#back on my Shen Twins bs
l33n1s · 5 months
Give me Shen Twins with a complicated relationship.
I wanna see Shen Twins that viscerally cannot stand the way that the other copes with the bad things that've happened to them.
Give me SY who pleads with SJ to "just behave" while cleaning his wounds because he's scared his brother is going to get into bigger trouble than they can handle. Because he can't understand SJ's refusal to make himself smaller, can't understand why his brother feels the need to fight the world even at the expense of his own wellbeing.
Give me SJ yelling and shaking SY because he can't stand the way the SY just seems to accept their situation. Because where SY's response to fear and uncertainty is to avoid and hide, SJ's is to fight.
I wanna see SJ resent that he's the Only person that SY will actually fight and I wanna see SY being hurt that his brother just won't listen to him when he's Just trying to help.
And then give be post-Qui Shen Twins who learn to understand. Let SJ learn that SY's anger was only safe with him. Let SY understand SJ's violent need to be seen as a real person. Let them both understand that they Both did their best to keep each other alive.
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rarepears · 2 years
It would be better if it was one of them twin shen AUs and both would bullshit and bulldoze their opponents, only to really fuck with them the next time they approach one of them to ask about it by replying;
i do not understand gongzi, i have never spoken of such things with you. That must've been my brother.
Only to ping pong the poor fool between them to make them have a meltdown.
On one hand, that's hilarious. Oh the things that they will pull... Pity Yue Qingyuan can distinguish the twins apart.
Unfortunately, the twins can't pull this trick too often or their reputation will fall into tatters and they won't be trusted as a source of information, even outside of the sect.
On the other hand, this bullshitting thing doesn't back fire on Shen Yuan, and wouldn't it be hilarious AF for Shen Yuan to get so many details about the world wrong? Maybe this is the real reason why he's so oblivious about people's affections for him...
It's like going to Reddit for relationship advice. Or asking for Tiktok for cooking hacks.
Read more from the #qing jing disciples learn how to BS from their shizun and it backfires on Shen Yuan au
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haikyuuisbestanime · 6 years
...And Today we will be playing...
‘Okay so here are the in-depth character bs stuff I dont have much For Ahiro or Yao. Solace and Asuga will be talked about later....
Starting off with Lee, Here is the ‘Quick note:’ chapter about him (and yao)
wotm8 is a character I have created by the name of Lee Chanyeol, His hero name is Beat Drop. His quirk is the ability to create a sound wave upon hitting any object, including other people. So in theory, a wave/quake of sound that could potentially trip or injure an enemy/Villain. Quirk Looks: like Present Mic's when he yells, Image example, the circles at least, But the circle's - or whatever they are??!?!? - would be a white/clear colour. The 'drop' would only be used through his feet or hands. His inspiration was 'Lucio: Overwatch'.
Lee Chanyeol is -in my mind- 5′9 or 5′10, has short blonde hair (see Wotm8), several piercings in both ears, almond or oval-shaped dark blue eyes. Lee is 18, a third year at UA.SKD. He would wear vintage or sporty clothes. His favourite is an oversized sweater, with a pair of leggings or skinny jeans, white or black socks and neon basketball shoes ((any neon colour, orange and green being his favourite)). He wears a fit bit and goes to the gym every week (on Thursdays because Wednesday was cancelled). He listens to paranormal and supernatural podcasts and has to say that is favourites are ‘And That's Why We Drink’ and ‘Welcome To Nightvale’. He enjoys listening to absolutely anything but does not like heavy metal. His biggest secret is that he is in love with Ravi and that he listens to Baby Metal. 
Hella gay...
Next up is Ayano:
Her birth name is, Kuzekara Ayano, she hates going by Kuzekara and will threaten to throw you off the roof and not save you. She currently -and forever- goes by Aizawa-Yamada Ayano, after being adopted into the Aizawa-Yamada Family. She is 17 years old, one year older than Hitoshi, which makes Ayano a second year at UA.SKD. She is 5'7.5 and weights somewhere around 125lbs to 130lbs ((pounds))
Ayano has shoulder length hazel brown hair, light brown almond-shaped eyes and lightly tanned skin. She has numerous scars on hands from a number of stupid things as well as several scars on her body from previous fights. ((Stupid things being: pouring hot water for tea into a cup but burning herself in the process)). Ayano loves listening to her Papa's radio show at any time of the day, Reading her favourite books in the living room on the couch with a comfy blanket, dancing around the house with Hitsohi while singing along to all the 'meme songs'. Ayano hates when she has to go on duty in the rain ((despite loving the rain)), she hates when Ahiro spreads his wings and purposefully hits her in the face. Her best friends and fellow teammates are Ahiro Tooru, Takahashi Kaoru, Lee Chanyeol, Wei Yao, Kim Aria, Yamato Asuga, Ravi Patel and Dao Katsumi - As well as class 1-A.
Her Quirk is Teleportation. She has a few drawbacks, which are as follows. She needs to have slept for at least 10 hours. If she teleports too much in one day without sleeping periodically throughout the day then she will pass out. Teleportation amount is unlimited, it depends on her energy levels.
Ayano goes by Aya at school, cause its part of her name and when you put all her initials together its AY.A. She doesn't have a class after lunch, so she goes to her dorm and sleeps for an hour and a half before eating her lunch and going back to school.
Ayano is Asexual!
((Hero name: Jersey Girl- she wears sport jerseys into battle))
Next up is Yao ((and the little information about her))
Kokobop is another character that I have created by the name of Wei Yao. Yao is known as a 'Search and Rescue Hero'. Her quirk is the ability to 'look' through any item of technology and 'find' the person she has been sent to look for. The quirk only comes into play if she can have/hold on to /see an image of who she is looking for. Quirk Looks/Structure: Like Ene from 'Mekaku City Actors' she can 'go into' others phones, tv's, tablets and any other device connected to the internet or using data.  Her Quirk has a 6-hour max limit and a 5-minute min limit.  Yao, because of her quirk and her family connections, she is a member of the Chinese mafia, as well as the Yakuza. More or less she makes sure that their people don't get taken by the police while staying on the good side of the police. Her Inspiration was 'Ene: Mekaku City Actors'
Wei Yao is  5′4 or 5′5, weighing around 120-125lbs. Yao is in her second year at UA. SKD, making her 17. Yao is on the smaller side, while everyone in her family is taller than 5′7. Yao likes to think that because of her height, she can get away with alot more things. ((Like murder)).  Yao has 3 siblings, Wei Shen and Wei Shou (Twins) who are both 17 and her younger sister Wei Kai (she goes by kaikai).  Secret about Yao: because of her height, she fits into children's clothes and shoes, which makes it easier when she’s trying to get away with murder ((She has killed a few people))
ps. shes gay....
((I don’t have a hero name for her... help me))
Next we have Takahashi Kaoru:
Takahashi Kaoru is 17, turning 18, making him a third year at UA.SKD.  Kaoru is 5′7, weighing around 135-140lbs. Kaoru’s Quirk is the ability to create any plant at will, must be touching dirt in some way, shape or form. He can only create a plant that would grow in that environment, his favourite being vines or roots, which can grow nearly anywhere. 
Kaoru was born in Akihabara Japan, but due to a family promise, he was sent to Tashiro-Jima island, to live with his grandparents. While living with them he was constantly surrounded by the elderly and cats. He had applied for the UA hero program after learning that he could use any plant to his advantage. He often was asked to go to the local supermarket (a two-hour boat ride there and back) to get certain herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc..., so he would use his quirk to grow the herbs and give them to his grandparents ((to not waste money)). He had left his grandparents but he had promised call them every week.
Kaoru is dating Ahiro and is in a serious relationship with Ahiro. They are also teammates. Kaoru likes being in and around plants or nature, he dislikes winter but has started to hate it less and less recently. He loves spring and summer because of the rain and constant sun.  
Kaoru -in my mind- is not weak, but not ‘i can throw this car’ strong, he is decently strong.  Kaoru is constantly tan, no matter what, hes tan. Although in the winter his skin is pale. He would be one to wear oversized sweaters with leggings or a dress shirt with a sweater over it, and some form of dress pants or jeans.
 Kaoru is one of those people who will do whatever it takes to make you happy. He loves pastel colours, as well as the neons. His favourite colour is pale lime green, out of all the green’s his favourite is Shamrock Green. He listens to chill, house, deep chill and classical music as well as traditional Japanese music.
extra fact: Kaoru is Bi.
((Hero name: Amaimon))
Now we have Ahiro Tooru:
“Murder: my names Ahiro Tooru.”
Ahiro Tooru or Ahiro is 17 years old, he is 5′8. Ahiro has wings on his back, much like Hawks, but his are black, like a crow so his hero name is Crow.
Ahiro is the boyfriend who wears clothes that fit him very well and you would think ‘oo they fit him almost too well’. so something like this [Ahiro].  Ahiro is Gay.
((I dont have much about Ahiro))
((All image’s are not mine, rights to original creators. I will do another post based on their hero gear))
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