#back to cleaning because once I start I can’t stop 🫠
mer-se · 8 months
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my boy
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f0point5 · 6 months
(I’m) charming and endearing, and (un)comfortable
Written companion piece to the Lando x fakegirlfriend!reader social media au
Set after Part 6, at the dinner with Lando’s dad that is mentioned.
A/N: So, those of you who were here for the Max fix know that I do long form writing exercises to get more of a feel for the characters for the smau. I didn’t share the Max ones while the fic was ongoing because my writing is not my favourite, but I do like providing more of an insight into the real life stuff that isn’t covered in the smau and especially the reader’s thoughts. And I like this is kind of needed for this smau especially. So, I’m not going to tag anyone in these so that if you’d rather just read the smau you don’t get caught up with these, but you can read them if you want more of an insight into the reader’s character. If you hate it…just pretend it never happened 🫠🫣
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“You look fine,” you tell your reflection, staring at it right in the eyes.
Your gaze flits down to your simple black satin slip dress. Black Amina Muadi heels peek out from the hem. Single, but elegant, you think.
You look fine.
“You look fine.” You tell your reflection one more time, and she looks like she believes you.
Of course you look fine. You wouldn’t have a career if you didn’t. People have paid obscene amounts of money for your face and your body. You know exactly how much Lando Norris has paid. You put together something that accentuates your shape a bit but not so much that his dad would think you’re trying.
You haven’t met a parent in a while. Once you’d started shooting womenswear at 15, parents were rarely around, though occasionally you would run into an overbearing mother. You can’t remember ever meeting anyone’s father.
Your alarm rings, so it’s too late to change now. Steeling yourself with one last deep breath, you go over to the interconnecting door and knock.
On the other side of the door, something bangs, and then someone grunts, and you’re about to just give up on this whole idea before the door wings open to reveal a panting Lando Norris.
He’s dressed in beige chinos and a black polo shirt, showing off a golden tan. Okay, you’d let Twitter win this one; he’s beautiful.
“I thought you were going to-“ he starts, but then stops himself. You suppose he assumed you’d knock on the external door. “Never mind,”
“So,” you gesture to the space between you.
“Oh, yeah, come in,” he says, stepping aside to let you into his suite.
It’s huge. You survey the large living room. Several pairs of chinos sit in dry cleaning plastic on the couch. The remains of a fruit platter sits on the dining table. Two sets of golf clubs rest precariously on a wall in the corner. He’s a bit of a slob.
“What?” He asks you. You turn to him, surprised to find his cheeks slightly flushed.
“Nothing,” you shake your head and shrug, but he doesn’t stop studying you. He’s making an effort not to be obvious, but he’s assessing you from head to toe. It makes you squirm. “It’s okay? The look?”
His eyes widen. “The look’s incredible,” he says quickly, probably embarrassed you caught him looking. His cheeks turn even more red. “You’re-“
“Okay, we can go?” You cut him off, smoothing you already sleek up-do. He should turn the damn air conditioning on.
Lando motions for you to go ahead of him to the door and he trails behind you until he hurries past you to get the door. You head to the lift in silence, hair on the back of your neck prickling every time you feel his eyes linger on you.
You look fine. He would have told you if you didn’t.
“Thanks again for doing this,” he says, when you’re in the lift. You glance at him, finding him already looking at you with a shy smile that would have any woman on her knees right there.
You shrug. “It’s not a problem.”
“Probably not your idea of a fun evening,” he continues, and you wonder if he’s trying to convince you to call it off and go back upstairs.
“I was going to eat from the restaurant anyway.” You say, watching as he yawns. “You’re tired?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Two sessions today. And quali always take a lot out of me, you know,”
You hum in response.
“I, uh,” he stops himself, and then notices you’re looking at him, so he sighs before continuing. “I actually did pretty well. At quali. Better than I thought I would, anyway. It’s…” he trails off, scratching at the back of his neck.
He looks sort of embarrassed to have even mentioned it. You almost give in and tell him you watched the qualifying live while doing your post flight skincare, but you don’t. You’re not sure why exactly, it just feels like you’d be committing to something, and don’t want to do that.
“Congratulations,” is all you end up saying, and then it’s back to silence.
When you get downstairs, three separate groups of girls ask for pictures with him. You stand aside awkwardly, watching the way these strangers lean into him and eagerly put their arms around him and stand so close. It makes your skin crawl. Lando doesn’t react to it. But then, you never do, either.
He apologises for the interruption and you wave it off, embarrassed that he might have noticed your discomfort. It’s not your business.
Inside the restaurant, Lando gently directs you towards a table by the window where his dad is waiting. You’d googled him, so you knew what he liked like, but the photos didn’t do justice to the serenity that rolls off this man in waves.
He stands when he sees you, opening his arms to his son. Lando steps into his embrace with no hesitation, and you wonder if that’s why he’s not bothered so much by the closeness of strangers. Maybe you wouldn’t mind being touched if anyone had ever touched you like that.
When they part, you pull your lips into a smile and step forward.
“Good evening, Mr. Norris. I’m Y/N,”
Adam’s wide smile falters for a second. “Of course I know that,” he says with a chuckle, beckoning you over. You oblige, and he leans in to kiss you on both cheeks. “Who wouldn’t recognise his son’s girlfriend, eh? And please, call me Adam,”
“D’accord.” When both men raise an eyebrow, you explain, “it means okay,”
“Ah,” Adam says with a sage nod, sitting down.
You startle when Lando pulls your chair out for you, flashing him what you hope is a grateful look rather than a confused one.
“I learnt French all through school but I’ve forgotten it all, unfortunately,” Adam says.
“I got the duolingo for it, but it’s harder than you think,” Lando chips in.
“Surely Y/N could teach you,”
“I’m too strict for him,” you joke, forcing yourself not to react when you feel Lando rest his arm on the back of your chair.
“Is that so,” Adam says, catching your eye.
You know the looks he’s giving you. It’s the look a casting director gets when they meet you and you aren’t quite what they asked for. That look they get in their eyes as they decide if you’re a good enough compromise is the same one Adam Norris is giving you now.
He’s the worst kind of casting director - the type that will try to make small talk as if they don’t have your life in numbers printed out in front of them; the type to make you laugh so they can judge the shade and angle of your teeth. Not content with your time, they demand a performance.
So you perform.
You order pasta instead of salad because being thin is most appreciated when it’s effortless. You tease Lando endlessly because the brits like to make fun of each other. You pretend you’re duly nervous when Adam speaks to you and not nervous every time Lando does.
You’re not sure if Adam buys into it. He and Lando have an easy and intoxicating rapport that you’re powerless to replicate. Lando’s admiration of his dad is almost palpable, and Adam’s adoration is plain to see. He loves his son so much that you think it must be clear to him that you don’t.
But he’s clever, and funny, and more gracious than you deserve. He’s so guileless that you understand why Lando would want to shield him from the truth of your situation. You feel a little guilty, being part of the lie, and even more guilty for being part of the truth, but you push that all down, reminding yourself that these people have no more to do with you than a photographer or a designer on a shoot.
By the time dinner comes to an end, you’re exhausted. You can taste blood in your mouth from chewing the inside of your cheek, and you feel sick from the Chardonnay that Adam ordered that you had to pretend to like on an empty stomach.
The knot in your chest loosens with every step the three of you take towards the lifts. Lando and Adam joke about what they’re going to eat for dinner after the race and you almost burst into tears at the thought of doing this all again tomorrow.
“I’m so glad I finally got to meet you,” Adam says with what you’ve come to believe is a trademark wide smile. “Honestly I was starting to think he’d made it up, getting the most beautiful girl in the world to go out with him,”
Ha. Most beautiful. Maybe when you were six, all lithe and pouty and innocent. Maybe when you were seventeen, no curves or dark circles or opinions. Not now.
He’s teasing you, not laughing at you, but your body can’t tell the difference.
You think you feel the bile rising up your throat but thankfully Lando cuts in before you have to.
“Dad,” he chides through clenched teeth and a pained smile. When you turn to him the blush that has become quite familiar to you is back with a vengeance, and spreading all the way to his ears.
“What? It’s not bad to say your girlfriend is beautiful,” Adam teases, turning to you. “Is it, Y/N?”
“I would be worried if he didn’t. It’s how I stay employed, after all,” you say with a smile. Your response is effortless, well rehearsed, right down to the way you lift your hand to ghost over your collarbone.
“Must be a glamorous life, being a model,” Adam says thoughtfully. You may not have any experience meeting parents, but you know well enough what he’s getting at.
You lift one shoulder in a shrug. “No more glamorous than being a formula one driver. And I’m sure you know from Lando that glamour doesn’t mean comfort. Very often the opposite, if my shoes are any indication,”
He’s taken aback by your answer, doesn’t even bother to hide his raised eyebrows. “No, that’s-“ he lets out a sigh. “That’s very true. You’ve got a wise one here, mate,”
“Yeah, she’s keeping me out of trouble,” Lando jokes, nudging you, and though it doesn’t hurt you feel a sting where his skin touched yours.
“I don’t doubt it,” Adam says, opening his arms to hug you again. “Go easy on him though, eh?” These words are half whispered as he pulls you close, squeezing you just once before he lets you go.
“I will,” you promise. It’s one you’ll try to keep.
He hugs Lando next, a tight one, cradling the back of his son’s head with a gentle tap.
“Well,” he says to both of you, “it’s been lovely to meet you, Y/N. I’m just going to check the front desk has organised my taxi to the airport on Monday, so I’ll see you both tomorrow,”
“Night, Dad,”
“Love you.”
Adam heads off to the desk just as the lift arrives and you dart into it. You’re too tired to even press the button for your floor but Lando takes care of it.
He lets out a heavy breath, looking over at you as though thinking you might do the same. He doesn’t realise your night isn’t over until he’s gone, too.
“I think that went well,” he says. It’s a confident statement said in an uncertain tone, and you can’t help but feel bad. It’s not as though he was the one who had to make a good impression.
“I’m sorry if I’m not-“ you stop yourself. It’s not your fault. “If he didn’t like me. I hope it won’t cause problems for you,”
Lando looks completely nonplussed by your comment. “Of course he liked you,” he says with reassuring scoff and a smile, as if anything else is unimaginable. “And he’s not really that kind of dad. He just cares that I like you,”
God, that smile. You’d hate yourself for the things you’d do to keep him smiling at you like that.
“I think you faked that well,” you say, smiling back at him.
He shrugs and shoves his hands in his pockets. “Thanks for doing this,” he clears his throat. “Still don’t know why you did,”
He’s expecting an answer and you struggle for something to tell him. You don’t know what answer he’s looking for.
You can feel the pressure building as he waits for you to say something. You can hear the blood rushing in your ears. Your skin bursts into flames and your palms get clammy.
Why is he even asking? He didn’t think twice about asking you for a favour and now he’s changing the rules. It was dinner, not a kidney. Does he have so many vampires around him that he thinks you need a reason to be nice? Is he so used to paying for kindness that he thinks he needs to buy you, too? Didn’t he already try?
Thankfully, mercifully, the lift stops at your floor and you waste no time stepping out even though you’re beginning to feel unsteady on your feet.
The air conditioning hits you, and you realise you don’t owe Lando an explanation.
“You can just say thank you, you know,” you tell him, striding towards your rooms with him half a step behind. “You don’t have to think so much about it.”
“I did say thank you,” he argues. You glance at him as you pull out your keycard. He’s bewildered. You’re breaking your promise to Adam already, but it’s his sanity or yours.
“De rien.” You place your key card against the censor and open the door. “Goodnight.”
Once you slip inside, the door clicks shut with no trouble, and you wait to hear Lando’s door open and shut before you make your way further into the room. You kick off your shoes and shed your dress on the way to your suitcase.
You can hear him moving around in his suite, more attuned to it now you know the layout of the room. As you rummage around for your sweatpants and hoodie, half of you wants to send an apology text. The stupid half of you. It doesn’t matter what he thinks of you. You can’t afford for it to matter. The weight of his judgement will crush you, you know it.
As you pull on the brown Quadrant hoodie, you tell yourself it’s better he doesn’t think of you at all.
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krirebr · 5 months
Hello, my dear Kris! So after reading the newest fic from the Trapped AU… I just can’t stop thinking about those two. And you know me… I’m all about making my heart hurt with a little angst…
Can we get a snippet or drabble or your thoughts on an angsty moment -and Andy’s surprisingly soft reaction- that takes reader by surprise by the end of it…
Maybe she’s not feeling well and missing all the comforts of her old life- the things she would do when not feeling well prior to this life with Andy
Or maybe, after accidentally seeing a calendar while cleaning in Andy’s office, reader realized a special day has passed or is approaching.
Or maybe she feels a twinge of jealousy when she sees another beautiful women flirting with Andy and she’s so thrown- never once thinking she could ever feel that way with about him
Any little bit of angst where Andy uncharacteristically (at least for now) comforts her in the softest way possible- and maybe this is her kryptonite (and maybe it even turns her on a little) Would Andy use this new knowledge to his advantage? Of course he would 😈
I just want him to be soft and not so terrifying 🥺😭🫠
My heart is so torn 😭🫠
I love them and even him- you evil mastermind!
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(Kris 👆while writing this lovely verse)
(Also- I LOVE trash pandas, so I hope you are not offended that I depicted you as one in your evil genius mode 😅)
Carly! I love this prompt! I had to think really hard about the inciting incident, but once I thought of it, I knew exactly what to do. This Andy can absolutely get soft. That's part of what he wants in his perfect life! It'll just always be on his terms. 😈
And no offense at all at the trash panda! That's exactly what I look like when coming up with ideas for this verse. 😏
Pairing: Andy Barber x f!reader - from Trapped AU
Warnings: Just general kidnapping/basement wife/toxic relationship warnings that come with this AU. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
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It started with a mug.
Andy presented it to you about a week after you moved upstairs. It was your favorite color (your real actual favorite, not something he’d decided you liked) and had a pretty vine pattern etched into it. It was your mug. You drank your tea out of it every day. And you tried to tell yourself that it was bad because everything that came from him was bad. But it was yours. No one else drank out of it. Only you. It felt like the only thing in the world that you actually owned. 
And so, as you looked at the shattered pieces on the floor, as you told yourself that this was fine, that it was just another thing in this house full of things, all you felt was immense, gut-wrenching loss. You sank down next to the pile of shards on the ground. Maybe you could piece it back together, or, or– You didn’t know what to do. And you knew you were being ridiculous but you started crying. Sobbing. You’d already lost so much. And now the last thing on earth that belonged to you was gone too, and you were the one who destroyed it.
You heard Andy’s footsteps come into the kitchen, but you couldn’t see him from where you were crouched behind the island. “What was that crash?” he asked, harshly. The sob you let out brought him around to where you were. He looked down at you, his hands on his hips. “What happened here?”
You looked up at him through your teary eyes. He was going to be so upset with you. “I’m sorry,” you gasped. “I’m so sorry! I don’t know what happened. It fell, and, and– it’s gone now.” You tried to wipe your face clean, but you couldn’t stem the stream of tears.
“You didn’t throw it?” Andy asked.
“No! No, I would never!” You hoped he could see how sincere you were. 
He sighed and crouched down in front of you. “Explain to me why you’re so upset.”
You struggled for a moment, no idea how to put everything you were feeling into words. And you were so scared of saying the wrong thing. Finally, all you could come up with was, “You gave it to me.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he cooed as his face completely softened, no hint of anger or a coming reprimand remaining on it. He gently grasped your elbows, “Here, let’s get you up. I don’t want you to hurt yourself on any of the shards.” 
He raised you up slowly, then guided you into one of the stools at the counter. Then he went to the little kitchen closet and grabbed the broom and dustpan. As he started to clean up, you rushed to stand. Andy hardly ever cleaned anything. That was your job. “Oh no,” you tried to stop him. “That’s ok, I can do it!”
He just hushed you, as he quickly made a pile of the shards and scooped them into the pan, and then into the trash. “See?” he said, “all done. It’s fine.” He ushered you into the living room and pulled you down into his lap on the couch, wrapping you tight in his arms. “I’ll get you a new one,” he said softly. “Even prettier than the last one.”
Without even thinking about it, you laid your head on his shoulder, as he ran his hand up and down your back. “You’re such a good girl,” he whispered. “I’m so glad you’re here. You make me so happy.” You knew you should hate that. You knew that it should make you angry. But you were just so relieved that he wasn’t upset with you, you couldn’t help but sink into him. 
After a few moments of just cuddling, he spoke again, his low voice right next to your ear. “I think you need a break, huh? How about we just spend the day together? Your chores can wait til tomorrow. We’ll even order dinner in tonight. How’s that sound?”
You were so worn out, from your sobbing, yes, but also, from everything, so all you could do was nod into his shoulder.
“Ok, then that’s what we’ll do. Just me and my good girl,” he said, his voice maybe the gentlest you’d ever heard.
“Thank you, Andy,” you sighed.
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wndaswife · 2 years
I don’t know if you write Omegaverse but omega Wanda is the whoriest of whores istg and a total power bottom I will die on this hill. I feel like she would marry Vision and try to be his good and faithful wife because she really does love him but he struggles to keep up with her as is and after she has the twins he pretty much taps out completely and she’s left to find other means to find pleasure. She finds herself having mostly random one night stands but even then she’s often leaving disappointed on top of the shame of cheating on her husband. Until an old friend of hers moves back to Westview and their recently 18 alpha daughter starts looking at her like she wants to fuck her on every surface of the room despite it being filled with both of their families. I love the idea of Wanda not being able to stop herself from starting this affair she knows is wrong but it’s as if she needs it more than she needs air. Like with the perfect smut to angst ratio of knowing it’s wrong but it feeling so right. As well as Wanda having a lot of insecurities about the age gap and the fact that she’s a mom, while r’s trying to hold back of her possession over Wanda because she’s not her but Wanda let’s them fuck her like she is 🫠 tbh it probably doesn’t even need to be a/b/o nympho Wanda would probably work the same but it would add a little extra spice ya know? Anyway, idk if that was what you were asking when you said ‘Wanda variants’ but imma send it anyway ily
i have never written for the omegaverse before cause i know little to nothingggg about it but this is soooo 😵‍💫😵‍💫
with how whiny n desperate wanda is, you could rly get her to do anything <33 she’s excited to experiment with rope, collars, paddles, blindfolds, etc etc. you love kissing her creamy skin turned shades of red and purple, the way her body trembles under your hands as you run your tongue up her stomach and wrap your lips around her nipples
because of what a demure n traditional housewife she seems to be when you first meet her, you’re pleasantly surprised by how far she wishes to go with you
she was actually the one to initiate anything with you because you initially only admired her from afar, undressing her with your eyes and looking for every opportunity to peer down her shirt or stare at the perfect curve of her ass. wanda approached you begging for you to fuck her, practically undressing for you in your kitchen as you cleaned up after dinner, unbuttoning her shirt and forcing you to grope her breasts
your relationship with her only develops as time goes on, especially once you notice wanda’s unusual lack of libido and enthusiasm. secret desperate fucks bloom into more as you spend hours together talking about wanda’s children and her marriage then soon her insecurities with her body and her age gap between the two you. she believes there’s nothing she can offer that any other easily accessible, younger, and prettier woman can’t give to you tenfold
and yes this is what i meant by any kind of wanda variant!! ilyt
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