#aws job oriented training
inventateqtrainee · 9 months
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moccahobi · 1 year
May and June Reads
I know it isn’t the end of June but I am posting this anyways! It’s been a rough month and I am working on resetting and orienting so Imma imagine that posting this marks a new start for my reading log periods.  Last month, I read seven pieces and this month I managed to read ten! Which makes me quite happy! So many of my reads were stuff that I got consumed in and couldn’t step away from! There are truly so many amazing creations and I am so glad that I am exploring and reading them!
Two months ago when I last posted my reads, I talked about starting a schedule for fanfic reading... I’ve not. BUT! I did put fics that I already know I am interested in reading on my document and filled in everything other than my comments on it. This really helped me keep looking to reads. I plan to continue to putting fics I know I want to prioritize onto my bimonthly log when I find them because that helped so much!  I think it also helped me to mix up shorter pieces and longer pieces. I had two pieces that I read that were almost 50k (wow! In so much awe of the authors) and it really helped to have some smaller pieces that I could intersperse as well! It’s been so nice to mix my book reading with my fic reading and work fic reading in as little breaks from all that I am doing! 
If you all have any fics you rec me reading, please send them to me! I’d love to add to my TRL!
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Tongue Tied (Jungkook x Reader) ( @jeonqkooks )
“Jeez, you’re acting like I asked to peg you or something.”
Warnings: brief mentions of sex and drinking
Fluff, F2L, Neighbors AU
As an enjoyer of the tension right before a relationship starts, this fic gives such a good depiction of if! The tone is light hearted and the narration is funny. It's a great fic to brighten your day and rest with. So adorable! 
Sit. Stay (Seokjin x Reader) ( @daechwitatamic )
Your new puppy, Zinnia, has turned your world on its head. She’s ruined everything from your sleep schedule to your favorite shoes, and you know it’s your own failure to train her properly. When your cute upstairs neighbor tells you about a local obedience academy, he slowly starts to make himself a place in your schedule, your life, and your heart. After your last relationship went up in flames, will his affections be something else you can count as a failure?
Warnings: language, casual drinking, parental medical problems, mentions of surgery/doctors/hospitals (major operations lightly mentioned; no d
S2L, Neighbors AU, Fluff, Smut, Angst 
This had me hooked and hanging on at the edge of my seat as I read! Joe does such a beautiful job at weaving humor with serious topics of healing and medical emergencies and it is really just so wonderful. She does a wonderful job at creating complex and gray stories that help readers sympathize with both characters. If you want a fun and goofy story that also tackles serious topics, this is a great one for you.
The Perfect Gift (Jimin x Reader) ( @moonleeai )
A cute story about two friends that decide to "fake date" for the Christmas Holiday while visiting family, but with each household they fall for each other.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Fake Dating, F2L Christmas AU
This story follows our characters as they try to get their parents off of their backs. It is such a cute and classic fake dating AU and if you are a connoisseur of fake dating tropes you NEED to read this fic! It’s funny and cute and all the domestic moments kept my heart full! I highly recommend you read it!
Crazy For You (Taehyung x Reader) ( @oddinary4bts )
You’ve known Kim Taehyung your whole life. When you meet again at a party hosted by your best friend, alcohol looses your lips and you spill your secrets to your childhood crush. Will Taehyung give in to your desire, or will you be struck by remorse?
Warnings: alcohol consumption, lying/hiding the truth, unclear relationship, feelings of  cheating, cursing, mention of a grandparent passing away, sex (see fic for full list of sex warnings)
Angst, Smut, Fluff, Idol AU, angst, smut, fluff, Best friends older brother, Fake dating
If you enjoy monster oneshots, this is the fic for you! I am in awe of how long and detailed this fic is and you can truly lose yourself in it! There is so much that’s explored and so many angsty moments present! Lovers of idol aus will love this too. The detail and ways everything is woven together is just astounding and truly so amazing. READ IT!
Fearless (Hoseok x Reader) ( @hobisuniverse )
On your way home from a party, you tell your best friend to pull over so you can dance with him in a storm in your best dress, fearless.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Confessions, Friends to lovers
FLUFFY CONFESSION LOVERS! COME HITHER! Ahhhh! This fic is so short and sweet and so glorious! If you enjoy fluffy confessions, weather matching emotions (kinda), and feeling fuzzy all over, this is the perfect quick read!
To The Beach (Jungkook x OC) ( @mydogssqueakytoy )
Jungkook’s daughter misses her mom and needs a way to pass the time before she comes home.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Dad Jungkook AU
Father BTS fics are just so adorable! And this fic is such a perfect example of this! The author does such an amazing job at showing the ways Jungkook may express his love for his family: comforting his kid and looking his partner into it all! If you enjoy father BTS fics, I highly rec reading this piece! It’s soft and cute and just leaves one feeling so soft!
Honorable Mention
@magicshopaholic​‘s amazing universe (BTS x OCs)
This series consists of fics set in the same universe, of the members of BTS and their long-term OCs. While these are part of a larger story, most fics can be read standalone as well.
Generally, I try to only post finished pieces BUT Cath’s amazing works have been things I’ve been slowly reading throughout the past four months! I immediately got hooked on Hoseok and Chaeyoung’s storyline. Because OMG CHILDHOOD NEIGHBOR’S TO POSSIBLY LOVERS? It is gold! I inhaled it! THERE IS ANOTHER PART THOUGH THAT I’VE NOT READ AND AM SO EXCITED TO! And recently I’ve started reading Yoongi and Miso’s storyline which is also SO INTERESTING! I am a slow reader and have been interspersing my reading of her universe through all my other pieces and because everything is one universe and each series is being updated kinda at the same time (which is so impressive! Cath weaves so many stories together and I am so in awe). It didn’t feel right not to mention it. 
If you’ve never read an MxOC piece before or don’t really read them, I highly recommend Cath be your introduction to it! I know that on tumblr there is a strong pretense for MxR rather than MxOC (I only read one other OC piece in the six months I’ve been doing this and that is also in this post).  The range in MxR is BROAD. We have some who have no physical characteristics, some who do and are labeled, some who do and aren’t labeled, and all of them have personality traits that are close to how the reader is or isn’t. Each reader is a character. They are just vague in some places. OCs are just other characters. They also exist on the same range and are just as rich in depth! I highly recommend you read some if you enjoy reading books and fanfic!
Honeycomb For a Heart (yoonminjoonseok) ( @hungline )
Yoongi never actually expected to build his own hive.
Warnings: mentioned misgendering and transphobia 
In this fic, Yoongi is a king bee and I absolutely love how his hybrid identity is tied into his trans identity! The story introduces the readers to yoongi and his struggles in such a quick but heartfelt an empathetic way and we get introduced to Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin in such a fun and open way! Although the story is only 1.5 k and we only get their meeting, there is so much personality and hope packed into the story. If you're wanting on uplifting quick read, this is a great one.
( ✓ read 10:18 p.m. ) (Yoongi x Jungkook; Hoseok x Jimin) (AO3)
By the time Suga got back to him with the name of the sample, Jungkook was sitting in class. He’d never been an in-class text-er. He listened well. He followed rules. He gave professors the attention they deserved. But if Min Suga texted him, Jungkook always found himself texting back, attention 100% on his phone. Maybe it was because messaging the stranger felt as informative as half of his classes. Suga gave good advice. He’d caught himself thinking over the weekend that maybe he actually did owe Jimin some coffee.
Warnings: No archive warnings, mentions of sex, insecurity
College AU, Young Professionals AU, Angst, Fluff
AHHHHHHHHHH! This fic is an adorable story. As readers, we get to see Jungkook try to grow and learn to accept his growing feelings for Min Suga, an unknown man he slowly gets to know. Only thing: he is emotionally constipated and Yoongi feels so much that he struggles… Oh and also Suga kinda likes Jimin… or does he? Owo. It’s such a good series! The chapters are short and addictive and left me unable to put the fic down! It’s angsty and focuses on the growth of everyone and it’s such a wonderful read. It’s such a good series and I highly recommend you read it!
Got7 MxR
Filipendulous (adj.) - hanging by a thread (Jinyoung x Reader) ( @flurrys-creativity )
Summary: After a fight with Y/n, Jinyoung spirals with jealousy. One call changes it all.
Warnings: mentions of an argument, mentions of jealousy, mentions of drinking alcohol (not really responsible), mentions of an accident, mentions of results from said accident, short hospital setting, one kiss…
1,967 words
Angst, No AU
Do you like angst? Open endings? Many struggles and layers to a fic? This is the fic for you! I read this and gasped with each new development! Flurry does wonderful at getting us hooked and keeping us hooked! It's such a wonderful read!
Got7 MxM
Brewed Love (Mark x Jackson) ( @limjaeseven )
Summary: Jackson is comfortable working at the cafe Jaebeom owns. He expects to earn a living there, he doesn’t expect falling in love.
Warnings: None
Fluff, Coffee Shop AU
1,518 words
Coffee shop aus are so cute! And this fic is no different! It’s such a vibe and it had my heart fluttering all while reading. Cris is an amazing writer and his care for word play is present in the many coffee references that are present in this fic. Its short and sweet and just the perfect thing to energize your day!
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soldier-poet-king · 9 months
The tldr is my boss couldn't go to this meeting today so I got sent to represent our archive, and I was the only archivist there in a group of professors and PhD students (whose research is tangentially related to the contents of the archive) and I'm just ahhhh
On the one hand, it was great, sitting around a table talking research for a few hours over lunch, it's all the best parts of grad school seminars and I've missed having those kinds of discussions IMMENSELY and it feels like a missing piece of myself has been returned. Even just from mostly listening for the duration.
On the other hand. The sense of imposter syndrome not being a Real Academic. And the sense of loss and regret. Yes yes I didn't go for my PhD because health, finances, awful job prospects for classicists. But I LOVED grad school. I love my MA and learning and studying and being a student. I miss it terribly, even though I'm good at and enjoy my profession.
Even had health/finances not been a concern, I'd never have been able to decide on a focused research topic for a dissertation. My interests are too broad. They're not even limited to classics. I'm bouncing between life changing academic interests constantly, and each one is foundational and obsessive, in its own way. I joked to Atlas this week that I was supposed to be born a foppish renaissance dilettante, but it's not even really a joke.
I know. I KNOW. My unlived lives aren't real. They shouldn't haunt me. The me that exists is de facto the best version of me because it's the ONLY me that exists. And life doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be Good. And it is good. But also. Why can't I be a full-time student just learning, never having to publish, but also an archivist and information professional, but also a mutual aid volunteer and praxis oriented person, and Also have time for hobbies like crafting and novel reading and video games, and things like cooking and gardening and strength training.
I'm aware that harmonizing and coming to peace with the multitudinous aspects of the self is the work of a lifetime but also I want it to happen /now/
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historyhermann · 10 months
Job creep among fictional librarians
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In her 2018 In the Library with the Lead Pipe article, "Vocational Awe and Librarianship: The Lies We Tell Ourselves," Fobazi Ettarh writes about job creep. She defines it as subtle and slow expansion of job duties not recognized by the organization or their supervisors. Since librarians are often expected to place their duties and place the profession above their own interests, leading job creep to become common. This manifests itself in employees doing more but having less time to accomplish their tasks. As a result, employees who can't do more than what is in the job description are seen as not doing the minimum and their managed may believe they are not committed to the organization or its mission if the extra tasks aren't completed. This interconnects with the idea of librarianship as a religious calling, with some asked to do "dangerous emotional and physical labor" without getting the support or tools provided to other professions who do those duties.
Originally published on Pop Culture Library Review on August 3, 2023.
Job creep is more than employees being pressured to "deliver more than the normal requirements of their jobs" and tied to undercompensation, part of a twin phenomenon in librarianship. It is interconnected to vocational awe, meaning that assumptions, values, and ideas librarians have about the profession or themselves. This results in the beliefs that libraries, as institutions, are "inherently good and sacred, and therefore beyond critique" as Ettarh puts it. Such job creep is inherent in librarianship due to self-sacrificing and service-oriented workplaces, as noted by Ettarh.
In terms of libraries this means librarians are "undertaking jobs they might not have trained for" like giving tax help or even administering Narcan to people who have overdosed. In terms of fictional librarians, I struggled a little to find those who do more than what is expected. One example, could be, perhaps, Myne/Main in Ascendance of a Bookworm. Although she is dedicated to becoming a pioneer of the printing press in this world, she becomes a priest in order to work in the library, so she can be a librarian who helps people. It was much more than she "signed up for", just as it is with librarians who deliver Narcan but never signed up for such a task. [1]
On the other side are characters like Kaisa in Hilda. As she is a librarian first, and witch second, perhaps she believes as some librarians do, that librarians are responsible for the safety of "patrons who come inside your library doors". In the case of Kaisa, she takes this responsibility far through her magic. She makes sure Hilda and Frida are ok, and safe. At the same time, Hilda and Frida help her get out of the void and make sure all of them aren't lost for eternity. The Trolberg library probably doesn't have active-shooter response training, like some libraries, but that doesn't matter because there are witches, who work below the library, or in the library itself, like Kaisa. She undoubtedly recognizes that there are other ways to protect patrons "besides having a gun and going blasting" as some librarians have stated.
There are other librarians who do more than expected. Take Clara Rhone in Welcome to the Wayne. She provides the protagonists with "critical information" and recognizes there are "different pathways to attaining information." She also realizes, to some degree, the role of librarians to help people "meet their informational needs." [3] Without her help, Ansi, Olly, and Sarah would have never found the mysteries, and secrets, of the Wayne apartment building. If the library she works, the Stanza, had never been there, it could have never been a sanctuary from those who were chasing them. It would have never been a place to give them the information they needed for their journeys. Without Clara, the protagonists would have not succeeded in their goals, not for a second. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
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Clara is not alone. One librarian who appears to do much more than they bargained for is the unnamed and uncredited librarian in an episode of We Bare Bears. Possibly voiced by Ashly Burch, [4] this librarian undoubtedly encountered homeless and semi-homeless library patrons. This is because she is working in a library somewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area, as I wrote about back in May. This librarian appears to let the protagonists sleep the night over at the library, which is unique, considering that some librarians, at least in anime, are shown sleeping at the information desk, which will be the subject of a post two weeks from now. This librarian likely believes that you have to, as some librarians argued, "do the job that’s actually there, not the one that exists in your head", realizing the importance of librarians in serving the community in whatever way possible.
On the other hand, this librarian likely is not being supported by any managers or mentors telling her that burnout, as is empathy fatigue, a big problem, and to not be so hard on herself. Even so, I hope that she believes that she can't "solve all the problems" and that it isn't her responsibility to leave "work at work." [5] Hopefully she is like those librarians who take vacations, if she has paid time off, which is hopefully provided by her library, when needed, and relax.
There were other stories of librarians having trauma from their experiences, even if they loved "providing a service to underserved people". Maybe they believed that society "needs an overhaul for how we treat people" like one librarian. [6] In the past, I've written about a papermaster (Anita) in R.O.D. the TV who was traumatized by the burning of books, which scarred her for life. Learning that one of the protagonists, Yomiko Readman, was behind the act (because her powers got out of control), ruined her. I've also noted that an action of a librarian, Wan Shi Tong (voiced by Héctor Elizondo), caused Korra, a protagonist of Legend of Korra to be even more traumatized that she already was previously in the series.
More than the aforementioned characters is Amity Blight (voiced by Mae Whitman). She is a lesbian who is in a relationship with another protagonist, and she directly experiences trauma, something which is at the core of The Owl House, as I noted in an article last year. As some reviewers have argued, Luz becomes a revelation that Luz needs, even if she has to confront trauma and "move away from those in her life who are only capable of hurt." This also involves going at trauma head-on and realizing it doesn't control her anymore. [7] At the same time, Amity gets fired from her job at the library, in the episode "Through the Looking Glass Ruins." Although she gets her job back, some have argued that getting fired can be an "extremely traumatic experience". It can also come with depression, anger, and resentment, although those feelings can fade over time. Some have even argued that getting fired is a form of "abandonment trauma" and can be tragic, especially for those who feel they are fired for no reason. It can also lead to self-defeating thoughts and distress of some kind. [8]
In the case of Amity, she undoubtedly feels distressed about the whole thing, considering she got the job and her own study room in the library. However she recognizes that her boss, Malphas (voiced by Fred Tatasicore) can be nice at times, but would also feed her, and Luz, to bookworms if they were caught in the forbidden section. Despite this, she endeavors to help Luz, even though this puts her job on the line!
This brings me to other librarians. Some have argued that although those in library school don't "ever teach everyone everything they might need to know" and it becomes impractical to believe that students can be taught "all the dimensions of their jobs." These same librarians argue that while certain things aren't included in library classes, "curriculum- and program-level changes are difficult." One person who would likely recognize this is Mo Testa in Dykes to Watch Out For. She is a graduate from library school dedicated to social justice, even rejecting a job because the previous librarian disagreed with the Patriot Act and left. She clearly sees the library as the "temple to the written word", connecting with what I have earlier about libraries as being like temples, in Japan and beyond.
She is also a lesbian and a feminist. At the same time, she is a reference librarian, is a White female who wears glasses, and is passionate about her beliefs. This undoubtedly translates into her work as a librarian and that stands against stereotypes in more ways than one.
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There are librarians who describe job/mission creep as a big problem in librarianship, with "other duties as assigned" becoming a bigger part of your job. Then, you are seen as doing "less than" others when your colleagues do the extra work. These same librarians reject the idea librarians can solve community problems or be social workers when trauma counseling doesn't exist, and supplant the jobs of social workers or medical professionals. Such librarians would also argue against being "stretched thin" by trying to be librarians, social workers, mental health professionals, and more all at the same time, setting a bad precedent, instead of just being information specialists. [10]
I tend to sympathize with this view the most, as a person who once countered a now library consultant (then manager) who I called "Justin the librarian." I wrote, back in 2019, something I still agree with, that it is clearly ignorant to say that librarians do "everything" for every community member. Instead, librarians should do what they can, but never try to be "everything". That would, as I wrote at the time, undoubtedly stretch their personal capacities and the institutions themselves, weakening the profession, even as librarians work to serve patrons from all walks of life.
While characters like Doctor Oldham, who is an old "sage" and a medical doctor, on the Gargantia inter-locking fleet in Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, would fulfill what the previous librarian I summarized would completely oppose, others are different. I would believe that Lydia Lovely in Horrid Henry, Mira and Sahil in Mira, Royal Detective, would not do more than what is assigned. Even Ms. Herrera, who is possibly Latine, in Archie's Weird Mysteries would likely not go beyond what was assigned to her. She does help Archie, an often patron. On the other hand, she may be a bit stretched thin, but that would only be because the library seems to be understaffed and she has a lot on her plate as a result. Hopefully she is well-compensated.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Chera Kowalski, Assistant to the Chief of Staff Free Library of Philadelphia in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
[2] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Tom Rink, Instructor of Library Services at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
[3] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Homa Naficy, Chief Adult Learning Officer at Hartford (Conn.) Public Library in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
[4] After listening to various video clips of Ashly Burch, Demtri Martin, and Philece Sampler, all of whom were credited with "additional voices", I think the closest to this is Ashly Burch, but I could be completely wrong, and it could be Demtri Martin.
[5] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Graham Tedesco-Blair Adult Services Librarian at Newark (N.Y.) Public Library in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
[6] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Amanda Oliver, MFA Student at University of California–Riverside who formerly worked in libraries in the Washington, D.C. area and presumably D.C. Public Library in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019. Also see: Oliver, Amanda. "Working as a librarian gave me post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms," Los Angeles Times, Apr. 19, 2019.
[7] King, Jade. "The Owl House Is Showing Young Viewers The Necessity Of Queer Rebellion." TheGamer, Jun. 21, 2021.
[8] "Trauma From Being Fired: How to Get Over It and Move On." An Overviews Of Societal And Workplace Issues And their solution, Oct. 3, 2021; Anderson, Susan. "FIRED FROM A JOB: A Silent Form of Abandonment Trauma," AbandonmentRecovery.com, Sept. 12, 2014; Hamdi, Awatef. "How to Get Over from Trauma of Getting Fired for No Reason," fratres, 2021; Carmichael, Ava. "Can Being Fired from a Job Cause PTSD?" Ava Carmichael's website, accessed June 24, 2022; Carter, Sherri Bourg. "Seven Things to Avoid After Being Fired." Psychology Today, Aug. 18, 2011.
[9] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Nicole A. Cooke, Associate Professor and MS/LIS Program Director, School of Information Sciences, at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
[10] Quoting/summarizing from the section by Fobazi Ettarh, Undergraduate Success Librarian, Rutgers University–Newark (N.J.) in "Other Duties as Assigned: Front-line librarians on the constant pressure to do more," American Libraries, Jan. 2, 2019.
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svnshowers · 11 days
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(  luca hollestelle,  cis woman,  she/her  )  i  took  a  trip  into  IN LAND, crystal  cove  and  ran  into  ANNABELLE ‘ANNIE’ MURPHY  near  town  square.  was  that  the  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  AUTHOR  you  told  me  about  last  week?  weird  i  could  have  sworn  you  said  they  were  CREATIVE  but,  they  seemed  sort  of  ALOOF  so  maybe  i  got  them  mixed  up.  how  long  did  you  say  they  lived  in  town?  SIXTEEN YEARS  ?  i  guess  it  makes  sense  that  they're  known  as  the  OPAQUE  around  town,  they  did  kind  of  remind  me  of  rain rolling down a window, your favorite hoodie, hardcover books, chipped black nail polish, & cigarette smoke filling a room.  i  think  they  even  mentioned  they  put  a  ENAMEL PIN  in  the  capsule.  i  really  hope  they  don't  incriminate  themselves.
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birth name: annabelle marie murphy nicknames: annie (preferred) date of birth: october 31st - twenty-six years old place of birth: chicago, illinois, usa residence: crystal cove, maine, usa - lives in in land occupation: author sexual orientation: bisexual relationship status: single big three: scorpio sun, scorpio moon, scorpio rising mbti type: infp positive traits: creative, compassionate, perceptive, organized, calculating, humorous, devoted. negative traits: aloof, vindictive, untrusting, lazy, timid, hypersensitive, easily influenced. aesthetics: rain rolling down a window, your favorite hoodie, hardcover books, chipped black nail polish, cigarette smoke filling a room, quiet filling a usually bustling area, the sound of a keyboard clacking, finishing a good book in one sitting. theme song(s): rhinestone eyes - gorillaz, california dreamin' - the mamas and the papas
sparknotes - bullying tw
annabelle marie murphy was born with everything practically handed to her on a silver platter.
an only child, her parents showered her with love and affection. there was nothing she couldn't have.
instead of becoming spoiled, as most would expect, she began to resent her doting parents.
of course, she was appreciative of everything they do for her, but they wanted her to be something she wasn't.
from a young age, annie was trained in classical ballet. her mother had always wanted to be a ballerina, and now that she had annie, she could vicariously live her dream through her daughter.
dancing came naturally to annie, no one could deny that she had talent and the potential to become a successful ballerina.
her school life wasn't easy, always being relentlessly teased for her freckles or her hair color. while adults constantly praised her for those, her peers were not nearly as respectful.
annie became a recluse, only socializing when she absolutely had to. people were awful, uninteresting, and predictable. she became bored with the idea of making friends.
when she was ten, her dad took a job with a law firm based in maine. her dad became close friends with his boss, marlene's father. the two girls were often forced to hang out with one another as their parents went out doing various things together.
she didn't like marlene at first, marlene reminded her of the girls who would bully her in school. however, marlene began to grow on annie.
by high school, annie could confidently say marlene was her only friend. marlene was beautiful, popular, commanded the attention of the room around her. annie was quiet, an observer, a wallflower.
annie often spent her time reading and writing, finding every fictional world more tolerable than the reality she was forced to exist in.
annie started her first novel at sixteen, writing her main character based off of marlene. the only other person in the world she could stand to be around for more than five minutes. she even named the character darlene.
her book was a horror story. darlene, the character based off marlene, being the only one to survive in the end.
her book was finished in two years, she was able to get it published under a pen name after she graduated high school.
to say the story was well received would be an understatement. gracing the tops of the best selling lists for months, with her first book, annie was able to cement herself as an official author.
since then, she's released one book every two years. she is currently almost finished with her most recent novel as well!
the disappearance
annie was LIVID when marlene disappeared. she immediately began throwing blame around, trying to find someone she could hate with her whole heart.
she isolated herself from the few other friends she did have for the first few months she was gone.
she eventually came to accept her disappearance, but never stopped thinking about her.
her pen name is james archer, but has told absolutely no one. she refuses to talk about her career because of her desire for anonymity.
her favorite author of all time? don't make her choose!!!! ask her this and expect a response in three to five business days.
she has two cats: sophie and howl. the reference is not subtle.
there were years where annie and marlene weren't as close, but they always found their way back to each other.
if you make a ginger joke in front of her, she will use her scorpio magic to make you feel dumb.
very confident in her freckles now!!!!! she loves them so much, she finds it funny to see the people who once bullied her for having freckles putting on fake freckles with their makeup.
annie is allergic to pineapple, but she loves it too much not to eat it. the rash and swollen lips are worth it to her.
wanted connections
her best friend, the person who managed to get close to her & see her real side. someone she trusts completely and would actively take a bullet for.
someone who somehow figured out she's james archer. now to keep them quiet, she lets them read every chapter she writes and adds a character based off them.
someone she got close with after marlene's disappearance, they had little to no interaction prior but ended up getting along really well.
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rxgclity · 1 month
[ jesse lee soffer | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome JAMIE GLENN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 29/30 year old VAMPIRE, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be GUILT-RIDDEN, but that’s all a façade to cover up their GIVING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON by BILLY JOEL, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
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full name : jamison ' jamie' glenn
nicknames : james (only to his family), jamie
age : 29 ( 29 physically )
birthday/zodiac : june 18th / gemini
gender/pronouns : cis man / he/him
sexual orientation : straight
species : baby vampire
occupation : former nypd officer, recently transferred to NOLA
family : michael glenn (father), calista glenn (mother), briar sanderson (twin), aspen glenn (younger sister - wc)
languages : english, asl, french
bad habits … . closing himself off from others both emotionally and physically, going quiet, probably drinking too much
hobbies … . finding out who the bad guy in a scenario is
fears … . becoming a monster, losing his wife for good
alignment : chaotic neutral
behind the mask
face claim … . jesse lee soffer
height … . 5ft 10 ½
hair color … . brown (slightly graying)
eye color … . greenish-blue
scars … . physically? none
As someone who's family have been cops for generations, it only felt right that Jamie's career had a set path from the moment he was born. His father was one, as was his grandmother, and so and so on.
The best part of the academy and graduating was being a part of the NYPD, something he viewed in awe even as a little kid being taken there by his father on a 'bring your kid to work' kind of day.
Though there was things that he wished he could change, he worked hard to be one of the 'good guys' - to do what was right even if it meant going against what he was trained to do
While it didn't look like it, the moment he set his eyes on Audrey was the moment he went head over heels for her. HE would awkwardly follow her around, try to be discreet, do anything to make her laugh - even at his own expense
And to those who knew him as the impenetrable steel wall were even taken aback by the little things he'd do for her - even if he didn't show it visibly.
And then finally he achieved his goal, he managed to watch her walk down the isle and he almost cried - almost being the key word. While some would view him as emotionless he knew she understood him - at least that's he'd like to hope.
Things were going well for them, they were happy and his job was going well. That was, until, he found himself caught off guard by a stray bullet - having jumped in the way of a random woman - later turning out to be a certain Sylvia Chu.
He wasn't sure for her reasoning for turning him but the next thing he knew he was awake in her apartment, a new ring on his finger and forced into a life that completely exploded his already perfect life
And he wasn't sure where he went wrong. Maybe it was the fact that he had Sylvia over to secretly help him and give him lessons on how to be a decent member of society now that he wasn't human or the fact that he had another ring on his finger but one day Audrey was there and then the next she disappeared
He spent days searching for her, probably longer than he should've, until he managed to get the information that she had moved - though her location had been withheld from him. Isolating himself further, his sergeant either took pity on him or was trying to throw him a bone but he found himself in NOLA - completely unaware of Audrey being here as well
So, yeah, he's a wife loving tsundere who just wants to stop all the misunderstandings and to fix any wrongs he's committed
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harinikhb30 · 5 months
Cloud Aspirations: The Optimal AWS Certification for Fresh Entrants
Introduction: Setting Sail into the Cloud Horizon
In the ever-expansive world of cloud computing, AWS emerges as a guiding force, beckoning individuals with a myriad of opportunities to carve their niche in this burgeoning industry. For newcomers eager to embark on a cloud-centric journey, the choice of the right AWS certification serves as a pivotal decision. One certification, often hailed for its adaptability and foundational wisdom, is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate. With the aid of AWS Training in Pune, professionals can acquire the expertise needed to harness AWS capabilities across diverse applications and industries.
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Exploring the Preferred Starting Point: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
Dive into why this certification is deemed the ideal launchpad for newcomers aspiring to secure a foothold in the domain of cloud computing.
1. Establishing the Bedrock with AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate:
Functioning as an entry point, the certification lays a robust foundation in AWS services and architectural best practices. It equips individuals with the indispensable skills necessary to conceive scalable, secure, and cost-effective solutions on the AWS platform.
2. Meeting Industry Demands:
Employers actively seek professionals adept at designing and implementing AWS solutions. The Solutions Architect certification, finely tuned to job roles, aligns seamlessly with industry demands, rendering certified individuals highly coveted in the job market.
3. Application-Oriented Learning for Real-world Challenges:
This certification places emphasis on practical application, ensuring certified individuals not only comprehend theoretical concepts but also wield the ability to apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. The practical approach hones problem-solving skills, preparing candidates for the challenges encountered in professional landscapes.
4. Versatility Across Industry Spectrums:
Skills acquired through the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification are versatile and applicable across diverse industries—be it finance, healthcare, or technology. The imbibed principles are invaluable, empowering newcomers to explore varied career trajectories within AWS. To delve deeper into AWS intricacies and unlock its full potential, individuals can find enrichment through enrolling in the Finest AWS Online Training.
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5. Accessible Entry for Novice Professionals:
In contrast to some advanced certifications demanding extensive experience, the Solutions Architect - Associate certification is accessible for entry-level professionals. While a basic grasp of cloud concepts proves beneficial, the certification is thoughtfully crafted to provide foundational knowledge to individuals taking their initial steps into AWS.
Charting a Path for Career Advancements:
A certified AWS Solutions Architect - Associate not only gains a competitive edge in the job market but also lays the groundwork for future career advancements within the AWS ecosystem. Serving as a stepping stone, this certification swings open doors to more specialized and advanced certifications as individuals accumulate hands-on experience.
Conclusion: Gateway to a Cloud-Centric Odyssey:
In conclusion, for aspiring individuals poised to launch a career in cloud computing, the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate certification emerges as a strategic choice. It bestows a holistic understanding of AWS services, architectural best practices, and practical wisdom. As the ever-evolving cloud computing landscape continues its metamorphosis, possessing this certification on your resume positions you as a prized asset in the dynamic and growing field of AWS.
Embark on your cloud journey, absorb the foundational knowledge bestowed by the Solutions Architect - Associate certification, and unlatch the doors to a fulfilling career in the expansive world of Amazon Web Services.
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thebranchesofshe · 1 year
Julius Ambrose Flood
"Every time I sit down, I get so drowsy. Must be something in the water. It's hard work, but it's the Lord's work, and I love it."
Three words: lonely, desperate, injured.
Date of Birth: January 1, 1935
Actual Date of Birth: January 1, 1900
Age as of Chapter I: 35 (or 70)
Height: 6'3"
Occupation: Priest.
Gender: everything and nothing, but don't worry about it.
Orientation: gay asexual.
Background: Irish Catholic, originally from Marquette, Michigan. Father was a funeral director. Middle child, has 6 sisters and 1 brother. Grew up in relative comfort. Has lived in a monastery in rural France and several shitty apartments in Boston and Manhattan.
Favorite Treat: strawberry jell-o.
Favorite Book: God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut.
Favorite Film: Midnight Cowboy.
What Brings Him to Decaelo: Job transfer.
Veteran?: Yes.
Which war?: Depends on who's asking. Korea if he's lying, the Great War if he's being truthful.
What is his burden?: a lot of things. His war wound and his curse, mostly.
What curse?: He can be killed, but he can't die. He will heal. The problem is people tend to want to kill him, and he is very killable. It starts like an itch, then a whisper, then a shout. The longer you let it fester, and the more you're around him, the worse it gets.
Is there a way to break it?: Yes and no. If you give in and kill him, or you make a gesture of kindness, the itch goes away. He ages, but very slowly. The more beloved he is, the more naturally he ages, but his aging will never be as fast as yours or mine. The deck is stacked against him. People get the itch when they encounter him. He could pass the curse to someone else, but he chooses not to.
But sometimes...: he wants to.
That sounds awful: because it is.
What did he do to deserve that?: he reached out to someone who couldn't bear it anymore. Whether he deserved it or not is out of the question.
His friends?: Maynard. His oldest friend. They lived together for a long time like husband and wife (Julius was the wife).
Will he have any more?: he hopes so.
Enemies?: not yet, but there will be.
Anything else?: he speaks English, French, Latin, and enough German to ask where the trains are. He has tritanopic color blindness, but he paints anyway. He is an avid and obsessive diarist. He's an old man who never got to be young. He likes pop music. Gustav Klimt's Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer makes him cry. He smokes menthol Chesterfield 100s. He probably has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. He is a functioning alcoholic and smokes a pack of menthols every day.
What does he look like?: he is tall and thin and pale with a delicate and somewhat feminine face, black hair, and black eyes. He walks with a pronounced limp.
In my head, he's a Hamish Linklater type. I wanted to do terrible things to a Linklater priest after watching Midnight Mass, but Julius quickly became his own character. That being said, he's still quite Hamish-y in the face.
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One more thing. Who is Julie?: I don't know what you're talking about. Don't worry about it.
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katexharmon · 11 months
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [KATE HARMON]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [SOPHIE TURNER]. You must be the [TWENTY THREE] year old [WAITSTAFF AT NEPTUNE]. Word is you’re [INTELLIGENT] but can also be a bit [HOTHEADED] and your favorite song is [BOOM BY CASSYETTE]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [OCEAN CREST APARTMENTS]. I’m sure you’ll love it! 
Tw: Drug mention, fire
Name: Katherina 'Kate' Harmon Gender/Pronouns: Cisfemale/She&Her Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual Age: 23 Birthdate: February 14th Occupation: Wait Staff at Neptune/Semi-professional Ice Skater
Overall, she is the epitome of wasted potential.
Kate grew up in Aurora Bay as the youngest daughter to wealthy parents that were very invested in their children's future, much to the point where her and her sister's feelings were left behind to be replaced with academic ambition and intelligence as a priority.
Both were sent to private schools, but Kate became expelled when she was ten for lighting a fire in the science lab for, as she claimed, scientific curiosity.
She never cared for education and actively rebelled against her parent's attempts at private institutions, until they were forced to put her into public school.
Besides her hatred, she was naturally smart academically, and got through high school with straight As without even lifting a finger. However, she wasn't interested in applying herself. She was much more interested in smoking pot behind the bleachers and getting into fistfights with her peers over something stupid. But some would say, she actually loved the thrill of it.
Her older sister on the other hand, graduated from private school and went on to make a name for herself, securing her spot as the favorite child.
The only thing that grounded Kate and didn't make her seem like a complete write off to her parents was her love of ice-skating. She'd been taking lessons since she returned back from private school to appease her mother's wishes that she have an interest. There was something about being on the ice that made her feel free and not tied down by the societal expectations her parents had crafted for her into their own heads.
In her teenage years, she even entered a few amateur ice-skating competitions and won. She had a partner, he was a couple years older and she admittedly didn't get on with him at first, but when she was sixteen she ended up losing her virginity to him after a show.
When she hit eighteen and refused college, she was given the ultimatum to get a job and move out by her parents. She was given a hefty monetary care package that she was smart enough to save away in some bank account, while finding the bare minimum of somewhere to live.
Her parents tried to get her to pursue her ice-skating career, but ultimately she settled on getting a wait staff job at Neptune, while still performing occasionally on the side.
She'd still be found training at least three times a week, before heading to the beach to relax with a little herbal break.
Her reckless streak unfortunately didn't end, and she'd often still get herself into trouble some way or another, whether that be pissing off the townsfolk or causing havoc whenever she could.
Despite this, she is fiercely loyal towards her friends and will go to any extremity to maintain their safety and happiness.
the cousins she didn't know she had. she liked to think that fate had brought them together and given them the family they had always wanted. // @astridhansleyy @natexdanish
her roommate and her best friend all wrapped in one, kate adores eleanor and is her personal protector. despite their differences, their dynamic works and she often reminds kate to smile in situations where her grumpiness gets the better of her. // @gcldrushed
she can't remember when she became friends with aiden or when she decided to give him the title of one of her best friends, not that she'd ever tell him that. she enjoys his company and their banter, and would even go as far to say that she would fight to the grave for him. having a partner in destruction is also beneficial. // @aiden-stevens
her work colleague and one-time hook up. she often gets along with wes, but sometimes lets her attitude get the best of her. they slept together once and love to make jabs and take the piss out of each other for it. she also loves to tease him about the fact he's married to their boss' daughter. // @wesxevans
there was something about the surfer that drew kate in instantly. enough for her to trespass onto his property and end up making out with him on his dock. of course she found him attractive, but there was something else there... she just couldn't put her finger on it. she constantly found herself wanting to be near him and silently wished he'd break down those walls she'd put up to keep people out. // @surfsupharry
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mesmerics · 11 months
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[ deniz can aktaş , 27 / 463 , cismale , he / him ] have you seen , tahir ventura , from the autumn court , has entered court? said to be charismatic + intrepid , we can only hope their good qualities outshine that they are also sybaritic + deceitful . when asked about them , people are always reminded of: the thrill of being the first to arrive at the finish line of a race; emerging victorious from a fight that had all the odds against you; the sweet smell in opening a new bottle of wine. they believe in their family. may the mother protect them.
full name : tahir ventura . nickname : n/a . titles / monickers : lord of the autumn court . meaning : "pure" or "virtuous" .
gender : cis male . pronouns : he / him . orientation : bisexual .
age : 27 / 463 . birth place : ventura's manor, autumn court, prythian . species : high fae .
mother : tba ventura ( deceased ) . father : tba ventura, former high lord of the autumn court ( deceased ) . sister : sibili ventura, high lady of the autumn court . brother : rhyn ventura, lord of the autumn court . mate : tba .
faceclaim : deniz can aktaş . hair : dark brown . eyes : dark brown . height : 5'11" ( 1.80 cm ) .
mbti : ENFP-A ( the campaigner ) . moral alignment : chaotic good . temperament : sanguine . positive traits : curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, excellent communicator, festive . negative traits : unfocused, overly accommodating, disorganized, restless . parallels : cassian ( acotar series ), kenji kishimoto ( shatter me series ), anthony bridgerton ( the bridgertons ) .
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tahir was always the comic relief of the autumn court household. with a personality worthy of a jester, trouble always followed the little boy whenever he went. from braiding the horse's mane at the stables; to quite literally jumping windows to steal whatever had a great smell in someone else's kitchen; the boy was a havoc that no one seemed to be able to keep under control.
training was the only way his father found to keep him quiet and out of trouble. at least until he had enough age to start picking fights with anyone that he thought it would be fun to punch -- and, most of the time, being the one punched until passing out.
he's reckless, but the years of training did a good job of preparing him for the war that started a few decades before he turned one - hundred years old. in the field, tahir was a good soldier under the banner of his father and the autumn court. and when the king of hybern took the high lord of the autumn from his family and his people, tahir promised to follow sibili and keep her protected at all costs.
tahir hates the winter court more than hybern itself -- i mean, he still does hate hybern an awful lot. they were the reason things went down for the autumn court. he had been working alongside his siblings to do anything necessary to free prythian.
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theoxbarrett · 1 year
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Welcome to Aurora Bay, [THEODORE ‘THEO’ BARRETT]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [MILES TELLER]. You must be the [TWENTY EIGHT] year old [RETIRED SOLDIER]. Word is you’re [BRAVE] but can also be a bit [HARDHEADED] and your favorite song is [TRAVELIN SOLDIER BY THE CHICKS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it! tw: war, ptsd, addiction
full name: theodore barrett
nicknames: theo, barrett
gender & pronouns: cis male & he / him.
birthday: may 2nd
zodiac: Taurus
sexual & romantic orientation: heterosexual
occupation: retired/discharged from army
theodore elias barrett was born and raised in Aurora Bay, by elaine marie barrett and thomas noah barrett. the youngest of three, theo from a young age was instilled with the importance of responsibility.
mr. barrett was a man who had served in two wars, only retiring due to old age but always kept his household run like an army base.
the kids were required to keep their rooms tidy, beds made, and referred to their father only by sir.
theo decided at a young age he would push those boundaries and often times would rebel against his father and his strict rules.
at school he was a class clown, liked by most everyone, and enjoyed making a little chaos in the sake of making people laugh.
he wasn't one to be serious for long and truly could make a friend out of any person he met.
school was always a struggle for him, he realized in around middle school the words would move around the page when he tried to read, or they would place certain words before others, making it take him twice as long to learn something.
at around the ninth grade tucker decided school was nothing something he cared much about, he would be found skipping school, smoking under the bleachers, and very rarely took his assignments seriously. when he did show up to class it was to merely make his other classmates laugh.
his father threatened to send him to military school if he didn't get his act together, but he would just fight back even harder and spend a couple days on a friend's couch to wait out his father's threat.
when he turned eighteen his father told him to basically pay rent or get out from under the roof. he floated between jobs for a little bit and crashed with friends until finally he walked passed a recruitment program when he turned 20.
it took only twenty mins for the officer to talk him into joining, his father's voice only fueling his desires to prove something.
what started off as a way to get back at his dad turned into a 8 year long commitment to the service.
to much to his surprise theo really thrilled in the army environment, the structure did him well, and he enjoyed the positive feedback from his supervisors, plus the yelling reminded him of home.
long gone was that goofy kid, and a responsible, be it uptight at times man was left.
training was the easy part, but once they were sent into the battle field it forever changed the person theo would become. seeing friends die right in front of your eyes, changes a person.
one day his tuck's whole life changed, he stepped on an explosive trap, truly he doesn't remember what happened next, until he woke up in the hospital.
he was able to survive the impact because the blow back threw him far enough from the explosive. however he leg was broken and fractured in six places, some broken ribs, and some more minor injuries. after months of physical therapy it was clear his leg would never be back to what it was so the army discharged him, gave him some medals, and sent him on his way.
now that theo is back he feels a bit lost, walks with a cane, and is battling a secret drinking problem.
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inventateqtrainee · 9 months
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qualitythought · 1 year
Do you want to upskill your career in Amazon Web Services (AWS)? Join our AWS Job-oriented intensive program. We have both Online & Offline Training. Attend Free Live Demo on 13th Feb 2023 at 9:00am
🌐Register for the Course: https://www.qualitythought.in/registernow 📲 contact: 99637 99240 📩 Telegram Updates: https://t.me/QTTWorld 📧 Email: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QTTWorld/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/qttechnology/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/QTTWorld Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/company/qttworld ℹ️ More info: https://www.qualitythought.in/
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coolcreationdreamer · 17 days
Cloud Computing Internship Program: A Gateway to the Future of IT
Cloud computing has transformed the way businesses operate, providing scalable, flexible, and cost-effective solutions for data storage, computing power, and application deployment. As the demand for cloud services grows, so does the need for skilled professionals in this field. Cloud computing internship programs have become an essential pathway for students and young professionals to gain hands-on experience and build a career in this dynamic industry.
The Importance of Cloud Computing
Cloud computing enables organizations to access computing resources over the internet, eliminating the need for on-premises hardware and software. This model offers several benefits:
Scalability: Resources can be scaled up or down based on demand, ensuring optimal performance and cost-efficiency.
Flexibility: Cloud services can be accessed from anywhere, facilitating remote work and collaboration.
Cost Savings: Pay-as-you-go pricing models reduce the need for large upfront investments in IT infrastructure.
Innovation: Cloud platforms provide access to cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and big data analytics.
Overview of Cloud Computing Internship Programs
Cloud computing internship programs are designed to provide practical experience and knowledge in cloud technologies. These programs typically include:
Technical Training: Interns receive training in cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). They learn to navigate the cloud environment, manage resources, and use various cloud services.
Project Work: Interns work on real-world projects, applying their knowledge to solve practical problems. This hands-on experience is crucial for understanding the complexities of cloud computing.
Mentorship: Experienced professionals mentor interns, providing guidance and feedback. This mentorship helps interns develop their skills and gain insights into industry best practices.
Soft Skills Development: In addition to technical skills, internships often focus on developing soft skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.
Key Components of a Cloud Computing Internship Program
Orientation and Onboarding: Interns are introduced to the company's culture, values, and expectations. They also receive an overview of the internship program and its objectives.
Training Modules: Structured training sessions cover key cloud concepts, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Interns also learn about cloud security, networking, and database management.
Practical Assignments: Interns are assigned tasks that require them to deploy, manage, and optimize cloud resources. These assignments are designed to reinforce their learning and build confidence.
Project Collaboration: Interns collaborate on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. These projects may involve migrating applications to the cloud, setting up cloud-based databases, or implementing cloud security measures.
Evaluation and Feedback: Regular evaluations and feedback sessions help interns track their progress and identify areas for improvement. Constructive feedback from mentors is invaluable for professional growth.
Benefits of Participating in a Cloud Computing Internship
Hands-On Experience: Interns gain practical experience working with cloud technologies, making them more attractive to potential employers.
Industry Exposure: Interns gain insights into the cloud computing industry, understanding current trends, challenges, and opportunities.
Networking Opportunities: Internships provide a platform to connect with industry professionals, mentors, and peers, expanding professional networks.
Career Advancement: Completing a cloud computing internship enhances a resume and increases job prospects. Many interns receive job offers from their host companies upon successful completion of the program.
Skill Development: Interns develop both technical and soft skills, preparing them for various roles in the cloud computing domain.
How to Choose the Right Cloud Computing Internship Program
Reputation and Track Record: Research the company's reputation and the success of its internship programs. Look for testimonials from past interns.
Training and Support: Ensure the program offers comprehensive training and robust support from mentors and supervisors.
Project Opportunities: Evaluate the types of projects available and how they align with your career goals and interests.
Company Culture: Consider the company's culture and values to ensure a good fit. A positive and inclusive work environment enhances the internship experience.
Career Prospects: Look for programs that offer clear pathways to employment, such as job placement support or opportunities for full-time roles post-internship.
A cloud computing internship program is an invaluable step for anyone looking to build a career in the IT industry. These programs provide practical experience, industry exposure, and skill development that are crucial for success in the fast-evolving world of cloud computing. By choosing the right program, aspiring cloud professionals can lay a strong foundation for a promising career in this transformative field.
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govindhtech · 1 month
Titan Text Premier: The New Interactive Gen AI Powerhouse
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AWS is pleased to introduce the Amazon Titan Text Premier, a new model in the Amazon Titan line that is currently offered in Amazon Bedrock.
Titan Text Premier is the newest large language model (LLM) in the Amazon Titan family of models, which expands your model selection even more within Amazon Bedrock, and comes after Amazon Titan Text Lite and Titan Text Express. In Bedrock, you can now select among the following Titan Text models:
Titan Text Premier
The most sophisticated Titan LLM for text-based enterprise applications is Titan Text Premier. It has been especially optimized for enterprise use cases, such as constructing agent-based applications with Knowledge Bases and Agents for Amazon Bedrock and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), with a maximum context length of 32K tokens. Titan Text Premier is most suited for English-language jobs, however it has pre-trained on multilingual text data like all Titan LLMs do. With your own data in Amazon Bedrock, you may further fine-tune (preview) Titan Text Premier to create applications that are unique to your domain, company, brand, and use case. I’ll go into more detail on the model’s performance and highlights in the parts that follow.
Titan Text Messenger
For a variety of activities, including conversational discussion and open-ended text production, Titan Text Express is perfect. The maximum context length for the model is 8K tokens.
Titan TextLite
Titan Text Lite may be fine-tuned for activities like article summarizing and copywriting because it is very customizable, fast, and optimized for speed. The maximum context length for the model is 4K tokens.
Let’s talk more in-depth about Titan Text Premier now.
Highlights of the Amazon Titan Text Premier model
Titan Text Premier has been fine-tuned to incorporate appropriate artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and optimised for high-quality RAG and agent-based applications.
Enhanced for RAG and agent-oriented software
In response to client feedback indicating that RAG is a crucial component in developing generative AI applications, Titan Text Premier has been specifically optimised for RAG and agent-based applications. The model training data has been optimised for interaction with Knowledge Bases and Agents for Amazon Bedrock, and includes examples for activities like conversational chat, Q&A, and summarization. As part of the optimisation, the model is trained to manage the subtleties of these properties, like their unique prompt formats.
Integrating Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases for high-quality RAG
Superior RAG by use of Knowledge Base integration for Amazon Bedrock You may safely link your company’s data for RAG to the foundation models (FMs) in Amazon Bedrock by using a knowledge base. Titan Text Premier with Knowledge Bases is now an option for implementing tasks like question-answering and summarising over proprietary data that belongs to your firm.
Task automation with integration with Agents for Amazon Bedrock
Using Titan Text Premier with Agents for Amazon Bedrock, you can also build bespoke agents that can carry out multistep processes across various enterprise systems and data sources. You can use agents to automate processes for your clients, both internal and external, such handling insurance claims or retail order management.
Amazon Titan Text Premier customisation (preview)
Amazon Titan Text Premier’s custom fine-tuning (preview) By giving Titan Text Premier your own task-specific labelled training dataset in Amazon Bedrock, you may fine-tune the model and improve accuracy. Titan Text Premier customization allows you to further specialize your model and produce distinctive user experiences that are consistent with your business’s voice, style, brand, and offerings.
Built responsibly
Constructed with responsibility, Amazon Titan Text Premier integrates reliable, safe, and secure procedures. The model’s performance is documented in the AWS AI Service Card for Amazon Titan Text Premier, covering important responsible AI benchmarks such as robustness, safety, and fairness. Additionally, the model interfaces with Guardrails for Amazon Bedrock, allowing you to add more security according to your application’s needs and ethical AI guidelines. Customers who use Amazon Titan models responsibly are protected by Amazon against accusations that their outputs or the models themselves violate third-party copyrights.
Model performance of the Amazon Titan Text Premier
Titan Text Premier is designed to provide organizations with a wide range of useful information. The evaluation results for public benchmarks, which measure important abilities including instruction following, reading comprehension, and multistep reasoning versus models with comparable prices, are displayed in the following table. Titan Text Premier’s robust performance on a variety of demanding benchmarks demonstrates its excellent price-performance and ability to handle a broad range of use cases in enterprise applications. 
It should be noted that benchmarks use a combination of few-shot and zero-shot prompting to assess model performance. A few-shot prompting technique involves giving the model several real-world examples (three for 3-shot, five for 5-shot, etc.) of how to complete a certain task. This illustrates the model’s capacity for in-context learning, or learning from examples. On the other hand, zero-shot prompting lets you assess a model’s performance without giving it any examples, depending just on its prior knowledge and comprehension of generic language.
Use Amazon Titan Text Premier to get started
Go to the Amazon Bedrock panel and select Model access from the bottom left pane to permit access to Amazon Titan Text Premier. To enable access to Amazon Titan Text Premier, select the Manage model access button located in the upper right corner of the Model access overview page.
In the Bedrock console, select Text or Chat from the Playgrounds menu on the left side pane to utilise Amazon Titan Text Premier. Next, select Titan Text Premier as the model and Amazon as the category by clicking on Select model. You can load examples to explore the model. One of those instances that highlights the model’s chain of thought (CoT) and reasoning ability is displayed in the screenshot that follows.
You can obtain a code example demonstrating how to use the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to execute the model with the current example prompt by selecting View API request. Using the AWS SDKs, you can also access Amazon Bedrock and the available models. You will utilise the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) in the ensuing example.
Currently accessible
As of right now, the AWS US East (North Virginia) Region offers Amazon Titan Text Premier. Amazon Titan Text Premier custom fine-tuning is now available in preview in the AWS US East (North Virginia) Region. See the complete list of regions for upcoming changes. Go to the Amazon Titan product website to find out more about the Amazon Titan model line. See the Amazon Bedrock pricing page for specific pricing information.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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mylocalskill · 2 months
Top 10 Skills Your IT Resume Can Benefit From
In the rapidly evolving IT landscape, having a resume that stands out is crucial. It's not just about listing your job experiences; it's about showcasing the skills that make you a valuable asset. IT placement agencies often look for specific skills that align with the needs of top tech companies. Here are the top 10 skills that can make your IT resume shine and catch the attention of potential employers.
1. Technical Proficiency
Clearly state your technical skills and proficiencies. Whether it's programming languages, software, hardware, or operating systems, being specific about your technical abilities can set you apart.
2. Problem-Solving
IT is all about solving problems. Highlight instances where you've successfully tackled challenges, optimized processes, or developed innovative solutions. This skill demonstrates your ability to think critically and deliver results.
3. Cybersecurity Awareness
With the increasing importance of data security, having cybersecurity skills can make you particularly attractive to employers. Even if you're not a security specialist, understanding the basics can be a significant plus.
4. Cloud Computing
Cloud services are ubiquitous in the IT industry. Familiarity with platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud can be a strong selling point, showcasing your adaptability and forward-thinking approach.
5. Project Management
Even if you're not a project manager, understanding the fundamentals of project management can be beneficial. It shows that you can oversee and contribute to complex projects, meet deadlines, and work effectively within a team.
6. Collaboration and Teamwork
IT projects often require collaboration across different departments and teams. Highlight your ability to work effectively with others, share knowledge, and contribute to a team's success.
7. Continuous Learning
The tech field is constantly changing, and showing a commitment to continuous learning can be a huge asset. Mention any additional courses, certifications, or training you've undertaken to stay current in your field.
8. Communication Skills
Being able to communicate complex technical information clearly and effectively to non-technical stakeholders is invaluable. Showcase instances where your communication skills led to successful project outcomes or improved team dynamics.
9. Agile and Scrum Experience
Familiarity with Agile and Scrum methodologies can be a significant advantage, indicating that you can thrive in fast-paced, iterative project environments and adapt to changing requirements.
10. Customer Service Orientation
If you've had any experience dealing with customers or clients, highlight this on your resume. It shows that you understand the importance of user satisfaction and can translate technical jargon into user-friendly language.
When crafting your IT resume, think beyond your job titles and focus on the skills that demonstrate your value as a professional. By highlighting these top 10 skills, you can create a compelling resume that stands out to IT placement agencies and potential employers, showcasing not just what you've done, but what you're capable of achieving in your next role.
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