backtoasgard · 4 years
Back to Asgard Month
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Celebrating nine years of nine realms! Please join us for a Thor fandom event to take place September 13 through October 10!
For the 9-year anniversary of the release of Thor 1 on DVD on September 13, let’s get back to the fandom’s roots with a month of revelry fit for the gods! 
What is Back to Asgard Month?
It’s a fandom event focused on Thor and Loki (either as a ship or as brothers) and other Thor characters and their portrayal in MCU Phase 1 & 2 (Thor 1, Avengers 1, TDW, AoU). It’s about sharing the love of those characters and stories with other fans by posting content, recs, meta, discussions, and anything else that you enjoy, and encouraging commenting and interaction within the community!
When is it?
Four weeks starting on September 13, with each week dedicated to a different movie. This doesn’t mean you can’t post things outside of that schedule, it just gives some structure for those who want it.
Week 1: Thor 1  (September 13-19)
Week 2: Avengers 1 (September 20-26)
Week 3: TDW (September 27 - October 3)
Week 4: AoU, etc., or catch-all if you missed any of the above (October 4-10)
Participation, Rules, and More Below!
How do I participate?
So many ways! Here are a few ideas:
Do a rewatch and post your reactions, talk about the movies, whatevs
Talk about what the fandom means to you, what drew you to the characters, etc.
Share recs for “classic” fic, art, edits, vids, whatever---tell us about your old faves!
Revive some old fandom memes! Loki does what he wants, Thor.
Comment on older content--who doesn’t love comments, whenever they arrive?
Share and rec your own older content---latecomers to the fandom may never have seen it!
Create and share new fic, art, edits, meta, playlists, vids, or any other new content you feel like making, as long as it is focused/based on the early movie canon
Share prompts and plotbunnies for others to take up---tell us about that idea you wish someone would write/draw/whatever!
Tag it #backtoasgard so we can find it and reblog it!
You can also submit content directly to this blog. If it meets the requirements, we will post it. (Note: Please submit only your own content. No reposting!)
This event is focused on the Thor characters in Thor 1, Avengers 1, Thor: The Dark World, and Avengers Age of Ultron. Inclusion of non-Thor-franchise characters or content referencing other MCU movies from the same era is acceptable. Content that involves any Phase 3+ movies (TR, IW, EG, etc.) is not. That content is everywhere and it’s great too, but this event is about celebrating the early era of MCU Thor fandom.
Inclusion of elements from comics, other Marvel (e.g., Marvel TV, Avengers: EMH, Tales of Asgard), mythology, or any AU you’ve got is also cool, as long as the focus/basis is the events and characters from the early Thor movies. 
Absolutely no character bashing. If you can’t praise your fave without bashing other characters, do it somewhere else. 
Absolutely no ship bashing. The early days of MCU Thor fandom were largely thorki-focused, and while other pairings are totally cool in this event, any ship bashing, especially any anti-ism, is not welcome. If you follow this blog or its tag, you are acknowledging that you may see some thorki. 
Absolutely no kink shaming. This fandom grows its own kinktomatoes. 
Criticism of the movies is fine, but this is an event for people who enjoyed them. Keep that in mind and don’t be a dick. We realize this is subjective, but please err on the side of caution.
Tag/warn appropriately. At a minimum, this means following AO3 rules for Major Warning content. If you are linking to a work hosted elsewhere (such as AO3) and it is appropriately tagged in that location, you need not duplicate warnings on tumblr. NOTE: Sibling incest does not need to be warned for if a work is labeled as thorki. ALSO: Adopted sibling incest should not be labeled “pseudo-incest” or anything that is otherwise insulting to adoptive families. 
Within this event at least, please treat other fans like people. If you disagree with something, do so civilly. If you don’t like something, move on and find something you do like. Remember that we’re all here to have a good time.
You are free to take part in as many (or as few) ways as you like. No one is judging or grading your participation. There is no minimum, no maximum, and very loose time limits. 
(Credit for the inspiration behind this event goes to the LotR fandom’s Back to Middle-earth events that one of your friendly neighborhood mods participated in back in the day and enjoyed.)
Please share this post to spread the word! We look forward to celebrating this fandom with you!
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lokijiro · 4 years
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Thor concept art, by Nathan Schroeder
source : filmsketchr.blogspot.com nathanschroeder.net
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Back To Asgard: Avengers-era fics
I was thinking about reblogging a bunch of old posts for @backtoasgard and decided it would probably be more straightforward for everyone involved if I try to do roundup posts instead. so:
my Avengers-era fics: all links are to the original Tumblr posts, each of which links to AO3, in case anyone would like to reblog the Tumblr posts, and it would be extremely cool if anyone did. these are all oneshots, more or less.
in a better time you could be my friend. 6.2k words. Loki has a panic attack after speaking with the Other. Clint has some experience with those.
speed the collapse (scatter what remains). 8.5k words. Thanks to Thanos and the Other twisting his magic, Loki collapses shortly after leaving SHIELD’s Tesseract facility. Things go very differently from there.
the state of my head. 3k words. Tony’s arc reactor doesn’t just stop Loki from taking over his mind--it actually nullifies the scepter’s effects on everyone in the extremely immediate area and wow, Loki’s acting weird now.
under bright stars burning. 20.9k words. This is more of a multi-era fic because the first few chapters are about Loki and Steve Rogers kind of growing up together through the magic of handwavy time travel...so that makes things a little different when Loki still invades decades later and Steve still has to confront him. Originally written for @veliseraptor​ as part of MCU AU Fest.
the kindness of strangers. 21.2k words. Gamora is there when Loki falls into Thanos’ hands, and she’s there to watch Loki break under torture. She’s not going to defy her father (yet), but in the beginning, she gives Loki a little advice: find a core truth about yourself and bury it deep, and once Thanos has broken and remade you into what he wants, something of you might still be left.
what turns up in the dark? 10.4k words. Basically a post-Avengers AU that ignores almost all canon that came after it. Loki tells the Avengers the truth and starts working with them to defeat Thanos, growing close to Steve in the process. So when he seems to die taking Thanos down and it turns out Steve can maybe fix that situation, well, of course he has to try.
I’ve also been meaning to add some of my favorite Avengers-era fics from other people, but my brain is shot and also that’s why this post keeps sitting in my drafts, so...I will try to come back to that later.
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throwbackthorki · 4 years
Set Fire to the Rain REMASTER--Thor (Thor/Loki)
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illwynd · 4 years
So I’m just saying fuck it and posting this now, since I definitely wanted to have it ready for @backtoasgard month.
I started it years ago so it’s got some of that old-school thorki flavor. It’s got incest kink. It’s got poetry porn in cheap imitation kalevala meter. It’s got some fun stuff. And it’s basically finished except an epigraph or two, so the remaining chapters will come fast.
Hope y’all enjoy!
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gorgeousgalatea · 4 years
And the crazy old crossposting for @backtoasgard continues!
Title: Know Your Meme (also on AO3)
Characters: Loki, Phil Coulson, Thor (to a lesser extent Natasha Romanoff)
Tags: fluff, crack, g rated af, contains dated memes
Word Count: 2.5k
Summary: When a seemingly innocuous internet meme causes Thor to have an unexpected breakdown, Agent Phil Coulson is forced to seek help from SHIELD's worst enemy. And he's not leaving until he gets it.
The whole point of having a secret lair was that it was, in fact, secret, but no one seemed to have informed Agent Phil Coulson of that little detail.
Even if that secret lair was actually a less than secret penthouse registered under an alias. Loki needed a place to sleep, after all.
“Agent Coulson,” Loki said with a thin, blatantly insincere smile. He peeked surreptitiously behind Coulson for any sign of Thor and his new-and-improved merry band of destructive lunatics, but the agent appeared to have come alone. “This is quite the surprise. I usually don’t expect guests at four in the morning, so I hope you’ll excuse me if I don’t invite you in for coffee.”
Coulson had seen better days, Loki noticed. There were heavy bags under his eyes and his suit was looking unusually rumpled between the badly buttoned shirt and untied tie—which were flashing warning signs of Coulson’s imminent mental collapse, as Loki had once seen the man come out of a one-on-one fight with a hellhound not only victorious but with his jacket somehow more starched than when he had started.
Loki was beginning to regret answering the door in his pajamas. As disheveled as Coulson looked, he was a sight more dignified than sweatpants, fuzzy slippers and a T-shirt. Which, while an effective enough disguise to convince his delightful landlady that he was not in any way, shape or form related to the charismatic, snappily dressed super-villain occasionally bent on world domination, was considerably less effective on people who actually knew who he was. And usually a great deal more humiliating.
The Loki of yesteryear in all likelihood would have committed ritual suicide before answering the door in his pajamas, but that was before he had discovered the wondrous Midgardian creation that was coffee. For all that it improved his work ethic during his late-night endeavors, Loki had noticed that he’d begun developing a rather worrying case of listlessness when he attempted to start his day without the aid of the savory beverage.
No, he wasn’t an addict. He could quit whenever he wanted.
His current overwhelming apathy towards the enemy agent who had apparently worked out at least one of Loki’s private hideaways without his knowledge was actually rather refreshing, in any case.
Coulson thrust a letter into his hands. “You’re responsible for this,” he said with narrowed eyes. “And I expect you to fix it.”
Loki blinked blearily down at the crumpled piece of SHIELD letterhead and tried to arrange the words into something coherent. Eventually they came into focus. He frowned.
 To Whom It May Concern:
It is rude and hurtful to yell ‘I DO WHAT I WANT, THOR’ whenever Thor says something if you are not Loki. If you ARE Loki, then you should know that your brother is currently in the 2nd floor women’s bathroom and we would appreciate it if you would go comfort him because as far as we can tell from what he’s saying, he wants to hug you.
 Nick Fury
  Loki read the letter over a few more times, and it failed to make any more sense than it had the first.
“This is dated several days ago,” he said finally.
The homicidal look on Coulson’s face was made infinitely more threatening by virtue of the fact that it was on Coulson’s face. “Yes. It is.”
Loki read the letter over again. When had he even said—ah, yes. He winced at the memory. “And I only shouted that once. In the heat of battle. Five months ago.”
The moment had been neither mature nor dignified, but it had shut Thor up for the rest of the fight and both Stark and Barton had gone down pretty easily once they were doubled over in laughter.
Coulson raised an eyebrow. “I had assumed you were familiar with the concept of an internet meme,” he said, nodding towards Loki’s shirt.
Loki glanced down at the Rainbow Unicorn Attack logo and shrugged. He’d only bought it because it reminded him of Sleipnir.
Coulson sighed. “Teaching you anything about our culture is probably against protocol, but these are desperate times. Technology is a powerful entity, Mister Liesmith. Any moment can be recorded and displayed for the entire world to witness. And some of those moments, such as the five minutes of footage a civilian recorded of that particular battle, including your outburst, are seized by the public as something of great shame, or wisdom, or amusement, or just for including a large number of grammatically impaired cats.” He smiled wryly. “The world seems especially taken with your eloquently expressed desire to go your own way regardless of your brother’s wishes. I believe there’s merchandise.”
Coulson seemed to finally notice his loose tie and began adjusting it. “Given that your brother is not the one with a reputation for transforming, hexing, setting ablaze or throwing the people who mock him into pocket dimensions, he’s been hearing that phrase repeated to him constantly by other enemies, passerby and occasionally his teammates ever since.”
“But mostly Stark,” said Loki with a slight grin, leaning against the doorframe.
Coulson tightened the tie. “Yes, mostly Mister Stark,” he admitted. “And on one very noteworthy occasion, Mister Stark’s AI. Several days ago, your brother reached his breaking point. We had already taken the necessary precautions for a violent outburst, but we were unprepared for his mental breakdown. Which, from what we have been able to decipher from his occasional rants, is more your doing than the fault of the internet meme. The meme just brought it to the surface.”
Loki drummed his fingers against the door thoughtfully. “And you’d like me, your first and greatest enemy, to walk unprotected into the heart of your facility and comfort the man who not only fails to be my blood relative but whom I have loudly and vehemently expressed my hatred for on multiple occasions? And you expect me to do this for the sake of the organization that has thwarted me time and time again and would like nothing better to see me locked up for all eternity?” He flashed Coulson a bright smile. “No.”
Loki slammed the door in Coulson’s face.
Or he tried to, anyway, but the agent wedged his foot in the door before it had fully closed. Coulson wrapped a hand around the door and forced it open again.
If Loki were eighty percent more awake, he was certain he’d have already thought of a spell to roast the mortal where he stood. Actually, he would’ve taken fifteen percent more awake. Then he probably would have thought of something more effective than door slamming. Like punching Coulson in the face, then slamming the door.
“First of all,” Coulson said through gritted teeth, “a magic user such as yourself is never unprotected. Second, you showed up in the middle of the SHIELD base just last week and didn’t seem to have any problems with it. Third, and most importantly Mister Liesmith, I know where you live.”
Loki scowled at him. “Moving is of no concern to me, mortal.”
Not entirely true, especially since this particular penthouse had a spectacular view, but as a bluff it would serve.
Coulson stared at him steadily, his expression cold. “I have on file eight separate locations you tend to frequent during your downtime, and if you don’t help me I am sending them all to your fanbase,” he said.
Loki froze in horror. He may not have been internet savvy, but certain things leaked over into real life all too easily. Such as the obsessive enthusiasm of the preteen hive mind.
He knew when he was beaten.
Loki shoved past Coulson and locked the door on his way out.
“Let’s get this over with.”
Agent Coulson had a Styrofoam cup of coffee in his car. Against all odds, it was still steaming. Loki stared at it predatorily as Coulson picked it up off the dashboard.
“Give me that.”
Coulson eyed Loki over the plastic lid as he took his first sip. “No.”
“I deserve compensation for helping you,” Loki insisted, reaching over to take the cup. “You have no idea the grief this is going to cause me.”
Coulson smacked his hand away and somehow managed to drain the cup in under thirty seconds before tossing it out the window, where it landed squarely in a garbage can. He started the car in stony silence.
Loki resolved to kill him before the night was out. And then perhaps steal his shiny shoes. And his doubtlessly plentiful collection of coffee vouchers.
Somehow they both made it back to the SHIELD base alive, sane and no less annoyed with one another than when they had left, although Loki suspected that was mostly because he had dozed off at one point. He’d woken up to find Agent Coulson standing over him with a taser and an expression bordering on murderous.
“I take it we’ve arrived, then,” Loki said brightly, and most certainly did not proceed to stumble out of the car like a drunkard.
He’d had a long night and little sleep to compensate for it. Never mind the business with the coffee.
Thor’s obnoxiously loud sobs could be heard the moment they entered the building. Coulson silently pointed Loki towards the stairs before taking off down a different hallway, slipping in a pair of earplugs as he did.
Agent Romanoff was camped outside the bathroom in a robe and slippers, keeping a shotgun trained on the door. She pumped the shotgun warningly as Loki approached.
Loki sighed and spread out his arms in surrender. “Shoot him or shoot me, either way you’ll be putting me out of my misery.”
Natasha seemed to consider this for a brief moment before uncurling herself off the floor and walking away, the gun slung over her shoulder.
“Wonderful,” Loki muttered, and knocked on the door. “All right, Thor, I’m here, what do you want?”
Thor sobbed something along the lines of SHIELD’s imposter not fooling him and his brother sounding a lot less whiny.
Loki rested his head against the door and reminded himself that if he really intended to kill Thor he had already vowed he would do so in a suitably epic and meaningful fashion. Which ruled out tracking down Agent Romanoff and stealing her shotgun.
“Brother, if you do not get out here and present yourself with the dignity expected of Asgard’s Crown Prince, I’m going to the city of New York to enchant their tallest tower into rampaging the streets.”
He was met with more sobbing. This was probably going to take a while. He leaned his back to the door and slid down to rest on the floor.
“All right, you caught me; I was going to do that anyway.” Loki stifled a yawn. “What’s this all about, then?”
Thor immediately launched into a long, sob-ridden, half-incoherent speech about the deterioration of their familial relationship, Loki’s anger management issues and Thor’s own inability to help his brother resolve said issues. At some point there was mention of how all the time they spent together seemed to involve fighting nowadays, and couldn’t they just sit down and have a discussion like old times every so often?
Loki very tactfully did not point out that they had never sat down and had civilized discussions in the past—mostly Thor had dragged him out to bars, tried to get him drunk, and then proceeded to brag about whatever ill-conceived adventure he’d just went on once Loki was too inebriated to protest, even though more often than not Loki had accompanied him on that very journey.
It was possible that they may have had one or two discussions worth having somewhere down the line, but Loki had developed the ability to ignore those in favor of the numerous bad ones. It made all the fighting and vendettas less awkward for them both, he felt.
“Thor,” Loki said after his brother’s rambling had come to a stop and he felt reasonably sure he understood what had been said. “While you are the elder between the two of us, I would like you to acknowledge that we are both full-grown men capable of making our own decisions. I am perfectly satisfied with the life I’ve chosen to lead, even if you are not. As of right now, our respective life choices pit us against one another, but given time that could very well change and I would prefer that it do so without your ham-handed interference.” He thought for a moment, then added, “And perhaps we could even have a discussion over breakfast if you ever leave that damned room.”
Thor whimpered something from the other side of the door. Loki scowled.
“No, I’m not going to give you a hug—” He paused as Agent Coulson materialized from around a corner, glaring at him. He sighed and picked himself off the floor. “Fine. One hug.”
Thor came barreling out of the bathroom to tackle Loki in a tight embrace and—oh, by the Nine Realms, the stupid oaf was still wearing his armor.
Everything of Loki was getting crushed. Everything.
And as the Hug continued, Loki retreated into his happy place, or blacked out due to lack of oxygen, or perhaps lost track of time due to sleep deprivation, because when he next realized what was going on around him, he and Thor were in a miscellaneous kitchen eating strawberry Pop Tarts and ten minutes into a heated debate over That One Midgardian Soap Opera Neither of Them Followed But Had Caught on Occasion While Changing Channels. Surprisingly, Thor was winning.
Somehow the world made more sense than it had in hours, despite this recent development. Loki looked down and saw he was gripping a half-empty mug of coffee.
Ah. That explained it.
Sitting down and talking with his brother was neither as exasperating nor as one-sided as Loki remembered it; it seemed as though banishment, time and the influence of Thor’s more reasonable teammates had made him a more patient and slightly less haughty man. It was a change for the better Loki almost regretted missing out on.
Almost, but not quite. He still had an agenda, after all.
“Well, this has been entertaining,” Loki said about an hour after all the Pop Tarts and coffee had been demolished, “but I’m afraid I must be off. Places to go, buildings to animate and all that. I expect we’ll meet again in Manhattan in oh, about fifteen minutes. Farewell, brother.”
SHIELD had managed to find someone capable of putting up eight different varieties of wards designed to prevent Loki from teleporting within the premises. It was actually quite touching. He tore them all to shreds and vanished from the kitchen for the Empire State Building.
And that was that.
Or at least it was until Tony Stark uploaded the whole thing on to Youtube.
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woodelf68 · 4 years
In honour of @backtoasgard month, here is your one stop shop for fics in which Frigga lives, Loki lives, they’re dead but reunited in Valhalla (because we take what we can get around here),Thor is a good bro, and Odin is doing some Improved Parenting. Also, more time travel fix-it fics than you can shake a stick at. Feel free to send me suggestions for fics by authors not listed here; I will continually update this as I find more fics that soothe the wounds left by canon.  (Fics listed by author in alphabetical order.)
Growing Pains by Aloryshannon -- Loki is told of his heritage as a boy, but Odin gives him the choice of when and if he will ever tell Thor.
Before My Time To Go by @ark -- Time travelling to undo the damage that Thanos has caused in the present, Loki goes back too far and encounters a young Thor who hasn’t yet confessed his feelings to Loki. Infinity War fix-it, Thorki. 
His Mother’s Son by @ayankun -- Loki arrives in Valhalla. 
Yggdrasil Dreaming by Barkour -- Loki fell, and sleeps at the root of Yggdrasil, dreaming of his childhood and of Sif, while Sif dreams of the lost prince, dreams that do not feel like dreams.
Small Changes and Second Chances by @bereft-of-frogs -- Malekith kidnaps Frigga instead of killing her, and there’s someone around to heal Loki of his wound on Svartalfheim. The Dark World fix-it. Also:
Like A Tear On A Cheek -- Heimdall sees Loki alive and wounded on Svartalfheim, and goes to his aid. TDW fix-it. 
Troubled Spirits On My Chest -- Newly imprisoned Loki is easy prey for a vengeful ghost in need of a body. The ghost didn’t count on Frigga. 
Only Mostly Dead by blameitonvortices -- Odin felt Loki die on Svartalfheim, but the body that guards bring back still has the smallest spark of life left in it. (WIP)
Waste No More Time by burning_nova --  Set pre-Thor, Odin realises he’s fallen out of the habit of spending time with Loki and that he’s allowed his sons to grow up hating the Jotnar, an attitude that pervades most of the realm. He sets out to do something about both things, including giving each son a chance to rule as co-regent with Frigga while he sets out in disguise to see the state of the realm for himself. (Incomplete at 39 chapters, but it ends at a good place and was an extremely satisfying read.)
Undetermined Intervention by @camomiletea -- Infinity War fix-it. Loki wakes up in the past in Asgard, before Thor’s coronation, and realises he has a second chance to prevent his future from going wrong.
Castles In The Air by cosmic_medusa - Loki is not the one to sabotage Thor’s coronation, and his first act as Regent is to recall a mortal Thor from Midgard to help him uncover a tangle of political treachery. 
Heart of Darkness by @delyth88 -- Just a tiny fix-it. Frigga still dies, but at least Loki is there as she passes. 
Bring Me Home by @doubletan -- The Tesseract takes Loki back to Asgard. Post Endgame.
Closest Kept by @eienvine -- When Loki is wounded beyond Eir’s ability to help, Frigga takes him secretly to a blind healer on Jotunheim, where Sif and Loki learn of his heritage together and gain a new understanding of the Jotnar. Also:
Here at the end of the world -- Post-IW fix-it. Sif hears the Asgardian distress call and finds Loki floating in space amidst the wreckage of the destroyed ship, his magic just barely keeping him alive
The Child-King of Asgard by @898700 (ghost writer) -- Thor AU. Loki is much younger than Thor, there were no Frost Giants being let into the Vault, but Thor was still banished after his interrupted coronation for another reason and someone still had to take the throne. Kid Loki does a fantastic job of ruling Asgard by day and Odinsitting in the evening. He’s there for cuddles and praise when his father wakes and asks if Loki would one day like to be the king of another realm -- Jotunheim.  
The Try, Try Again Series by @enchantedlokii -- What if Frigga kept looking for Loki after he fell into the Void? What if she found him? Frigga and Thor go to rescue Loki from Thanos. 
Start From The Beginning by Everanon --  Time travel/time loop fix-it. Thor is sent back to the day of his coronation. He has that one day and one day only to fix what was broken and save Loki’s life. 
Turn by @flaignhan -- An unlikely friendship begins when Natasha is asked to spend an evening ‘babysitting’ Loki in his cell. When Loki’s behavior improves when she’s around, it becomes a regular thing and slowly she encourages him to hope for a better future, one that is nearly ruined when she’s sent on a dangerous assignment and an old foe plots Loki’s downfall. Post Avengers. 
A Queen’s Gamble by for_darkness_shows_the_stars (aka @stars-and-darkness) -- When Loki is discovered to be alive and on Midgard, Frigga is the one to go to him. This changes things. 
Chaos Reign by @fourthrose -- Post - Endgame: When the Tesseract lands at his feet, Loki transports away to safety on Vanaheim, returning to Asgard only when the Dark Elves attack, leaving Thor and Odin dead in their wake and Loki to take up Gungnir and turn the tide of the battle, slaughtering Malekith and his followers and finding himself the new king of Asgard with his mother at his side.
The Tales We Tell by fuzzy_paint -- Day after day, Thor reads to Loki in his cell from the book of Norse myths that somehow came back from Midgard with him.
Few So Generous by @galaxysoup -- Frigga takes up the rule of Asgard instead of having Gungnir handed to Loki. 
Withering Away by Galaxythreads == Thor makes a deal with the Avengers -- he’ll help them gather the Infinity Stones -- if he can bring back the Tesseract and Loki from the Statesman. (Includes Loki/Frigga scene on Asgard!)
Whose Prayers Would Make Me Whole by @gaslightgallows -- Loki and Frigga through the years. Death isn’t the end. Also:
The Art of Spinning -- Loki is given the chance to bring Frigga back from the brink of death following Malekith’s attack when the healers see the only thing tethering her to life is her bond with her son.
The Convalescent Way  -- Post Ragnarok, the Asgardian refugee ship lands on Vanaheim to re-supply, where old secrets come out and Thor and Loki’s family grows. Includes a visit to Valhalla and Loki and Frigga getting some time together. Guest starring Garm the Mystery Dog.
Seal My Heart and Break My Pride -- In Valhalla, Odin gives Loki a choice -- stay or go back to aid Thor in the fight against Thanos.
The Cruelty of a Brother  -- Thor forces Strange to restore Asgard and her people to a point before the Convergence. But he and Loki still have to live with the past and what they did.
Green and Bright  -- Thor is back from a year’s exile on Midgard, a year in which Loki ruled and gained the respect of the court. Frigga/Loki fluff.
Loki Odinson by Livin4Jesus -- When Loki is brought back to Asgard after the events of the Avengers, Odin uses a spell to see into his son’s memories, resulting in Loki being pardoned of all crimes. As Loki struggles with nightmares and rebuilding his family relationships, Thanos approaches Asgard with a score to settle. Will Loki be able to defeat the Titan with the support of his family and friends?
Loki and the Cosmic Cube by goddessofstories -- The Tesseract knows where Loki needs to go. It takes him to his mother. (”Variant!Loki/the Loki from Endgame)
Memento Mori by @gwendolynstacy -- At the moment of Thanos choking him, the time stone sends Loki back to his cell not long before the Dark Elves’ attack. It’s up to him to save his mother from dying and stop Thanos. 
The Very Best of Us String Ourselves Up For Love by halcyonidae -- Loki finds his parents and a bitchy older sister in Valhalla, but he seeks a way back. For Thor. 
To Remake the Universe by @independence1776 -- Odin arrives at the Bifrost in time to stop anyone going to Jotunheim and attempts to course correct his relationship with Loki. Thor AU. 
Peripeteia by @infinite-monkeys  -- Thor is made regent when Odin falls into his Odinsleep before he can banish Thor. This leaves Frigga to confront Loki in the Vault, which is good. But it also leaves a war-hungry Thor who ends up thinking Loki is a shapeshifting Jotun who killed and replaced his brother, which is bad, since he promptly tries to murder his brother in truth. Loki must use all of his magic to save himself and play dead, hiding under a glamour until Odin awakes and stops a Thor bent on destruction. 
Hope For The Hopeless by @jaggedcliffs -- Thor visits Loki daily in his cell to read to him. The ending is open but hopeful with Odin revealing that Loki’s cell is bespelled to release him as soon as he comes to regret his actions against Thor and Midgard. The fluffy epilogue!
Let her Know by jar_of_stars: Loki arrives just in time to save Frigga’s life when his magic allows him to see Malekith’s attack. But, panicked that he will be dragged from her side before he’s ready, he continues to pour all his life force into the shield keeping others away... (Angsty/possibly open ending if you squint)
The Binding of Loki by @kadorienne -- Odin waits for Thor to bring Loki back from Midgard, knowing what he has to say and do. 
Til the Casket Drops by kaoticloki -- Banished to Earth without his powers to pay for his crimes, Loki huddles outside a homeless shelter, cold and sick and hungry. Luckily there are people who want to see him safe and warm inside, where a chance to prove his worth awaits him. 
Everything’s Better With Bunnies by khilari and persephone_kore -- Loki turns into a bunny when stressed. A crack idea that actually deals with all the events of the first movie in a much better way and where everyone ends up in a much better place. 
Also: Overlapping Spaces -- While visiting Asgard, Jane runs into a Loki under psychiatric care and a friendship develops. Long fic, Fosterson endgame. 
Stormbreaker by @ladylapislazuli -- Time travel fix-it for Infinity War. Thor must hide his true identity when the Infinity Gauntlet sends him back to an Asgard where he’s still a brash youth and young Loki yearns to be noticed. (On hiatus)
Life’s Great Lie by laeveteinn -- Loki series AU/time travel fix-it. He doesn’t have a Gauntlet to allow him to wield the Infinity Stones safely, but some things are worth sacrificing for. And sometimes heroes get rewarded with a second chance. 
I Am Sorry, Brother by LedaSF (aka @iamhisgloriouspurpose) -- A grieving Thor haunted by nightmares of his brother falling into the Void seeks help from an Asgardian priestess. A little bit of magic and the Norns listening in allows him to go back in time to make things right. 
It Slips Between My Fingers Now by Lise (aka @veliseraptor) -- Post Endgame fix-it. While cruising with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor sees Loki’s ghost...or perhaps it’s a little something more. Also:
The Breaking Light -- When guards cannot wake an unconscious Loki, Odin goes to his son’s cell and plunges into Loki’s mind, horrified to find him being tortured by the Other and discovering just how much he still cares about his youngest son.
Road To Nowhere -- Loki enlists Thor’s help to bring Frigga back from Valhalla.
The Tapestries series -- Dying from the beating given to him by the Hulk, Loki is brought back to Asgard’s Healing Rooms. The evidence of past torture on his body gives him a second chance, and his family trying to make things right. But his body is more easily fixed than his mind, and Loki struggles to find a reason to want to live and accept their forgiveness.  
Bring Back What Once Was Mine -- Future!Thor shows up in the Vault before Loki picks up the Casket of Ancient Winters. Don’t, he says, not alone. Urged to seek his answers from their mother instead, and assured that it changes nothing between them, Loki agrees, if only because he does not want to see ‘his’ Thor to turn into this battle-scarred weary wreck of a man who is hugging him so fiercely. (Open, hopeful ending)
What Grows Beneath the Nettle by @lizardbeths -- Sif discovers that Loki is ruling Asgard while Odin sleeps in a cavern far beneath the palace. Not for power, but for duty, because there is no one else -- Thor has gone missing.  But as Loki intends to sacrifice himself to seal Thanos in a pocket dimension after finding and saving a captive Thor, Odin wakes in time to go to his younger son’s rescue and take his place while he sends Loki back to safety. Also:  
Cut and Reweave - Post Infinity War, Loki wants to fix everything that went wrong by altering his timeline so that Odin and Frigga don’t adopt him as a baby. He doesn’t succeed, but changes things anyway. Beautiful Loki/Frigga scene at the end.
A Thorn Saves the Rose -- Loki saves Frigga’s life at the cost of his own
To Walk The Path of Hope -- IW/Endgame fix-it. Thor travels back in time to enlist captive Loki’s help in the Avengers. 
Understanding the Storm series: You get *deep breath* Loki fighting Thanos’s control from within his cell on Asgard with the help of Frigga and Thor!  Shadowpath gates under Thor’s bed! Odin trying to be a good dad! Ice sculpting on Jotunheim! Loki getting kidnapped and tortured by Malekith!  Sigyn Malekith’s daughter falling for Loki! Frigga rallying the Jotnar to stage a rescue and meeting Loki’s birth mother! Thanos taking over Malekith’s body and shoving an unconscious Loki through a portal to Midgard with an open Casket of Ancient Winters!  Earth plunging into a new Ice Age! Rescue by the Avengers! Road trip on Tony’s yacht to evade SHIELD!  Munin, Prince of Ravens stealing scenes left and right! Lost ancient Egyptian cities!  A battle to the death with Thanos in the desert! Loki being lauded for his deeds on Asgard and getting to incinerate Thanos’s body with Gungnir! Things wind down with Odin making sure that Loki feels a part of their family and Loki going away to a secluded estate with Frigga and Sigyn, who has become part of the Asgardian court, to rest and heal. A separate ficlet has them married and having a baby boy.
From the Shattered Stone  -- When Loki is impaled by the Kursed blade on Svartalfheim, Sif calls for Heimdall to bring them home, despite Loki’s protests, thinking even if he could survive, he’d just be put back in his cell. But with Sif making sure Odin hears of Loki’s heroic actions, Odin is willing to offer Loki a second chance.
A Seed In Barren Lands -- Sifki cell!sex with Loki in Jotun form, followed by Loki confessing a secret from his past -- he was sexually abused by Tyr as a child, leading to the death of his pet wolf when Fenrir tried to protect him. When Odin confirms this with the sharing of memories via Gungnir (also showing Odin what happened to Loki after he fell into the Void) Loki is freed to make right what he can. Continued in A Crocus in the Snow
The Littlest Star - a night of passion leaves Sif pregnant when Loki falls into the Void. When Ullr is born, pale blue and red eyed, Sif refuses to let Frigga glamour him  and they reveal to all of Asgard Loki’s heritage in a hope that Ullr will be accepted there. When Loki reappears on MIdgard, Sif goes to him and tells him he has a son. Doubting, he returns to Asgard with her and is shocked to see Ullr, obviously his. Frigga figures out his scepter holds the Mind Stone, and knows Thanos last had it. But Loki has no memory of him, or the last several months of his life. The scepter is taken away, leaving Loki alone with Sif and Ullr and a chance at a new beginning.
Ragdoll  -- Severely injured by the Hulk, Loki is brought back to Asgard to fight for his life. There, scans reveal the damage done by Thanos’s torture, and a memory loss means he doesn’t yet know of his heritage. His family vows to do better with this second chance that they’ve been given.
Revival by longforgottenhymn -- In the battle against Thanos, Thor rips the time stone from the Infinity Gauntlet and wishes to go home. He is sent back to the past on the day of his aborted coronation and realises he has a chance to fix the past. He tells them who he is and stresses that they must not invade Jotunheim, and that their parents must tell the younger Loki and Thor about Loki’s heritage and Hela. As the younger brothers forge a closer relationship, a way is found to open a portal in the palace to retrieve and revive the dead Asgardians floating in space in the other timeline with the use of the Time Stone. As the exhausted mages holding the portal open falter, the portal shifts to the battle in Wakanda, and Thanos comes through, only to die by Thor’s hand. The portal is shifted back into space and the final bodies are retrieved, the last being Loki. All are given succour and housing till future Sif arrives, saying she’s been sent back to lead them to their new home in their own timeline. This time, they go well provisioned with supplies and books that Loki orders, to teach the next generation of Asgard’s heritage. 
Can We Start Over Before It’s Over by LRRH17 -- Endgame fix-it. Future!Tony sneaks into 2012!Loki’s cell, and tells him he needs to tell the Avengers about Thanos, and stop the future he knows from happening. Also: 
Bleeding Out -- Endgame fix-it. Undestroyed by Ragnarok, Hela wants revenge against Thanos when the souls he promised her aren’t killed in the Snap, merely trapped in the Soul Stone. She returns Loki to life with the tools to go back in time and stop Thanos when it started, during the invasion of Midgard. This time, he will answer Thor’s question and reveal who controls the would-be king. 
His Birthright by madwriter223 -- Odin didn’t mean his words to Loki when he was brought home to Asgard, But he knew Thanos could be watching, knew everything that Loki had gone through. 
Litost by melonbug -- Thor AU. Loki makes better choices (mostly) than in canon. It’s still angsty as he struggles with the revelation of his heritage, but first Frigga and then Odin makes sure that he does not doubt that he is loved and their son. 
Changing Fate by @melWinter -- When Loki finds an abandoned Dark Elf baby on Svartalfheim, he claims it as his own, and hides away to raise his son in peace. Meanwhile, Odin watches his son from afar, seeing Loki slowly healing and learning to love and trust again, and hopes that he may one day come home. Eventual Lokane. 
Leave Out All The Rest by niori -- Instead of interrupting Thor’s coronation, Loki absents himself to Alfheim immediately after, leaving Thor to show how unready for the kingship he is as he turns the first few weeks of his reign into an absolute train wreck of poor decisions and rash, arrogant behaviour.  Also: 
All the King’s Horses -- Heimdall makes sure that young Loki grows up thinking of the Jotnar as a race of people, not monsters. When he learns the truth of his heritage, Loki understands why. 
In that Bright Land To Which I Go by 100indecisions (aka @thelightofthingshopedfor) -- Loki dies in Infinity War and wakes up in Valhalla with Frigga
Also: Now All The Tendons of the World Are Loosed -- after killing He Who Remains, Sylvie feels the need to fix one Loki’s timeline. She chooses Avengers!Loki, still in his glass cage with the Other’s hook in his mind and a head full of false memories. 
Even That, I Could Not Say (mother) by Ordis -- Odin needs someone to take the throne while he goes off to bring Frigga back from Valhalla; when Loki returns home from Svartalfheim before Thor, he gets the job.
Queen Regnant by @peaceheather -- After Loki’s fall from the Bifrost, a weakened Odin must return to his interrupted Odinsleep and Frigga takes the throne. She does not let those who betrayed Loki go unpunished. Also: 
Fate’s Guardian -- Post the Dark World, Loki must, at the Norns’ bidding, relate all that happened to him starting with his fall into the Void to Thor, Odin, and the Avengers, for allies will be needed in the war against Thanos. 
Bargaining by proantangonist (aka @proantagonista) -- Thor is dead. Loki makes a deal with a witch to go back in time to fix things, at the price of his own life. Now reposting on AO3. 
What More Could I Lose by rosebudmoonseidr -- When Thor strikes the Time and Mind Stones together on the Infinity Gauntlet, his deepest wish is granted and he is sent back in time to an Asgard before his coronation, with a second chance to save all that was lost. 
Loki’s Christmas Carol by sarah1281 -- Loki gets a chance to do things differently. With a delightful appearance by Grandpa Bor in the place of Jacob Marley. 
At The End Of The Day by @scioscribe -- Loki finds himself flung from the Statesman back in time  to Asgard before Thor’s coronation. He has a few things to say to his family, and a need to get back to his Thor. 
Time and Trouble by @shinyopals -- Frigga foresees her own death and seeks to change her fate, with a little help from Jane Foster. TDW AU. 
Thinking Makes It So by snek -- Endgame time travel fix it.
Saving Amma by Soul_Darker_Than_Night -- Loki is freed along with all the other prisoners during the Dark Elf attack. 
The Detente series by StarflameNightfury -- Odin confronts Loki in his cell after realising that the sceptre holds the Mind Stone. He refuses to leave until he gets some answers. 
If I Could Start Again by @taaroko -- Infinity War AU -- After slaying Thanos, Thor rips the Time Stone out of the Gauntlet and finds himself flung back in time to right after his failed coronation but before the trip to Jotunheim. Also:
Interventionism -- When Heimdall sees Steve Rogers go down in the ice, Thor and Loki are sent to retrieve the body for a proper warrior’s funeral. There, they run into a few Jotnar left stranded on Midgard after the war, and Loki learns of his heritage earlier than in canon. Things go rather better for all concerned. WIP.
Child of Winter, Child of Summer -- When kids!Thor and Loki sneak back into the Vault for a nighttime adventure after their earlier visit with Odin, Loki touches the Casket, transforms, and is unable to shift back. But when Frigga finds him the next morning, what began as a horrible day ends with Loki learning the truth and feeling more loved and valued by every member of his family. 
All That Matters by theavengersmascot (aka @theclassicblunders) -- a series where Odin realises he and Loki have grown apart and seeks to correct that. Starts with a young teen Loki and continues through a Dark World fix-it. 
Good Mother by @theotherodinson -- Frigga rides down to the Bifrost while Odin sleeps on. Things go rather better. Also:
There’s A Land That I Heard Of -- Infinity War fix-it. Is Loki dead or isn’t he? Trapped in one changing dreamscape after another, his memory uncertain, he seeks for a way out. 
The Shining Sun -- Loki is happy and at peace in Valhalla. But Thor wants his brother back. 
Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood -- In which Odin is getting chewed out daily in Valhalla by Frigga, until Loki’s arrival saves him. They had once agreed, after all, never to argue in front of the children. 
Standing Still -- Post Avengers, Thor shows up at Avengers Tower begging sanctuary for Loki. 
The Lullabye Singer -- Avengers AU. Odin goes to Midgard to bring Loki home himself, determined not to fail his son again. WIP
Teenage Dream -- In which Loki’s parents show up and ruin his invasion. He is so grounded. (After his welcome back feast, of course.) Crack.
That’s What (Anti) Heroes Do -- Loki is sent back from Valhalla to set Thor back on the right track
Picking Up The Pieces by Thursdays_Angel -- series that begins where Loki’s body is recovered from space and revived. Along the way Thor and Loki become part of Tony’s and Pepper’s family and honourary uncles to Morgan. Special shout-out to Asgard, in which Loki accompanies Thor back to Asgard of the past to retrieve the Aether and gets to have a talk and some closure with both of his parents and Endgame: In which things get even better. The fixiest fix-it ever. 
Waking the Dead by @tirsynni -- Loki steals the Time Stone and returns to the past before Thor’s coronation, intending to fix the chain of events that led to their meeting Thanos in space. Infinity War fix-it. WIP  Also: 
Never Doubt -- an older, war-torn Thor, clutching the Time Stone, drops out of thin air at the feet of young Loki in the palace garden, right before young Thor’s aborted coronation. Know that I love you, he tells Loki. And you must get Father to tell you his secrets or Ragnarok itself will unfold. Loki promises, wondering where this Thor’s Loki is, and guessing the answer.  
Hold Sacred -- The Kursed frees Loki from his cell as well, and Loki finds himself following along in its wake, to where Frigga is facing her death. 
Eternal Hope and Majesty -- When Thor aimed for Thanos’s chest, Loki -- a subtly different Loki -- is there to aim for Thanos’s wrist, severing the hand wielding the Infinity Gauntlet and giving Thor and all of Asgard a second chance. IW fix-it. 
Chaos Theory by Unforgotten -- Endgame fix-it. Studying the Tesseract after having escaped with it, Loki sees something within it that hadn’t been there before, the traces of the years of the original timeline. A little bit of magic later, and everyone now has memories of both timelines, and Loki returns to Thor on Midgard, suggesting they go home -- to an Asgard that still is. 
Ásgarðrian Galdr by Valerie_Vancollie -- The Loki that fell into the Void and was imprisoned after Avengers manages to magically contact his younger self and gives him explicit instructions on what not to do when certain things happen. This leads to Loki having a successful reign as regent where he earns the respect of the Asgardian populace. Meanwhile, the Warriors Three, Sif, and Heimdall are punished for their treasonous actions and Thor’s journey towards becoming a better leader takes a lot longer than in canon. This fic does a fantastic job in bringing Asgard to life as a fully functioning society. If you like long fics that will take over your life, this is one of the best I’ve read.   
Another Sleepless Night by wedgetail -- Odin visits Loki in the dungeon, wishing he could comfort his restlessly sleeping son.  Also:
Above All Shadows -- In a present where the Avengers failed to vanquish Thanos and Loki cannot see a captured Thor escaping Thanos with his life, he crafts a time travel spell to take him back to the past to save his brother’s life. Finding himself back in Asgard on the day before Thor’s coronation, however, he realises he can fix everything. Events start to spiral out of control, however, when a crowned Thor invades Jotunheim and is taken captive by Laufey, Odin is gravely wounded and falls into the Odinsleep, and a coup staged by one of Odin’s counselors ends up with Loki in the dungeons, his magic bound and his Jotun form revealed to all.  (MIND THE TAGS ON THIS ONE)
Those Yesterdays Bleeding Through by wnnbdarklord -- Loki’s stuck in a time loop, trying to make the events of TDW not end in Frigga’s death
No Such Liberty by Xparrot --  Post Avengers, Loki continues to scheme from his cell, but Thor refuses to give up on his brother. Things come to a head when Thanos threatens the realm to claim his lost prizes. Loki redemption and reconciliation with his family
A Mother’s Love by Yeziel_Moore -- Frigga follows Loki’s trail through the Void after he falls. 
A Break In The Silence by Yaan: TDW AU. Badly wounded after Svartalfheim, Loki is returned to Asgard for healing and a second chance with his freedom and titles restored and Odin determined to be a better father. 
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samsondogo · 2 years
Update !!! Bifrost is happy to share its second (but not last) teaser trailer about the New #NFT project: #BackToAsgard
Get ready for something you have never experienced before. 🚀🚀
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backtoasgard · 4 years
Back to Asgard Month - Week 2
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After nine years of MCU Thor fandom, Back to Asgard Month continues this week (September 20-26)!
Thor 1 and pre-canon content is still welcome, but this week’s focus turns to Avengers Assemble! Share the love of the fandom with recs (including self-recs) for your fave Avengers 1 Thor fandom content, or share some new content, start a discussion, post memes, whatever else you’ve got that’s based on Avengers 1 era or the roughly equivalent time period for comicsverse, mythverse, AUs, etc.
Let’s get back to Asgard!
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backtoasgard · 4 years
Back to Asgard Month - Week 1
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Time to celebrate, Thor fandom! Today, September 13, 2020, makes nine years since the release of Thor 1 on DVD! 
This week, share the love of the fandom with recs (including self-recs) for your fave Thor 1 and pre-canon content, or share some new content, start a discussion, post memes, whatever else you’ve got that’s based on Thor 1 or the roughly equivalent time period for comicsverse, mythverse, AUs, etc. 
Let’s get back to Asgard!
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lokijiro · 4 years
How different is Loki in this film when compared to how he is in Thor? I think that he comes into his own power at the end of Thor. Is he just very angry and bitter in this film?
Hiddleston : Well, what can I say here? I swear to you that in that building over there, there are the sniper rifles. (laughs) I think that what was interesting about the journey of Loki in Thor is that he went from second string and damaged prints to being the God of mischief and God of evil. I think somewhere between the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, Loki has been to the Marvel equivalent of the 7th circle of hell. At the end of Thor you see him let go. He lets go of the spear, he lets go of Asgard, and he lets go of the need of his brother and father’s affection and approval. He has bigger plans now.
I think there is a degree of self-possession in Loki in The Avengers, which was missing in Thor. As in, the Loki of Thor is a confused and damaged prince and the Loki of The Avengers is somebody who understands his own power. He understands his own anger and is able to probably, I would say, suppress it. So you see that in a way he is more mischievous. Loki is the God of mischief and I think that the way Joss has written Loki in The Avengers is that he is mischief. He is someone whose actions are very, very difficult for the seven of eight Avengers to pin down.
source :  COLLIDER Tom Hiddleston THE AVENGERS Set Visit Interview (2012)
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backtoasgard · 4 years
Classic Thor fandom tropes
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To get everybody into the swing of things in preparation for Back to Asgard Month, here’s a list of some of the ships, tropes, and memes that were all over the fandom in its early days!
This is not intended to be a complete list---and that’s where you come in! Please add any more you remember (fondly or otherwise*)
*Inclusion on this list does not indicate endorsement or lack thereof, simply that the thing was a notable trope/whatever in classic Thor fandom. 
Thunderfrost (Thor/Loki)
FrostIron (Loki/Ironman)
Frostpudding (Loki/Tom Hiddleston)
Tasertricks (Loki/Darcy)
Thundershield (Thor/Steve Rogers)
Loki/Steve Rogers
Quantumfrost/Lokane (Loki/Jane)
Loki/Sif (Sifki)
Crossover ships with every other movie Tom and Chris have been in
Human AU
“Intersex” Jotun Loki
Intersex Jotnar in general
Warprize AU
Arranged marriage AU
Hitmen AU
Serial killer AU
Rockstar AU
Sugar daddy AU
Reverse Thor AU (where Thor is raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s ward)
Satyr Loki 
Centaur Thor
Merfolk AU
Forest God AU
Lokitty and Thorgi/Labrathor
Midgard AU where Thor and Loki are step siblings living under Odin and Frigga’s roof
Thor as Loki’s bodyguard/a warrior Loki coveted (this oftentimes went with AUs where Thor was raised on Jotunheim, and where Loki is a Jotun Prince)
Helblindi and Bleistr are Laufey’s favored sons
Laufey arranges a marriage between Thor and Loki so that Loki can murder Thor/help Laufey destroy Asgard
Loki being touch-starved
Loki loving sweets
Loki wearing fully covering clothes
Odin’s A+ parenting
Frigga being the peacemaker in the family
Loki concealing himself from Thor by magic
Loki shapeshifting into something else and getting stuck like that
Pre-canon brotherly adventures and hunting expeditions (often disastrous)
Lost in translation (cultural misunderstandings on other realms lead people to believe Thor and Loki are lovers)
Mission to Vanaheim leads to diplomatic orgy/incest
Somebody using Mjolnir as a dildo
Berserker Thor
Loki being the only one able to approach/calm berserker Thor
Thor being vanilla and Loki being kinky
One or the other having a guilty breakdown over their incestuous feelings, while the other is cool with it
Loki braiding Thor’s hair
Loki making clone Thors (real Thor may or may not be mistaken for clone Thor)
Loki or Thor having a clone Loki orgy
Mpreg Loki
Mpreg Thor
Thor's Fertility God powers leading to Sex Pollen situations
Thor sneaks Loki into his Avengers Tower apartments
Loki sneaks himself into Thor’s Avengers Tower apartments
Loki becoming the Avengers consultant (grudgingly on both sides)
Loki annoying the hell out of the Avengers by bumming around the Tower
Frigga teaching Loki magic
Only I Get to Hurt Him (Villain Loki pretends not to care about Thor but when someone else hurts him, Loki loses his shit and demolishes whoever did it)
Loki hiding him and his brother’s affair from Heimdall’s sight
Fandral trying to get into Loki’s pants and failing
Heimdall and Loki just don’t get along
Loki has a Jotun-sized manhood in his pants
Mjolnir as a euphemism for Thor’s manhood
Loki hanging out with trickster gods from other mythologies
Loki doting over his colt spiderhorse son Sleipnir
Loki befriending random cats on Midgard
Loki’s villainous acts consisting of things from the old comics (like turning cars into ice cream)
Loki’s afraid of/repulsed by/in denial of his Jotunness
Temperature play with Loki’s Jotunness
Jotun Loki having heatstroke in Asgardian heat
Kidfic with young Thor being very protective of his baby brother
Young Loki having "inexplicable" difficulties with Asgard's climate
Jormungand!Fury, Fenrir!Coulson, and Hel!Darcy
Something with Loki and a toaster? I don’t remember what exactly was up with that
“Never doubt” being referenced in practically every fic
What is Thor without Loki? What is Loki without Thor?
Thor is clueless about Midgardian technology
Loki is impatient with/bad at Midgardian technology
Loki is startlingly good with Midgardian technology
Thor is secretly fantastic with Midgardian technology (and sometimes pretends to be clueless)
The Neck Grab
Reluctant team-up against Big Threat
Thor kills Loki (probably involves Regret)
Loki kills Thor (probably involves necromancy)
Loki wields Mjolnir
Mjolnir is a euphemism for bondage except the euphemism is literal
Someone heroic thinks the secret to redeeming Loki is getting him laid
Loki has a brainwash stick and he’s gonna use it
Thor and his friends go to a tavern without Loki. Loki disguises himself as a mysterious lady at the tavern, who Thor tries to seduce
Loki is banished with or instead of Thor
Mentions of the exuberant frostbeast from the post-credits Thor 1 scene
A smattering of “verilys” and “I say thee nays” in dialogue
Art Tropes
Loooooong hair on Thor and Loki
Thor looking straight out of a shampoo commercial 
Lichtenberg figures on Loki from being hit with Thor’s lightning
Lightning under Thor’s skin
Loki was left without hair products during his imprisonment in TDW. Woe.
Deconsecrator Thor
Pole-dancing Loki
Disney Prince Loki
So many chibis
Loki sitting on the throne of Asgard
Thor carrying kid Loki like a sack of potatoes
“I do what I want, Thor!”
Thor and Loki themed cocktails
Frog Thor jokes
Thor leaving Mjolnir on the toilet seat
Loki sits like a whore
Loki telling people to kneel
Doth mother know you weareth her drapes
“Burdened with glorious purpose”
Loki rules Hall H
Loki’s Army
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backtoasgard · 4 years
Back to Asgard Month - Week 4
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After nine years of MCU Thor fandom, Back to Asgard Month concludes this week (October 4-10)!
This week’s focus turns to Avengers: Age of Ultron! Share the love of the fandom with recs (including self-recs) for your fave AoU content, or share some new content, start a discussion, post memes, whatever else you’ve got that’s based on AoU or the roughly equivalent time period for comicsverse, mythverse, AUs, etc.
Also, because of the relative shortage of Asgard-based content in this movie, this week is also a second chance to post anything you didn’t get around to for pre-canon content, Thor 1, Avengers Assemble, or TDW!
Let’s get back to Asgard!
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lokijiro · 4 years
Loki and his mother would often ride their horses together as fast as they could in vast flower fields.
After the events of Thor : The Dark World, Loki goes to the stables. He’s in Odin-shape, but he’s certain that the queen’s favourite mare recognizes him. She seems to silently ask him what happened to Frigga.
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lokijiro · 4 years
Baby Loki : Kneel!
Frigga : *magically makes Loki’s unicorn plushies kneel*
Baby Loki : *squeals*
Frigga : 🥰
Baby Loki : Kneel!
Frigga : *makes the toy soldiers kneel*
Baby Loki : *giggles*
Frigga : Isn’t he the cutest?
Odin : . . .
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backtoasgard · 4 years
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Well, that wraps up this Back to Asgard month event! Thank you to everyone who participated! You guys rock!
But also, who are we kidding, we’re not going anywhere, right? This blog will continue to be active and may organize future events if there is interest. Drop us a comment or an ask if you have thoughts on what you might want to do next time around!
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