#ayurvedic tretament for Anorexia Nervosa
cacherbalchandigarh · 3 years
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which can be     serious and life-threatening. It is characterized by an abnormally low     weight and an intense fear of gaining weight.
People with anorexia limit their number of calories and     due to this, they extremely restrict their diet. They, thus, lose weight     but their body’s weight-height ratio is not proportionate.
Anorexia     nervosa often occurs in teenage years or early adulthood, but it can     sometimes begin before teenage or in later life.
In this, the person does excessive exercise or purges     the food he has eaten by intentional vomiting or misuse of laxatives.
Anorexia isn’t really about food, it often involves     emotional challenges and can be life threatening sometimes. It is an     obsessive eating disorder.
A research has shown that females are not the only     victims of the disease. It is very common among transgender also.
The exact cause of anorexia is not known as it is a complex condition. People suffering from anorexia actually develops a negative body image. Thus, it is a combination of various psychological, biological and environmental factors:
Psychological: Person     with anorexia may be suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. This     makes him follow more strict diet and forgo food despite being hungry.     They may also show signs of extreme anxiety.
Biological: There     are some genes which make the person more prone to anorexia. Although it’s     not yet clear which genes are involved, but it can be linked to it.
Environmental: In     today’s world, thinness is preferred. A person becomes more influential     and smart if he/she is thin. So peer pressure helps fuel the desire of     getting slim, especially among young girls.
People with anorexia show symptoms at different levels. Some are the physical signs and symptoms and other are emotional and behavioral signs.
Physical symptoms
Extreme weight loss
Yellowish and blotchy skin
Thinning of hair
Bluish discoloration of fingers
Absence of menstruation
Abdominal pain
Dry skin
Slow heart rate
Low blood pressure
Swelling of arms and legs
Emotional and behavioral symptoms
Exercising excessively
Extreme dieting or fasting
Some people first do binge eating and then purge,     either by self-induced vomiting or using laxatives or enema.
Skipping meals
Making excuses for not eating food
Eating food which is low in fat and calories
Spitting food out after chewing
Repeatedly checking weight because of fear of gaining     weight
Frequent seeing of her body figure in the mirror
Complaining about being fat
Always feeling low
Avoid social gatherings
Feeling overweight, though she is underweight
Going to the bathroom right after eating
People of any age can develop anorexia. However, it is more common among girls. There are certain factors which put people at a greater risk for developing anorexia.
Following are the risk factors:  
Having a sibling or any of the close relative diagnosed     with anorexia
Adolescents and young adults
Girls at any age as they are more conscious about their     body figure
Excessive dieting can later lead to anorexia
More common in people of certain professions like     models, runners, gymnasts, wrestlers and dancers
Some big changes in life like getting an admission into     a college, new school or job, relationship breakup
History of psychiatric disorders
History of sexual abuse
There is no proven way to prevent anorexia nervosa. But     a thorough examination by the physician can help in looking out for     symptoms of the disease. This helps in diagnosis and thus early treatment     of the disease.
In Ayurveda, anorexia     nervosa is called ARUCHI. It is caused by aggravation of     vata, pitta and kapha disorders and by the increase of rajas and tamas     gunas leading to increased fear, anger and stress. This causes indigestion     of food as ama forms. It blocks gastrointestinal channels and thus causes     aruchi.
There are different methods in Ayurveda which are used     for treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. Following are the ways :
Kavala and gandoosh
It is also called oil pulling. In this, the oil is     being hold in the mouth for sometime.
It cleanses toxins in the mouth and thereby stimulates     appetite.
Deepana and Pachana
It focuses on balancing the digestive system as it is     imbalanced in anorexia
Some herbs and a particular diet is used that helps in     digestion of ama, thereby increasing the digestive fire.
In this, massage of whole body is done with warm oils.
Oil is applied from top of the head to bottom of the     feet
It helps in reducing stress levels
It is a technique in which liquid is poured by someone     on the patient’s head
The liquid is either herbal oil or a decoction
It is sometimes combined with abhyanga
It helps in lowering down anxiety levels
It is a part of panchkarma therapy
It is a controlled drug induced purging process which     eliminates toxins from the body, thereby unblocking the body channels.     This cause an increase in appetite.
Here are some of the medications of Chandigarh Ayurvedic Centre which are used in Anorexia nervosa :
Brain relaxant churna
This churna helps in rejuvenating brain cells and     increases the concentration by relaxing the brain.
It works as an anti-depressant and cures indigestion.
Some of the herbs which are present in the churna are:     Amla (Emblica officinalis), Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Pippali (Piper     longum), Marich (Piper nigrum), Haldi (Curcuma longa), Bala (Sida     cordifolia), Suddha Gandhak, Lauha Bhasma .
Recommended dose – 1 tablespoon twice a day
Trikatu tablet
It helps in eliminating excessive kapha or mucous from     the body.
It manages weight, removes ama and detoxify the body.
Recommended dose: 1 tablet twice a day
Active plus tablet
It is a herbo-mineral formulation, good for patient’s     physical and mental health. It refreshes the mind and body.
Recommended dose: 1 satchet twice a day
Visit us:-  https://www.cacherbal.com/anorexia-nervosa-causes-symptoms-and-ayurvedic-treatment/
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