#awosan Fulvio
annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
ANONIE :D what the fuck? what was that chapter anonie/j
Dont you have enogh? /j (also why lord hijiki remeind me of 12Shredder) also my hate to this boomer, L+ratio, estupido cara de burro, piece of shit called Lord
Anyways I have a question abt the
Of Awosan Future timeline, sooo where does Leo and Usagi lives? (/w their kids obv) like i think in one ask it was stablished(? that they didnt live in the sewer, but where exactly? like in the hidden city or in another part?
Also have this
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I’ve had that planned since December :)
Now you asked for the
So how dare I not deliver
So Leo and Usagi’s home. It is not in the Swede and it is not in the hidden city. Usagi wants to raise his kids in the sunlight. Finding out how long it was before Leo and his brother walked above ground horrifies him. He wants the world for his family. That includes being able to be normal kids and play outside.
Their home is outside of New York City. Think like the farm house from 2003. It’s in the woods and near a lake. It has a modern Japanese style to it, a blend of their two worlds. It’s private as at this point mutants and yokai are more common, Leo, Usagi and the others are famous because of their actions to keep the city/world safe.
In other
News. Do you want to hear about Raph and Mona Lisa’s kids?
No? Well You’re going to anyway.
They have been thinking about kids for a while but Leo and Usagi’s announcement that they were having a kid really sparked them forward. Why not have a kid now? It will be close in age to Leo’s kid meaning both kids will have someone to play with.
Lisa’s Italian family is traditional and normally pass down Italian names. Raph and Lisa have a deal that if they have a boy then Lisa gets to pick their name (an Italian name) and if it is a girl then Raph gets to pick their name (a Japanese name)
They have some trouble getting pregnant but finally they do.
They have their first kid about 8 months after Jotaro is born.
It’s a little baby boy named Benigno ( it means Friendly) He is named after Mona’s grandfather.
He is a green snapping turtle with a long tail but he had Lisa’s yellow spots.
And like his mother he’s bold. Where Jotaro is quite and mature Benigno will absolutely tell you what he thinks. They balance each other well and he is Jotaro’s best friend.
I think I will assign him the color red
They were thinking about having another kid. They had gotten pregnant again, when the twins were surprised adopted.
Mona was around 3 months pregnant at the time.
Making her 5 months pregnant when Leo and Usagi rushed home with two sick children.
Lisa was so scared that her kids could get this sick. She was terrified for Sakura and Ume. Luckily the girls pulled through
A little bit later Lisa had their first daughter, Mikazuki (meaning Crescent moon)
She is a black snapping turtle with yellow spots.
She is the same age as the twins but is more into sport then they are. She likes wearing dresses here and there but she’s not as girly as Sakura is. She does get a little more girly as she grows up. Helping Sakura with her fashion projects.
She is definitely a daddy’s girl as she loves playing sports ball with her father. Though if she was ever allowed on a sports team she would probably play water polo.
She picks the color white for herself
About a year later they have their youngest.
A little boy named Fulvio (it means Yellow)
He is a green salamander with yellow spots. He is a year older then Kaida and is much bigger
(all of Raph kids are bigger then Kaida was, still small but bigger then her. They are all still shocked by Kaida’s small size. This has to do with both Lisa be Raph being huge and their kids having half human DNA instead of the 1/4 that Leo and Usagi’s kids get)
He is a shy sweet little boy who enjoys reading and art. The is much quieter then his two more chaotic siblings.
Once Kaida comes along and is up and moving the two become a duo. Make no mistake Fulvio might be older but he is not in charge. He is following Kaida in all of her bad decisions
I shall make his color a greenish yellow or a bright yellow. This make him and Kaida yellow buddies.
That’s all I have so far. This can all change as well.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 2 years
you cannot just give me information about raphmona children and not tell me who each of the children’s god parent is
His godfather is Leo. He’s born about 8-9 months after Jotaro. Raph is Jotaro’s godfather so it felt right to ask Leo to be Benigno’s
His godmother is April. She is horrified as so touched. It was Lisa’s idea. She and April are very close both having a habit of rushing into fights.
These two do not help with Benigno’s bold personality. Leo teaches him how to make pins and jokes and battle banter. April teaches him self confidence and investigation skills.
She is born a few months after the twins. Raph was originally thinking donnie but Leo just asked him to be Sakura’s god father and donnie is still super stressed from the twins illness. Besides this means there is one brother who isn’t a godfather yet.
He asks Mikey and Mikey is thrilled. He had been hoping one of his brothers would ask him. It’s the best choice. Mikazuki s so physical growing up. She takes after Raph a lot. Donnie doesn’t get sorts they way his brothers do, but Mikey he is ultimately hype man for the little lady.
Cassandra gets godmother. She is Raph’s best friend, and Lisa loves her. (Girl nights are often Lisa, Cassie, April, Sunita, and Kitsune going out and fighting villains without the boys) she proclaims her army is growing (the brownie scouts, Casey, Jotaro, and now Mikazuki) she absolutely encourages Mikazuki’s passion for sports.
He is born a year after Mikazuki and a year before Kaida.
Donnie is his godfather. Fulvio is quieter and enjoys art and reading but he also likes science. (Lisa studied science in college I haven’t decided if it will be physics yet or if it will be paleontology) he bonds with Donnie over this. They like different sciences as Donnie is all electronics and engineering and Fulvio is biology with a special interest is dinosaurs (he is obsessed with their family pet pepperoni)
His godmother is Sunita. She is a calming presence that he definitely needs in his life.
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