Some Bloopers From Ang3lRune
Backstory: Ang3lRune is the Marvel show that Azrael's the star of though it features him joining the Avengers so the Avengers that became the main group after Endgame are the rest of his group. Plus some appearances from characters from the Defenders and other parts of the MCU. Azrael: *fumbles his American accent on screen* Ben: I don't think we're american in the first place Azrael: Well you fuckin wrote it. The fuck is it? Ben: English probably. Someone wanna check the notes? Seren: Yes, fucking *English* accents. Azrael: I am English, you fuckwad Ben: *laughing nervously* We've been here six hours I forgot what show we're on Azrael: *points the the Ang3lRune poster on the wall* You did? Ben: Listen man- Azrael: Let's try this again *repeats the line in his normal voice* Azrael:.... Azrael: *sighs* I think that was French EJ: Yeah, you're a little too baguette. Be more...... PG Tips Azrael: Uhhh? Repeat that? EJ: *repeats it in French* Azrael: Not what I meant but thank you Anthony: *dancing in the middle of a scene* Azrael: *stops mid stunt* Good over there, Mackie? Anthony: I fell off the suspender string thingies so I'm jamming Azrael: To silence? I mean, you go man. *climbs down the faux building he was climbing and restarts* Azrael: *puts his headphones in during a group workout session* Ben: *starts recording something for Instagram* Azrael: *starts dancing while on a treadmill* Ben: *turns up the speed on the treadmill* Azrael: *trips and slides off the treadmill* Ben: *apologizes profusely and with no intelligible words and helps him up* EJ: *sets the weight he was using down* Our camera crew sucks Ben: I was tryna mess with him, I didn't mean to fucking maim him Azrael: *finally turns off the treadmill that was still fucking running* We'll just have to write it into the show that Russo pushed me into a car Seren: He would. And it's a little problematic Azrael: He's more keen to just inconvenience me. Seren: Guess that's canon too Ben: Did you just call real life canon...??? Seren: Yes Benjamin. Canon
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heyjude19-writing · 2 years
Hello, I thought you would like to know that someone is selling PDFs of your fanfic on Etsy. Their shop name is azraelmorningstar, it will not let me link the posting but it is under "Remain Nameless by HeyJude19 - PDF DIGITAL VERSION" I hope you can find it.
Thank you anon. I've messaged them asking to remove it. This shit is really fucking disheartening so i am begging fic readers to please not purchase pdfs or fic merch and to politely ask these sellers to stop if you come across it.
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