#baby bat ~c: missy~
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Best Daughter Ever: Chapter 1 “I am Iron Man” pt 1
A/N: this story is kind of going to be an AU. There are specific things that will happen in this story that aren’t canon and there are things that won’t happen that are canon. For example, in the future Steve is going to be closer to Tony and Y/N than in the canon MCU. I hope all of this makes sense. Also, let me know if you would like to be included in my taglist. 
Word count: 3,652
General Masterlist
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Y/N sat in the living room of the Malibu house. Her dad was supposed to be on a plane to Afghanistan for a weapons presentation. But, being Tony Stark, he was in his lab working on his hot rod. 
Taking over Stark Industries had definitely been hard on Tony back when he was 21. But getting married at 30 and having a kid at 30 was stressful as well. Not to mention that his wife died and he was a single parent. Tony had lost himself in grief and stress. He gambled, he drank, and he spent a lot of his time in his garage. But he did make sure to spend time with his daughter. 
Pepper just walked in with the clothes of some woman that spent the night. Y/N figured it was a friend of her dad’s, but she wasn’t so sure about the ‘friend’ part because she was wearing her dad’s shirt from last night with nothing under it but her undergarments. As to not get in trouble for eavesdropping, she placed some wireless headphones on and played ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ on her StarkTablet. 
“I’ve got your clothes here. They’ve been dry-cleaned and pressed, and there’s a car waiting for you outside that will take you anywhere you’d like to go,” Pepper spoke professionally. Anyone looking at her, whether they knew her or not, could tell that she was uncomfortable. 
The lady walked forward. 
“You must be the famous Pepper Potts,” she spoke. Pepper smiled and clasped her hands together. 
“Indeed I am.”
“After all these years, Tony still has you picking up his laundry?” The woman jabbed. Pepper looked shocked but quickly recovered.
“I do anything and everything Mr. Stark requires, including, occasionally, taking out the trash. Will that be all?” she asked sweetly. The woman looked taken aback but cleared her throat, turned around, and walked away. 
Y/N looked up from her tablet and met Pepper’s smirk. 
“How’d I do?” Pepper asked. Y/N looked back down and shrugged. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Auntie Pep,” The little girl said, looking back up and flashing her a charming Stark smile and batted her eyelashes. Pepper chuckled and held a hand out to the little Stark. 
“You are your father’s daughter. Come on. Let’s go get your dad,” she laughed. Y/N took off her headphones and set them down along with the tablet. She got off the couch and took Pepper’s hand. 
As the two were walking down the stairs, Pepper got a phone call. Y/N chuckled as she heard Tony’s music blasting throughout the garage. 
Pepper punched in her access code and walked in, making J.A.R.V.I.S pause the music that was blasting. 
“Please don’t turn down my music,” Tony said, not looking up from what he was working on. 
“Come, on Daddy. That song wasn’t even good,” Y/N said, letting go of Pepper’s hand and walking over to her dad. Tony turned around and smiled at his daughter, hoisting her up to sit in his lap with an exaggerated grunt. 
“When did you get so big, missy?” He teased. Y/N giggled and playfully hit her dad on her shoulder, causing him to gasp and feign hurt. 
“You’re supposed to be halfway around the world right now,” Pepper said, after putting her phone away. 
“How’d she take it?” 
“Like a champ,” responded Pepper. Tony lifted up a cover of some sort that went on his car. Y/N watched in admiration as her dad fixed the old car. 
“Why are you trying to hustle me out of here?”
“Your flight was scheduled to leave an hour and a half ago,” Pepper said exasperatedly. Tony put the cover he was looking at down beside him and looked back at the car motor. He pointed out quietly what was what to Y/N who nodded and listened with intrigued eyes.
“That’s funny, I thought that with it being my plane and all, that it would just wait for me to get there,” Tony remarked Y/N giggled, which caused Tony to look at her and smile again. He kissed her cheek, making her squirm away because his goatee was scratchy.
“Don’t encourage him!” Pepper playfully snapped. This caused Y/N to giggle again, but she nodded nonetheless. “Tony, I need to speak to you about a couple of things before I get you out of the door.”
“I mean, doesn’t it kind of defeat the whole purpose of having your own plane if it departs before you arrive?” Tony continued, setting Y/N down and standing up from his stool.
The two adults continued to talk about business stuff while Y/N walked around her dad’s shop. She knew her way around it, but it still amazed her each time. Her father truly was a genius. 
As she walked to a metal table, she sat down on a stool. 
“Hello, Miss Stark,” J.A.R.V. I.S spoke. 
“Hello, JARVIS,” the little girl replied softly. 
She listened in on her dad’s conversation, something about buying something unnecessary. 
“I’m allowed to have plans on my birthday,” Pepper said. 
“Oh! Daddy it’s Pepper’s birthday!” Y/N called out cheekily. Tony rolled his eyes at his daughter but smiled. 
“I caught that,” he said. “I knew it was. Already?”
“Yeah. Isn’t that strange? It’s the same day as last year,” Pepper said teasingly. Tony looked at her adoringly. 
“Get yourself something nice from me,” he said softly. Pepper smirked. 
“I already did.”
“Oh, it was very nice. Very tasteful. Thank you, mister Stark,” Pepper said, smiling. Tony smiled bacl. 
“You’re welcom, Miss Potts,” Tony replied. Y/N coughed. 
“Daddy, don’t you have a plan to catch for halfway around the world?” Y/N teased, breaking the silence. 
Tony turned to his daughter and stalked toward her playfully. 
“Are you trying to get rid of my, princess?” He asked, getting closer. Y/N squealed and got off the stool, running away from him. 
Tony let out a playful roar and caught up to her, picking her up from behind and blowing raspberries on her neck. Y/N squealed as he did so, squirming. 
“Daddy, stop!” 
As the two Starks drove down the highway towards the airport, metal music blasted. Tony never liked going anywhere without his daughter, considering that’s how his wife ended up dead. But, there was no possible way that he was taking his daughter to Afghanistan. 
Speeding into the airport with Happy behind them, Tony came to a screeching halt. Y/N looked up at the plan and saw Rhodey standing at the top of the stairs. 
“Hey, Uncle Rhodey!” Y/N screamed from the passenger side of the car. Rhoday chuckled and waved back. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said.
Tony got out, laughing. 
“You’re good. Oh, I thought I lost you back there,” he called out to Happy as he got out of the car. Happy opened the trunk to the black car and got Tony’s lugage out. 
“You did, sir. I had to cut across Mullahound,” Happy said dryly. Tony nodded and walked around to where Y/N stood in front of the Audi. He crouched down and took his daughter’s hands. 
“Alright, baby. I’ve got to go,” He said, looking into her e/c eyes. Y/N pouted. 
“Do you have to?” she whined. Tony raised his hand and brushed her curly, brown hair out of the way from where the wind had blown it in her face. 
“Yeah I do. How else am i going to buy you everything?” He aske dsmiling. The girl pouted but nodded. “ I love you, so much.” He said, kissing her forehead, then pulling her into a hug. 
“I love you too, daddy,” she said into his shoulder. 
After a few minutes, Tony pulled back. 
“I’ve got to go now. Aunt Pepper will be there when you go to bed and Happy will stay at the house until she gets there. Be good for them,” Tony instructed. Y/N nodded. Tony placed one last kiss on her forhead and stood up. She watched as he walked to the stairs leading up to the plane. 
“What is wrong with you?’ Rhodey asked. Tony looked up there and shrugged. 
“Three hours,” Rhodey deadpaned. 
“I got caught doing a piece for Vanity Fair,” Tony said as he climbed up the stairs, Happy trailing behind him. 
“For three hours For three hours you got me standing here,” Rhodey said. Tony walked past him and into the plane. 
“Waiting on you now.”
 Y/N sat in her bed, waiting on Pepper. She was watching TV when pepper walked in, tears running down her face. 
“Auntie Pep? What’s wrong?” The little girl asked. Pepper walked over and sat down beside the young Stark. 
“Sweetie. Um, your father. He, uh, he went miss..missing in Afghanistan. There was a bombing and he was kidnapped, they suspect,” Pepper choked out. Tears sprung in Y/N’s eyes. 
“Daddy’s missing?” she asked in a small voice. Pepper nodded, wiping her tears off and sniffling. Tears began to make their way down Y/N’s face. 
“Yes, sweetheart. He is. You’re going to stay with Uncle Rhodey until they find him. It shouldn’t be long.’
But it was long. It was three months. Three, long months without her father. She cried herself to sleep everynight for the first month. Then, for the next too, she barely slept. 
All Rhodey could do was watch helplessly as his goddaughter lost sleep and missed her dad. He did everything he could to make her feel better. They even started staying at the Malibu house just so she could sleep in his bed.  While she waited on her father, Y/N was no longer the happy little girl that she used to be.
As news reports told about the accident, they let it slip that the famous Tony Stark had a daughter. This caused for Rhodey to basically place her under a lockdown, barely leaving the house. 
When they got news that Tony was found, Y/N burst out into tears. Rhodey cradled the girl in his arms as he thanked whoever was out there that Tony was alive. 
Y/N went to the airport and waited with Pepper and Happy, since Rhodey was the one to go get him. When the gate let down on the back of the plane, Rhodey was helping Tony up from a wheelchair. His arm was in a sling and he was holding Rhodey’s hand as they walked down the ramp. Y/N began crying as she let go of Pepper’s hand. 
“DADDY!” The little girl screamed. She waited until the two best friends were off the ramp to run to him. Tony’s face broke out into a smile at the sight of his beautiful little girl. 
Tony, with the help of Rhodey, kneeled on the ground and Y/N launched herself at her dad. She was mindful of his hurt arm. She cried in his suit jacket as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Tony got chocked up as he wrapped his good arm around her. She smelt like home. Oh, how he missed her.
“Hey, princess. It’s alright. I’m right here,” he whispered into her hair. Pulling back, he admired her. While stuck in the cave, he didn’t know if he was going to see her ever again. 
“What happened?” Y/N asked, sniffling. She then felt a hard thing under his shirt, right in the middle of his chest. She tilted her head to the side and placed a hand on the hard piece of metal. Tony smiled and shook his head. 
“I got caught by some bad guys. But I’m Tony Stark, so I found a way out of there. And about this thing, some scrap pieces of metal got stuck in my chest and thus was the only way to keep me alive. Its a tinier version of the arc reactor at lab,” he explained. The little girl just hugged him again. Tony stood up, bringing her with him. He settled her on his hip and walked towards Pepper. 
“Hmm. Your eyes are red. A few tears for your long lost boss?” Tony asked the woman. Pepper smiled. 
“Tears of joy. I hate job hunting,” she replied. Tony’s lip quirked up at the corners and walked past her and to his car. 
“Yeah, vacation’s over.”
Sitting in the car, Tony set Y/N beside him, allowing her to curl up into his left side. Tony wrapped his arm around her and kissed her hair. 
“Where to, sir?” Happy asked from the driver’s seat. 
“Take us to the hospital, please, Happy.”
“No.” Tony said. 
“No? Tony you have to go-”
“No is a complete answer.’
“-to the hospital. A doctor has to-”
“I don’t have to do anything.”
“- look at you.” Pepper finished. 
“I’ve been in captivity for three months. There are three things I want to do; I want an American cheeseburger. I want to hold my daughter, and the other…”
“That’s enough of that.” 
“...is not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference now.” Tony finished. Pepper looked at him.
“Call for a press conference?” she asked. 
“Yeah. Hogan, drive.” 
“What on earth for?”
“Cheeseburger first.”
After stopping at Burger King for three cheeseburgers, they made it to Stark Industries. Reporters and workers were lined up outside the door. Obie was waiting on them opening the door for Tony as they pulled up. 
“There he is. Ah. Tony,” he said, pulling Tony into a hug when he stepped out of the car. Tony wiped his mouth and hugged him back, Y/N getting out behind him. “We were gonna meet you at the hospital.”
“No, I’m fine,” Tony replied, throwing his napkin in the car. Happy walked around the car and held the Burger King bag out for Tony, who reached in and pulled out his second cheeseburger. 
Pepper walked over and motioned for her to follow her dad, who was talking to Obie about having to get a cheeseburger. 
Once they arrived in the press conference room, applause immediately sounded as Tony walked into the room. He had just finished his burger, meaning he was still chewing. 
Tony stopped for a moment, turning around and looking for his daughter. She was watching him from beside Pepper. With a jerk of his head, the little girl walked to her dad with a huge smile on her face. Tony grabbed her hand, smiling down at her. 
The two walked in between reporters who were desperate for news.  Arriving at the platform, Obie stepped behind the microphone and quieted the reporters down. Tony just sat down on the steps in front of the stand, allowing Y/N to sit beside him. He wrapped his arm around her, tucking her into his side. 
“Hey, would it be alright if everyone just sat down?” He asked,pulling out a cheeseburger from his suit pocket. “Why don’t you just sit down? That way you can see me and I can… a little less formal and..” 
Everyone sat down, including Obie who sat beside Tony. Tony looked over to Obie and muttered a ‘good to see you.’
“I never got to say goodbye to my father.” Tony started. Y/N made a shocked face and looked up at him. Tony just glanced down at her and smiled. “There were questions I would’ve asked him. I would’ve asked him how he felt about what this company did. If he was conflicted, if he ever had any doubts. Or maybe he was every inch the man we all remember from the newsreels.” 
Flashes were going off as he spoke. Y/N wondered why she was talking about her grandfather, he never talked about him. Especially to the public. 
“I saw young Americans killed by the very weapons I created to defend and protect them. And I saw that I.. had become part of a system that is comfortable with zero accountability.” Tony explained. A young reporter raised his hand on the front row. 
“Mr. Stark.” He said. Tony looked at him and nodded. 
“Hey, Ben”
“What happened over there?”
There was a beat of silence before Tony got up, Y/N scrambling up with him and taking his hand. 
“I-I had my eyes opened. I cam to realize that I have more to offer thus world than just things that blow up,” he said, a hint of anger in his voice. He walked around to platform and stood behind the microphone. “And that is why, effective immediately, I am shutting down the weapons manufacturing division of Stark International-” 
This caused an uproar of noise. The reporters were talking over each other to get his attention. Y/N shrunk into her father’s side, not liking the loud noises.
“-until such a time as I can decide what the future of the company will be,” He finished. Obie grabbed him by the shoulders and talked over Tony through the microphone. 
Tony picked his daughter up and placed her on his hip, stepping back in front of the microphone. 
“I don’t want my daughter to grow up in a world with violence. I understand that violence is inevitable, but I will do the best i can to keep her away from it all. Manufacturing weapons is not doing that,” Tony explained, effectively quieting the reporters. He walked down the steps, ignoring the reporters clamoring. He kissed Y/N’s head, allowing her to tuck her head into the crook of his neck. 
“What we can take away from this is that, Tony is back. And healthier than ever.”
Tony wanted to go to the lab at Stark Industries. So, Happy drove him there and Y/N waited in the car, watching as Obie drove up on a Segway. He looked unhappy and walked in, leaving Happy to deal with the Segway. 
Y/N took out her Starktablet from her bag she takes with her everywhere, and pulled up a movie. She had recently been exposed to the Harry Potter series, obviously she read the books first. Taking out her earphones, she pulled up the 3rd movie, Prisoner of Azkaban.
Arriving home, Tony immediately went downstairs. Y/N sighed and went to her room, wishing her would watch a movie with her and cuddle. 
A few hours later, J.A.R.V.I.S announced that her father requested her in the lab. She paused her movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and got up. Dumbledore had just walked into the room, screaming at Harry for ‘putting his name in the Goblet of Fire.”
When she got there, she saw that Dum-E and the other robots had cleared some room and placed a metal table-like thing in the room, along with some monitors that looked suspiciously like an EKG monitor. 
“Alright, princess. I need you to help me with something,” he said, turning her attention to him. She gasped as she walked over to her father, looking at the reactor in her dads chest. Reaching out, she brushed her fingers against the cool metal. She grinned up at her dad.
“This is so cool,” she whispered excitedly. Tony grinned down at her and laughed. Dum-E brought over what looked like a better version of the reactor.
“You really are my daughter. Ok. I need your help. I need to swap this old one out for the new one,” he explained, holding up the new arc reactor. Y/N nodded and shook her hands out. “Ah, no. You have to be careful. There is an exposed wire under this device that is touching is making contact with the socket wall and causing a short,” he explained, taking out the old reactor. Y/N watched closley as he pulled it out, exposing a wire attached to it that went deep into his chest cavity. 
“Ok. I’m assuming you want me to get the wire, pull it out, and then reconnect the new reactor?’
Tony grinned at her proudly and nodded. 
“Exactly. But be careful, if you touch the sides with the wire or pull out the magnet,  I could go into cardiac arrest,” he said nonchalantly. Y/N gawked at him.
“Ok.. Grey’s Anatomy don’t fail me now,” she whispered. Tony chuckled. 
Y/N reached into the hole and searched around for the wire. 
“Wh-what is this in  here? Is that discharge?” she exclaimed.
“Yes it is. Just get the wire.” 
Y/N searched for the wire until she found it. She carefully pulled it out, being sure not to touch the sides. 
“Ok. Ok. Good now just don’t-”
She pulled out the magnet. 
“-pull out the magnet. Ok. It’s ok.”
The EKG started flat-lining, making her panic, She really wanted to page Dr. Yang, and charge to 200. Maybe even page Dr. Shepard just to be safe.  But, her dad seemed fine. 
“Daddy you’re going into cardiac arrest though!”
“I know. Just put the new reactor in, attaching the wires to the base plate,” he said, handing her the new reactor. She reached in, and attached the wires to the base plate like her said. He exclaimed when she did, making the heart monitors come back and set them at a steady rhythm. 
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief and she dropped her head onto her dad’s chest. She then playfully swatted it.
“You can’t give me a heart attack at 8, daddy,” Y/n scolded. Tony laughed and ran his hand over her hair. She lifted her head and look at her dad. Tony sat up and kissed her forehead. 
“I love you, princess.”
“I love you too, Daddy.” she says, then glances at the old reactor. “What are you going to do with the old reactor?” 
Tony glanced her her, then turned back to whatever he was doing with Dum-E. 
“Throw it away. Incinerate it,” he said without any care. Y/N frowned and furrowed her eyebrows. 
“You don’t want to keep it?”
“Nope,” came his response. Y/N grabbed it and looked at it. 
“Well, I’m keeping it. Now, can you come watch some movies with me? You literally just got back from a foreign country where you were kept as a hostage,” she deadpanned. Tony chuckled, but tossed a shirt on and grabbed her hand. 
“Yes, let’s go. What are we watching?”
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therandombanjo · 5 years
Songs From 2019 (one per artist)
Another mixed bag of stuff i either enjoyed a lot, thought was excellent or interesting (regardless of taste… sort of), emerging artists to maybe look out for, and generally music that for whatever reason connected with me in some way, including the odd earworm i just couldn’t shake. Some artists are left off just to vary a little more from some other popular lists. Hope you enjoy some of this too and find something new to be taken by. Please do buy their music if you can and hopefully from a local independent record store if possible to support their work. There’s a spotify playlist (below) for easier listening but I’ve also posted a few links to extra things on some of them if you want to check them out.  Spotify:
(As ever…. as i don’t tumblr or blog or anything (besides this list), this won’t be seen by many (if any?) people so if you like it or think it’s of any worth in any way, please do share this along)
In Alphabetical order:
A.A. Bondy - Killers 3 Abdallah Oumbadougou - Thingalene Alasdair Roberts - Common Clay Alex Rex - Latest Regret Andy Shauf - Try Again Angel Bat Dawid - We Are Starzz Angel Olsen - All Mirrors        bonus. her collab with Mark Ronson “True Blue” Anne Müller - Solo? Repeat! Antoinette Konan - Kokoloko Tani Arthur Russell - Words Of Love Asmâa Hamzaoui and Bnat Timbouktou - Sandia Baby Rose - All To Myself BCI - Grateful Bedouine - When You’re Gone Benny The Butcher - Crowns For Kings      ft. Black Thought Ben Walker - Afon Better Oblivion Community Center - Chesapeake Beverly Glenn-Copeland - A Little Talk     (from a reissue of her 2004 record Primal Prayer) Bibio - Curls The Big Moon - It’s Easy Then Big Thief - a. Not    b. Cattails    (from 2 excellent albums released in the same year: “U.F.O.F” and “Two Hands”) Bill Callahan - a. What Comes After Certainty    b. The Ballad Of The Hulk Bill Fay - Filled With Wonder Once Again Bill Orcutt - Odds Against Tomorrow billy woods - a. Spongebob w/ Kenny Segal     b. Western Education Is Forbidden    ft. Fielded        (From 2 excellent records this year: “Hiding Places” with Kenny Segal, and “Terror Management”) Black Country, New Road - Sunglasses Blu & Oh No - The Lost Angels Anthem    ft. Kezia Bon Iver - Hey, Ma Bonnie “Prince” Billy - Beast For Thee Bonny Light Horseman - Bonny Light Horseman      (”supergroup” of the great Anaïs Mitchell, Eric D Johnson & Josh Kaufman) Brent Cobb & Jade Bird - Feet Off The Ground Brighde Chaimbeul -  O Chiadain an Lo Brigyn - Oer Brittany Howard - Stay High    (the video for this, with Terry Crews, is a delight) Bruce Hornsby - Voyager One    ft. yMusic Burd Ellen - Sweet Lemany Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh and Thomas Bartlett - Kestrel Caribou - You and I Caroline Polachek - Door Cate Le Bon - Daylight Matters Caterina Barbieri - Arrows Of Time Clairo - Bags Cochemea - Mitote comfort - Not Passing The Cool Greenhouse - Cardboard Man    (a pretty hilarious song about David Cameron) CRAC - You Can’t Turn Your Back On Me    (Unreleased old track from ‘76) Cross Record - PYSOL My Castle CZ Wang and Neo Image - Just Off Wave Damon Locks / Black Monument Ensemble - a. Rebuild a Nation   b. Power Daniel Norgren - The Flow Danny Brown - Dirty Laundry Daphni - Sizzling    ft. Paradise Daughter Of Swords - Fellows      (Mountain Man member Alexandra Sauser-Monnig’s 1st solo record) Dave - Psycho David Kilgour - Smoke You Right Out Of Here David Thomas Broughton - Ambiguity     (from the 15th anniversary reissue of his remarkable debut album, The Complete Guide To Insufficiency) Denzel Curry - RICKY Destroyer - Crimson Tide Dry Cleaning - Dog Proposal Dubi Dolczek - Do The Gloop Durand Jones & The Indications - Long Way Home Ela Orleans - The Season      (From 2012 but on a career retrospective, Movies For Ears, put out this year) Elkhorn - Song Of The Son Emile Mosseri - a. The Last Black Man In San Francisco b. San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)    ft. Mike Marshall         (both from the wonderful score for the wonderful film The Last Black Man In San Francisco, the latter a cover of an old song sung here by the guy who sang “I Got 5 On It”!!) Erland Cooper - Haar Ernest Hood - Saturday Morning Doze        (from a re-issue of his “self-released proto-ambient masterpiece” in ‘75) Fat White Family - Feet Faye Webster - Room Temperature Fennesz - In My Room Fernando Falcão -  As 7 Filhas Da Rainha Sumaia     (reissue from ‘87) FKA twigs - cellophane Florist - Shadow Bloom Flowdan - Welcome To London Fontaines D.C. - Roy’s Tune Four Tet / KH - Only Human French Vanilla - All The Time Gang Starr - Family and Loyalty   ft. J. Cole Georgia - About Work The Dancefloor Girl Band - Shoulderblades The Good Ones - Will You Be My Protector?   (of Rwanda) Grand Veymont - Les Rapides Bleus       (of France) Gyedu-Blay Ambolley - Sunkwa     (of Ghana) Hailaker - Not Much HAIM - Summer GIrl Hana Vu - Actress Hand Habits - placeholder Hannah Cohen - Get In Line The Harlem Gospel Travellers - If You Can’t Make It Through A Storm Hayden Thorpe - Diviner     (Former Wild Beasts frontman’s debut solo record) Helado Negro - Running The Highwomen - Redesigning Women Hiss Golden Messenger - I Need A Teacher Holly Herndon - Frontier Homeboy Sandman - Far Out Hoops - They Say Hotel Neon & Blurstem - Language Of Loss House and Land - Rainbow ‘Mid Life’s Willows Ibibio Sound Machine - Wanna Come Down IDER - Saddest Generation The Innocence Mission - On Your Side International Teachers Of Pop - I Stole Yer Plimsoles    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) Jacken Elswyth - The Banks Of Green Williow Jaimie Branch - nuevo roquero estéreo Jake Xerxes Fussell - The River St. Johns Jamila Woods - ZORA Jayda G - Leave Room 2 Breathe Jenny Hval - Ashes To Ashes       Jenny Lewis - Red Bull and Hennessy Jesca Hoop - Outside of Eden     ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) and Jesca’s 12 year-old nephew Justis. This live performance is so sweet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUPmE_hU7Ss Jessica Pratt - As The World Turns Joanna Sternberg - This Is Not Who I Want To Be Joan Shelley - Cycle John Blek - North Star Lady Jordan Rakei - Say Something        bonus. under his DJ pseudonym: Dan Kye - Focus Jo Schornikow - Incomplete Joseph Shabason - West of Heaven Julianna Barwick - evening Junius Paul - Baker’s Dozen Kali Malone - Spectacle Of Ritual Kate Teague - Sweetheart Kate Tempest - a. Firesmoke    b. People’s Faces Kelly Moran - Halogen (Una Corda)       (from a record full of all the bare piano parts she played for her prior record before all the editing and processing) Kim Gordon - Air BnB Kindness - Hard To Believe     ft. Jazmine Sullivan KOKOKO! - Buka Dansa     (Congolese collective upcycling discarded materials to make their instruments) Konradsen - Baby Hallelujah     (of Norway) Lambchop - Everything For You Laura Cannell - a. Sing As The Crow Flies     b. Flaxen Fields Laura Stevenson - Lay Back, Arms Out Le Groupe Obscur -  Planète Ténèbres Leonard Cohen - Happens To The Heart Leo Svirsky - River Without Banks Little Simz - 101 FM Lizzo - Tempo   ft. Missy Elliot Loren Conors & Daniel Carter - Departing Lou Roy - Bite Low Chord - Walkk Lower Dens - Galapagos Mahalia - What You Did    ft. Ella Mai Majja - Black James Dean Maria Somerville - This Way Maria Usbeck - Amor Anciano Mary Halvorson & John Dieterich - Vega’s Array      (Mary the recipient of the MacArthur “Genius” Grant this year, because she is) Mary Lattimore & Mac McCaughan - IV Matana Roberts - As Far As The Eye Can See Meitei - Ike Melanie Charles - Trill Suite, No. 1 (Daydreaming/Skylark) The Menzingers - Anna Messiahs Of Glory - No Other Love      (from a collection of rare black gospel from the Midwest between ‘65-’78 put out on Tompkins Square) Mica Levi - a. Hosting     b. Lobo y Lady (from the excellent Colombian film Monos) Michael Abels - a. I Got 5 On It (Tethered Mix)    b. Pas De Deux (both from the terrific score to the excellent Jordan Peele film, Us) Michael Kiwanuka - Living In Denial Michael Nau - Poor Condition Mike Adams At His Honest Weight - Wonderful To Love Minor Pieces - Rothko      (duo of Ian William Craig & newcomer Missy Donaldson) Modern Nature - Footsteps Molly Sarlé - Twisted      (Mountain Man member’s 1st solo record) Moodymann - I’ll Provide Moon Duo - Stars Are The Light Moor Mother - After Images Moses Boyd - Stranger Than Fiction Moses Sumney - Polly Mount Eerie & Julie Doiron - Love Without Possession MSYLMA - Inqirad (Rihab-U Dhakir)     (Saudi Arabia) The Murder Capital - Don’t Cling To Life Nardeydey - Freefalling The National - Rylan   ft. Kate Stables (of This Is The Kit) The New Pornographers - Falling Down The Stairs Of Your Smile Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - a. Waiting For You   b. Bright Horses   c. Night Raid Nivhek - After Its Own Death: Side A    (Liz Harris of Grouper) Noname - Song 32 Octo Octa - Move Your Body ODD OKODDO - Auma      (Kenyan/German duo) Øyvind Torvund - Starry Night      (Norwegian composer) Pet Shop Boys - Burning The Heather Petter Eldh - Fanfarum for Komarum II Porridge Radio - Give/Take PREGOBLIN - Combustion Purple Mountains - a. Snow Is Falling In Manhattan    b. All My Happiness Is Gone   c. That’s Just The Way That I Feel Quelle Chris - Obamacare Quinie - Whas At The Windy Rapsody - Ibtihaj   ft. D’Angelo & GZA Reb Fountain - Faster Rian Treanor - ATAXIA_A1 Richard Dawson - Two Halves Robert Stillman - All Are Welcome Róisín Murphy - Incapable Rosalía - Milionària Rosenau & Sanborn - Saturday Rozi Plain - Symmetrical Ruth Garbus - Strash Sam Lee - The Moon Shines Bright   ft. Elizabeth Fraser (of Cocteau Twins) Sam Wilkes - Run Sandro Perri - Soft Landing SAULT - Smile and Go Seabuckthorn - To Which The Rest Were Dreamt serpentwithfeet - Receipts    ft. Ty Dolla $ign Sessa - Flor do Real         (of Brazil) Sheer Mag - Hardly To Blame Shit and Shine - No No No No Sinead O Brien - A Thing You Call Joy Siobhan Wilson - Plastic Grave Six Organs Of Admittance - Two Forms Moving Sleaford Mods - Kebab Spider Slow Meadow - Artificial Algorithm Snowy - EFFED    ft. Jason Williamson (of Sleaford Mods) SOAK - Knock Me Off My Feet Solange - Binz Sophie Crawford - A Miner’s Life Squid - Houseplants         bonus. Their cover of Robert Wyatt’s  “PIgs..... In There at End of the Road Festival) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DktZtQbo-YU Stella Donnelly - Old Man SUSS - Ursa Major Swamp Dogg - Sleeping Without You Is A Dragg   ft. Justin Vernon & Jenny Lewis Tami T - Birthday  Tenesha The Wordsmith - Why White Folks Can’t Call Me Nigga Theon Cross - Activate     ft. Moses Boyd & Nubya Garcia Thom Yorke - Dawn Chorus Tierra Whack - Wasteland Tim Hecker - That World Tiny Leaves - Respair Toya Delazy - Funani         (of South Africa) Twain - Death (Or S.F.?) Twin Peaks - Dance Through It Tyler Childers - All Your’n Vagabon - Water Me Down Vampire Weekend - This Life Vanishing Twin - Magicians Success Velvet Negroni - Confetti Vendredi Sur Mer - Chewing-Gum      (of France) Victoria Monét - Ass Like That Vieo Abiungo - Cobble Together Visible Cloaks - Stratum      ft. Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano Warmduscher - Midnight Dipper Weyes Blood - Andromeda Wilco - Love Is Everywhere (Beware) William Tyler - Our Lady Of The Desert Willie Scott & The Birmingham Spirituals - Keep Your Faith To The Sky     (from a collection of obscure 70′s era gospel on Luaka Bop, “The Time For Peace Is Now - Gospel Music About Us”) Xylouris White - Tree Song Ye Vagabonds - The Foggy Dew Zsela - Noise
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5sos-bitches-blog · 7 years
Fast Food
*Warning there's some strong language and sexual themes lmao, but yeah feel free to make requests*
"M! to the C! to the D! to the onalds!" You sing, dabbing ridiculously on each letter.
"Baby-we're going, we're going..." Luke grumbles, pulling on his shoes.
"Thank yooou," you sing to him, dancing around only wearing your shorts a sleep tank top.
"Are you a little drunk?" He mused, his eyes lit with subtle amusement. Luke loved when you were drunk, he claimed it's one of his favorite versions of you. You get more sassy, saucy, and spontaneous. He loved watching you be able to just be yourself without any barrier, even if you were kind of foggy.
"Maybe a little..." you giggle, tugging on his arm to get him to move faster.
The night has started with a few drinks with your friends before Luke came home from the studio, but being a lightweight you were feeling pretty good right now.
"Baby you're not wearing any shoes," he noted.
"I am well aware Mr. Hemmings," you wink, instantly giving him half a boner. He shakes his head chuckling to himself.
"Get on my back, I'll carry you to the car." He directed, crouching down for you to climb on.
You giggle, struggling to keep your balance while trying to wrap your legs around his waist.
You finally get yourself situated, your hands in his long curly hair.
"You know you're kinda smelly?" You state matter of factly, inspecting his blonde locks.
"Oh am I?" You could hear the smile in his voice.
"Very much. You need a shower," you proclaim, giggling.
He groans playfully, responding "you better be careful missy, I am the one getting you fast food."
You giggle, knowing he's just messing around with you.
He sets you down and you climb into the passenger seat and put on the seat belt.
"So... we're getting Taco Bell, right?"
“Honey! Im home!” Ashton yells, using his man voice. You smile, loving the feeling of him being around. He had just gotten back from touring only a week ago, and you still couldn't get used to the fact that he was actually physically here.
“I'm in the bath!” You call back, hoping he hears you.
You hear his heavy footsteps clomp up the stairs, where he opens the bathroom door and peeks his head in.
“Oh, there you are.” He smirked, his eyes lit up.
“Here I am,” you flirt, batting your eyes at him.
“I have a surprise,” He announces, still not having fully stepped in the room yet. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to show you.
“Drum roll please!” He announces. You start tapping your hands on the white porcelain of the tub, grinning at him. Suddenly he kicks the door the rest of the way open, showing chinese take out containers from your favorite place.
You squeal excited while shimmying in the bath.
“Okay I'll be out so-”
“No!” He cuts you off abruptly. “I am coming in with you.” He winks, setting the food on the sink and pulling of his clothes. Every time you see him naked it's like the first time. Your hands get sweaty, your face hot. Your eyes drink in every detail they can, from the curve of his neck to the trial of light hair from his bellybutton down…
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Ashton states, wiggling his butt at you. You groan at his lame joke.
“You know how old that joke is right? It's not even a burn anymore.” You laugh, moving to the side of the tub to let him in.
“I know, but it makes sense-Jesus how hot do you keep the water?!” He exclaims, making weird faces as he sinks into the molten water.
“Toughen up,” You retort. Ashton pulls the food out of the bag, handing you yours along with a fork. You still hadn’t quite mastered how to use chopsticks, no matter how many times ashton tried to teach you.
“Hey, it floats…” He set his styrofoam dish in the water, looking amazed with himself. You giggle, stuffing food into your mouth.
“Thank you, for bringing home dinner.” You smile at him, your head tilted to the side.
“Of course love, anything for you.” He smiles back. You lean back in the tub, closing your eyes and counting your blessings.  
“You know you looked stunning tonight, right?” He whispers in your ear, nibbling on the edge. You were both currently in the back of a black SUV, on your way home from the VMA afterparty. The boys had won, and Calum had mentioned you in their acceptance speech. That wasn’t even the best part, after the show you got invited to Miley Cyrus after party. You even met Beyonce. BEYONCE.
“Are you going soft on me Hood?” You giggle, running your manicured hand up his thigh as he moved down your neck.
“No baby… I am rock hard…” He murmurs against your collarbone. You gasp as his teeth graze your sensitive skin.
“I really wanna do this babe, but I need to eat something.” You gasp, pushing back and looking at his sweet face.
“Oh thank god you said it!” He instantly sits up and looks into your eyes, “I am starving but you were giving me sex eyes and I wanted to give you what you wanted-”
“Cal, I didn't give you sex eyes!” You exasperate, looking at him with amusement.
“You totally did! But that doesn’t even matter right now, I am so hungry. Excuse me buddy- could you maybe pull through… wait what do you want? Taco bell?” You nod your head in approval. You driver-whose name happened to be Eric- approved and adjusted your course.
“God baby… I love it when you take control.” You growl in his ear, loosening his tie.
“Oh honey, just wait until I have a quesadilla powering me.”
“You may now kiss the bride!”
You're immediately engulfed in Michael's arms, his soft lips on yours as you share your first kiss as a married couple. He has always swept you off your feet, and this kiss was no different. He sets you down to seen, but keeps your face close.
“I love you so much…” He mumbles, his arms still around you. You wink back, knowing everyone's eyes are on you. You both turn and face all of your family and friends, and walk down the aisle, finally married.
You all stand outside the chapel, greeting everyone as the file out of the church. You had been planning this for over a year now, and it was going as smoothly as possible. Your drunk uncle had decided to make a scene when his ex wife showed up, but it was handled by your three favorite groomsmen.
You sighed once you and Michael had a moment alone for the first time today. Everyone was standing outside, rice ready to be thrown.
“You ready?” You ask, looking up into his forest green eyes.
“After you, Mrs. Clifford.” He winks, grabbing your hand and opening the door. You walk outside, letting everyone celebrate your love with you. You and him make it to the car, laughing.
“Did you see luke get hit in the eye with a grain of rice?!” You giggle while Mickey pulls away from everyone, the tin cans attached to your car jingling behind you.
“Of course! He screeched like a little girl!” He chortles, reaching for your hand.  
“Mikey! Let’s go get Subway!” You say, your eyes lit up with a brilliant idea.
“You wanna go like this?” He asks, motioning to your larger tulle ballgown.
“Yes! It'll be so fun- come on I promise.” You give him your favorite puppy dog eyes and you can see him cave in.
“Okay, let's go to subway.” He says pulling into the parking lot. He gets out of the car before coming around and opening your door for you. You grab his hand and walk in together, knowing that you are his princess.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Night training; Owen Grady x teen reader
This was actually the start of my requests on my wattpad account. Now this request contains a certain person to play the bf so if any of you know a Chandler Riggs then you’ll definately be happy about this, if not then just replace it with whoever u want. I hope you all enjoy this little sequel to Alpha’s pup beware of swearing and raptor squad viciousness.
"But daddy come on!"  
"No (y/n)".  
"But daddy!"  
"No mean no (y/n)! And that's final!" He snapped at me. In case you're wondering what this is all about let me explain. I'm trying to convince my now over-protective father to let me train the girls at night. I've been told a night training every now and then is good for them because it helps them with their nocturnal instincts to hunt and to catch food.  
My boyfriend Chandler's brother does that with the wolves that he trains up at Yellowstone, so he gave me the idea that we should run it by my father and have me be the one to train them since I'm the Alpha's pup.  
"Give me one good reason why it can't happen? I'm not even asking for an all nighter here daddy, just a couple hours to help them adjust hunting and training at night".  
"Okay, One; it's super dangerous. Two, they can easily hide better in the enclosure at night than in the day, and Three, I won't risk losing you, not after—" he paused and looked away from me as he sat down on the couch.  
I sighed deeply. 
It had been seven years ago since my accident in the pin and even though I'm now 14 years old my dad still blames himself for what had happened that day. And ever since then he's been really over protective.  
I mean really over protective.  
Like just recently a week ago he wouldn't allow me up on the catwalk without two helmets, knee and elbow padding and my whole body wrapped up in bubble wrap. 
I am NOT kidding, this were his exactly words.  
I walked up towards him and sat beside him on the couch and wrapped my arms around his arm and nuzzled into him.  
"Daddy, how many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't your fault that happened? You beat the intern that knocked me over into the pin, got him fired for endangerment to co-workers and nearly got yourself fired along with him for abusing one of the workers, I'll be fine".  
"I just don't wanna lose my little pup". He turned and held me securely in his arms with my head resting against his heart. "You are my whole world (y/n), I never want to lose you again".  
"You'll never lose me daddy, I promise. Now could you at least think about it, please?" I bat him the puppy dog eyes then he said as he gently stroked down my (h/l) (h/c) and said.  
"Maybe, but for now it's late, time for beddy-bye". As I stood up he playfully smacked my butt and chased me towards my room the two of us laughing. He caught up to me and took me in his arms twirling me around before dropping me onto my bed. I giggled softly before he plopped down on my bed and gently pinned himself on top of me yawning. "You know what I think I may just crash here for the night?" He teased as he got himself comfy. I grunted tried pushing him to get off of me but he wasn't budging.  
"Papa get off! You're heavy!"  
"Oh what was that missy? Did you just call me fat?"  
"No but you're heavy!"  
"You called me fat. And I think it's time for your punishment". He rolled off of me but then pulled me into his arms tightly securing me to his chest. His right hand was extended outward and his fingers began wiggling.  
"Oh yes baby girl, it's the CLAW!" At that moment he began tickling me with his famous "the Claw" move right on my stomach making me shriek and laugh begging for mercy. After a few minutes of claw tickling, he finally let up. "Okay sweetheart, time for bed". He unfolded my bed sheets allowing me to get in as he tucked me in. "You get some rest now Alpha pup". He kissed my forehead and walked toward my door.  
"Goodnight Alpha daddy".  
"Goodnight my little Alpha pup, love you". He said as he turned off my lights.  "Love you". I said as he shut my door and I laid there for a little while before sleep finally took over me.
*FF to 11:45pm*  
I woke up to the text tone of my phone. I reached out for it to see it was Chandler. I slid my phone and read the text.   
Chandler: You awake, babe? 
Me: I am now, what is it? 
Chandler: I'm sorry baby, meet me at the raptor pin in 10 minutes. 
Me: Okay, but why? 
Chandler: Just come okay. 
Me: I'll be there in 10.  
I got up and got dressed then quietly snuck out of my room but I had to get pass my dad's room which was right next door to mine. With his time in the Navy dad is pretty much a light sleeper now and with out bungalow the wood sometimes squeak.  
One squeak and I'm screwed.  
So quick and as light as I could, I tip-toed over my dad's door and snuck out towards the door and ran towards my bike. I got on the seat and peddled off down the trail towards the raptor enclosure.  
When I got there, Chandler was already there by the enclosure. I got off my bike and ran up to him calling out his name. He called out mine and we both ran into each other's arms and kissed each other.  
"So what's this about and why call me now in the middle of the night?"  
"I missed you babe".  
"Ha-ha very cute sweetie, but really Chandler why did you call me here?"  
"I wanted to know if you talked to your dad about the night training?"  
"And you couldn't wait until morning?" I teased.  
"Well I'd thought you'd miss me to much" he teased back. I giggled softly and pecked his cheek and then stated in a serious tone.  
"I did talk to him, but he was totally against it, and he won't allow me to even train them, he still blames himself because of the accident".  
"(Y/n) that was 7 years ago, he still can't be upset about that".  
"Well he is, and I can understand that but I just wish that he wasn't always so over-protective, he knows the girls listen to me as much as him, hell maybe even better than him". Chandler thought about it then said probably the most stupidest thing I've heard him say.  
"Well if he won't allow us to train them, we'll just do it ourselves in secret".  Okay now he's really gone off the stupid train.  
"Now Chandler hang on,"  
"Come on (y/n) you know this is a good idea, all we need to do is just freeze the cameras so that we won't be seen, set the raptors loose and you can train them from the catwalk".  
"Chandler you don't understand not only am I not allowed on the catwalk but I'm afraid of it. I don't want to fall from there again, I got lucky last time".  
"Which is why I'm gonna be there right by your side so you won't fall off. (Y/n) please trust me when I say that I won't let anything happen to you". He took my hand into his and gently kissed my knuckle looking up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his that always made me feel weak at the knees. 
Then I agreed.  
"Okay let's get this over with". He smiled and kissed me passionately then he ran up towards the control to hack into the camera's and freeze them to make it look like no one had entered the pin. He then opened up the girl's pin allowing them to awake and run around the enclosure. I then walked up towards the catwalk but froze as I remembered the day I fell into the pin and nearly died from my head trauma.  
"(Y/n) come on babe" Chandler called out from the middle of the catwalk as the lights were now shining down on the enclosure. I took a deep breath then walked up the three steps and entered on the catwalk and slowly walked towards Chandler.  
He wrapped his arms around me to keep me calm then I took out my raptor whistle given to me by Barry on my 10th birthday and I called the girls over. Soon they appeared in formation and looked up at me.  
I set my whistle aside and took out my clicker and proclaimed in my Alpha voice.  
"Okay girls. Eyes on me!" I clicked at them to focus their attention on me and all eight eyes were on me. I told them some basic commands like 'eyes up', 'hold', and 'follow the Alpha pup'. Once I felt that they deserved their treat, I told Chandler to grab the bucket hanging over one of the corner rails. I kept the girls attention so that they wouldn't attack Chandler in case something did happen.  
What I didn't know was that the corner of the catwalk where I asked Chandler to grab the bucket of mice, had a lose rail.  
As Chandler went to reach the bucket, his left hand where he had held the railing to balance himself fell and down he fell screaming until I heard a thump.  The girls all roared and shrieked their attention now on a midnight snack.  
My body froze with fear as I ran down towards the gate to help my boyfriend.  
Not aware that I would be in so much trouble of what was coming up.  
Back at the house, Owen's phone rang. He moaned and tiredly reached out for it and answered with a tired and husky.  
"Hello?" He shot up like a torpedo as he screamed out, "SHE'S WHAT!?!?" Owen quickly got dressed and phone Barry to quickly get to the enclosure. 
By the time he had gotten there guards were starting to pile in and there stood Claire and Barry coming in around the same time he did. Owen ran towards the cage to see his baby girl in there with the girls circling around her.  
"(Y/N)!! GET OUT OF THERE!!!!"  
"NO DADDY I CAN DO THIS!!!" I screamed at him. "If any of you guards put 20 amps into these animals they'll never trust me or papa again. Just let me take care of this". I stood in front of Chandler to make sure none of my girls ate my boyfriend. "Blue, stand down. Don't you dare even think about it". She snapped at me and I cried back. "Hey! Hey! What did I just say?! You harm a hair on my mate and I'll make sure you never forget it!"  I was going to do whatever it took to make sure none of the girls got to Chandler's pretty face.  "Echo! Delta! I see you both! Back up!" Delta and Echo roared and hissed at me. 
I narrowed my eyes at them then took out my whistle and blew on it roughly to make sure they knew by their tongue I was on defense about my 'mate'. I kept my eyes on them as they flinched their heads backward and snarl. I huffed and blew into the whistle telling them to back off and don't even think about touching him. 
Blue then looked at me as I kept glaring at her then following the Alpha pup's order she chirped and barked at the others to stand down and soon they disappeared into the bush. 
"Chandler, back away slowly towards the cage. Don't turn your back for even a second" I ordered him as I kept my eyes locked on the bush they disappeared behind. Chandler crawled back with the help of Barry who helped pull him out of the enclosure. I kept a watchful eye out then I ordered.  "Close the gate".  
"But (y/n)—" Chandler begged.  
"JUST DO IT!!" I exclaimed. It was then Barry closed the gate then at the last second I sprint towards the cage and managed to get out just as it was closing up. 
Finally everyone could breathe. 
As medical staff looked over at Chandler to find out if he had broken anything, I nervously turned to my dad and let me just say.  He did not look happy at all.  I bet even Rexy the veteran T-Rex would be scared at the look my dad was giving me right now.  
"Look dad I know that you're mad,"  
"Oh you're damn right I am!" He started venomously. "You deliberately disobeyed me, you not only put your own life at risk but Chandler's as well and FOR WHAT!?!? To perform some silly night training. (Y/f/n) I have the right to ground you for the rest of your life. I could keep you under lock and key, maybe even send you away from the island to make sure you never do something this stupid again!" I kept my eyes downward not wanting to look into his eyes because I knew what I had done was stupid and yet I still did it anyway.  "But—I won't". 
 What?  Did I just hear my dad say no? I looked up at him and said.  
"You heard me, I won't send you off the island. And seeing what you had just done, I must admit was impressive. Dangerous but brave, just like what I did for you that day seven years ago". He walked up to me and gently stroked away some of the strands of my hair away from my face as he continued, "maybe I was being a little bit too over-protective, and seeing what you had just done proved to me that you can train the girls especially at night so.....my answer to your Night training request is—yes". I squealed and repeatedly said thank you daddy with glee as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. 
As we separated he then stated in his Alpha voice,  
"But there are conditions,"  
"I knew this was coming, better sit down for this one huh?"  
"Come here" he took me over to his bike and allowed me to sit down on it as he stood in front of me and said the conditions. 
"First, I will be there to observe the training sessions with you". I nodded in agreement as he continued, "second, if I don't think this is safe, if even one more accident happens this session is done, and number three; no PDA with Chandler during training, or otherwise I will allow him to go overboard into the pin with the girls".  
"Daddy!" I whined. He smirked then he said as he ruffled my hair gingerly.  
"Alright come on you, lets head back home". He got behind me on the motorbike and we drove off back to the bungalow together. He tucked me back into bed and I said. "Daddy, I'm sorry about tonight".  
"Ehh it's okay sweetheart, as long as you didn't get hurt, I forgive you". He kissed me on the forehead before continuing, "oh and by the way you're grounded for 10 years for doing this love you!" He then left my room but not before I whined out.  
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princessdevy03 · 7 years
Tumblr Exclusive!!!
Author’s Note: For @anybodihearme. Here’s to blanket forts, days spent in bed, and long trips to cabins in the woods.
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The Cabin: A Marriage Bed
When Kevin wrestled Edd back into the bed, the ravenette was a bit exasperated. It was nearly noon, which meant half the day was gone. Despite the current mist in the air, he was sure the weather would clear out soon and they could get out and about and enjoy what was left of the day.
While he didn’t mind days spent in bed, he didn’t want to spend his honeymoon wasting the day away when he could be out exploring this tiny piece of paradise Kevin had been bragging about for years.
“Beds are meant for sleeping, Kevin!,” he protested as he tried to wiggle away from the redhead’s strong embrace, but Kevin wasn’t letting go.
“And what?!,” Edd asked incredulously until he saw the conniving glint in Kevin’s eyes.
While Edd was keen on showing his students how to show their work, Kevin was keen on showing him just how he worked.
When they were kids, that meant chasing Edd and his friends around to wail on them for a scam failing and hurting him or his ego in some way and then bully them into giving him his quarter back.
When they got to be teenagers, Kevin would try to show him that he could be a good friend. Edd gave him an A for Effort before he gave his own friendship back, though.
Then they reconnected in college and Kevin showed him love.
And now he was about to show him what else the bed could do.
Edd was sure he knew that beds were more than for sleeping, as he had done his fair share of non-sleeping activities in his own beds over the years, but something about the look in Kevin’s eyes let him know that this wasn’t going to be their usual non sleeping bed activity.
At all.
“And we have yet to consummate our marriage is what!,” Kevin growled as he started to yank off Edd’s pajama pants.
Edd sat up slowly as realization dawned across his face and his pants hit the floor.
“I am so sorry, Kevin,” Edd said breathlessly as he started to tug off his tshirt and Kevin sat back on his haunches and stared at him as Edd wrestled himself out of his own clothes.
The last week had been busy with wedding activities.
The first was a Sunday meet the family brunch with both sides of Kevin’s family as they came into town to celebrate the twosome’s long awaited union.
Monday, Kevin had dinner with some of Edd’s out of town family who couldn’t bear to be shown up by Kevin’s welcoming bunch.
Tuesday, Edd had one last bachelor hurrah with his other Ed friends and spent the night on Kevin’s couch because Ed laid him out on it as soon as Edd stumbled inside the apartment and fell flat on his face, his plans to get some lovin’ from his fiancée going down with him. The redhead woke up Wednesday morning to a surprise guest in his very hungover fiancée, but they still had to go to work because it was the last day of school.
Thursday, they packed their separate apartments and moved into their new home together, but crashed as soon as everything was unpacked and put away.
Friday was the rehearsal dinner after Kevin spent the day helping Edd clean up and shut down his classroom for the summer and they got married Saturday evening after breakfast with their friends, getting wedding ready over lunch, and then tons of pictures before the wedding itself.
Nearly every night had been spent together, but not in any way like what they were used to since they started dating.
And when they got to the cabin, between the long road trip itself and Kevin being eager to show Edd around, they both just forgot to do what newlyweds are known for doing now that God and society says they can.
This near self-imposed drought needed some rain and because their status to each other had changed, so did their love itself.
To have a spouse, a husband, someone who has promised before God, your mother, your best friend, and your damn dog (they both claimed Nazz’s yellow lab, Missy, who served as their ringer bearer and flower girl, as their own) to love, honor, and cherish you is a phenomenal thing and needs to be treated as such.
But sometimes life happens and you forget.
Edd counted himself truly blessed to find someone like Kevin who would forgive and bring him back to where he belongs when something so important slips his mind.
Especially since he acted a bit like a brat when Kevin went out on a long run yesterday morning.
But Kevin felt at fault as well.
Between showing Edd around and just being weary from all the wedding stuff, especially since he was so used to having Edd around all the time, loving on his husband wasn’t at the forefront of his mind because he loved Edd every day.
But this late, misty, grey morning was perfect for playing catch up on love.
When naked Edd sat up for a kiss, it took everything in Kevin not to pin him to the mattress.
His husband, someone he thought he would never have, least of all dorky ass Double Dee of all people, was laying in a bed that so many newlyweds in his family made love, and in a few cases, their children in.
This was a marriage bed.
Love was made here.
Vows renewed.
Bonds strengthen.
Babies made.
Considering the latter wasn’t  an option for them in the traditional sense, Kevin at least hoped that however a child came into their home, they would bring them up to the cabin and could cuddle up together with him or her and ride out the storm outside the drafty windows.
He didn’t want to rush it even though they were two days off from making this whole thing official, but God Almighty did he want show Edd how he felt.
Kevin held himself over Edd as he leaned into Edd’s kiss and slowly pushed him back into the bed.
He pulled Edd’s arms from around his shoulders and ran his hands up them until their fingers were interlocked above Edd’s head, the whole while they never stopped kissing.
When Edd started to ease his legs around his waist, Kevin fell into the embrace and a moan that should have embarrassed him escaped his throat, but he didn’t care because in Edd’s arms, just like this, is where he needed to be.
He wrapped his arms around his man and just held him.
Austin may have awaken feelings he tried to keep dark as puberty dawned on he and his peers , but being in the light with Edd wasn’t scary at all. It was comforting.
And being with Edd in this bed, was sheer Heaven.
The feeling of Edd’s hands in his hair was soothing, his kisses warmed his heart and soul.
When Edd’s hands left his hair to roam his back and sides, Kevin was feeling like a cuddled kitten til his sweet husband showed his Double Devious side and grabbed his ass.
The sound that left Kevin’s mouth because of the gesture wasn’t human and scared a few critters trying to keep dry under the bedroom window’s awning away, but Edd was so used to it that he only chuckled when the redhead blinked green eyes at him, wide with shock and just a bit of eager anticipation.
“Later,” Edd grinned. “I thought you were going to show me something about the bed, though?”
Kevin bit his lip as he pulled off his sweat pants and Edd shook his head as he looked him over with lustful appreciation.
“What?,” Kevin whined, withering a bit under Edd’s hot gaze.
“You do know that grey sweatpants on a guy is the male equivalent to lingerie and then you have the balls to go commando,” Edd said lowly as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Says the man who wakes up every morning looking like sex itself,” Kevin as he crawled back between Edd’s legs. “That and I forgot to bring my boxers into the shower with me last night.”
“Uh huh, forgot.”
Smirking green looked over teasing sapphire and a split second later, Kevin’s hand was on Edd’s cock while Edd sucked Kevin’s tongue in his mouth and set ablaze a million fantasies about what else the genius’ mouth could do.
Edd’s arms flailed when the kiss broke and he did his best to dig into the night stand’s drawer to pull out their lube but Kevin’s mouth was working a hickey into his collarbone and he couldn’t breathe. A teasing bite made him flail again and the lube flew out of his hand, but Kevin’s hand was quicker.
“And that’s how I won the 2008 College D3 World Series,” he smiled and Edd laughed.
“I know. I was there!”
Kevin rolled his eyes as he lubed up his fingers and the memory of locking eyes with Edd right before he threw his last pitch ricocheted across his conscience.
He had closed his eyes and taken a breath to steady his nerves and then looked up into the full stands to get some sort of reassurance that he wasn’t about to throw his life away.
It was the bottom of the ninth inning in game seven, there was a full count, the tying run on third, the winning on first, and the guy was a speed demon.
The batter he was facing was a switch hitter and he hated switch hitters.
His dad always told him to make sure to switch up his pitches because he would never know when he’d run into a leftie.
He’d struck him out at the top of the third when he batted right, but now the guy seemed to be mocking him by batting left when it was all on the line.
Thanks to Edd’s help and encouragement, he had kept his high C average and if he passed his finals he’d have a B average for the first time ever. But he was also wearing on a few donors nerves because he could pitch, just not pass his tests like they wanted.
But Edd and Nazz always told him to he had it, but his problem was that he would just over think it and then lose it.
He’d gotten better at just letting the material flow to and through him, but baseball was a whole different ball game.
Then he saw them.
And him.
Edd was sitting between his mom and Nazz and while his mother had her head in her hands, her prayer beads dangling off her finger tips, Nazz’s fingers were crossed as she whispered a few prayers to the skies.
But Edd’s lips moved and what Kevin read off of them answered his own prayers about what he had been wishing for for years. And the advice he gave him gave them a chance to keep their good thing going.
“I love you. Now drop your sinker.”
Kevin let his sinker loose and the switcher swung at nothing but air.
Their kiss in a dark corner off the long hall that led from the locker rooms to the parking lot had them both stealing his breath away but he gave him his heart and he caught it and would always hold on to it.
Now he was looking into those bright, loving blue eyes again and begging Edd to breathe and while the man was willing, Kevin’s immediate actions were making it rather difficult to comply.
The pressure and the pain would always ease into a pleasure Edd would kill to keep in his life, but the getting there was a bit arduous.
In the haze that was his mind, he was sure he heard Kevin’s whispers of adoration, his reassurances of harmless actions, and promises of love and devotion, but his brain could hardly focus on anything but the stretch in his ass til he felt a kiss to the head of his dick and Kevin’s finger brush past his prostate.
His body went tense for a brief moment and his vision saw nothing but Technicolor spots as his mouth let out a moan and he finally relaxed under his husband’s touches.
“P-Please don’t stop.”
And Kevin took all of him down his throat.
A hand is in his hair and guiding him through Kevin’s Special Kiss as the other seeks out Kevin’s free hand and holds on tight in a sad attempt to hold on to reality.
Kevin takes a quick glance at him as he sinks a third finger inside of him and watches his man dance to the brink of undone.
His head is tossed to the side as few tears slide down his cheeks, his jaw is slack, and he’s breathless.
Another suck as the final finger slides inside has Edd’s back arched off the bed as he tosses his head back and forth and calls out Kevin’s name.
His cheeks are red and he’s pink all over, sniffling and incoherent.
But he doesn’t let go of his hand or his hair.
Kevin knows he could send him over right this instant, but holds back because the bed has only been barely put through her paces.
He slides his mouth off of him, then his fingers out of his ass, and they both pout.
“Just…five seconds…please,” Kevin pleads with him as he slides a handful of lube on himself to make this consummation they need the one Edd deserves.
The delirious man barely nods as he watches Kevin prepare himself, wanting nothing more than him filling him up rightnow.
Five seconds later, Kevin’s covering his face in gentle kisses as he pushes his knees into his chest and Edd takes the breath in he needs to ride the worst and best of it out.
The pain is only slightly searing but it’s also fucking amazing as each tiny breath he lets go fills him with so much pleasure.
A rough hand gently knots itself into his messy hair as he whispers, “Move,” and he moans as Kevin pulls his hair, then himself out, before falling back inside.
His head falls back on pained moan as the bed silently rocks with Kevin’s slow movements, and when Edd starts to rock with him, it’s as if they were in their own cradle, being gently rocked by Mother Love herself.
He wraps his legs around Kevin’s upper torso , his arms around his neck and just holds on.
It’s gentle.
It’s slow.
They’ve made love before, but never like this.
Kisses were soft despite the hard, needy look in both of their eyes.
Kevin took the hand that had been supporting Edd’s back, reached behind himself, grabbed the sheets and blankets, and wrapped them in a cocoon, his hips never ceasing their movements.
Literally wrapped up in all the love he could ever want, a happy sob left Edd as lighting cracked across the sky and the power flickered.
“K-Kevin, please…God, I love you…just…please…”
“Hold on.”
He buried his face in Kevin’s shoulder and squeezed him close as their erratic movements made him dizzy. But when Kevin whined out his name on a needy moan he pulled himself up to kiss him again and again.
Tearing his mouth from a breathless kiss, he arches his back on a groan and comes untouched.
But Kevin’s hands are clawing at his back as the redhead falls apart before falling into his embrace.
Words of love settle over them and light up their afterglow as the sky goes black and the storm falls overhead.
When they can focus again, Kevin runs to the in suite bathroom and gets a few hand towels to clean up the mess before letting Edd borrow his pants and grabbing the boxers he forgot to pull on after his shower last night.
“Can sweatpants be an anniversary gift?,” Kevin asks as he pulls Edd into a soft cuddle.
“Hmm,” Edd mused as he tapped a finger to his chin, “The second anniversary gift is traditionally cotton, so I guess they can be,” he grinned as Kevin pulled him closer so he could hold his plump booty in both hands.
“And now you know what you’re getting in two years!,” Kevin cheered and Edd giggled as he rolled his eyes.
“The modern gift is China.”
“The stuff we eat off of or the country?”
“I’ll take both,” Edd snickered as he kissed his cheek. “But you’re not getting these pants back.”
“Meh, I’ve got plenty,” Kevin sighed as he rolled over and pulled Edd with him so he could lay on his chest. “Gotta make sure my man thinks I’m still sexy and shit.”
Edd sighed and ran his left hand down his face and while Kevin would usually shrug off the action, he was too busy staring at his engagement ring.
He didn’t care how exasperated he made Edd as long as he wore his ring because that ring meant that Edd was always his to exasperate and love.
He took Edd’s hand and kissed his ring as Edd blushed and settled into his spot under his left arm.
In doing so, the bed shifted a bit again, so Edd made an exaggerated move of snuggling closer and the bed rocked him into Kevin’s side again.
“This thing is like a cradle,” he yawned as he settled his head on Kevin’s chest.
“A lover’s cradle,” Kevin grinned as he kissed his forehead.
“Good to know, because I’m gonna love you in it again soon,” Edd murmured sleepily.
“I’m gonna take this thing with us at this rate,” Kevin snickered and Edd shot him an annoyed stare that Kevin just grinned at.
“How about I order us a new bed?,” he sighed, still slightly exasperated over the fact that they had to play a best out of three game of rock, paper, scissors to figure out who’s bed would go with them to their new house.
He lost and Ed got a new bed.
Now he’s suggesting they do it all over again. But he’d do it as many times as he needed if it meant he got to sleep next to Kevin because of it.
Kevin’s eyes went wide with joy at the prospect of being able to sleep in this bed every night and he slowly nodded as Edd leaned into kiss him.
“Choice,” the ravenette snickered as he settled next to him again and Kevin snorted.
“Whaddya want for food?,” Kevin yawned as he wrapped himself around Edd.
“Soup?,” Edd murmured as a sudden burst of rain pounded the roof.
“I’ll get right on it,” Kevin whispered as Edd drifted away in sleepy awe in his husband’s strong, warm embrace, every slight movement rocking him in the love of their marriage bed.
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aloysiavirgata · 7 years
Title: Madeleine
Rating: PG
Timeline: Home Again
Category: MSR
Summary:For the anon who asked: Since you mentioned it, Drabble of Mulder finding Scully's Darkness Falls jacket while they are in an established relationship?
"And so it is with our own past. It is a labour in vain to attempt to recapture it: all the efforts of our intellect must prove futile. The past is hidden somewhere outside the realm, beyond the reach of intellect, in some material object (in the sensation which that material object will give us) which we do not suspect. And as for that object, it depends on chance whether we come upon it or not before we ourselves must die."
Marcel Proust, Remembrance of Things Past
They've been going through the storage room for hours, marveling at the sheer volume of items her mother had held onto. Grandmother Scully’s old dining room set (“Missy threw up pumpkin pie all over it in front of Bill’s first girlfriend”), boxes of trophies, prom pictures bright with taffeta and blue eyeshadow.
There are so many objects, so many minor artifacts that tell the story of a life. The rooms smells musty with cardboard and old paper, the still air making her think of bubbles in amber. She wishes her father’s bay rum aftershave were bottled somewhere, or her mother’s scent; a comforting mix of Jergen’s cherry-almond lotion and wood polish. There are old cookbooks, but the crumbling pages are far removed from warm trays of pecan tassies and Yankee pot roast. Scully dusts off a framed family portrait, she and her siblings smiling with their bowl cuts and polyester. She studies herself, chin tipped up, ribbon streamer barrettes in her hair. “Yikes,” she says. “Maggie loved the double-knit.”
Mulder peers over her shoulder, his presence a comfort in this bittersweet place. “Groovy turtleneck for Bill. And is that Holly Hobbie on Melissa?”
She returns the picture to the box of sports pennants and yearbooks. “What am I going to do with all of this?” She feels overwhelmed by this aftermath, the endless decisions that have poured in through the Maggie-shaped hole in the world.
Mulder stacks boxes of yellowing paperbacks by the entrance.“We’ll call movers to take it to the Goodwill, Scully. Don’t let yourself get stressed about this.”
Weary, she sinks into a horsehair sofa she remembers playing on as a kid. She and Charlie had saddled the arched back with towels and declared it a camel. She looks up at Mulder for guidance, trying to recall what he had done in her place.
He shrugs. “Keep the pictures, donate the rest. I'm guessing you don't want boxes of old teeth, or your science fair trophies. You nerd.”
“Hey, I did some groundbreaking research on the maze solving abilities of obese hamsters.”
“I hope you published.”
She tightens her ponytail, resolute. “I should at least weed out the trash before I call the Goodwill. Here, what's that big box behind the breakfront?”
Mulder clambers over a coffee table. “DANA SKI CLOTHES,” he calls in a deep voice. “She wrote it all in caps, so I want to convey appropriate gravitas.”
Ski clothes? She hasn't been skiing since-
“Ohhhh,” she groans. “That can definitely go.”
“Well now I'm curious,” Mulder says, with his usual contrariness.
Scully hears tape ripping from cardboard.
“Oh, wow. Scully, somewhere in Williamsburg is a hipster just waiting for this sweet loot.” He removes a pair of purple snow pants with overall straps and elastic ankles. “You sure this isn't the bottom half of a Barney costume?”
She throws a half-deflated football at him. “You know, I seem to recall a few fashion gaffes of yours in the early 90’s too, pal.”
“Mine were never so puffy. And since when do you ski, anyway?”
“I don't,” she demurs. “That's why it's all in a box.”
Mulder pulls on the bright pink goggles and grins at her. “Rose colored glasses.”
“They're all yours, Pollyanna.”
He rummages further, removing a stack of garish sweaters fit for Bill Cosby. “Pink ski goggles, pink and green gloves, argyle scarf... Scully, this is all very coordinated. You bought this special. Who took you skiing?”
She sighs. “Jack Willis.”
Mulder looks up, surprised. “Really?”
A shrug. “Things were serious for a bit, I guess.” She remembers that weekend now, clumsy on her skis while Jack engaged in shameless frottage as he showed her how to balance. Not unlike Mulder and his hips before hands nonsense, really. Scully smiles to herself.
Mulder tries to jam his hands into the gloves, but there's not a chance. He opts for the green hat instead. “Hey, I remember this jacket. You wore it on a case in the woods I think, right? The Mothman thing?”
She tries to remember, but is distracted by Mulder in her ridiculous pompom hat and goggles. “I think I did. It was….hmm. Not the Mothman. It was those, uh, the glowy bugs? The cocoon things?”
Mulder brightens. “That's the one! That was wild.”
Wild, sure. Another case, another hospital stay. She catches the jacket when Mulder tosses it. It smells stale, and the cuffs are dirty. She remembers herself in those lonely woods now, the disappearing light and the collective fear that grew in the dark. She was young and untried but Mulder was there and, even then, something in his presence conveyed comfort. She remembers awaking in bandages, her skin burned from strange enzymes, but feeling safe nonetheless. Alive, in her youth, equalled safe. She went into the woods with him back then, time and again into the waiting mouths of fairy-tale forests. She longs for the confidence of her younger self, the boldness that comes before life has yet to deal a truly terrible blow.  Scully sniffs the jacket again and imagines that she can smell pine and the gas for the generator.
“Put it on,” he says. “Throwback Thursday.”
“It's Saturday,” she says, reluctant. She feels like a snake trying to wriggle back into a shed skin.
Mulder straddles a dining chair, pouting.
“Fine,” she says, tugging the vibrant, oversized thing on over her gray hoodie. “These colors are absolutely jarring. Some kind of pre-millennial Bacchanal of fashion, I guess.”
Mulder is smiling.
“What?” she asks suspiciously. Her eyes narrow.
“Nothing, it's cute. You just need some bangs now and it would be like no time has passed.” His voice is wistful.
Scully stands to zip the coat. It sags off of her shoulders, the drawstring bunching up large wads of fabric. “Ugh, I was so...amorphous then.” She remembers her round face with that awful haircut, her shapeless flannels and mom jeans. She wishes someone had told her what she looked like.
“You were voluptuous. I remember having that distinct thought.” He mimes an hourglass figure in the air.
She rolls her eyes, flopping back on the couch. The coat makes a rustling sound. “You just wanted to get laaaaid.”
“Well, yes. But by you, specifically.”
She is surprised. “No you didn't. Did you? Then?”
Mulder shrugs, pushing the goggles up his forehead. “You came into my hotel room that first night. I remembered what was under all your tapestry vests and rectangular suits.”
“Pretty much.” Mulder puts the clothing back into the box. “You wanna keep this and go skiing sometime? I'd hate to live in Willis’s shadow.”
Scully reaches out to a box on the floor, withdrawing a handprint Christmas ornament from her nephew. She makes a mental note to send it to Bill. “Nah. Antarctica was enough.”
Mulder’s face darkens. “That whole thing was-”
She holds her palm up to silence him. “It’s in the past, Mulder. Glowing bugs and Mothmen and Antarctica and all of it. It’s done.”
Mulder looks dubious, but adds nothing further. He puts on a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. “A-G-E, N-T-S, C-U-L-L-Y,” he sings in a squeaky voice.
Scully wrinkles her nose. “Come here,” she says, patting the couch. Mulder picks his way through the room, sitting next to her. He lays down on his side, legs tucked up, and rests his head on her lap. His warm breath bleeds through her yoga pants.
“This jacket is comfy,” he says. “Keep it.”
Scully twines her fingers through his hair, tracing the curve of his ear, the stubble at his cheekbone. She snaps the elastic band holding the Mickey ears on.
She laughs. “You baby.”
He turns to his other side so that he is facing her. He looks up, his pupils dilated in the dim light. The plastic ears are preposterous and adorable. “I didn’t think it would all be like this,” he tells her. His voice is thick.
She presses her lips together. “It’s okay.” What else can she say, really? It’s not particularly okay, but it’s bearable. Most things, she has learned, are bearable.
“Let’s take a vacation,” he says, wrapping his arms around her waist. He snuggles against the jacket.
She laughs. “You really want to go skiing.”
“Mmm, no. Not skiing. You remember when we went to Turks and Caicos after Christian’s surgery? Let’s go back.”
She remembers it well. Sapphire skies and topaz water. Mulder had pretty much vetoed her packing anything other than shorts and bikinis. She still has the silk wrap she bought there, and her mind has already conjured up remembered sunsets and dolphins and waterfall hikes.
“Mulder,” she sighs, which is hardly a protest.
“Come on, I have a birthday coming up.” He bats his lashes, which are longer than hers.
She thumbs his lips. “No you don’t.”
“I will later. Come on. My treat, huh? We’ll find a place where Daggoo can stay too. I know how you feel about kennels.” His smile is lopsided.
“Okay,” she says, as they both knew she would.
She is too warm now, Mulder radiating body heat against the puffy coat she’s swaddled in. “Sit up.” He does, removing the Mickey ears. Scully wriggles out of the jacket.
“Hoodie too,” Mulder suggests. “Don’t want you overheating.”
She considers him, his sleepy eyes and messy haystack of hair. His jeans are slouchy at his hips, navy blue t-shirt with a SEE ROCK CITY graphic on it. She takes her hoodie off, and there is nothing under it.
Mulder pats his thighs. “Turnabout is fair play,” he says.
Scully lies down with her head on the soft denim of his worn jeans. He traces infinite circles on her back with his callused fingertips. He hums tunelessly, smoothing her hair away to massage her neck with his thumbs.
She doesn’t remember falling asleep, doesn’t remember him carrying her to the back of his truck, where she wakes with her sweatshirt under her head and the ski jacket tucked around her.
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