mejumba · 10 months
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Sabina Chebichi winning the Commonwealth Games in 1974
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mejumba · 10 months
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One of the best Law Show in the TV history.
Contact me to translate videos to French
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mejumba · 10 months
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The love a mum is enough. Contact me to write storytelling content in French.
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mejumba · 10 months
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Contact me Upwork to win your next project:
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mejumba · 10 months
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This is Ndole à very healthy food from Cameroon made from nuts, végétables, Green leafs, meat and Fish.
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mejumba · 10 months
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This is Ndole à very healthy food from Cameroon made from nuts, végétables, Green leafs, meat and Fish.
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mejumba · 11 months
J'ai libéré un millier d'esclaves, j'aurai pu en libéré 1000 fois plus si seulement ils savaient qu'ils étaient des esclaves.
Harriet Tubman.
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mejumba · 11 months
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mejumba · 11 months
By Douglas Lumsden
For what it's worth:
I was 43 when I got a Ph.D.
I was 51 when I started my dream job.
I was 54 when I married the love of my life.
I was 55 when I ran my first marathon.
I was 67 when I self-published my first book.
I turn 70 next year, and I can't wait!
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mejumba · 11 months
Here's how to split your business income by Michel Valbrun @michelvalbrun
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mejumba · 11 months
Never comparé yourself to someone else. Compare yourself with yourself to have a glorious triple aa:
1. Appetite
2. Attainment
3. Ambition
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mejumba · 11 months
"🔍 Ready to find your perfect business partner? Here's how:
1️⃣ Define your goals and values. Clearly outline what you want to achieve and ensure your potential partner shares your vision.
2️⃣ Leverage your network. Reach out to trusted colleagues, attend industry events, and join relevant online communities to connect with like-minded professionals.
3️⃣ Look beyond skillsets. While expertise is important, consider compatibility, communication style, and work ethic. A strong partnership requires shared values and mutual respect.
4️⃣ Seek complementary strengths. Look for someone who brings skills and experience that complement your own, creating a dynamic partnership that maximizes success.
5️⃣ Communicate openly. Transparent and honest communication is crucial for a thriving partnership. Be sure to discuss expectations, roles, and responsibilities from the beginning.
Remember, finding the right business partner goes beyond qualifications. It's about finding someone who shares your vision, complements your strengths, and cultivates a harmonious working relationship. #BusinessPartnership #CollaborationWins # Cameroon #Turkey
Contact mer here to à business consultation: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01e11b77318b1a979b
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mejumba · 3 years
What are the advantages of a vision board?
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Vision boards are tools used to help with concentrating, clarifying and maintaining focus on particular goals. These goals may include work, lifestyle, financial or anything that a person wishes to focus on but serves as a visual reminder and affirmation of where you want to head towards. A vision board also encourages you to increase your understanding of what you need and how you want to get there.
1.Motivate yourself
Vision Boards motivate you to work towards your goals. Constructing a vision board focuses your mind on emotions, colors and feelings.
2. Destress
A vision board can produce some stillness within a disordered world. Taking the time out to focus on a vision board gives you time for personal reflection whilst engaging your mind and setting a goal.
3. Figure out your goals
When you put pen to paper, often helps bring a greater realization of your goals, hopes and dreams. It can help you to make more informed decisions about what you want.
4. Reassess
Taking a minute to reflect and see where your headspace is at, what you are desiring to achieve or what you are hoping to get.
What you put together in front of you are words or images that fit your thoughts. How does looking at them make you feel? What do they mean to you and why did you choose these?
5. Remind yourself of where you want to be
Put your vision board in a strategic place where you can see it regularly. Keep the thoughts and images in your mind. Get in a habit if you’re unsure where life is going to take a look at your vision board, as it helps indirectly to make your decisions.
6. Get over your limitations
Often our hectic lives make us think things are beyond us or impossible. A vision board lets you dream for a moment and be free from the limitations. Once you see your wishes, you may see a change in your opinion on them. You may find that they become attainable, or that this goal isn’t as important to you.
In conclusion, there are lots of ways you can enable wellbeing in your life. Vision boards can be used to condense your thoughts and help you to see the thoughts behind your goals. Vision boards are one of many tools that may help you to refocus yourself towards performing at your optimum.
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mejumba · 4 years
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I am thankful to the universe for everything in my life.
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mejumba · 4 years
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mejumba · 4 years
“We are not afraid !” by Daily Prayer https://link.medium.com/NBik1uKqE5
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mejumba · 4 years
How old is the earth ?
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