crrepe · 9 years
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Prevention is better than cure. You’ve probably heard of that a lot of times. I thought it was just for health in general, but recently I found out that it could also apply to plumbing. Yes, you read it right, plumbing. I’m not the type of neighbor who snoops on what’s happening to other people in the community, but this one was definitely something to write about. It just might teach you a lesson or two.
As what I’ve been told, a back-flow prevention device has leaked in one of the areas in the community, an area where establishments were located. So you ask me now, what on earth is that? I actually researched about it, because, like some, I am no star in plumbing. This device acts somewhat as a barrier between the dirty water and the clean water. The dirty water comes from homes and go straight to the sewers while the clean water is actually the water that we drink.
What happens when it gets a leak? The dirty water gets mixed with the clean water. And you could probably imagine how horrible and disgusting that scenario would be. A procedure such as the backflow testing could be done to prevent such scenario. Licensed plumbers do backflow testing to remedy the current situation and make sure it doesn’t happen again. The professional plumbers in Hialeah was luckily easy to contact at that time. The business owners of that establishment were lucky enough that the situation didn’t get worse, or else it would have cost them a hefty fine.  
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