fatuaanser · 2 months
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Big ol birb gilf
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helldustedstories · 2 months
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@fatuaanser asked: “I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re hurt.” -baalam
high pain tolerance starters // accepting
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Stolas was supposed to be studying, he knew he was. But he didn't want to study right now! He wanted to try climbing his favourite tree like his new friend had done! That way, the next time Blitzo came to visit (because there would be a next time, wouldn't there? Friends came to visit, and Blitzo wasn't just his friend, he was his best friend, which had to mean even more, right?), he could show him just how much better he was at playing games!
He'd always loved the big tree in the garden, and now it was one of his favourite places to just spend time, whether he was reading his latest book, studying what his tutors had assigned, or drawing pictures of him and Blitz playing. There were so many things he could do under the tree, and he secretly thought of it as their tree.
But that was why he had to learn how to climb it, so he could impress Blitzo. He wanted to learn all sorts of things to show his friend, so hopefully Blitzo would think that Stolas was as much fun as he was, would want to keep being his friend.
His textbook lays by the base of the tree, abandoned, as the boy gazes up at the tree, a determined expression on his little face. He wasn't entirely certain the best way to tackle this, but he was going to figure out how. There were all sorts of angles he could approach the tree from, but there weren't lower branches on every side. That helped to narrow things down a bit; if he scrambled up this side, he should be able to make it to the branch.
Or at least, that had been the plan. But when he reached for the branch, to pull himself up, his hand slipped….., and he hit the ground instead, hard.
For a moment, all the owlet did was blink, momentarily shocked by the fact that he was now on the ground when he'd been reaching for the branch just a second ago. He'd landed on his bottom, and he just stayed where he was, catching the breath that had been knocked out of him.
He looked up when he saw his Aunt Baalam heading in his direction, quickly moving to sit normally under the tree, hiding a wince as he attempted to find a comfortable sitting position, something that was rather hard, given the circumstances. But he couldn't let her know what had happened, that he'd been trying to climb the tree, or that he'd hurt himself.
But the way she usually could, Baalam could tell that something was off.
"I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you're hurt," she told him gently, and Stolas looked away from her, trying to hide both his hurt and his guilt.
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"But Father told me I'm not supposed to complain if I 'do something stupid,'" he piped up, doing a passable impression of his father's intonation, even with his high-pitched little voice. "Does doing something you're not supposed to do count as doing something stupid?" He was trying to understand, but he needed to know more about what things were 'stupid' and what weren't; his father had left that frustratingly vague for the little boy.
He was so distracted by trying to figure all of that out that he'd almost forgotten he'd hurt himself, but when he shifts too much onto his injured backside, he can't help the little wince that crosses his face. Okay, so he shouldn't have been climbing the tree until he'd had more practice. But he'd just been so excited, he hadn't been able to help it!
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cobrakiin · 3 months
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Woe ocs upon ye
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pletnet · 5 months
NOSITLALMISTON [mi gato estrella] (2021)
NOSITLALMISTON [mi gato estrella]: Descubre la conmovedora historia entre Aza y Joy Chan que trasciende la muerte. Descargo de responsabilidad: Si bien aborda temas sensibles como la pérdida, esta película es adecuada para audiencias de todas las edades. Titulo original: “Nositalmiston (Mi gato estrella)“Año: 2021País: MéxicoDirección: Azalea BáalamGuion: Azalea BáalamReparto: Joy Chan y Azalea…
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kaa karoon sajani..
aaye na baalam
khoj rahin hain piya
pardesi akhiyan
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chrismerle · 1 year
so, like, I'm glad Amanda the Adventurer got an expanded game. the demo was fun, and the full game is definitely better than the demo. but at the same time, even having seen every ending and secret tape, it still ... feels like a demo. it brings up a lot of questions and answers literally none of them. what happened to sam? no idea. what's up with wooly? no clue. what happened to rebecca? couldn't tell you. what's up with hameln? your guess is as good as mine. how was kate involved and what happened to her? I'unno. what happens with the kids who get (presumably) absorbed into the tv? beats me. if amanda can just summon her demon form into the attic then what's the point of the entire rigamarole with the tapes and trying to escape the tv? just because. who the fuck shows up at the end if you find everything? it's a mystery!
like, yeah, I put together hameln = hamelin = pied piper. I put together the bye yell/belial, pie man/paimon, baa lamb/baalam thing. but those are just more details. they don't actually answer any of the questions that have been set up. like, okay, so there's a tv production company trying to summon demons that kidnap children through the tv. but WHY?
and I've seen a lot of people going 'oh, the answers will be in a sequel/DLC' but then that's fucking stupid. why release a game that is ENTIRELY just dangling threads? if the game is that blatantly unfinished, then just ... don't release it yet? instead of going 'pay for the questions, then pay more for literally any answers whatsoever!'
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bornetoblood · 8 months
I need to see your Armored Cores 🔪🔪🔪
I don't have a good pic of the fazbear mech (I'll probably reblog with one tmrw) but I tend to run the songbirds on them with the gattling gun/bazooka and the pile driver or dual flamethrowers (usually for the mech fights). Heavy build cus bear. I just got to chapter 4 so I unlocked all those older mech parts and the second baalam heavy mech peices too I'm winning. I have a tank base too for certain stages I like to switch it up if I'm struggling.
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danzer91 · 25 days
KRISHNA MEERA I कृष्णा मीरा I Official video I Rapperiya Baalam Ft. Jagi...
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thepitofjob · 26 days
Job 17: 6-9. "Spitting."
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The prior frame introduces what are called secondary villages. Secondary villages are "budens on Jehovah", "they are ridiculous." Ridiculous things are monotonous, unncessary trials and tribulations man could easily dispense with.
Every human being does something that is awkward, this is what makes us unique. What makes one ridiculous is failure to be upright as one is attempting to become as interesting as possible.
Bywords are ways one sidesteps good sense in order to be popular. The need to be popular is the opposite of being the Self. This was discussed in the story of Baalam in the Torah, which means "to swallow a thing that will destroy you."
"The verb בלע (bala') means to swallow with the implication of destruction of what was swallowed. Noun בלע (bela) means either a swallowing and by implication: a destruction, or a thing swallowed or destroyed.
The verb עמם ('mm) probably expressed to be inclusive or comprehensive. Its rare uses in the Bible relate to making secrets or making info available to an in-crowd. Preposition עם ('im) means 'with', מעם (me'im) means 'from', and עמה ('umma) means 'beside'. Noun עם ('am) means a people, ranging from all of mankind to the in-crowd of a small village. Noun עם ('am) refers to one's (paternal) kinsman."
6 “God has made me a byword to everyone,     a man in whose face people spit. 7 My eyes have grown dim with grief;     my whole frame is but a shadow. 8 The upright are appalled at this;     the innocent are aroused against the ungodly. 9 Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways,     and those with clean hands will grow stronger.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 6: God has made me a byword. "There is no me in team." They say right before they do that clapping thing on the football team. Very strange.
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What does it mean to spit in the face? Lying to someon's face is a sin, covered in Metzorah. Anyone with a dirty discharge, a man whose penis emissions are diseased, a male fornicator or adulterer who lies about it is doubly condemned. The behavior, the betrayal can even de done in a non-verbal way within the thoughts:
8 “‘If the man with the discharge spits on anyone who is clean, they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.
The Value in Gematria is 1525, "let it be" the load, the lot, the burden, the levy, the imposition= do not bother with such a person.
"...Hebrew minds looks at activity, not appearance. And it's when these animals begin to move around that their characteristics show. Cows graze or lie down and chew the cud. Horses however can be seen racing along the hills, in tight packs or alone. Horses are swift, may turn abruptly, shear the meadows like... swallows in flight."
The Number for the verse from Job is 4755, םזןה‎, mezna, "be frugal, modest, austere."
To chew the cud is to retrain the mouth to speak like a young lady or a gentleman just like the Torah instructs. This has an impact on the subtle language in the mind and its hold over the rest of the body:
v. 7-8: My whole frame is but a shadow. Frames are mentioned in Bemidbar. A stage of life called a Merarite, a smelly boy, is when one must begin to frame the thoughts in the mind in light, not in the shadows.
36 The Merarites were appointed to take care of the frames of the tabernacle, its crossbars, posts, bases, all its equipment, and everything related to their use, 37 as well as the posts of the surrounding courtyard with their bases, tent pegs and ropes.
38 Moses and Aaron and his sons were to camp to the east of the tabernacle, toward the sunrise, in front of the tent of meeting. They were responsible for the care of the sanctuary on behalf of the Israelites. Anyone else who approached the sanctuary was to be put to death.
"The young, who are bitter strong, ignorant and smelly and stubborn, who are waking up, must be read and study the Parshiot and invoke the Foundation of the religion. Anyone who remains in darkness, who chooses not to be sentient is already dead."
The Number is 10018, קיח‎, "sputum." Back to spit again: Sputum removes the need to cause contempt:
"The verb ירק (yaraq II) means to spit. It occurs twice, in Numbers 12:14 and Deuteronomy 25:9, both as demonstrations of contempt, perhaps in the sense of to belittle (or in this case make thin). Some scholars contest that this verb is from a whole other root and place it among the green-words. It's also not unthinkable that showing contempt by means of spitting in someone's face went along with verbal abuse, wishing the recipient pale green eruptions on the skin.
The verb πτυω (ptuo) means to spit, to forcibly eject saliva through one's puckered lips (Mark 7:33, 8:23 and John 9:6 only). Despite its rarity in the Bible, this verb describes a surprisingly crucial exercise. Jesus used his spit to heal deaf and blind people, and after his arrest he is spat upon (see εμπτυω, emptuo, below).
As we discuss in our article on βδεω (bdeo), to fart, the mouth is where food is first introduced to the digestive system, and if this system isn't functioning properly, excessive flatulence may be the result. Since eating and learning (the intake of raw information to be chewed and then decompiled and sorted for useful elements to be incorporated into our mind, and not useful elements to be rejected and "forgotten") are highly similar processes, the anonymous dispensation of bad smelling flatulence is self-similar to the covert spreading of fear and unease.
As we point out in our article on the verb δακρυω (dakruo), to shed tears, spit is one of a few forms of bodily water (tears, urine, sweat, spit) that serve to rid the body of dirt, waste and excess heat."
v. 9: Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger. The Number is חהדט, hadat, "through the religion, the voice of heaven."
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christophe76460 · 3 months
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TEXTE : NOMBRES 22 : 1 - 21 ; MATTHIEU 6 : 24 ; 2 PIERRE 2 : 15 ;
JUDE 11 ; APOCALYPSE 2 : 14 ; 2 PIERRE 2 : 1 - 3 ; 1 TIMOTHÉE 6 : 3-10
2 COR. 8 : 1 - 24.
Frères et sœurs, qu'elle doit être l'attitude du serviteur de Dieu en matière d'argent ? Cette question très importante touche des points tellement pratiques qu'une entière clarté est indispensable pour que le serviteur puisse toujours agir correctement, car personne ne peut éviter le contact avec " Mammon ".
Il faut réaliser avant tout que Mammon s'oppose à Dieu. Aussi de peur de tomber en son pouvoir, les serviteurs de Dieu doivent-ils être sur leurs gardes ; car, s'il devait avoir quelque emprise sur leurs vies, ils seraient incapables de venir en aide au peuple de Dieu pour résister à ses assauts insidieux. Cette question de l'argent posant des problèmes universellement répandus, nous nous entretiendrons un peu sur ce sujet.
Remarquons , tout d'abord, le rapport qu'il y a entre l'argent et le comportement ainsi que l'enseignement du serviteur. L'histoire de Baalam, relatée dans l' Ancien Testament et le Nouveau Testament, illustre bien ce problème. Dans le livre de l' Apocalypse, il est question de " la voie de Baalam "et de " l'enseignement de Baalam " ; comme certains serviteurs d'aujourd'hui, Baalam était un prophète qui travaillait pour obtenir une rémunération. Il commercialisait le ministère prophétique. Balak , roi de Moab , avait à cœur la destruction du peuple de Dieu, et il prit à son service Baalam pour qu'il maudisse, mais Baalam n'ignorait pas la pensée de Dieu et savait bien que son peuple jouissait de la bénédiction divine. Dieu lui avait, en outre, clairement dit de ne pas accepter la demande de Balak. Mais l'appât du gain l'attirait.
Comment pourrait -il l'obtenir ? Il essaie de persuader Dieu de changer Sa décision. Aussi, fit-il tout pour mettre son plan à exécution ; et il réussit à merveille, Dieu lui permettant effectivement d'accomplir ce qu'il avait précédemment défendu !
En réalité, Baalam n'aurait jamais fait une telle demande à l' Éternel, s'il n'avait pas caressé l'espoir d'un gain, et lorsque le résultat de sa première requête se traduisit par un refus très net, il n'y avait évidemment pas de nécessité d'en faire une deuxième.
Lorsque Dieu permit à Baalam de partir, avec les princes de Balak, ce n'était pas pour approuver la mission de Baalam, mais simplement pour lui permettre de s'engager dans la voie qu'il avait lui-même choisie.
Balaam était incontestablement un prophète, mais il permit à l'influence subtile de l'argent d'affecter son ministère et le conduire dans des voies d'égarement.
Le serviteur du Seigneur qui n'a pas tranché la question d'argent tombera forcément sous l'empire de Mammon. Lorsqu'il devra choisir le lieu de ses activités, il sera certainement influencé par le facteur financier. S'il ne peut trouver de l'appui en un certain lieu, il ira ailleurs. Tout serviteurs de Dieu doit être complètement libéré de l'esclavage de l'argent . Il est écrit : " Nul ne peut servir deux maîtres... Vous ne pouvez servir Dieu et Mammon " . ( Matthieu 6 : 24 ). Un chretien d'un certain âge remarquait un jour : " Combien nombreux sont les serviteurs de Dieu que les intérêts financiers dirigent !
Notez comme les régions pauvres manquent de serviteurs tandis que les zones urbaines en sont bien pourvues ".
Si le Dieu que nous servons est le Dieu vivant, ne pouvons -nous pas, en toute confiance, nous rendre, où que ce soit, sur son ordre ? Par contre, s 'Il n'est pas le Dieu vivant, pourquoi continuer à Le servir ? Oh ! combien il est honteux de chercher ses propres intérêts sous prétexte de servir Jésus Christ. ET ce danger menace tout serviteur de Dieu.
En parlant de ceux qui suivent " la voie de Balaam ", l'apôtre Pierre écrit, dans sa deuxième épître : " Ils ont le cœur exercé à la cupidité... après avoir quitté le droit chemin, ils se sont égarés en suivant la voie de Balaam... qui aima le salaire de l'iniquité " ( 2 Pierre 2 : 15 ).
Comprenne qui pourra.
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fatuaanser · 3 months
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lyricsssdotin · 3 months
Padharo Maare Des Lyrics
Singer:Shankar MahadevanAlbum:Bandish Bandits Ho saajan saajan main karoonTo saajan jeev jadiSaajan phool gulaab roSunghu ghadi ghadi Ho ji kasariya baalam aavo niPadharo maare des rePadharo maare des rePadharo maare des re Maaru thara desh meinNipje teen ratanEk dhola ek marmanTejo kasuman rang re Ho ji kesariya balam aavo niPadharo maare des rePadharo maare des rePadharo maare…
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amidourstars · 9 months
"but baalam's ass had suddenly spoken" takes me out every single time
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pletnet · 5 months
Entrevista con Azalea Baalam: Música, cultura y el renacimiento de lenguas indígenas
Descubre c��mo Azalea Baalam fusiona música pop con lenguas indígenas en una emotiva entrevista sobre cultura y pasión. Nombre: Azalea BáalamPaís: MéxicoDisciplina artística: Música, CineSitio web: https://linktr.ee/azaleabaalam Redes Sociales: Facebook Instagram YouTube Threads Apoyo para el Desarrollo Artístico de este Proyecto. Nota importante: Esta donación está destinada directamente…
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vizualoverdose · 10 months
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An Angel Appears to Baalam (detail) - Gustave Doré, 1880.
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memorableconcerts · 1 year
Falecido Alves Dos Reis - "À Noite" - 1988
Grupo do Porto formado em Outubro de 1987 pelos ex-Neo Mono Var, ex-Bar Beletta e ex-X-Position, Quim Coutinho (Kim C), Eduardo "Búfalo" Correia e por José Pedro Guimarães e Mário Soares (Marinho Cowboy). A estreia deu-se em 1988 no Pub Luís Armastrondo no Porto. Participam também no Concurso de Música Moderna Portuguesa do Rock Rendez Vous desse ano sendo que aparecem na compilação "Registos" com o tema "À Noite". Dados os bons conhecimentos de que dispunham junto dos promotores dos espectáculos, fizeram as primeiras partes dos concertos dados na Invicta por The Mission, Baalam & The Angels e Peter Murphy. Depois mudariam de nome para Alucina Eugénio. O som já seria outro, de acordo com as novas modas…
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