#azure zaffre
atlasifyllm · 1 year
15 character questionz!!!
got tagged by @kudzucataclysm ! tysm
uhhh tagging @writing-is-a-martial-art @whileyoureinschoolidothisallday
doing this for ruby and cobalt, pretend this takes place at the beginning of arc 2
1 - Are you named after anyone?
Ruby: All of my family's names all have alliteration in them! I'm Ruby Raleigh, and both my moms have pretty alliterative names too!
Cobalt: I don't think so. It's just Cobalt Azure Zaffre. I don't really think I named Turquoise in any particular way; it just seemed like a suitable alias.
Ruby: ...You have a middle name???
Cobalt: ...Yes??
Ruby: ...Dude, NO one has a middle name!
Cobalt: Well I do. "Azure".
Ruby: But that's AZURE and you're BLUE??
Cobalt: Ruby. I have heterochromia. I'm BUILT DIFFERENT.
2 - When was the last time you cried?
Ruby: Pshh, when I was like, 5! I... accidentally crushed a caterpillar. :(
Cobalt: D-Don't ask.
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3 - Do you have kids?
Ruby: HELL no. I'm fresh into tourney fighting! I don't have the time to take care of kids. ...Also I'm pretty bitchless.
Cobalt: ...No, but it'd be nice to have one. Someday.
4 - Do you use sarcasm?
Ruby: Only when someone is being a little BITCH. When they DESERVE IT.
Cobalt: It's a little hard to tell. I'm veryyy bad at making it obvious. So I don't really try too often.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people?
Ruby: I AM the person you notice. NOTICE ME. PAY ATTENTION TO ME. I just like talkin' to people!!
Cobalt: Their eyes. I want to know what a person's intention's are first, before interacting with them. It's very difficult to be comfortable within crowds.
6 - What's your eye color?
Ruby: Azure blue! My soul color is red though, so my eyes glow red with strong emotion! Or Paladin powers. 'Cause that's a thing I have to handle now.
Cobalt: ...It's complicated.
Ruby: ...Why would it be complicated?
Cobalt: My eyes are naturally turquoise, but that's not my soul color. Sometimes they'll glow cyan, sometimes they glow blue. Sometimes they glow both. So in total, I can have four different eye colors.
Ruby: ...Your eyes are strobe lights.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Ruby: I love scary movies! Me and Turqbalt used to watch horror movies together, but he'd get too scared. So I stopped.
Cobalt: ...What she said. Happy endings, please.
Ruby: He used to hide his face and cry into pillows during the scary moments!
Cobalt: ENOUGH.
8 - Any special talents?
Ruby: I love parkour! I'm already SUPER fast as a hare fighter, so doing parkour is my daily excersize!
Cobalt: I'm like a hueman freezer. My ice powers make my body naturally cold, so lots of my friends will just tell me to hold their drinks for them so they'll still be cold.
9 - Where were you born?
Ruby: Right here in Neocity! Born and raised!
Cobalt: It's one of the border cities between Celestia and the Hyperion Republic. We moved to Neocity when I was about 8.
10 - What are your hobbies?
Ruby: Music-making! I'm pretty good at guitar and ukelele, I have some experience in piano... me, Blaze, Rina, and Turq used to play gigs at the Silver Spade! We get free drinks there too! ...None of us are of age yet, so I typically just get coffee from there.
Cobalt: I collect knives and swords.
11 - Have you any pets?
Ruby: No :( Me and Jay are too lazy to cook, let alone own a pet.
Cobalt: he’s so cute it’s shiro my dog being such a cute baby prince 😍 he’s a samoyed!
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12 - What sports do you/have you played?
Ruby: Track! Also, technically tourney fighting is a sport I guess?
Cobalt: Yeah, I'm not one for typical sports. Tourney fighting is a little more dramatic.
13 - How tall are you?
Ruby: 5'9!
Cobalt: 5'11.
Ruby: Jay, Blaze, and Tarum are all 6'0! Rose is 4'11 though.
Cobalt: Tiny hands... my only weakness.
14 - Favorite subject in school?
Ruby: I'm assuming we can't say "field training".
Cobalt: Yeah, no. Field training's basically tournament fighting beta.
Ruby: I'm not much of the school type. Cs get degrees! Hmm... Maybe art? I enjoy designing clothing for all my friends, and my moms are pretty supportive in all my creative endeavors!
Cobalt: ...Lunch I guess.
15 - Dream job?
Ruby: Tourney fighting, obviously!
Cobalt: Well, I thought it was tournament fighting. I think. But then I got my arm cut off, so I had to stop for a while. Lots of people can be mean to champion tournament fighters... I'm not sure if I should be coming back. Can I even come back? I mean, I lost a bit of my lightning powers... God, I wouldn't even know-
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midnightpsion · 2 years
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Last one poster thing, this is Weston
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tweetspeakpoetry · 6 years
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Colors have cool histories, intriguing origins, cultural meanings, wonderful names. Today, discover zaffre. Learn facts about this brilliant, “pre-scientific” color, hear its pronunciation, and write a truly colorful vignette or haiku!
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Shades of ColourThemed Ask Meme
Red 💘
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Cherry - What's your favourite cheesy pick-up line? Have you ever used it in real life?
Crimson - What quality in a person do you fall in love with?
Scarlet - Do you think people fall in love because the right person has arrived, or because the time is right (regardless of whom the person is that they fall in love with)?
Mahogany - Have you had your heart broken before?
Wine - What is the ideal true love story you have ever heard of?
Maroon - What kind of gestures do you find truly romantic?
Rose - Can you name most of your fictional crushes?
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Tangerine – Favourite music genre if you have one?
Rust – Song that’s on repeat at the moment?
Clay – Favourite music artist if you have one?
Amber – Favourite song of all time?
Ginger – If you could play any instrument, what would it be? (I mean personally I like to play the Mayonnaise, but I do play a pretty mean Horseradish, if I don’t say so myself!)
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Canary – What are three things that make you the happiest?
Flaxen – What was your happiest moment?
Lemon - What are you most passionate about in life?
Sunshine – What makes you smile?
Dijon – What’s the funniest joke you’ve ever heard/told?
Honey - What is something that you are proud of about yourself?
Butterscotch - What is your definition of a “perfect life”?
Mustard - What was your most memorable birthday?
Corn – What gets you excited about life?
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Lime - If you could be only one, would you rather be rich, famous or loved?
Sage - Do you think you are better than some other people? Do you think some other people are better than you?
Mint - What is the biggest force driving your ambitions?
Forest – Would would/could you do if you knew you could not fail?
Emerald – Are you content with who you are, or would you change anything?
Jade – What is the most inspiring quote you’ve ever heard?
Olive – Who inspires you the most?
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Aqua – What is your ideal bedroom?
Lovat – If you could play any instrument, what would it be? (I mean personally I like to play the Mayonnaise, but I do play a pretty mean Horseradish, if I don’t say so myself!)
Turquoise – What is the most beautiful dream you’ve ever had?
Julep – The nicest view you’ve ever seen? Can you describe it?
Amulet – What is your favourite aesthetic?
Jules – What’s your ideal weather?
Prism – Your ideal weekend?
Lagoon – What’s your dream pet?
Juniper – What makes you nostalgic?
Winterfresh - Would you wait for the sun to rise or for it to set, and why?
Spruce - What is more important: being true to yourself regardless of who gets hurt or considering the consequences of your actions on other people’s lives?
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Cornflower – Favourite fictional character(s)?
Ocean – Favourite Thing you own?
Sapphire – Favourite flavour ice cream?
Azure – Favourite type of clothes?
Zaffre – Favourite flower?
Navy – Favourite movie(s)?
Cyan – Favourite food?
Cobalt – Favourite Season?
Lapis – Favourite book at the moment?
Cerulean – Favourite show at the moment?
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indigo - Would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
Violet - Would you rather see the ghost of a stranger or of someone that you love?
Lavender - Would you ever stay the night in an abandoned house that everyone claims is haunted?
Plum - If there was a zombie apocalypse, which one of your friends would die first?
Mauve - If you met a vampire, would you let it bite you for eternal life or would you shove a stake in its heart?
Mulberry - If there’s a hell, do you think you’re going there?
Magenta - Have you ever had a dream about dying?
Periwinkle - Have you ever seen a ghost, a spaceship, or anything else you couldn’t rationally explain?
Byzantine - If you came back as a ghost, what would you do?
Boysenberry - What would you do to defend yourself if someone broke into your house?
Wisteria - If you were asked to film a new horror movie, what would the plot be?
Heliotrope – If you could ask Death a question, what would it be?
White ❤
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Platinum - Do you believe we make our own happy endings, or is fate responsible for them?
Parchment - Is there a film or cartoon character who is very much like you? In what way?
Egg Shell - Do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty?
Ivory - If you were given a chance to swap places with somebody for a day, who would you choose?
Cream – Which fictional world would you like to live in for the rest of your life?
Pearl– Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?
Lace- Are you left- or right-handed, and would you want to switch?
Snow - What three adjectives would describe you
Porcelain– What is the nicest compliment someone ever gave you?
Powder - – What is the meaning of your name?
Dover – If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Alabaster - Who’s the strangest person you’ve ever met?
Downy – Who’s the strangest person you’ve ever met?
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thebluekingdomstory · 4 years
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Azure Blackthall (she/her)
Traits: ambitious, prideful, persuasive 
Birthday: 963
Race: Human (blue blood)
Family: Husband- Zaffre Blackthall, Daughter- Sapphire Blackthall, Son- Viridian Blackthall
Occupation: Blue Kingdom noble
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theworstsimblr · 7 years
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dreamsaredarkening · 5 years
Blue Moon
Dream always thought when, of if he were to return here, it would be with Blue at his side; not sitting beneath the tall willow tree, a lonely soul heavy and a future dark as the growing void. A smile finds its way onto the guardians face, dry and bitter. Having him back, for however short had both broken him in ways he couldn't speak of and helped him. Something in him just wished that they could of stayed, for good. Maybe there was a way.. memories flashed through his mind, attempt after attempt to bring back his beloved.
A weak laugh broke free from him. "Who am I kidding.. He's gone." Dream mutters, leaning their head back against the rough, oaken bark. Strangely enough, the idea of Blue being gone didn't hurt as much to think of this time- not to say it didn't still hurt. Mother above, did it ever hurt- his soul pounding just beneath his ribs, a never ending ache. 
Ever gently, he brushed a thumb over the stone in the band wrapped around his wrist and the pain faded, just the slightest. Their smile turns to a small, genuine one; the memory of when he first got the band was one that filled him with that tiny spark of hope. He so clearly recalled every moment, starting with when Ink woke them up that day.
"WAKE UP! Come on, hurry!" Ink smiled down at the two of them sleeping, their nearly white specs of eyes peering down. "The Nicecream truck is going to pass by any minute if you two don't hurry up-!" 
"Innnk. The Nicecream truck is still a few blocks over." Blue huffed, but chuckled; his soft azure eyelights blinking open. A soft blush of that very color dusted across his cheeks as he pulled away from the other settled against him, who simply made a face and stood up themselves. "I only let go for the sweets." Dream grumbled, starting towards the door. Blue looked amused but followed the two after, making sure to grab his jacket on the way out.
Dream frowned, shaking his head of the thought of his friends pale eyelights and haunting voice. Ink. He had survived, from what Surge had told them all. Not without its reprecussions- on his way out of the castle, he made a detour to visit to artist. Stars, the scars that now covered him.. he shivered. The Void, he knew, was not kind. Especially those that try to take from it. 
With a sigh, the guardian stood; stretching out his arms behind, causing a yawn to break free. Blinking, he gazed around the peaceful land of Haventale; an ease settling on his soul. "If it were only this peaceful back home." He mumbled, looking up to the soft blue skies above. Between constant shielding of everyone trying to protect his 'fragile' mind and being watched wherever he went, to say the least was that this was a nice change of pace. He loved everyone there dearly but his nerves have been frayed to the point he needed this space.
And now that he had it? Everything felt.. so much clearer. The navy in his gaze began to clear, the soft golden color slowly trickling into his irises. With a deep breath, he came to a decision. 
"Dream.. will you be my soulmate?" Blue's voice whispered, gaze locked onto his. In his hands, were two different bracelets. The first thin golden band rounded to a starry zaffre stone, catching the light of the setting sun not too far off. The second band, held a similiar stone; yet, it remained a bright golden color. 
His eyes widening, Dream's voice got caught in his throat; the question throwing him off guard.. but not necessarily in an unpleasant way. If anything, he could feel the joy rising in him, unable to stop the smile from spreading across his face a simple one word answer spoken. 
"Yes.. yes!" He jumped forward into Blue's harms, soft giggles breaking from the guardian; overriding the pained gasp shuffling in the bushes far off aways. If he had knew what his answer would cause.. no. He'd of still said yes. There is nothing he would exchange for, for his memories and time with Blue.
Reaching down to his wrist, he unclipped the band; gently placing the starry stone jewelry at the base of the willow. Looking up, his voice is softer; eyes brighter, as if whatever weight that had held him down, was now gone. "Its time I've moved on. Blue.." He smiles. "I hope one day, I will get the chance to shine just as bright as you did."
Turning heel, Dream cast one glance at the tree before leaving, a soft golden glow surrounding the guardian of hopes and dreams.
“I love you, my dearest Blue Moon.”
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negans-lucille-tblr · 5 years
I wanna know all the things 😘 Azure, baby blue, electric, powder blue, zaffre?
Biggest turn on: Degradation and humiliation fo sho
Had sex with someone of the same gender? - Yep!!
Lingerie or comfortable underwear? - I’m still wearing my maternity pants (soz hubs @4point7) I don’t feel confident enough to wear lingerie
Vanilla sex or spiced up? - Vanilla sex *puke* Spiced up all day every day thanks
Zaffre - you didn’t make up a question lovely! :’)
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Azure Electric Ultramarine Zaffre
50 Shades of Blue! Send a colour to ask something sexual
Aqua: Top or bottom? 
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear? 
Me? I’m boring, black or dark blue boxers. But on another? Come at me with all kinds of undergarments.
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
Does a chicken have a pecker? Answered already
Zaffre: Make up your own question!  Would you take someones virginity?
“I’d like to get to know that person a bit before something like that transpires.”
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}}} This Is Me - Waiting To Pluck Your Flower~ {{{
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atlasifyllm · 1 year
Paladins. I come to you bearing a presentation, representative of my trust between you. Two of them, in fact. It is a Cobalt Zaffre body pillow and cardboard cutout. Jacinthe Helenium claims this makes me present as a "simp." I am alright with that label, as I believe in my devotion to the Azure Paladin. Ruby appears to have one too, whom she refers to as her boyfriend. A hilarious approach to these false Cobalt Zaffres.
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absque-nocte · 5 years
Shades of Blue, for Tokki. 100% Truth: Aqua, Azure, Lapis, Royal, and Zaffre: Despite loyalty, would you share the same bed with a third?
Aqua: Top or bottom?   Both. I like ta do both, bu’ if ya wanna take charge, i don’ mind lettin’ ya.
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?   Knowin’ wha’ ya wan’. In life, in bed, in people.. I didn’ expect ta live long, so bein’ around those tha’ had a direction was always good.
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?    Uuuuh... fuck...I dunno. Oh! This isn’ gonna be much, bu’ bein’ woken up with sex would be nice. 
Royal: What’s your favourite position?    I haven’ tried many a ‘em. Bu’ I like bein’ on top. I’d like ta try other positions.
Zaffre: Despite loyalty, would you share the same bed with a third?    Not thinkin’ a loyalty? It’d depend on m’ partner. As long as I know they love me, sharin’ together wouldn’ bother me. 
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midnightpsion · 2 years
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silver-tongues-blog · 7 years
Signs as Colours
Aries: Burgandy
Arsces: Cardinal
Arrius: Crimson
Ariborn: Mahogany
Arittarius: Persian
Arpia: Scarlet
Arza: Wine
Arga: Vermilion
Aro: Tuscan
Arcen: Rose
Armini: Carmine
Arun: Auburn
Arist: Imperial
Arsci: Ruby
Arnius: Rust
Aricorn: Cornell
Arittanius: Brick
Arpio: Maroon
Arra: Cherry
Argo: Cinnabar
Arlo: Barn
Arcer: Hibiscus
Armino: Ferrari
Arus: Sanguine
Taurus: Bronze
Taurist: Chestnut
Taursci: Chocolate
Taurnius: Brown
Tauricorn: Russet
Tarittanius: Sepia
Taurpio: Tawny
Taurra: Fallow
Taurgo: Copper
Tarlo: Tree Bark
Taurcer: Fawn
Taurminio: Fulvous
Taurun: Bole
Tauries: Cordovan
Taursces: Khaki
Taurrius: Sand
Tauriborn: Wheat
Taurittarius: Sinopia
Taurpia: Cocoa
Taurza: Ochre
Taurga: Dirt
Tauro: Mud
Taurcen: Pullman
Taurmini: Caramel 
Gemini: Gold
Gemun: Mustard
Gemeries: Piss
Gemsces: Saffron
Gemrius: Jasmine
Gemiborn: Yellow
Gemittarius: Amber
Gempia: Citrine
Gemza: Vanilla
Gemga: Dandelion 
Gemo: Cream
Gemcen: Apricot
Gemino: Aureolin
Gemus: Chartreuse
Gemrist: Light
Gemsci: Flax
Gemnius: Sun
Gemicorn: Canary
Gemittanius: Lemon
Gempio: Fox
Gemra: Leopard
Gemgo: Maize
Gemlo: Butter
Gemcer: Jonquil
Cancer: Lime
Camino: Chartreuse
Canus: Pear
Canrist: Mindaro
Cansci: Nyanza
Cannius: Spring
Canicorn: Lawn
Canittanius: Apple
Canpio: Grass
Canra: Pistachio
Cango: Avacaco
Canlo: Aloe
Cancen: Limerick
Camini: Frankenstein
Canun: Vines
Canries: Emerald
Cansces: Leaves
Canrius: Sour Grapes
Caniborn: White Wine
Cannitarius: Broccoli
Canza: Zucchini 
Canga: Peppers
Cano: Peas
Leo: Olive
Lecen: Artichoke
Lemini: Shrek
Leun: Jungle
Leries: Forest
Lesces: Laurel
Lerius: Fern
Leiborn: Mantis
Leittarius: Moss
Lepia: Pine
Leza: Reseda
Lega: Shamrock
Lelo: Grasshopper
Lecer: Tea
Lemino: Green
Leus: Castleton
Lerist: Celadon
Lesci: Dartmouth
Lenius: Chameleon
Leicorn: India Green
Leittanius: Hunter
Lepio: Malachite
Lera: Peridot
Lego: Field
Virgo: Jade
Virlo: Neon
Vircer:  Sea
Virmino: Paris:
Virus:  Mint
Virist: Argyle
Virsci: Hills
Virnius: Starboard
Viricorn: Dragon
Virittanius: Slime
Virpio: Plant
Virra: Ivy
Virga: Lettuce
Viro: Celery
Vircen: Parakeet
Virmini: Seafoam
Virune: Juniper
Viries: Basil
Virsces: Crocodile
Virrius: Sage
Viriborn: Pickle
Virittarius: Sap
Virpia: Turtle
Viriza: Snake
Libra: Teal
Ligo: Cyan
Liblo: Aero
Licer: Deep Sea
Limino: Scales
Libus: Aquamarine
Librist: Caribbean
Libsci: Celeste
Libnius: Electric
Libicorn: Kepel
Libittanius: Midnight green
Lipio: Robin egg
Libza: Turqouise
Liga: Opal
Libo: Verdigris
Licen: Agate
Limini: Viridian
Libun: Scobeloff
Libries: Spinel
Libsces: Topaz
Librius: Apatite
Libiborn: Beryl
Libittarius: Tourmaline
Lipia: Magic Mint
Scorpio: Cobalt
Scorra: Cerulean
Scorgo: Sky
Scorlo: Sea
Scorcer: Sapphire
Scormino: Denim
Scorus: Glaucous
Scorist: Dodger
Scorsci: Bleu
Scornius: Tufts
Scoricorn: Steel
Scorittanius: Byzantine
Scorpia: Bondi
Scorza: Fluorite
Scorga: Azure
Scoro: Royal
Scorcen: Midnight Blue
Scormini: Oxford
Scorun: Cornflower
Scories: Lapis
Scorsces: Columbia
Scorrius: Ice
Scoriborn: Yale
Scorittarius: Maya
Sagittarius: Indigo
Sagipia: Ultramarine
Sagiza: Blue
Sagiga: Admiral
Sagio: Peacock
Sagicen: Zaffre
Sagimini: Medium blue
Sagiun: Dark blue
Sagires: Duke blue
Sagisces: Palatinate 
Sagirius: Tanzanite
Sagiborn: Navy
Sagittanius: Zircon
Sagipio: Chalcedony
Sagira: Iolite
Sagigo: Larimar
Sagilo: Labradorite
Sagicer: Chrysocolla
Sagimino: Kyanite
Sagius: Carolina
Sagirist: Dusk
Sagisci: True blue
Sigicorn: Klein blue
Capricorn: Purple
Caprittanius: Purble
Capripio: Lilac
Caprira: Lavender
Caprigo: Amethyst
Caprilo: Wine
Capricer: Grape
Caprimino: Orchid
Caprius: Iris
Caprist: Periwinkle
Caprinius: Royal Purple
Capriborn: Medium Purple
Caprittarius: Muave
Capripia: Heliotrope
Capriza: Phlox
Capriga: Purpureus
Caprio: Pomp and power
Capricen: Eminence
Caprimini: Byzantium
Capriun: Palatinate
Capries: Juice
Caprisces: Prune
Capririus: Raisin
Aquarius: Violet
Aquiborn: Boysenberry
Aquittarius: Sangria
Aquapia: Jam
Aquaza: Mullberry
Aquaga: Electric Violet
Aquo: Vivid Violet
Aquacen: Dark Violet
Aquamini: Amaranth
Aquiun: Aster
Aquiaries: Aubergine
Aquasces: Violet sapphire
Aquanius: Charoite
Aquacorn: Hackmanite
Aquittanius: Rhodolite
Aquapio: Iolite
Aquara: Jadeite
Aquago: Alexandrite
Aqualo: Taaffeite
Aquacer: Kunzite
Aquamino: Scapolite
Aquius: Sugilite
Aquarist: Rubellite
Aquasci: Lepidolite
Pisces: Tyrian
Pirius: Fuscha
Piborn: Magenta
Pittarius: Pink rose
Pipia: Pink
Piza: Folly
Piga: Fandango
Pio: Rose quartz
Picen: Pink Tourmaline
Pimini: Ultra pink
Piun: PINK
Piries: Cyclamen
Pisci: Brink
Pinius: Carnation
Picorn: Ceries
Pittanius: Coral
Pipio: Straberry
Pira: Peach
Pigo: Bubblegum
Pilo: Rouge
Picer: Flamingo
Pimino: Salmon
Pius: Punch
Pirist: poppy
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theworstsimblr · 7 years
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Rebel sculpted cute matching topiary penguins so I put them out front :3
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sangothirstnight · 6 years
all of the blues except for zaffre, but for the refugee squips?
Aqua: Top or bottom?
Alani: Both
Sophie: Both, I think
Zach: Top
Alastor: Bottom
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Alani: When they’re all shy and possibly a little afraid
Sophie: When they’re blushy, or when they growl and whisper
Zach: When they’re so desperate for me to touch them
Alastor: When they have that commanding tone in their voice
Baby Blue: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
Alani: Not yet
Sophie: Haven’t had any sexual relations yet
Zach: I have indeed
Alastor: Yup
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
Alani: Yes I have You’ll be meeting him soon
Sophie: Same answer. Not yet
Zach: Yes
Alastor: Nope
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
Alani: Can’t say I’ve figured that one out yet
Sophie: Being objectified
Zach: If they ask me to hurt them
Alastor: Ditto with Sophie
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
Alani: Pansexual
Sophie: Polysexual
Zach: Pansexual
Alastor: Bisexual
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
Alani: Rough
Sophie: Soft, I think
Zach: Both
Alastor: Rough
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
Alani: No way in hell
Sophie: Yes
Zach: No
Alastor: Definitely not
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
Alani: Dominant
Sophie: I think I may fall somewhere in the middle
Zach: Dominant
Alastor: Submissive
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
Alani: It depends really
Sophie: Lingerie is cute, so I pick that
Zach: Either is fine
Alastor: Lingerie, absolutely
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
Alani: Yeah
Sophie: Never tried it
Zach: I don’t mind it.
Alastor: Yes, please.
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
Alani: My partner. Shaking and twitching on the bed. No part of their body is untouched by my teeth or claws.
Sophie: Me being held close, my partner constantly telling me how much they love me, and me doing the same for them.
Zach: My partner beneath me, trembling with pleasure as I slowly bring them over the edge multiple times.
Alastor: Being shown my place and being pinned down, then being rewarded and told how good I am.
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
Alani: Yes I am.
Sophie: It’s alright.
Zach: I like it.
Alastor: Its a favorite.
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person?
Alani: At the same time? No, but I should do that.
Sophie: Nope
Zach: I have.
Alastor: I’ve been double-teamed before…
Periwinkle: Do you use toys often?
Alani: Definitely.
Sophie: I have used them on myself.
Zach: On occasion.
Alastor: Yes.
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
Alani: Yeah.
Sophie: No thank you.
Zach: Only if my partner is comfortable with it.
Alastor: Oh gods, yes.
Powder Blue: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
Alani: Spicy!
Sophie: Vanilla.
Zach: Both.
Alastor: Both.
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
Alani: Knife kink
Sophie: Pet kink
Zach: Bondage kink
Alastor: Praise kink
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
Alani: No preference
Sophie: I think…doggy?
Zach: Missionary
Alastor: I really don’t care
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
Alani: Probably a week ago?
Sophie: Never
Zach: A few days ago
Alastor: Three weeks
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
Alani: You bet I do.
Sophie: Yes.
Zach: Occasionally
Alastor: Yeah
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
Alani: Up in a tree. That was weird.
Sophie: Never had sex, so nowhere.
Zach: Nowhere weird yet.
Alastor: Everywhere has been amazing
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
Alani: No
Sophie: No
Zach: No
Alastor: No
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
Alani: Nope, but I want to
Sophie: No
Zach: Can’t say I have.
Alastor: Once
True: Do you remember your first time?
Alani: Like it was yesterday
Sophie: I hope it will be memorable
Zach: Absolutely
Alastor: Fuck yes
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
Alani: YES
Sophie: I’ve been told I’ll like it
Zach: Definitely
Alastor: GODS. YES.
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luckylapin · 6 years
Answer all of the 50 shades of blue hueueueeueue
Ah shit
Aqua: Top or bottom?
~I’m a dom/top leaning switch ;)
Azure: What’s your biggest turn-on?
~Kiss my neck I’ll nut.
Baby Blue: Have you ever had sex with someone of the same gender?
~Yes and currently yes.
Carolina: Have you ever had sex with someone of a different gender?
~Yes and currently yes.
Cerulean: What’s your biggest turn-off?
~Please keep your grubby hands off of my feet.
Cyan: What’s your sexual orientation?
~I’m queer demi-romantic/gray-ace to be specific.
Cobalt: Rough or soft?
~Rough but soft can be good too.
Cornflower: Are you a virgin?
~Lmao nah.
Denim: Are you naturally submissive or dominant?
~VERY naturally dominant.
Electric: Do you prefer lingerie to regular underwear?
~I switch between the two.
Indigo: Do you like phone sex?
~Hell yeah.
Lapis: What’s your best fantasy?
~I’m a //bit// sadistic. I love seeing my partners in pain. Consensual, don’t get the wrong idea ya nasties.
Midnight: Are you into role-play?
~Depends on the role-play.
Oxford: Have you ever had sex with more than one person?
~Quite a few times. Including this past winter with my current partners. 
Periwinkle: Do you use toys often?
~Y E S.
Persian: Would you do public sex at all?
~Eeeehh not totally public?
Powder Blue: Vanilla sex or spiced up?
~Honey don’t come at me with that vanilla shit. 
Prussian: Confess a kink to me?
~I nut when my partners are in pleasurable pain. What a couple of masochists. 
Royal: What’s your favourite position?
~I take it from behind. And give it from behind. Also ride me please and thanks.
Sapphire: When was the last time you had sex?
~This past weekend.
Sky: Do you read smut/watch porn?
~Eh not really. Makes me uncomfortable most of the time. 
Teal: Where was the strangest place you ever had sex?
~A public restroom in a Big Lots.
Tiffany: Would you/do you do sex work?
~Nah not really. 
Turquoise: Have you ever taken part in group sex?
~I’m in a polyamorous relationship where it’s a three person relationship. Of course I do.
True: Do you remember your first time?
~In my friend’s bedroom we did the do all night long.
Ultramarine: Do you do/enjoy oral?
~P L E A S E??!?!!
Zaffre: Make up your own question!
Would you eat ass?
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