#aza lynel
kivaember · 6 years
☺ - Something that makes your muse happy
Chocobos!!!! But okay, I always say that. Let’s say…
Aza likes… chocobos!
Aza likes…. Aymeric!
Aza likes (looks at hydaelyn)
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sazandorable · 7 years
  ryttu3k  i got a free...
tips for forgotten temple: go w guardian weapons + diamond tiara. use natural cover to single out one at a time. if you do a drop slash on them you’ll be able to do a decent amnt of dmg and stun them i think
you mean there are other strategies than running into the fray with abandon screaming and crying the whole time?
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kivaember · 6 years
i liek... these boots.... aza in heels mmm yes pls
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nice boots
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kivaember · 6 years
so it’s weird to think how much aza has changed since i made him on ffxiv... 
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During ARR/HW... 
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To current day, which is gonna be him going into Shadowbringers!
(I gotta write fic on how he got that scar over his eye one day...)
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kivaember · 6 years
Prompt #1: Submerged
“C’mon, Aza, stop being a baby and get in already.”
Aza eyed the river warily, still sitting on the rocky shore with his toes only just barely curling over the edge. There was less than three feet separating him and the waist deep water, and the current was slow and gentle. The sun glittered off its surface, and occasionally he could see the silvery flash of fish darting between rocks and past Bluebird’s shins. It looked, to put it bluntly, lovely and perfect to go frolicking about during the muggy summer of Yanxia.
Except looking at it filled Aza with nothing but dread. Anything deeper than his knees always got his pulse fluttering and stomach knotting, and that was fine. The Steppes rarely had anything too deep to wade through, and you normally forded it on horseback anyways – anything deeper the Xaela tribes avoided or found bridges, natural or man-made, to cross. When they visited Onokoro, they did it on the boat and he was comfortable enough on those. So, Aza never had to confront his wariness of deep water, and that was fine.
Not anymore. Doma was lousy with rivers, and the resistance fighters the boss contracted them too practically lived in the fucking things to slip past Imperial patrols and the like. Boss humoured his wariness for exactly one week before ordering he’d get over it or find a different group to work with. Considering they were ass-deep in Imperial territory with no other mercenary groups as survivable as this one… yeah, no, Aza had to get over this.
“Aza,” Bluebird sighed, “C’mon.”
“I’m building up to it,” he said, wriggling his butt against the mossy rock he was uncomfortably perched on, flexing his toes on the edge, “I’ll do it.”
“Yeah, when I die of old age,” Bluebird said scornfully, but she waded closer. She had stripped down to nothing but her underwear, her armour and weapon neatly bundled next to Aza, and she was starting to freckle where the sun kissed her pale skin, “Budge over, baby. Lemme sit down.”
He obligingly scooted over, and Bluebird climbed out of the river to sit next to him, her thick tail thwacking him in the hip accidentally-on-purpose.
“You’re not a kid anymore,” Bluebird said, “You gotta stop being scared about shit.”
“Yeah, sure,” Aza drawled, “I’ll just stop being scared. Thanks for the advice, Bluebird.”
She punched him in the shoulder hard enough that he almost toppled over, “Letting yourself get stuck because you’re scared,” she clarified, “Only babies stop and cry when they’re frightened. Adults suck it up and try anyway.”
Aza rubbed his shoulder, understanding what Bluebird was getting at – it didn’t help his frustration any, because logically he knew this situation was safe. The river current was gentle, it wasn’t that deep, and Bluebird wouldn’t let him drown. But still, he remembered the burn in his lungs, the helplessness as dark depths pulled him down after the sinking ship, the way his vision greyed out until he lost consciousness. To this day he still didn’t know how he got to shore…
“I’m not going to get over this within minutes,” Aza grumbled sourly, envious of Bluebird’s natural fearlessness. His sister just plunged headfirst into shit without a care, and he had only ever seen her legitimately scared three times in his life. Mom said it was because she lacked sense, which was probably true, but Aza still envied her for it. Must be nice, living life without being terrified of almost everything in it.
“No, you just gotta tolerate it enough that you can wade through this without freaking out,” Bluebird said, and she planted a hand on his shoulder, digging her heel right in, “Look, I’ll help you out… like this!”
And then she shoved him.
Into the river.
“Blu-!” he yelped, only to get a mouthful of water the second he hit it face first. He flailed wildly as he went under, his palms scraping against the rough riverbed before he wrangled his instinctive panic enough for him to fucking stand up. He clawed upwards, gasping wetly when he broke the surface and coughed up the water he inhaled, nose and throat burning and eyes stinging.
He almost fell flat into the water again when a strong hand slapped him between the shoulder blades rhythmically, helping him cough up the water until he was wheezing pathetically.
“There, see?” Bluebird said cheerfully, gripping him by the scruff of his neck when he was done, so he couldn’t turn around and fucking deck her, “You’re fine.”
“H-Hate you…” Aza coughed, rubbing at his aching chest as he squinted at the water lapping about his waist. He was shivering with adrenaline, and extreme distress, but Bluebird’s grip was strong and anchoring, and the longer he stood there, half-panting, the more his nerves eased up fraction by tiny fraction.
“You’re fine,” Bluebird repeated, more soothingly this time, “Got a big lungful there and you’re not keeling over dead – not that I’d let you anyways. Do you know what Mom’d do to me if I let you drown in fucking Doma?”
Aza grunted, “No one would ever find your body.”
“Exactly,” Bluebird let go of him and playfully shoved his shoulder, “You look like a drowned rat, by the way, with your hair plastered down like that.”
Aza slanted a look her way, seeing the way his sister leaned on her heels and smirked at him. He loved her, but Gods, there were times where he wanted to punch her nose in. He wouldn’t win a wrestling match here, though, she wouldn’t hesitate to shove his head underwater until he was literally crying for mercy, so…
He muffled another cough into his hand, half-turning from Bluebird as if to wade back to shore, “You’re such a bitch- hah!”
Bluebird squawked when he lunged into action, successfully catching her off guard as he body-checked her just as he hooked his foot around her ankle and pulled. With an enraged screech, his sister toppled underwater, and Aza ran for his fucking life- or, as fast as he could run in waist-deep water anyways.
“AZA!” Bluebird howled as he frantically clambered out of the river, his sister resurfacing like a vengeful kelpie behind him – fuck, even a fish was flung into the air from the force of her lunging out of the water! “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!”
“What’re you mad about!? You’re fine!” he yelled over his shoulder, snatching up his clothes and sword and making his escape, “Just a lungful of water, Bluebird!”
So, that day didn’t really help with his fear of deep water. If anything it compounded it, considering how determinedly his sister tried to drown him once she caught up to him!
(It was only once he got the Kojin’s Blessing years later that he truly started getting over his fears. After all, difficult to be afraid of something you’re literally immune against)
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kivaember · 6 years
Things your character can do
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bake a cake from scratch | ride a horse | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance (he’s terrible at it) | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate  | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow (but won’t because ~trauma~) | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat | do a back-flip | play chess | give cpr | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive/calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire  | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a car | roll their tongue | magic tricks  | yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards | read morse code | pick a lock
tagged by: @questir​ tagging: anyone who’d like to try! 
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kivaember · 6 years
Natural Aesthetics: Aza Lynel
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(thank you @wintermoth for the lovely screenshot of Aza!)
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.   repost, do not reblog. feel free to add any natural features you see fit !
fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rain clouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbet-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder.
icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water.
flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain.
summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground.
bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds. branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliff sides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis.
a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
Tagged by: @michikodhol
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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kivaember · 6 years
What was your OC’s first kiss like? 
Oh, now that’s a tricky one! 
Technically speaking, Master Musa was his first kiss. But that way lies depressing shit, so let’s go with his first consensual first kiss! So, this was when he was, hmm, early twenties, and was tentatively dipping back into relationships, where all his potential partners were thoroughly vetted by Bluebird to make sure he didn’t accidentally pick up an asshole (as his tastes in people were pretty shoddy, Bluebird found to her absolute horror. She had to blacklist so many people!) 
His first kiss ended up being with a Borlaaq huntress that Bluebird was good mates with and who passed her strict standards. The kiss was kinda awkward, because Aza was half-scared through it, but it wasn’t bad. Fairly chaste and very quick, but it was still okay. 
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kivaember · 6 years
⭐ eeveryone has one, i know ( - draw-you-coward )
oh I had to think about which section I’d want to talk about, and eventually I decided on something from Oil and Water, which is and still remains one of my favourite wips (that I need to update at some point).
Okay, behold the section I wanna talk about:
“Hmm, really?” Aza brushed his hands clean of crumbs, “Why did you two… break up, anyway?”
“It was mutually agreed that our relationship was inappropriate for our respective positions,” Estinien’s words sounded rehearsed – they probably were, and Aza chewed over that for a moment. So, it was Ishgard’s politics that got in the way, not them realising they were incompatible in any way. That was…
“Yeah, I bet the Lord Commander and the Azure Dragoon weren’t allowed to jump on each other’s dicks,” Aza said blithely, ignoring Estinien’s slight cringe at his crude phrasing, “So, if you had a chance now, since that’s no longer an issue, would you…?”
Estinien straightened up, “If you’re asking what I think you are…” he murmured, low and dangerous.
“Just idle curiosity,” Aza said, resting his chin on an upturned palm, smiling at him, “I’m not threatened by you, Estinien. Not in the slightest. I don’t suspect you of being able to seduce Aymeric behind my back, because we both know he lacks the capacity for that kind of thing. You do, too, I wager.”
Estinien said nothing to that.
Because this part is where the foundation of the OT3 between Aza, Aymeric and Estinien starts to form. At this moment, it’s established that Estinien still has feelings for Aymeric, and his comment that their relationship ended because of politics, as opposed to incompatibility, clues Aza into the fact that there could still be feelings on Aymeric’s side too. 
But I wanted to show that Aza isn’t threatened by this. He’s well aware that you can love multiple people, and be attracted to multiple people, but it’s also him showing that he trusts Aymeric - and to an extent, Estinien too. He knows that no matter what feelings Estinien and Aymeric have for each other, they’re not gonna act on them without some form of communication happening with Aza about it. He isn’t worried about them cheating on him behind his back. He’s not that jealous either because he knows Aymeric’s love for him is genuine, whereas Aymeric and Estinien have been acting professionally with each other for a long while without acting on their feelings. 
So, I like this part because this is the first stone for the foundation of the eventual threesome. There’s already the foundation of trust there, there’s already the knowledge between them that there is attraction going multiple ways in this little triangle, and Aza has expressed that he’s not jealous or threatened at all. With healthy polygamous relationships, communication and ensuring all parties involved are happy and included is key. So, this is the beginnings of that. 
STILL, there’s a long way to go before the OT3 forms. But they’ll get there eventually.  
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kivaember · 6 years
Death By Chocolate: an indulgence/guilty pleasure headcanon.
Despite being flustered and embarrassed about it, Aza’s guilty pleasure is when Aymeric compliments him. He likes being told he’s pretty or handsome or beautiful by his partner, and it’s a very quick way to get him purring and in the mood for something more carnal.
(such comments from strangers though pisses him off) 
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kivaember · 6 years
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? (for Aza please)
Ohhh tricky, tricky… 
To a certain extent, Aza will take advice from Aymeric, bc he knows that man is much smarter and wiser than himself, and has his best interests at heart. He won’t always like the advice, and he’ll be a stubborn idiot and dig his heels in from time to time if he really dislikes, but ultimately he’ll accept that Aym’s advice is Good and will, grudgingly, follow along with it. Alternatively he’ll always take advice from his Mom, even tho Atani’s advice for most problems is “kill it until you have a different problem”.
On the flipside… he is forever suspicious of advice from Bluebird, and always takes what she gives him with a fistful of salt. So, his sister is ALWAYS up for fucking with him, and tricking him into embarrassing situations, so he always squints at Bluebird’s advice with a healthy dose of suspicion. HOWEVER, sometimes she legit does give him really good advice, it’s just that he’s playing Russian Roulette whenever he has to decide which advice she’s giving him is good or bad. 
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kivaember · 6 years
endivies replied to your post: What was your OC’s first kiss like?
Bluebird attacc bluebird protecc
seriously. bluebird might tease aza a lot, and laugh if he does something dumb like trip and land on his own fucking knife, but damn, she will wreck you if you legitimately hurt him emotionally/mentally. someone tries to take advantage of him or use him? nuh uh, not on bluebird’s watch. they will never find your body. 
so. understandably. aymeric went through a very thorough vetting process by bluebird... by which i mean she broke into his office and gave him the shovel talk while holding a literal gravedigging shovel. 
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kivaember · 6 years
About the muse
NAME OF YOUR MUSE: Azeyma’a Iriq Lynel (Aka Aza)
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Aza is actually quick to tears, though it’s something only really known by a few close friends. Any strong type of emotion can easily bring him to tears, happy or sad or angry, and Bluebird, his sister, always gleefully tell stories of the most embarrassing moments where Aza was a ‘crybaby’ (so far her favourite was when they first arrived at Tailfeather and Aza realised he was in a forest full of Chocobo. He was so happy he cried - all of Bluebird’s favourite stories about Aza crying are when he’s happy, tbh) 
He can never do the Warrior job, because his control over his inner beast is dangerously tenuous. He does have an Inner Beast, but he keeps it chained up tight and never touches upon it, because if he does he will go into a wild state that can’t discern between friend or foe. He uses all that pent up rage and bitterness for the Dark Knight job instead, which he takes to like duck to water, funny that...
Fussing over Chocobos
Bluebird Iriq, his adoptive sister
Atani Iriq (formerly Borlaaq), his adoptive mother
Aruci Iriq (formerly Qali), his adoptive father
Aymeric de Borel, partner
Rations, his war chocobo (hey they count as people too!)
All his FC mates (too many to list here so they count as one person now)
Mongke “Masaki��� Qestir, brother-in-arms 
Failing to save himself or Ala (his biological sister) from being captured by slavers and sold to Master Musa when they were children, which eventually resulted in Ala’s death. To this day, over twenty years after the fact, he still thinks the entire thing is his fault, as he suggested to visit the beach where the slavers were, and missing when he fired his bow at them in a panic to chase them away. He will carry that regret with him forever. 
Failing to save those that have been lost during the course of FFXIV’s plot. 
Being trapped/restrained in any way
Losing everyone he loves and being left behind/alone
tagged by: @questir
tagging: Anyone who wants to do this, go ahead! 
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kivaember · 6 years
Aza as a Deity
Originally posted by itadakimasu-letmeeat
ASSOCIATED WITH: Justice, Determination, ‘To Endure’, Sacrifice
SACRED PLANTS:  Hyssop (Cleanliness and Sacrifice), Snowdrops (Hope)
SACRED STONES/GEMS: Snowflake Obsidian
COLORS: Red, Black, Gold
FOOD: Cinnamon
SCENTS: Metal, leather, earth
ACCEPTED OFFERINGS/WAYS TO HONOR: There are no strict rituals to observe or give offerings to the deity, and it is largely up to the worshipper to decide how to honour the deity - however there is one ritual that is regularly invoked. If one is preparing for a long ordeal or trial to endure, or are embarking on a quest for vengeance/justice, it is recommended you ask the deity for luck by cutting one’s hair short and burning the shed locks, letting it grow until your task is done. Only then may you cut it again. Some even carry a dried snowdrop with them, to ensure a hopeful outcome. 
Tagged by: @michikodhol
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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kivaember · 6 years
⍤ : What does your muse’s voice sound like? Is it light? High pitched? Scratchy? Deep? 
His voice is actually quite deep! Most people tend to describe it as husky, especially if he’s spoken a lot that day - his voice tends to get hoarse quick. The closest comparison to how I envision his voice is like Junichi Suwabe (most notably the voice he used for Yamato Hotsuin). 
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kivaember · 6 years
⚰️ = How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member? (specifically, losing Bluebird)
Oh man, the loss of Bluebird would cripple him. He views her, perhaps unhealthily, as his lifeline re: his mental health. After losing Ala, Bluebird was his ‘redemption’, in a way, another chance at being a good brother and protecting and supporting his sister. So to fail again… yeah, it’d destroy him. 
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