Fun Fact: back when I was still an egg (~16-17 years old) I got with my first boyfriend.
Over the course of our very toxic on-again-off-again relationship, I eventually learned that he didn't really want me
He wanted a big tiddy goth gf
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waytoobsessed · 2 years
I don't want the line to get too long
fair enough
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cowcowwow · 1 year
ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thanks a bunch it was really great I knew you could it. Perfect pose and yea I can coming with something interesting for sure, but I can't draw lol
I had a fun time drawing it ehehe :3 /gen /pos
Ooo, if not drawing have ye tried writing it? Might be fun!! :D
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delqcate · 2 years
i love you ☺️
i love u more 🫶
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acidmatze · 2 months
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boingdeguayava · 11 months
Vengo a decir que tienes la mejor url ever, me hace acordar de los taquitos al pastor con su piñita
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AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Pero que bonito, muchas, ¡muchas gracias! El boing de guayaba es lo mejor y con unos taquitos aún más. Sí se antoja. Te mando mentalmente uno de esos de medio litro. ¡Muchas graciasssssssss! En verdadddd ♡♡♡.
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2000 posts!
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hiislegacy · 3 years
fatenull asked:
*compares his spiky hair with her spiky hair
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    “Um... Is there... something you want? Why’re you looking at me like that...?” Cloud felt a little, - uncomfortable wasn’t the word for it. He felt a tiny bit perplexed as to whatever the hell she was doing, comparing her hair to his??? Or at least that’s what it seemed to be to him, but he wasn’t too sure.
| @fatenull​ |
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belovedracer · 5 years
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“I still can’t believe they both went through their stuff like that.” He groaned, as he and Bell made their way to do some shopping. He also needed a few new tools and oil, since some of his had finally bit the dust and he was running low.
“Like, Urd I kinda get with the drinking, but how does a kid like Skuld pack away a whole tub of ice cream??”
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kibokill · 5 years
”you would think such a day would tremble to begin.”
kirigiri seems to be the only one willing to talk about the incident. the only one not drowning in sugar-coated ignorance of anything ever happening. it’s like a breath of fresh air, not witnessing her shovel regret and any other negative emotion right back into every one of the remnants coldly and help them seal themselves up, as well as seal themselves off. everyone seemed to beg to be isolated from others and from their own demons.
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redxdrifter-blog · 6 years
{ Shimazu Toyohisa TV Tropes }
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Absurdly Sharp Blade: His nodachi and wakizashi.
Anti-Hero: The Unscrupulous Hero. He revels in battle and is a Blood Knight, but he's an honorable person and is genuinely willing to help the elves, unlike Nobunaga.
Bearer of Bad News: Since he lived 18 years after Nobunaga's death, Toyohisa breaks the news rather harshly that everything that Nobunaga had striven for had collapsed and Toyohisa himself died in the last battle of a crumbling era.
Beat the Curse Out of Him: Toyohisa does some form of this to Joan by throwing her into a well while pounding her, as seen when her pyrokinetic powers fade and her madness subsides somewhat. Unusual in that Toyohisa had absolutely no wish to do that (he had honestly no way of knowing that would happen), and that he left her alone after that, because he believes there is no honor in killing a woman.
Berserk Button: Doing something dishonorable like killing innocents or raping prisoners. Dissing the Shimazu clan is a more comedic one.
BFS: That nodachi is almost as tall as he is.
Blood Knight: If his usual slasher smile wasn't already a dead giveaway, take note that his first kill on the battlefield was at age 14.
Brilliant, but Lazy: In terms of combat tactics, Toyohisa is right up there with Nobunaga. However when it comes to long term political strategies and conspiracies, many consider him an incapable idiot. However, Nobunaga believes it's not a matter of Toyohisa being incapable of such cunning, but rather he just decided not to bother trying in the first place and focus solely on combat. Nobunaga goes on to say that this was probably a trait he got from the rest of the Shimazu clan, as he states they had a lot of talent and potential in many fields of governing, but combat was always their top priority above all else.
Catchphrase: When going for the kill on someone in particular, often a commander of some kind, he'll demand that they "Leave [their] head here!" This is lampshaded by Olminu when she's discovered by them as she freaks out over the "'Leave your head here' Ghost".
Combat Pragmatist: Certainly not to the extent of Nobunaga; but in their duel, Hijikata states that, Toyohisa has no samurai honor since he keeps using hit-and-run tactics. Toyohisa rebukes his claim by stating that there is no such thing has honor in a true fight to the death, and that going all out against opponent, while using whatever resources or tactics at your disposal, is a sign of respect.
Contrasting Franchise Main Character: Toyohisa's outfit is prominently red, as opposed to Alucard's black one. While both are eager for a fight, Alucard has this tendency to play with his food while Toyohisa's good side is much less ambiguous. While Alucard is an Invincible Hero with New Powers as the Plot Demands, Toyohisa is a Badass Normalwho is usually outmatched.
Covered with Scars: Given how we're first introduced to Toyohisa and his near constant suicidal tendencies in fights, is it any wonder his body is riddled with battle scars? And after his bout with Hijikata Toshizō, his growing collection shows no signs of slowing down.
Expy: A Hot-Blooded and slightly dense young samurai in a red leather jacket brings to mind Sanada Yukimura from Sengoku Basara.
Fearless Fool: Much to the lament of his comrades. They are constantly vexed at how Toyohisa can be such a highly competent general and such a reckless battle idiot at the same time. Everyone develops their own pet theory behind his behavior with most his close allies believing he was raised like this, and with most enemies believing he is genuinely insane. In truth it's a little from column A, a little from column B, and a whole lot from column C.
Genre Savvy: Toyohisa surprisingly realizes that the Drifters propping themselves up as rulers is likely to end really badly (particularly since the Orte Empire they are overthrowing is, like them, human and it's unlikely that the Elves are going to be happy exchanging one set of human rulers for another).
Honor Before Reason: He'll show mercy to any enemy that discards their weapons and will never kill a girl. Unless they've done something like raping prisoners.
Humble Hero: A rare seinen version. It's clear to everyone around him that, Toyohisa has the talents and skill of a great general, but he himself has never, and probably will never, view himself this way. No matter his accomplishments he has always seen himself a "brat of the battlefield" unfit to be held in such high regards.
I Shall Taunt You: Olminu comments half-seriously that although he doesn't do it deliberately, Toyohisa is a genius at provoking his enemies into fits of rage and frustration, as Joan of Arc, Hijikata Toshizo and even the Greater-Scope Villain EASY found out the hard way.
Idiot Hero: Not that it stops him from being a scarily competent strategist when he wants to be.
Improbable Age: At only 30 (and, this being a seinen manga, that's acknowledged as pretty damn young), he's an odd choice for commanding La Résistance, compared to the much older Nobunaga... however, you have to remember that Toyohisa has been fighting wars since he was a teenager, and thus already has over 10 years of experience under his belt, which make his talents more believable.
Katanas Are Just Better: Toyohisa's katana can easily cleave through armour and even break the swords of the Orte Empire without losing its edge.
Loophole Abuse: When fighting a soldier of the Orte Empire, Toyohisa snaps that anyone who doesn't speak Japanese should die. Yoichi snidely asks if that means he's going to kill the two elf children, so Toyohisa promptly teaches them to say "Help me!" in Japanese.
Magnetic Hero: A seinen version of types 2 & 4 for demi-humans, with type 5 reserved for the OCT members and his fellow Drifters. It's shown early on that despite most people seeing him as a terrifying killing machine (which he definitely is on the battlefield), Toyohisa posses a natural talent in breaking down cultural barriers and turning almost anybody he meets into an ally (and even they are scared of him at times). The first example of this was when he convinced the elven serfs to kill the Orte knight for massacring their people despite not understanding Japanese. He gets along best with the Dwarves however since they both have similar traits thanks to both belonging to a warrior clan/race.
Morality Chain: He serves as one along with Yoichi for Nobunaga. And is slowly becoming one for Yoichi as well.
Not Afraid to Die: Toyohisa's main mindset, which borders dangerously close to that of a Death Seeker, what with his repeated use of suicidal attacks, remarks about wanting to die a glorious warrior's death, and his belief that his death would be used as fuel for his comrades to achieve more in their pursuits. This outlook on his own life has unnerved friend and foe alike. His companions are especially fearful of this, knowing that without him all their plans will fall apart, and are constantly trying to talk him out of this way of thinking.
Not So Different: Olminu thinks that the way he fights makes him no different from the Ends.
Off with His Head!: Likes to do this to his enemies in battle.
Pet the Dog: Toyohisa tells an elf not to kill an unarmed soldier.
Proud Warrior Race Guy: Toyohisa is extremely proud of his Shimazu lineage and any sort of dissing of the clan is a huge Berserk Button for him, though it's mostly Played for Laughs.
Pure Is Not Good: Oda calls him pure when he doesn't want Toyohisa to dirty his own hands, yet he's an Anti-HeroBlood Knight who loves cutting off his foes' heads.
Replacement Goldfish: Played with in Chapter 13, with Nobunaga hinting that he may see Toyohisa as a replacement for his lost son. He's quickly shot down by Toyohisa. So he promptly ribs him about being a replacement for his father instead. This pushes one of Toyohisa's many Berserk Buttons, leading to an improptu Big Ball of Violence Yoichi joins in for absolutely no reason.
Rousing Speech: Prone to giving one of these before each battle. Nobunaga mentions that one of Toyohisa's greatest talents is to be able to get people to willingly follow him onto the battlefield. A good example is when he gives an epicTired of Running speech to a bunch of desperate refugees and soldiers begging for the Drifter's help to stop the, Black King's genocidal army. Most of it involved him flat out challenging their resolve to fight for survival, the result of which gains him more manpower for the cause.
Samurai: He is a member of the Shimazu noble family, who fought in the Sengoku period's civil war.
Sheath Strike: Aram is on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown with Toyohisa's sheath.
Shirtless Scene: Barely three chapters in and the only things covering his torso are a few bandages.
Shut Up, Hannibal!: How does Toyohisa deal with the trolling garbage spewing from Rasputin's mouth? Why he just kills his soldiers and beats the crap out of his political pawns in front of him. That would shut most evil manipulative bastards up. Not that Toyo was really listening in the first place.
Sword and Gun: Toyohisa's weapons of choice are his katana and a flintlock firearm.
"Well Done, Son!" Guy: In a sense. He's not as obsessed about it as some other characters, but although his father is already dead Toyo is determined to make him proud by killing as many enemies as possible. It's hinted that this may stem from his dad being so pleased with him when he killed an enemy in his first battle.
Wouldn't Hit a Girl: He wouldn't kill one, as is his personal code, but he does kick Joan in the gut, then knock her out with a headbutt when she refuses to surrender.
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homingpigecns · 6 years
YOOOOOOO I FINISHED THE KRKN ONESHOT. oneshot chapter. that's only what, two months in the making. don't worry about it. but really it took me like....... four days
gonna post it later bc posting on friday morning is a Weird and Bad idea. but ayyyyyyy
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ladyimaginarium · 2 years
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dxsole · 5 years
😡 // boy howdy. Not feeling picky about what type of pain you cause me
It’s rarer these days, the alcohol putting his mind in such a fuzz that he can barely form a coherent thought, let alone a full fledged dream. It’s more of a nightmare really, because he long ago stopped having dreams; it’s always a horror, always an abyss where his past sins are relayed at the forefront of his mind, his own cruel, voice mocking him– Why didn’t he stop himself? It’s that lack of control again, wasn’t it? You know, your father used to warn you about your controlling nature, about that temper of yours–
It’s a cruel play put on by his brain and it twists the story, makes himself to be more monstrous than he really was. It poses questions he dare not answer– what would have happened had Martina stood back up? Would he have done something worse? What if his daughter had tried to intervene? Would he have broken her neck? There’s a myriad of scenarios that play before him that make him sick to even think about because if no one knows better than himself that he was in a bad place, a lowly place where if pressed…he could have done a lot of horrible things. There’s a woman’s voice echoing above him all the while and although he cannot make out what she’s saying, he’s assuming it’s meant to be Martina.
He may not fully believe in heaven, but he always held onto some hope it did solely for Martina’s sake. He couldn’t say much about the rest of the population, but if anyone deserved to reach those pearly gates, it would be her–
“Jasper, please wake up.”
Is he not awake? Is this not another spiral he’s gone down? Is this not the nightmare that is life that he lives on a daily basis? It certainly feels like it–
“Jasper, please!”
He awakes with a slight gasp, breathing hard and suddenly aware he’s damp. He’s sweat through his night clothes, his brow still slick despite the coolness in his room. His eyes do not adjust right away, the dim light plus his already poor vision making it difficult, but even in his blindness he realizes it’s Jenny. He recognizes her voice and is suddenly aware he probably startled her (never mind that he was startling himself as well).
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“My apologies.” He begins, running a hand down the side of his face and exhaling deeply. “Did I– Did I wake you? Poor thing, get back to bed– I’m fine, I’m…I’m just fine.”
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adaarsvitaar · 7 years
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Finished my first two pieces of legendary armor!
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princerogersnelsons · 7 years
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