babydamchu · 1 year
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🤍 Happy Daehyun Day 🤍
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Terrified to announce that I will be living another 100-300 years because Amazing gave me so much life
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daeshiel · 5 years
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ゞ/ ﹏ 您 % ♡ * : like or reblog if чou sɑve or use !
. ⃗. .♡̷jung ⃕dɑehчun icons ≛
ɑuto © to ‹ tw › : ﹫sthurus (ง ๑´• ₃ •̀๑)ว
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love-burn · 5 years
190627 @from_g.u's IG story
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alaypsy23 · 5 years
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Is it just me, or are Babys being fed quite well lately.... No complaints here...
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stanbap · 6 years
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anna-something · 6 years
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a sunshine-hyun after his mini-album funding reached 300% ♡
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bapsstar · 6 years
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Summary: when Daehyun springs an island getaway on you, you’re too busy having fun making memories with him to realise there is an ulterior motive to why he took you away on a holiday right now.
Pairing: Jung Daehyun x reader
Genre: fluff / a little bit of angst?
A/N: so I find it really beneficial heal through the written word. This is another one of those moments. Some of the facts shared in this story are from my own personal life, though I know I’m not the only one to suffer from loss and grief. Mine just unfortunately falls on Daehyun’s birthday so here we are addressing some of it! I hope you appreciate this storyline even with the personal addition to it, and enjoy celebrating Daehyun’s birthday with me! I love this man more than anything else in this world.
Word count: 1889
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You stirred when you felt soft kisses upon your neck, your eyelids still heavy against the world, yet you rolled your head over on the pillow so he could have more access.
Daehyun chuckled, the vibration of the gesture against your skin sending a shiver down your spine. Must he sound so delicious first thing in the morning?
His lips painstakingly moved up to your ear before he said, “You have two hours to pack.”
Wait, what?
Sitting up with a start as your boyfriend moved away, you blearily stared at him now placing clothes into his luggage trunk. “Where are we going?”
Daehyun pointed to his empty spot beside you and you turned to see a brochure for an island getaway there instead. Blinking, you leafed through it slowly and then glanced back at Daehyun. “You're kidding?!”
“Do you think I would go to the extremes of packing my own luggage just to trick you?” he asked with a hearty laugh and you gave him a look that only made the joyous sound increase. Pausing his current packing task, Daehyun climbed back onto the bed, reaching for your body and pulling you into his embrace. “I booked everything whilst you were asleep and let your editor know I was stealing you for a week. Everything is ready except you so you need to get up and start moving. We need to be at the airport in just under three hours, and now you have one hour and fifty minutes to pack.”
“We’re really going there?” you questioned in disbelief and Daehyun nodded. “What’s the special occasion?”
“Can’t I escape this dreary wintry weather with you without having a reason?”
You grinned, dashing over to the wardrobe to start sorting out what to take. You didn’t have a second to waste.
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It didn’t seem real to wake up with an endless view of the vast blue outside of your beachfront villa but as you stirred from your slumber, you were compelled to pull yourself out of the plush bedding and pad over to the large balcony. Sliding the door open, you stepped outside, amazed by the sight before you. You didn’t know how the locals of this island could start their day without getting lost in the natural beauty all around first. You were certain you could spend all day gazing at this view and not grow bored of it.
Smiling when you felt arms slide around you from behind, you leaned back into Daehyun’s chest as he nuzzled into you. He let out a little huff. “Why did you leave me?”
“I saw the sea. It was already magical last night when the clerk led us over here but waking up and seeing it in daylight bewitched me.”
“Mmm,” he mumbled into you, kissing your shoulder gently. His grip tightened around you and you playfully slapped his arm with how he was choosing to remove the remnants of his slumber. “Maybe the view bewitched me too. You looked like a goddess standing over here just now.”
“I hope you don’t plan on spending the majority of this holiday exploring my body in this bedroom, Daehyun,” you stated disapprovingly, sighing all the same when his lips moved over a sensitive patch of skin. Your head naturally rolled back onto his shoulder with his touch and you cursed yourself for easily falling into the realm of desire he had opened up.
“Of course not,” he replied matter-of-fact, littering kisses in between his words. “But I definitely need to explore you before we head out onto the island today.”
After your sensual start to the day, you went out to see the sights the island bolstered. You walked, you swam, you hiked and you canoed. There was so much to see and do that the next four days were full of activities during the day, grand dinners at night with social festivities and dancing finishing off the hours of the night. You slept exceptionally well, fully rested to rise for another day of adventure with Daehyun.
It wasn’t until you took a quiet day off from travelling around the island exploring that you realised what the date was.
Today was Daehyun’s birthday.
How could you have possibly forgotten your partner’s birthday? You had been with him for years now, and his birthday was hardly a day you could ever forget. It hadn’t been the easiest finding out that the day Daehyun would celebrate each year was one you had learned to mourn over the year before you met him. It was always a troubling time for you yet you never wanted to let Daehyun feel underappreciated either. It wasn’t his fault your father had died on his birthday, and so each year you went overboard to make the day special at least for him.
So how did you forget it this time?
You had been swamped with work, but you recalled starting your birthday planning the day before Daehyun had whisked you away on this getaway. It meant you hadn’t yet picked up all of his special surprises, though you did have his present safely hidden in your at-home office. All the same, not a single day since you had been here had you thought of his birthday, and guilt immediately washed over you for having such a great time being spoiled by him and not linking this special trip as a birthday getaway instead.
As the morning progressed, you retreated further into your mind, worrying over how to make today special enough with the little amount of time you had to prepare something within. You could make something happen for dinner, but it wouldn’t as spectacular had you realised the date yesterday instead. You cursed agreeing to being device-free whilst here and for not even looking on your camera at the date either.
Daehyun picked up on your frantic internalising and after breakfast, he suggested a walk along the beach, allowing you to ruminate for only a few minutes longer before he let out a heavy sigh. “What’s bothering you today?”
“I’m fine,” you lied and you knew he didn’t buy it whatsoever. You grimaced. “You noticed, huh?”
“How could I not? You haven’t been laughing nearly as much as you have every other day this week. I was hoping to hear you laugh the most today, actually.”
You nodded slowly, trying to squash down your ever-present remorse. “Did you plan this trip for your birthday?”
“No, I planned this all for you.”
“For me?” you repeated, confused by his statement. “But Dae-”
“Do you think I don’t see how difficult this time of year is for you every year? I know you try not to let on that my birthday is hard for you, and you really go all out to spoil me. I appreciate your efforts more than anything, you know?”
You couldn’t answer, the lump forming in your throat blocking your ability to speak. You attempted to smile though and Daehyun stopped walking, pulling you towards him so he could wipe away the first tear that tumbled from your eyes. He blinked back his own emotions, pressing on with a wide smile instead. “Every year though, you hide this side to you. When you think I don’t see it, I find you hiding away sobbing alone. As if you don’t feel it’s okay to be sad today too. It really is okay to be.”
“No, I don’t want to be sad on your birthday.”
“But it’s not just my birthday, is it?” he replied and you sniffled, nodding slowly. You still couldn’t understand how you had gotten so lucky to meet someone with such a beautiful and caring soul like Daehyun, but you always believed that your father had sent him to you now that he was gone. To protect and cherish you in his stead.
Daehyun was the most selfless person you knew.
“I wanted us to have fun this year. Away from the usual schedule, leaving the forced smiles and brooding hours behind us. You needed the fresh salty air, the wind in your hair and my hand in yours to remind you that every day is precious and magical. You are the most genuine and relaxed you’ve ever been around this time of year on this holiday. I don’t regret choosing to do this, even if it meant you forgot what today is.”
“You are too much, you know that?” you told him, resting against him and wrapping your arms around his waist securely. You hoped your embrace would show Daehyun just how grateful you were to have him in your life.
You knew he was close to crying now; the way he was breathing was a tell-tale sign. He managed to talk through it still. “I wanted to remove your burdens this year. That was what I wanted for my birthday. And I succeeded. But now that you’re like this, just remember today you can cry in front of me. I’ll catch all your tears. And I promise I’ll try to make you smile just as much as you have all week long. Besides, your Dad would want to see that smile today the most, wouldn’t he?”
You gripped onto his shirt, allowing the first wave of your emotions to crash upon him, Daehyun holding onto you, the anchor within your storm. He was right; it really was freeing to allow yourself to be this emotional in front of him today. When your tears stopped falling, you stared up at Daehyun, a watery smile crossing your lips. “Happy Birthday, Daehyun. I love you.”
“Love you too,” he replied, kissing your lips gently before grinning. “I have to admit, I’m pretty impressed with how I handled this. I did well huh?”
You giggled. “Very well. I’m so lucky to have you.”
“Lucky enough to marry me someday?” he wondered and you froze, unblinking in your gaze up at him. Daehyun’s smile faltered as he noticed your stuck expression.
“Wait, I-”
“Are you proposing right now? Because if so, the answer is yes.”
“Well, I was… well, uh… shoot.” Daehyun rubbed a hand through his hair at your sudden reply and let out an awkward laugh. “I wasn’t exactly proposing, Y/N. I don’t even have a ring.”
“I don’t care about a ring, I have you.”
Daehyun stared at you intently. “You’ll marry me?”
“Of course I would, there’s no one else better for me. I mean, who else plans something for their partner on their own birthday? Of course, I want to marry you.”
Daehyun slowly grinned, a shocked, elated laugh leaving him. “I wasn’t expecting that you would be my birthday gift this year but you can’t take it back now. Ring or not, you just agreed to be my fiancé.”
You laughed genuinely and noticed the smile on his lips was the biggest you had seen all holiday long. Daehyun had definitely succeeded with all of this, allowing yourself to embrace all the emotions of this day was better than trying to plan it out and avoid it.
And whilst you would always honour your emotions of the loss of your father, you now had an extra anniversary to celebrate with your fiancé. You were certain you would smile more every single year at Daehyun’s side on this special day.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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itsbap · 6 years
[BABYHYUN|대현]Episode1(ENG SUB)
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babydamchu · 1 year
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♡ Happy Babyhyun Day ♡
Happy Birthday my lovely
i love you so so much..
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I really hope Daehyun goes long-term into musical theatre because I really can’t think of a career that suits him more than being the pretty boy in a flamboyant outfit singing out all of his problems
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daeshiel · 5 years
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ゞ/ ﹏ 您 % ♡ * : like or reblog if чou sɑve or use !
. ⃗. .♡̷чoo ⃕чoungjɑe / . ⃗. .♡̷jung ⃕dɑehчun ≛
ɑuto © to ‹ tw › : ﹫sthurus (ง ๑´• ₃ •̀๑)ว
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love-burn · 5 years
190614 Daehyun Instagram Live Highlights:
Daehyun's friend has a wedding tomorrow, so Daehyun will sing a congratulation song at his wedding. He said he is really nervous about it.
He is preparing for his bday party now.
The reason he turned this live on is to say that the good news will come out. He said he will come back with a new agency and that he will continue to make good music.
He said that he prepared one more new song and asked us to wait for it
Someone wrote they miss B.A.P and Daehyun also said that he miss B.A.P.
He said they met with Zelo recently and he heard his songs and he liked it and called him 'this little punk'.
He said that he saw that fans did birthday projects for him and thanked them with a bow.
Someone asked him to do eating broadcast but he said he already doing it with yola.
He said Ganji is doing well too, he grew up.
Daehyun promised to do insta live more often and start again with better management and system, said he missed everyone and said he loves everyone a lot.
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thediebutterfly · 6 years
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...this stunning marble sculpture is wearing the coziest clothes
Bird truly does take phenomenal pictures of Daehyun
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bbertholdtt · 5 years
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Oversized sweater Dae is best Dae
I have so many gifs of Daehyun stored in my laptop I’m sorry ;; 
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