#azeran snyder
foxsimthings · 3 years
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𝓨𝓮𝓼, 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼 𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓘'𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓷 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓭 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾
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radioactivedotcom · 4 years
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Azeran Snyder for @foxsimthings Echo bachelor challenge~
Azeran is a 9th generation trust-fund kid with no sense of money who’s always been bailed out by his parents. He’s spent his whole life just doin’ whatever he wants, travelling the galaxy and havin’ fun. He enjoys flirting with anything that moves, but rarely seals the deal. He just envoys seeing people blush and smile. Enjoys feeling like he made them happy.
Very charming, and incredibly lucky, even though he doesn’t have any special skills, he seems to sail through life with ease and be liked by everyone. Maybe because of his eternal cheerfulness and child-like wonder and utter amazment at the world. He does put his foot in his mouth a little too often, but his eagerness to please mellows out even the angriest of people.
He did learn how to use a gun (mostly how to pose with one and look cool) but he's rarely needed to use it. He prefers talking his way out of things, and when nothing works, he is an excellent runner.
Some inconsequential facts:
He cannot, for the life of him, eat avocadoes. Avocadoes are evil and he’ll never stop saying it. But he will give anything else a try
Gender or race means nothing to him, he loves all
He’s learned to fly a ship, but his license was revoked after 3 days
He talks a lot in his sleep
His laugh is very dorky and cute with lots of little snorts and hiccups
He has three older sisters, the banes of his existence
He has cigarettes and a lighter always at the ready
He LOVES animals, loves to coo and cuddle them, big or small, scary or the cutest little things, he loves them all
He broke his nose one too many times. Getting punched. By his sisters.
Has he said they are the bane of his existence? Because they are.
Azeran’s sisters have been nagging his parents to coddle him less and make him learn how to be more responsible, and they’ve finally succeeded. Azeran’s father just cut all his funds and told him, either he comes home and learns the family business, or he’ll have to fend for himself. But our boy doesn’t respond too well to ultimatums. No way he’s going back home to those she-devils. Now, he is stranded on the Zenith with nothing but his clothes off his back and his improbable luck and good will.
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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Day 3 - 0800 Hours
How will the heroes spend their third day? Voting is open until 12 PM PST tomorrow (September 8th)
Azeran Boomer Evan Mena Pholy
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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@radioactivedotcom @fakeplasticsims @teapunk-s @waysims @lunaziie
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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Bonus Round: Mena Diallo
[Mena]: “Are you just getting in, Az?”
[Azeran]: He pauses, finishing a yawn before flashing a lopsided grin. “Uh, yeah. Wound up sticking around in B bunks to watch a few more movies and fell asleep.”
[Mena]: She smiles knowingly. “Hey, I’m not judging. Just steer clear of Riker or you’ll get 21 questions and then some. I was actually just looking for you.”
[Azeran]: “For little old me? What for?”
[Mena]: “I found something, left it by your bunk over there. I think it belongs to Emerson. Thought you might want to be the one to give it to her.”
[Azeran]: He peers over, squinting at a few things before landing on the fox. “Oh! Yeah, hey, that does look familiar. You didn’t want to give it yourself?”
[Mena]: “I think she’ll appreciate it coming from you. She seems nice.”
[Azeran]: “Yeah. Yeah, you know, she’s pretty cool.”
[Mena]: “I’m glad to hear that. And hey, delivering it will give you an excuse to sneak back into the B bunks, won’t it?”
[Azeran]: He snickers lightly, but nods in agreement. “I like the way you think, Mena. Thanks for thinking of me, hey? Really, I appreciate it. I’ll pay you back for this one.”
Azeran Snyder will remember this.
@radioactivedotcom @teapunk-s
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foxsimthings · 3 years
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[You knew where you were headed as soon as you left. It’s lunch time, so your best bet was to find her here. And as you step into the messhall, there she is. It’s all you can do to keep from skipping over.]
“Hey, Em. I think I have something that belongs to you - I just left it in your bunk for you.”
[Emerson]: She turns, flashing an easy smile upon seeing you, though maybe she’d already been smiling at hearing your voice. “Somethin’ that belongs to me? S’alittle ominous, no?”
“A little? It’s very ominous. Found this beast lurking around, foaming at the mouth, said it was on the hunt for charming redheaded pilots.”
[Emerson]: If at all possible, she brightens further. “You found Ginger? I wondered where he got off to! Ripley got hold of him the other day n’ I couldn’t for the life of me find him again...”
“Well, he’s back home now, safe and sound. Maybe a bit of bird drool, but otherwise none the worse for wear--”
[Emerson]: She doesn’t let you finish before grappling you into an appreciative hug. “Thank you, Az. I know it’s goofy, s’just a toy, but it was my brother’s. You know? Gave it to me to keep me safe in space. I’d miss it terribly if’n it was gone for good.”
You squeeze her back lightly. “That was real sweet of him. -and hey, you don’t have to explain anything to me. Just glad you got him back.”
[Emerson]: She peels away then, fixing one of the straps on her jumpsuit. “Was real sweet of you. I got work to do for a bit, but meet me in the viewing bay by the airlock later, okay?”
“Yeah, work. Same. Totally. The nine-to-five, am I right?” You roll your eyes and flash a goofy grin, earning a thump in the shoulder. “I’ll be there.”
Azeran Snyder gained +2 ❤️ with Emerson Pryor, and an extra +2 ❤️ for bringing her [Ginger]!
Emerson Pryor will remember this.
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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⮞ Oh, hey. I didn’t expect anyone else to be up. [divebomb the other couch] Oh, you’re definitely not wearing a shirt. 
[Emerson]: “Hey, mornin’ Azeran. You’re up on the early side, huh? You want to come join me? I was just havin’ a bit of coffee. You want some?”
Uh, sure. [tentatively try to sip from her cup] ⮞ I’m good on the coffee, but I never say no to good company. What?
[Emerson]: She scoots over to ensure there’s plenty of space, but there already was. As you take a seat, she flashes a smile. “You settlin’ in okay? It was nice hangin’ with you guys last night, seems like the others are all makin’ themselves at home. But are you findin’ it alright?”
Actually, I do have a complaint. Evan and Mena were up super late talking about the planets they’ve been to, it was really annoying. ⮞ It’s good so far! Boomer snores like a chainsaw, so having a bunk right next to hers isn’t the most ideal but hey. Everything else is great. I think Pholy might have had his finger under my nose to see if I was breathing...
[Emerson]: She laughs at that, nodding. “Well I’m glad that, aside from the snorin’, it’s been good. Nice havin’ you here. ... all of you guys, I mean. It gets lonely in crew turnover. ‘Course, I love Ty and them, don’t get me wrong. Just... nice to have some new faces.”
⮞ You and Ty are pretty close, huh? Are you like... a couple? Crew turnover, that’s pretty huge isn’t it?  I’ll bet it does get lonely up here. Bet it gets lonely all the time.
[Emerson]: “Oh, jeez, no. No, not at all. Not that I- he’s a good-lookin’ guy, you know, just... he’s like a brother to me. Not t’ mention he’s definitely gay. But we’re real close.”
Do you have any brothers or sisters? How close is ‘really close’ exactly?  ⮞ How long have you been working with him?
[Emerson]: “Uhh, Ty started here... two years ago? And we just hit it off. Like, instant best friends. But we’re the two youngest crew members, the others are all a lot older than we are. I mean, Riker’s in his, like... thirties.”
⮞  ... I’m in my thirties. But like, young hip thirties! Cool thirties. This is a little bit awkward. His thirties? Ancient. I’m nineteen!
[Emerson]: She flushes at the realization, laughing shortly after. Probably to relieve some embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that! It ain’t a bad thing, it’s just- it’s... I guess I really ain’t got anythin’ to say to dig myself outta this one. But you an’ him are nothin’ alike. Age don’t mean as much as personality, you know? And I like your personality.”
You don’t have to placate me. No, it’s fine, I’m super old. You can say it. ⮞ Hey, thanks. That’s sweet of you. So, how did you end up here?
[Emerson]: “Well, I been on the Zenith for... fooouuur years now, I think? I got my license when I was nineteen to fly smaller aircrafts, and I wanted to go to school for the big rigs, but my ex-husband wasn’t really into it. But when we got divorced I said, y’know, fuck it.”
Wow, you got your flying license really young, huh? ⮞ Wait, you’ve been married before? How... don’t answer if it’s invasive, but... what? Good for you! ‘Fuck it’ is my life motto!
[Emerson]: She sighs, tapping the rim of her mug. “Aw, it was nothin’. You know, grew up in a small town, we went to high school together. He was some big strappin’ football guy, his parents ran a wheat mill a few blocks down from my daddy’s farm. We went together all through school, got married at eighteen and- I mean, that was a mistake. I know that now. You don’t stay the same between eighteen and twenty-two. I don’t know if it was my fault, if I changed or he did, or if maybe we wasn’t ever the way we thought. But he got... real mean.”
That’s a lot of information. Give me this guy’s holopad number. I just wanna talk, it’s cool. ⮞ I wasn’t there, I can only speak for the you I know. Nobody has a right to treat the Emerson I know poorly. I’m sorry that happened to you, Em.
[Emerson]: After a moment of appearing distant, she returns to the present with a smile. “That’s sweet of you, Azeran, but it was a good while ago. And anyway, that’s-- that’s a lot to dump on you. I’m sorry for gettin’ all...” She gestures, searching for a word she doesn’t ever find. It’s clear she’s embarrassed about how much she’s shared.
⮞ You don’t need to apologize to me. Honestly. Hey, if anything I owe you thanks for trusting me this much.  Yeah, it was a whole lot, but I’ll be okay. Clearly it wasn’t all that long ago.
[Emerson]: There might be more to be said on the subject, but for now she seems eager to leave it behind. “That’s what friends do, right? So hey, what’re your plans for today? Up ta anythin’ fun?”
Nothing at all, actually. I’m looking forward to kicking back, maybe having a nap when Boomer’s up. I thought I might go hang out with that tour bot some more, she was kinda hot in a weird way? ⮞ Actually, I was thinking I might play some Super Punch Twins. I want to try to get really good. Would you be into coaching me or something?
[Emerson]: She laughs warmly, clearly not at the idea but more at your sincerity. “I’m not anywhere near as good as Ty at it but... yeah. I could handle clockin’ a bit more time with you.”
Azeran Snyder has gained 2 ❤️ with Emerson! 
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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[Emerson]: “You gotta actually try ta hit me, though.”
⮞ I am trying to hit you! I’m hitting the... the X button. It’s the X button, right? Look, I’m doing the thing. I don’t want to hurt your character though. Uh, wait how do I do that again?
[Emerson]: “Yeah but you’re like, five thousand feet away! Come closer! C’mon, pumpkin, I ain’t gonna hurt ya...”
Why do I feel like that’s a lie? But I’m scared. ⮞ Can you even see from down there? How are you upside down and still kicking my ass? This is bullshit, I think the game is rigged.
[Emerson]: She laughs. “I can kinda see it, a little. All I need to see is the top of yer head to tell you’re fifty thousand feet away. Come on, you ain’t gonna beat Ty if you can’t beat me.” The game chimes as she brutally murders your character.
⮞ Wow. Heartless. [slide down onto the floor to sit next to her] I thought you were nice. Hey, come on, I was... getting to it! You’re supposed to be teaching me, not spanking me.
[Emerson]: “Alright, look, I won’t even move, okay? Just come in and practice punchin’. Promise I won’t hit you.” She flashes you an upside down smile.
I so don’t trust you. [keep your distance] [do nothing out of fear] ⮞ [move in and give her character a tentative punch] 
[Emerson]: “See? Easy! Now you just gotta do that like, a lot, until I die. --oof, I gotta sit up, my brain’s gettin’ all swollen or somethin’.” She rolls over until she’s upright again. You join her, prepared to knuckle down for a Rocky montage. “Alright, now try to use your special ability. You hold down... uh, this button, see? You hold it down, and then when it’s charged you let go.”
⮞ [charge up your special ability and blast her character with it] Oh hell yeah, that was pretty cool actually, right? [charge up your special ability and fire it into the ground by mistake] [punch the air]
[Emerson]: “Yes, that’s it! Damn, almost killed me too. Let’s start a new round and I’ll actually fight you a little bit. Hey, don’t look at me like that, I’ll go easy on you.” She demolishes your character to end the round - oof - and begins a new one. “Hey, so I wanted to ask you somethin’.”
[don’t reply - you need to focus on the game, not on the girl] Can you ask me when I’m not fighting for my life? ⮞ [take a punch because you’re distracted] Oh, yeah, what’s up?
[Emerson]: She’s got her eyes on the game and she seems focused, but only enough to make her words seem casual. “Uh, I was just wonderin’ if you wanted to like, get a meal or somethin’ some time. I know it’s kinda awkward, cooped up on the station, just...”
Yeah, I could eat. ⮞ Oh, you mean like a date or something? [don’t listen because you’re trying to focus on the game]
[Emerson]: “I mean, it don’t have to be that... serious or nothin’, just- I mean, I been enjoyin’ hangin’ out with you. And I just thought, y’know...”
Oh. Uh, right, yeah, that’s... Oh, thank you but uh... no thanks. ⮞ Hey, I think that’d be nice, honestly. I’ve enjoyed hanging out with you too. Be nice to get to know one another a bit more, right?
[Emerson]: She beams. “Uh huh, it would be. For sure.”
After several hours of rigorous training, the two gorge themselves on chips and have an impromptu nap.
Azeran Snyder has gained 1 ❤️ with Emerson Pryor! Azeran Snyder has gained +1 to Super Punch Twins ability!
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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Exploration Round - Azeran
For his first day, Azeran decided to spend a bit of time poking around the class B bunks. The likelihood of being caught was high, but he had to get a lay of the land, right? And he had clearance, so...
In his travels he found a broken arcade machine, some posters of Earth bands from well before his time, a big comfy armchair to lounge in a little while and a sweet little rabbit in his cage. But before he could find anything useful to slide into his pocket, he was caught!
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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0900 Hours - Azeran Snyder - Day 1
How will Azeran spend his first day?  This poll is closed. His fate is sealed.
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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You actually scared the hell out of me just then. ⮞ Aww, size isn’t everything, he just needs a little confidence! I swear I wasn’t about to chuck that bunny in my coat and run off.
[Emerson]: “You got a reason for pokin’ around my bunk, new guy? I don’t mind visitors, but I ain’t lookin’ ta have my things all rooted around in like a pig shufflin’ fer truffles.” She doesn’t seem amused.
I was just getting myself familiar with the place a bit, but I love animals so I... couldn’t help but stop and say hi. Uh, I was looking for the gym and I got lost. Do I look like I hit the gym? Because I do, for sure. ⮞ Are you saying you have truffles? [sniffs noisily]
[Emerson]: She laughs, breaking from her skepticism. “Definitely not in my bunk, though Beets might have some veeeery small ones in the bottom of his cage, if ya look real close.”
Dude, that’s disgusting. Okay, maybe I’m not that into truffles after all. What even is a truffle? ⮞ Your rabbit’s name is Beets?
[Emerson]: “Yeah, his name’s Beets. When he was just a lil’ nugget he got into my Pa’s beets, ate one up and shit red all over Ma’s welcome mat. Hence... Beets. He’s trouble alright, but I can’t imagine bein’ up here without him.”
Did I mention that that’s disgusting? [laugh] Good on you, Beets, you show them what’s what. ⮞ You’re lucky to have each other, sounds like, you and Beets.
[Emerson]: “Yer tellin’ me. Sorry if I... came off kinda hard just then. See some big guy snoopin’ around my Beets, I got a right to a lil suspicion. It’s Azeran, ain’t it?” She offers a hand, smiling. “I’m Emerson.”
⮞ It’s really nice to meet you, Emerson. And you too, Beets!  [shake her hand side to side to establish dominance] Me and Beets are outta here.
Azeran has gained 1 ❤️ with Emerson Pryor!
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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0900 Hours - Azeran Snyder - Day 2
How will Azeran spend his first day?  His fate is sealed.
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foxsimthings · 4 years
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The victims heroes have been selected!
First of all I’d like to say thank you to everyone who showed interest in this, everyone who entered, everyone who took time out of their lives to make a character for this dorky little project. I know how much work you guys put into your characters, I know how much love went into each of them and I’m so grateful to all of you for that and so much more!
If I could pick all of the sims you guys made and have them in here, I absolutely would. SO.
Our four five brave adventurers for this round of Echo are as follows:
Azeran Snyder by @radioactivedotcom Boomer Nixon by @fakeplasticsims Evan Silver by @waysims Mena Diallo by @crowfootedsims Pholy Wynter by @lunasysims
If you five folks could please send me your files!
And I’d like to thank @wizardingworldofharrypottersims, @cobraasims, @plasmaish, @shittyysimblr, @pansimic, @insomnia-noir, @nebulaxie, @talemagne, @karinalova and @anxiousmoodlet for their amazing submissions! But-- what, you thought that was the last you’d be hearing of me? Don’t you fret, I have something in store for your darling children as well! I’ll be in touch  😈
Once more, thank you to everyone for giving me your children, using your creative energy to contribute to this project. I truly can’t express how thankful I am for all of you and I hope to do you all proud! 
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