#babygirl lighting is so hard but it NEEDED to be dark. anyway. son boy
goldensunset · 1 year
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Here we are at the busiest city in the world,
What would you do to make yourself stand out?
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Poison Paradise.
Requests were sent in for fratboy!Bucky, tattooed Biker!Bucky and modern Bastard son!Bucky so here’s everything, in one. 
Themes: smut, biker!bucky, fluff
This is how I picture Bucky for this   
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Bucky Barnes is the most popular guy on campus. He’s arrogant, and proud and somewhat of a bad boy. He’s loud, and a well-known troublemaker. He’s every professor’s nightmare. But he’s also drop dead gorgeous, with the kind of charm which made him hard to resist.
He was beautiful, but also dark and dangerous, like a poisoned paradise. 
Frat house parties, getting wasted and then getting in trouble with his friends, always on his notorious loud bike which made all the girls almost worship the ground he walks on. 
You always kept a safe distance from him and his friends. However, little did you know that he always kept an eye on you. After all, you were his step brother’s best friend. 
Bucky hated his step brother with a passion. Mainly because the latter was the only legitimate child to their dad and due to that, Bucky sort of became the black sheep of the family while everyone else idolized his step brother - Steve. 
Bucky always tried to stay away from Steve; never wanted to get in his business, stayed away from his friend group, and vowed to never talk to any of Steve’s friends. But that was until the day he saw you at a party. With Steve. 
He managed to find a way to come up and talk to you. And he was aware that the whole room stared as he made his way over to you. Sleeves of tattoos on both arms, ears pierced, dogs tags dangling and bringing more attention to his broad, muscular chest and tan skin. 
You had to admit, although an incorrigible fuckboy, Bucky Barnes was gorgeous. And those steel blue eyes of his made you weak in the knees. “So, are you Steve’s girlfriend?” He asked, all cocky as he leaned against the counter, facing you in the crowded kitchen. 
You blinked a few times, got over the fact that the most popular guy on campus was just here having a conversation with you. “Uh, no. We’re just good friends.” 
Bucky nodded, and smirked. “Good.” His answer made you frown. He took a step or two and leaned in to whisper in your ear. “Because else I’d have to get rid of him to make you mine.” 
His words sent shivers down your spine. And once you recovered, you pulled away and faced him confidently. Cocky little shit. “In your dreams, Bucky.” 
He chuckled, “Trust me babygirl, you don’t wanna know about what we do in my dreams.” he winked and gave you that smile which won over all the girls in a heartbeat. And although he was hard to resist, you found the courage to push him off and walk away. 
Since that first interaction, it began - the chase. Bucky loved it, because most of the time the girls threw themselves at him. But not you, you on the contrary were pushing him away. But even he hit his limit eventually. So when he found you walking back to campus from your shift at the bakery one night, he decided to give you a ride. You were walking on the side walk when you heard the roar of his engine, you walked faster but he was beside you in no time, causing you to stop and stare even though you tried hard not to. 
Fuck... he always looked so, delicious. The right amount of mysterious and hot. Bad boy charm which no one could resist. “Come on doll, it’s cold out. I won’t let you walk alone.” He persisted. 
You glared at him and tightened your jacket around you. “I’m not getting on your bike.” You had always feared his mean, dark and dangerous looking bike. 
He took his black helmet off and faced you again. His deep blue eyes looking deep into yours. “You’ll be fine doll, there’s not need to be afraid. All you have to do is hold me tight.” he spoke with a smirk. 
To be honest, he looked like he was warm too. Plus it began drizzling a little and if you didn’t accept to take a ride with him, you’d have a cold by the time you made it back to your dorm. “Fine.” you muttered and Bucky quickly handed you the other, matching, helmet he always kept. 
The ride back to campus was just how you imagined it would be; quiet with just the sound of the cold wind and light rain. Your arms wrapped around his torso instinctively and your heart raced as how close he was to you. His warm, hard and firm back pressing against you. You hated that you enjoyed the ride. 
“So can I take you out?” he asked, out of nowhere once you got off his bike. 
You eyes widened at him. “Give up Bucky. I won’t date you.” 
He smirked, like he had been ready for this. “Why? ‘Cause you like Steve?” He sounded all cocky again. 
“What? No. He’s a good friend.” 
“Prove it.” Bucky scoffed. And you raised your eyebrow at him. He spoke again, “Go out with me and prove it. Else I’ll just lie and tell everyone that you’re in love with Steve.” 
You sighed, annoyed and lowkey blushing. “What are we, five year olds?” 
Bucky smirked and parked his bike and got off. Watching him get off that mean bike of his and removing his helmet was no less than watching a strip show. It excited you just the same. The way his arms flexed, and how he secured that helmet under his arm and how his dog tags looked all shiny in the dimmed lights and the look in his eyes... oh the look in his stormy blue eyes... 
He approached you, leaned in closer, grabbed your chin in between his cold fingers and pressed his lips to yours. You were surprised, but once you got a taste of his lips, you couldn’t help but kiss him back. 
He kissed you deeply, taking his time and savoring you. His tongue stroking the top of your mouth and making you all crazy. He placed his hand at your waist gently, pulling you closer. He kissed you until the taste of his mouth was branded in your head.
Moments later, when he pulled away he looked at you and mumbled, “Gotta say, you taste sweeter than the goodies at the bakery.” He winked and left. Left you standing there and admitting that yes – you were indeed falling under his spell and you were diving in head first.
Fuck, this is gonna be messy.
First date, he came to pick you up and took you to a cozy, warm diner not far from campus.
Second date, at a beach just in time to catch the sunset.
By the third date, you began realizing that actually Bucky wasn’t as bad as everyone thought he was. Sure he was cocky and arrogant, but he was also a deep thinker and a little bit of a space nerd. He had conspiracy theories on almost everything.
You two kept your… close bond, if you will, a secret. Especially from Steve. How could you tell your best friend that you had been going on dates with his half-brother whom he doesn’t quite get along with?
“Why do you hate Steve?” you dropped the question one night, as you and Bucky sneaked out and went to get ice cream.
“He’s always had it easy. Too easy. He’s perfect, everyone loves him. For once, I… I just need to have something that he can’t have.” His answer rubbed you the wrong way a little.
“Is that why I’m here? Is that why we’ve been hanging out, just so you could show off to Steve?” you asked, and he got quiet. “Bucky?” you called out, ready to leave if he didn’t answer right away.
He looked up at you sheepishly. “In the beginning, yes. But then falling for you wasn’t in the plan, it just sort of happened.” He continued, lowering his eyes. “You’re amazing. You’re kind, and warm and you don’t sugarcoat shit. You say it as it is. You’re not afraid to point out my mistakes. I need that. I need you.”
You initially thought you’d be pissed off, but instead, you felt really confident and cocky. “So you like me?”
From that day on, things changed between you and Bucky. You began meeting and going out more frequently. Whenever your roommate was out, Bucky would sneak in and stay the night. He was quite an affectionate guy, much to your surprise.
Lots of hugs and kisses
Even more bike rides.
Dating fratboy/biker/bastard son!Bucky would include;
Realizing how much cleaner and tidy Bucky’s room was compared to the rest of the boys at the frat house
Always being invited to the frat house parties
Eventually telling Steve about you and Bucky. He wasn’t the happiest person when he heard it, but he did tell you that if Bucky hurts you, he would kick his ass and would enjoy it.
Not talking about his family, especially his dad, because it upsets him.
Him ditching ‘the boys’ to come hang out with you.
Him scaring away any potential new friends of yours with his tattoos, dog tags and stand-offish manner.
Movie nights would mainly be him watching the movie while cuddling you, but all your attention would go to his sleeves of tattoos and you could spend hours and hours just admiring them.
Playing with his dog tags whenever you’re napping together and he falls asleep faster.
Stealing his leather jackets, thinking he doesn’t notice because he has LOTS of them. Him noticing but letting you take them anyways.
Him picking you up and dropping to wherever you needed to go on his sexy bike. Oh you loved it.
You being a positive influence on him, and encouraging him to get his grades up and stop messing around so much. He was still just as mischievous, only a much better student as well.
And lots of sex; Bucky Barnes was insatiable…
“Babe come on,” he’d whine each time he’d come over to find you studying. “You can study later.” Making his way over to where you were sat in your bed. He’d make himself comfortable beside you, pushing his face into your neck and kissing your skin until you could no longer focus on homework. He’d smirk each time, knowing he was successful in distracting you and that now he’d have you all to himself for the rest of the night.
Bucky was also very jealous. Territorial, he preferred to call it.
“You’re mine, and I don’t want you around other guys.”
“Steve’s my friend! He’s your brother for fuck’s sake!”
“Half brother! And no, he’s not your friend. He wants you.”
“Bucky, shut up-,”
He’d cut you off with a kiss, pushing you against the wall and pinning your hands above your head. Kissing you hard, and making you moan a little. “I don’t wanna argue. You’re mine, and that’s that.”
He’d undress you in less than a minute; his lips and hands never leaving your body. He’d have you gasping and begging for more before he even touches you properly.
His hand would find it’s way in between your legs, fingers slipping past your wet entrance. You’d whine and hold on to him as he finger-fucks you. “Whose making you feel this good, huh baby?” he’d ask, all cocky and being the little shit he is. You’d moan his name and he’d chuckle. “That’s right, I am.” He’d lean in to whisper, “You belong to me. Your sweet, pretty little cunt is mine, you hear me?”
Okay but imagine him fucking you right there against the wall because he just needs to hear to scream his name and he’s too impatient to walk to the bed.
Legs wrapped around his waist, his tattooed arms holding you up, his cold dog tags pressing against your bare chest each time he spreads you open and pounds into you; each thrust deeper and harder than the last.
He’d moan right in your ear, growling each time your walls clenched around him, fucking you hard and fast. “You’re all mine, you get that?” he say through gritted teeth as he rams his cock in and out of you; making you tear up and moan at how well he filled you up and stretched you out.
After making you cum around his cock, he’d probably take you to bed and fuck you again. Pinning your sensitive body down on the bed and pounding into you until you came again, and again. Or maybe he’d eat you out; gently teasing you with his tongue and tasting you until you were so sensitive and overstimulated that you’d have to push him off or beg him to stop.
“Will you be mine?” he asked one night as the two of you were tangled in bed, bodies warm and damp due to fucking like animals just minutes ago.
“Thought I already was.” you teased.
He chuckled and kissed your forehead. “I meant, my girlfriend. Officially.”
You looked up at him and leaned in to kiss his jaw. “Yes.”
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~ @amazingmackenzieisnotonfire, @codenamekaraortiz. Here ya go! This is the last part!~
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Imagine being with Juice and having to leave him and then finding him again 5 years later
Part 6
Juice’s POV
You had so many internal injuries that you had been unconscious for about a week now. They had moved you to St. Thomas once you were stable enough. Rosie was still staying with Gemma because I didn’t want her to see you until you were awake and I had been staying the night at the hospital. When I wasn’t there though, I made sure one of the sons was with you. Club business had been slow thankfully so I had been able to spend most of my time with you. I was watching Tom and Jerry on the tiny hospital tv in the corner when Chibs came in.
“How ya doing lad?” Chibs sat down on the chair next to mine.
“I’m alright, nothing’s changed.” I said with a shrug.
“Aye, she’ll wake up soon. She’s a strong one.” He told me reassuringly while putting his hand on my shoulder.
“I know she will. It’s just hard, ya know?” I asked him. He nodded.
“I know lad. I’ve got the day off ya want some company brother?” He asked.
“That’d be great brother. Thank you.” I smiled at him and started discussing club business with him. Chibs stayed for about three hours before he headed back to TM. I searched the tv before giving up with a sigh. I put my head on the bed next to your side and drifted off to sleep.
Reader’s POV
Everything hurt and it was dark. Was I dead? No, everything hurt too much for me to be dead. Where was I though?  The basement had a little window in it so it wouldn’t be pitch black. Wait, I think my eyes are closed. I attempted to open them and failed.
I made a small whimper noise and attempted to open them again. It worked this time and I woke up to a dark room with soft glowing lights. Definitely wasn’t the basement. I could tell it was night time from the large windows on the one side of the room. I looked from the window to the monitor. Hospital? Ryan wouldn’t of taken me to a hospital. I looked down at the form laying partially on the bed. A broken sob came out of my throat as I realized it was Juice.
“Juice!” My voice came out rough as tears streamed down my face. He groaned softly but didn’t wake up and I managed a little giggle through my tears. God I hope this wasn’t a dream. “Juicey, baby.”
I lifted my hand up and poked his head. He grumbled and looked at me sleepily. He stared at me for a full minute before his eyes got huge. He jerked up fast and smiled big. He started a couple of different sentences but tripped over the words. He took my face in his hands and kissed my lips lightly. He brushed my tears away softly before pulling away and walking to the door. He opened the door and just screamed for a nurse. I giggled again at him. One came and told him to shut up before he told her that I was awake. She nodded and came into the room to check on me.
After checking everything, she said that I was looking good. She got me a glass of water and then left after scolding Juice for two minutes. He came back over to me and smiled.
“How you feeling?” He asked me as he sat down in the chair beside the bed.
“Like shit, think I might be coming down with some sorta bug.” I smiled as he playfully glared at me. “You?”
“Sorry, I know that was a stupid question.” Juice said.
“That’s okay.” I told him. He took my hand lightly in his and then kissed each of my knuckles on that hand.
“I was so worried about you.” He whispered. “Don’t leave ever again.”
“I won’t.” I said. “What happened with… ya know…” I trailed off.
“Taken care of. Don’t ever have to worry about that again.” He told me. “Nothing bad will ever happen to you again”
“I know it won’t. I’m sorry. I just I didn’t know what else to do.” My eyes filled with tears again.
“Tell me what happened, please.” Juice said. I told him everything, why I left the first time to why I came back and left again. He didn’t speak the whole time and just listened to what I had to tell him. He squeezed my hand during the parts I got too emotional and when I was done he took in a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. “Nothing will happen to you or Rosie. It doesn’t matter what happens to me. My brothers will take care of you both. You will be protected and loved. I love you both so much.”
“I love you too.” I smiled and he leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back before pulling back. “Where is Rosie?”
“She’s with Gemma. Trust me, Gemma is spoiling the shit outta her.”  Juice chuckled.
“Good.” I nodded and yawned.
“Go to sleep baby.” Juice said. I looked at him.
“Will you lay with me?” I asked.
“I won’t fit babygirl.” He smiled. I moved over as much as I could and He smiled and shook his head at me. I patted the little piece of bed that I left. He got up and laid down gently beside me. I lifted my head up and he put his arm under it. He kissed my head and softly put his other arm over my stomach. I intertwined our fingers and closed my eyes with a smile.
We woke up the next morning to a nurse “Awwing” us. We chuckled and she checked on me and left. He kissed my head and grabbed his phone. He made a few phone calls to Gemma and then Chibs. I got to talk to Rosie for a minute. After that we spent the whole day talking about us. About how we wanted our family to be. A doctor came in a lot later in the day and checked on me. He said I should be good enough to go home in the next couple of days.
We smiled at the news and Chibs came by the hospital not long after that. Juice was going to take Rosie to dinner and bring Chibs and I back some. He kissed me and then left. Chibs and I talked while he was gone. He told me how happy he was that I was with Juice again and how much the boys and him loved Rosie. He also told me about how Gemma was already planning grandma and granddaughter days for her and Rosie. I got happier and happier with every sentence he said. This was the family Juice and I had always dreamed of having. Juice came back with food and sat on the bed with me while Chibs and I ate. I asked how Rosie was and he gave me 5 drawings that she had done for me.
“She wanted to come with me to see you but I told her you were still healing from your boo boos.” He said with such a serious face that I just busted out laughing as did Chibs. The next couple of days were filled with this. Juice going to see Rosie and take her out to do something while another Son came and sat with me. Mainly Chibs but Tig also came a couple of times too. Juice and I were watching cartoons when the doctor came in.
“Can I go home now?” I asked.
“Yes you can.” He smiled at me.  
“Really?” I practically sprang out of bed. Well I sprang as much as my bruised body would let me. Juice and the doctor chuckled. He handed Juice all the paperwork and told him the medicine I would need to take. While he was doing that I was grabbing the backpack that Juice had brought with my real clothes in it and went to the bathroom to change.
“Have a good day Y/N!” The doctor yelled towards the bathroom door.
“You too Doc!” I yelled back and finished changing. I came back out and Juice was chuckling at me. “What?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged with a smile. “Just don’t break anything babygirl.”
“I’ll attempt not to. Now can we please go see our Rosie!?” I begged with a pout.
“Yeah but we have to stop and get your medicine first.” He told me.
“Fine but let’s make it fast.” I told him and started walking out.
“As you wish babygirl.” I went to the front desk and started filling out check out paper work. Once we finished I hurried as fast as I could outside. Juice came running up beside me and lead me to a black van. I looked at him confused. “I’ve been bringing it ever since the doctor said you’d be getting out in a couple days. I figured you wouldn’t be up to riding my bike.”
“You are the sweetest.” I kissed him softly. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too baby.” Juice smiled and kissed my forehead. “You need help getting in the van?”
“Nah, I can get it.” I told him. He looked at the van then me.
“Eh, I’ll help anyway.” Juice said and picked me up and set me in the van. I laughed and kissed his cheek.
“Why thank you kind sir.” I said in a bad english accent. He chuckled and kissed me before going to the other side and getting in. We drove to the pharmacy and picked up my medication before heading to TM, which was where Gemma had Rosie. They weren’t in the garage when we got there so we went in the clubhouse. Gemma, Rosie, and all the boys were in the clubhouse. They all cheered when they say us. Everyone came up and lightly gave me hugs and welcomed me home. I smiled at them and hugged back. Rosie came running up to me while yelling mommy. Juice caught her just before she made contact with my knees.
“Woah! Easy there princess. Mommy still hurts.” He said putting her on his shoulders.
“Sorry mommy.” She said looking at me sheepishly.
“That’s okay baby. Mommy’s really happy to see you. I missed you so much.” I told her and kissed her cheek. She smiled.
“I missed you too mommy!” She said.
“Didn’t you have a surprise for mommy?” Juice asked Rosie.
“Yes!” Rosie smiled. Juice set her back down on the ground. “Go grab it.” Rosie ran off towards the back with Gemma following behind her. I looked at Juice confused and he shrugged his shoulders. The guys were all relaxing around as we waited for Rosie and Gemma to come back.
Rosie came running back from the back with Gemma coming up behind her. She had a box wrapped up like a gift.  I smiled and kneeled down when she got in front of me. She held it up and I smiled and took it from her lightly.
“Thank you baby girl.” I said to her and opened it. Inside the big box was a tiny box. I looked at it confused and then opened it up. A gasp fell from my lips and I put a hand over my mouth as I looked from the box to where Juice was kneeling down behind Rosie. He had pulled her on top of the knee he had up. He smiled at me and so was Rosie. I looked back to the engagement ring in my hands. It was a beautiful black onyx with one diamond in the middle of it. It was kinda like the one his grandma used to have.
“Are you asking me what I think you are asking me?” I looked at him again.
“Marry me?” He smiled. I nodded not trusting my words. The boys all started cheering and he slid the ring on my finger before kissing me passionately. Rosie said ewww as she was caught between us and we all started laughing. Juice got to his feet and then helped me to mine. Gemma came over and took Rosie.
“Go make me more grandchildren you two!” She ordered. The boys all started hollering and we laughed at them. Juice pulled me close to him.
“Trust me, I’ll be working on that later.” He whispered in my ear and I blushed at his words. “I love you, Mrs. Ortiz.”
“I love you too, Mr. Ortiz.” I kissed him and everyone cheered louder. In that moment, I felt like cheering too. I finally had everything I could ever want or need in my life.
~Hope you enjoyed this! I love feedback!~
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rockinthebeastmode · 7 years
Smile Like You Mean It
A/N: Hey so...in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’ve got something light and happy. My original idea was sad but I figured I needed to try to break out of the depressing stuff, get back on track. Chapter 3 of Our Masterplan is still in the works, I’m honestly just having trouble writing a bunch of filler shit and haven’t been in the right frame of mind for happy stories. SO. Based loosely on Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers (see if you find all the references I painstakingly included lmao), it’s a future fic in Finn’s POV. Hope you enjoy and Happy Valentine’s Day!
You can find my other fics here.
@mmfdfanfic @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @lilaviolet @lau-vm @hey1tskat1e @tinakegg
Let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the tag list and if I missed anyone :)
Smile Like You Mean It
All things considered, I was a pretty laid back bloke. I reckoned I could handle just about anything. For instance, when the local radio station where my wife Rae and I worked got bought out and turned mainstream, we wasted no time in opening our own station and good ol’ No Crap FM was born. Perfect as it turned out, Rae being several months pregnant at the time didn’t help matters. But we made it through together; the station took off and my sweet Aria was born.
Fast-forward sixteen years and my smiley, beautiful baby has transformed into a witty, charming young woman. She reminded me of Rae more and more each day, what with her biting sarcasm and cheeky grin. She could compete nationally in eye-rolling but those same eyes, that matched mine almost perfectly, could sparkle and shine with every mood. Unlike Rae and I both, Aria wore her emotions on her sleeve, something I was in constant turmoil over. What the bloody hell was I supposed to do when some knobhead broke her heart and her anguish showed plain as day on her face? I couldn’t stand even the thought.
“Well, what’s the boy’s name? We didn’t go to school with his parents, did we? Oh god, he’s Stacey’s son, isn’t he. Don’t sugar coat it, Rae, tell me straight out.”
Rae just gave me a amused glance, continuing cooking dinner. How could she be so calm at a time like this?
“His name is Jonathan and from what Aria’s told me, he’s just moved here with his mum and is in her year,” she replied, stirring a pot slowly. She turned the heat on low and covered it, turning to me and smirking.
“She’s also informed me that he’s got auburn hair and dark blue eyes and a million freckles and could play footy in his sleep,” Rae continued, fluttering her lashes and sighing dreamily. I rolled my eyes, my stomach twisting.
“Sounds like a wanker,” I countered, my brows furrowing. She smiled and stepped closer, running her fingers across my forehead and smoothing the lines.
“Be careful your face doesn’t get stuck like that, you know you’ve only got one,” she said cheekily. Before I could respond, the doorbell rang.
“Now, go get the door and call for Aria. Dinner will be ready in a bit.” 
I nodded with a grimace, heading for the front door. Aria appeared at the top of the stairs. My jaw dropped. This girl was gonna be the death of me.
“How do I look, Daddy?” she chirped, eyes shimmering. I could hear a slight waver in her voice and I sighed with a smile.
“You look beautiful, babygirl.”
She grinned before bounding down the stairs, her knee length skirt waving. She wore a light sleeveless top, a necklace resting along her sternum. My chest constricted.
“You’re wearing a sweater, right? A parka, perhaps?” She just laughed to my dismay.
“Quick, answer the door! And don’t let him see me, I have to make an entrance,” she exalted shortly, practically buzzing with anticipation. She bounced into the kitchen, and I vaguely heard Rae praising her loudly. I went to the door and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
“Mr. Nelson! So great to meet you, I’m Jonny,” he beamed, holding out his hand to shake. I crossed my arms, looking him over. His red hair was styled messily, wearing a navy blue button up t-shirt and light jeans. His hand stayed in place for a few seconds before wavering under my scrutiny and running through his hair with a shaky laugh. I attempted a smile, stepping back out of the doorway.
“C’mon in, kid,” I murmured. I clapped a hand on his shoulder roughly as he entered, smirking as he winced, giving me a weak grin. 
“Aria! Your date’s here!” I called out, screaming internally. Date.
“Be right there!”
We stood in silence for a moment, Jonny looking around the room casually while I tried not to shove him back out the door. I watched the kid as he wiped his palms on his jeans and cleared his throat. The kitchen door swung open and Rae walked out, giving me a warning look before smiling widely at Jonny.
“You must be Jonathan, Aria’s told us so much about you.”
I barely contained my scoff.
“All good things I hope,” Jonny quipped with a nervous smile. Rae chuckled and shook his hand.
“You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Nelson,” he continued, glancing around the room again. Rae beamed and I rolled my eyes heavenward. What a bloody charmer.
“Oh, call me Rae, Mrs. Nelson is so stuffy,” she laughed before giving me a meaningful look. I shot her a side-glance.
“Mr. Nelson will do, boy,” I muttered, Rae smacking my arm with an eyeroll. Aria entered the room seconds later, her grin a little too wide to be genuine. I could see her nerves clear in her movements. The kid swallowed hard, exhaling sharply.
“You look stunning,” Jonny croaked, Aria blushing deeply. He raised his arms as if to hug her and I caught his eye, glaring daggers. He slumped slightly, Aria looking disappointed.
“Ready to go?”
Aria nodded and gave Rae a quick hug before turning to me. I hoped my distress didn’t show too clear.
“Alright, Daddy?” she whispered, hugging me tight. I clung to her, knowing when I let go, she’d go out with that little blighter and I’d lose my little girl forever. I gave her one final squeeze and she pulled away, kissing my cheek. My lips quirked, my heart dropping to my stomach.
“Smile like you mean it, Dad,” Aria winked, exchanging a smirk with Rae. Her and Jonny walked to the door. As Aria opened the front door, Jonny placed his hand on her lower back. Rae’s quick pinch stopped me from lunging forward. I called out desperately.
“Curfew’s at te--” I started, before Rae clapped a hand over my mouth.
“Midnight, have fun, kids!” she finished, waiting until the door closed before removing her hand. I heaved a sigh, dropping to the couch and placing my head in my hands. Rae rubbed my shoulders and kissed my head.
“It’s just a date, Finley. She’s the same age we were when we started,” she said before walking towards the kitchen. I groaned, my nerves growing ten-fold.
“Exactly. I was such a dickhead back then,” I whined, shaking my head. 
“Back then?” she snorted. I scowled and followed her to the kitchen.
“Face it, Finn. She’s growing up. She can’t be your little girl forever,” she said, her tone ending the discussion. She started doling out food onto our plates.
“I think I’ve lost my appetite.”
Things have changed since Rae and I were teenagers. We’d spend the summer days trolling Town Records and the chippy and spend the nights watching the sunset out at Rutlands and drinking pints at the Swan. Looking back, life seemed like a dream. 
I remember all those times I’d sneak Rae into my room, Dad being totally oblivious. Or those few times I’d make it into Rae’s room before getting caught by Linda in a flurry of swatting hands and shouted profanities. We’d both get grounded but there I’d be again, climbing the walls up to her window.
I was installing bloody bars on our windows next chance I got.
“Mr. Nelson!”
I growled, the chippy’s server giving me a curious glance. I raised my brows at her mockingly and grabbed my food order, turning to the door. If I could just make it back to the car--
“Hey, Mr. Nelson. Fancy seeing you here,” Jonny grinned. I made a small noise of derision. His gaze went down to the large paper bag in my arms.
“Dinner for the family?” he remarked, “I’m just here with my footy mates, big game earlier.”
I nodded, my mouth curling into a sneer. Yes, Aria had spent the entire bloody day enthusing about Jonny and his football prowess before heading off to the game, team colors painted across her cheeks. I opened my mouth to fashion some sort of goodbye when Jonny’s gaze fell to my tattered Oasis t-shirt.
“Aw, man, I love Oasis. One of the best bands ever.”
No fucking way he had any idea about Oasis. This kid was a real piece of work.
“Oh yeah? Favorite album?” I challenged. Jonny seemed to think for a minute.
Yeah, ‘well’ what Jonny-boy?!
“I’d say ‘Definitely Maybe’ since it’s such a classic and my mum raised me on it, but I’m pretty impartial to ‘Be Here Now’. Can’t beat the opening guitar on Don’t Go Away,” he finished.
I almost dropped the bag in shock. Jonny continued, not seeming to notice my dumbfounded stare.
“Aria’s always banging on about the genius of ‘What’s the Story’, can’t say I disagree with that,” he paused before giving me a sly smile, “I’d never cop to it though.”
I let out a short laugh before kicking myself internally. Save some face, Finn, he’s the enemy!
“Anyways, I’d better go, Mr. Nelson. See ya laters!” 
I waved dazedly, turning back to the door and heading home. Fucking unreal.
Though my efforts to scare him away were valiant, Jonny stuck around a bit longer than I had anticipated. Blinded by my distrust of him and anxiety over Aria growing up, it took me a long time to accept him into our family circle. But with the help (or rather, coercion) of Rae, I stepped aside a bit and retracted the claws around Jonny more. Before I knew it, the two had been together a full year and then some.
“How’s the station going?” Dad asked, pouring tea into cups, handing them to me and Rae. I shrugged, my eyes on Aria and Jonny in the living room looking through Dad’s collection of board games, the christmas tree lighting their faces. Rae elbowed me sharply.
“It’s great, Gary, smooth as always. We’ve had some new artists playing for the holidays so ratings have been up,” she answered, pulling my focus from the kids. Dad shot me a knowing look.
“And how’s Aria? Excited about starting uni?”
Rae nodded enthusiastically, sharing a proud look with me.
“She’s not sure if she wants to go to Bristol like I did or somewhere new, though. She considered taking a year off to travel or start out at the trade school Finn went to, get some experience in something. I know she wants to stay close to Jonny either way, but he’s heading for great things as well, sky’s the limit for them both,” she replied. 
I found myself not instantly fuming at the thought of Jonny staying in Aria’s life. Turned out, he’d been a good influence for her thus far. While my grades dropped when I spent too much time with Rae, Aria and Jonny thrived, both their grades improving as they helped each other in their weak spots. Despite my original thoughts of Jonny being a typical boy with no eye for the future or how to treat my little girl, he was turning out to be quite the young man--a fact Rae wouldn’t let me forget.
“They do seem quite close,” Dad answered, “Reminds me a bit of you two to be honest.”
I choked on my tea. Aria held up a game from across the room.
“Who wants to play?”
Before I knew it, Aria started university. She struggled at first, being away from home, but with ongoing support from Rae and I, she made it through. Jonny ended up going to a different school but they remained in touch and honestly, I think his influence helped Aria just as much as mine and Rae’s did. By the time they graduated, my distaste for the boy had lessened considerably.
“May I have a quick word, Mr. Nelson?”
My eyes left the grill and met Jonny’s. He shuffled his feet and ran a hand through his hair restlessly. I nodded, handing the spatula to Chop, shrugging in response to his curious look. We walked to the side of the yard where a drink table was set up and I cracked open a beer, handing it to Jonny before opening one for myself. He took a long pull and let out a gusty sigh after. I raised a brow at him.
“What’s got you so keyed up, kid?” I asked, taking a considerably smaller gulp of my own beer. His eyes went across the yard to Aria standing with Rae and Archie, laughing loudly.
“It’s about Aria, sir.”
My eyes narrowed.
“You did something to her?” I asked quietly, stepping closer menacingly. Jonny shook his head roughly, bringing up his hands defensively.
“Oh, no, no, ‘course not, Mr. Nelson, I just…” he trailed off and I clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, out with it, Jonathan, I haven’t seen you this nervous since your first date with her,” I joked. I felt my stomach flop in anticipation. It couldn’t be...
“I know you don’t like me, sir, and that’s cool--”
“I like you just fine, lad.” Now, at least. Only took about 5 years.
“Right...well,” he took a shuddering breath, “I love your daughter very much, and I can’t imagine having a life without her by my side. So, I was wondering, if I could possibly have your blessing to propose marriage to her.”
My world seemed to slow down. I suddenly was assaulted with memories of my own experience asking Karim for his blessing to marry Rae. How out of my mind nervous I was. How difficult it was to bridge the language gap. Jonny sure had this bloody easy.
I stared at Jonny blankly, trying to get my head on straight. I watched a bead of sweat trickle down Jonny’s face, his eyes beseeching. I let a smile play on my face, remembering how much I hated this random boy coming swooping into my only daughter’s life and watching him become a man before my eyes, making Aria infinitely happy along the way. Jonny wavered under my gaze, his face starting to drop. I made my decision.
His eyes widened.
I rolled my eyes, barking a laugh.
“I said yes, knobhead.”
Jonny’s face broke into a grin and he threw his arms around me, nearly knocking me on my arse. I caught eyes with Rae across the yard and she gaped comically at the sight of us hugging, quickly nudging Aria beside her. She smiled widely and her eyes glowed brightly even from this distance. Jonny broke away, still beaming unrestrained.
“Thanks so much, Mr. Nelson.”
I cuffed his shoulder with a smirk.
“It’s Finn.”
Of course she said yes. Did I have any doubt she wouldn’t? A year of planning later found us at the town chapel on the big day. I didn’t know who was more nervous--me or Jonny.
“Fuck, I’m gonna be sick.”
I stifled a grin and tried to look sympathetic.
“You’re fine. We practiced this whole thing yesterday. You love her. Piece of cake,” I reassured him. His eyes met mine frantically.
“What if she changes her mind?” he spluttered, pacing the hall. I couldn’t help my snort.
“Well, she’s paying me back with interest, for one. This show didn’t come cheap, I’ll tell you that,” I replied, grinning at the glare and terse, ‘Not helping, Finn,’ I received. I checked my watch and braced his shoulders.
“Lemme tell you something, Jonathan. I consider myself a pretty laid back bloke, even if I didn’t seem that way when we first met. I reckon at this point in life I can handle just about anything, though you coming along made me question that. But now, I’ve realized you’re the best thing that could’ve happened in my daughter’s life and I’m sure you feel the same about her. I know you love her and you’ll make her happy,” I imparted. He smiled, his eyes growing glazed.
“Now, you got a wedding to have, get on out there,” I pulled him into a quick hug, feeling tears well up in my own eyes. Jonny bobbed his head in a nod, and sauntered off into the main hall to stand at the altar. I swiped at my eyes and made my way down the hall to the bride’s room. I knocked on the door, breathing deep. Rae opened the door, smile seeming permanently fixed. I smiled back.
“Looking good, girl,” I murmured before looking past her into the room at Aria. My heart skipped a beat.
“How do I look, Daddy?”
Déjà vu washed over me and I sighed in a small sob.
“You look beautiful, babygirl.”
Aria beamed, smoothing her hands over her dress. Rae kissed her cheek and hugged her tight, before leaving the room. I offered my arm, a tear making its way down my cheek. She swiped it away and took a trembling breath.
“I’m bricking it, Dad. How’s he doing? Is he gonna back out?”
I shook my head with a chuckle.
“He’s nervous but excited. Happy. Same as you.”
She nodded and we made our way to the doors. We stood in position and I turned to her. She gave me one of her famous looks that showed each and every emotion she was feeling. Intense nerves but supreme happiness. I kissed her cheek and waggled my brows at her.
“Now, smile like you mean it, Aria.”
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