#bad pic again...gomen......
lovelyluckyheaven · 9 months
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katoya ✼
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lordsicheng · 7 years
holidays with jbj: yongguk (4/7)
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The holidays may be over bUT THIS SERIES ISN’T OOPS!!
I’m gonna have to finish this because I started it too y’know
Anyways, Kim Yongguk
He’s not even gonna be too into the holidays imo but he’ll celebrate in subtle ways
Like sure he’s gonna help with decorating your place
Buy gifts and celebrate the joy of being thankful to people around him
But on that note; his indecisiveness will strike the moment he thinks about buying gifts
“Ahh I need a gift for y/n… but oh those collars would look good on Tolbi…. wait”
He says he’s not into skinship (MHMMM @ HIS PICS WITH DONGHAN RECENTLY)
So you’re gonna have to initiate on the cuddling session when it gets cold
But tbh he’s just gonna hug you randomly at times especially when you both are alone
He’d backhug you while at the street waiting for the pedestrian signal to turn on
Or when you both watch TV on a very cold night he’s gonna drag you into his arms and play with your hair
“You don’t usually like starting the cu-“
“ShHhHh you’ll wake up the cats”
You just can’t expect the stuff he does can you
Winter dates? More like spend-more-time-with-the-cats-and-you dates
I mean he’d be up for when you want to go somewhere with lots of cute winter decorations
Even winter bazaars and all that stuff
He’d get either excited or end up following you around most of the time
You both try to take couple pics and all buuuuuuut
Yongguk being Yongguk
Messes up like almost half of the pics you both take
“We’re not matching on our poses”
“It’s still cute”
Okay decorating your place… will be alright
The moment you tell him to carry you on his shoulders so you can put on the star on the Christmas tree he won’t actually hesitate
Maybe even complain and tell you to use a chair but nonetheless he will have to sacrifice
“Hey Yongguk can you move to the left a bit I can’t reach the top of the tree”
“No a little bit more”
“How about now?”
“Tiptoe a bit please I still can’t reach”
Whiny!Guk is very cute don’t @ me
Christmas shopping? Watch him get distracted over everything
Like he tries to find a gift for the secret santa thing but he ends up buying a gift for the cats
“Yongguk have you gotten a gift yet?”
“… Yeah so I found these cool toys for Tolbi and Rcy so”
“Are you serious”
One time he’s gonna be really confused as to why you’re rushing one day
When you’re really just rushing because you have to prepare your gift since you forgot to wrap it
His face is literally gonna be like ???
“I got a gift bag for mine why do you have to go on a hassle by wrapping it uniquely”
He’s got a point but you wanted your gift to be extra special so pFT
You know for sure that you can’t handle planning parties and so does Yongguk so you both end up going to a friend’s gathering instead
You both arrive Hyunbin’s small, intimate gathering with all smiles
Then again he’s prolly gonna be spending more time with Hyunbin more than you since he thinks you’re both always together he doesn’t get to see him all of the time
Nyangbin Nyangbin Nyangbin
It doesn’t really bother you though because you love all of his friends
And they appreciate you just as much
Plus they’re really happy Yongguk finally got a partner after a long time
You’ll both have a great time over at Hyunbin’s
Until,,, gift giving time
You get your gift first and honestly you didn’t expect it’d come from Hyunbin
And Yongguk’s gonna be all like
“OoOoOHhh what did he get you?”
“I’m not opening it until we get home”
Hyunbin’s gonna look at you as if you knew for sure it was Yongguk’s choice of a gift for you
Aka he helped out because Hyunbin didn’t know what you really wanted
And Yongguk definitely knew so he just acted as if he didn’t
You even told Yongguk it’s fine if you both don’t have gifts for each other since you buy each other stuff almost all the time
Tbh you and Yongguk would probably be one of the first few people to head on out
Mainly bc of Tolbi and Rcy
So when you arrive home he’s gonna check up on the cats first
Then you go to the living room to finally open up your gift
You see that it’s actually a cute pair of earmuffs with cat ears at the top
You also remember the time you whined about wanting to get earmuffs at the mall when winter started
But Yongguk stopped you because he said it’s ‘useless’
In reality he actually asked Hyunbin to buy you that pair because he thought of you instantly when he saw it
You realize that he’s actually very lowkey caring even though he doesn’t always show it
You grin widely and wear it
You were gonna walk to the other side of the room
But Yongguk walked over and stood at the doorway
So you both just stand at the doorway looking at each other while laughing
“The gift is really cute… just like you”
“Wow I got complimented after a while??”
“Hyunbin knows what you needed hahaha”
“Well if it weren’t for his friend who told him I needed earmuffs”
He becomes all shy and you just end up laughing at how cute he was
You look up and to your surprise, you see a mistletoe at the doorway
“Psst, Yongguk”
Smirk smirk get the idea sweetie
He’s gonna be all blank and a bit confused
Until you point up and he looks at the mistletoe
He gulps a bit and looks at you all nervous
“Uhh so what’s with that thing, then?”
“Kiss me you idiot”
He leans in and pecks you quickly before pulling back
And you look at him frustratingly while pouting
“Ha ha… happy holidays?”
“Kim Yongguk come here”
You end up pulling him closer and kiss him back longer
He just laughs into the kiss tbh until you pull out this time
“Noooo I want it to be longer”
“Too bad you kissed me at a shorter time first”
Cue Tolbi purring nearby
“You know what I always wanted to do, y/n?”
“Take a family photo with you and the cats so I can keep it on my phone and look at it every time I am away and missing you the most”
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sakyou · 7 years
Answering Asks
I did the thing where I left the asks to pile up again dkgjsldkj gomen. They go from oldest to newest with the Thanatos Night ones all at the bottom.
Some of these are really old because i’m terrible and forget to reply to things alot ;;
sos-diabolik said: Can you please translate Reiji's route from Dark fate? :3 
I could not do Reiji justice if I tried to translate his route. Reiji’s way of speaking is incredibly polite and although i’m fine with him in small amounts I would probably slip up in places if I translated him for a whole route ;;
Anonymous said:I really hope you don't mind me asking this but, what's your sexuality?
Who knows.... 秘密じゃないけど
vocals-and-violins said:This Mun is A Cyute Peach and must be Protected at all Cost! ♥♥♥ Pass it on to 10 Other Users that you Think is a Cyute Peach as Well! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
Thank you >////<
Anonymous said:On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love DL? (BMS for me lol)
hmmm more than 10!
Anonymous said:You make me smile :)
Anonymous said: Don't force yourself to translate anything if you're not feeling it, take a break relax, and just do whatever that will make you happy
Thank you for this anon I really need this at times ;; sometimes I don’t know how to stop working and that’s when I usually end up becoming sick OTL
Anonymous said: Thank you so much for all the effort you put into translating things :'3 you're so sweet!
aaah no you guys are the sweet ones i’m just this shadow sitting in the corner (/)u(\)
Anonymous said: I want to thank you for all your hard work and translations! They're really amazing! 
Anonymous said: Hey is the guy from your profile pic from an otome?
If you mean Joshua then he’s from a Drama CD series called Dear Vocalist which I recommend! Even if you don’t know Japanese they have some pretty good songs and Joshua’s song samples just went up today c:
Anonymous said: TsukiPro or Rejet?
Rejet! I got into Rejet before I got into Tsukipro ^^
Anonymous said:This may be a "weird" question but which of the Thanatos Night characters would you match to the zodiac sign of "Cancer"?
Hmm if you mean would be Cancer then based on a very quick look on google it would be Duran. He likes to keep to himself avoiding strangers and interacting in general. But he is very caring and keeps to his word unlike a certain trash lying angel. 
Anonymous said: Which Thanatos Night character would you say is the most "chill and helpful"?
Also Duran. He’s just kind of there in a chill way. Very supportive and helpful to the listener in his CD. Not saying the others are bad but Duran stays with his listener and takes care of her....zsl;rgj just go listen to Duran if you haven’t ;;
Anonymous said: Can you translate Oliver's Thanatos night volume?
I was actually thinking of doing some Thanatos night translations while I wait for my Nia CDs. I haven’t decided on which one though >u<
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yullen · 8 years
Tagged by @echoresonance​ :’D Thanks for thinking of me! Gosh, these responses aren’t terribly interesting rip. gomens
If you could live in your ideal home, all expenses paid, but have to make all new friends and never contact your old ones again, would you, and why? Oh... Oh shit. Damn. Man.... Crap. No, I can’t. Even though one of my favourite people seems keen on staying MIA (hana). And yeah... several of them, I don’t wanna give up at all. I have a really hard time letting people go.
Are you a gold or a silver person? Perhaps neither? Silver! :’D As much as I like Allen’s gold gay earring or Crown Clown. His soul is silver.
Would you rather commune with plants/trees or animals, and why? Animals, no contest. Because animals can be much cuter. Like holy fuck, have you seen a cat? Those little shits are so cute.
What is your favorite OC like? He’s not my favourite (I don’t think I have one), but he is probably the one I find most amusing. I wrote him into a crack fic universe. He owns many, many powerful companies, is the CEO of Everything™, was born out of a dimensional zipper, has a harem, hates his clone parents, is sadistic and cruel and dry and salty af. Because he’s usually so horrible, it freaks everyone the fuck out when every half-moon, he has an obsession and deep craving for cheese cake, and he becomes Super Nice and proper, and people find it horrifying. He usually has no recollections of his kind actions after the half-moon phases pass.
Are you a dusk person or a dawn person? Dusk.
Without using their name or url, can you give a small list of things you associate with someone close to you? Hunh... Homestuck (shudder), quasiplatonic ships, emotional sadism, Suffering™, hippies
What first got you involved in fandom/tumblr? Inuyasha... lmao. I remember all those fansites with the fancy themes and goodies pages (like for mp3s), MSN groups, etc, before I eventually got onto LJ. But when I made a tumblr, my first ever post was a Saitou Maho AreKan doujinshi cover.
What was your favorite thing to do as a child if you were home alone? Stay on the computer. Which I do regardless of anyone being home or not lol.
Are you one of those unlucky people with a terrible driver’s license picture? I don’t have a driver’s license, but my provincial ID pic ain’t that bad.
Favorite candle/air-freshener scent? N/A
Without using its name, describe your favorite animal evil but adorable little shits
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