#back in ouat fandom the anti[thing] tag just meant [thing]critical or [thing]negative
frumfrumfroo · 5 years
I just saw a puritanical Reylo hating rant by a C/aptainS/wan anti (and Neal stan ofc) from the OUAT fandom, omg. It's like these people run around trying to find ships to hate
Ranting on your own blog is a civil right, anon. (Jk, but just hating a ship is an opinion and that’s fine, if people have terrible opinions but aren’t harassing anyone, shit-stirring, or declaring others persona non grata for disagreeing with them, they may be wrong but they aren’t an asshole.)
#I hate CS with the fire of a thousand suns personally#I didn't need to go around looking for reasons the reasons I don't like it were right up front#this person lumping it in with Reylo does suggest a very shallow purity take#where your problem is with enemies-to-lovers or redemption rather than the actual character dynamics#because they're not similiar#CS is more akin to an (imo terrible) attempt at HanLeia than it is like Reylo#the real hypocrites from OUaT fandom are Rumbelle shippers who hate Reylo#THOSE two ships ARE the same energy#the EXACT same#I witnessed some EPIC clownery on that front#absolutely jaw dropping hot takes#but OUaT was probably the worst fandom I've ever been in so who's shocked#I peaced out when it became obvious they were going to do CS#which was an excellent call on my part because that's right around when the entire garbage heap burst into flames#what little direction it had was flushed and the whole thing was completely off the rails within one season#and they eventually ruined all of the characters#A L L of them#the terrible writing was too much for me in season two if I'd stuck around through 4 or 6 I would have ruptured something#back in ouat fandom the anti[thing] tag just meant [thing]critical or [thing]negative#so fans who wanted only positivity could block it#whereas now it means 'I've built my entire identity around hating a fictional character and I think this makes me a crusader for good'#'even though I am actively making the world a worse place and treating real people like shit'#tumblr's stance that indulging in escapism of any kind makes you a bad person is at the root of the hellscape that is this site#it's genuinely a very damaging attitude to have and to enforce on others#where am I going with this shut up
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