way to articulate his point. Words were supposed to be his weapons, but here, vulnerable and trying to express something that’s been gnawing at him for so long, they scrambled in his throat. “Somehow you come out of every battle, every conflict without a single mark, yet I’m punished for every decision I’ve made since I came to this Primeforsaken SMP.”
And those words, Quackity realized, are when the floodgate inside his chest burst.
“No matter what you do, who you hurt, who you kill, what everyone wants or tries to accomplish, you have never paid for anything you’ve done to the people of this server. I remember when we took down Schlatt with Pogtopia, how you were so insistent that the government had to be taken down, all the while talking about how it was the people’s choice to live how they wanted to live. Well guess what, shithead? The people, L’Manburg, us, we decided that we wanted a government, one that listened to us and one that we could trust. And what did you do once the people made their choice? What did you do after we had called you our friend and said you didn’t have to live by our ways if you didn’t want to? You called us traitors. Said we used you, when all you ever wanted was an excuse to push your own anarchist bullshit down the throat of any server that would give you the time of day. You’re somehow the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever met, even in a world where Dream runs around as the Admin.
“But that’s not even the worst of your sins, isn’t it? I’ve watched you blow up countries with no remorse, execute a child on the whim of a dictator, corrupt and hurt every single person I’ve ever cared about, destroy what I put every ounce of my heart and soul into like it was nothing.”
There were tears aching behind his eyes now. Quackity took a shuddering breath, trying to calm his hurting heart. He thought about Schlatt and his time in Pogtopia, thought about Tubbo and Tommy and Niki and every other L’Manburgian face as they realized the nation they loved was gone at Technoblade and Wilbur’s hands. “And what were your consequences for all of this? What karma did the oh so powerful universe decide you deserved?
“Nothing. Not a single, goddamn thing. For all your violence and bloodshed, you get to live in a nice cottage in the Arctic, filled with friends that celebrate your birthday, and not a single regret.”
Quackity smiled blankly at the poster, raising his hands. By now he was full on pacing in front of it, his shoes making soft noises against the tile. All the while, Technoblade’s red eyes watched his every move.
“But what about me? Prime knows I’m the furthest thing from a saint this server has to offer, but at least I had good intentions. I went against Wilbur during the elections not because I wanted power, but because I saw what he was doing and no one else was going to call him out on his bullshit. I mean, come on! Running a single party election in a so-called democratic nation? Now, that doesn’t mean I didn’t do bad things. I should have left Schlatt the moment I realized just how bad he was. I shouldn’t have waited until after he ruined L’Manburg and executed Tubbo to join Pogtopia. It haunts me every waking moment.” Quackity stopped his pacing for a moment, lost in the memories. Tubbo screaming, the flash and bang of a firework. The explosion of color from the second firework immediately after, because the first one hadn’t been enough. The burning in his chest as he was hit with a firework of his own.
“And then, after you and Wilbur decided to blow it all to kingdom come, I did everything I thought was best for L’Manburg. I helped people. I rebuilt everything you destroyed and made it better. I wanted to hunt you down and make you pay for everything you did.” His scar began to itch again. “But I guess we both know how that turned out.
“And what were my consequences for this? For doing my best, realizing my mistakes, trying to fix them, trying to protect those around me? What karma did the oh so powerful universe decide I deserved?
“Everything. I was punished for everything. Every place I called home, every person I called a friend, every time I fell in love, anything I tried to protect, every time I tried to be happy, I was punished for it. Somehow in this fucked up version of the story, I’m the villain that needs to be punished for their actions, while you’re the blameless hero that gets a happily ever after!”
Quackity was near yelling at this point. It felt good to let out all of his emotions after so long, putting everything into the open even if no one else heard him. He forced himself to calm down slightly, running a hand through his hair.
“Have you ever heard the story of Medea and Jason?” he asked abruptly. The air of the casino seemed to shift uncomfortably with his sudden change of tone, lighter and lower than before. “You probably have, with your obsession with Greek Mythology and shit. You know something interesting about Medea, though? Even though she did horrible, and I mean horrible things, she never lost the favor of the gods. She abandoned her country for some random dude she fell in love with, plotted the murders of her brother and father, as well as murdered a princess with a poison so strong that it killed anyone she touched, and even killed her own children. Yet she doesn’t pay for any of it. Through all of the murder and sorcery, the kept her favor with the gods, and was allowed to have a happy ending. Hell!” Quackity let out a barking laugh. “She doesn’t even die as far as anyone knows! Greek mythology is known for its love of horrible and dramatic deaths, yet of all of the myths she shows up in, never once does it mention her eventually dying, even of old age! Sounds like someone else we know, doesn’t it?”
He paused for a moment, as if expecting a reply. Of course, there was none.
“Now Jason, Jason, on the other hand, we see something interesting. You see, he loses his favor with the gods, specifically his patron Hera, because he was trying to marry another woman even though he was already married to Medea and had two children with her. Can you imagine your patron goddess being the lord of marriage and family, and then you trying to marry another woman? The balls on that man, I’m telling you. The point is, none of his heroic deeds mattered in the end. He lost favor with the gods, lost his wife and children, and ended up dying alone, crushed under the weight of the Argo. The only thing left to immortalize his heroism ended up being the cause of his death.”
Quackity suddenly paused. His words echoed in the casino around him. No longer was he pacing. Instead, he stared long into the distance, as if he could see something through the thick walls. The weight around his neck was nearly unbearable. When he spoke again, it was just above a whisper.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is you are an awful lot like Medea. Doing horrible things left and right with the gods still choosing to favor you, still getting a happy ending despite all the pain and grief you’ve caused. But…” he trailed off, looking back at the poster. It may have been his imagination, but Technoblade’s eyes seemed less mocking, somehow.
“I have hope. Maybe you’re not Medea. Maybe, just maybe, you’re Jason. You’ll do something so terrible that you’ll lose your favor with the gods, lose everything that ever mattered, and you’ll be crushed under the weight of what once proved your worth.” Quackity walked forward, reaching out his hand. His fingertips stopped less than an inch from the surface of the poster, just hovering. Waiting. Contemplating.
“But I can’t wait for that to happen. I can’t wait for the universe to finally decide you’ve lost its favor.”
He dropped his hand. “You once said something, Technoblade. You said: treat others as they have treated you. That was your excuse for everything you’ve done. I tried to enact that saying once before, and I lost a life because of it. This time around…”
Quackity finally snatched the poster from the place on the wall, rattling the glass in the process. He refused to acknowledge that there was the finest tremble in his hands, making the poster shake.
“Well, the universe already made me the villain of this story. Might as well act like one.”
Quackity ripped the poster to shreds, piece by piece, one of the last remaining pieces of L’Manburg destroyed at his hands. Soon it was so shredded that it was unrecognizable, a pile of paper falling softly to his feet. When it was gone, it felt like pressure was relieved from Quackity’s shoulders. For the first time in a long while, he smiled genuinely.
He walked out of the casino, leaving the pile there for another day. He was sure Slime would clean it up without much fuss.
And if the weight around his neck grew to be nearly unbearable-- well, that was no one's knowledge but his own.
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strat0sfear · 4 years
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milqueandsugar · 4 years
yo request for a beach day with C!Philza+sleepy bois?
My mans really god that dad body but is absolutely floored when Y/N comes walking onto the beach with a sunflower bikini and A white open coverup and the Boys are just teasing the fuck out of him bc he just cant stop staring at you and maybe at one point Y/N drags him into the water and he has to pick her up by her legs so she doesnt go under bc shes short and hes just like 'holy shit holy shit holy shit shes so fucking hot-'
and later maybe he just says fuck it and kisses you 👉👈
I apologize I am a unashamed c!philza simp
JGJWJJGJUTUW I'm so sorry if that is alot you can choose to not do it
🏵 Your Tea Is Ready PT 1🏵
Warnings: slight nsfw
Genre: fluffy
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| Philza |
Being an immortal being he's seen many many people come and go
He told himself that after his wife had died he wouldn't bother with love anymore, it wasn't worth it when you were bound to outlive everyone you ever knew, even your own son
That was until he met you
Unlike his previous wife he had fallen for you straight away
Your looks, your smile, your nervous giggle
All of it overwhelmed him
You practically had the Angel of Death at your beck and call
And you had no idea
He had been pining after you for only a few months, yet everyone seemed to know
Especially the Sleepy Bois
Phil was known to be one hell of a wing man for both Wilbur and Technoblade
It was about time they repaid the favor, yeah?
So while hiding it from Phil they secretly invite you to the beach party Tommy was holding
Really the only people who were supposed to be coming were Niki, Ranboo, Ponk, Awesamedude, Tubbo and Fundy
So imagine Phil's surprise when he sees you linked arms with Niki
You practically glowed in the late after noon sun, a thin layer of sweat over your beautiful skin, your hair flowing in the ocean breeze, you looked like a goddess
Not to mention your beautiful bikini, he had never seen you in so little before
He was more then ashamed he was so flustered over something as simple as a bikini but could you blame him?
Well the Sleepy Bois clearly could
"Whoa! Look at how red you are?"
"Probably because of Y/N"
"K-keep your voices down!"
"He's stuttering!"
"She's coming over"
"She's whAT-"
Turning he catches you waving towards them, walking over with a smile
"Hey guys! What smells good?"
"Phil's making burgers"
"Oooh! Make one for me?"
"O-Of course!"
Earning an elbow from Wilbur he cast him a quick glare
Turning to you he offers you a nervous smile
"You look lovely today Y/N"
"Thanks! Niki leant me one of her swim suits for the occasion, I don't usually get invited to beach parties afterall"
"Well we're glad you came Y/N"
"Yeah! Phil's been talking about you all morning"
"You have?"
He wanted to perish, right there on the spot
"Well we best be going now, hate to catch a sun burn in this heat!"
"Actually I dont-"
"Yeah let's go guys! Have fun! "
"Wait what?"
Phil had never felt more betrayed in his life
"They're being so weird, do you think they caught heat stroke?"
"No I think they're just being weird"
"Speaking of heat stroke, your looking pretty red Phil, did you put sun screen on?"
You reach up to place a gentle hand on his warming face and he can't deny the soft sigh that escaped his lips, catching himself before he nuzzled into your hand however he pulled away
"Its just from the grill, Y/N, no need to worry"
You slowly nod, clearly suspicious of the mans excuse
"Okay.. but if you get a sun burn don't come crawling back to me"
God he'd come crawling to you for any reason at all
"Rather hypocritical from someone not wearing any sunscreen either"
"That's true, Niki was going to help me but.."
You turn to see Niki having a splash fight with Wilbur and Tommy, one she is clearly losing
"She seems a bit preoccupied"
"I could.. help?"
"Really? Thanks!"
Reaching into your beach bag you pull out a small container of skin cream and hand it to the man
Sitting you down he contemplates his life choices as he, with as gentle as a touch as possible, he slathered your back and arms
Shivering a bit at the coolness of the cream he mutters a few apologies as he finishes up
"All done"
"Thanks Phil! Anything I can help you with in return?"
"Thank you, could you help me prepare the burgers?"
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dodo-begone · 4 years
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The Monster Within
Pairing: Yandere!DSMP!Awesamedude x Reader
Request: hiya!! could i request some hcs for yan! sam ? 😳 you're ones for schlatt were really good and im a whore for yandere dsmp food
Word Count: 1K
Warning: Yandere, Trauma, Declining Mental Health
A/N: Sorry i made this into a fic. Forgive me asiofjasnd
There is a part 2 called He's Unleashed, my Cracker King.
If this ever looks wonky/glitched, i have this properly archived on Ao3
You had known Sam for a long time. Well, knew of him. You didn’t know him personally for quite a while. But his reputation precedes him, making him a well known person all across the smp, even without a lot of people talking to him. And when you did manage to meet him, it felt like something clicked between the two of you. And you guys did have a small little friendship going on, quite steadily in fact.
Then the prison project came up. Sam started to talk to you less and less. The relationship had been broken back to square one; you two were essentially strangers again.
There was practically no contact between the two of you, but there were times when he would seek you out. Those were supposedly when he was taking a small break. Sam’s little recesses from the prison were fantastic. The two of you enjoyed the time together; treasuring the moments until the peaceful and playful spell would dissipate and reality came to reclaim its hold on y’all.
The eggpire had been a problem for a while with their insistent methods of recruitments. Though their most recent tactic was extreme to the max, or the max that you could think of. They kidnapped Sam and locked him up with the egg and kept him in there so long to the point where he started mutilating himself just to stay alive.
Once Sam was rescued, there was talk about who would care for Sam. There weren’t many options. It was either the eggpire, which was a definite no, or Puffy. Leaving Puffy alone to care for Sam just seemed wrong. And it was an opportunity to be around Sam, so that was a plus.
It wasn’t long into his care that Sam was begging y’all to let him go. He was perfectly fine. He had to get to the prison. Somebody had to keep an eye on Dream. But you two elected to ignore Sam. After all, it was for his best interest. Nobody can take care of a prison on their own when they’re injured.
After a few tedious weeks of rest, you and Puffy deem Sam well enough to return to the prison. Now he seemed somewhat reluctant to leave. His internal struggle was very evident through his eyes; they switched from the exits to you and Puffy. Though he made the decision to return to his duties. It was honestly kinda hilarious how quickly Sam ran to the nether portal to get to Pandora’s Prison after such a long period of contemplation.
People started to visit Dream in his cell after Sam was back. Though what they said was concerning. They said Sam was acting odd, though they wouldn’t talk too much about it. Only stating that he’d seemed off, but that was to be expected. He was still recovering from the egg both physically and mentally.
Some of the things they talked about was how he seemed more “harsh”. “Apathetic” and “disconnected from reality” were some of the other descriptions. And he supposedly had done a horrible deed, something about cheating, and Ponk leaving him because of it. Like what the fuck, hold the phone. Ponk was leaving Sam? Sam was cheating on him as well? Since when?! What was going on here?!
Nobody knew what was happening to him mentally, though. They only had a slight idea on what could’ve been happening.
While in the prison, Dream started to taunt Sam. Again. It wasn’t an unusual activity for Dream. There aren’t many activities he could do in such a tiny cell and with so few items. He heckled Sam on the daily, maybe even hourly, probing around for a weakness of Sam’s. Something gave it away, because Dream started to mention you more. Saying how you’d be so disappointed in Sam’s treatment of Dream, that’d you’d see him as a monster if you only knew the things he was doing and never talk to him again, and other nasty things. Trying his best to get under Sam’s skin.
On top of that, he was slightly influenced by the egg. Sometimes it would whisper little words to him and other times it talks to him in his dreams. It always talked about you. How you weren’t safe with the others, that they were going to take you from him. If he gave himself to the egg, he could get anything and everything he wanted. And you were included.
He resisted the egg’s siren call. After all, the egg wouldn’t help at all. And he had to stay out of its control. Look at what it had done to Ant and Bad. It was for his sake that he didn’t listen. By his sake, he really meant for your sake. You were precious and fragile.
When you got news of Sam’s behavior, you immediately gave him a visit. The rumors were right; something about him felt very off, very wrong. But you couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
The sight of him was a relief, but at the same time it worried and saddened you. He looked somewhat defeated and very tired. His appearance showed that he wasn’t caring for himself and definitely overworking himself in his semi-vulnerable state.
You decided that Sam needed more human contact, especially other than Dream, and went to visit him more often. With each visit, he seemed to perk up a bit more, look a bit better.
Though every time you’d leave, he’d get a little pouty, asking if you actually had to leave. A chuckle would leave your lips. “Of course I do, silly. I have to go to sleep and you need to watch over Dream. I don’t want to distract you more than I already have”.
During one of your visits, Tommy accompanied you. He went to talk to Dream, to finally get over some of his trauma from Dream. And you went to have your regular talks with Sam.
It was very unfortunate that your conversation was cut off by the security breach. It was terrifying and peculiar. The prison was supposed to be very secure and inescapable. Whatever set the alarm off must be a force to be reckoned with.
Sam quickly ushers you into a cell “for your protection”. As he runs off, you pray to any deity that’ll listen for him to come out of the encounter unharmed. Completely unaware of what Sam held in store for you.
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simpurnatural · 4 years
SFW Alphabet - Awesamedude Edition
Awesamedude x Reader
Warning ⚠️: 1 or 2 Curse words :)
Any writing errors? Point them out! Love some helpful feedback! <3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Gift giving, you guys see how generous he is when it comes to Ponk. He’s so sweet. But if we’re trying identify his love language, it’s probably touch. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the tall best friend that though he looks intimidating he’s actually such a sweetheart. If someone were to talk shit about him you would be the one throwing hands. He would just pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and walk away. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes and if he doesn’t mind switching between little spoon or big spoon. Just enjoys sharing warmth with another person in general. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Sam would want to settle down at some point when he finds the right person. He isn’t the best at cooking but does try to keeping things tidy and neat.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He’s not the asshole that breaks up with you over text. He’d ask to meet you somewhere and make sure that you are in the right state of mind, sitting down, and break it to you as nice as possible. He’d want to break up with you on good terms and would keep in touch too.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If he asks you to marry him, he’s ready to be with you for the rest of his life. But he wouldn't try to rush you into having a wedding right away. He knows that there’s a time for everything and when the time is right, that’s when you’ll say I do. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Oh he’s very gentle! Sam is a total Mama’s Boy and you all know it. NEVER raises his voice and would NEVER raise a hand to you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves hugs and enjoys those slow-mo dramatic run and hugs after not seeing you for a few hours. He’s spin you around and kiss you on the lips.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’d say it often over the smallest things like for example, you decide to get him food while you’re out even though he didn’t ask, he’ll just say it. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Trust is one of the most important things in your relationship, he knows you wouldn’t  cheat on him and you know he’d never cheat on you. But if he sees a guy out of their way to flirt with you, he’d step in right away.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Whenever he kisses your lips, it’s always out of love whether it’s long and leads to a makeout session or just a quick one before running out the door. He likes kissing your cheek or your hand because is such a gentleman. However, he likes to be kissed on the neck or jawline. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s a natural, babies never cry around him and he always asks if he can hold them with his arms ready to cradle them. He knows how to prep a bottle and burp it (OMFG DID I JUST REFER TO A BABY AS IT).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He tends to sleep in but when he wakes up, he’ll just lay there with for a few minutes in a peaceful silence. Probably would wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer to enjoy the warmth underneath the sheets.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
You guys fall asleep to watching movies all the time for sure. You’d be so hyped and excited to watch it but end up having to rewatch the next day because you slept through it.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sam doesn’t usually like bottling up his emotions so he’d pull you aside and tell you right then and there how he feels about anything unless he’s nervous or doesn’t know how you’d react.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s patient and would never try to rush you into something you weren’t ready for. If it was a something he’d be able to teach you how to do he’d definitely be there to help. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers a lot of things and when he buys you something from the store he’d say Well you were talking about it last week so I decided to buy some for you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you got to meet his mom, he was worried that she wasn’t going to like you but when she opened the door and her arms for a hug-all his worries were put at ease. You and his mom talked and laughed for hours, cooing at all his baby pictures.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
When out in public, he always has an arm around you waist or shoulder. If he thinks that you’re in certain part of town or situation that seems a but sus then he’ll tell you. He would throw hands for you and knows you’d be swinging at someone if they were being an asshole (talk shit get hit).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He tries to do his best no matter what it is. Doing the dishes, planning dates, buying you flowers, and the list goes on and on.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Though he keeps most things clean, he never wipes down the counter or mirror after using the sink which is probably a pet peeve of your’s. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very concerned. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, if got into an argument and you stormed out of the house then he’s give you a minute to calm down before deciding to apologize to you. He doesn’t want to loose you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You guys tried a couple’s yoga class and though he was trying to be graceful, it ended very bad.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like keeping secrets from his partner nor liking that his partner keep secrets from him. He likes a open healthy relationship. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’ll take all the blankets but not on purpose so that’s why you guys decided to buy two blankets. 
shoutout to @the-coldest-goodbye for the template <3
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theyre-just-blocks · 4 years
Okay okay,, a couple of days ago Sam mentioned how he was a Gryffindor and wanted a wolf pup in a stream and I had to draw that. So I did.
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I then put it in the fanart channel of his discord yesterday and TODAY I got a notification from discord.
Let me tell you that my heart stopped when I read "Awesamedude replied to you". I fucking died on the spot.
At first, I didn't believe it. I thought I was seeing things but NO.
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Anywho,, he made my week.
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possum-rat · 3 years
Cow :)
Cw: blood,mentions of injuries and explosives
Somehow (Y/n) had managed to stumble half-dead with exhaustion and enough to mentally traumatize anyone- back home. As they lean against the wall they press their hands to their eyes before rubbing them and stumbling toward the bathroom. They don't notice the concerned expression etched in Violetta and Isidora's faces. The cool tile under their hands soothes (Y/n) panicked heart. Flicking their gaze up at the mirror (Y/n) doesn't recognize the person in the reflection. Their hair once (Let's just say you had shoulder-length hair) long and healthy is now choppy and basically a literal rat's nest, matted and slightly burnt. The once clear whites of their eyes are now a Smokey grey and dull. Soot covers half their face and blood from their ears stains their cheeks almost like tears. Dirt cakes their face and dark circles appear underneath their eyes deeper and more prominent than before. Stripping off the old tattered clothes (Y/n) pulls out a pair of scissors. Staring in the mirror they begin to chop the hair. As a ring of (H/C) hair falls they sigh before limping toward the shower. Turning it on not caring how hot or cold it is they step in and sit. letting the water gently pull away the grime. Pressing their hands into their face they take a deep unsteady breath before closing their eyes. A pair of green mineral-colored ones meeting their own if only briefly before an ancient Egyptian Anubis crown disappears. "(Y/n). (Y/n)." A faint voice calls one they had heard just a few minutes or was it hours ago. "Wil-Wilbur? Is that." They rasp out. And as if it were a figment of their imagination the voice fades like a song from the '80s. Standing up unsteadily (Y/n) cleans themself up. As they walk out of the bathroom they manage to pull on a pair of sweat pants and a comfortable hoodie before lying down in bed. hours pass before they get up frustrated and limp out of their house and into the night. As they pass the wreckage of L'manberg (Y/n) wanders around. Eventually finding themselves at the door of Captain Puffy's house. they stand beside the door hesitantly mentally arguing with themselves about knocking on the door. They jump when a hand rests on their shoulder. Glancing back they see (kinda Based on @peacheskodraws) a man around the same height as (Y/n). Messy moss green hair and square black glasses, and green freckles speaking Awesamedude's face, a forest green aviator jacket with a few patches on the shoulders and elbows, along with black overalls. he doesn't say anything merely holding out a hand invitingly. (Y/n) takes it hesitantly. Sam then pulls them into himself and gently rubs soothing circles upon their shoulder blades. (Y/n) can't help but melt into his touch. Pressing their face into the soft poofy fabric of the collar they take a deep shuddering breath before clutching at his jacket. (Y/n) feels Sam's shoulders vibrate ever so slightly as he says something (y/n) can't hear. Letting go of Sam (Y/n) awkwardly walks away smiling. As the midnight breeze presses light kisses against (Y/n's) nose and cheeks they pull their hood up. As if by muscle memory (Y/n) finds themselves standing over a giant gaping pit. as they sit down beside the huge crater they stare out at the view. Already tall lanky figures holding perfectly cubed chunks of dirt and stone, skeletons, and other mobs have spawned into existence. As the sun begins to make its path up toward the sky (Y/n) stands up and begins walking back home. ---- Standing beside the front door there's movement in the tall slightly dead lawn. (Y/n) freezes staring at the grass. A moobloom raises its head before walking sleepily toward (Y/n). freezing (Y/n) stares at it before pulling out a lead. Attaching it to the cow's neck they gently lead it into the safety of their house and into the small farmland in the far right corner beside the kitchen. cautiously (Y/n) holds out their palm for the golden yellow cow to smell. The cow looks up through it's long eyelashes dark brown doe eyes meeting (Y/n). As the cow flops to the ground (y/n) follows lying beside the cow. (Y/n) gasps inaudibly as they sink into the fluffy fur of the cow. ------ (y/n) had spent around a quarter of a month at home. The only people keeping them company were Shlatt and Wilbur. Both of whom continued to encourage them to get out of the house and into the real world. eventually (Y/n) caved in pulling on a black hand-painted spider shirt on along with a pair of paint-covered overalls they yank a hat on before heading out. As they walk down toward an unfamiliar wall they're stopped by a tallboy. Well, he's only a few inches taller like 3 or 4- He asks something and (Y/n) glances down toward the ground before scanning the path and seeing Tubbo. They clear their throat before rasping "Where's Tommy?" Tubbo jumps as he makes eye contact with (Y/n). He shuffles uncomfortably before looking down at the ground. sighing in annoyance (Y/n) turns toward the hetocromatic green and red eyed boy before attempting to sign. He just stares in confusion. growing impatient (Y/n) closes their eyes and asks Ghostbur. He replies almost instantly and gives a location. turning (Y/n) waves at Tubbo before heading toward the beach. There's already a boat docked there. Boarding it (Y/n) begins their journey to the location. As the boat moves into open land (Y/n) can't help but feel a pang of envy toward Tubbo for being able to hear. Something so mundane once not thought about twice, now on (Y/n's) mind almost always. as (Y/n) comes to an empty Island save for a tent and dirt hut they see Tommy. Arms aching (Y/n) begins to pull the oars faster with more force. Jumping out of the boat into the cool shore (Y/n) sprints toward Tommy. He jumps up from his seated position to stare at them in wonder. (Y/n) wraps their arms around him holding them close to them. Tommy stand frozen before clutching at the fabric (Y/n's) wearing pressing his face into their shoulder. pulling away (Y/n) keeps their hands on either side of him scanning him. They sign: Where are you hurt? Tommy frowns momentarily before rubbing his arms. Sighing (Y/n) pulls out a potion of re-gen before letting some drip onto an unused piece of fabric. Gently dabbing each of the cuts Tommy winces at the feeling. He then freezes slouching sadly before shrugging away from (Y/n). (Y/n) turns bewildered before seeing Dream. Then turning toward Tommy watching as he digs a small hole before discarding all of his belongings into the hole. Confusion overwhelming (Y/n) they watch in horror as Dream pulls out a stick of dynamite and placing it into the hole. (Y/n) darts forward grabbing the light stick of dynamite before throwing as far away from the camp as possible before handing the materials to Tommy and walking toward Dream. Dream takes (Y/n) arm before turning toward Tommy and saying something.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
Cocaine Blues
by PetaB33
Based on the Australian TV Show Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries S01E01 Cocaine Blues - you should watch it it is great. Most of the dialogue and basis of the scenes in the chapters come from the show - now onto the summary.
A decade after the end of WWI, the Honourable Mr Wilbur Soot returns to his home of Melbourne Australian in order to prevent the man that kidnapped and murdered his little brother from being released from prison. However upon returning home he finds himself being caught in the throws of a murder mystery as Ninja Blevins mysteriously passes away the morning Wilbur had plans to have a luncheon with his good friend George.
Find out whodunnit in this multi-chapter fic!
TWs - Referenced Rape, Murder, Referenced Death by Overdose, Referenced Drug Abuse, Mentioned WWI, Mentioned Death, Mentioned Child Kidnapping and Murder, Casual use of Cocaine, Guns, Discussion of Abortions, illegal abortions, attempted forced abortion.
Words: 3885, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Mr Soot's Murder Mysteries
Fandoms: DreamSMP, Video Blogging RPF, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Wilbur Soot, Sally the Salmon (Dream SMP), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF), Tyler Blevins, Floris | Fundy, Jack Manifold, Niki | Nihachu, Sam | Awesamdude
Relationships: Alexis | Quackity/Wilbur Soot, Sally the Salmon/wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Eret & Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Ranboo & Wilbur Soot, Tyler Blevins/GeorgeNotFound, Floris | Fundy & Ranboo, Clay | Dream & Wilbur Soot, Clay | Dream & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Ranboo/Toby Smith | Tubbo, Jack Manifold & Niki | Nihachu, Floris | Fundy & Jack Manifold, wilbur soot & jack manifold & niki | nihachu, GeorgeNotFound & Sam | Awesamdude, Mentioned Eret/Jschlatt
Additional Tags: Trigger Warnings, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Murder, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Abuse, Discussion of Abortion, (end of trigger warnings), Bisexual Wilbur Soot, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Dead TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Alexis | Quackity & Wilbur Soot are endgame just not of this fic this will be a series, Villain Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Tubbo has a crush on Ranboo, this is about Characters (c!) not Content Creators (cc!), World War I mentioned, Alternate Universe - 1920s Australia, Tyler Blevins is dead, Multiple Pronouns for Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Eret is Wilbur's Aunt, Technoblade is a doctor, Jack Manifold is a cab driver, Niki | Nihachu is a cab driver, Trans Ranboo (Video Blogging RPF), Trans Floris | Fundy, Sam | Awesamedude runs a Turkish bathhouse, Inspired by Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries, Episode: s01e01 Cocaine Blues, Implied Sexual Content, Ranboo is Religious, Toby Smith | Tubbo is a police officer, Alexis | Quackity is a detective inspector
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/38924838
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