#gave him a little damp paper towel bath
mer-se · 8 months
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my boy
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Can I please ask for some protective Cubs and/or Coops. I adore these boys and I love the fics where they always have each other’s backs. It could be a similar situation to Remus and that Stan guy or something different. No pressure or anything and if you don’t vibe with this prompt don’t stess bestie
Yes, I love protective Lions! For the anon whose meds got mixed up: I'm so sorry that happened, and I hope this provides the comfort you were looking for in the form of Cub lovin' <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for panic attacks, forgetting to eat a healthy meal
It was Sirius who noticed first. Then Remus. Then Finn.
He was still kicking himself over that one, to be honest.
Sirius moved like a solid wall, murmuring in quiet French as he led Logan out of the gym and into the hall with Remus hot on their heels. A pang hit Finn right in the heart—I want to understand, he thought, fervent and afraid as he set the jump rope down. I would build the Tower of Babel again to understand how to help.
His pulse picked up; sweat itched at his forehead even after he stopped exercising. “Something’s wrong,” Leo said under his breath as they hurried into the hall.
Obviously, Finn bit back. He should have known since the second Logan started snapping his fingers in a nervous tic, should have seen the fucking signs—
“Everything alright?” James asked cautiously from the weight bench where he laid. “Did someone get hurt?”
“Just—just hang on a second.”
“Respire.” Sirius sat crosslegged across from Logan, whose eyes were squeezed shut as he leaned his head against the wall about ten feet from the door. “Logan, respire.”
A gentle but firm hand moved Finn out of the way by his shoulder; Remus slipped past them with a cup of water. “Drink this,” he ordered as he took Logan’s twitching hand between his own. “Open your eyes if you can.”
“Gonna throw up,” Logan managed, his voice high and reedy.
“Lo?” Finn’s mouth was dry. Logan hadn’t had a panic attack since their last year at Harvard together—he barely remembered what to do.
Logan’s chest caved at the sound of his voice, and one pale green eye cracked open to stare at him in sheer terror. “Finn. Finn, it’s happening, I don’t know what to do—”
“Move.” Finn’s throat hurt, but his brain kicked into autopilot. I can fix this. “Leo, get some damp paper towels from the break room. Cap, give him space.”
Leo disappeared from his stunned place by his side; after a moment’s hesitation, Sirius held his hands up and backed away. Logan was still gripping Remus’ hand with white knuckles. “How do I help?” Remus asked as soon as Finn knelt next to Logan.
“Grab some more water, and granola bars.” Slowly and deliberately, he reached up and cupped the side of Logan’s face. He had never allowed himself to do it at Harvard, but Logan always came back to himself quicker with a grounding touch. “Logan, can you look at me for a second?”
He shook his head. “Gonna throw up.”
“Alright.” With a shaky exhale, Logan leaned into his palm. “There you go, good job. Are you still dizzy?”
“Little bit.”
Past adrenaline rush, past collapsing, moving through dizziness. Finn ran through his mental checklist like it was just yesterday that Logan had crumbled after a bad game in from of scouts. “Cap was right, you need to breathe. I’ll do it with you, okay?”
He watched Logan’s chest move up and down, erratic at first before slowing to match Finn’s steady pace. Something damp and cool brushed against his free hand and he pressed the paper towel to Logan’s forehead, then kissed Leo’s cheek in gratitude as he sat down. “What happened, love?”
Logan swallowed hard and licked his lips, but his eyes were opening. “Dunno. I was almost at the end of my reps. I was fine.”
“Did you eat?” Sirius asked quietly to his left, waiting with his arms crossed. Despite his stance, he didn’t look angry.
“Bagel for breakfast. Coffee.”
His mouth tilted down. “That’s not enough.”
“We’re not upset,” Finn assured him, sliding the makeshift washcloth to his temple. “Just worried.”
“It’s really warm in here,” Logan panted. His pupils had dilated so far they almost masked the green entirely. Past dizziness, into dehydration. “Is anyone else warm?”
Finn’s sweat was already cooling on his body as he handed him the water glass. “Drink.”
In twenty seconds, half of it was gone. A decent amount spilled over the front of Logan’s shirt from his shaking hands, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Leo’s whole face was lined with concern. “Better?”
Finn glanced up at the others and gave them a quick nod. We’ve got him. Sirius squeezed his shoulder as he passed, and Remus passed him a couple energy bars before heading back into the gym. Logan’s breaths were coming easier; they waited in silence until the rest of the water was gone and his face regained some of its color. “You can’t skip breakfast on heavy workout days, Lo,” Finn said, folding his legs under himself. “You know that’s how these get triggered.”
“It’s been long enough that I thought I’d be alright.”
“Does this happen a lot with you?” Leo asked. Insecurity flickered over his face and Finn felt a stab of guilt.
Thankfully, Logan shook his head. “Not for a while. They used to, back in school.”
“Then why’d you skip breakfast if you knew it might happen?”
“I slept weird. Didn’t wake up hungry, and by the time I was, we had to go.”
“We can take another five or ten minutes to make sure you eat instead of having a panic attack.” Just to make that extremely clear, he added in his mind. “For future reference.”
Logan’s nose twitched as he looked toward the gym door. “Sorry for interrupting your practice.”
“Health comes first,” Leo said firmly. “Practice won’t ever be more important than your safety.”
“It’s our job—”
Finn held his hands up in a timeout motion. “Panic attacks aren’t something we fuck around with, remember? The guys will understand. Coach will understand. Besides, we’re your boyfriends. It’s our job to take care of you when you’re feeling shitty.”
Logan looked between them, sighed, and leaned forward to rest his forehead on both their shoulders. “I love you.”
“Love you, too,” Leo said into the soft skin of his neck with a light kiss.
Finn rubbed small circles onto the back of his hand and buried his face Logan’s slightly-sweaty curls. “Love you, three. Ready to head back in?”
“Only if you’re ready for me to kick your ass in squats.”
Leo snorted. “Bold of you to assume Cap’s letting you near anything heavy for the next 24 hours.”
“That assumes he lets you in the gym at all,” Finn amended.
Logan rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”
“And I’m sure he’ll believe you, after you’ve been cleared by every doctor in a four-mile radius.”
“I’ll make him let me in.”
“Now that I’d pay to see,” Finn laughed. He internally cheered at the rosy splotches of temper that lived a semi-permanent life on Logan’s cheeks.
Leo nodded. “A true battle of wills.”
Logan’s jaw ticked at the side. “You’re the worst boyfriends ever.”
“Nah, we’re just protecting you from your big bad older brother who is fully capable of banning you from the gym if you don’t play your cards right.” They heaved him to his feet by his hands; if Finn spent a little extra time dusting his back and thighs off, that was nobody’s business but their own.
“Are you done?” Logan asked with clear amusement written all over his face.
“I’m protecting the booty,” Finn said solemnly. Next to him, Leo fought a valiant battle against the grin trying to take over his face. “It’s a very important booty, you know.”
“Like you’d know, Pancake O’Hara.” With a playful smack to his—admittedly lacking, in comparison—rear end, Logan strolled back down the hall to the gym and pulled the door open.
“Yoga mats,” Sirius said without preamble. Leo clamped a hand over his mouth and hid his face in Finn’s shoulder.
“Yoga mats. If you even breathe on the weights, I swear to god I’ll sit on you.”
“You’re the worst.”
“Love you, too.” Sirius narrowed his eyes down the hall. “You two have absolutely no excuse to chill out here. Congrats, Harzy, your rotation for the bench press just started. Knutty, Bliz is waiting for you by the ice baths.”
“Oh, god,” Leo groaned.
Even Sirius looked sympathetic as he moved aside to let Logan in. “It’s only fifteen minutes. You’ll sur—Logan, put that down!”
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
Wet N’ Wild
Summary: After a stressful couple days at school, Tom finds a way to make the reader feel better. 
Warnings: Tom Holland x college!reader, touch starved, smut, fingering, oral (female), things get steamy y’all
Notes: So this is for @asonofpeter​ ‘s 1K Challenge.... that’s a month late but hopefully this makes up for it sorry girl!!! Hope y’all enjoy this one!!
Word Count: 1834
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Prompt #9: “I’m wet” and “I don’t care, let me hold you,”
You walked into your apartment and slammed the door shut. Your head was pounding and all you wanted to do was sleep forever. However, with the thousands of papers you have due this week sleep might be a fleeting dream.
“Love, are you okay?” your boyfriend walks over and greets you.
“Yeah,” you said weakly, “just school stressing me out. You won’t believe the amount of work they’re giving me,” you could almost tear up at the work you’d have to do.
“Shhh don’t get upset,” you didn’t even realize the tears starting to form in your eyes.
“I don’t know Tom, college has just been getting so hard recently and I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to keep up,” you finally broke down in Tom’s arms.
He soothed you for a while until your breathing was steady again. Tom stroked your back which put you more at ease.
“We’ll figure it out, I’ll help you if I have to,” you were so grateful that you found someone as loving as him. Tom would go to the ends of the earth for you if he could. How did you both get so lucky to find each other?
“I’m gonna run you a bath, love. You go get ready,” Tom kissed your forehead and ran off to the bathroom.
You made your way to the bedroom and began to take off your clothes, quickly putting a fluffy robe over your nude body.
“Y/N, it’s ready, love,” Tom called you from the bathroom.
Your nose was filled with a warm lavender scent and the bathroom was already steamy. Tom made sure to fill the tub with his body wash that you loved so much and made the water extra hot.
“After you, princess,” you took off your robe and handed it to Tom.
“Thank you, my prince,” you gave him a sweet kiss on the lips as you caught him eyeing up your body.
“Do you wanna join,” you bit your lip and ignored the buzzing feeling from in between your thighs. Between Tom’s filming schedule and your college work load, the two of you have never had the opportunity to get really intimate.
Tom was about to shake his head no and let you have some free time, but he couldn’t ignore how beautiful his naked girl was squeezing her thighs together. Like I wouldn’t notice, he thought.
Without saying a word, Tom began to shred himself of his clothing while you turned your back to him and made your way towards the steaming bath. Tom unapologetically admired your ass as it motivated him to shuck off his pesky clothing faster.
He lowered himself into the bath first and you followed suit. Tom wrapped his arms around your waist and you leaned your head back to rest on his shoulder. For the first time in a long time, you two truly felt at peace.
However, the peace quickly ended once you felt Tom’s erection poke your lower back. You suppressed a gasp, but you both knew that you felt it.
Tom used this moment to begin pampering soft kisses on your shoulder and neck. You let out a low moan at how good the small amount of affection felt.
“Please Tommy,” you moaned for him to move his hands down a little lower.
Once his fingers found your small nub he gently began to rub. You slowly started to grind your hips into his fingers as his kisses got more intense.
You felt him grow harder behind your back and your mind was swimming with the endless possibilities of what could happen tonight.
“You know,” Tom said in a raspy voice, “you can touch it if you want,” he was trying so hard not to grind into you.
You moved to a better position in the tub and grabbed him. Tom moaned once your hand touched his member as you slowly started to stroke.
“Being a little bit of a tease aren’t we, love?” You responded with a moan as Tom sped up on your clit.
“My poor baby’s been so stressed out lately. You needed this didn’t you? You need my cock and fingers to help relax huh?” You tried to respond, but Tom entered a finger into you and you let out a tiny scream.
“Answer me,” he said forcefully as he went faster.
“I-I n-need you. S-s-so bad,” you cried out.
“Keep going, honey,” Tom was getting cocky now, but as you sped up on him he was starting to falter.
He put two fingers in you and sped up.
“I need you.”
“Need what, love?”
His other hand came around and started to circle your clit again.
“I need, I need your cock,” you moaned out loud as you felt your orgasm coming, you had stopped touching him completely due to the amount of pleasure.
“Let go for me and then you can have my cock, baby,” you screamed as Tom kicked himself into overdrive and completely made you lose touch of reality for a brief moment.
Your first orgasm was blinding as you arched your back and moaned Tom’s name. Tears were streaming down your face as water was falling out of the tub from the intense session.
“You did so well for me,” Tom kissed your shoulder and he got up from behind you. He turned on the shower head and drained the bath water and started to exit.
“Where are you going,” you tried to ask, but it came out more like a whine.
“I’m gonna clean up the little mess we made,” he smirked, “then meet me in the bedroom for round two,” he looked you up and down and bit his lip.
You shuddered at the endless possibilities of what he wanted to do to you in the bedroom, so you made sure to take a fast shower, and try to ignore the sensitivity between your legs as you cleaned up there.
You finished up your shower in a hurry, despite the tremors going through your legs every now and then, and practically rushed to meet Tom in your bedroom.
The water was still dripping off your body as you entered the shared room. Everything looked the same except for one thing: Tom wasn’t there. You thought to go look for him for a brief moment or try and call for him, but you gasped as you felt your boyfriends muscled arms wrap around you and pull you close.
“I’m wet,” you laughed as you tried to wiggle away but his grip on you was tight.  
“I don’t care, let me hold you,” Tom nuzzled his head into your shoulder and peppered more kisses across it.
You laughed as his hands caressed your towel-clad body, poking your soft spots in an attempt to make you laugh. However he paused, Tom stopped his loving touches and in one swoop he picked you up and placed you in the middle of the bed.
You exchanged looks of adoration. Tom thought that you never looked more beautiful than now. He loved you at your most vulnerable self and would always make you know it. The way he looked at you, you would never trade it for anything in the world. He was your one.
“Can I take this off, love?” He picked at your towel.
You nodded a yes and he wasted no time in ridding your damp body of the fabric.
“Might need to give you another bath after this,” he smirked as you removed his shirt and pants and made eye level with your pussy.
“Why’s that?” You already knew the answer, but you just wanted to hear him say it.
“Because this pussy’s gonna be dripping with my cum,” Tom abruptly latched his lips to your core and began to work you up.
You couldn’t hold back the distraught moan that left your lips. Your body felt way too sensitive after all of Tom’s attacks. You clutched onto his hair and began pulling it, begging for him to stop and look up at you.
“What is it, darling?” Tom didn’t move from your pussy. While he awaited a response from you, he licked your core some more and with curious eyes as to what you were going to say.
“Tommy,” you moaned as his tongue pressed harshly on your clit, “please, Tommy, I need you inside of me, please, please, please…”
Your pleas died out as the please became too much for you. Tom smirked as you were at a loss for words. He loved when you looked fucked out beyond repair, it turned him on way too much.
Sadly for him, he removed himself from your aching pussy and positioned himself to go inside you.
“Is this okay, love?” He always made sure to ask you if you were feeling okay when you were this fucked out.
“Yes,” you moaned weakly, but it wasn’t for long because Tom put a devious smirk back on his face and slammed into you again.
You gasped and Tom took the opportunity to start kissing you. The kiss was anything but gentle and romantic and more raw and passionate. Tom needed this night as much as you did.
“You’re such a princess, you know that, Y/N? Such a perfect princess, always so ready and waiting for me,” he grunted.
He moved his hands to behind your hips and angled them upwards towards him. The new position made you shriek in pleasure.
“Baby, baby, I’m gonna-,”
“It’s okay, princess, just let it go,” Tom moved faster to catch up.
You both finished at the same time. Tom collapsed on you, your sweaty bodied making you overheated.
“You're crushing me, Tom,” you struggled to say.
Tom faked an offended scoff and moved off of you, pulling himself out in the process.
Tom’s fingers settled on below your belly button, but they didn’t stay there for long. Tom trailed his fingers lower until they got to your pussy again. He circled around your clit again, but soon pushed his fingers into your pussy and pushed yours and his cum farther in.
“Oh, Tom, please, I need to take a break if you wanna go again,” you breathlessly said.
“Why don’t we get you all cleaned up again, okay?” You nodded your head as Tom removed his fingers and ran into the bathroom.
After a while he called you in the bathroom. Your legs were shaking with each step as you made your way to the hot shower that was running and your gorgeous boyfriend outside of it. Before you stepped in, you heard the humming of the bathroom fan on.
“Why’s that on?” You asked Tom.
“I figured round two would take a while, so we shouldn’t steam up the whole bathroom, right, love?” Tom winked and pulled you in the shower.
Let’s just say you weren’t stressed anymore after a few rounds.
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hes-writer · 3 years
Patreon Masterlist
These are exclusive fics that you can read on my Patreon!
* = complete, ^ = in-progress, + = will be posted on tumblr, (s) = smut (implied or mentioned) writing count: 78 pieces
**billing cycle currently paused** | new patrons will still be charged
This is a reupload of my masterlist with sneak peeks of each piece so you know what's up :D
Multi-Part Series | One Shots | Drabbles | Extras
* Unwavering (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) - 6.5k, the one where harry cheats (again)
"Right. Maybe we can go out tonight to grab some dinner," She suggested, a hopeful glint in her eyes and he almost felt guilty for putting her on the back burner of his mind. "I really have to go, baby," Peeking his head around her frame, he spotted the untouched toast and apple juice resting on where he should be. "I'm sorry."
^ + Roommate Series (3) (4) (5) (6) - 9.8k, the one where harry and y/n are roommates
He sighed, “I finished my coffee ages ago. I was just waiting for you to finish studying so we could leave together and go home,” Y/N dropped her fingers from his wrist, slouching the slightest bit as butterflies attacked her stomach. “Don’t look at me like that. I just wanted you to get home safe,” He nudged her forehead with the ball of his palm, his face contorting to annoyance.
^ + Notes on Camp (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) - 16.5k, the one where harry and y/n are camp counsellors
Y/N looked around to be met with puckered lips and clenched hands as the campers practically requested for her to kiss their favourite counsellor. Wide, hopeful stares were willing her to commit.
“Alright, alright,” She bent her upper body to reach his cheek, licking over her lips once before pressing it on his skin. It was only a quick peck and then she pulled back. He stayed unmoving.
Jacky and Emy poked their finger at him on opposite sides. His cheek dimpling with their small indents. “Maybe you should do it again?”
* Friends Don't (1) (2) (3)- 3k, the one where lines are crossed
“It’s Harry Styles fanfiction on Tumblr,” She suggested a conversation, shyly smiling in embarrassment. “I can see that,” He murmured, using his thumb to scroll through the rest of the story, “It’s . . . interesting. People write these about me?” His retort made the situation seem like an utter surprise.
* Digress, Progress, Regress Series - 5k, the one where harry falls out of love
Y/N wondered if there was a chance to fixing what has been lost--what has disappeared as the canvas soaked through in a permeated osmosis. Coating the brush of blue with white paint took several layers to completely cover the mistakes. There had to be an effort in wanting to make the faults and errors completely opaque from the eye; the bleary, watery irises soaked with tears, dampening her lashes in a thick haze as she cried.
Tickle Fights (1)  - 1.2k, the one where bff!y/n teases harry about his boner
“What’s going on here, Harry?” The light tone of her voice indicated that she was teasing him, paired with the subtle movements of her lower half. Harry whined in response, feeling the blood rush downwards to make him even stiffer. “Does this feel good? Got hard over me straddling you, huh?” It was almost degrading, the way Y/N formed her question yet Harry couldn’t help a whimper from lingering in the air. He nodded, hands sliding down to grip at her moving hips.
Real Mature (1)  (2)  - part two is patron exclusive! - 603 words, the one where bff!harry and y/!n fight
“You shouldn’t have. I’m sorry for being bitter about you and Ruby,” She rested her forearms on his shoulders in a slant when he stood to his full height. “I know you’re happy with her,” Harry gave her a shy smile that confirmed his words. Ruby is someone special to Harry now and Y/N had to learn how to share his time, attention, and affection. “I reckon I’m just missing you a lot more now,” Y/N’s tone was sad and despondent, trailing her gaze to the floor where she almost chuckled at Harry’s fuzzy bunny slippers which she had gotten him.
^ Fine Line Series: Adore You - 1.1k the one where harry and y/n are friends with benefits
Still, with her back against the wall and Harry’s fingers still gripping her hips—she waited for his response. I told you I loved you. Say it back, Y/N thought. “I love her, Y/N,” He mumbled against her neck in a drunken stupor. So close.
Kinkmas Blurbs (1 - 7) - 4.6k, the one where it’s all smutty
Maybe it was the way that his jaw ticked harshly every time he threw his head back at a particularly good stroke. You wondered what he was imagining that had him bucking his hips to his fist before realizing that the movements would probably cause you to wake up. Still, his hooded lids didn’t peel open—not until a core shaking fondle of his heavy balls forced a choked whine out of his throat.
Harry’s neck snapped to your figure, catching the way you looked at him as if you were in distress that he wasn’t cumming anytime soon—not when you were there, willing and able to help.
“Fuck, love. ‘M sorry,” He mumbled, not stopping the flicks of his wrist. In fact, you swore that you could hear the squelching of his clear pre-cum squishing between his fingers.
The Secretary (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 11k, the one where harry is the CEO and y/n is the assistant (cheating fic)
Two months ago, Y/N unburied a not-so-hidden secret that Harry tried to bury. Two months ago, Y/N walked in on her boyfriend and his secretary fucking on his office table. Two months ago, Y/N experienced everything from pain and discomfort, to disappointment and being scornful. She threaded the line of confronting him or waiting for the day he came forward and admitted it himself. There was a desire for Y/N to see Harry sweat beneath her beady eyes, watching him scratch the back of his pants in a nervous manner. She wanted to hear him stutter as he spat an excuse, she yearned to see him pleading with his gorgeous green eyes for her to stay.  Y/N craved for his throat to close up, whimpers choked from his trachea because he was losing his stability as she walked away from him.
(s) Tension (1) (2) - 5.3k, the one where harry and y/n hate each other
“S’that why you hate me so much?”
His fingertips tapped his thigh methodically, crumpling a faint thud against his jeans. With how close they were sitting, Y/N’s bare knee brushed against his clothing. A burn of desire and anticipation lit inside of her like a dose of gasoline another in a flaming hot fire.
Harry shook his head, “Don’t hate you."
Champagne Problems- 4.4k, the one where marriage is a sensitive topic, the 1 - coming soon!
The freshly popped bottle of champagne poured into the flute on the table beside her bubbled and simmered, the sizzling reaction of the golden liquid ignited a moment of realization within her. The reason why her body felt more weighted, why tears filled her glazed eyes, pricking her corneas and threatening to spill down her face. Y/N’s heart had cracked–she was certain that everybody around her could hear it.
One Shot
(s) Achy Back - 813 words, the one where harry draws y/n a bath
A pout sat on her face as Harry stopped himself from ducking his head and catching her plush lips with his, craving the sweet taste of her and her strawberry lip balm. Her arms wrapped around his snatched waist, halting his breath at the tightness of her embrace and settling for a kiss on her forehead, the scent of her shampoo wafting in his nostrils, knowing that she had taken shower hours prior.
A Letter to the Man I’ve Loved - 1.5k, the one where harry receives a letter from his ex
Is it really worth it to look back in retrospect about ‘what had been’ when she can think about ‘what could have been’ if both of them realized their faults? Granted, he was more resilient in that sense than her, but he was no better at the time. She made mistakes and it had haunted her to this day, practically killing her with each moment she spent without him by her side.
Renegade - 981 words, the one where harry and y/n do a tiktok dance
“What are y’doing?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as his large palms ruffled the fluffy towel on his damp curls. The steam from the bathroom escaped to your bedroom where you were panting with effort, your chest heaving so hard that the peaks of your breasts rose with each breath.
“Uh, what are you doing?” You retorted slowly, hiding your hands behind your back were your fingers gripped your phone. Your thumb dug hard on the volume bottom, frantically trying to decrease the music from the phone speaker.
(s) Drop the Towel - 644 words, the one where harry does the ‘drop the towel’ challenge
You gasped at the sight, the knife clanging on the marble counter, “Ooh, hi there,”
He smirked cockily, watching your eyes observe his body, tongue subconsciously peeking out between your lips until you snapped your head to the window, “Oh my god! There are people out there, Harry!” You wailed in alarm, bending over to hand him his towel.
All I Ask - 2.2k, the one where feelings aren’t mutual
“I don’t want to be scared of what will happen tomorrow or if all we have is right now because we’ll have nothing left but I am,” A sob ripped through his throat, emotions were heightened tenfold because she was so close yet so far and they were still Harry and Y/N but at the same time they weren’t. They’ve changed over the span of one night. “All we have is tonight,”
Little Prince - 583 words, the one where 7-year-old harry takes care of his best friend
“Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay? I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I swear I wasn’t mad at you, I was just jok- Why are you smiling?” Harry yelped, panic evident in his shrill voice. His hands wandered towards her face, tilting it left to right, up and down, searching for any visible and invisible injuries besides the bump on her forehead.
Stressed Out - 1.8k, the one where y/n has a huge term paper due
“What d’ya mean I don’t get it?” He closed the paperback, making sure to clip in his bookmark to save his spot.
A pregnant pause slithered the room. Her fingers typing against the keys of her laptop ceased as she shot him a glare, “You’re not studying, are you? All you do is write songs, fiddle with a few instruments and sing it in front of people who adore you,”
Valentine’s Day - 1.5k, the one where harry runs into trouble and y/n is there to save him
“Shit! Are you crazy?” Y/N gasped in surprise when the passengers seat was occupied, the door opening and slamming shut all while the car moved at a speed of 15 km/h —cursing her forgetfulness for not clicking the locks shut.
“Keep driving!” The passenger shouted, looking back through the windshield.
Dream With Me - 1.3k, the one where y/n has trouble sleeping
Harry’s admiration gets interrupted when a sudden jolt took over Y/N’s body. He dropped his mouth open a little in shock, rubbing her back soothingly when she whimpered quietly, “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” She must have had experienced one of those moments when she was falling until her vision drooped to a shaded black.
Pet Name - 1.2k, the one where bff!harry just wants y/n to call him by his pet name again
His voice emulated a soft, syrupy tone that lingered in the air whenever he spoke. He was the colour honey itself–golden and yellow like the colour of the sun. Harry was bright in its sense of intelligence and the way he illuminated the whichever room he entered. His kindness catered to everyone’s needs and left pieces of his heart wherever he went.
Harry was honey.
Shave - 768 words, the one where harry helps y/n shave her coochie
She sniffles some more, “I’m trying to shave, H. It’s so itchy but I-I can’t reach down there,”
Y/N began to sob. The rattle of the razor clanking on the bathtub floor where she sat her bum on the edge. Her baby bump was causing her to teeter over the porcelain which urged Harry to swiftly plant his hands on her to keep her steady.
“I’m so huge! I’m the size of a house,” Y/N palmed the crest of her bump, rubbing it loosely as she admired the stretched skin yet slightly wishing that it would disappear and she was holding their baby in her arms instead.
(s) Don’t Worry, Darling - 1.5k, the one where y/n rides harry
He slipped down the headboard, resting his back flat on the mattress with Y/N sliding with him. She positioned her feet to rest near his knees, wrapping their limbs together so she could have some sort of sanity whilst Harry incepted on his shattering thrusts. Feet were planted on the mattress to give his lower half elevation to propel his hips against Y/N’s core. Harry’s fingers left white marks on her skin, gripping the plush flesh and essentially spreading Y/N open as he rapidly shoved his dick over and over inside of her with no signs of slowing down. He staggered for a few moments when her pulsing core emitted dazing throbs over his leaking cock but Y/N was quick to duplicate and resume the pace he had set with the movement of her hips.
To Be Loved - 2.3k, the one where y/n’s feelings are more than friendly
“I love you. Don’t you love me back?”
Harry’s eyes visibly widened, clearly taken aback by the question spewing from Y/N’s mouth. Her heat cheeks and a shy stance; knees knocking against his knobby ones while her dainty hands interlaced her fingers.
Revelation - 2.1k, the one where famous!y/n and harry are spotted together (pre-relationship)
Before there were Harry and Y/N--the power couple--there was Harry and Y/N.
Y/N, who was one of the most sought after female artists in the industry because of her angelic voice. The woman who had managed to catch the lingering stares of every household and the ears of many listeners with her truthful songs; narrative from the experiences she had gone through and shared through the art of songwriting.
Harry, who was quite the artist for the night. Harry’s limbs were being pulled metaphorically every which to ensure that the cameras captured him clapping respectfully in the audience. Others were asking him to stay for a bit more time backstage for content for an upcoming video. Right now, he was sat in his uncomfortable chair beside a handful of producers and well-known singers. A brief hug and whisper with Ariana Grande were enough for their fans to implode about a possible collaboration, granted that Harry had written a song for her album before. But Harry was certain that that feature wasn’t coming for a long while.
Apple Cheeks - 1.1k, the one where harry says something and y/n isn’t listening
Clearing his throat, he began, “I love you, Y/N. And I know that it might be too soon considering how short our relationship has been so far but I-I really do have strong feelings for you,”
Harry dropped his gaze as soon as he managed to peel off the first three words from his hoarse throat. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know that I really care for you and me. I definitely something for us in the future and I hope you feel the same,”
Dreadful seconds shivered up Harry’s spine. His stare was still fixed on her shuffling feet and the floor. It was painful to hear nothing but silence so Harry decided to courageously lift his head up.
Affliction - 1.5k, the one where Harry breaks down (TW: depressive thoughts)
It wasn’t even that Harry did not know how to say ‘no’ because he truly did. However, anyone would be worn-out by the amount of exhaustion carried on his back. That cold shudder of loneliness--even when he wasn’t alone-- because nobody shared the experience of defeat with him. The twitch of his ears straining to listen when nobody would do the same for him. A subtle jerk of the corners of his lips because he could not keep the smile plastered on his face like paint chipping off the drywalls. The flutter of tired lids waiting to be shut tightly as tears were wrung from his green eyes, lashes tickling his skin underneath the violent colour of his eye bags.
From the Dining Table - 748 words, the one where y/n’s new boyfriend looks a lot like harry
Y/N wondered if her former lover shared the same thoughts as she did. The girl that he woke next to—was she still there? Did they share the bed together—not just in the morning—but the nights as well? If so, did Harry love her like he did with Y/N? Or was he just pretending to be okay like she was?
Blanket for Two - 990 words, the one where y/n kicks harry out of bed
And now, Harry was in bed with the woman he loves. Her light snores echoing in the dim room and he was staring up at the ceiling, shivering in his bones. If she were awake, Y/N probably would have made a snide, joking comment about how he shouldn’t sleep naked, especially in the winter.  Not like she didn’t do that either--she was practically naked with the thin camisole over her body.  The difference was that Y/N had an extra layer of blanket keeping her warm, shielding her skin from the night air and Harry only had the friction of his palms rubbing against his arms.  He was sure that he was a hint away from his teeth chattering. Harry had half the mind to dip his freezing feet beneath the blanket and jolt her awake with the change in temperature.
That’ll show her, he thought.
Around 1:32 - 3.2k, the one where y/n has a wet dream
“What?” Harry spat, tugging his shirt over his head, waiting for you to form a coherent excuse. “‘Think that jus’ because you woke up horny from a dream that y’can touch yourself? What a slut.  Are you that desperate?”
Your cheeks flamed at his words of degradation, doubling your arousal and one that had you smushing your thighs together to relieve the ache. You rolled your eyes as he continued his rant instead of using the time to keep you satisfied.  That was his job, wasn’t it? To make you cum and make you feel nothing but pleasure, yet here he was shaming you for touching yourself. Granted, you did it without his permission and done so while he was asleep beside you, but still.
“Wouldn’t have touched myself if you treated me well.”
+ Stories in My Eyes - 1.2k, the one where dad!Harry gets woken up in the middle of the night
And while he liked to think that he had gotten the hang of—quite literally— his kid dangling on his leg like some sort of koala, pulling on his hair every time he gave Beau a piggy back ride, and the random visits late at night where the small child would stand at the doorway with his teddy bear so quietly only to say, “Can I sleep with you and mumma?” He was not at all prepared for tonight’s’ events.
+ Feather Boa - 1.5k, the one where harry comes home after the Grammys
Y/N rolled her eyes, “Oh, stop that!”
“Stop what?” Harry nudged the strap of his custom tote bag higher on his shoulder.
“You just won a Grammy, you goose!”
Harry’s gaze softened, endeared at how happy Y/N was for him. She was jumping on the tips of her toes, hands clasped in front of her as she stared at him with admiration and awe.
(s) Roughed Up - 2.8k, the one where harry’s domestic and y/n’s mind wanders
You whimper in return, almost collapsing straight on his body when Harry uses your body to move you up and down his cock. His curls flop on the soft pillow beneath his head, sweat matting the tiny hairs to his face. The way he looks at you with such intensity and a certain kind of awe as if he couldn’t believe that this was really happening is rewarding. Hooded eyes observing how your body twitches in his grip, gasping at how strong he felt underneath you like you were merely a ragdoll to be played wit
Pudding Cups - 1k, the one after harry steals food from the kitchen (Notes on Camp Extras)
“So is it common practice for counsellors to steal food from the kitchen?”
Harry lifts his head up at inquiry, shifting his attention from gently taking out the contents of the reusable bag towards Y/N.  She was laying on his mattress, flat on her back as she stared at the wooden ceiling.  If she looked closely, Y/N was sure that his light bulb was flickering the tiniest bit and usually, she would’ve been freaking out over the fact that she was in the middle of the woods, hovering over a potential power cut.  But the fear subsided once she reminded herself that Harry was around.
“Hopefully not,” He muses with a suggestive eyebrow.
(s) Drabble #1: Fratboy!Harry - 469 words, the one where y/n meets fratboy!harry at a party
Y/N snapped her head towards the member. When she applied for the rush, she didn’t expect that she would have to sleep with someone in order to officially join the sorority.  “What? Why him?
Sadie chuckled, sensing the panic in her voice. “Don’t worry, Harry’s nice. Besides, everybody does it,” She swirled her drink around, mixing the liquids together. Her lashes draped over her cheeks, almost touching the apples. “Are you in?”
Drabble #2: Asshole!Harry - 848 words, the one where harry cheats
You were calm, silent, and patient to see where he would take the conversation. Guilt was not present when you stood face to face in a battle of tranquility that pierced through your heart. His eyes gleamed in concealed smugness while his tongue curled in endless apologies. You knew him too well that he didn’t even stand a chance to hide his true intentions. But to Harry, you were a naive little girl that failed to acknowledge the difference between his acting and the truth.
(s) Drabble #3: Tease - 1.4k, the one where harry teases y/n
Harry plunged two fingers in her hole carefully, biting his lip to suppress the sound he was bound to release from the feeling of her wet walls suffocating his digits. He delivered punctual thrust, making sure to graze her sensitive spot to heighten her arousal. “Harry,”
He stepped back abruptly, pulling his fingers out and creating distance between them. “We have dinner to get to,”
(s) Drabble #4: Dessert - 1.7k, the one where y/n makes dinner but harry wants dessert
His thoughts were always about her no matter how hard he tried not to. And the fact that she took the time out of her day to prepare him something that he will enjoy; well, Harry’s heart just about swelled up to three times the size in his thumping chest.
She pulled away, shaking her head adamantly, “No way! I spent all day cooking and you’re not gonna skip it just to eat my pussy,”
He the corners of his eyes squinted in offence at her description, “Your pussy’s top tier, baby.” Harry ‘tsked’ his tongue, “If yeh didn’t know that already, then I’m doing a horrid job,”
(s) Drabble #5: Mine - 579 words, the one where harry is obsessed with y/ns tits
But he couldn’t exactly do that when all Harry wanted to do was do her. The smooth skin was supported by a navy blue push-up bra; he could tell by the lace mesh that he could see peeking out. It gave Y/N every favour because Harry was trying so hard not to let saliva pool in his mouth and drip out in a line of drool, his eyes widening with each movement she made with her arms, jostling her boobs a little bit here and there.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” Y/N waved her arms to catch his attention. A frown creased her brows as he blinked sluggishly before finding enough coherence to recognize that she was trying to talk to him.
(s) Drabble #6: Early Mornings - 1k, the one where harry thinks y/n is prettiest in the morning
“Get to see ya’ when you’re most beautiful,” Harry tickled his nose on hers, smiling at the way the feature scrunched up as she giggled. He groaned at the contractions her walls gave while her tummy flipped in gentle laughter. “Oi! What’s so funny?” He smushed her face with kisses, pausing his thrust halfway through which had her whining.
Drabble #7: Getaway - 952 words, the one where harry is always cold in the mornings
"Y/N, have you taken my purple bathrobe?"
“No,” Y/N tugged the lavender coloured fabric by the sleeves first. Then, by the lapels draping over her chest, drawing them tighter to block the gust of wind currently caressing Harry’s floppy curls.
Twisting his body, a knowing look overtook Harry’s face as Y/N exited the cabin door. The sheepish smile on his lover’s face granting all the information he needed for this morning’s chilly inception.
There she was, clad in the said purple bathrobe.
Drabble #8: A Little Chilly - 451 words, the one where harry sleeps on the couch
“‘S my bed. Dunno why Lydia can’t jus’ stay on the couch,”
“It’s Y/N!” She wailed, walking closer to the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Dear, we didn’t know that you were coming home,” Anne tried reasoning with him, not seeing the gravity of the situation as Harry was making it out to be.
Text Messages:
Text Messages #1 - ‘would you love me if I was snail?’
Text Messages #2 - ‘did you know we had a quiz today?’
Text messages #3 - ‘did you steal my hoodie?’
Notes/Behind the Scenes
Notes: Tarnish
Notes: Stressed Out
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theoreticslut · 4 years
The Truth that you Deny // Part 5
pairing: fred weasley x reader x george weasley
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
word count: 1.8k
warnings: none
A/N: i’m honestly so sad that this is the last part to this series guys :( I had so much fun writing it and have had such amazing feedback on it, i’m not sure i want to give it up. I have thought about doing a small drabble or two of the story further into the relationship, but i don’t want to drag it out too long. If you guys like it enough and would like a sort of epilogue, let me know and I’ll definitely think about doing one. thank you to everyone that’s been reading this as I post it and giving feedback and/or reblogging. I am eternally grateful for you guys <3 out of the previous 4 parts this story has a total of about 400 notes which is actually crazy. so just, thank you! i love you guys Xx
Taglist: @justmesadgirl @xuckduck @yikesyikesyikes95 @filipi-yes @aestheticwh0r3 @siredkai @matsuno-nadeshiko @msmarklee1213 @immajustreadwritereblog @msmimimerton
You woke up christmas morning excited to spend the day with the people you considered family. You felt that you had gotten them all some great gifts and couldn’t wait to give them to each of them.
Even thought it was only 7:30 in the morning you couldn’t help but be awake. You knew most everyone else was still sleeping save for Mr and Mrs Weasley.
You decided that you’d like to have a shower before everything got started today so you quietly got yourself out of bed and found yourself some clothes to wear.
Stepping into the hall was oddly uncomfortable since there was no distant chatter from downstairs or someone’s room, but nonetheless you made your way to the bathroom which was just down the hall from Fred and George’s room.
Neither of them would be up for at least another half hour which was plenty enough time to shower.
You started the water and waited for it to warm up as you stripped down naked.
Stepping into the shower you shivered at the sheer temperature difference, but you happily welcomed the warm water on your skin.
You washed your face and shampooed your hair, finishing it before adding some conditioner. You started shaving and as you did so you started humming, getting lost into one of your favourite songs.
Eventually you finished shaving and washing your body, able to rinse the suds from your skin. You sighed as you shut the water off and stepped out into the bath mat.
After drying off and getting dressed in a pair of jeans and an older sweater, you picked up your mess and put everything back the way it was, throwing your towel into the basket Mrs Weasley had left in there for them.
Opening the door you were surprised to find George sitting on the floor against the wall.
“Hmm? Oh, are you done?” He asked, lazily looking up at you from the floor.
“Yeah,” you chuckle. “Uh, what were you doing out here?”
“I had to use the bathroom but you were in there so I figured I’d wait right here. But I’m still a bit tired and you sing really nice.” He smiled, taking your extended hand to get up.
“Oh, uh, thank you. I’m sorry I kept you waiting, but it’s all yours now.” You smile as he nods, smiling back at you.
As you walk away he can’t help but notice how great you smell, which is only more intense in the small bathroom.
As you appear downstairs, you’re greeted by Mrs Weasley as she makes a pot of coffee.
“Good morning.” You smile.
“Good morning, dear. Would you like a cup?” She asks as you stand next to the table.
“Yes, please.”
“Is anyone else up yet?” She asks.
“I ran into George on the way out of the bathroom, but I haven’t heard or seen anyone else. George doesn’t even look like he’s ready to be up yet.” You chuckle, taking the mug she hands out to you.
“Typical.” She smiles, sitting down at the table and motioning for you to do the same.
“Have you talked to Fred and George yet about everything?” She asks, taking a sip from her mug.
“Not yet. I didn’t want to make anything awkward right before the holidays, but I’ll tell them soon”
She nods and takes another drink from her mug.
After sharing a cup of coffee and a good half hour conversation about school and what you’re thinking about for next year, Mrs Weasley asked if you would wake everyone up.
First you went and woke Ginny as she was closest. She didn’t quite want to be up yet so you left her and made your way to the twins room.
You knocked on the door, not hearing anything from inside.
“Fred? George? Time to get up.” You knocked again, but still didn’t hear anything.
Carefully, you opened the door and peered around to see the two of them still fast asleep. You sigh, but smile nonetheless.
You make you’re way into their room to shake them awake. You start with Fred to which he just groans, turning around.
“Come on you two. It’s time to get up.” You huff, trying to pull the blanket off George as he fights you.
“You two are impossible.” You sigh, shrieking when Fred grabs you from behind and pulls you down onto the bed with him.
Both of them laugh as you huff, trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp.
“Your hair is cold.” He points out as his face rests on it.
“I showered this morning and it’s still damp.”
“I can’t imagine my hair taking that long to dry.” He says and you roll your eyes.
“Can you let me go, please? You know that your mum would kill us if she found us like this, right?”
He hummed, not really giving you an answer but acknowledging your statement.
“I really don’t feel like dying on Christmas.”
You can hear the both of them chuckle, but you still don’t get a response.
“Are you guys falling back asleep?! For Merlin’s sake” you groan slapping Fred’s arms and when that didn’t work you steal one of his pillows from under his head and hit him with it.
“Just ten more minutes, that’s all we’re asking.” George mumbles, already half asleep again.
“No! Get your ass up.” You huff, throwing Fred’s pillow at him.
After another few minutes of struggling you finally get them both out of bed and you sigh in exasperation.
With them finally awake you work on waking Ron and Harry, and then waking up Ginny for real.
“Merry Christmas, everyone!” Hermione greets as she makes her way in the house that afternoon.
“Merry Christmas, ‘mione.” You smile, taking her bag for her so she could take her jacket off.
“Have you guys done gifts yet?” She asks, hanging her coat on one of the hooks by the door.
“Not yet. We’ve been waiting for you. We can all sit in the living room and get started if you’re ready.” Mrs Weasley said, carrying a tray filled with mugs of cocoa for everyone.
Hermione nodded and followed you into the living room, taking a seat next to Harry, Ron, and Ginny. You take your place  between Fred and George, both of whom smile as they pass you a mug from the tray.
About an hour of opening gifts, you were nearing the last couple gifts. So far you had received the traditional Weasley sweater with your initial on the front, a pair of sparkly yet simple teardrop earrings from Ginny, a book about one of your favourite classes from hermione, a notebook from Fred, followed by some nice quills from George, a mixtape both of them had put together for you of some of all your guys favourite songs. You had also gotten a new maroon scarf from Ron and some candies from Harry.
You had given Fred and George their gifts from you; a notebook for each of them to keep track of all their crazy inventions, a few joke toys you were certain they’d never seen which made each of them laugh, and a promise to buy them each a butterbeer on your next trip to hogsmeade.
Everyone else seemed to enjoy their gifts from you as well which was nice to know. You loved getting people gifts and it was always so much nicer when they liked them.
“Okay, I think this is the last of them and it’s for y/n from Fred and George.” Mr Weasley read.
You looked at them, gingerly taking the small gift as it was handed to you. You looked between the two twins wondering what else they could have gotten you as you had already gotten enough from them.
“Stop looking at us and open it.” Fred chuckles.
“Why did you get me something else? You both already gave me enough.”
“Just open it, please.” He smiles, rubbing his neck.
“I’m a little scared, nothing is going to pop out at me is it?”
“Nothing will pop out at you. We promise.” George says, looking over to his brother as you finally get the wrapping paper off the small box.
You open it up and gasp. Inside lay a beautiful silver locket with intricate detailing on the face of it.
“It’s beautiful” you whisper, looking between them.
“Open it up.” George urges.
You do as he says and your mouth falls open, your hand coming up to cover it.
“Fred, George...” you whisper, tears forming in your eyes.
On the inside, there was a picture of the three of you from earlier this year on the side that would lay against your chest. In the opposite side there was an engraving of a heart and the words ‘we love you, f & g’
“Do you like it?” Fred asks, trying to catch your eye as you’re still looking down at it.
You nod, trying to keep from crying.
“I love it.” You say, clearing your throat as it had gotten groggy holding back tears.
“Good,” Fred smiles. “We really like you, like a lot, y/n.”
“We have for awhile.” George adds.
“We weren’t sure how to tell you, but then we saw this locket and knew.” He smiles as you watch him.
“Yeah, we knew you would like wearing it, even more so when we got the engraving and picture put in.” Fred says.
“Like we said, we really like you, y/n.” George starts.
“It’s actually more than just liking you. We’ve both loved you pretty much since we all became friends.” Fred adds, the two of them seeming to ramble at this point.
“We know you were worried about hurting one of us, but you don’t have to. We don’t care what anyone else might say, we love you and we’re going to be with you for merlin’s sake.” George smiles, watching your face for a reaction.
You chuckle as tears are starting to spill over your cheeks. You pull both of them into a hug, sighing as you feel their arms wrap around you.
“It’s about time!” Ginny cheers, causing all of you to chuckle. Well except for Mrs Weasley who shushes her.
“It seriously is though. I’m glad you all finally admitted it.” Hermione says, smiling.
“Yeah, congrats guys.” Harry says.
“I love you, guys.” You whisper, smiling as they both kiss your cheek.
“This does mean you’ll be our girlfriend, right? And maybe even someday, our wife?” George asks.
You pull away and chuckle as you try to wipe your eyes.
“Yes. Merlin are you two dumb.”
Fred and George both smile at you, admiring how gorgeous you look sitting there as theirs, even when you have tear stains across your cheeks. It took a while to get here, but now that they were, they wanted to keep it for as long as they possibly could.
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hoodoo12 · 3 years
I saw this prompt: "As snakes' eyes cloud up prior to shedding, impeding their vision, a human girlfriend has to help her naga boyfriend get by with temporary blindness when he is about to shed his skin, despite his insistence that he can handle it on his own, she just doesn't want him to get hurt."
and although Naga AU isn't really my thing, I had to write this featuring Dewey.
SFW, NagaDewey/gen neutral reader. Care and comfort.
@monsterlovinghours @turtlepated @escape-your-grape @@beetlebitchywitch @realmonsterboyhours @memedemonhours @yankyo @mimiscappinisideblog @pastelnacht
Enjoy! `
“No, I’m fine!” Dewey was usually anything but peevish or surly. His snapped insistence when all you’d suggested is that you help him out of his shirt said more about how out of sorts he was. “Dewey, I just wanted to help--” A sound, made by vibration against the loose papers that had been flung off the desk onto the floor, was more warning than just his words. You sighed. “Dewey, you’re not a rattlesnake.” The noise from the tip of his tail stopped, and he looked sheepish for a moment. “Sorry, baby, I just get cranky . . .” “Cranky,” you agreed, “and scared.” That made his shoulders droop. For the past bit of time he’d been growing more irritable. And itchy. His scales, usually so iridescent and smooth, had become dull and scuffed. Even his skin looked patchy, like he was healing from a sunburn. He liked basking in the sun, but he never burned that you knew of. Some kind of built in UV protection, you’d figured, since he actively refused to get curtains for his place and deliberately put his bed where the morning sun hit it full on. Today, after a week of everything looking sickly and him being restless, you noticed the haziness to his typically bright eyes. Well, you noticed that after he’d managed to hit a doorframe going through it and then overcompensate the mistake by careening into the desk, spilling all the notes and sheet music there to the floor. Frantically, he’d tried to pick them up, but became distracted by his shirt, which led to some of the music being wrinkled in his hands as he twisted to try and relieve the itch of fabric against him. That he was ruining some of his student’s work put him in a worse state. You’d hurried in after hearing the crash and found Dewey in that agitated, frustrated state. When you’d offered to help get his shirt off him, he’d bitten your head off. Not literally, although he probably could if he was so inclined.
As overwrought as he was, however, he was still Dewey, and fighting wasn’t his thing. Because of that, unlike some other naga you’d been with who became much more volatile during a shed, you were comfortable enough to step close to him and gently take his arms. “Dewey, sweetie, I’m here for you. Please let me help.” He frowned, like he didn’t want to admit he would appreciate it or didn’t want to burden you or he was embarrassed his human partner saw him this way, but he did give you a hesitant nod. You smiled even though he couldn’t see it with the haziness over his eyes. Making sure to keep a hand on him, slipping your fingertips down the scales below his torso so he knew where you were, you hurriedly picked up the papers because you knew he’d be more upset if something else happened to them. They weren’t in any way organized, but that was for later. Straightening again and putting the pile on the desk, your hand then went to his chest. “Let’s get you out of this shirt.” If he’d been more himself he’d have blushed and made some dirty joke, but now he only nodded again. Carefully you lifted if off him, making sure not to catch any scales or skin that weren’t quite ready to come off easily. You eased it off his arms and then more gently over his head. Dropping it to the floor, you asked, “Would you like to go to the living room? The sun is hitting the bean bag right now. Or the bathroom, maybe? I can run you a bath if that’ll make things less itchy.” After the mess he’d made and his anger, Dewey just seemed tired. “The bath,” you decided for him. Guiding him through the place like he was blind--which essentially, he was--you filled the tub with warm water and added bath oils, not for the scent, but so they could help soften his old skin and make the shedding process easier. You helped him into the bath and smiled as he gave a sigh of relief as the water warmed him. Leaving him to grab some towels to mop up the water that had splashed onto the floor, you rushed back when Dewey, mildly panicked, called out for you. “I’m right here,” you reassured him, dropping the towels as you returned to his side. He was obviously more scared than he let on, not being able to see. Silently you wondered what he’d done before, when he’d been by himself during a shed, but the past didn’t matter now. You were here and were willing to make it easier for him if you could. Since the water soothed him, you offered to use a brush on him if that would help the process along. He declined, telling you that the new scales were soft and sensitive and a harsh brush would be too much. Instead, you massaged him, running your hands in long strokes down his body, occasionally finding a patch of loosened skin that you could carefully tease up and away from him. You took each piece you removed out of the water and set them on the floor in a damp pile that was similar to the papers you’d put on his desk. Dewey tensed and held his breath with each bit of skin you took off him. As much as it seemed to worry him, he seemed to like that it was gone. Occasionally his hand would run along your skin too, and you wondered if that was some ritual or mutual bonding between naga. When your fingers were wrinkled and the water had become tepid, you helped him out of the tub as well. Drying him off sloughed more of his skin, and you realized he was right about the scales underneath: they were soft and pliable, with a silky quality. It was difficult not to run your fingers over the new scales, but luckily, Dewey seemed to enjoy it, even laughing a little as it tickled. The worst were his brille. You wanted to help with that too, but it was delicate work. Dewey even asked you to stop touching him for a moment, so he could concentrate on removing them. You stood nervously by as he carefully picked at his eyes caps, starting with the right one. It was both fascinating and a little stomach turning to watch him peel the cloudy protective tissue from his eye. At one point it stuck on his eyelashes and he asked you to help separate them. You agreed
and were so careful it felt like you weren’t making any progress at all. Then, with a smooth release, it was off his eye and hanging by some of the skin at his temple. Gently you plucked it and the skin away from his face. Dewey’s brown eye was bright again. The second one went more quickly, and after it was gone, he scrubbed his face with a dry hand towel that ended up with flakes of skin through it. “I’ll do the laundry,” he told you. “No you won’t. I’m doing the laundry, and I’m cleaning the bathroom. You’re going to rest! Come on, let’s get you set up in the living room.” He opened his mouth as if to protest, but that prompted a yawn, so his argument was moot before he could say anything at all. You guided him back to the living room even though he could see now, and made sure he was comfortable curled up on the giant circular beanbag that he preferred to a regular couch before leaving him to collect the used towels, get the washer started, and wipe out the bathtub of any lingering scales. All the old skin you tossed into a waste bin. Dewey was dozing when you finally returned to the living room. He wasn’t completely shed out yet, you could still see big patches along his body down to his tail that needed to come off, but he did look more comfortable. Beside him, you stroked the newly exposed scales again. Even sleepy he reached for you, and although you were a little concerned you were going to hurt or damage his new skin, he pulled you down into his coils in a position you’d come to relax in. Leaning back in his arms, settling against his torso while the rest of him embraced you lightly, you took a page from his book and let the sun bake you.
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matymatsu · 3 years
Could you do a short drabble of noble soldier, who is also more than a decade younger than Darius, seductively pose for him in underwear after he comes out of the shower minding his own business? Because she got trolled by fake love letters which were actually a prank for hurting the honor of someone else.
Just binge watched a nostalgia show and a cringe scene like that showed up. The teacher was not amused.
I just wanted to laugh after arcane ended.
LMAO Interesting concept. I’ll see what I can whip up—
(Side note; Since Darius is theorized to be in his early to mid 40s, the soldier in this will be 21+ just wanted to clarify cause I know age gap fics can be a little dicey.)
Darius wrapped the towel around his waist, his hands running through his damp hair. He needed that bath, not so much that he was dirty, but more so to have some time for himself. It seemed to be the only time in the day where he didn't have his soldiers asking him a billion questions. That was something he would have to concern himself with tomorrow. His plans for the night was to get dry off and get some sleep.
However, as he opened the door to his bedroom, he was met with an... unusual sight.
One of his female soldiers was laying on his bed, staring up at him with lustful eyes. Another thing to note... she was half naked, only wearing her undergarments. For a moment, he thought he was in the wrong room.
"Took you long enough. I've been waiting like a good girl for you, sir. May I have my reward?" She asked. She batted her eyelashes as she crawled towards the edge of the bed, her hands were about to reach out to pull off that pesky towel of his, only to be stopped as he grabbed her wrist.
"I'm sorry... what?"
Well... that wasn't the reaction she was going for. She sat up, looking at him as a wave of nervousness rushed through her body. "You... invited me to your quarters. I got your letter this morning."
"Can I see the letter?" He asked, letting go to open his palm. She placed the paper in his hand, quickly wrapping the sheets around her body as his eyes scanned the words. The handwriting didn't even look like his. Seems like the poor soldier was involved in a prank. Must have been from a new recruit, no one in his force would do something so childish.
"I'll look into whoever wrote this and have them punished." He said, folding the letter, planning to throw it away once he changed. She nodded, her face red in shame. "Thank you, Commander."
She hopped off the bed, picking up her clothes and hastily throwing them on. She gave her General an awkward glance, which was responded with a raised eyebrow. He clearly was waiting for her to leave.
"... Bye." Was all she could mutter before rushing out of the room, closing the door behind her.
"So let me get this straight? You got hand delivered a beautiful woman on your bed and you kicked her out!?" Draven shouted, completely awestruck by his brother's foolishness. Darius groaned. "Do you have any dignity, Draven?"
"And do you have any sex drive!?"
"For the love of god, drop it!"
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loser-writings · 4 years
Oh hey! Im new here so, can I ask for a mating season with Omega shigaraki? I just read how you described him and i love it, he doesn't help the Alpha reader in her/his ruts but he demands help in his heat,....okey so what about the Alpha reader gives him a taste of his own medicine? Leaving him alone so he has to deal with his heat just like he does to the reader.
Warning: Neglect, Manipulation, Omega heats, Sub Shiggy, Dom reader, Gender Neutral but Alpha anatomy, Choking and just all around NSFW.
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You sighed softly as you hauled two large trash bags out of Shigarakis room, throwing them in the dumpster since he was busy deep cleaning. His heat was coming up and suddenly became aware of how disgusting his nest had become. His sheets were stained with a variety of unknown liquids, trash had become embedded inside, and the smell of it alone was enough to have the Omega gagging. You weren’t that surprised though since the main giveaway was the random cravings he had been having for roughly a week now, so you were well prepared to deal with him ordering you to help him.
Since you had decided to court him, he had gone off of his suppressants as a way to keep control over you. Sure, you were well aware of that fact because Toga would occasionally question him about it, but you also didn’t mind it. The only problem was that now you wanted revenge. When your heat had suddenly hit, he only tossed you some clothes of his and told you to leave him alone since he was “Too busy” Trying to beat the damn game he had suddenly became interested in the second signs of your heat appeared.
Now wasn’t the time to start your plan for revenge though since Tomuras’ Omega was quickly decluttering his nest and demanding you clean the many piles of ruined cloth. Luckily, Kurogiri had gone out and grabbed tons of new, clean sheets, fluffy pillows, and even some blankets that All for One had sent the second he got the distressed Omegas’ message that morning. All you had to do was scent them and give them to the tense man.
The second you handed him everything, he got to work. It put your alpha at ease watching the thin male create his nest on top of his now clean bed since it was a taste of a more domestic lifestyle. You could hear him purring from your seat at his desk as he laid pillows down, adjusted the blankets, and tucked your clothes in as well. When he was finished, He sighed and flopped inside the nest, grinning a little at how comfortable it felt. “Alpha?” He called before looking over at you, opening his arms so you could join him. A rare moment of vulnerability for Tomura since he always seemed tense and irritable but the clean nest seemed to make his Omega purr from pride.
But you had other plans. You stood up and walked over to the nest only to lean in and kiss his forehead. “Not now, Omega. I’m going to cook some food for you. You have to eat.” A loud whine instantly came from the boy as his partially gloved hands grabbed you. “Tell Kurogiri to do it. I want to be held.” He said in an almost bratty tone. You smirked before moving to peck his nose, noticing how he stretched in an attempt to get you to kiss his chapped lips. “I want to do it myself, Omega. Let me spoil you.” Shigaraki suddenly growled before pushing you away, his scent starting to smell moldy and burned. “Fine, Go fucking cook for me like some sort of housewife instead of treating me like a real Alpha.” He barked as an attempt to insult you, but it only made you chuckle. “It’ll be worth it, Tomura. I’ll be back in a moment.” You said as you left his room with a cheeky grin.
You weren’t expecting to find your Omega curled up in his nest, clinging to the shirt you had worn yesterday as if it was his lifeline. Your alpha naturally wanted to comfort him since the distressed scent was stronger than before, but you took it slow knowing that Shigaraki would take advantage of your guilt. Instead of running to help him, you slowly walked over to him and sat on the edge of his nest. “Sit up, Omega. I won’t feed you since you got upset about it last time.” A loud whine came from him and you sighed, remembering something else about his heat. His body starts to ache, but that wouldn’t stop him from scolding you when you try to feed him.
You moved to carefully pick up the Omega before laying him back on the nest, the little surprised chirp showed that he wasn’t expecting you to do that and it was followed by a snarl. “Don’t fucking touch me,” He swatted at your arm, not actually trying to hurt you. “You wanted to make food so now I don’t want to be touched.” He growled until he watched you grab the large bowl of ramen you had made for him. His eyes widened and he just sighed, hands carefully taking the bowl and chopsticks you had rested on top. “Thanks…” He refused to look you in the eyes, but he quickly began slurping away at the noodles. “No problem. You don’t eat during your heat, so I decided to make you some food.” He just hummed, but he knew you were right. He always lost a little weight after a heat, and that was scary considering that he was already underweight. Going from 120 lbs at 5’9 to 115 lbs doesn’t seem like a lot, but it was enough to make his Alpha panic.
After he ate, he seemed to be in a more pleasant mood. His eyes glanced over at you again before he huffed. “Alpha.” He demanded your attention. “Hold me. I feel tired, and I want you.” He spoke bluntly, yet there was a hidden tone your alpha picked up on. His omega seemed to shine through, expressing fear of rejection that couldn’t be heard by the average person, but it caused you to move before thinking. You laid on your side and pulled Shigaraki in your chest, feeling him sigh before tangling his long, thin, legs with yours. Another set of purrs came from him that were so intense that you could feel his chest rumbling as he pressed his head right under your chin. One arm wrapped around your neck, pressing the scent gland on his wrist against yours on your neck as a way to scent you as well as get your scent on him. He was content and found himself falling asleep in a matter of minutes.
When he woke up, he quickly felt an uncomfortable yet familiar burning through his body. A loud chirp came from his omega who realized that his alpha wasn’t there before he did. He attempted to sit up, but his sore body caused him to cry out in pain. He expected to find you beside him but only found a note and a box on the edge of the nest. 
“Sorry Omega, Something came up and I had to leave. I promise to be back soon!”
Tears started to fall while a wave of rage ran through him. He took off his glove and instantly decayed the paper before moving to look at what was in the box you had left. Food, Water, and a hoodie you had scented heavily were inside as if you believed that he would take it. He only scoffed loudly and crawled back to the center of his nest, trying to fall back asleep so he could ignore the intense burning in his stomach.
Loud chirps of distress came from his Omega as his heat started picking up a bit. He groaned out in annoyance, quickly stripping off his shirt that had begun sticking to his body and shivering at how cool the air was before moving to try to kick off his shoes. He groaned loudly as he struggled to take them off but quickly said fuck it and just decaying them instead. You would have to buy him a new pair since you weren’t here. After that, he stripped himself of the rest of his clothes that were sticking to him, biting back a whimper as he collapsed back inside of the nest.
He touched his forehead and swore he was burning up, not surprised at all since he usually broke out in a fever during his heats. He suddenly felt a wave of nausea and rolled over, face down in the nest as a series of whimpers, chirps, and cries came from him as he attempted to ease his pain. 
It had been about 6 hours since you left Shigaraki at the first sign of his heat. You had originally planned to stay away for a whole day, but your Alpha was livid that you left your Omega to suffer at all. When you approached Shigarakis’ bedroom, you heard the soft chirps and smelled the strong scent coming from the other side of the door. With only 4 of his scent glands working, it was clear they were on overdrive.
The second you walked in, your Alpha growled loudly. Not at him, but at you because how fucking dare you leave him when he needed you. As you approached the pale body collapsed on the bed, you noticed how he wasn’t moving at all. “Tomura?” You called only for him not to reply, only getting a chirp that sent  your Alpha in a panic. “Omega?!” You pressed your hand on his forehead only to feel how hot he was. Your alpha knew this wasn’t okay and quickly took over. 
You quickly grabbed a towel from his bathroom to soak in cold water before starting a warm bath for him. As that filled up, you grabbed the towel and draped it over his head before carrying him to the tub. Once you laid him inside the water, you softly stroked his hair and mumbled soft apologies and praise to him.
After a few minutes, his temperature managed to lower significantly and he started to regain consciousness. Your alpha instantly purred knowing he was okay, but went straight into comfort mode the second he whimpered. “ It’s okay Omega. I’m here now…” You whispered while running your hand through his damp blue locks. He only whined as his gaze slowly locked onto your own.“You weren’t here…” He sounded almost heartbroken, as if you had let him down. You instantly felt guilt and moved to press a soft kiss to his cracked lips. “I’m so sorry. I’ll never do that again, no matter the reason.” He looked at you again and gave a small nod, “It hurts so much more without you here.” He croaked out before shivering as the water got colder. “I know. I’m here now.” He moved to carefully sit up when he felt your arms slip under him, whining at his aching joints. 
You laid him back into his nest before slipping the hoodie you had left over his head. Another soft whine came from him as he opened his arms, able to focus a bit more since he was in between waves. As you pulled him close, he yawned and shoved his face in your chest. “Alpha?” He spoke softly, only continuing when he heard you acknowledge him. “Will you bond me?” His voice was quiet as he asked, omega present once more. “I don’t want you to go…I want you to be my Alpha.”
He seemed to tremble in your arms,yet he tilted his head to kiss your neck softly as if to convince you. Your Alpha was instantly okay with it, and you agreed with your alpha. “Of course, Omega. I’ll mark you so you know I’m all yours.” Your words soothed Tomura, and he instantly moved to kiss you again.
His hands moved to cup your cheeks, little fingers away from your face since he wasn’t wearing his gloves. He felt his body starting to heat up again and became desperate to strip you of your clothes, whining when his hands pulled away from your face to begin tugging off your shirt. He started to struggle with your pants and grew impatient, deciding to just decay them off of you. You gasped and started to scold him, but he only moved to bite your neck to get you to stop.
                        ∘◦✂ ——NSFW STARTS HERE——–✂ ◦∘
“Shut up, Alpha. You left me alone, I need payback.” There was the bratty Omega you adored so much. He tried to take control, but you were quick to catch him off guard by flipping him under you while pinning his hands above his head. You were both very well aware that he could’ve won the fight in a heartbeat, but his Omega wanted him to submit and made him whine loudly as he watched you grab the gloves he had thrown off earlier.
He didn’t put up a fight when you moved to slip them back over his thin hands. Even though he may tease you or threaten you, he never actually wanted to harm you, so sitting obediently as you gave his hands attention wasn’t a problem. Once you had finished, you softly pressed a kiss to his palm which caused him to grin a little. “Asshole…Stop being so fucking soft.” He mumbled before bringing your face down to kiss him. 
He refused to have you pull away from him though. The second your lips left his, he pulled you back in for another sloppy kiss. His covered hands would cup your cheeks and then find themselves caressing down your shoulders, nails digging into your skin when you run your hands across his chest. He let out a low groan and moved to grab a fistful of your hair. “Sensitive, you knothead.” You only chuckled and ran your fingers across his chest once more, watching him bite back a moan while throwing back his head. “I know.”
Then your lips attacked his neck, instantly causing him to throw his head to the side to fully submit to you. Despite his quirk causing his skin to be rough, you never hesitated to dive in and mark the sensitive skin. As you gave his neck special attention, a series of praise and moans slipped past his lips before a loud giggle erupted from him.
“What’s so funny?” You asked as your lips searched for the scarred scent gland of the other. He simply hummed, shutting his eyes and moving his head so you could find it easier. “Thinking of you marking me…and other people getting jealous.” You simply smirked and nibbled the scent gland, receiving a hum of pleasure. “You getting off knowing that they couldn’t do shit about it?” He nodded with a big grin. “Yeah cause you’re mine-” He cut himself off with a loud moan when you started sucking on the scent gland. “H-Hey fucking give me a warning!” He spat, sending you a harsh glare. 
You pressed another kiss to his neck after leaving a dark mark over the place you would be returning to later. “Are you…Going to try bonding me there?” He asked only to receive a nod in return. “Fuck..” He mumbled, thinking about how visible it would be. “Would you stop worrying and let me handle things?” “If I did that, everything would turn to shit.” You grabbed his thigh causing the Omega to gasp and squirm under you. “Stop being an asshole.” He huffed before tugging on your hair once again, being bratty to challenge dominance.
His challenge didn’t last long though. The second your hand slammed against his neck, a surprised chirp erupted from his Omega, his eyes rolled back, and a blissful grin appeared on his face. “I forget how much you like that.” You chuckled, knowing that he loved having control taken from him this way. Your other hand reached down, grazing past his member which only forced another loud whine. “S-Such a bitch-” he groaned as more pressure suddenly appeared on his neck. “And you’re ungrateful.” 
A low hum from you made him know you were enjoying what you were seeing. “Jesus babe. You claim to not be a bitch, but you’re a fucking wreck.” He whined, feeling you cover your hand in his slick before lifting it to show him. “God-” he choked out a chuckle which only made you grin as well. Your hand released his neck as you quickly pecked him. “You’re a mess.” He smiled before shaking his head. “Will you just hurry up and breed my ass so I can take a nap. I’m tired of your mouth. Fucking make that shit useful.”
You rolled your eyes and wiped your hand off on Shigarakis’ thigh, making him whine and attempt to kick you. “Oh my god, stop being a little shit for five minutes will you?” You grabbed him by his thighs before pulling him close, wrapping his legs around your waist. A loud laugh came from him and he smiled at you. “Fucking make me.” You only hummed and slipped your hands under the hoodie he still wore, pinching his sensitive nipples once again. The omega only threw his head back and yelped, trying to kick you once again. 
You pulled away and pulled him close once again, grinding against him as he threw his head back. He could only whine and grip the bed as a loud moan filled your ears when you started to push into him. “Oh fuck!” He was not a quiet man, that was for sure. As you bottomed out, the Omega was whimpering and grinding against you. “H-Hurry up!” He growled, reaching up and grabbing your shoulders to pull you down for a sloppy kiss. His arms wrapped around you as your hips started to move, the pace starting slow to make sure he was comfortable but quickly picked up the more he begged. His hands moved down to your back, leaving deep scratches as he whimpered against your lips. The second your lips abandoned his to bite at his neck, his loud pants and content sighs filled the room.
When it was clear that he was getting close, you could feel your knot beginning to swell. He whimpered as tears of pain and pleasure leaked down the sides of his face. “A-Alpha! Alpha breed me please!” He choked out, crying out one more time as one of his hands moved to pump his neglected member. That was enough to send him over the edge, a loud string of swears erupting from him as he clenched around you. The second your knot fully locked the two of you together, you bit down against his scent gland. 
An overwhelming amount of emotions suddenly came over Tomura as he felt your teeth sink into his neck. He was quiet, only whimpering from the pain at first, but then he felt himself starting to get choked up. He trembled and moved to carefully pull you closer, his legs wrapping around your waist to keep you as close to him as possible. “Alpha..” He sniffled and shoved his nose in your neck, trying to calm down as his omega began chirping. “D-Don’t leave me…” His hand tangled in your hair as he felt your teeth leave his neck, instead being replaced with your lips softly pressing against the tender area again and again. 
“I never will, Omega. I promise you that. I’m all yours.” He sniffled and hiccuped before hugging you again, trying to process the emotions he was feeling. Sadness was there, but at the same time he felt honored? He felt special, and wanted. He felt as if somebody accepted who he was for once, and he didn’t feel alone. He wiped his eyes as you pulled away to kiss his tears. “Omega, Are you okay?” Your voice was soft and your protective Alpha was present in your voice. It caused a new wave of tears, but he slowly nodded while wiping them away. “Y-Yeah…I’m alright Alpha.” He sniffled and quickly pressed his lips to yours, pulling away because he was tired. 
“Rest Omega. You’re tired, and you shouldn’t have any heatwaves for awhile now. Especially with that mark.” He nodded and laid down, grinning when you snuggled into his neck and pressed a small kiss on his mark. “Alpha?” You simply hummed, feeling his fingers playing with your hair. “Do you love me?” A sleepy chuckle and a nod made him sigh softly. “I…think that might be what I’m feeling…B-But I don’t know. I bet it’s just the mark.” You shrugged and moved to peck his lips. “You don’t ever have to say it, Tomura. Just as long as you know that I’m here for you, and I’m all yours, then I’m happy.” He looked down at you and huffed softly, pressing chapped lips to your head. “You’re too good to me…” He yawned softly, feeling the adrenaline starting to go away. “Maybe one day…until then, thank you for taking care of me.” He mumbled, shutting his eyes as he felt sleep take over. “No problem Shiggy…Rest. I’ll be right here.” He hummed and allowed himself to sleep.
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 72
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On the other end of the line in the middle of the night in London the receiver to the ringing phone was lifted and raised to the ear of the exhausted aid in charge of answering said phone to take messages to hand over to the King in the Palace that came in on his nightly shift. After the usual introduction statement he asked, “How might I be of service?”
Eddie on the line from his early rise from bed at the drop of the ferocity of the storm enabling the first chance to call out stated, “Hi, this is Eddie Pear. I wanted to call you guys for my Sister Bunny.”
The aid’s lips parted and he readied the pen on the table in his hand to hover over the pad he brought closer, “Yes, was there something the Baroness was requiring aid with?”
“Not aid no, we were told by King George to let him know about the babies, well after two days of labor Bunny gave birth to three girls just before midnight. All healthy and seven and a half pounds. The Doc said to keep her in bed for a couple weeks to recover or she would have called herself.”
As he wrote the details he asked, “Is the Baroness recovering from a particularly debilitating injury from the birth?”
“No, just some bruising mostly and she didn’t get much sleep at all. We know the King is a busy man and it’s early over there but we just wanted to start letting people know now that the phone’s working again from the storm as it’s losing power.”
“Thank you, Mr Pear, The King will be informed when he awakens. And please know that even until the King knows that from all of our staff her in the Palace the Baron, Baroness and their daughters in our thoughts and prayers.”
“Thank you, same to you all.” Goodbyes were traded and Eddie hung up to smile and make the call back home to Brooklyn. Sharing the news that by nightfall would explode through the town. And even farther with his next call into the Bugle to give them the scoop for the morning paper to follow with a picture promised when his sister would be up and in the mood to pose for one.
You didn’t know pain like this, even from after that explosion you endured back in the war. Not just any pain but a lingering rigidity deep down to your very bones that in James’ ease out of bed to tend to the fire and fetch some food to answer the growl from your belly that had woken him while you wavered between sleep and the conscious world. Warmly his lips had pressed to your forehead and before he could leave the bed Victor had eased across the room and on the bed behind you and he asked in a low concerned rumble, “Would you be up for a backrub?” Unable to roll or move your head gave a slight nod and he smirked in a reach for the covers he eased back to gently lay his hand on top of your back. “I’ll start on your back, let me know if I press too hard.”
Nice and smooth his hand began to move to try and ease the evident stiffness in your body. At ease in the lack of the iron leeching as your other bruises during the pregnancy lacked that effect on them. “You are phenomenal, Pipsqueak.”
“I didn’t do much,” you whispered back.
“Those babies beg to differ. Two days, just pain,” at that he leaned over your side at the scrunch of your face and burrow of your face into the pillow with a teary sniffle. “Pipsqueak,” he said in the plant of his second hand on your back. “You did so very much more than you give yourself credit. All we did was hold your girls you created when they gave the sign they were ready.”
“I didn’t even push,” you squeaked out in a try to wipe your cheek on your pillow to calm yourself. “And it was over, and I passed out.”
“I would have passed out too. All of us would have. Three babies after all that pain so sudden. I’ve had teeth yanked and I wanted to pass out after, the girls were safe inside you for so long and then suddenly they’re out and crying.”
“They cried?” you asked in a concerning squeak and he leaned over your side at the turn of your head to glance back at him to nod with a proud smile.
“They did. Nice and loud. Right away no pinch or anything.”
“It was like I was in a tunnel. How it always is, before I drop. Just, felt pressure, then the tunnel and bloody towels and I was out.”  You paused and said, “I hoped I wouldn’t pass out.”
“Eddie mentioned that. James should have a breakfast ready for you here in a bit and Herc should be in to check on you not long after. Girls are still asleep. Nice and steady didn’t make a peep for us to sleep last night.”
“We’ll need to take a picture soon.”
“No pictures until you feel up to it. And you’ll have to fight me on that.”
“I should-,”
“Stay exactly where you are. Your body is bruised and you need your rest. We will bring the girls in later to try and feed them again, just a bit of milk and they were right off to bed.”
“If I beat someone into the ground for two days they would need time to rest. You carried them for 48 weeks, fed and protected them, let us carry and change them for two. We did the same for Dawn and for Norma, now don’t you force me to have you tied down.”
A gentle claim of your hand came with firm presses and squeezes across the stiff hand and arm attached up to the shoulder his hands circled to give a mild squeeze and rotate your shoulder. And in a guided slow lean onto your back as your legs still locked in bent position rested against his side.
Over the top of your foot he pressed and all over his fingers and palms worked to try and ease strain in the bruised sole of your foot. The ankle came next with rotations when it was loose. Lower leg, then the knee were followed by a steady work up your thigh he warned of inch higher to your hip. “Just going to press my palm and not squeeze,” he hummed to the feel of a wish to pull your leg back if you could from the pain the kneed of his fingers that triggered searing pain up and down your legs and into your hips to ricochet through your back.
“Better?” he asked and you nodded urging him up a bit more in timid slides the closer he got to what he imagined to be the most painful spots near to your hips and groin. On the side of your hip his hand settled and to hushed guidance while you grimaced and bit back whimpers through the difficult stretch and rotations. “Very good.”
“I can’t even straighten my leg,” you panted out in a cracked voice trying not to cry at how little control you had over your body. The next leg came next when he saw that it was as good as he was due to get out of your stiff joints.
“You are doing magnificent. Have you back to limber again in no time. Maybe a bath later will help.”
And by the time he managed to stretch your second leg James came into the room with the wheeled cart coated in a hefty spread of food that even in his lingering exhaustion he took as a sort of celebration that in some small way you showed hints of being mobile to some extent after such a battle. “Tons of food to get you back to peachy.”
“Up you get, Pipsqueak,” Victor hummed in a hug around your torso gliding you a few inches up against the pillows.
James smiled as he finished settling the ridiculous amount of food on pop up trays around you and hummed, “Our girls are still sleeping soundly under your parents’ watch.”
“Herc said they’re healthy?”
“Oh yes, he’s going to head to Alberta to turn in the birth documents. Ran into Eddie on his own check he shared he called the Palace for us. Should be on the radio when the King releases the news. Hours after Brooklyn will know of course, he called the Bugle.”
“They’re going to want a picture.”
Victor tapped you on the nose, “No pictures.”
James said, “Pictures can wait.”
Like they said Herc did come in when you had finished off the entire spread that surprisingly did little to relieve the exhaustion and near empty feeling that only heightened your nerves on the recovery to come. Worries of what you could do to help with mothering your girls he caught onto and in his full body check gave a good prognosis for this first morning post birth. And he gave you the once over of the latest scans and blood panel he had taken and at your anxious glance at your chest to an odd feeling he said, “We could try the breast pump for you now if you wanted to? I’m not fairly certain what it feels to be ready to feed however your circulation has increased to your mammary glands.”
“Is that what that feeling is?” you murmured. And from a second bag he brought out a small pump he showed you how to turn it on and ease the cups into place. The brothers paid special attention in the process of bottles he attached to the tubes that with a flick of a switch showed the path of the milk that filled four bottles that he helped Victor to add nipples to. As if on cue your parents arrived with the freshly stirred trio who were fed by your parents and James to the final check of a brain scan to check hormones and synapses for the status on their recovery. The rest of the adults of your family had joined the chance to catch you conscious after being warned sleep would take up a large chunk of your days to come. Before you could help it however your eyes drooped to Edie’s try to fix your braid and she sat humming to you for her turn to sit with you for a break until you fell asleep again for another nap.
Two days you seemed to slip in and out of sleep to find yourself in another man’s arms from your family to issue words of comfort while each pass off of the girls who had been fed by bottles you filled and random bouts when you would try breast feeding again naturally for smaller snacks in between larger milking collections. Every time you handed them over the lack of ability to get up or sit up on your own brought on tears again in the small breaks when you were alone to mull over the failure at mothering you were growing to be.
Another shared statement that the girls were adjusting to a clear schedule had you waking to dried tears across your nose and cheeks that your husband was using a damp cloth to wipe away. “Brought you some visitors.” When he eased back to set the cloth down a grin eased across your lips and he helped you scoot to the trio of babies like upside down turtles who had their arms and legs tucked up showing the gloves and socks that matched their dresses in their assigned shades.
“Hey,” your voice was followed by three coos and on the pile of pillows James stacked for you from his arms in a loving scoop for the move your side rested. And you got a good view of the trio who reached up to grab at your face. “You know me, don’t you?” Again they cooed and let out happy squeaks between your gentle pecks on their cheeks, noses and covered hands. “Breaking out the mittens early?”
“They have silver nails,” that turned your head to catch his gaze, “Just for a week according to Herc. Vic was impressed Belinda gave him a slice on the nose when he woke her. They have been taking to the mittens though.”
You nodded and leaned in to press your nose to Nova’s foot, “I know this foot, you’re the one who liked to kick my bladder.” Making James smile and Eddie in his creep into the room lift the camera he’d brought to snap a picture of this moment.
“And you, you like to push on my ribs,” you said to Belinda.
Eddie chuckled and said, “Nice to see you aren’t holding grudges.”
You smirked and asked, “Why would I? They didn’t do it maliciously, and they know they’re grounded for years already.”
“Vic refilled the film and is printing the one before this.” Eddie said as he sat down on the bed.
“Won’t you need it for, Teddy’s birthday party?” and you sighed realizing it as you said it, “I’m gonna miss his party.”
Eddie chuckled and said, “No you won’t. Sarah’s gonna stay in here with you and the babies and then Teddy is going to bring you your slice and get his birthday hug.” Eddie leaned in to kiss your forehead and said, “He knows you are tired. Even stole a peek at the girls yesterday and he knows when the drizzle clears you’ll be able to go out and play when you feel better.” You nodded and he said, “You aren’t missing his party, he just gets a special moment with you all on his own. All the more special for him. And when you aren’t so tired you can have coloring sessions in bed and maybe a story time or two between naps.”
James, “Herc says you are healing well, and you are taking as much time as you need.” The wriggling girls demanded your attention again as Norma and Dawn came in for their own visits. Erik and Edie were next with Victor to follow while the photos hung to dry in the dark room.
Everyone being there had you grin and hand over the camera to Herc at his offer to see you seated back up against the pillows to hold two of your girls, halfway against James’ chest while he held the other. One photo with just you was taken with care to hide the obviously vanished belly under the girls and thick covers. Followed by another with everyone settled on the bed around you including Marigold, Leanora and Teddy who were nestled around you both with smiles all their own in this moment captured before the planned party for Teddy would take all but your mother away.
Again the girls were laid beside you to let you lounge on your side as the four of you let out an adorable ripple of yawns proving to the others that even outside of your belly the link still held strong as Herc warned to allow mothers to get ample rest after birth as well as newborns. “Now you get some more rest, and I will wake you when Teddy comes back with some cake for you.” Sarah said lifting the covers she nestled around your settling body to the close of your eyes. Smiling widely to savor these moments with her daughter and granddaughters even while they slept.
Soon to be joined by your father until the pre-scheduled time for cake, when the little boy would accept help up and smile as his dad handed you and him slices of cake that he would eat and giggle through sharing on his new family present and art supplies.
“You can play soon?” he asked with an almost pout, “Mommy said you’re sleepy.”
That had you grin at him and say, “I will try my hardest to get out of bed to play as soon as I can. I’m just a bit sore still. Herc said to stay in bed for a couple weeks.”
“Herc is a Doctor,” he said and you nodded making your mother smile at the both of you along with Eddie who had been stealing more pictures of you all together by means of Venom being stretched out as far as he could reach.
“Yes he is.”
“Then you stay, till he says so.” He said with an authoritative furrow of his brows.
“I will. The sooner I get better the sooner I can play with you again. And now the girls are out of my belly I can run again, and swim, and so many other things,” you said with a smile widening his into a small fit of excited giggles on more playtimes to come. Warm and quick he leaned in for a hug and peck on your cheek before he hurried to be let down to find his uncle Victor who promised to build castles with him. “Have fun,” you said to Eddie in his chuckling path to join the others while leaving your camera behind.
Back down you laid on your back in a scoot lower and turned your head to look at the girls still asleep who flexed their feet to your gentle finger taps to the soles of them.
Again you nursed the little you could get the girls to suckle naturally and she left to dispose of the used diapers you helped her to change. “Enjoy your cake, Darling?” James asked in his trip across the floor to the bed smiling wider with every step closer to you and the girls.
“Hey handsome, I did. You enjoy yours?”
He nodded and said, “Got the call from the lawyer and he’s driving out next week to update our wills.”
“It is a bit ridiculous.” You teased.
And he responded in a playful chuckle, “But necessary. In case we need to fake our death or something.”
You sighed and in his place seated in front of you he smirked at the guiding tug on his shirt to turn and lay back. When your hands eased around your oldest girl to scoop her up he grinned and undid his shirt and shrugged out of his suspenders to avoid laying her on buttons that could hurt her. From her back to her belly she was rolled over and laid carefully on top of his chest where her curled hands in the mittens tucked under her chin. “Aww, all those wrinkles. So serious in her sleep.” Making your mother in her return giggle with you as he rested his hand on her bottom to keep her from rolling in his breaths.
With hold of the camera you floated over you angled yourself to take the picture that soon had you trading out that girl for the second and then third who were then eased back to their prior napping spots with sweet kisses from both of their parents. “Even picking them up I feel tired, and I just took a nap.”
James hummed, “You need more than cake,”
“Exactly,” your father said in his entrance to your room with another cart of food. Let’s get you up and eating, and I have some bottles for our girls and you can try to pump some more milk after.”
“I take it this is part of the schedule now?” you asked with a hint of a smirk.
“You will get used to it.” He replied.
“Let’s just hope that I get accustomed to it and on my feet by the time the tutors arrive.”
“Oh you will,” James hummed, “You have all of us here for you. Called into town too, no sign of any package for you yet for your class work.”
Firm and steady up your thigh Victor’s palm worked in timed presses and he hummed through your try at a quiet sniffle, “Feels softer than yesterday. Up another inch, just let me know when you want me to stop.” He kept saying this in these daily massages as he worked down from your ribs or up closer to your groin. Always making certain that even at your weakest point he was toeing the line of respectful contact while ensuring that while he did all he could to work out this stiffness from your bruised body you were in control. A simple grip of your leg was next and with it came the worst part for you, stretches and rotations of the stiff hip joints and thighs he had just worked out. Followed again in a grip on both hips to work up and over the silver toned belly next.
“People aren’t going to believe I had triplets looking all muscular like this. I haven’t been this small since the war.”
“We’ll plump you up again, and at the worst we could say we got you back on the military regimen to get back to shape. With how we look it wouldn’t be unbelievable. ‘You could bounce a coin of that brother of yours’, direct quote we’ve heard back in Brooklyn.” That had you let out a weak chuckle. “Plus, six babies around the place hard not to stay in shape.”
“I’ve never felt like this before. Even when I was little, almost empty.”
“You’ll come back to yourself. You have a peachy patch around your belly button now. A good sign.”
“Is it the one spot that is a good sign or the fact it’s my belly button?” You asked in a tone trying to sound playful as you bit back a wince in a painful rotation of your hip.
That had him chuckle and from the doorway Herc gave a gentle knock on the door and crossed to the bed to do his daily check up on you and said with a smile, “The belly button is always a good sign. Your blood levels are evening out. The milking schedule and hearty meals are doing you good. As are these daily routines. On my way to scan the girls again, all healthy as horses and adjusting well. They are due for a feeding which produces the best results, get a full view of the digestive system in action.”
“That’s good.” You said and watched while he explained the rest of the results to the exam to you then made his way out to check on the girls as promised.
Again you wiped your cheek on your shoulder and Victor sighed and stretched out beside you to ease you into his arms with a kiss on your brow. “As much time as you need. Every parent has their times they feel they could do more when they physically couldn’t. You need time to recover. We are all so proud of you. Out of all the years ahead of the girls two weeks isn’t very long at all.”
“But it’s the first two weeks.” You murmured back and he brought you closer to his chest.
“They sleep mostly when we have them. You get to watch them wriggle around, open and show off those silvery lilac eyes of theirs. And since you wanted the picture done I printed spare pictures of you, Jimmy and the girls for the papers. It’s already been on the radio and we’ve gotten calls from just about everyone. Even Peggy, quite a quick call she was on the way to some sleuthing gig she wasn’t invited to.” And playfully he added, “Did mention something about a picture with Daniel after.” You let out another weak giggle and he said, “Even in letters your work has been skillful.”
“I didn’t do much of anything. He was halfway gone when she walked in our home after Venom snatched him. I bet the birds were lovely today.”
Again he chuckled, “Still raining. Not very many birds. They’ll come back in swarms when the rains stop, luring all the worms up.”
“So you just rest up and when you get back on your feet we’ll have a huge lusciously green bird filled garden for you to chase Teddy around in.”
Asleep again once your daily five hours of collected conscious time had been met his eyes shut as he nestled you more into his chest. Norma had been prepping more and memorizing her new script from Howard and so when it was time for his Petal’s naps he would come and rest with her here. Always he worried about his beloved baby sister who seemed so impossibly unmatched now brought to a point where it took the whole family to even get you to eat or move or even to be bathed and changed with only promises of a Doctor from another planet who gave them hope you were in fact improving. Even Venom had taken to his own turn to pace through the night as your parents did in silence to not disturb you or James.
James in his entrance said to the clear sound of your slumbering breaths, “When Herc said the first birth would be a hard one I have to admit I didn’t expect this.”
Victor said to another stroke of his crossed arms over your back, “No, but our Pipsqueak is pulling through. Looking forward to the birds when the rains stop.”
James walked around the bed to sit in his view and be able to stroke your legs, “I keep wanting to cry when I see the girls. They’re so big, I just don’t understand how it could take two days. I have never seen a labor that long or hard.”
Victor said, “Our girl’ll bounce back. Be bounding about in no time.” Lowly he added more in a sort of plea, “She has to.”
They couldn’t do this alone, not if you were gone, even if you could come back like your parents in some span of years. They couldn’t wait, not a single minute, even with Dawn and Norma here they couldn’t wait and raise your girls without you. Not after you had lost everyone and everything you had planned for yourself, even your name. You just wanted to be free from being a weapon, free from being seen by the world knowing just how they would use you.
But now the King knew and had made plans of his own, something Truman now had followed suit by naming you as still active duty. They could die, and die, and die and always come back but no one could protect your babies like you could and if they lost you there was no oath in the world strong enough to keep them able of fighting off the world who would want the powers your babies might inherit. It is so different now from their first families they chose, the world wasn’t so ignorant as it was then. Even a new identity would be hard if needed, the world knew their faces and names. Just one more chance to fight in a war they believed in and now there was no escape. Not for any of you.
Elliot settled beside you after another bout of pumping and a nap interrupted bout of coloring with Teddy smiled as you managed to prop yourself up against your pile of pillows smiled as he unwrapped the box that arrived this morning, “You have received your first lessons.” His smile spread as he across the pop up table top he settled over your lap the Twins brought in got to taking turns as your Professor in each lesson and watched you fill out the assignment sheets and write the small required essays to finish out the full box as best you could each day for the rest of the week.
Screams, wails, shrieks in the near blinding void a sea of glowing half physical half something else beings who were seen in temporal pulses of misty primary colored orbs similar to pinecones, seeds and acorns who then flinched to other forms of aquatic beings in silver or white mists depending on their moods. Now in the grey nesting doll shaped forms to show their fear they cowered away from the dark figures of the First Mortals who had come after them. Cries for help appeared to go unanswered as the glowing plant life in the endless chasm of a void they dwelled in began to tuck inwards to protect themselves as the intruders neared their keep.
And all at once as the whites of the first invader’s eyes fell upon the cowering creatures of Time a galaxy colored mist exploded from nowhere between the two. Inside of which were spotted a pair of silver eyes of a creature who gave a clear warning enforced by a funnel of energy that shot up from around it then in a mushroom cloud cast the invaders out back to their original lands that collapsed to ruin as punishment. The cloud dispersed and behind their savior Time crept closer reverting to their peaceful colorful forms and to the turn of her head they named her in the fade of her essence away to where else she was needed.
“Mother.” The name echoed from countless mouths over the ages and in a sudden snap of your eyes open from the odd memory of a dream and in bed you found yourself alone. Well not entirely alone. Above James’ empty pillow hovered a peacefully floating bright yellow acorn that had you sit up before you could realize it and in an echo of a giggle was gone. Up a bit more you sat and turned your head to find dozens more seed or fish shaped glowing creatures who vanished in the same glad responses to your eye contact with hundreds more who flickered in and out to do the same.
Down from the far wall when their parade of gleeful congratulations your eyes sank to your hands coated in a silvery blue glittering mist that in a brush of the covers lower you watched it sink into your skin now free from silver patches or the weight that had been holding you in your bed. And with a spreading grin on top of your mattress you stood to walk across it on the way to your closet to get dressed.
‘And as we have reported the Palace has released an official portrait of the three newborns and their parents the Baron and Baroness Howlett. The photograph has been distributed to be published in print, along with which we can now with clearance share the names of the stunning triplets, The Honorable Aurora Nyx Pear Howlett, The Honorable Belinda Rhea Pear Howlett, and The Honorable Nova Carina Pear Howlett. All said to be the mirror image of their mother Baroness Bunny, with silvery lilac eyes and their grandmother Sarah’s blonde hair. No doubt well deserving to be named after celestial bodies to grow into great beauties with unseen strength like their parents.
Very much unlike other triplets with watch of a specialist to see to her health after a daunting two days of labor following an unheard of full nine month term inside the womb. Through what our Brothers and Sisters upon Canadian soil have dubbed the electromagnetic storm of the decade. Coincidentally we have learned was much like the one the Baroness was born in that brought havoc to New York for the few weeks surrounding her birth, the girls who were born at a stunning seven and a half pounds are all confirmed to be in good health as is their rightfully resting mother. And after such an ordeal even with word from King George himself of updates given by family members I know I am not alone in saying until Baroness Bunny does appear publicly again fully recovered she will be in our thoughts and prayers.’
The radio message played again as it had hours prior as news had been sent of public filing of the birth records of the babies had been alerted to the press. Brooklyn to their own copy shared the image elatedly while only a few papers stuck it out choosing to not jump to granting congratulations just yet even with Truman and the King sending off the news. Fully sharing the odd repeated phenomenon of these storms and what the reason behind them could have been and what poor luck it proved you held with it happening not once to you but twice. And ignoring the shift of the station’s focus to talks of possible first play dates when the Princess was next to give birth and after what her friend had pulled through she was sure to have an easy birth herself to give the King his first grandchild James gathered the breakfast he made to bring in to you.
“Jaqi?” The bed when he came in the room was empty and his head turned to the open bathroom door as he pushed the cart in more.
“Hey handsome,” he heard from the doorway of the closet and turned his head to spot you in the doorway dressed in white high waisted shorts and a flowing sleeveless floral blouse that had his grin widen to the sight of you dropping your ponytail down your back. “I had another weird dream,” you said crossing the room to your husband who elatedly wrapped you in his arms, holding you in your toe top stance for the kiss you lured him into. “I can hug you again now,” you said against his lips making him chuckle and lean in to claim another kiss as your arms eased up around the back of his neck.
“Let’s feed you,” he said in a lift of you in his arms that made you giggle in his walk to carry you to the sitting area where he settled you and arranged the food on the table between you.
Hugs from your parents came in the following trip to the nursery where they made certain to let you know things were being kept in the places where you had first put them. And everyone else in the group breakfast lit up seeing you on your feet, especially Teddy. Who when you stepped around the baby carriage holding your napping freshly fed girls raced over to be lifted in your arms for a tight hug you used to carry him to his seat that he giggled to at your kisses you peppered across his cheeks. Eddie was right there when you set Teddy in his chair to wrap you up in a tight hug. Starting the ripple around the table that you sat down at in your usual seats beside James, who kept easing the carriage back and forth between glances their way and strokes of his thumb across the hand of yours he kept hold of. With a smile he held to the spare piece of toast you snacked on that Victor buttered and offered to you.
“Go play,” your dad said. And with a spreading smile as he took hold of the baby carriage after you’d put away the fresh milk you’d just pumped.
And like a bunch of kids while Eddie and Dawn were off with Marigold James, you, Victor and Erik were off to explore the garden and surrounding land with Teddy in tow for an exciting chance to play with his aunt. Hours until Teddy had to go to take a nap you played then came in to help change and feed the girls again with a snack for you to follow before you were off again for an eager race through the woods.
Lunch came next with a pump of two bottles when you stopped to feed Nova naturally at her own impatience while James and your mother fed the other two to the sound of your father reading the first of a slew of letters that had arrived by official postage. All from several world leaders including another letter from the current Pope to add to your collection. Congratulations for the long awaited blessings you had safely delivered all somehow someday hoped to meet.
Pt 73
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
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urlocalbunny · 4 years
micro!eloise x ethan.
"I told you this was a bad idea!"
"Oh, shut up. I'm freaking out!"
"You're freaking out?! Your scummy bastard, I was cursed!"
Eloise kicked and screamed in his hand, tears flooding her small eyes. Ethan felt a pang of guilt in his heart, seeing her hopeless like this while he came back home. Beliath was laughing his ass off, but Ethan didn't care.
He had told her that turning a wizard down had some consequences if she did not pay attention, but he did it himself, and the man took the liberty to take it out on him. I mean, what could he do when he was not interested and dating? Eloise got angry at him because he failed to realize he was a target and leaned forward at the last second, so the spell hit the wrong person.
Yes, it had been her.
He had a foot sized Eloise biting his hands.
She looked cute, but she was angry big time.
Beliath was shirtless, without a care in the world, and slightly drunk, laughing at her state while Ethan held her lingerie and Eloise herself inside the little black dress on his hands.
As soon as they arrived home, Ethan got scolded by Vladimir, and then Eloise went to the bathroom to bathe while he tried to find something she could wear. He rummaged through her drawers, finding a small bandana she could use as a dress. Ethan left it on his bed, putting her on a towel and bringing her up. He blow-dried her hair until it was slightly damp, and then she laid on his bed. Naked. He had to try to cheer her up.
"Hey... This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"What do you mean "opportunity?"
"I mean, we could try to see what changes on your body while we're at it. Aaron said we could wait, right?"
"... Yeah, I guess. But how would we do that?”
Ethan jumped, asking her to wait, and then he went to the kitchen. He came back with ice in a bowl, grabbed a lighter, a nice oil Beliath gave him, and his medical kit. Eloise looked a little puzzled, but soon an adorable blush adorned her features. He kissed her head, laying a soft handkerchief on the mattress and telling her to lay down and relax. She positioned herself, waiting.
He took his time, using his pinky to apply oil on her, especially on the most sensitive parts. Eloise sighed, arched her back, and rolled around to indicate where she loved the most.
"Ethan! Nhg-" his pinky finger slid on top of her pussy again, making her buck her hips upwards.
"It's a shame you can't take my finger..." He said, breath a little constricted. He took notes on his paper and pulled it out, watching the tiny, sticky line connecting them.
After that, he grabbed a pair of small, round tweezers he left on ice, using them to rub her carefully. Eloise trembled visibly, moaning. While she was unsuspecting, he used his other hand to press a cold q-tip on her left nipple, making her squeal.
"That's h-huge, Ethan! Ah!" His dick throbbed. That was so weirdly arousing to him.
"Alright, now let's see if the contrary effect makes a difference."
Ethan used the lighter to warm the tweezers up, checking on his skin and adjusting the temperature. Eloise moaned when he used it to push her legs open and poked her. Her little legs trembled.
"Look, it fits inside of you!" He was fascinated, pulling in and out at the pace he knew she liked. "How does it feel?"
"A-amazing. Please don't- stop." Her voice took a disappointed undertone when he pulled out completely, making him snort.
"Oh? Look, your feet are hanging off the handkerchief. I think stimulation is making you come back to normal. Does it feel any different?"
"Um, my sweat feels funny on my skin... Kinda gross, gooey, I'm not sure."
Ethan was quick to run his pointer finger on top of her, smearing the content on his thumb and humming.
"It feels gooey because it is gooey. This sudden growth has to do with you sweating. Let's keep doing this, right?"
"Ethan, I can't, I'm gonna-" Eloise's tiny legs trembled as he pushed the tweezers further, coming undone. Suddenly, she seemed to grow larger.
"Suck on it." Eloise did as she was told, while Ethan took notes. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him and they both yelled.
With a pop that spilled powder on the bed, Eloise was back to normal, tweezers on her mouth, disheveled, and sweating.
Ethan started laughing.
27 notes · View notes
Read To Me
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A/N: Hey guys!!! I apologize that this took so fucking long to come out but here it is! This was requested by an anon and I also got a similar request from @khloris-makara​, so I decided to combine them! I really hope you guys like it and to everyone else who reads it, I hope you like it as well <3
Summary: Mork is on his last year of university and his stress of a deadline for his thesis is high on his mind. Sun notices his boyfriend’s decreasing mood and decides to do everything he can to help Mork relax and take a breather for his own well-being. 
Word Count: 1953
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Sun had no idea truly how long Mork has been at it. Ever since his boyfriend had entered the cafe with his bag in hand, throwing it down on the table with an obviously stressed furrowed between his brows, Sun knew that the younger boy was in no mood to be teased today. Not saying anything as he quietly watched his boyfriend throw himself on a chair at a table in the far corner of the cafe, Sun kept his eyes on him in concern through his shift, making sure that Mork wouldn’t overwork himself with whatever he was focusing so hard on. 
Not too long after Mork had sat down, the sun was beginning to set and the familiar hustle and bustle of the cafe started to grow silent, the closing of the day beginning to make the regular customers leave to head home. Letting out a sigh as his shift had just ended and the last person left the cafe, Sun untied his apron and hung it up next to Mork’s on the rack, silently stepping around the counter and heading towards the door to turn the opened sign to closed. Rolling his shoulders back as he could finally relax, Sun placed his hands on his lips and turned his attention to Mork, who was still nose deep in his books, the furrow even deeper in his brows than it was when he first entered.
“Mork? Do you need anything?” Sun asked, rubbing his face when all Mork gave him was a grunt, not exactly answering his question. Letting out a heavy sigh, Sun strolled behind the counter again and began to make a smoothie from the fruit he and Rain had in the small fridge, knowing Mork wasn’t too fond of coffee. Stirring it once it was out of the blender, Sun dipped a straw into it before he made his way towards his tense boyfriend, placing the glass in front of his face. Noticing Sun at last, Mork stared at the drink in confusion until Sun’s hands caressed his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles he could feel under his touch. “You’ve been in this position for a while. Why don’t you stop and get some rest?”
“But...this thesis is due by the end of the week and it’s Wednesday! I need to get this done, P’Sun…” Mork grumbled, his voice low and gravely as it displayed truly how tired he actually was, despite his weak protest. Letting out a hum as he put this into thought, Sun continued to massage his boyfriend’s shoulder, his thumbs pressing softly in gentle circles that had the tension slowly leaving Mork’s shoulders. Leaning back against the chair as his body relaxed against his permission, Mork sighed and laid his head against Sun’s chest, releasing the pencil he had in a tight grip as he stared up at his worried boyfriend. “What if I don’t get this done in time? This is my last year of university and it’s worth a good chunk of my grade…”
“I know...but it’s not going to be good if you don’t take a break. Your words are going to jumble and you’ll trail from the main point you’re supposed to be making. Trust me, dear, I did the same thing as you did while I was in university and I didn’t realize my mistake until Rain distracted me from my studies,” Sun whispered, keeping his voice soft to make sure Mork knew he wasn’t arguing or nagging him. Moving his gaze away from Sun’s loving gaze, Mork stared down at the work he already completed and noticed that Sun was right, his handwriting was almost illegible. Cracking his knuckles as the ache in his hands made him more aware of how long he was working, Mork swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, leaning back against Sun again as his boyfriend’s arms wrapped around his shoulders, a kiss being placed against the back of his head. “Come on. Let me run you a nice cool bath while you clean this stuff up. Sounds like a plan?”
Biting back a yawn at the thought of being able to relax and get out of his current hunched position, Mork nodded and allowed Sun to help him out of the chair he sat for who knows how long. Lacing their fingers together softly, Sun pressed a kiss to the back of Mork’s before he let go, offering a smile as he moved to head up the stairs to the apartment above. Watching him leave, Mork didn’t look away from his boyfriend’s retreating form until he could no longer see him, his attention moving back to the papers he had scattered on the tiny round table. Knowing that he would have to fix most of the mistakes he had made, Mork couldn’t help the scowl that turned his lips down. Sluggishly gathering all the papers up and putting them in their respective folders, Mork shoved everything back in his bag and tossed it over his shoulder, stretching lightly as everything in him cracked, showing its displeasure with being trapped in the same position for what was most likely hours. 
Slipping up the stairs as he turned off most of the lights for the cafe, Mork toed off his shoes and lined them up next to Sun and Rain’s, knowing how his boyfriend was with being neat and having everything in its place. Hearing the water running in the bathroom, Mork couldn’t help the shy smile that lit up his face as he turned away from it for a moment, heading towards Sun’s room so he could put his bag away, knowing his boyfriend wouldn’t mind it if he placed it on the loveseat he had by the window. Feeling his body relax further as he stepped into Sun’s room, the scent of his boyfriend literally everywhere, Mork tossed the bag on the loveseat and quickly moved out, not wanting to keep Sun waiting since he heard the bath running for him. 
“P’?” Mork mumbled as he knocked on the door, opening it just slightly so he could peek into the bathroom. Noticing Sun right away, Mork stepped further in and closed the door behind him, deciding to sit on the toilet seat as he got the gentle smile from his boyfriend. Making sure the water was the right temperature, Sun nodded and stood back up from where crouched and wiped his damp hands off on his jeans. Letting out his hand for Mork to take, Sun carefully pulled him up and wrapped his arms around his waist, keeping Mork close enough to where their chests were touching. Feeling a wave of shyness making his cheeks warm, Mork swallowed back a protest and allowed Sun to hold him. “P’Sun, can I get in the bath now?”
“Oh...right, sorry. Go right ahead and just throw your clothes in the hamper. I need to do the laundry tomorrow anyways. I’ll go get some clothes for you to borrow,” Sun whispered, pressing a kiss to Mork’s flushed cheek as he let him go, playfully slapping his butt as he stepped out of the bathroom, a cheeky grin on his face when Mork gasped and turned to give him a playful glare. Watching the door close behind his boyfriend, Mork sighed and did as Sun had said, removing his clothes and tossing them into the hamper, not waiting long as he let his body sink in the lukewarm water. Leaning back against the tub, Mork felt his body losing all the tension he kept throughout the day and closed his eyes, not moving until he heard the slight knock on the door. “I brought you some clothes. I’m going to be in my room if you wanna join me when you get out, okay?”
Humming in return as Sun placed the clothes on the sink, Mork let his eyes slip shut again as Sun stalked over and brushed his fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp until the touch disappeared and the bathroom door was opened and closed once again. Letting himself soak until the warmth of the water disappeared to a cooler temperature that made goosebumps rise on his arms, Mork huffed but slowly sat up, pushing the plug to let the water drain as he stood up, carefully stepping out on the rugs Sun always had down so no one would slip and crack their heads open. Blinking slightly when he noticed two towels on the toilet, Mork couldn’t help the grin that made his lips twitch up when he realized that Sun must’ve put them down for him when he dropped off the clothes. Wrapping the towels around himself, Mork sluggishly dried off, slipping on a pair of shorts and a muscle tee that he knew belonged to his boyfriend, the scent of his cologne woven deep into the fabric from how much Sun had worn it. 
Stepping out of the bathroom with a yawn once he was dry and his hair was slightly damp, Mork slowly made his way towards Sun’s room, pausing to glance at Rain’s closed door before he continued his pace towards his boyfriend’s bedroom. Gently rapping his knuckles against the door, Mork quietly let himself in and came face to face with his boyfriend, who was sitting on his bed with the one lamp on his bedside table on, bathing the room in just enough soft orange light for him to see the words on the pages. Glancing up from his book, Sun gave him a small smile and patted the spot next to him softly. Finding he didn’t have the energy to react like he usually would, Mork agreed and crawled onto the bed, squirming up to Sun as he laid his head on his boyfriend’s chest, letting one arm drape itself across Sun’s waist. Keeping one hand on the spine of the book, Sun threaded his free hand through Mork’s hair, drawing him closer until they were meshed together.
“You can sleep if you want. I’m going to stay up a little longer to read more,” Sun whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Mork’s forehead, making a small sound slip from his lips that caused Sun to chuckle. Huffing slightly with a pout on his lips, Mork buried himself deeper into Sun and sighed, relaxing fully for the first time today. Continuing to rub his fingers through Mork’s hair, Sun kept his eyes on his adorable boyfriend for a moment longer before he finally let his gaze drift back to his book, beginning to read again. Observing him quietly as his eyes began to flutter shut, sleep wanting to drag him into unconsciousness, Mork whispered something that made a smile rise on Sun’s face. “You want me to read out loud? Okay…”
Taking in a deep breath as Sun relented and began to read, his voice steady and hushed in the semi-dark room, Mork struggled to keep his eyes open as he listened. Getting into another chapter in no time, Sun paused when he felt Mork’s body grow lax against his, his eyes leaving the book to take in his boyfriend, who had finally passed out and was holding onto him tightly like he was afraid Sun would disappear if he didn’t hold him close. Letting out a fond sigh, Sun held Mork tighter against him and smiled, nuzzling his nose in his hair for just a second before he gave his attention back to the book, keeping up with reading out loud very softly as he remained unaware of the soft smile that was resting on Mork’s face as he snuggled closer, burying his face into Sun’s chest as he slept.
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writings-n-stuff · 4 years
High Tide (Jacob x Reader)
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Pairing: Jacob Black (with long hair) x (gender neutral) Reader (who lives on the Quileute reservation)
Summary: After insisting that the reader’s childhood friend (and crush!), Jacob Black, could never charm her, Jacob proves he can sweep them off their feet. In doing so, he reveals his mutual feelings for his forever friend. 
Words: 2,857 words
Content Warnings: a couple swear words, fluff, reader wearing a dress
Note: The reader is written to be Indigenous, a member of the Quileute community. Please keep that in mind!
The beach waves tickled your feet in chilly, bubble-filled water as you watched the sun set in the distance. The tide was coming in at La Push Beach, and though the wind had been blowing heavily all day, you enjoyed the way that the frigid water felt on your skin. 
You spent almost the entire day out at the beach, sitting by yourself and just enjoying the crash of the waves, the smell of the water, the way the cloudy sun bathed everything in a soft, comforting warmth. Being so naturally warm, the slight frigidness of the water and wind was calming for you in a way that almost no one else on the reservation seemed to enjoy. Why would you choose to be cold, your parents remarked, when our community is alive with warmth? When we’ve protected ourselves against the Cold Ones for so long? To nearly everyone else, one overcast day was completely backwards.
Hair still damp and filled with sand already, you lie on your back as the water rolled up and around your body. The bubbles tickled your ears as the waves crept further up the beach. Soon you would have to depart; the tide was coming in, and your mother had made it abundantly clear that you needed to be ready by the time Billy and Jacob Black arrived for dinner. You had decided that sunset gave you a perfect amount of time to run back to your house, shower, and change clothes. You didn’t want to miss a moment with your closest friend.
You closed your eyes, smiled as your thoughts wandered towards Jacob. Long hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a smile to die for, Jacob Black had been the object of your affection since you were kids. Ever since you could remember, he was there: playing in the dirt, racing through the woods, roasting marshmallows, hearing the history of the reservation, passing notes in class. Jacob had been your friend since you could walk, the person you turned to when you scraped your knee or when your parents spent the night arguing. He was always there, a warm hand to hold, a carefully placed joke, and eyes that just seemed to get you.
Almost as long as you could remember being friends with Jacob, you had also been completely head over heels for him. Though his bear hugs, his warm smile and flirty, simmering comebacks been so clearly platonic, you still imagined his actions being rooted in something else. Something that was more delicate, and much deeper. 
“Better get out before you get swallowed up!”
You looked left, right, seeing only beach, water, and trees a little ways away. A laugh already building in your throat, you propped yourself up on your elbows and looked directly behind you. As expected, Jacob was walking towards you with a similar grin. Coming to stop right behind you, he lightly nudged your arm. “I’d still love to have dinner with my best friend,” he stated, crouching down so his face hovered directly above yours, “but I can’t do that if you were swept out to sea.” This close to him, you felt his body heat warm your wind-blown skin. His eyes were light and playful with a hint of something else. Something sizzling. 
Rolling your eyes, you pulled your knees into your body, preparing to stand. “I guess you bring up a good point.” You took your time swiping your arms and legs, getting some of the built up sand off your body, before pushing yourself up on your feet. Stretching your arms above your head, you let out a little yawn. “At least the ocean could sweep me off my feet.”
Hair blowing and curling in the wind, Jacob smirked handsomely as you prepared to walk towards your house. “You think I can’t sweep you off your feet, babe?” he joked, matching his step with yours.
You shrugged, exaggerating your doubtful expression. Your insides fluttered as he used the nickname you jokingly called each other, a secret joke that just stuck after one night of bashing cringey pet names. Though you initially hated the idea of calling someone “babe,” you quickly warmed up to it as Jacob began to use it when he tried his best to annoy you. Now, it only gave you butterflies and wishes that he’d feel the same. “I’m just saying you’ve never done it before, babe.”
The line of residential houses coming into sight, Jacob glanced at you, smiled, then started nodding, accepting his new challenge. “All right,” he said, acting out stretching his arms, warming up his muscles. “I promise, tonight I’m gonna blow you away,” he vowed, eyes staring right at you. There was an excitement there, one that released another round of fluttery feelings in your stomach. He stared at you with so much intensity that you felt a blush warming your cheeks already.
Walking you to your door, Jacob took your hand and squeezed for a moment. Stopping in front of you, his passionate gaze felt too intimate for the outside air. He ran his thumb over the back of your hand, and he moved your connected fingers to his chest, thin t-shirt tightly stretching over what you knew to be a sculpted body. “I’ll see you in a bit, babe,” he said sincerely, running his thumb over the back of your hand.
You were almost convinced that he was honest, almost. A little smile playing at the corner of his lips suggested his competitive strategy. Still, while you just wore a similar t-shirt-and-shorts outfit, you could have been wearing the most elegant gown with the way he stared at you. Or nothing at all, you thought darkly.
Getting more flustered by the second, you playfully punched his chest. “Yeah, whatever, babe,” you retorted, trying hard to diffuse the sudden emotional tension between you. Hiding your quickly warming face, you let go of his hand and quickly made towards your front door. Leaving no time for Jacob to reply, you shut the door behind you and made a beeline to the bathroom.
As you walked inside, Jacob chuckled after you. Why were you so damn cute? Your soft eyes in his mind, he mussed his free-flying hair, determined to make you realize how he felt for you. How he desperately wanted to sweep you off your feet, make you blush, make you laugh, make you want him. He wanted to prove to you that he wasn’t just the boy that launched spit balls at your bullies, but that he was the boy that covered your eyes during the scariest scenes of Monster House, the boy that invited you to stay with him when your parents went out of town for two weeks, the boy that slept on your floor when you had called him, sobbing incoherently. The boy that also stayed home when you were sick, kissed your forehead, wiped cold towels over your cheeks and arms until your fever broke in the middle of the night. He was there, and he wanted to stay.
- - - - - 
Rinsing conditioner from your hair, you thought deeply about Jacob’s sudden change in energy. It all happened so quickly: one moment he was all smiles, the next simmering with all kinds of tension. You couldn’t understand how easily it was for him to shift his mood, and how easily he could gain a reaction from you.
I am so pathetic, you thought, combing the last bits of sand from your hair. Jacob had done things like this before, proving that he could be just another boy that you could crush on instead of his lifelong friend. You fell for it every time. You were just glad to be graced with a sly tongue and a quick mind that could play it off... most of the time.
Turning off the water, you stepped out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. What could he possibly try tonight? Especially when parents were around? Jacob would no doubt let Billy in on the plan, asking him to insist that “the kids have their kid time,” allowing you both to retreat to the backyard or your room or really any setting in which you were alone. This would give Jacob the freedom to truly try anything he could to reduce you to an anxious, romantically confused mess. 
Yes, tonight was going to be interesting for sure
- - - - - 
Unsure about how this evening was going to go, you lingered in your room for a while until your mother impatiently knocked on your door, informing you that Billy and Jacob had arrived. “Come on, honey,” she said, “come greet them! I know Jacob’s excited to see you.”
Frowning one last time in your mirror, you trudged out of your room and into the dining room, where your parents, Jacob, and Billy greeted you warmly. Jacob especially smiled, tilting his head a bit and eyeing the dress you chose to wear, the only piece of clothing which you felt could charm the pants off Jacob back. Stepping towards you, away from the adults’ discussion, he sighed, biting his upturned lip. “You look beautiful,” he beamed, shoving his hands shyly in the pockets of his Nice Jeans, one of his three button downs fitting across his shoulders nicely. Very nicely.
His hair was braided back, just a little more formal than the event called for, but you weren’t complaining. For some reason, a part of this meeting felt like some sort of date: the dressy clothes, the awkward compliments, the steady eye contact. “So do you,” you replied, rubbing the back of your neck, unsure of what to do.
Just as you expected, Billy insisted that the kids “have their kid time,” making you take paper plates loaded with food out to the backyard. You rolled your eyes as your mom raised her eyebrows at you, wanting to comment on Jacob’s change in attire. Somehow, she knew about Jacob’s crush on you and got overexcited whenever he did anything even remotely kind. You just shook your head at her and followed Jacob out to the back porch. 
Having missed Harry Clearwater’s homemade fish fry, the first minutes of your alone time was spent in the usual comfortable silence. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, you and Jacob ate heartily, practically shoveling bites of food into your mouths while you sat on the porch steps, plates balanced on your laps. Having grown up eating with Jacob, it seemed unnatural to even think about being any type of polite. However weird this situation was at the moment, you were still sitting next to your best friend. “This food is so fucking good.”
“When is it not?”
Soon, your eating slowed and the unfamiliar tension came back between you. Taking your plate and his, Jacob placed your dishes off to the side. As he turned back to focus on you, he let out a long, content sigh. “So, tell me about your day.”
The taste of the amazing fried fish still on your tongue, you looked up at the darkening sky. “Honestly? I spent the whole day at the beach,” you replied honestly, curling your toes as you remembered the cool sand on your feet and the saltwater in the air. “The entire day.”
Jacob listened intently, that deep, polite smile on his lips. “Any reason why?” He leaned back on his hands, one arm resting behind your torso, the first step towards an arm around your shoulder. The fish swam around in your gut. “What were you thinking about?”
A sudden burst of confidence, you met his intense gaze fearlessly. “The wind felt so freeing.” You shrugged, your fingers playing with the hem of your dress as you thought. “I don’t know, it all feels connected out by the water, more real. I...” you thought about how to verbalize your day, “I think my memories feel like they make sense out by the sea.” You broke eye contact, chuckling nervously at your sincerity. “It’s kind of silly,” you retreated, already embarrassed to share something so deep. 
Jacob shook his head, expression hanging onto each word. He leaned into you, your shoulder touching his side. As always, he knew exactly where your mind was. “No, I totally get it.” He looked out at the sky. “I kind of feel that way when I’m walking through the woods. Like everything that I am is finally a part of something greater, but that it truly always has been.” He sighed, eyes proving that he was out among the trees, shadows of the canopy’s leaves playing over his face, mulling over the Quileute tradition as he thought about his own journey. “It always seems complicated, but in those moments it all makes sense.”
You nodded, remembering your own collection of days thinking the same thing, resting your head on Jacob’s shoulder. Naturally, he wrapped his arm around you, thrilled to hold you close and smell your freshly conditioned hair. You sighed. “I just don’t want to forget how important this is to me,” you said softly, thinking about how many of your friends, people that you looked up to as a child, had moved away, choosing better jobs or better homes rather than staying within the reservation. Most of your current friends wanted to leave as soon as possible, go to college far away and find some well-paying arrangement. Jacob was one of the few people your age that truly wanted to stay on the reservation forever. Whenever you thought about it, your eyes stung with the possibility of tears. All those memories that you shared growing up could never compare to an expensive life outside of your home. 
You both continued to think, almost in each others’ minds as you subconsciously leaned closer together. Jacob ran a hand over your arm, his warmth electrifying, making your skin feel radiant, awakening somehow. You responded by placing a hand softly on his knee, squeezing lightly, feeling the years-old connection between the two of you. Stars began to shine in the sky, the inky blue settling into the night.
This felt so much more intimate than you had ever dreamed.
“What are you thinking about now?” Jacob asked huskily, breath fanning across your face. You looked up at him, almost startled at his smoldering gaze. He was in love with you. Your heartbeat roared in your ears, a flood of white noise blocking out everything but him. The way he traced circles into your side, his lips held slightly open, eyes half in memory and half caught in you, the realization that your forever friend was looking at you in this way filled you with relief as well as anxiety. When did this happen? you questioned yourself, And how long did I ignore it?
Silently telling yourself to kick up some courage, you carefully practiced your answer in your head once before responding with the honest truth. If you stuttered or tripped on your words, the perfect moment might slip away “I’m thinking about kissing you right now,” you said clearly, answering his question and asking your own. 
As you nervously waited for his reply, Jacob smiled with an incalculable emotion you had never seen so clearly before. “Me, too.” Taking one last breath together, you both seemed to lean in at once, mutually inviting each other’s kiss. 
Waves of emotion crashed around you, and settled in your mutual embrace. The little ball of anxiety that followed you whenever Jacob was around finally released. Filled with all that you had dreamed of and more, Jacob’s lips felt like pure fire meeting yours. Unimaginably soft, his lips moved slowly with yours, your actions mirroring each other’s and almost anticipating the other’s moves and flowing together. 
Fully embracing you, Jacob held you close, resting a hand on your jaw, his thumb lightly grazing your cheek carefully. Your own hands were on his chest, one at the base of his neck, the other curled over his fast-beating heart. You were sure your own heart was running a mile, so distracted by the feeling of his lips on yours, his hands on you, that you were forgetting to breathe. In your distracted state, a small part of you noticed that Jacob had forgotten to breathe, too. 
Just as your lips moved together, you both pulled away in the same moment. Holding each others’ faces in your hands, a tenderness that rarely graced your friendship was showing its full force, bubbling up between both of you. Though the sky was dark, you could swear only a pink and orange sky and puffy clouds surrounded you both. Still riding the high tide that your longest crush felt the same, you couldn’t wrap words around what you were feeling. 
Luckily Jacob found his footing first. Exhaling heavily, a smile radiant with pure love, he said, “I think you swept me off my feet.” He laughed to himself, giddy under your touch and your gaze.
You smiled in kind, kissed his cheek tenderly. “And you swept me off mine.”
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: The Rose and the Thorn: Chapter 7 (Mafia AU)
Summary: Rus is getting to wake up and face a new day. A shame that staying in bed and hiding sounds like a better option.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Mafia AU, Flower Shop AU, Violence, First Meetings
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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Read it here!
It felt like he’d hardly slept at all when Blue shook him awake. Rus floundered in the tangled sheets, struggling to sit up as he blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar room. Then everything came back in a rush and Rus very nearly dove back beneath the blankets, the better to hide from his own stupidity. Might have even made it if Blue hadn’t exclaimed in surprise, catching him up in his short, sturdy arms.
“Easy, little brother,” Blue crooned. He petted Rus’s skull, fingers moving in soothing, gentle pats. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“it’s okay,” Rus croaked out and he gave in to the childish urge to lean into his brother’s embrace, taking the comfort he freely offered. “just a little jumpy, i guess.”
Blue held on a few moments longer before easing away, “I should have let you sleep,” he fretted. “after everything that happened, you need your rest, you didn’t even stir when the butler knocked on the door, I should have—”
“bro, i’m fine,” Rus interrupted, “you just startled me.” He proved it by squirming free of the blankets and climbing out of the bed to his feet, and if he was a little wobbly, eh, he caught his balance quickly enough. He was about to escape to the bathroom to shower, a combo guaranteed to put off conversation and let him wake up a little more, when he saw the new addition to their room of a neatly folded stack of clothes on the little coffee table by the sofa. A look at his brother confirmed he was already dressed in a pair of trousers and a fine shirt, the lovely floral pattern shades of blue and yellow to match his starry eye lights.
He looked charmingly handsome and that was not an outfit that had ever been in his brother’s closet.
“that’s a different look for you, bro,” Rus said warily.
“Yes, well.” Blue smoothed a hand down the front of his shirt, fingering the pearl buttons. “We’ve been invited to breakfast with our hosts,” Blue said brightly. “That’s the only reason I wanted to wake you up. They’re expecting us in a half an hour, and I wanted to give you time to get ready.”
Time to get ready? An entire half an hour to prepare himself to see Edge after last night’s catastrophe. Something of his dismay must’ve shown on his face and Blue’s overbright cheer faltered, his expression torn. Probably caught between the worry of insulting their ‘hosts’ and Rus’s state of mind.
Yeah, right now his state of mind was up for reelection. A hysterical laugh tried to bubble out of his throat as Rus backed away, feebly disguised as a cough. “no prob, bro, i’ll be fast in the shower.”
He didn’t give Blue a chance to say anything else, like maybe try to send him back to bed with an offer to make excuses for Rus’s absence. Didn’t he have enough to worry about right now without fretting that his little bro was going to embarrass him in front of their new…what? Business partner? Seemed like a good a title as any and Rus snatched up the pile of clothes without even looking at it and darted into the shower, closing and locking the door behind him.
The bathroom gave him a pause, jarring him from his creeping panic. All gleaming fixtures and shining porcelain tiles, with a row of soaps and gels sitting invitingly on the back of the counter. A peek in one of the drawers revealed plenty of other toiletries, including several unopened toothbrushes. The shower cubical was even better, instead of one shower head, the massive stall was lined with several coming from all angles, ready to hose down whoever dared step inside. The walls were beaded with water, probably from Blue using it and Rus stifled a giggle to think of his rather petite brother using it, trying not to get washed away like a paper boat in a hurricane.
Was there anything in this place that wasn’t turned up to eleven?
Rus set down the stack of clothes on the counter and snagged a toothbrush along with the shower gel that smelled the least offensive. The nightshirt he stripped off and tossed into a handy hamper, he’d sleep bare ass tonight if he had to, rather than wear that piece of failure again. He fiddled with the knobs until he figured out how to get to the hot water, then stepped in, letting the liquid bliss pour down on him and guiltily basking in the seemingly endless fall of hot water that their rickety old water heater couldn’t have come close to.
He probably could’ve stayed an hour without the chill chasing him out, but he’d promised his brother to be quick. So he stripped the plastic off the toothbrush, scrubbing at his pearly whites and using the shower as an impromptu water pick, then switching over to the bath poof and shower gel, determinedly scrubbing every nook and cranny, all the way down to his toe joints. It was just a shame that getting clean didn’t take up nearly as much of his thought process as he needed to keep his mind blank and memories of last night crept in, jabbing gleefully at him.
What had he even been thinking? The stress of everything that happened yesterday must’ve torpedoed his common sense, because seriously, trying to seduce Edge in the hopes it would get them, what, a little security and an extra promise to help, on top of what he’d already done? Trust was a hard-earned commodity, Above or Belowground, but if he stirred a little critical thinking into his thought process, there was proof that Edge wasn’t exactly untrustworthy. Not yet, anyway.
The whole shooting up their shop and Rus getting kidnapped off the street was Edge’s fault, sure, he’d admitted that much, but, honestly, Edge could’ve walked away at anytime already. He’d saved Rus at the shop, sure, but he could’ve let his brother get away with his little threat session without trying to intercede, could’ve let his old buddy Blaze keep Rus and not endangered himself at all getting him out of there.
Edge said he wasn’t a good guy and maybe, okay, probably that was true, but that wasn’t exactly the side he’d been showing Rus, not quite. He’d been trying to clean up the mess he’d accidentally made and here was Rus, trying to barter for a little extra on the side. The more he thought about it, the more humiliating it was; he’d actually tried to…to sell himself to Edge, a guy who could obviously get sex anytime he wanted, just because he’d confessed to having a bit of a fantasy going about him, like Rus wasn’t guilty of the same sort of idle daydream.
A very bad person, he’d said, but he’d still sent Rus away rather than taking what he was offering, and maybe the whys of that weren’t completely clear, but that didn’t seem like something a bad guy would do. It just didn’t.
Which meant that Rus was the asshole for this round and what he wouldn’t give for a damn cigarette right about now. Nicotine cravings were already making him jittery, but his smokes were in his lost bag. That reminder gave him a pang; he was going to miss all those anime pins, he’d been collecting them since before they got to the surface. Kidnapping was one thing, stealing his hard-found collectibles was another level of jerk.
Well, no matter what Edge’s reasons were for turning him down, all Rus could hope was that he had the decency not to bring it up in front of Blue.
Rus shut the water off, snagging a large, fluffy towel to wipe off. His bones were barely dry as he stepped out onto the bathmat, careful not to slip. A concussion on top of everything was all he needed.
He hung the damp towel up next to his brother’s and inspected the clothes in the stack. As suspected, they were new, every item of it down to the undershorts and socks. Not his normal choice of wardrobe; when he wasn’t at the shop Rus normally preferred T-shirts and shorts, and there was a plentiful cheap supply at the local thrift shop. He wasn’t really used to anyone else picking out his underwear and he debated on whether to leave them off before sighing and skimming on the soft cotton shorts. At least it wasn’t a red satin thong or something, he wasn’t sure he could stand sitting in the same room with that Red guy with something like that trying to saw his pelvis in half.
The dark trousers fitted perfectly and so did the soft linen pullover, not the wine color of last night’s borrowed pajamas, but a deep sage green that contrasted nicely with his magic. Everything was exactly the right size and as odd as that was, Rus supposed it was still better than them raiding their house and going through their drawers. But he did wonder glumly how much this might add to their growing tab.
There was a full-length mirror on one wall and Rus looked into it, studying his reflection. He didn’t look like himself, which was fine, because he damn well didn’t feel like himself, either. Probably hadn’t since Edge jumped the counter at the shop and pulled him down to the floor.
His half-hour was about up, there was no putting it off any longer. Blue looked up anxiously when he came out and Rus summoned up his best cheesy grin and struck a pose, “ta-da, how do i look?”
“Very nice,” Blue told him, even as he gestured at Rus to lean down so he could fuss over his collar, smoothing it. “try not to spill anything down the front of it in the first five minutes?”
“do my best, food and gravity don’t always mix well around me.”
He followed his brother to the door where a comfortable pair of house shoes in his size were lined up neatly to the side waiting for him. Not, Rus noted, the kind meant to be worn outside. His own sneakers were nowhere to be seen and yeah, he could take a hint. ‘Stay put’ was the word, for now.
A Dog was standing guard outside the door and Rus was shamefully relieved that it wasn’t the same guy as last night. He led them on another winding path and seriously, did the guy who designed this place go on to find fame and fortune making labyrinths for other Goblin Kings?
The door he led them to opened into a surprisingly airy room, with windowed French doors letting in the morning sunshine. Red was already seated at the head of a table and the cigar in his hand was thankfully unlit. His gold tooth glinted as he grinned, “mornin’, hope ya slept well.”
“We did, thank you,” Blue said. Rus only nodded along with him. He still wasn’t very interested in getting chatty with Mister ‘make it a double’ over there. If Edge really was as bad as he claimed to be, Rus could sure see where he picked it up from.
The table was long, topped in covered trays and platters, and the second Blue and Rus were seated, the lids were whisked away by the Dogs. Rus kinda thought he was getting to his limits of surprise, but it seemed like he still had some stashed away for a special occasion.
The amount of food laid out was staggering; surrounding the crystal goblets of water and orange juice were bowls of prettily cut fruit, a platter of sticky pastries alongside crusty croissants. More plates that held richly browned sausages and crispy bacon, and there was an entire tray pancakes and waffles snuggled next to each other with a steaming pitcher of syrup beside them. Pan-grilled tomatoes, poached eggs nestled into their cups, this was more food than they saw in a week. Every dish held something delectable and Rus wasn’t sure his roiling magic would let him eat a single bite.
Looked like the dial on this place actually went all the way up to twelve.
“Goodness,” Blue said, a little helplessly, “it certainly looks delicious.”
There was an air of something like smugness around Red, as if their obvious surprise pleased him, “eh, wasn’t sure what you liked, so i had ‘em bring in a lil’ of everythin’.”
A little of everything was one way to put it. Normally, a good breakfast in Rus’s opinion was when Blue splurged on the oatmeal with the dinosaur eggs.
Red picked up his fork and gestured at the table. “go ahead, dig in while it’s hot.”
Blue tucked his napkin into his lap first in that exaggerated way he did things that he expected Rus to mimic. “Shouldn’t we wait for your brother?”
“nah,” And Rus wasn’t sure why he was bothering with a napkin when it was clear their host didn’t mind talking around a mouthful of sausage. He at least swallowed before he added, “i shook him outta bed a bit ago, he’ll be down.”
That seemed to be enough to satisfy Blue’s sense of propriety. He began to fill his plate, taking a small portion from each tray. Rus only chose one of the pastries that had a quivering dollop of jam on top so that he had something to pick at, hyperaware of the way Red was watching them.
It made Rus think of a horror movie he’d seen, where a pale man hung around waiting for anyone who dared eat from his banquet and those that did paid the price for it with their lives.
Yeah, whatever, Red was no pale man, no eldritch horror. He was a thug playing dress up to impress them for some damn reason, trying to show off how much better he was. Wasn’t gonna work on Rus, thanks, Blue had twice the manners of this asshole, and when Red’s supposedly well-paid servants were scraping all this into the trash, Blue would still be the one who spent hours making cookies for the neighborhood kids in his rare time off.
Defiantly, Rus took a huge bite of pastry, cheekbones puffing out and Blue didn’t even have a chance to kick him in the knee for his manners when the door was flung open and Edge stalked inside.
“morning, bro,” Red said easily. Edge only gave a surly grunt in return, heading right to the sidebar where a gleaming machine with too many dials and knobs sat. A few twists and clicks, and it started gurgling, filling the air with the gorgeous aroma of coffee and if it weren’t for the awkward ending to how Rus tried to get into Edge’s pants last night, he would have crawled over the table with a cup held out in a modern take on ‘please sir can I have some more’.
Look, he couldn’t be bought with fancy clothes or food, but coffee was on a different playing field.
Since that wasn’t on the table, (heh), instead Rus chewed frantically, still trying to gulp down his overflowing mouthful of dry pastry when Edge turned around with a freshly filled cup in hand. He nearly choked on his first sip as he caught sight of the table, swinging around to give his brother a positively scathing glare.
Ah. Looked like maybe Red neglected to mention they’d be here. Great.
“Good morning,” Edge said, scowling into his cup. He was already impeccably dressed in one of those suits of his, but the normal rasp in his voice was downright hoarse and beneath his sockets were rusty stains of exhaustion. He didn’t look like he’d slept two winks after Rus left him last night.
“are you—” okay, Rus didn’t say, looked back down at his plate. Like he had any right to ask Edge anything after what he did.
Turned out, he wasn’t the only one concerned. Blue never ignored a chance to play caretaker and he was all but standing in his chair, leaning across the table anxiously. “I hope you don’t mind me saying so, Edge, but you look a touch under the weather, are you feeling all right?”
“I’m afraid it’s self-inflicted,” Edge said. He took another long sip from his mug, clearing his throat before adding smoothly, “My apologies, I had a little too much to drink last night.”
That only seemed to up Blue’s concern, probably worrying it was their fault Edge was spending his night drinking, which, well, it sort of was. At least half their fault, anyway, and Rus stared hard at his plate where the bitten pastry was oozing jam like a wound.
“But self-inflicted doesn’t mean you need to suffer,” Blue objected. “I know how to heal, I could—”
“Thank you,” Edge interrupted firmly, “but no.”
“It’s no trouble at all!”
“I’m sure it’s not. I appreciate the offer, but it won’t be necessary.”
Rus kept his head down, picking flecks of sugar glaze off his wounded pastry as he waited for Edge’s immovable object to stop butting against Blue’s unstoppable force. A wary glance at Red showed him leaning back in his seat with his hands woven together over his belly, watching the show.
Yeah, he seemed like the kind of guy to think this was hilarious and considering that their height difference made Blue the metaphorical dachshund barking at the great dane’s ankles, Rus had to admit, Red sort of had a point. This time.
Blue looked as if he were chewing on his own tongue instead of a pancake, complaining, “If I could get to my garden, I’d at least make you some tea. It’s my own blend!”
Tea wasn’t a bad idea, really, not nearly as invasive as letting someone use their own magic directly on you. Golden flower tea, infused with the magic Blue used to tend to their gardens and like all Monster food, it had healing qualities. Rus knew from personal experience it tended to be quite potent.
“Coffee will suffice,” Edge said decisively and that seemed to be the end of it.
“Well, at least sit down and get some food in you. It’s been a while since my brother and I had a chance to share breakfast,” Blue said brightly. “He’s usually off to open the shop while I tend to the garden, it’s been mostly cold cereal for us, I’m afraid.”
“All I want is coffee, I need to get downtown.”
Red spoke up at then, “that ain’t no way to treat your guests.”
“We don’t have guests,” Edge snapped.
“no?” Red let out a short, abrupt laugh, though his glittering eye lights held no humor. “you got a better name, bro?”
Rus had a few. Prisoners, kidnappees, captives? Hostages? None of those seemed to quite fit the bill and maybe Edge was thinking the same thing. “I brought one guest. The other is here entirely because of you, so I believe entertainment is your purview.”
“only fair for me to have a pal if you do.”
“Yes, fair,” Edge said dryly. “Fairness is always a concern of yours.”
“hey.” That tone made Rus want to sit up straight and cringe at the same time, iron-hard. “have a seat, boss.”
Boss? Rus gave up on his attempt to blend into the furniture and looked up, reluctantly curious. Red caught him out almost instantly and his cool glare shifted to an easy, lazy grin.
“don’t need to be so surprised, sweetheart, edge is the one who runs things ‘round here,” Red said lazily. “i do this and that, let him handle th’ important shit. always was fuckin’ terrible at paperwork.”
Next to him, Blue was chewing determinedly, stabbing at his sausages with his fork. It was probably killing him not to chide Red about his language, but he was also their host. Torn between one set of manners and another left him at a silent impasse.
Edge gave his brother another scathing glare but didn’t argue. “I need to get to work.”
He set his coffee cup down on the side of the table with a solid thunk, turning towards the door, and he was going to leave, heading out when he wasn’t at his best where there were people trying to kill him and Rus wouldn’t even have a chance to say anything, to explain, he couldn’t—
“i’m sorry!” Rus blurted out as he shot to his feet, knocking against the table hard enough to rattle the glasses and flatware. “i’m so sorry, for last night. i didn’t mean for that to happen.”
Edge froze. Slowly, he turned back to face Rus, looking down at him and Rus met that unwavering crimson gaze without flinching, despite the frantic pounding in his soul. He wasn’t good at this, not with apologies or confrontation; he’d rather go hide and smoke through a pack of cheap Marlboros until he was sick while wishing for this to all go away. But he couldn’t let Edge go out there thinking…well, thinking whatever he did about Rus. By now he had to be catching on to the fact that his fantasies weren’t anything close to Rus’s reality and that was what it was, but at least Rus wanted that reality to be the truth and not tainted by one thoughtless act.
Edge looked away first, flicking a glance at Blue and Red, both who were watching with varying levels of narrow confusion.
“Forthright,” Edge murmured. His tight, cold expression eased, softening, “I’m sorry, too, flower shop. I was a little drunk, and I shouldn’t have,” his gaze flicked again to Red, who was watching with brow bones climbing ever higher on his forehead, and Blue, who was full out gaping, mouth open. Whatever he’d been about to say was amended smoothly to, “Shouldn’t have said what I did.”
“okay, so we’re both sorry. that’s…that’s good.” Rus smiled a little, stupidly. It wasn’t like this solved anything or changed it. It still made that hard ache behind his breastbone loosen, gave him some measure of ease.
That faint, lopsided smile curving Edge’s mouth was even better. Rus braced himself when Edge reached out, then he watched in confusion as Edge plucked up a napkin, dabbing lightly at the side of Rus’s mouth. “Jam,” he said, as if in explanation. As though anything could explain the way he paused with his knuckles lightly resting against Rus’s chin, his gloved thumb following along the same path as the napkin, “Behave while I’m gone. I’m running low on rescues.”
It took a second for that to get through the warm, fuzzy haze settling over Rus, brought on by the gentle touch against his mouth. When it did, he stood up straighter in pure indignation, protesting, “i wasn’t misbehaving before!”
“No, you weren’t,” Edge agreed. “But somehow, you’ve already figured out how to cause me plenty of trouble, I’d hate to see what you manage if you actually tried.”
Rus swore he could feel the husky rumble of that voice through Edge’s touch, but it was another voice that broke the spell, this one as jagged as broken glass.
“thought you were leavin', boss,” Red sounded perturbed and he seemed to have forgotten his quest to get Edge to sit down to breakfast with them.
Edge said nothing. There was only a last brush of his gloved fingers across Rus’s cheekbone, satin-soft over the lingering bruise. Then he turned on his heel and walked out, leaving Rus alone with an outraged Red and his own suspicious brother.
Rude. Guess rescues didn’t include from family.
Welp, Edge might like to play the knight in tarnished armor, but for Rus, he was going with abject cowardice. He started filling his plate with food, ignoring the way Edge’s cologne seemed to cling to where he’d touched and replaced that aroma with tasty bacon.
“this’s really good,” Rus said around a mouthful, risking his brother’s wrath as he shoveled in another bite. If he kept eating, he couldn’t say anything stupid.
It was worth a shot.
Edge’s half-filled coffee cup was still sitting on the table and with a mental shrug Rus stole it, downing the bitter blackness in a shuddering gulp. Waste not the caffeine. He had a feeling from the way Red and Blue were still staring at him that he was probably gonna need all the help he could get.
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rosemarysndthyme · 4 years
peach pit
it was a late july evening. somewhere around the twentieth or twenty first - days had begun to blur together after a few weeks of the summer sunshine.
sometime around seven in the evening was when she had hopped in the turquoise tiled shower, letting the hardship ( lounging about had grown awfully tiring ) of the day melt away and trickle down the drain.
it was times like these where all sorts of thoughts were flooding into her mind, scooping her up and away into a world of her own. but soon enough, with a twist of the rusty handel the shower was off, and she was clean.
cautiously stepping out of the bath and onto a plush white bath mat, she reached for the matching towel before wrapping it around her body and trotting out the rustic room and into the conjoining bedroom, only to see her lover sprawled out across the crisp white sheets.
a bowl containing two peach pits was perched at the end of the bed. one sudden movement from harry and the fresh sheets would be sticky. had she seen this two weeks ago her soul would’ve filled with horror and distraught, but now, it didn’t matter, nothing mattered.
he was just lying there. completely and utterly engrossed in his book like he had been for hours. the two had rented a dreamy villa on the ligurian coast yet harry showed no interest in the rugged cliffs or deep green coves, only in reading during the days and loving on her during the nights.
she sighed lightly, wishing just for a moment he would just put down the book and take a look outside. 
her damp feet padded over to the bed before climbing on to the mattress knees first. harry took no notice, eyes still dancing over the crumpled page.
‘read to me’
that was when he finally tore his gaze off the paper and onto the towelled woman in front of him. he thought she looked divine, good enough to eat even. fresh skinned from the shower with strands of loose hair decorating her beautifully chiselled collarbones.
he bathed in the peaceful aura for a moment. after being entranced by the pages of book for so long he neglected the true beauty of the summertime, the villa and not to mention the person in front of him.
‘ ’mkay’ he said, slightly confused but willing nonetheless. he cleared his throat with a single ‘ahem’ and sat up cross legged. ‘he relaxed a little and drank more chocolate. for the first time he seemed to register how good it was, and gave me a smile of sudden and peculiar sweetness’. he rasped.
her eyelids had shut. her legs were drawn into her chest and her head had rolled back. ‘why’d you stop?’
‘...she’ been good to us armande,’ he said breathlessly. by this point she wasn’t really paying attention to the words. just the sound. the deep, soothing sound of his voice. she reached her hand over to pick up one of the lonely peach pits before sucking the little stone between her rosy lips.
‘don’t you want any breakfast? piped anouk. we’ve got pain au chocolat. we’ve got croissants too, but the...’ harry trailed off once she gave a moan- a show of appreciation for how opulent the fruit was on her tounge. what she enjoyed even more was knowing she was also sucking on harry’s salvia. the sight was sumptuous.
‘mmhmm. delicious. where’d you get it’ she moaned, mouth full of sweet nectar.
‘uh, the tree at the bottom of the garden’ he replied, trying to control his urges whilst watching her suck on pit which was somehow expelling more liquid.
‘so juicy’ she licked her fingers rather uncouthly. careful to catch any droplets hanging off her chin or rolling down her long fingers. harry couldn’t help but smirk.
in her effort to rid herself of juice she proceeded to miss a single driplet, over and over again. it almost made harry wonder wether she was doing it on purpose or not. he brought his thumb up to his lips lewdly coating it in juice of his own before wiping it across his loves face. he sucked off the peach nectar excruciatingly slowly causing them to both smirk this time.
she leaned in giving him a wide smile before placing herself in his lap like an injured kitten. he wrapped his blackened arms around her frame and inhaled next to her cheek. small wisps of air spread over her plump skin with each breath.
‘missed you, sweetheart’
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hetacon · 5 years
Worry and Care
Word Count: 1600
Pairings: Platonic/Parental Moxiety, Platonic/Paternal Analogical, Logicality
Warning: Panic attack, crying, SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) episode, mention of vomit but not described (Let me know if I need to add anything else!)
Virgil sat by himself in the crowded auditorium, waiting patiently. Patton spotted him and went over, kissing his forehead and combing his bangs out of his eyes with a smile.
“Doing alright kiddo?” he hummed.
“Mhm,” Virgil said, nodding.
“Perfect. I promise it won’t be too long ok? Just an hour or so. I packed your coloring book and crayons in my bag and the restroom is out that door and down the hall,” Patton told his 6 year old son, pointing to everything he was mentioning. This was met with another nod.
“It’s alright if you go to the bathroom if your anxiety becomes too much ok? Please remember that, Daddy won’t be mad at you.”
“I’ll be ok, Daddy,” Virgil said, subtly dodging the statement, his eyes averting from Patton’s.
“Virgil, look at me please?”
Virgil’s warm and innocent brown eyes looked back up.
“It’s ok even if it’s just bothering you the tiniest bit. I’m not going to be mad. I’d never be upset with you when it comes to your anxiety, I know it’s hard for you to handle and understand, kiddo.”
Patton got a nod back and he smiled more, seeing the lights of the auditorium flicker on and off. “Oh, that’s me!” he whispered quietly as he kissed Virgil’s nose before running off to wait backstage for his introduction.
Virgil knew that his dad was giving a speech on something involving his work. Virgil didn’t really understand what the speech was about but he knew that his dad had been really excited to bring him.
Everything started out fine. Everything was quiet aside from the speakers on stage. Then there were tiny noises here and there. A cough, feet shuffling, papers crinkling as they were adjusted between hands and passed to each other so as to look at the program, another cough, another crinkle.
It was ok.
A few whispers.
Still would be ok.
A laugh at something said on stage and more whispers.
Virgil took out his coloring book, no longer paying attention to what was going on. Or at least trying to.
It was when Patton was finally onstage that it happened. As usual, he was cracking jokes, earning laughs but still keeping to the focus of his speech. He threw out a question and people started to respond.
Everything went from quiet to loud and then quiet again.
A cough.
People settling down.
A couple behind him whispering to each other.
And Virgil’s mind went totally blank when everything had quieted down and Patton was done with his jokes to continue on a more serious tone for the latter part of his speech. He had only spoken for five minutes. His speech was twenty.
And Virgil needed out.
He silently tried to slip out of the auditorium. By the time he got to the doors Patton had said led to the bathroom, he sprinted.
He didn’t stop at the bathrooms though. He kept running down the hallway. He ran to a door that led outside. He sprinted a few streets before his lungs were burning. He felt hot tears rolling down his cheeks as he gasped for breath. A panic attack started and he threw up on the sidewalk.
Patton shook hands with many of the people at the event, engaging in a few quick conversations. He excused himself from one to go find Virgil. He didn’t find his son in the seat and Patton’s bag was still sitting there, Virgil’s Nightmare Before Christmas coloring book placed on the seat. Patton packed the book back in the bag and slung it over his shoulder, going to the bathroom.
“Virgil? Sweetheart?” Patton asked softly. He knew Virgil would be shaken up considering his anxiety causing him to panic enough for him to come here. There was no response.
Patton didn’t hear a response still and took a deep breath. It was ok, he assured himself that Virgil was fine as he went back out, asking around if anybody had seen a little boy in a faded black hoodie. He didn’t see Virgil in the time he was asking around. He checked the bathroom again and then the space that surrounded the building.
Patton was panicking now.
He went through streets surrounding the area, shouting for Virgil.
“Virgil, kiddo, where are you!?” he called out.
Another street.
Yet another.
“Kiddo, please! Please be safe!”
“Virgil!!! Baby!!!”
Patton was hysterical with tears when he heard panicked breathing. He quickly ran to it and found Virgil tucked in between two buildings.
“Oh my gosh, Virgil!” he quietly exclaimed, scooping his son up. A sob and more panicked breaths from Virgil. Patton shook, sobbing too as he held on to Virgil tightly.
Eventually Virgil was gripping into Patton’s nicely pressed polo shirt, desperately trying to ground himself. Patton kissed his hair and rubbed his back as he heard Virgil doing his breathing exercises.
“Good, that’s so good Virgil, that’s it. In for four..”
That was done.
“Hold for seven..”
Virgil shook a little as another little cry threatened to bubble up but he held it.
“Out for eight..”
Virgil went slack and buried his face into Patton’s chest.
“You’re safe, Virgil, it’s all ok. Daddy’s got you, Daddy’s got you...”
“I-I’m sorry,” Virgil quietly whimpered, more tears welling up in his eyes.
“Virgil honey, for what?” Patton asked, tilting Virgil’s head up so they were looking at each other. Virgil started to shake.
“I ruined everything!” he sobbed out miserably. “I-I couldn’t even- I didn’t even stay, Daddy!”
Patton held him close, keeping his tone calm and level. “Virgil, I’m absolutely not upset with you, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I ran away!!” Virgil’s voice broke.
“Virgil, you were scared, Daddy’s never mad at you for being scared. Your anxiety makes it harder, your audio sensitivities don’t help either. I understand that, I’m right here.”
“E-Everything got-“
A gasp for air.
“It got-“
A sob.
“It got so loud,” he whimpered, clinging to Patton again.
Patton cradled him. “I’m sorry that people were too loud.. I’m sorry that you had to go through that..”
Virgil hiccuped out a few quiet sobs.
“I’m sorry for being bad..”
“Virgil, you didn’t do anything bad. I was just worried, I don’t ever want to have a life without you and the memories you, Papa, and I make with each other. I just want to make sure you’ll be ok now,” he whispered.
Virgil just clung to his dad, sitting for a while.
“Ready to go now?”
A nod.
“Papa will be happy when he sees that we’re home, he and I will give you all the snuggles you want after we give you a bath ok?”
“Ok, Daddy..”
At home, Patton explained everything to Logan, frowning.
“He had a really bad night, I’m worried I didn’t do enough to help him get through it..” Patton sighed, casting his eyes down.
“Patton, we’re still learning how to best help Virgil with the sensory processing issues. There’s not much for us to go off of. I wish he didn’t have to deal with it but we can’t take it away so we just have to try our best to help him work through it and show him that we’re here to help,” Logan said calmly, cupping Patton’s cheeks. “You’re doing wonderfully, he’s doing wonderfully. We’re going to be ok, we’ll figure it out like we always do.”
Patton nodded and smiled softly. “I’m just worried about our baby, he’s dealing with so much and he’s not even 7 yet!”
“I know..” Logan sighed. “But we’re here for him. And I think there is something we can do to help him right now.”
“What is it?”
Logan smiled and went into his office, coming back with a jacket. It was black and all around it were patches of purple plaid stitched on with white thread.
“It’s done, oh he’s going to love it, Lo!”
They both had decided to get Virgil a new jacket to replace his tattered one but decided to add the patches reminiscent of Sally’s dress from The Nightmare Before Christmas. They both knew Virgil was in love with the movie and decided it would be something recognizable to their son. Hopefully he liked it.
“Hey bud, Papa and I have a little surprise for you,” Patton said softly, kissing Virgil’s damp hair as he came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.
“What is it?” Virgil asked back just as quietly.
Logan sat in front of Virgil and revealed the jacket. Virgil gasped happily when he saw it and ran his fingers over the patch on the left shoulder.
He smiled brightly, seeing his name stitched on one edge of a patch with the white thread.
“It’s all yours, Virgil, we made it just for you,” Logan smiled, kissing his forehead too.
Virgil ran to his room to get changed and when he came out, Logan gave him the jacket, watching Virgil excitedly bounce.
Patton chuckled and scooped up Virgil as soon as he had it on. Logan joined the hug, sandwiching Virgil between him and his husband.
“We love you, Virgil, we’re going to do anything to take care of you,” Logan told him, kissing his hair again.
Hey guys. So usually I explain here exactly what inspired a piece if anything but I don’t feel it’s my place to discuss it this time.
I will say that I do actually have auditorial SPD and without mine having set rules, it’s extremely difficult to articulate. Going into what’s called sensory overload is basically like a panic attack for me minus difficulty breathing. I can’t think more often than not whenever I have an episode. And I always feel like I’m making it up in a way because I’m not officially diagnosed with it (probably due to lack of research and studies for SPD). But anyways, this is essentially how my SPD works and hence, how I wrote Virgil’s SPD. It’s actually pretty commonly linked with anxiety so I would definitely say that it’s not unreasonable for me to headcanon him having it.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it and please let me know what you thought of it, I love hearing from you guys as always
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thosequeenboys · 5 years
36: Reset (Joe Mazzello x Y/N)
Summary:  His 36th birthday a recent memory, Joe is eager to reset himself with a positive focus on his future.  Taking care of his precious nieces leads him into a situation that may change his future – and help him realize his dream of having a family.
A/N: I love picturing Joe as a loving husband and dad and wrote this after Joe’s 36th birthday.  Recently I wrote Y/N’s version of this story: 36: Half Full.  Joe’s family members are written as fictional characters.  Any likeness to his real family are unintentional and coincidental.  Song lyrics that came to me while writing are bolded and referenced at the end.  
Warnings:  Fluff, Angst and brief references to a deceased parent, masturbation and Joe as Daddy (!) and a drop of swearing
Joe threw three days of clothing into a duffle bag and took a stab at being grateful.  His 36th birthday coincided with the reality that he was between jobs, between relationships and plagued with a little too much uncertainty for his taste.  He needed a new narrative, a reset – and a jolt of positivism.
‘Here goes,’ he thought. Being in between gigs allowed him to care for his adoring nieces fairly regularly over the last few months.  And now, he’d be staying with them while his sister and her husband attended a wedding.  This was a gig he knew well and particularly as of late, cherished.  Since his dad died, he found comfort and stability in those two little girls: Josephine, Josie, his dad’s namesake, a growing toddler of 15 months, and Jessie, a highly articulate and bright second-grade graduate.   The loss of his dad still stung, but from it was born this intimacy and his solidified dream that now more than ever, he was destined to be a father, with his own loving father as a role model.   But for now, the role of beloved uncle would have to do.
He climbed the steps of the stately brownstone and let himself in, bellowing “Hellooooo,” which cascaded up the high ceilings and the floors above.  In an instant, he heard a sound that made him feel whole and gave him solace like no other. “UNCLE JOOOOOOEEEEEE,” Jessie ran to him with a huge smile and outstretched arms, and he swooped her up into a big hug.  Teetering toward him was Josie, a broad smile on her face, Joe’s sister Patty, trailing behind.  
“Jojo!!” Josie said, followed by gibberish. “You said my name??!!” Joe exclaimed happily. He was amazed. Only last week, she didn’t try to say his name.  Joe leaned down, perching Jessie on his knee and bringing Josie in for a hug.  “My two best girls,” he cooed, bending to kiss each of them.
“Ok, Girls, give me a few minutes with Joe. I have a lot of instructions to go over.”  You’ll have him to yourselves for three days soon enough.Joe’s sister, Patty said.  “YAY!!!” Jessie yelled jumping up and down, the embodiment of youthful enthusiasm.  
“Hey, Joe,” his sister said warmly, as she removed Josie from him and put her on the floor. “Jessie, watch your sister.”   She turned to Joe. “Let me walk you through everything.”
“Ok,” Joe said, adding, “I feel pretty well versed, I mean, I’ve been babysitting them and…”
Patty cut him off.  “I know.  But this is the big league.  Every moment. Lots of details.  You usually get them at their best and then you can walk away. Let’s start in the kitchen.”  
Patty had all the meals and snacks listed in detail, as well a grocery list.  “And make sure Josie ONLY gets Stonyfield Farms YO-BABY yogurts!” she implored. It was indeed a house of many yogurts. “Here’s Jessie’s water bottle for camp,” she pointed to it on the counter.
“YO, PATTY, I got it,” Joe said, containing a smirk, and glancing at the pile of papers.  The family recipe for nachos-really? He could make them in his sleep.
They proceeded upstairs to the bedrooms where Joe was schooled in Josie’s daytime and bedtime routines (which he knew) and Jessie’s camp routine.  “And be sure to hang the bathing suit EVERY NIGHT so it dries COMPLETELY!!”   Joe loved his sister deeply, but at that moment his tensed his mouth to avoid responding cattily, “No, I think I’ll leave the wet suit in the bag so it smells gross and is damp for her the next day.”  
“Sure, Sure,” he uttered lightly instead.
Fortunately, Joe was saved by the bell in the form of Peter, a strapping accountant with a penchant for murder mysteries, working out – and getting on the road.
“Come on Patty.  Quit torturing him before he runs out of here screaming. He can text us.  And by the way, he’s been helping out a lot this summer. I told you I wanted to get on the road by 6:00. It’s 6:15.  Let’s go.”  Peter hefted a suitcase and bounded down the steps.   Joe gave him an appreciative nod.
“Go,” Joe said gently to Patty. “We will be fine. I’m looking forward to it.  Pete’s right.  I’ll text you if I need anything.  You guys have a great time away together.”
“I know.  I’m sorry to be a nut.  I’m just - well. It’s hard to unwind.  And so much to keep track of.  You’ll see when you’re doing it all-work, family….” She sighed and planted a kiss on his cheek.  “Thanks for doing this.”  She went to pack a few final things before Peter came to collect her suitcase.
With a kiss to the girls, Patty and Peter hit the road.  “OK, who’s ready to show me some bath toys?” Joe said as he closed the door behind them.   “I am!” Jessie bounded upstairs to the bathroom, with Joe carrying Josie behind her.
The next morning was Friday. and Joe arose early. He prepared breakfast, packed lunches, put away random toys and checked the shopping list.  He woke and dressed the girls, collected Jessie’s backpack and threw in her lunch and bathing suit.  After brushing their teeth, he stuffed his own backpack with snacks, lunch, diapers, and wipes, and threw a towel and water toys and sunblock in the stroller basket. He hoisted Josie and grabbed the stroller, and ushered Jessie out the door, which he locked behind him.  He ran through a checklist in his mind hoping he remembered everything.  He had to admit, Patty was right-it really was a lot of details to manage-along with the constant banter with two young people, eager for expression and interaction as their worlds unfolded with each new day.
They walked half a mile as the summer sun warmed the city pavement.  They entered the YMCA that housed Jessie’s camp and proceeded to a large gym where groups of kids gathered by age. Jessie ran to a woman who was waving to her.  She had a warm smile and wore a neatly pressed shirt and capri pants with sneakers. She seemed to be taking in everyone-campers, caregivers, staff, while answering questions and ensuring everything was running smoothly.  Carrying a clipboard and an array of keys on a lanyard around her neck, she looked very official.  
“Hi, Jessie,” she greeted Joe’s oldest niece. “Hi, Josie,” she added bending slightly and peering into the stroller.
“Hi, Y/N, this is my Uncle Joe. He’s taking care of us while my parents are at Cousin Carol’s wedding in…” Jessie provided a litany of details as Joe and Y/N looked at each other and laughed.  When Jessie paused, Joe extended his hand.  “I’m Joe, nice to meet you.”   He suddenly felt awkward.  Should he have presented himself more formally, more guardian-like?   She smiled.  “Hi, Joe. Patty wrote a note saying you’d be helping with the girls.  That’s so nice.  I’m Y/N/Z, the Assistant Director of the camp.  If you need anything please let me know. Jessie is a wonderful camper!”  She winked at Jessie who smiled.
Now there’s a woman who knows how to introduce herself, Joe thought.  And she’s pretty and warm.
“Thanks,” Joe said, as Y/N turned to speak with a parent.  Joe hugged Jessie. “You have your lunch and water bottle?” Joe suddenly felt panicked.  “Oh, Crap! I forgot your water bottle. Should I bring it?”
“It’s ok. I’ll use the fountain.” Jessie said.
He appreciated her flexibility, but his inner voice said, “parenting fail!”  He thought Patty would freak if she knew.  “Good plan. Thanks for being flexible.  Have a great day.  We’ll see you at 4:00.”
Jessie walked toward her counselor and friends. Joe leaned down to check on Josie who was sitting comfortably in her stroller playing with a toy. “Playground?” he asked.  “Pway” she responded, and he gave her a kiss on her leg.
As he headed out, he noticed Y/N on the side, speaking with some counselors. She was really pretty.  Really together.  He wondered what she did when camp ended.  She certainly must like kids, he thought.  As Joe reached the exit, still watching her, she turned and waved to him. He waved back with a smile.  
Joe and Josie headed to the playground for a morning of water sprinklers, swings, and monkey bars. He followed her around, speaking to her and encouraging her to play with other children.   Josie handed another girl her ball.  “Say thank you,” the woman with the child said to her. “Very nice, Josie.” Joe praised.  Josie suddenly began to get winey, and Joe sensed that she needed to eat before she melted down. “C’mon, let’s have lunch.”
They ambled over to the shady bench, and Joe changed her diaper and washed their hands with a wipe.  Then he set out their lunch and they ate turkey sandwiches, the very popular Yo-Baby Yogurt and cut-up peaches, which were perfectly sweet and juicy, symbolic of summer. They sipped water from a bottle, taking turns.  After lunch Joe cleaned up. and Josie played a little more. But the sun was at its peak, and Josie was fading.  “Let’s go home for a nap.” Joe said as he picked her up. His phone pinged with a text from Patty.  “How is everything?”  “Great, just taking Josie home from PG for a nap.”    
Joe lugged everything – including Josie and himself - up the steps and into the house.  He had to admit he was tired. He dropped the stroller and backpack and carried Josie up the steps. She wrapped her arms around Joe’s neck and leaned into him. When he got to her room, he realized she was asleep. He didn’t want to put her down. He sat in the rocking chair and put his feet up on the ottoman.  He felt soothed as he held her against his chest.  He closed his eyes and without being aware, he dozed.  An image of Y/N came to him.  It was he fall She was in a flowing dress, cinched at the waist, a blazer and heels.   He was dressed in dark jeans and a leather jacket. They kissed and walked hand-in-hand down the street, chatting and laughing.  
He was jarred awake by his phone ringing. Ben!  He picked it up. “Hey, Buddy-give me a minute!”.  He put the phone on the ottoman, got up carefully and laid Josie in her crib gently, moving the stuffed animals away and covering her with the light blanket.  He slipped off her sandals and left them on the changing table as grabbed his phone, walking out of the room.
“Hey, Ben.” he said.
“Hey-how’s your 36th year treating you so far?” came the response.
“So far, so good.  I’m taking care of the girls for the weekend. Patty and Pete are at a wedding.  It makes me realize that I want to have kids.  Really badly.  Like more than before.  If I can’t get it together by my next birthday, I’m going to get a surrogate and do it that way. On my own.“
“Whoa, that sounds really extreme.  Isn’t that where you have to jerk off into a cup? You don’t even get to have any fun? Wait: Bet you’d meet a smart, pretty and mature woman on Tumblr who’d gladly assist ---try that first. “ Ben laughed. Joe was annoyed, feeling Ben didn’t see how important this was to him. Joe didn’t want to continue the discussion.
“That’s not the point,” he said curtly.  “Moving on, you ok?
“Yeah, yeah, still filming this bloody movie. We should wrap in a few weeks.”  
“Finally! Let me call you next week. I got to get Josie ready so we can pick up Jessie and shop for dinner.”
“You really are Domestic Daddy, aren’t you?” Ben laughed again.
“I hope so.  One day.”  Joe replied softly.
“Seriously.  Those girls are lucky to have you. You’re an amazing Uncle. And you’ll be a super dad.”  Ben said.
They ended the call warmly, and Joe checked himself in the mirror.  He looked like he had been in the hot park running after a toddler most of the day and thought that should be addressed-before he saw Y/N again.  He changed his shirt and freshened up.  He went to the nursery and saw Josie stirring.
“Hey big girl. You ready to get up and see your sister?”  He lifted her out of her crib, still sleepy and laid her on changing table and changed her diaper, shirt and shorts.  He kissed her feet and she giggled.  He buckled her sandals and took her downstairs.
He filled up the water bottle.  ‘Ok, we are ready to roll.”  He scooped her up with the stroller and they were on their way.  
They arrived at camp a little early.  He wheeled Josie in and saw Jessie playing her favorite game, Chinese checkers, with a young counselor. Josie was getting restless and he let her out of the stroller, following her as she walked around.  
“Hi, Joe.”  It was Y/N, still looking fresh after a full day. She bent down to Josie. “Did you have fun in the playground with Uncle Joe?”
“Fun Un JoJo!” she responded as she toddled around and clapped her hands.
Y/N laughed and turned to him.  “A standing ovation. I’m impressed.”
“Ha, well, we had fun, but I have to say, it was tiring. And I’m just watching one! Amazing you look so, uh, calm after running the show here. “ Joe said admirably.
“I’m a third-grade teacher so I’m used to it,”  Y/N said. “I’m working on my admin degree so I can be a Principal one day.  This gives me good practice,” She said.
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Joe said sincerely.  His eyes followed Josie who was headed toward her big sister. Joe followed, with Y/N behind, stopping to check in on various groups.  
“Hi Uncle Joe.  I’m winning,” Jessie said, self-satisfied.
“Creaming me is more like it,” the Counselor said.
“Well, that’s great, but be a good sport about it,” Joe said pointedly to Jessie.  “It’s important to have fun and tell her it was a good game-no matter who wins.”
A counselor came by with an ice pop. She asked Joe. “Would she like one?” “Sure, thanks,” Joe said, as he unwrapped the watermelon flavored pop and took a bite.  It was refreshing and quite tasty.  He offered some to Josie, who nibbled on it, and it started to drip.  He took his backpack off and unzipped it with a flourish, retrieving a napkin to wipe her up.
Meanwhile, as the counselor planned her move, Jessie eyed Y/N, who had sidled up next to her. “Y/N, did you know Uncle Joe is a FAMOUS MOVIE STAR?” she bellowed.
Joe felt the red rising from his neck to his face and he was pretty sure he was creating a new addition to the Crayola 64 pack.  Fucking Embarrassed Red.  Kids really do say the darndest things.  He bent his head down focusing on getting the pop into Josie with minimal mess.
“Wow, interesting,” Y/N responded, playing it cool.  “And he’s a GREAT UNCLE!”
“Who is successfully making a mess with this pop,” he retorted, wiping his mouth and giving Josie another wipe, before she took off for the crafts table. One of the counselors hoisted Josie on the bench and set her up with some crayons and paper.  “You sure?” Joe said not wanting to be a burden. “Oh, not a problem,” the counselor said cheerily.  
Joe looked behind him for Y/N, who had vanished.  He wanted to ask her out. He knew he had a brief window of opportunity, before he took the girls home. This would be the last time he’d see her.   He looked around hoping she’d dart back into the gym. Meanwhile, he moved to Jessie who was close to winning the game.  After a few minutes, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a changed Y/N. He turned to take all of her all in. She was wearing a flowery sundress with wide straps and a deep neckline that accentuated her figure. Her sneakers were replaced with heeled strappy sandals  She looked really lovely. You’re just too good to be true.  Can’t take my eyes off of you. (1) He didn’t want to take his eyes from her.  His plan to approach her was interrupted by Josie waddling over to him and Jessie and the counselor yelling ‘Good Game!”
“C’mon girls,” Joe headed quickly to retrieve the stroller near where Y/N was bidding good-bye to parents.
“You look…nice,”  Joe said, trying to sound neutral. “Big night out?” He wondered if she had a date.
“Thank you.”  Her faced flushed.  “I’m meeting some of my college friends.  One just got engaged and another is expecting.”   “Lots to celebrate.”  Joe said, relived she wasn’t off to a date.
“Yeah,” she said wistfully. “You know, life in the 30’s.”
‘Uh, yeah,” Joe uttered. Suddenly Joe turned, distracted by the girls. He took a deep breath and leaned down. Jessie, can you help Josie into her stroller, please,” Joe said, hoping Jessie would bring it home for him to let this moment unfold.  I can't be contented with yesterday's glory. I can't live on promises winter to spring. Today is my moment, now is my story. (2) Turning to Y/N he said,  “Y/N, I was wondering, if, uh, one day, you might want to grab dinner.” He said.  He held his breathe.  She looked at him.  “I’d love that.  Here, let me give you my number.” She hastily wrote on a paper in her clipboard and gave it to him and he smiled.
He turned to Jessie who was helping Josie into her stroller.  “Thanks,” he said, giving her a big smile.  “You’re such a good helper.  I really appreciate it.”
“Great,” Joe said to Y/N.  I’ll probably need 2 days to recover after my sister gets back,” He laughed. I’ll text you. Maybe we can get together next weekend?  
“That should work,” she said.  “Bye…” her voice trailed off, as a counselor interrupted.
“Have fun tonight,” he called after her, with a brightness in his voice and a spring in his step.  He turned the stroller and grabbed Jessie’s hand. “Bye, Y/N” Jessie called. “You like Y/N don’t you,” Jessie said to Joe.  Kid didn’t miss a thing. “She seems really nice.  Ok. Dinner.” said Joe, changing the topic. “How about we go to the supermarket for nachos ingredients.”    When they arrived home, Joe headed to the kitchen, unpacked the groceries and started cooking dinner as the girls watched Dora the Explorer.  “UNCLE JOE,” Jessie yelled.  “Josie smells!!  “Oh crap,” Joe uttered to himself.  “literally. WTF, I am in the middle of dinner.”  He asked Jessie to hang up her wet swimsuit before he addressed the diaper. . The evening ended with a yummy dinner, The Lion King and a few bedtime stories, which Joe read in a few voices, eliciting giggles from the girls.
Their fun-packed Saturday featured excursions to the Farmer’s market, library and small zoo. After a Thai food dinner, the three of them headed to bed early, exhausted.  
Joe woke too early on Sunday.  The girls would sleep another hour. His sister and Peter would return in the afternoon. Thoughts swirled through his head non-stop, even before he mobilized himself to make coffee.  His first thought was that they could make pancakes; the girls could pour batter into cookie cutter shapes set in the pan.  His second thought was ‘Wow, Ben was right, I really am Domestic Daddy.’ His third thought was Y/N.  He wondered if she told her friends about him-that she was looking forward to their date.  He wondered….Say you'll see me again even if it's just pretend in your wildest dreams. (3). He rolled over and pulled the soft blanket up to his neck, willing to give sleep another try. He drifted off and saw Y/N in his dream. It was winter and they were both bundled in jackets and scarves, holding hands and walking fast, dodging the cold.  
“Two, at least,” she said. “What do you think?”  
“For sure.” Joe said and he turned to her and stopped.  “Well, now that that’s set, we should think about a wedding date first.”  They laughed.
He suddenly felt a warm body climbing on him and he opened his eyes.  “I’m hungry.” a sleepy Jessie said. Joe rolled over moving her next to him. “Good morning.  Me too.   How about pancakes. In cookie cutter shapes?”
“Yay!” Jessie responded.  “I know where mom keeps them.”
“Great. I’ll meet you downstairs with Josie.”
She ran out, and Joe collected himself as he rolled out of bed. He felt positive and hopeful.  Bring on 36!  
1.       Can’t take my eyes off of you, Frankie Valli
2.       Today, John Denver
3.       Wildest Dreams, Taylor Swift
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