mustphoneix2003 · 11 months
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Bozulmuş beden Azorra
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fvssshf546565 · 2 months
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ocombatenterondonia · 9 months
BNDES financia com R$ 6 bilhões exportação de 39 aeronaves da Embraer
A exportação de mais 39 aeronaves da Embraer, com financiamento do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) em torno de R$ 6 bilhões, vai reforçar a balança comercial brasileira. São três contratos distintos com a Skywest Airlines, a American Airlines e a Azorra Aviation Holdings LLC, que totalizam o equivalente a mais de R$ 7 bilhões em exportação de bens de alta tecnologia e…
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capitalflutuante · 9 months
A exportação de mais 39 aeronaves da Embraer, com financiamento do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) em torno de R$ 6 bilhões, vai reforçar a balança comercial brasileira. São três contratos distintos com a Skywest Airlines, a American Airlines e a Azorra Aviation Holdings LLC, que totalizam o equivalente a mais de R$ 7 bilhões em exportação de bens de alta tecnologia e alto valor agregado. A informação foi divulgada nesta terça-feira (2) pelo banco. Para o presidente da instituição, Aloizio Mercadante, o financiamento às exportações das aeronaves da Embraer é fundamental para o Brasil. “O BNDES, como agência de crédito à exportação brasileira, tem entre os seus objetivos oferecer condições que garantam igualdade de competitividade ao exportador brasileiro no mercado internacional, gerando emprego e renda no Brasil.” O presidente da Embraer, Francisco Gomes Neto, lembrou que a empresa e o BNDES têm uma relação “sólida e de longo prazo”. E completou: “O apoio que recebemos para a exportação de nossas aeronaves é fundamental para consolidarmos o nosso crescimento e ampliarmos a nossa presença global.” Segundo Gomes Neto, a atuação do BNDES não beneficia apenas a Embraer, mas “contribui também para a geração de milhares de empregos de alta qualificação no Brasil e para o aumento da exportação de produtos de alto valor agregado”. Contratos O contrato com a companhia aérea SkyWest Airlines, Inc. prevê a exportação de dez jatos E-175 da Embraer modelo E-175 (até 76 passageiros), enquanto a American Airlines teve financiamento aprovado pelo BNDES para aquisição de até 11 jatos E-175. Já a venda de até 18 jatos dos modelos E-195-E2 (de até 146 lugares) e E-190-E2 (de até 114 lugares), considerados as maiores e mais sofisticadas aeronaves da fabricante brasileira, foi firmada com a empresa norte-americana Azorra Aviation Holdings LLC. A Azorra é especializada em aquisição e leasing (locação financeira) de aeronaves para a operação de companhias aéreas comerciais. Somente em 2023, o BNDES aprovou e contratou sete operações de financiamento à exportação da Embraer, totalizando 67 aviões comerciais, com até R$ 10 bilhões em financiamento. As entregas estão previstas até 2025. O banco destaca que, além de promover o desenvolvimento da indústria nacional de bens tecnológicos, as exportações de aeronaves ampliam e mantêm empregos de elevada qualificação, além de gerarem divisas importantes para a economia do país. São consideradas operações estratégicas, alinhadas à política brasileira de apoio à exportação, com objetivo de trazer mais competitividade às exportações brasileiras e incentivar a atuação das empresas nacionais no mercado internacional. Desde 1997, o BNDES financiou cerca de US$ 25,6 bilhões à exportação de 1,3 mil aeronaves da Embraer. No período, as operações contratadas possibilitaram à empresa disputar, no mercado internacional, em igualdade de condições com suas concorrentes. O apoio do banco complementa o financiamento dado pelo mercado privado. Seguro de crédito Das três operações recém-aprovadas, duas (American Airlines e Azorra) contaram com o Seguro de Crédito à Exportação (SCE) com lastro no Fundo Garantidor de Exportação (FGE), e recolherão aproximadamente R$ 300 milhões em novos prêmios de seguro para o fundo. De natureza contábil e vinculado ao Ministério da Fazenda, o FGE visa dar cobertura às garantias prestadas pela União nas operações do SCE. De acordo com o BNDES, o seguro garante as operações de crédito à exportação contra os riscos comerciais (não pagamento por falência ou mora), políticos (moratórias, guerras, revoluções entre outros) e extraordinários (desastres naturais) que possam afetar a produção ou a comercialização de bens e serviços brasileiros no exterior. Com informações da Agência Brasil
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defencestar · 1 year
Pratt & Whitney bags orders for 800 GTF engines this year
Pratt & Whitney bags orders for 800 GTF engines this year #India #defence #defense #defencenews #PrattWhitney #RTX #aircraft #aviation #GE #Safran #CollinsAerospace #Raytheon
Pratt & Whitney GTF Engine: American aircraft engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney has bagged orders and commitments for supply of 800 GTF engines so far in this year. The order book also includes spare engines. Airlines and lessors who have announced orders include Azorra, CALC, Carlyle Aviation Partners, Binter, Croatia Airlines, LATAM Airlines, Qantas Airways, United Airlines and Volaris, it…
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cnwnoticias · 1 year
Subsidiária “low-cost“ da Singapore Airlines contrata 9 jatos da Embraer
A Scoot, subsidiária “low-cost” da Singapore Airlines, contratou nove jatos E190-E2, da Embraer, por meio da empresa de leasing Azorra para impulsionar o crescimento na região da Ásia-Pacífico. A primeira entrega está programada para 2024, proveniente da carteira de pedidos existente da Azorra com a Embraer. O valor do contrato não foi mencionado. “O acordo para incluir nove novas aeronaves…
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razieltwelve · 4 years
Royalty and the Avatar (AtLA x LoK)
Korra gasped and strained against her bonds as the fingers inside her curled just so. The blindfold made it impossible to focus on anything but the sensations, and she could only arch her back and ride the waves of sensation that followed until she slumped back onto the bed, limp and exquisitely exhausted.
"Hmmm�� I certainly can't fault your enthusiasm, but we do have to work on your endurance."
Azula tugged the blindfold off, and Korra stared as the other woman looked her straight in the eyes and licked her fingers clean. Spirits, that was hot.
"Are you really criticising me at a time like this?" Korra asked. She would have sat up, but she was currently tied quite securely to the head of the bed.
The princess's golden eyes gleamed in the twilight of the cabin, and Azula reached down to trail one finger along Korra's belly. Heat flickered to life, just shy of painful. "Self improvement is important, Korra. Isn't that what your instructors taught you?"
"Well, yeah, but I'm pretty sure they were referring to bending and not sex."
Azula's lips curled, and she leaned forward. It provided Korra with a wonderful view. "You know, when I first started chasing after you, I used to wonder what I'd do with you once I'd caught you." She smirked. "It's a good thing I never caught you back then. Killing you would have been such a waste." The words were accompanied by another heated look at Korra's bare body.
"Yeah, I'm glad to not be dead too." Korra grinned. "But do you think you could go back to describing your megalomaniacal plan? You were in the middle of covering that before you decided to tie me up and have your wicked way with me."
"Ah, yes, my megalomaniacal plan." Azula sat up, and a single candle flared to life. The azure light cast shadows across her face and body, and she looked equal parts alluring and imposing. Korra rolled her eyes. Azula was nothing if not theatrical at times. "Would you prefer it if I monologued, perhaps threw in a cackle or two, or would you prefer the simple version."
"I think the simple version would be best." Korra tested her bonds and sighed. Trust Azula to be ridiculously thorough even in a situation like this. "You can go into detail later."
"Very well." Azula sat down next to Korra and let her fingers trace whimsical paths across her body. "First and foremost, I want to assure you that I have no intention of trying to conquer the world."
"I mean it," Azula said. "I do think I would make an excellent ruler of the world, but conquering the entire world is simply impractical. The Fire Nation has neither the manpower nor the resources to conquer the world, never mind actually keep it under control."
"So, hypothetically, you would conquer the world if you thought you could?"
"You're better off not knowing the answer to that." Azula patted Korra's head fondly. "You'll sleep better at night. But, to return to matter at hand, it's really a simple matter of wanting what's best for the Fire Nation. Above all things, I am a patriot. I love the Fire Nation, and I want nothing but the best for it. This… war has dragged on for a century, and what do we have to show for it?"
"About a century of suffering and woe."
"Exactly." Azula held up one hand. Flame kindled around her fist, first orange, and then blue, and then blinding white. Korra shivered. Azula was the single most powerful fire bender she'd ever met, and it was a miracle she'd survived those early years when Azula had genuinely been trying to either kill her or capture her. "A foolish person might say that the Fire Nation has never been stronger, that we now control the North and South Poles and that we have subjugated most of the Earth Kingdom."
"And what would a smart person, presumably you, say?" Korra asked. Azula had many good qualities. Modesty was not one of them. Then again, was it really arrogance given what she'd accomplished so far?
"We hold the North and South Poles by the skin of our teeth. Oh, we've managed to grab hold of the major settlements, but it's getting harder and harder to fight off the resistance groups when they can melt back into the wilderness." Azula scowled. "Trying to fight off water benders in a land made almost completely of ice is the very definition of a bad idea. Oh, I've no doubt we could crush the Southern or Northern Water Tribes in a conventional battle, but they're not stupid. They're never going to give us a conventional battle."
"Yeah, that probably wasn't the greatest idea the Fire Nation has ever had." Korra snickered.
"Oh, be quiet," Azula grumbled. "And it's not like your ancestors have too much to be proud of. They somehow managed to lose despite the initial battles being conducted either at sea or on ice." The princess sighed. "The point of conquest, Korra, is that the conquerors should get something out of it. What does the Fire Nation get out of conquering the North or South Pole? We get constant trouble, land that none of our people want to live in, and vast sheets of ice and snow that serve no real purpose."
"Hey, there are resources in the North and South Pole," Korra countered. "How do you think my people have lived there for so long?"
"Well, of course, there are resources," Azula replied. "But they're the kind the Fire Nation could get far more easily through trade. Conquering the North and South Poles served no real purpose other vanity and bragging rights. Meanwhile, we're forced to waste almost a third of our entire military trying to keep them under control."
"Yeah," Korra said. "My people are pretty awesome."
"And then there's the Earth Kingdom." Azula covered her face with one hand. "By all the spirits, what were my ancestors thinking? The Earth Kingdom is absolutely massive and has multiple times the Fire Nation's population. How exactly were we ever going to maintain control over it?"
"Genocide?" Korra made a face. "I'm pretty sure at least one of your ancestors advocated that."
"Yes," Azula ground out. "My grandfather, an otherwise reasonable man, did propose wiping out the Earth Kingdom's inhabitants and replacing them with Fire Nation citizens." She snarled. "Lunacy! Madness! We are warriors not butchers, and I would have the Fire Nation stand ascendant over a prosperous world, not a world of ash and bones."
"Well, I'm glad you can agree that genocide is evil."
"Defeating the Earth Kingdom in battle was a foregone conclusion," Azula continued. "Their lack of tactical acumen is matched only by their lack of technological progress. However, the sheer size and population of the Earth Kingdom means that occupying it long term is an exercise in futility. The Fire Nation simply lacks the manpower and resources to accomplish that." Azula shivered. "And the less I say about our attempts to attack the Air Nomads, the better. Oh, we had some success initially when we caught them off guard, but since then…"
"So… you want to stop the fighting?" Korra asked. "You? The youngest, most successful general in Fire Nation history?"
"If this war continues," Azula replied. "The Fire Nation will eventually lose. It will take years, and we will inflict terrible wounds on our enemies, but we will lose, and do you think they will be in a merciful mood when we do?" Azula shook her head. "No. They will rip us limb from limb. It is far better to seek an end to hostilities now while we are in a position of strength."
"But you can't end the war," Korra pointed out. "You're not Fire Lord."
"No, I am not." Azula's eyes shimmered, and the blue candle flame roared. "But I could be."
"Ah." Korra nodded slowly. "I see."
"My father truly believes that we can conquer the world and keep it. With Sozin's Comet arriving in a matter of months, he's even come up with a plan. He wants to burn the whole Earth Kingdom and the North and South Poles."
"…" Korra gaped. "That… that might just be the most scarily idiotic thing I've ever heard."
"Yes. Even with the power boost the comet would give us, there simply aren't enough fire benders to burn more than a fraction of the world. That, more than anything, convinced me that I could no longer stand aside while my father leads the Fire Nation to ruin."
"So you want to overthrow him?"
"Korra," Azula said as she shifted to straddle the Avatar's waist. "I have been planning this for years. I have at least half of the Fire Nation's nobility on my side already, and I believe the other half would join me if the Avatar pledged to support my cause."
"I see." Korra's eyes narrowed. "So in exchange for supporting you against your father, you would end the war?"
"Indeed. I would, of course, have to keep some of the gains we've made - nothing too large, I assure you - but the war would end. I would become Fire Lord, and you would become the Avatar who ended the Hundred Year War."
"And you think your father will give you the throne when he realises the nobles support you over him?"
"Oh, no," Azula said dryly. "I'll have to challenge him to Agni Kai and kill him, but that will be the easy part. My dear father hasn't fought on the front lines in more than a decade, and I am the greatest fire bender and warrior my nation has ever produced."
"Not the least bit arrogant, are you?"
"It is not arrogance if it is true," Azula shot back. "The question, Korra, is whether or not you will help me. I will take the throne. Without your help, it may well involve a mountain of corpses. With your help, it will only take one."
"You know, even two years ago, if someone had asked me if I would ever help you, I'd have called them insane."
"And if someone had told me two years ago that I would seriously be contemplating making the Avatar my royal consort once I took the throne, I'd have said the same."
"…" Korra jerked up, tearing her bonds with a subtle application of air bending. "Are you serious?"
"Deadly serious." Azula smirked. "You look wonderful in blue, Korra, but I think you'd look just as good in red." Her smirk widened. "And I'd be yours as much as you'd be mine." Azula leaned forward until their lips were almost touching. "Tell me I wouldn't look amazing in Water Tribe blue."
Korra gulped. The thought of Azula in Water Tribe blue was… intoxicating. "Yeah." She shook herself. She could think about that later. "So you're really going to do this?"
"Why do you think I'm sailing back to the Fire Nation with you in secret?" Azula bared her teeth. "This war has gone on long enough. I will defeat my father and become Fire Lord. I will put an end to the war, but I'll need your help for what comes after."
"Ah." Korra grimaced. "That will be tricky. Even if you do end the war, the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes are still going to be pissed."
"Indeed, which is where you come in. Use some of that charm of yours to help bring about a peaceful solution."
"You think I'm charming?"
"To an extent," Azula countered. "But more than anything you keep your word. You don't make a lot of promises, but you always keep the ones you do make. More importantly, you have won the respect of people throughout the Earth Kingdom and the Water Tribes. Negotiating a lasting peace will be difficult with your help. Without your help, it will be impossible."
"You do realise that they'll accuse you of seducing me to win my favour."
"Maybe. I'd argue they'd be right." Azula smiled thinly. "But perhaps you could try to make it seem as though the opposite occurred." She swooned melodramatically. "Imagine it: the aloof and cruel Fire Nation princess, defeated and then seduced by the Avatar. Driven by her newfound love for the Avatar, the princess overthrows her father and promises to end the war and bring peace to the world."
"…" Korra shook her head. "I don't think there is a single person in the world who would believe that."
Azula straightened. "Of course not. But that's not the point. What we need to impress upon them is that regardless of the… intricacies of our relationship, peace is the best way forward."
"Well, you're not wrong." Korra sighed. "But you really couldn't have explained this to me before we started sailing toward the Fire Nation?"
"And spoil the surprise?" Azula laughed. "Korra, you know me better than that."
X     X     X
Author's Notes
This is obviously a massive AU. I'll get into the specifics in later snippets, but the gist of it is that Aang never ran away, the Air Nomads managed to survive after initially sustaining heavy losses, and the Hundred Year War has been extremely bloody.
By the time Azula shows up, Korra is the Avatar. They're similar in age, and Azula does spend some of her early years trying to capture/kill Korra. However, due to certain events, things change, and Azula develops a better understanding of the conflict and its likely ending.
Let me know what you think.
If you’re interested in my thoughts on writing and other topics, you can find those here.
You can find my original fiction on Amazon here. In fact, I’ve just released a new story, Attempted Adventuring. If you like humour, action, and adventure, be sure to check it out.
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a-side-of-citrus · 3 years
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my updated clonewars togruta oc, Azorra! they’re kinda shit in the force but they more than make up for it with sheer charm and handiness with blasters!
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Obrigada meu Deus! #Formei #AteAmanhecer #FoiLindo #AZorra ❤🎓🎵 (em Pavan Eventos)
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redebcn · 3 years
Embraer fecha acordo para venda de até 50 aeronaves em negócio de US$ 3,9 bilhões
Embraer fecha acordo para venda de até 50 aeronaves em negócio de US$ 3,9 bilhões
Negócio com a empresa americana Azorra prevê a venda de 20 aeronaves da família E2, além de mais 30 direitos de compra. Empresa atua como locadora de aeronaves com sede na Flórida Divulgação A Embraer anunciou acordo com a Azorra, empresa de leasing norte-americana, para venda de até 50 aeronaves em um negócio avaliado em US$ 3,9 bilhões. O acordo foi divulgado pela Embraer nesta segunda-feira…
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sondakikabu · 3 years
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Airbus has signed a purchase agreement with Azorra for twenty-two A220 Family aircraft including twenty A220-300s and two ACJ TwoTwenty aircraft. Azorra is a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, based aircraft lessor focused on executive, regional and mid-size (“crossover”) aircraft. Azorra’s purchase is the latest endorsement for the A220 Family aircraft and reaffirms the strong market demand for…
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medyadergisi · 3 years
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Airbus has signed a purchase agreement with Azorra for twenty-two A220 Family aircraft including twenty A220-300s and two ACJ TwoTwenty aircraft. Azorra is a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, based aircraft lessor focused on executive, regional and mid-size (“crossover”) aircraft. Azorra’s purchase is the latest endorsement for the A220 Family aircraft and reaffirms the strong market demand for…
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haberkat · 3 years
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Azorra orders 22 A220 Family aircraft
Airbus has signed a purchase agreement with Azorra for twenty-two A220 Family aircraft including twenty A220-300s and two ACJ TwoTwenty aircraft. Azorra is a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, based aircraft lessor focused on executive, regional and mid-size (“crossover”) aircraft. Azorra’s purchase is the latest endorsement for the A220 Family aircraft and reaffirms the strong market demand for…
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nawapon17 · 3 years
Azorra orders twenty-two Airbus A220 family aircraft
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mejumba · 5 years
Aircraft Engineering : GE Offers Agreement To Cut CF34-10E Shop Visit Cost By 30% : Henry Canaday Engine lessor Azorra Aviation and GE Aviation have concluded a Set Maintenance Offer agreement for Azorras CF34-10Es to reduce the engines cost of ownership. SMOs are available to all CF34-10E customers regardless of their MRO read more
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Azul contrata Azorra para revenda de jatos Embraer usados em transição de frota
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