jjwphotography1990 · 28 days
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Dondi buzzing the tower in his beautiful BAC-167 Strikemaster! Someone in that tower had a great view!
The 2021 Stuart Air Show
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opelman · 11 months
Tidy Trio by Treflyn Lloyd-Roberts Via Flickr: de Havilland Vampire LN-DHY, resplendent in Italian Air Force markings to commemorate its centenary, leads Strikemaster pair G-RSAF and G-SOAF during their practice display at Duxford before the air show the following day. Aircraft: de Havilland DH.100 Vampire FB.52 LN-DHY/6-29 in Italian Air Force livery, BAC 167 Strikemaster Mk.82A G-SOAF/425 in Sultan of Oman's Air Force livery and BAC 167 Strikemaster Mk.80A G-RSAF/417 in Royal Air Force of Oman livery. Location: Duxford, Cambridgeshire.
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tmvaznose · 1 year
13 năm làm nghề và những ca nâng mũi ấn tượng nhất của Bác sĩ CKI. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam
"13 năm, hàng chục ngàn ca nâng mũi, mỗi khách hàng là một câu chuyện, là nỗi niềm khát khao, là ước mơ khác nhau. Điểm chung duy nhất chính là mong muốn được xinh đẹp, tự tin và hạnh phúc hơn trong cuộc sống…”, Bác sĩ CKI. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam chia sẻ.
Tìm hiểu thêm: https://aznose.vn/13-nam-lam-nghe-va-nhung-ca-nang-mui-an-tuong-nhat-cua-bac-si-cki-nguyen-hoang-nam/
AZNOSE - Phòng khám chuyên sâu nâng mũi
263 - 265 Đường 3/2, P.10, Q.10, TP.HCM
0903 167 178
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topmassagenet · 8 days
🌟 Khám Phá TOP 6 Địa Điểm Massage Uy Tín Tại Thái Nguyên! 🌟
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🍃 Bạn đang tìm kiếm một không gian thư giãn lý tưởng? Hãy để chúng tôi dẫn lối đến những trải nghiệm massage hàng đầu tại Thái Nguyên. Dù bạn cần giải tỏa stress, chăm sóc sức khỏe hay đơn giản là muốn một chút thời gian nghỉ ngơi cho riêng mình, massage thái nguyên có tất cả!
1️⃣ Menard Thái Nguyên - Đắm chìm trong không gian Á Đông, trải nghiệm dịch vụ massage và xông hơi thượng hạng.
📍 Số 167 Hoàng Văn Thụ, TP. Thái Nguyên ⭐️ Đánh giá: 5/5
2️⃣ Xông Hơi Massage 299 - Thư giãn không giới hạn với các phương pháp thư giãn độc đáo.
📍 Ngõ 14 Lý Nam Đế, TX. Phổ Yên ⭐️ Đánh giá: 4.9/5
3️⃣ Hạnh Ân Massage - Chuyên gia trong các liệu pháp trị liệu, giúp bạn khôi phục tinh thần và sức khỏe.
📍 Chợ Trào, Phú Lương ⭐️ Đánh giá: 4.8/5
4️⃣ Massage Foot & Body Hương Trà - Kích thích các huyệt đạo, giúp tuần hoàn máu và giảm đau mỏi.
📍 Số 115 Đ. Hoàng Ngân, TP Thái Nguyên ⭐️ Đánh giá: 4.7/5
5️⃣ Massage Hồng Lựu - Đa dạng liệu pháp từ massage truyền thống đến các dịch vụ đặc biệt.
📍 Đường Tổ 8, Mỏ Chè, Sông Công ⭐️ Đánh giá: 4.6/5
6️⃣ Sen Spa & Massage - Kết hợp bàn tay điêu luyện và tinh dầu thảo mộc để mang đến không gian thư giãn hoàn hảo.
📍 Số 2 Nha Trang, P. Trưng Vương ⭐️ Đánh giá: 4.5/5
📞 💬 Hãy chia sẻ trải nghiệm của bạn với chúng tôi nhé!
🔗 Chi tiết tại: https://topmassage.net/mien-bac/massage-thai-nguyen/
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bssontungaznose · 3 months
Tình trạng mũi tẹt và cách xử trí của Bác sĩ CKI. Đinh Xuân Sơn Tùng
Dáng mũi thấp là một khuyết điểm thường gặp của người châu Á khiến gương mặt mất đi sự hài hòa. Vậy, làm thế nào để khắc phục vấn đề này? Bác sĩ CKI. Đinh Xuân Sơn Tùng sẽ chỉ ra giải pháp trong bài viết dưới đây.
Mũi người Á Đông có nhiều hình thái khác nhau nhưng nhìn chung thường sẽ có dáng thấp và nhỏ. Lý do chính là vì xương vùng mặt và vách ngăn bị ngắn, kém phát triển, từ đó làm cho phần sóng mũi thấp đi.
Xem ngay: https://aznose.vn/tinh-trang-mui-tet-cach-xu-tri-cua-bac-si-dinh-xuan-son-tung/
AZNOSE - Phòng khám chuyên sâu nâng mũi
263 - 265 Đường 3/2, P.10, Q.10, TP.HCM
0903 167 178
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canonming · 1 year
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Mercredi 07_06_2023 vers 17_45,à la sortie de Cenon,(152) rue Honoré de Balzac,DC1,le retour du footing de Dominique de Parigny est contrarié, par la menace d'un camion banalisé, qui entrave la route. Impossible de rejoindre son véhicule, sans affronter le camion banalisé, qui entrave la route avec une insistance inquiétante sans gène pour la circulation, absente à cette heure-ci. Aucun trafic de camion utilitaire n'est visible, depuis le départ du footing de Dominique,qui prend effet au,167 rue Honoré de Balzac D1C vers 17.H  Environs 2 kilometres plus loin.en arrivant à la rue du bac, perpendiculaire à la rue Honoré de Balzac D1C ,Dominique de Parigny observe derrière lui, avancée discrète d'un camion Bleu. Prise de contact il s'agit d,un agent du réseau de Gaz,en poste avec des clients apparemment absents. Dominique retourne dans la rue du Bac et constate que l'agent ,environs trente ans s'affaire à bricoler dans cette rue. Dominique de parigny poursuit son footing jusqu'au vieux poitiers.A cet endroit rencontre avec un autochtone, la cinquantaine........Ils auraient préférer rencontrer de jeunes étudiantes,....Sans paranoïa un certains profil.Le retour du footing, pour rejoindre le véhicule,sera marquer par la présence de plusieurs camions utilitaires, sans chauffeurs,en poste avant le (152 )rue Honoré de Balzac D1C. Vers 17H45 un Camion Banalisé(gris avec publicité)_ Censure_est perpendiculaire à cette rue.Signe particulier,il se trouve dans un petit virage pour quantifier l effet de surprise.Dominique est contrains d,adopter le théoréme de Suzanne,cultivatrice._ Il faut taper dessus pour que sa avance_Il ne peux contourner ce camion et par conséquence il tente un passage .Le camion banalisé reste immobile, sur la chaussée, une menace qui ne ralentit pas Dominique.Finalement,devant la détermination du joogeur,la camion accédera au (152) rue honoré de Balzac D1C.Un stationnement discret qui permet cependant d'identifier le chauffeur. La cinquantaine, petit bouc gris et blanc,plutôt sec,profil sport et bureau(pas manoeuvre,un bémol)Dominique poursuit son footing avec remord. Celui ne ne pas disposer d,un Akeron Mp pour s'offrir un bouquet de confettis. Un recyclage du camion banalisé pour un coût de cent quatre vingt dix huit mille euros.Il reste cependant la possibilité de faire une cagnotte sur pinteret.Une certaine hésitation.......Pour ceux qui ne sont pas initiés le Akeron MP est le remplaçant du missile milan.Il dépasse la position de son véhicule au 167 rue Honoré de Balzac et se dirige vers Cenon.Rien de spécial des sirènes au loin, probablement des pompiers ,pour l'intervention d,un incident(petit choc entre deux véhicules) survenant vers bureau de tabac Estaminet,a Beaumont Saint Cyr.Par expérience il fut préférable de montrer une certaine prudence.De son poste d,observation,Dominique de Parigny observe un véhicule rapide type(subaru blanc,roulant à faible allure)Le conducteur  francais la trentaine,névrosé,semble impatient d,atteindre son objectif.Il ne fut pas possible d,identifier les motivations de cette personne apparemment trés concentrer.....Dominique se dirige vers son véhicule.Il rencontre un Cortal(chien) joyeux devant la présence d,un individu,francais la trentaine, qui tente l'accès du maison avoisinante.Dominique s,exclame en anglais_Wy not my friends.Dans son périple dominique rencontrera  dans la rue honoré de Balzac,avant le pont du clain pour rejoindre Naintré,un camion utilitaire blanc avec( une bétonnière) l,individu francais la trentaine adoptera une attitude ricaneuse avec excès quand il croisera le véhicule de Dominique.Toujours un bémol avec le profil du chauffeur et les fonctions de maçon.
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vidoggytv-blog · 1 year
Le marc de café éloignera-t-il les chats ?
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Le marc de café peut-il réellement éloigner les chats ? Découvrez ce que les experts disent à ce sujet et comment l'utiliser pour garder ces petits félins à distance !   Le marc de café éloignera-t-il les chats ? Interrogé par : Mzia Houttum | Dernière mise à jour : 28 juin 2020 Catégorie: animaux domestiques chats 4.9/5 (2 167 vues . 23 votes) La raison pour laquelle le marc de café repousse les chats est simplement parce qu'ils n'aiment pas l'odeur. En fait, ils trouvent cela répugnant. Ainsi, en saupoudrant les sols dans et autour de votre jardin, vous pourrez éloigner les chats errants et domestiques . Les motifs sont un moyen de dissuasion bien connu et efficace qui fonctionnera pour la majorité des chats .   De même, on se demande, est-ce que le marc de café utilisé dissuade les chats ? Repoussez les chats avec des agrumes ou du marc de café Les chats n'aiment pas l'odeur des agrumes, comme les oranges et les citrons. Un autre remède maison pour repousser les chats avec lequel les gens ont eu du succès consiste à saupoudrer du marc de café usagé dans leur jardin. De plus, quelle odeur repoussera les chats ? Répulsifs parfumés Les huiles comme la citronnelle, la lavande, la menthe poivrée, la citronnelle et l'orange ont tendance à repousser les chats lorsqu'ils les sentent et ne sont pas toxiques. Pour faire une solution maison de ces huiles, mélangez une partie d'huile essentielle avec trois parties d'eau, recommande VetInfo. À ce propos, le marc de café est-il toxique pour les chats ? Les grains de café , le marc et le café infusé contiennent de la caféine, un produit chimique très dangereux et toxique pour les chats et les chiens. L'ingestion peut mettre la vie en danger. Selon la Pet Poison Helpline, une quantité modérée de café peut facilement causer la mort chez les petits chiens ou les chats . Les chats aiment-ils l'odeur du café ? Les chats n'aiment pas l'odeur du café , donc si vous avez un chat qui utilise votre lit comme bac à litière, éparpillez du marc de café ! 32 réponses aux questions connexes trouvées Comment se débarrasser des chats des voisins dans mon jardin ? Voici quelques mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour décourager les chats d'entrer dans votre jardin. - Retirez toute nourriture de la cour. Les chats sont probablement attirés par tout type de nourriture dans votre jardin. - Créez une zone rugueuse dans votre jardin. - Bloquer tout abri. - Lavez leurs endroits préférés. - Mettre en place un système de sécurité pour les effrayer. Comment arrêter les chats des voisins dans mon jardin ? Utilisez un parfum pour éloigner les chats - Intercaler dans le jardin. Les chats n'aiment pas l'odeur de la rue, de la lavande et de la pennyroyal, du Coleus canina et du thym citronné - alors plantez-en quelques-uns dans tout le jardin. - Les chats évitent les fortes odeurs d'agrumes. - L'odeur des poils humains dissuade les chats. Quelle épice éloigne les chats ? Épices séchées et pelures de fruits Le romarin , le poivre de Cayenne, la moutarde séchée et la lavande repoussent les chats car ils n'aiment pas l'odeur. Les écorces de fruits comme les écorces de citron et d'orange, placées en bordure du jardin, éloignent les chats. Les épices ou les pelures peuvent également être placées à l'intérieur de la maison, par exemple, près des plantes et des placards. Les boules antimites éloigneront-elles les chats ? Ne jetez pas les vieilles boules de naphtaline . Dispersez-les dans vos jardins et parterres de fleurs pour éloigner les chats , les chiens et les rongeurs . Les animaux détestent l'odeur ! Quel est le meilleur répulsif pour chat ? Les 10 meilleurs répulsifs pour chats Le poivre noir éloigne-t-il les chats ? Éloignez les chats avec du poivre noir Si vous avez des chats qui viennent sur votre propriété et déterrent vos jardins, saupoudrez généreusement la zone de poivre noir moulu . Les chats n'aiment pas l'odeur du poivre . Comment éloignez-vous les chats de votre propriété? Mettez des parfums qui éloignent les chats . Dispersez des zestes d'orange ou de citron frais. Le marc de café humide – que vous pourrez peut-être obtenir gratuitement dans les cafés et les chaînes de restauration rapide – et les casseroles en métal remplies de vinaigre dissuadent également les chats . un endroit isolé dans votre jardin . Le vinaigre est-il un bon répulsif pour chat ? Mélanger le vinaigre de cidre de pomme et l'eau à une ration de 1:1. Le vinaigre peut également remplacer une huile essentielle comme la citronnelle, la lavande, la menthe poivrée ou la citronnelle (1 part d'huile pour 3 parts d'eau). L'un ou l'autre fera un fantastique spray répulsif pour chats . Il suffit de le vaporiser là où votre chat aime traîner. Qu'est-ce qui est mortel pour les chats ? Paracétamol : Les chats sont extrêmement sensibles à la toxicité du paracétamol. La dose toxique féline est de 50 à 100 mg/kg. Un comprimé de force régulière peut être toxique pour un chat , et un second ingéré 24 heures plus tard peut être mortel . Les signes de toxicité sont des gencives brunes, des difficultés respiratoires, du sang dans les urines, une jaunisse et un gonflement. Quel goût les chats détestent-ils ? Les saveurs félines aiment et n'aiment pas Alors que les chats d'aujourd'hui détestent le goût de l'amer, qui peut indiquer des toxines dans la nature, ils ne peuvent même pas détecter celui du sucre. Le sel peut-il blesser les chats ? Trop (ou trop peu) de sel peut causer de graves problèmes de santé. Il est peu probable que le coup de langue d'une lampe à sel cause des dommages , mais si votre chat ou votre chien devient accro au sel - un peu comme nous devenons accro aux croustilles - c'est à ce moment-là que des problèmes peuvent survenir. Le marc de café empêchera-t-il les chats d'entrer dans mon jardin ? La raison pour laquelle le marc de café repousse les chats est simplement parce qu'ils n'aiment pas l' odeur. En fait, ils trouvent cela répugnant. Ainsi, en saupoudrant les sols dans et autour de votre jardin , vous pourrez éloigner les chats errants et domestiques . Les oignons tueront-ils un chat? L'oignon sous toutes ses formes - en poudre, cru, cuit ou déshydraté - peut décomposer les globules rouges d'un chat , entraînant une anémie. Mais manger une grande quantité une fois ou manger de petites quantités régulièrement peut provoquer une intoxication à l'oignon . Avec les oignons , l'ail et la ciboulette peuvent causer des troubles gastro-intestinaux. Quel est le meilleur moyen de se débarrasser des chats sauvages ? Employant un système Trap-Neuter-Return. Piègez les chats sauvages sur votre propriété pour les stériliser et les ramener. Le moyen le plus efficace de se débarrasser des chats à long terme est de les piéger d'abord afin de pouvoir les emmener se faire castrer ou stériliser. Achetez un piège à chat sans cruauté en plastique ou en métal avec une porte et appâtez-le avec du thon, des sardines ou de la nourriture pour chat Quels aliments sont toxiques pour les chats ? Voici un aperçu des aliments les plus toxiques pour les chats. Le sel d'Epsom est-il dangereux pour les chats ? Les sels d'Epsom sont du sulfate de magnésium. Cela ne fera probablement pas de mal à votre chat , mais cela peut causer de la diarrhée. Il est difficile de dire pourquoi les chats sont obsédés par le fait de manger ou de lécher certaines choses. Que se passe-t-il si un chat boit du café ? Si un chat boit du thé, du café ou des sodas, la caféine contenue dans ces boissons peut causer des problèmes cardiaques et des troubles à votre animal. Bien que quelques gorgées d'une boisson contenant de la caféine ne nuisent pas à votre chat , s'il mange du marc de café ou des sachets de thé, cela pourrait avoir de graves effets sur sa santé. Les experts sont partagés sur l'efficacité du marc de café pour éloigner les chats. Des recherches récentes suggèrent que le marc de café peut repousser les chats car ses composés sont très amers. Cependant, pour que cela fonctionne, le marc doit être fraîchement moulu et appliqué régulièrement. De plus, le marc de café peut être toxique pour les chats et certains experts recommandent donc déconseillent de l'utiliser. La meilleure façon d'éloigner les chats est de réduire les sources de nourriture et de diverses autres façons de nettoyer et de contrôler leur environnement. Read the full article
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horovihoc · 2 years
BROTHER MFC J6710DW MODE D'EMPLOI >> <strong><u><a href="http://bit.do/fSmfG" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">READ ONLINE</a></u><br>bit.do/fSmfG</strong> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p></center><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>brother lc3217 mode d'emploi
<br> brother lc1240 mode d'emploipilote brother mfc-j6710dw
<br> </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>FAQ pour MFC-J6510DW Brother. Configurer la machine Brother pour un réseau sans fil en utilisant le mode de configuration sans fil automatique
GRATUIT ! Ce site permet de télécharger les modes d'emploi BROTHER MFC-J5730DW, MFC-J6710DW,. Télécharger mode d'emploi, notice, manuel quelque soit la
MFC-J6510DW imprimantes téléchargement de manuel pdf Aussi pour: Mfc-j6710dw. (177 pages). Imprimantes Brother P-touch 1250 Mode D'emploi. (4 pages).Manuel pour Brother MFC-J6710DW Imprimante multifonction. Consultez et téléchargez le PDF, trouvez des réponses aux questions fréquemment posées et lisez
Utilisation du bac en mode Fax (MFC-J6710DW uniquement) Le papier BP71 (260 g/m2) a été spécialement conçu pour les imprimantes à jet d'encre Brother.
Guide de l'utilisateur avancé • Lire en ligne ou télécharger en PDF • Brother MFC J6710DW Manuel d'utilisation.
Guide de l'utilisateur • Lire en ligne ou télécharger en PDF • Brother MFC J6710DW Manuel d'utilisation.
Mode d'emploi. Consultez gratuitement le manuel de la marque Brother MFC-J6710DW ici. Ce manuel appartient à la catégorie Imprimantes et a été évalué par 1
MFC-J6510DW – lire le manuel d'utilisation en ligne ou le télécharger au format PDF. Nombre de pages: 167. Brother MFC-J6510DW Mode D'Emploi. Brother.
Guide d'impression/numérisation mobile pour Brother iPrint&amp;Scan Guide Brother Image Viewer pour Android™ Guide du Pilote d'Imprimante Universel.
</p><br>, , , , .
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airmanisr · 3 years
425 (G-SOAF) 1986 BAC 167 Strikemaster Mk 82A Wings & Wheels Dunsfold 25.08.17 by Phil Rawlings Via Flickr: Built in 1986 by BAC at Preston. Delivered to SOAF. Sold after withdrawal and registered G-SOAF on 21.12.07.
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Glee Soundtrack Rating Project Results: holdontoglee
Favourite character: Blaine Anderson
Least favourite character: Will Schuester
Favourite season: Season 3
Least favourite season: Season 6
Mean song rating: 6.56
Mean song rating for favourite character's songs: 7.63
Mean song rating for favourite character's solos: 7.63
Mean song rating season 1: 5.79
Mean song rating season 2: 6.6
Mean song rating season 3: 7.09
Mean song rating season 4: 6.61
Mean song rating season 5: 6.78
Mean song rating season 6: 6.11
Songs rated: 702
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[ID: A bar chart titled Number of songs assigned each rating by holdontoglee, illustrating the number of times each score was assigned to a song by holdontoglee. 10 was assigned 44 times, 9 was assigned 89 times, 8 was assigned 137 times, 7 was assigned 72 times, 6 was assigned 70 times, 5 was assigned 232 times, 4 was assigned 27 times, 3 was assigned 17 times, 2 was assigned 8 times, 1 was assigned 6 times, and 0 songs were not rated.]
About the Project | Results Masterpost
1. (10) - S1x01 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot)
2. (10) - S1x01 - Leaving On a Jet Plane
3. (10) - S1x05 - Last Name
4. (10) - S1x15 - 4 Minutes
5. (10) - S2x03 - Only the Good Die Young
6. (10) - S2x03 - One of Us
7. (10) - S2x05 - Time Warp
8. (10) - S2x06 - Teenage Dream
9. (10) - S2x07 - Singing In the Rain/Umbrella
10. (10) - S2x14 - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
11. (10) - S2x16 - Blackbird
12. (10) - S2x16 - Hell to the No
13. (10) - S2x18 - I Feel Pretty/Unpretty
14. (10) - S3x02 - I'm the Greatest Star
15. (10) - S3x03 - Cool
16. (10) - S3x08 - Control
17. (10) - S3x08 - Man in the Mirror
18. (10) - S3x11 - Smooth Criminal
19. (10) - S3x16 - You Should Be Dancing
20. (10) - S3x17 - How Will I Know
21. (10) - S3x18 - Not the Boy Next Door
22. (10) - S3x19 - Big Girls Don't Cry
23. (10) - S4x01 - New York State of Mind
24. (10) - S4x06 - You're the One That I Want
25. (10) - S4x07 - Heroes
26. (10) - S4x10 - Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah
27. (10) - S4x12 - Torn
28. (10) - S4x13 - Don't Stop Me Now
29. (10) - S4x15 - Footloose
30. (10) - S5x03 - Fire and Rain
31. (10) - S5x03 - I'll Stand By You
32. (10) - S5x03 - If I Die Young
33. (10) - S5x06 - Piano Man
34. (10) - S5x08 - The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)
35. (10) - S5x08 - Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree
36. (10) - S5x08 - O Christmas Tree
37. (10) - S5x09 - Don't Rain On My Parade
38. (10) - S5x09 - Breakaway
39. (10) - S5x10 - Jumpin' Jumpin'
40. (10) - S5x12 - Raise Your Glass
41. (10) - S5x20 - American Boy
42. (10) - S5x20 - Pompeii
43. (10) - S6x10 - Rise
44. (10) - S6x13 - I Lived
45. (9) - S1x01 - Mr. Cellophane
46. (9) - S1x03 - Bust Your Windows
47. (9) - S1x07 - No Air
48. (9) - S1x19 - Safety Dance
49. (9) - S2x04 - River Deep, Mountain High
50. (9) - S2x09 - Dog Days Are Over
51. (9) - S2x13 - Baby
52. (9) - S2x16 - Raise Your Glass
53. (9) - S2x16 - Big Ass Heart
54. (9) - S2x16 - Get It Right
55. (9) - S2x16 - Loser Like Me
56. (9) - S2x22 - Bella Notte
57. (9) - S3x01 - You Can't Stop the Beat
58. (9) - S3x02 - Something's Coming
59. (9) - S3x03 - Run the World (Girls)
60. (9) - S3x04 - Candyman
61. (9) - S3x06 - Hit Me with Your Best Shot/One Way or Another
62. (9) - S3x07 - Perfect
63. (9) - S3x08 - We Are Young
64. (9) - S3x08 - ABC
65. (9) - S3x09 - All I Want for Christmas Is You
66. (9) - S3x09 - Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
67. (9) - S3x10 - Summer Nights
68. (9) - S3x10 - We Found Love
69. (9) - S3x11 - Ben
70. (9) - S3x11 - Never Can Say Goodbye
71. (9) - S3x14 - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
72. (9) - S3x14 - Glad You Came
73. (9) - S3x15 - I'm Still Standing
74. (9) - S3x15 - Up Up Up
75. (9) - S3x15 - Fighter
76. (9) - S3x15 - Rio/Hungry Like the Wolf
77. (9) - S3x15 - Somebody That I Used to Know
78. (9) - S3x17 - It's Not Right But It's Okay
79. (9) - S3x18 - Cell Block Tango
80. (9) - S3x20 - Mean
81. (9) - S3x20 - Flashdance...What a Feeling
82. (9) - S3x21 - Paradise By the Dashboard Light
83. (9) - S3x21 - Tongue Tied
84. (9) - S3x21 - We Are the Champions
85. (9) - S3x21 - Edge of Glory
86. (9) - S4x01 - It's Time
87. (9) - S4x01 - Chasing Pavements
88. (9) - S4x02 - Womanizer
89. (9) - S4x04 - Don't Speak
90. (9) - S4x04 - The Scientist
91. (9) - S4x06 - Greased Lightning
92. (9) - S4x07 - Holding Out for a Hero
93. (9) - S4x09 - Being Alive
94. (9) - S4x09 - Don't Dream It's Over
95. (9) - S4x09 - Being Good Isn't Good Enough
96. (9) - S4x10 - White Christmas
97. (9) - S4x10 - The First Noel
98. (9) - S4x10 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
99. (9) - S4x11 - No Scrubs
100. (9) - S4x14 - We've Got Tonite
101. (9) - S4x15 - Come What May
102. (9) - S4x17 - Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
103. (9) - S4x19 - You Have More Friends Than You Know
104. (9) - S4x20 - We Will Rock You
105. (9) - S4x21 - For Once in My Life
106. (9) - S4x21 - Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours
107. (9) - S4x22 - Hall of Fame
108. (9) - S5x01 - Help!
109. (9) - S5x01 - You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
110. (9) - S5x01 - Got to Get You Into My Life
111. (9) - S5x01 - A Hard Day's Night
112. (9) - S5x02 - Here Comes the Sun
113. (9) - S5x02 - Let It Be
114. (9) - S5x05 - On Our Way
115. (9) - S5x05 - If I Were a Boy
116. (9) - S5x06 - You May Be Right
117. (9) - S5x08 - Here Comes Santa Claus (Down Santa Claus Lane)
118. (9) - S5x09 - Brave
119. (9) - S5x10 - Gloria
120. (9) - S5x10 - Don't You (Forget About Me)
121. (9) - S5x11 - America
122. (9) - S5x11 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
123. (9) - S5x12 - Keep Holding On
124. (9) - S5x13 - Loser Like Me
125. (9) - S5x13 - Just Give Me a Reason
126. (9) - S5x15 - I'm Still Here
127. (9) - S5x20 - Glitter in the Air
128. (9) - S6x09 - Uptown Funk
129. (9) - S6x11 - We Built This City
130. (9) - S6x11 - Come Sail Away
131. (9) - S6x11 - Take Me to Church
132. (9) - S6x13 - This Time
133. (9) - S6x13 - Teach Your Children
134. (8) - S1x01 - Respect
135. (8) - S1x01 - Rehab
136. (8) - S1x05 - Somebody to Love
137. (8) - S1x07 - Keep Holding On
138. (8) - S1x08 - Sweet Caroline
139. (8) - S1x10 - Lean On Me
140. (8) - S1x10 - I'll Stand By You
141. (8) - S1x18 - Lady Is a Tramp
142. (8) - S1x19 - Dream a Little Dream
143. (8) - S1x20 - Bad Romance
144. (8) - S1x20 - Poker Face
145. (8) - S1x22 - Don't Stop Believing (Regionals)
146. (8) - S1x22 - Any Way You Want It/Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
147. (8) - S2x01 - Billionaire
148. (8) - S2x03 - I Want to Hold Your Hand
149. (8) - S2x05 - Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me
150. (8) - S2x05 - Sweet Transvestite
151. (8) - S2x05 - Damn It, Janet
152. (8) - S2x05 - Science Fiction Double Feature
153. (8) - S2x07 - Forget You
154. (8) - S2x08 - Just the Way You Are
155. (8) - S2x08 - Marry You
156. (8) - S2x09 - Don't Cry for Me Argentina
157. (8) - S2x09 - (I've Had) The Time of My Life
158. (8) - S2x09 - Valerie
159. (8) - S2x10 - Baby, It's Cold Outside
160. (8) - S2x10 - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch
161. (8) - S2x11 - Thriller/Heads Will Roll
162. (8) - S2x11 - Bills, Bills, Bills
163. (8) - S2x12 - Silly Love Songs
164. (8) - S2x12 - Firework
165. (8) - S2x13 - Somebody to Love
166. (8) - S2x13 - Take Me or Leave Me
167. (8) - S2x14 - Blame It (On the Alcohol)
168. (8) - S2x14 - Tik Tok
169. (8) - S2x16 - Candles
170. (8) - S2x16 - Trouty Mouth
171. (8) - S2x17 - Turning Tables
172. (8) - S2x18 - Born This Way
173. (8) - S2x20 - Jar of Hearts
174. (8) - S2x20 - Isn't She Lovely
175. (8) - S2x21 - Pure Imagination
176. (8) - S2x22 - My Cup
177. (8) - S2x22 - I Love New York/New York, New York
178. (8) - S2x22 - Light Up the World
179. (8) - S2x22 - Still Got Tonight
180. (8) - S3x01 - It's Not Unusual
181. (8) - S3x01 - Anything Goes/Anything You Can Do
182. (8) - S3x01 - We Got the Beat
183. (8) - S3x03 - It's All Over
184. (8) - S3x03 - Fix You
185. (8) - S3x04 - Last Friday Night
186. (8) - S3x05 - A Boy Like That/I Have a Love
187. (8) - S3x06 - Hot for Teacher
188. (8) - S3x07 - Jolene
189. (8) - S3x08 - Red Solo Cup
190. (8) - S3x09 - Christmas Wrapping
191. (8) - S3x09 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
192. (8) - S3x09 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas
193. (8) - S3x09 - My Favorite Things
194. (8) - S3x11 - Black or White
195. (8) - S3x11 - Bad
196. (8) - S3x11 - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
197. (8) - S3x11 - Human Nature
198. (8) - S3x13 - Love Shack
199. (8) - S3x13 - Stereo Hearts
200. (8) - S3x13 - I Will Always Love You
201. (8) - S3x14 - Cough Syrup
202. (8) - S3x14 - Fly/I Believe I Can Fly
203. (8) - S3x14 - Here's to Us
204. (8) - S3x16 - More Than a Woman
205. (8) - S3x16 - Stayin' Alive
206. (8) - S3x16 - Disco Inferno
207. (8) - S3x16 - Night Fever
208. (8) - S3x17 - My Love Is Your Love
209. (8) - S3x18 - The Music of the Night
210. (8) - S3x18 - Shake It Out
211. (8) - S3x21 - It's All Coming Back to Me Now
212. (8) - S3x21 - Pinball Wizard
213. (8) - S3x22 - Glory Days
214. (8) - S4x01 - Call Me Maybe
215. (8) - S4x02 - 3
216. (8) - S4x03 - Everybody Wants to Rule the World
217. (8) - S4x04 - Teenage Dream (Acoustic)
218. (8) - S4x05 - Born to Hand Jive
219. (8) - S4x05 - Juke Box Hero
220. (8) - S4x06 - Beauty School Dropout
221. (8) - S4x06 - There Are Worse Things I Could Do
222. (8) - S4x07 - Some Nights
223. (8) - S4x08 - Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time
224. (8) - S4x08 - Home/Homeward Bound
225. (8) - S4x08 - Come See About Me
226. (8) - S4x09 - O Holy Night
227. (8) - S4x10 - Feliz Navidad
228. (8) - S4x10 - Jingle Bell Rock
229. (8) - S4x12 - Centerfold/Hot in Herre
230. (8) - S4x12 - Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)
231. (8) - S4x12 - A Thousand Years
232. (8) - S4x12 - This Is the New Year
233. (8) - S4x13 - Diva
234. (8) - S4x17 - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
235. (8) - S4x19 - Fight for Your Right (to Party)
236. (8) - S4x20 - Everybody Hurts
237. (8) - S4x20 - At the Ballet
238. (8) - S4x22 - All or Nothing
239. (8) - S5x01 - All You Need Is Love
240. (8) - S5x01 - Drive My Car
241. (8) - S5x01 - I Saw Her Standing There
242. (8) - S5x02 - Get Back
243. (8) - S5x02 - Hey Jude
244. (8) - S5x04 - Applause
245. (8) - S5x06 - Just the Way You Are
246. (8) - S5x06 - Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)
247. (8) - S5x10 - Hold On
248. (8) - S5x11 - More Than a Feeling
249. (8) - S5x11 - I Love LA
250. (8) - S5x12 - Valerie
251. (8) - S5x13 - Don't Stop Believin' (Season Five)
252. (8) - S5x13 - Be Okay
253. (8) - S5x14 - Rockstar
254. (8) - S5x15 - Not While I'm Around
255. (8) - S5x15 - Broadway Baby
256. (8) - S5x15 - No One Is Alone
257. (8) - S5x16 - Love Is a Battlefield
258. (8) - S5x18 - Story of My Life
259. (8) - S5x19 - Lucky Star
260. (8) - S5x19 - Take Me Home Tonight
261. (8) - S5x20 - All of Me
262. (8) - S6x01 - Suddenly Seymour
263. (8) - S6x02 - Tightrope
264. (8) - S6x06 - What the World Needs Now
265. (8) - S6x08 - Hey Ya!
266. (8) - S6x08 - I'm So Excited
267. (8) - S6x09 - Cool Kids
268. (8) - S6x11 - Chandelier
269. (8) - S6x12 - Popular
270. (8) - S6x13 - Daydream Believer
271. (7) - S1x01 - Can't Fight This Feeling
272. (7) - S1x04 - Taking Chances
273. (7) - S1x11 - Papa Don't Preach
274. (7) - S1x11 - True Colors
275. (7) - S1x12 - Jump
276. (7) - S1x18 - Jessie's Girl
277. (7) - S1x18 - Rose's Turn
278. (7) - S1x18 - The Boy Is Mine
279. (7) - S1x19 - Dream On
280. (7) - S1x20 - Beth
281. (7) - S1x21 - Give Up the Funk
282. (7) - S1x22 - Faithfully
283. (7) - S2x01 - Empire State of Mind
284. (7) - S2x02 - I'm a Slave 4 U
285. (7) - S2x02 - Me Against the Music
286. (7) - S2x02 - Toxic
287. (7) - S2x02 - Baby One More Time
288. (7) - S2x02 - The Only Exception
289. (7) - S2x03 - Losing My Religion
290. (7) - S2x04 - Lucky
291. (7) - S2x04 - Sing!
292. (7) - S2x05 - Whatever Happened to Saturday Night?
293. (7) - S2x05 - There's a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place)
294. (7) - S2x05 - Planet, Schmanet, Janet
295. (7) - S2x06 - One Love (People Get Ready)
296. (7) - S2x07 - Make 'Em Laugh
297. (7) - S2x09 - Hey, Soul Sister
298. (7) - S2x10 - We Need a Little Christmas
299. (7) - S2x11 - Need You Now
300. (7) - S2x12 - P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)
301. (7) - S2x12 - Fat Bottomed Girls
302. (7) - S2x14 - Don't You Want Me
303. (7) - S2x15 - Animal
304. (7) - S2x15 - Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)
305. (7) - S2x15 - Landslide
306. (7) - S2x18 - Somewhere Only We Know
307. (7) - S2x18 - As If We Never Said Goodbye
308. (7) - S2x22 - For Good
309. (7) - S2x22 - Pretending
310. (7) - S3x04 - Waiting for a Girl Like You
311. (7) - S3x05 - America
312. (7) - S3x05 - Uptown Girl
313. (7) - S3x06 - Rumour Has It/Someone Like You
314. (7) - S3x08 - Survivor/I Will Survive
315. (7) - S3x13 - L-O-V-E
316. (7) - S3x16 - How Deep Is Your Love
317. (7) - S3x17 - I Have Nothing
318. (7) - S3x17 - I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
319. (7) - S3x18 - The Rain in Spain
320. (7) - S3x19 - What Makes You Beautiful
321. (7) - S3x21 - Starships
322. (7) - S3x22 - Roots Before Branches
323. (7) - S4x02 - Oops!...I Did It Again
324. (7) - S4x05 - Everybody Talks
325. (7) - S4x09 - Something Stupid
326. (7) - S4x13 - Make No Mistake (She's Mine)
327. (7) - S4x13 - Nutbush City Limits
328. (7) - S4x14 - Just Can't Get Enough
329. (7) - S4x15 - Shout
330. (7) - S4x15 - Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone
331. (7) - S4x17 - Wannabe
332. (7) - S4x18 - More Than Words
333. (7) - S4x20 - Longest Time
334. (7) - S5x01 - Yesterday
335. (7) - S5x03 - Seasons of Love
336. (7) - S5x09 - Every Breath You Take
337. (7) - S5x10 - Danny's Song
338. (7) - S5x12 - Defying Gravity
339. (7) - S6x02 - Mustang Sally
340. (7) - S6x08 - Our Day Will Come
341. (7) - S6x09 - Friday I'm in Love
342. (7) - S6x10 - Rather Be
343. (6) - S1x01 - I Kissed a Girl
344. (6) - S1x04 - Tonight
345. (6) - S1x07 - Hate On Me
346. (6) - S1x07 - Ride Wit Me
347. (6) - S1x08 - I Could Have Danced All Night
348. (6) - S1x11 - Hair/Crazy In Love
349. (6) - S1x13 - You Can't Always Get What You Want
350. (6) - S1x14 - Hello, I Love You
351. (6) - S1x15 - What It Feels Like for a Girl
352. (6) - S1x15 - Express Yourself
353. (6) - S1x15 - Vogue
354. (6) - S1x16 - Home
355. (6) - S1x17 - Physical
356. (6) - S1x17 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
357. (6) - S1x18 - One
358. (6) - S1x21 - Tell Me Something Good
359. (6) - S2x01 - What I Did for Love
360. (6) - S2x01 - Telephone
361. (6) - S2x01 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
362. (6) - S2x01 - Getting to Know You
363. (6) - S2x04 - Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy
364. (6) - S2x15 - Kiss
365. (6) - S2x19 - Don't Stop
366. (6) - S3x06 - I Can't Go for That/You Make My Dreams Come True
367. (6) - S3x07 - I Kissed a Girl
368. (6) - S3x08 - Buenos Aires
369. (6) - S3x09 - Let It Snow
370. (6) - S3x10 - Moves Like Jagger/Jumpin' Jack Flash
371. (6) - S3x11 - Scream
372. (6) - S3x12 - A Little Less Conversation
373. (6) - S3x18 - School's Out
374. (6) - S3x22 - Forever Young
375. (6) - S4x02 - Gimme More
376. (6) - S4x08 - Whistle
377. (6) - S4x09 - All That Jazz
378. (6) - S4x11 - Locked Out of Heaven
379. (6) - S4x12 - Love Song
380. (6) - S4x13 - Bring Him Home
381. (6) - S4x13 - Girl On Fire
382. (6) - S4x13 - Hung Up
383. (6) - S4x14 - You're All I Need to Get By
384. (6) - S4x14 - Anything Could Happen
385. (6) - S4x15 - In Your Eyes
386. (6) - S4x19 - Outcast
387. (6) - S4x20 - Little Girls
388. (6) - S4x21 - I Wish
389. (6) - S5x02 - Something
390. (6) - S5x03 - No Surrender
391. (6) - S5x04 - Wide Awake
392. (6) - S5x04 - Roar
393. (6) - S5x10 - Barracuda
394. (6) - S5x12 - Happy
395. (6) - S5x12 - Toxic
396. (6) - S5x14 - Downtown
397. (6) - S5x16 - Addicted to Love
398. (6) - S5x19 - Werewolves of London
399. (6) - S5x19 - Memory
400. (6) - S6x02 - Take On Me
401. (6) - S6x02 - Problem
402. (6) - S6x05 - It Must Have Been Love
403. (6) - S6x05 - All Out of Love
404. (6) - S6x05 - My Sharona
405. (6) - S6x06 - Arthur's Theme
406. (6) - S6x07 - Time After Time
407. (6) - S6x07 - Same Love
408. (6) - S6x09 - Break Free
409. (6) - S6x09 - Lose My Breath
410. (6) - S6x11 - Mickey
411. (6) - S6x11 - Listen to Your Heart
412. (6) - S6x12 - I'm His Child
413. (5) - S1x01 - Sit Down You're Rockin the Boat
414. (5) - S1x01 - On My Own
415. (5) - S1x02 - I Say a Little Prayer
416. (5) - S1x02 - Take a Bow
417. (5) - S1x03 - Mercy
418. (5) - S1x03 - I Wanna Sex You Up
419. (5) - S1x05 - Cabaret
420. (5) - S1x05 - Maybe This Time
421. (5) - S1x06 - It's My Life/Confessions Part II
422. (5) - S1x06 - Halo/Walking On Sunshine
423. (5) - S1x07 - You Keep Me Hanging On
424. (5) - S1x09 - Dancing With Myself
425. (5) - S1x09 - Proud Mary
426. (5) - S1x09 - Defying Gravity
427. (5) - S1x10 - Endless Love
428. (5) - S1x10 - Crush
429. (5) - S1x11 - Imagine
430. (5) - S1x11 - Bootylicious
431. (5) - S1x11 - Don't Make Me Over
432. (5) - S1x12 - Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
433. (5) - S1x12 - Smile (Lily Allen)
434. (5) - S1x13 - And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
435. (5) - S1x13 - Don't Rain on My Parade
436. (5) - S1x13 - My Life Would Suck Without You
437. (5) - S1x14 - Highway to Hell
438. (5) - S1x14 - Gives You Hell
439. (5) - S1x14 - Hello, Goodbye
440. (5) - S1x14 - Hello
441. (5) - S1x14 - Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love
442. (5) - S1x15 - Like a Virgin
443. (5) - S1x15 - Like a Prayer
444. (5) - S1x15 - Borderline/Open Your Heart
445. (5) - S1x15 - Burning Up
446. (5) - S1x16 - Fire
447. (5) - S1x16 - A House Is Not a Home
448. (5) - S1x16 - Beautiful
449. (5) - S1x18 - Pink Houses
450. (5) - S1x19 - I Dreamed a Dream
451. (5) - S1x20 - Shout It Out Loud
452. (5) - S1x20 - Funny Girl
453. (5) - S1x21 - Another One Bites the Dust
454. (5) - S1x21 - Loser
455. (5) - S1x21 - Good Vibrations
456. (5) - S1x22 - Bohemian Rhapsody
457. (5) - S1x22 - To Sir, With Love
458. (5) - S1x22 - Over the Rainbow
459. (5) - S2x01 - Listen
460. (5) - S2x02 - Stronger
461. (5) - S2x03 - I Look to You
462. (5) - S2x03 - Bridge Over Troubled Water
463. (5) - S2x04 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
464. (5) - S2x04 - With You I'm Born Again
465. (5) - S2x06 - Stop! In the Name of Love/Free Your Mind
466. (5) - S2x06 - Start Me Up/Livin' on a Prayer
467. (5) - S2x07 - Conjunction Junction
468. (5) - S2x08 - Ohio
469. (5) - S2x08 - Sway
470. (5) - S2x09 - The Living Years
471. (5) - S2x10 - Last Christmas
472. (5) - S2x10 - The Most Wonderful Day of the Year
473. (5) - S2x10 - Welcome Christmas
474. (5) - S2x10 - Merry Christmas, Darling
475. (5) - S2x11 - She's Not There
476. (5) - S2x12 - When I Get You Alone
477. (5) - S2x12 - My Funny Valentine
478. (5) - S2x13 - Sing
479. (5) - S2x13 - I Know What Boys Like
480. (5) - S2x13 - This Little Light of Mine
481. (5) - S2x16 - Misery
482. (5) - S2x17 - Ain't No Way
483. (5) - S2x17 - I Follow Rivers
484. (5) - S2x18 - I've Gotta Be Me
485. (5) - S2x19 - Dreams
486. (5) - S2x19 - Never Going Back Again
487. (5) - S2x19 - Go Your Own Way
488. (5) - S2x19 - Songbird
489. (5) - S2x20 - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You
490. (5) - S2x20 - Dancing Queen
491. (5) - S2x20 - Friday
492. (5) - S2x20 - Rolling in the Deep
493. (5) - S2x21 - Some People
494. (5) - S2x21 - Try a Little Tenderness
495. (5) - S2x21 - My Man
496. (5) - S2x21 - Back to Black
497. (5) - S2x22 - Yeah!
498. (5) - S2x22 - As Long as You're There
499. (5) - S3x01 - Big Spender
500. (5) - S3x02 - Somewhere
501. (5) - S3x03 - Spotlight
502. (5) - S3x03 - Out Here On My Own
503. (5) - S3x04 - Bein' Green
504. (5) - S3x05 - Tonight
505. (5) - S3x06 - You and I/You and I
506. (5) - S3x07 - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
507. (5) - S3x07 - I'm the Only One
508. (5) - S3x07 - Constant Craving
509. (5) - S3x09 - River
510. (5) - S3x09 - Blue Christmas
511. (5) - S3x10 - Wedding Bell Blues (Bill)
512. (5) - S3x10 - Without You
513. (5) - S3x10 - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
514. (5) - S3x11 - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
515. (5) - S3x11 - I Want You Back
516. (5) - S3x12 - Don't Wanna Lose You
517. (5) - S3x12 - Bamboleo/Hero
518. (5) - S3x13 - Let Me Love You
519. (5) - S3x13 - Cherish/Cherish
520. (5) - S3x13 - You're the Top
521. (5) - S3x13 - Chapel of Love
522. (5) - S3x13 - Home
523. (5) - S3x14 - Stand
524. (5) - S3x16 - If I Can't Have You
525. (5) - S3x16 - Boogie Shoes
526. (5) - S3x17 - Saving All My Love For You
527. (5) - S3x17 - So Emotional
528. (5) - S3x18 - Cry
529. (5) - S3x19 - Take My Breath Away
530. (5) - S3x19 - Love You Like a Love Song
531. (5) - S3x20 - I Won't Give Up
532. (5) - S3x20 - Because You Loved Me
533. (5) - S3x22 - You Get What You Give
534. (5) - S3x22 - In My Life
535. (5) - S4x01 - Sister Christian
536. (5) - S4x01 - Americano/Dance Again
537. (5) - S4x01 - Never Say Never
538. (5) - S4x02 - Boys/Boyfriend
539. (5) - S4x02 - Hold It Against Me
540. (5) - S4x02 - Everytime
541. (5) - S4x02 - Crazy/U Drive Me Crazy
542. (5) - S4x03 - Celebrity Skin
543. (5) - S4x03 - The Way You Look Tonight/You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
544. (5) - S4x03 - A Change Would Do You Good
545. (5) - S4x04 - Barely Breathing
546. (5) - S4x04 - Give Your Heart a Break
547. (5) - S4x04 - Mine
548. (5) - S4x05 - Hopelessly Devoted to You
549. (5) - S4x05 - Blow Me (One Last Kiss)
550. (5) - S4x07 - My Dark Side
551. (5) - S4x07 - Superman
552. (5) - S4x08 - Live While We're Young
553. (5) - S4x11 - Baby Got Back
554. (5) - S4x11 - Tell Him
555. (5) - S4x11 - I Don't Know How to Love Him
556. (5) - S4x14 - Getting Married Today
557. (5) - S4x15 - You're All the World to Me
558. (5) - S4x15 - Unchained Melody
559. (5) - S4x16 - How to Be a Heartbreaker
560. (5) - S4x16 - Closer
561. (5) - S4x16 - Cold Hearted
562. (5) - S4x17 - My Prerogative
563. (5) - S4x17 - Mamma Mia
564. (5) - S4x17 - Copacabana
565. (5) - S4x18 - Say
566. (5) - S4x18 - Your Song
567. (5) - S4x19 - Next to Me
568. (5) - S4x20 - You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'
569. (5) - S4x21 - Uptight (Everything's Alright)
570. (5) - S4x21 - You Are the Sunshine of My Life
571. (5) - S4x21 - Higher Ground
572. (5) - S4x21 - Superstition
573. (5) - S4x22 - Clarity
574. (5) - S4x22 - Wings
575. (5) - S4x22 - Rainbow Connection
576. (5) - S5x02 - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
577. (5) - S5x02 - Revolution
578. (5) - S5x04 - Marry the Night
579. (5) - S5x05 - Wrecking Ball
580. (5) - S5x06 - Honesty
581. (5) - S5x06 - My Life
582. (5) - S5x07 - You're My Best Friend
583. (5) - S5x07 - Nasty/Rhythm Nation
584. (5) - S5x07 - Into the Groove
585. (5) - S5x07 - Cheek to Cheek
586. (5) - S5x08 - Away in a Manger
587. (5) - S5x09 - Whenever I Call You Friend
588. (5) - S5x09 - I Believe in a Thing Called Love
589. (5) - S5x10 - The Happening
590. (5) - S5x11 - Mr. Roboto/Counting Stars
591. (5) - S5x13 - Party All the Time
592. (5) - S5x13 - I Am Changing
593. (5) - S5x14 - Don't Sleep in the Subway
594. (5) - S5x14 - You Make Me Feel So Young
595. (5) - S5x14 - Best Day of My Life
596. (5) - S5x14 - People
597. (5) - S5x15 - Colorblind
598. (5) - S5x16 - I Want to Know What Love Is
599. (5) - S5x17 - Lovefool
600. (5) - S5x17 - Pumpin Blood
601. (5) - S5x17 - Who Are You Now
602. (5) - S5x17 - NYC
603. (5) - S5x18 - Piece of My Heart
604. (5) - S5x18 - Wake Me Up
605. (5) - S5x18 - Doo Wop (That Thing)
606. (5) - S5x19 - I Melt with You
607. (5) - S5x20 - No Time At All
608. (5) - S5x20 - Shakin' My Head
609. (5) - S5x20 - Girls on Film
610. (5) - S6x01 - Sing
611. (5) - S6x01 - Dance the Night Away
612. (5) - S6x01 - Uninvited
613. (5) - S6x02 - Home
614. (5) - S6x02 - Viva Voce
615. (5) - S6x03 - It's Too Late
616. (5) - S6x03 - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow/Head Over Feet
617. (5) - S6x03 - You Learn/You've Got a Friend
618. (5) - S6x03 - Hand in My Pocket/I Feel the Earth Move
619. (5) - S6x03 - So Far Away
620. (5) - S6x04 - Rock Lobster
621. (5) - S6x04 - Whip It
622. (5) - S6x04 - Thousand Miles
623. (5) - S6x04 - Bitch
624. (5) - S6x05 - Father Figure
625. (5) - S6x05 - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)
626. (5) - S6x06 - Wishin' And Hoping
627. (5) - S6x06 - Baby It's You
628. (5) - S6x06 - Promises, Promises
629. (5) - S6x06 - They Long to Be Close to You
630. (5) - S6x06 - I'll Never Fall in Love Again
631. (5) - S6x06 - Alfie
632. (5) - S6x07 - You Give Love a Bad Name
633. (5) - S6x07 - Somebody Loves You
634. (5) - S6x07 - I Know Where I've Been
635. (5) - S6x08 - At Last
636. (5) - S6x09 - I Want to Break Free
637. (5) - S6x10 - Far From Over
638. (5) - S6x10 - The Trolley Song
639. (5) - S6x10 - The Final Countdown
640. (5) - S6x12 - Pony
641. (5) - S6x12 - Don't Stop Believing (Pilot/2009)
642. (5) - S6x12 - I Kissed a Girl
643. (5) - S6x13 - Someday We'll Be Together
644. (5) - S6x13 - The Winner Takes It All
645. (4) - S1x02 - Push It
646. (4) - S1x02 - Gold Digger
647. (4) - S1x05 - Alone
648. (4) - S1x17 - U Can't Touch This
649. (4) - S1x17 - Run Joey Run
650. (4) - S2x03 - Papa, Can You Hear Me?
651. (4) - S2x17 - All By Myself
652. (4) - S2x19 - I Don't Want to Know
653. (4) - S3x01 - Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead
654. (4) - S3x04 - Take Care of Yourself
655. (4) - S3x12 - La Isla Bonita
656. (4) - S3x22 - I'll Remember
657. (4) - S4x11 - I Only Have Eyes for You
658. (4) - S4x16 - The Bitch Is Back/Dress You Up
659. (4) - S4x17 - Creep
660. (4) - S4x19 - Don't Stop Believin' (Rachel)
661. (4) - S4x22 - I Love It
662. (4) - S4x22 - To Love You More
663. (4) - S5x03 - Make You Feel My Love
664. (4) - S5x06 - An Innocent Man
665. (4) - S5x09 - My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)
666. (4) - S5x11 - Vacation
667. (4) - S5x15 - You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman
668. (4) - S5x16 - Let's Wait Awhile
669. (4) - S5x17 - I'm the Greatest Star
670. (4) - S5x18 - The Rose
671. (4) - S6x07 - All About That Bass
672. (3) - S1x01 - You're the One That I Want (ver. 1)
673. (3) - S1x08 - Bust A Move
674. (3) - S1x10 - (You're Having My Baby)
675. (3) - S1x10 - Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl
676. (3) - S1x16 - One Less Bell to Answer/A House Is Not a Home
677. (3) - S1x21 - It's a Man's Man's Man's World
678. (3) - S2x04 - Le Jazz Hot
679. (3) - S2x16 - Jesus Is My Friend
680. (3) - S2x19 - Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?
681. (3) - S3x05 - One Hand, One Heart
682. (3) - S3x12 - Sexy and I Know It
683. (3) - S4x15 - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl
684. (3) - S4x16 - I Still Believe/Super Bass
685. (3) - S4x16 - Bye Bye Bye/I Want It That Way
686. (3) - S5x05 - Blurred Lines
687. (3) - S5x05 - You Are Woman, I Am Man
688. (3) - S6x01 - Let It Go
689. (2) - S2x07 - Nowadays/Hot Honey rag
690. (2) - S2x15 - Afternoon Delight
691. (2) - S2x16 - Only Child
692. (2) - S3x19 - Dinosaur
693. (2) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee
694. (2) - S4x06 - Look At Me I'm Sandra Dee (Reprise)
695. (2) - S4x08 - Gangnam Style
696. (2) - S5x08 - Love Child
697. (1) - S1x08 - Thong Song
698. (1) - S1x08 - What A Girl Wants
699. (1) - S1x17 - Ice Ice Baby
700. (1) - S2x14 - My Headband
701. (1) - S5x07 - The Fox
702. (1) - S5x08 - Mary's Little Boy Child
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jjwphotography1990 · 10 months
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Dondi flying the beautiful vintage BAC-167 Strikemaster.
The 2021 Stuart Air Show
#bac167 #bac167strikemaster #strikemaster #tribute #britishaviation #jet #fighterjet #aviationphotography #airforce #airforceaviation #airshow #airshowphotography #aviation #aviationgeek #airplane #military #shotoncanon #canon #canoneosr #eosr #canonphotography #photography #aviationphoto #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #sigma #sigmalens #sigma60600mmsports #mylensrental #stuartairshow
13 notes · View notes
usafphantom2 · 3 years
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BAC 167 Strikemaster MK.82A
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tmvaznose · 1 year
13 năm làm nghề và những ca nâng mũi ấn tượng nhất của Bác sĩ CKI. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam
"13 năm, hàng chục ngàn ca nâng mũi, mỗi khách hàng là một câu chuyện, là nỗi niềm khát khao, là ước mơ khác nhau. Điểm chung duy nhất chính là mong muốn được xinh đẹp, tự tin và hạnh phúc hơn trong cuộc sống…”, Bác sĩ CKI. Nguyễn Hoàng Nam chia sẻ.
Tìm hiểu thêm: https://aznose.vn/13-nam-lam-nghe-va-nhung-ca-nang-mui-an-tuong-nhat-cua-bac-si-cki-nguyen-hoang-nam/
AZNOSE - Phòng khám chuyên sâu nâng mũi
263 - 265 Đường 3/2, P.10, Q.10, TP.HCM
0903 167 178
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capepd · 4 years
DUI Arrests for February 24-March 5, 2020
(March 6, 2020) - The following are the Cape Coral Police Department’s DUI arrests between February 24th-March 5th, 2020. This edition contains seven people that provided a breath sample more than .15% BAC (including two at around three times the legal limit and one at four and a half times the limit; three involved in a crash with others coming close to crashes; and one who resisted officers and battered an ER nurse. These arrests do NOT include the four arrests made during the February DUI checkpoint; those arrests can be viewed on the associated news release here.
The easiest way to not get a DUI is to NOT drive impaired. If you are going out to partake in adult beverages, designate a sober driver or utilize an alternate form of transportation: Uber, Lyft, taxi, bus, etc. Don’t take the chance of ruining a life, including your own.
Officers responded to a two-vehicle crash at the 4700 block of SE 15th Avenue. Signs of impairment were seen in Barnes, and a DUI investigation led to his arrest. A search of Barnes incident to arrest located alprazolam on his person. BAC%: Refused.
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Hyde for speeding at the 1400 block of Cape Coral Parkway West. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in Hyde’s arrest. BAC%: Refused.
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Mangan at the 100 block of Nicholas Parkway West for running a red light and then nearly getting in a head-on collision. Mangan showed signs of impairment, and the DUI investigation resulted in his arrest. BAC%: .270 / .275
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Browne at the 200 block of Cape Coral Parkway East for speeding (80MPH in a 40MPH zone).  Browne showed signs of impairment and performed very poorly on field sobriety exercises, resulting in his arrest. Post-arrest, cannabis was found hidden in Browne’s motorcycle. After a BAC% of .076 and .066 a Drug Recognition Expert officer conducted a Drug Influence Evaluation.
Officers responded to a single vehicle crash (car vs. tree) at the 4600 block of Chiquita Boulevard South. Rasmussen was found to be impaired, resulting in his arrest for DUI. BAC%: .171 / .179
Officers responded after Ferrell crashed into a tree at Lucerne Parkway and Coronado Parkway. After being medically treated (and a medical BAC% of .361), Ferrell was arrested for DUI.
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Gomez De Ortega for erratic driving at the 2000 block of Viscaya Parkway. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in his arrest. BAC%: Refused.
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Vega for speeding (65MPH in a 40MPH zone) at the 100 block of Cape Coral Parkway East. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in Vega’s arrest. A search incident to arrest located alprazolam in Vega’s wallet. BAC%: Refused.
Probationer Ugando-Perez, reported to be responsible for multiple hit-and-run crashes, pulled into the parking lot of Cape Coral Hospital where he nearly struck a nurse (who happened to be his girlfriend). Upon finally stopping and exiting the vehicle, Perez continued to be uncooperative and had to be taken to the ground, where he sustained injuries to his forehead and knee. He also battered a nurse in the emergency room during clearance. BAC%: .218
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Morgan at the 2600 block of Skyline Boulevard after he nearly sideswiped several other motorists. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in Morgan’s arrest. BAC%: .237 / .235
A CCPD Patrol officer located Delcampo slumped over his steering wheel at the intersection of Hancock Bridge Parkway and Santa Barbara Boulevard. The DUI investigation resulted in Delcampo’s arrest. BAC%: Refused.
A Lee County deputy stopped Capizzi at the 3500 block of Agualinda Boulevard and saw signs of impairment. A CCPD Patrol officer responded, assumed the DUI investigation and found Capizzi to be impaired. BAC%: Pending (Urine Sample Provided)
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Sweet for an equipment violation at the 2100 block of Skyline Boulevard. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in Sweet’s arrest. BAC%: .170 / .167
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Spears for speeding at the 100 block of Cape Coral Parkway West. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in her arrest. BAC%: Refused.
A CCPD Patrol officer stopped Sura at the 4100 block of Del Prado Boulevard South for failing to maintain a single lane. Signs of impairment were seen, and the DUI investigation resulted in Sura’s arrest. BAC%: .178 / .189
CAPE CORAL POLICE DEPARTMENT | Public Affairs Office | 1100 Cultural Park Boulevard | Cape Coral, FL 33990 | (239) 242-3341
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bssontungaznose · 10 months
Bác sĩ khắc phục mũi gãy như thế nào? Phương pháp điều trị hiệu quả
Dáng mũi gãy, gây nên tình trạng thiếu cân đối cho gương mặt hẳn sẽ khiến nhiều quý khách hàng cảm thấy không vui, thậm chí gây nên sự tự ti. Việc tìm đến các giải pháp khắc phục tình trạng mũi gãy hiệu quả là hoàn toàn hợp lý trong tình huống này. Vậy các bác sĩ khắc phục mũi gãy như thế nào? Hãy cùng AZ NOSE điểm qua trong bài viết sau nhé.
Xem thêm: https://aznose.vn/bac-si-khac-phuc-mui-gay-nhu-the-nao/
AZNOSE - Phòng khám chuyên sâu nâng mũi
263 - 265 Đường 3/2, P.10, Q.10, TP.HCM
0903 167 178
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0 notes
7-martie · 5 years
Things I love about you!
I hope you will like it...it’s the last thing I do...and I hope it will make you smile.Pare un pic cam ciudat pentru ca e cam mult...dar stii ca imi place sa fac un lucru asa cum trebuie si cred ca te-ai obisnuit cu asta...O sa ai ceva de citit...(mai bine te-ai aseza...).SPER SA TE INVESELEASCA SI SA APARA UN ZAMBET PE CHIPUL TAU DUPA CE CITESTI TOATA NEBUNIA ASTA...SI...MY LITTLE CRAZY BOY...DE AICI INCEPE(sper ca o sa supravietuiesti pana la final...)---->
1.Esti cel mai bun prieten al meu!
2.Esti sincer si onest!
3.Esti sensibil cu cei din familie si nu numai!(le multumesc oamenilor care te-au crescut asa!)
4.Esti un familist convins!
5.Ai cel mai grozav simt al umorului!
6.Iti pasa de ceilalti!
7.Nu iti este frica sa-mi iei apararea!(iti multumesc,asta e dulce)
8.Esti un adevarat gentleman!(”tu prima”-stii tu)
9.Ai cel mai GROZAV ZAMBET!
10.Ai un mare simt al responsabilitatii!
11.Ma ajuti atunci cand am nevoie!(apreciez)
12.Dai o mana de ajutor tuturor!
13.Faci sa para amuzant orice lucru!
14.Nu esti ofticat sau zgarcit!
15.Ai cei mai frumosi ochi verzi!(chiar sunt cei mai frumosi pe care i-am vazut)
16.Pentru ca...asta e,nu ai cum sa scapi de mine(sunt un stres pentru tine)
17.Pentru ca impartim aceeasi dependenta de CARTI!(te-am molipsit,sorry)
18.Pentru ca alaturi de tine am tocit pentru BAC si ENGLEZA!
19.Pentru ca distanta nu ne desparte!
20.Pentru ca esti unul din oamenii cara ma asculta cu adevarat!
21.Pentru ca asa am chef!
22.Pentru ca rasul tau e molipsitor si chiar o sa-mi lipseasca!O sa-mi fie dor sa il aud...
23.Pentru ca imi aduci zambetul pe buze cand sunt trista!(mereu reusesti,esti singurul care poate)
24.Pentru ca esti stresul din viata mea!(un stres adorabil)
25.Pentru ca ai incredere in mine!
26.Pentru ca imi dai speranta!
27.Pentru ca esti sincer cu mine!(mereu)
28.Pentru ca zambesc intotdeauna cand te vad!
29.Pentru ca stii sa te distrezi de minune fara sa iti pese de altceva!
30.Pentru ca ma accepti asa cum sunt!(o nebuna incurabila)
31.Pentru ca mi-ai fost mai mult decat un simplu prieten!
32.Pentru ca ma incurajezi mereu!
33.Pentru ca nu ii judeci pe ceilalti!
34.Pentru ca ma ierti atunci cand iti gresesc!
35.Pentru ca asculti muzica buna!(inca ascult meloriile tale)
36.Pentru ca desi sunt greu de inteles in unele momente,tu incerci!(ce sa zic?ai multa rabdare cu mine)
37.Pentru ca tu ai fost primul meu prieten adevarat!
38.Pentru ca ma certi gand gresesc!
39.Pentru ca faci nnumai prostiiii!(dar merge si asa...)
40.Pentru ca ai grija de mine!(si asta e asa sweet)
41.Pentru ca mereu ti faci griji pentru mine!(sweet)
42.Pentru ca esti imprevizibil!
43.Pentru ca impartim orice chestie!(mai ales mancarea)
44.Pentru ca ai INCREDERE in mine!
45.Pentru ca intotdeauna gasim solutii impreuna!
46.Pentru ca nu m-ai dezamagit niciodata!
47.Pentru ca esti mai aiurit ca mine!(tot cute ramai)
48.Pentru ca ai un SUFLET BUN!
49.Pentru ca esti mereu acolo cand am nevoie de tine!
50.Pentru ca esti inca un copil!(unul adorabil)
51.Pentru ca esti serios atunci cand trebuie!
52.Pentru ca esti cu adevarat IMPORTANT!
53.Pentru ca esti prima persoana pe care o sun sa ii dau o veste buna!(si rea...)
54.Pentru ca e IMPOSIBIL sa ma plictisesc cu tine!
55.Pentru ca stii sa lupti pentru ceea ce iti doresti cu adevarat!
56.Pentru ca gasesti o gramada de argumente sa iti aperi punctul de vedere!
58.Pentru ca iti ceri iertare atunci cand gresesti!
59.Pentru toate melodiile alea faine de la Lil Wayne,Rag’n’bone si Imagine Dragons!
60.Pentru toate filmele alea super:”American Sniper”,”3 metri deasupra cerului”,etc.
61.Pentru toate cartile alea geniale!(”Codul de conduita” mai ales)
62.Pentru toate momentele superbe,minunate si de neuitat alaturi de tine!
63.Pentru ca esti crazy rau de tot,dar asta e cel mai adorabil lucru!
64.Pentru zilele in care ma superi,dar tot tu ma impaci!(nu stiu cum reusesti)
65.Pentru acea “Maimuta calatoare,nu sarii gardul ca te mananca leopardul”!(mereu ma faci sa rad,ai un fel aparte de a o spune)
66.Pentru acel:”Cu cine am onoarea?”(stii tu de ce)
67.For your gentle,innocent smile that always comforts me!
68.You send me pictures just to make me smile!(that plane...ufff)
69.You always know exactly what to say!
70.You make me laugh more than anyone!
71.One hug from you makes everything seem okay!(and this is so true)
72.Crezi in mine si in ceea ce fac!
73.Ai rabdare cu mine!(greu cu mine)
74.Treci cu vederea peste starile mele schimbatoare!(nu sunt putine)
75.Esti INTELIGENT!(foarte si nici sa nu te gandesti sa ma contrazici...)
76.Nu iti pot ascunde nimic!(mereu iti dai seama,nu stiu cum reusesti dintr-un simplu mesaj)
77.Pentru acel “TALENT PUR” al tau!(stii tu despre ce e vorba)
78.Esti sensibil in ciuda aparentelor!(nu incerca sa ascunzi sensibilitatea pe care o ai,nu-i o rusine,chiar e dulce,sa stii)
79.Mi-ai oferit un zambet desi nici tu nu erai in cele mai stralucite momente...
80.M-ai iertat!(mereu si des..)
81.Pentru acel moment cand zici ca ai nasul mare...(ti-am mai zis si ti-o mai spun,NU AI NASUL MARE!)
82.Imi esti alaturi mereu!(si eu iti voi fi la fel)
83.FACI HAZ DE NECAZ!(tot timpul...)
84.Pentru rasul tau!(in special)
85.Esti inegalabil si indispensabil.De ficare data cand vorbesc cu tine,ma faci sa rad!(e imposibil,la cat de nebun esti)
86.Desi ai trecut prin multe,ramai la fel de amuzant!
87.Iti cunosti calitatile,si pe care le uiti,ti le amintesc eu!(uiti cam des)
88.Am incredere in tine si totusi uneori evit sa iti spun unele probleme doar ca sa nu te ingrijorezi sau sa faci vreo prostie!(stii la ce ma refer)
89.Si tu iubesti UNIVERSITATEA CRAIOVA!(o iubire alb-albastra)
90.Orice ai face o sa mi se para dragut!
91.Te comporti ca un copil cand nu ti se ofera atentie!(asta e amuzant)
92.Esti diferit din toate punctele de vedere!
94.Esti atat de nebun!(no comment here)
95.Pentru acele momente in care ne contrazicem cu orele pe un subiect idiot...
96.Pentru ca si tu IUBESTI MOTOCICLETELE!(acea Honda Fireblade din 1996)
97.Pentru ca avem multe lucruri in comun!(poate prea multe)
98.You can always put a smile on my face!
99.You make me who I am today!
100.Your crazy voices,sounds and immitations!
101.Your etreme patience with me,even when I pushed the limit! 
102.Your pozitive attitude!
103.Your courage!
104.You can always calm me down!
105.Cand faci fete funny!(si faci des)
106.ESTI MINUNAT!(yes,you are!)
108.Oferi iubire!(a lot)
109.Esti un sofer minunat!(no comment)
110.Faci oamenii din jurul tau sa rada!
112.Faci oamenii din jurul tau sa se simta bine in pielea lor!
114.Iubesti lucrurile simple facute fara motiv!
115.ESTI DIFERIT!(uneori e greu cu tine,dar ma descurc eu cumva)
116.Esti un baiat ineligent,bun si frumos asa cum esti tu!(nu te schimba,ramai asa)
117.AI O INIMA MARE SI FRUMOASA!(nu ma contrazice,stii bine ca e ca mine)
118.Esti sprijinul meu!(mereu)
119.Pentru toate cuvintele tale de incurajare!
120.Esti plin de viata!(ai o energie in tine...oho)
121.Esti glumet si amuzant!
122.Ai un suflet frumos si minunat!
123.Stii tu pentru ce si pentru cate!
124.Ai ajuns sa fi o parte din sufletul meu...o parte din familia mea!
125.Esti extraordinar!
126.Esti de INCREDERE!
130.ESTI VESEL!(asa sa fi mereu)
131.ESTI IUBITOR!(cea mai cute calitate a ta)
132.ESTI NEBUN!(dar stii asta deja,cea mai frumoasa nebunie)
133.Momentele cand zambesti!(iti sta minunat cu zambetul pe buze,tine minte asta,sa zambesti mai des)
134.Pentru ca tu continui sa visezi!
135.Pentru ca persoanele ca tine sunt greu de gasit in ziua de azi!
136.Esti un baiat atat de minunat!(de nota 1000...fara numar)
139.ESTI INCAPATANAT!(taurii astia...)
140.Esti atent cu cei din jurul tau!
141.Pentru blandetea de care dai dovata!
142.Pentru autocontrolul tau!(pana atingi un punct si se duce)(greu te impac dupa...)
143.PENTRU BUNATATEA TA!(mai ales)
145.Pentru ca dai dovada de COMPASIUNE!
147.Pentru determinarea ta!
148.Pentru entuziasmul tau!(esti ca un copilas)
149.Pentru generozitatea ta!
150.Pentru harnicie!
151.Pentru RABDARE!
153.Pentru siguranta ta!
154.Pentru ca ma inspiri!(no comment here...)
155.Cand esti deschis cu mine!(I love these moments)
157.Personalitatea ta colorata!
158.Copilul din tine!
159.Ca avem atatea in comun!(stii tu ce)
160.Ca spui mereu ceea ce crezi!
161.Ca ai incredere in mine!
162.Cat de narod esti uneori!(mai ales cand zici ca mint,well,I don’t,and YOU KNOW THAT!)
163.Ca apreciezi valoarea lucrurilor marunte!(I LIKE IT SO MUCH)
164.Ca citesti!(sorry,te-am molipsit ray,dar stiu ca acum iti place sa citesti)
166.Curajul,imaginatia si respectul tau!
167.Ca iti plac animalele!(fara pisici,din cate am vazut,csf?nici eu nu-s fana lor)
168.Curiozitatea pentru anumite lucruri si determinarea de a gasi raspunsul!
170.Ca pretuiesti fiecare clipa din viata ta!(asta e bine)
172.Genele tale enorm de lungi!!!(I DIE)
173.ELEGANTA TA!(din toate punctele de vedere)
174.Cand faci misto de mine!(dar stai calm,nici tu nu scapi de mine prea usor cu asta...)
175.IMPERFECTIUNILE TALE!(iubeste-le,ca sincer,ai si de ce sa o faci)
176.Momentele in care te incurciin propriile tale cuvinte!(e funny cum te chinui sa le gasesti)
177.Te distrezi pe seama mea si faci asta din prima clipa in care te-am cunoscut!(dar si eu ma distrez pe seama ta uneori,nu-mi iese la fel ca tie,csf...)
178.Cand raspunzi greu la telefonul ala!(dar merge si asa)
179.ADUCI CULOARE IN VIATA MEA!(in toate felurile posibile si imposibile)
180.Pentru toate momentele in care nu faci ceva daca nu o fac si eu!(de ce nu,hai sa o dam in balta impreuna)
181.Pentru taote momentele in care ma bateai la cap sa ma urc in avion,mai ales cand incercai sa ma convingi sa sunt pe maini bune,pe mainile tale mai exact,la raspunsul ala nu ma asteptam!(totusi,nicio sansa sa pun piciorul singura in avion,stii ca mi-e frica de inaltimi)
182.Pentru momentele in care incerci sa ma convingi sa ma urc pe motocicleta!
183.Cand imi ziceai ca nu trebuie sa mi fie frica de inaltimi!(realy?no chance!)
184.Cand aveam o poza la story si ai zis ca ma refer la amandoi sa nu ne suparam!(P.S. poza era cu “sunt luat de prost”)(dragut gestul tau)
185.Cand iti spuneam ca nu ai rezista 3 zile cu mine in masina si mi-ai zis ca ma bagi in portbagaj!(foarte matur...tot te-as cicali 3 zile,stii asta,nu?)
186.PENTRU FIECARE MESAJ IN CARE SPUNEAI “IUBESTE-MA”!(mereu zambesc la chestia asta,I have no idea why)
187.Cand imi ziceai ca esti nebun de mic!(no comment here...te cred oricum!)
188.Cand imi ziceai ca nu am cum sa te uit orice as face!(zambesc si acum cand imi amintesc,asa o fi,daca tu zici)
189.Cand iti spuneam ca iti creste nasul daca ma minti si imi ziceai ca oricum e mare!(iti vine sa crezi ca ne contraziceam cu orele pe asa ceva?tot nu cred ca ai nasul mare!!!)
190.Cand ne contrazicem ca fraierii cu orele...!(ma tineai treaza pana la unu si ceva!)
191.You have one of the most beautiful heart I’ve erver meet!(sincer acum)
192.Cand zici:“Ce vrajeala” sau ca ma bati! ori “Supara-ma”(neah,n-ai face asta...te cunosc)
193.When you say:”I am a crazy boy”after my reply with “My little crazy boy”...(hotule)
194.Cand imi “imprumuti pozele!(tot hot esti)
105.Cand incepi sa dansezi de nebun cand ti se pune tie pata!
196.Cand incerci sa pronunti un cuvant complicat in engleza si nu iti iese deloc...(that’s it,trecem peste)
197.Cand ai incercat intr-o zi sa traduci chestia aia cu maimuta in engleza...in loc de “ca te mananca leopardul” ai tradus “ca mananci leopardul”(am ras cu lacrimi)
198.Pentru momentele si zilele cand imi ziceai mereu:”You love me”!Si ca esti sigur de asta!(I die...inca esti sigur ca asa e?)
199.Cand zici ca esti hot de suflete!(ai inceput sa furi sufletele oamenilor?)
200.Si nu in ultimul rand,pentru ziua in care mi-ai luat un trandafir pentru simplul fapt ca asa ai simtit tu!(a fost cel mai dulce si frumos lucru.P.S. a fost primul trandafir pe care l-am primit,cute rau de tot gestul tau,n-am cuvinte).Si cand ti-am spus ca nu ai cum sa nu ma iubesti la cat sunt de nebuna si mi-ai zis ca e imposibil!(ce sa zic...te-am prins,si nu ma asteptam la raspunsul ala...).Dar si pentru zilele in care ai avut sala si orasul si mi-ai dat mesaj cu “Am luat!”(P.S. stateam cu stres si o frica in zilele alea,nu-ti poti imagina...mai ales cand raspundeai greu la telefon...).FELICITARI,BABY!Ai luat!MA BUCUR PENTRU TINE!()enorm.
Sper ca am reusit sa te fac sa zambesti si nu uita ca iti voi fi mereu alaturi,baby!Te pup si te imbratisez cu drag!LOVE YOU,BABY!
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