#back on my OG bull shit they really are my OTP of the game
bottomvalerius · 5 months
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I’m rapidly losing steam on this so take this Nadia x Val piece I’ve been chipping away at lmao
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thebearemoji · 6 years
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people
Thanks for the tag @lesmiserabelles haven’t done one of these in forever
Three Fandoms:
Dragon age
Fuck it let’s do warriors why not
The First Character You Loved:
mmmmmmm see I should say alistair but literally my first ever warden broke up with him after I recruited zevran so like. he was my favorite for all of 50% of my first play through. and now I can’t stand him.
Nami was the first champ I ever bought with rp (as shameful as it is to admit I spent rp on champions) but how could i resist a mermaid that’s my shit.
Feathertail. my little 12 y/o self thought she was just so kind and wonderful. 12 y/o me also didn’t realize she had inadvertantly started reading cat game of thrones and feathertail was doomed to die in only 2 books lol fuck me.
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Iron Bull. Normally I am like. really opposed to big masculine manly characters but bull is just a bad ass ray of sunshine that makes me smile.
Warwick. he was really boring prior to his rework. if you’d told me back then I’d be maining him, going so far as to change my summoner name for him, I’d probably laugh at you.
Bluestar. She’s my favorite cat now but that was an opinion I had to grow in to. of course after blue star’s prophecy came out that helped to develop her character.
The Character You Relate To The Most:
I don’t like this section i don’t know how to answer it. Anders? idk
Purely aestheticly I’d say illaoi. she is my ideal everything.
ugh. Ivypool? i still dk
The Character You’d Slap:
Change slap to punch and you know it’s Solas
Soraka is my least favorite champion but like. I feel like slapping her is jsut mean. Kayn? he’s kind of a bitch I feel like he could use it.
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Isabela, Zevran, Iron Bull
Illaoi, Sejuani, Miss Fortune
Bluestar, Feathertail, Ivypool
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
When I first saw the trailers for inquisition I thought vivienne was going to be my favorite character. Then I found out she wasn’t romanceable. Then I found out she’s ridiculously classist. 
Used to main lux. not anymore. and she’s bad now lol byeeeeeee.
I used to like ashfur mostly for “ow the edge” like that was before I looked at fiction with a more critical gaze like I do now so obv now I can’t unsee him as a cat neck beard. But back in the day I’m pretty sure I made at least one hollyxash amv. to some edgy metal or something probably. childhood.
Three OTPs:
This doesn’t work well for dragon age lol. my favorite LI’s are the same as my favorite characters, Bela, Zev and bull
Nami x miss fortune x illaoi. diana x leona. vi x cait.
Crowxfeather (the OG), Holly x Ivy,  Moth x Leaf
I don’t even know who to tag it’s been a while and I remember a lot of you hate being tagged in these. So sorry in advance I guess.
@sass-bot @demon-vi @thegreatgjergj @neena213 @zebraflavoured @small-lizard 
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