#badass woman megan rapinoe
graphijane · 5 years
\\\*****Je te suggère de regarder la vidéo avant de lire ces mots si tu ne veux pas être spoiléE***** Tu peux booster la définition de la vidéo en HD*****///
Yo badass sisters ! Yo badass women !
Bien le bonjour les dures à cuire et nos alliéEs !
Le moment est venu de te présenter le fruit de semaines de travail version grrl pwr à fond.
Pourquoi 'grrrl pwr à fond' ?
- Megan Rapinoe - visuel 100 % meufs - j’ai entièrement composé la musique et le clip - j'ai intégralement géré ce projet - la seule personne a avoir vu le clip avant publication pour en assurer la relecture est ma grande sœur J’ai commencé à composer cette musique pour me faire la main sur un logiciel de MAO et pour renouer avec la création malgré des pépins de santé. Je trifouille la prod dans mon coin et en parallèle je m'imprègne des discours et autres interviews de Megan Rapinoe. Depuis gamine j’essaie de greffer des discours d’empowerment à de la musique. La première fois que je tente, j’ai une quinzaine d’années. Je n’ai pas de connaissances particulières en MAO, mais je bidouille. Quand fin 2019 je bénéficie de cours de MAO à la médiathèque de ma ville, les possibles deviennent accessibles. Réalisables. Lors d’un processus créatif évident, j’en viens à piocher des extraits de discours de Megan Rapinoe, pour les inclure sur ma prod, puisque les deux co-existent déjà dans mon quotidien.
J'essaie d'être la plus loyale et fidèle que possible aux propos de MR, sans pour autant les transcrire à l’identique. Il faut dire qu’à la base j’ai composé ce morceau à titre personnel et que ce n’est qu’après des heures et des jours de réflexion, qu’il a pris une dimension plus sérieuse et collective avec les vingt-cinq femmes présentes dans le clip.
Cette musique ne prétend pas se substituer aux discours originaux et puissants, prononcés lors de la parade de l'équipe des Etats-Unis à New York pour célébrer leur victoire lors de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2019 et à l'occasion de "Glamour's 2019 Women of the Year 2019". Je ne sais que vous inciter à les écouter et vous en approprier des valeurs.
Au fur et à mesure du processus créatif musical, des images se sont greffées dans ma tête. Jour après jour de manière de plus en plus évidente. Mentalement, j’ai développé l’idée en imaginant des copines, des attitudes, des façons de filmer, d’occuper l’espace public, de véhiculer des messages… Je propose alors à des potes si ça les branche de se filmer et de m'envoyer des plans, ou d'être filmées par mes soins.
Avant de s’engager, elles savent qu’elles découvriront la musique et le clip à l’occasion de cette publication. Elles savent qu’il s’agit d’un morceau engagé et qu’il y a des extraits de discours prononcés par « des femmes ». Oui, j’ai un peu noyé les pistes car mes proches savent combien j’apprécie les discours, l’engagement politique et l’attitude de Megan Rapinoe.
Toujours est-il que vingt-cinq femmes nourrissent ce projet qui a l’humble ambition de rendre accessible des discours qui ne le sont peut-être pas pour touTEs dans leur contexte original, en proposant un format plus ludique. S’il offre un humble hymne d’empowerment à des filles et des femmes du monde en priorité, j’en suis heureuse. Plus simplement, si ce morceau qui ressemble davantage à une histoire racontée en musique, permet de gigoter les épaules, la tête et plus si affinités : ça me va !
Pour terminer : “Caring is cool. Lending your platform to others is cool."
So ... Please, "shoutout for my teammates" qui m'ont offert de leur temps, confié leur image et leur force pour donner une toute autre saveur à ce projet. Merci à chacune, A K A : Alice, Arielle, Aurore, Caro, Charlotte, Co, Frederique Chaton, Jo Güstin, Lise, Laure, Li One, Mad Kate, Mag, Marjolaine, Myr, Pascale, Pat, Rapha, Raphaëlle, Sara, Soraya, Sydney, Tez, Wisi, Yuri & Gomar.
Megan Rapinoe official page : https://www.facebook.com/mPinoe Music : Graphijane. Video : Graphijane. https://graphijane.tumblr.com
------------- ENGLISH INTRO BELOW ------------ I produced this music/video clip after two speeches of Megan Rapinoe that I cut and mixed. My goal being to offer another access to people who are not comfortable with listening speeches. Though I tried my best to be loyal to what she said, this clip cannot substitute itself from the original, powerful speeches. * talk in New York City parade after the US team won the 2019 Fifa World Cup * talk at 'Glamour’s 2019 Women of the Year' 2019 Now allow me to proudly introduce my humble tribute to Megan Rapinoe and all my sisters over the world & watch the video ! 
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likethisandlikethat · 5 years
Can we please discuss the Megan Rapinoe power pose before she takes corners and free kicks 😍
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Shoot your shot -  Alex Morgan imagine
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(A/N: So, here’s an imagine nobody asked for in honor of my blog hitting 500 followers! Basically this is set during the 2016 Rio Olympics, it’s loosely based on Megan Rapinoe’s story of how she met Sue during that time after losing to Sweden. Anyway, r is a member of the Team USA women’s basketball. Enjoy)
"Come on, Alex. It'll be fun. Besides, we need the drinks to forget about this hell of an Olympics" Pinoe insisted, tugging on the forward's sleeve in their shared room.
"You're just going to go and flirt and leave me alone in the club. I will not be a part of that" Alex said indignantly, pouting on her bed.
Megan had been pestering Alex to go to a party near the athletes village in Rio de Janiero because her crush from the Team USA women's basketball team had invited her over.
But considering they had just lost to Sweden in the quarterfinals the other day, Alex was definitely not in the mood to go around and celebrate.
"No, I won't leave you. Plus, Sue said she'll be bringing a friend along. Please, Al? For me? Be my wing woman" Megan said, pleading with her eyes.
Alex looked over at Pinoe and rolled her eyes.
"Fine. But if you leave me alone I'm going to kick your ass back into the United States" Alex said.
Pinoe cheered and jumped up from the bed. She hurriedly went to her suitcase to rummage for something to wear to impress Sue.
Alex sighed and reluctantly got up to get ready too. What was she letting herself into?
"I hate you" Alex said, picking out a simple black crop top and her favorite skinny jeans.
"No you don't. Besides, you might even meet someone there" Pinoe said, winking as she put on a vintage band tee.
"I doubt it" Alex said. Meeting a prospective girlfriend wasn't exactly what she had planned on getting from her trip to the Olympics.
They arrived at the simple pub half an hour later. It was a bit busy, with more than a number of Olympic athletes enjoying their free time.
Most of the sports didn't have events for the next two days, thus the packed house of sports men and women from across the globe.
Pinoe was scanning the pub before finally seeing Sue, who was already on her feet and waving the two of them over to a small booth in the corner of the pub.
"Hey! Nice to see you guys" Sue said, giving Pinoe and Alex a hug. Her companion, a teammate on the national team also stood up.
"Megan, Alex, this is (Y/N). She's my teammate" Sue said, motioning to the other woman.
(Y/N) was dressed in a black sleeveless Nike hoodie that showed off her toned arms and Alex couldn't help but stare at the tattoo sleeve that covered the woman's right forearm.
"Hey. Honored to meet USA's best female athletes" (Y/N) said with a charming smile, extending her hand.
Pinoe shook her hand in stride but Alex had to be brought out of her trance before finally stuttering a "nice to meet you" before they all took their seats.
"You know, I don't know about being USA's best female athletes... after what happened the other day" Pinoe said bitterly. Sue reached out and squeezed her hand.
"Hey don't be so hard on yourselves. You guys we're amazing. It's a game, you win some, you lose some. You're still pretty badass" (Y/N) said with a toothy grin at the both of them.
"Damn right we are" Pinoe said, sharing an easy laugh with (Y/N), Alex was still a bit mesmerized at the female basketball player.
"I'll get you guys some drinks. Just tell me what you want" (Y/N) said, standing up and smiling at the group.
"Rhum coke for me" Sue said, (Y/N) nodded and looked at Pinoe.
"I'll have a dry martini please" Pinoe said. (Y/N) then looked expectantly at Alex, who was still spacing out in (Y/N)'s direction.
(Y/N) flashed an amused smile and before Alex could reply, Pinoe grabbed her by the shoulders and spoke for her instead.
"She'll be having a whiskey neat" Pinoe said, winking at (Y/N). The latter nodded and smiled.
"Nice. My kind of gal" (Y/N) said and walked away.
Once (Y/N) was out of earshot, Pinoe shook Alex while Sue looked at the pair amusingly.
"What's with you, Al?" Pinoe said, wondering what has gotten her friend so loopy before her first drink.
"N-nothing... I didn't expect Sue's friend to be so..." Alex trailed off.
"Cute?" Sue quipped.
"Hot?" Pinoe offered.
"Both" Alex said, flushing a deep red.
"Don't worry about it. (Y/N)'s a sweetheart and coincidentally, a big Alex Morgan fan" Sue said with a smirk.
Alex flushed even more, why would such an attractive person be a fan of her?
"She goes to a lot of NWSL games during our offseason. I think her mom used to play soccer before, so she grew up around the sport" Sue explained. Pinoe and Alex nodded along.
The three soon fell into easy conversation before (Y/N) finally got back with four drinks perfectly balanced in her hands.
"Here you go beautiful ladies" (Y/N) said with a grin, handing each woman her ordered cocktail.
(Y/N) took her seat across Alex, who was finally able to calm down enough to try and make a conversation with the attractive basketball star.
"So, (Y/N), how's the Olympics been treating you?" Alex said, playing with the rim of her glass as she tried to keep herself calm under the other woman's gaze.
"It's been fun, international basketball play is really physical. But I enjoy the challenge" (Y/N) said, her eyes sparkling as she remembered being on the court.
"We're playing Spain in the final next week. So I'm pretty pumped about that... Sorry about what happened with Sweden" the woman continued cautiously.
Pinoe and Alex sighed but nevertheless gave Sue and (Y/N) a sad smile.
"Well, we just have to bounce back stronger" Pinoe said. Alex nodded fervently.
"I'm sure you guys will" Sue said, looking over at Pinoe and they share a moment. Alex and (Y/N) glanced at each other and smiled at the their friends' interaction.
"So, I heard you're a NWSL fan?" Alex said, taking a swig of her drink. She relished the heat of the drink making its way down her throat.
"Definitely. You're actually one of my favorite players" (Y/N) said, scratching the back of her neck. Alex appreciated the flex of her muscles at her action.
"That's sweet" Alex said, blushing and looking down at her lap before sharing a smile with (Y/N).
"Something about your fire just really inspires me" (Y/N) said, trying to play off her honesty with a shrug.
"You're one smooth talker, aren't you?" Alex said, some of the alcohol already kicking in for an added notch of confidence.
(Y/N) blushed at being caught flirting but winked at her nonetheless.
"Is it working?" (Y/N) said sheepishly. Alex threw her head back with a laugh and the former's breathe is taken away.
"Walk me back to our dorm later and I'll tell you then" Alex said, flirting back.
"I might just take you up on that offer" (Y/N) said, winking at the soccer star.
The night continued on with both pairs falling into endless conversations with each other.
(Y/N) let Alex rant on about Jill and their Sweden game, she looked like she needed to let it all out.
The basketball star listened intently to Alex's words, only getting a little bit lost in her blue eyes every once in a while.
"Sorry, I keep on talking about myself and the team" Alex said, finally, catching herself going on and on about what had happened.
"No biggie. I like listening to you talk" (Y/N) said, grinning at her. Alex blushed and pushed a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
"What about you? Tell me about yourself" Alex said, motioning to the other woman.
"Well, what can I say? I'm Team USA's starting power forward, I play for the Connecticut Sun after three years of college in UConn. Oh and my mom used to play soccer for North Carolina" (Y/N) said, listing facts about her.
"Why'd you choose basketball instead of soccer then?" Alex said curiously. (Y/N) shrugged.
"Guess I'm just more comfortable on the hardcourt. Plus, my dad always dragged me to the basketball court to play with him and my brothers too" (Y/N) said. Alex nodded along to her story.
"But I do love soccer, still. As much as I love its players" (Y/N) said grinning at Alex once again. The latter blushed.
The pair are brought back into reality when Sue and Pinoe stood up, they both looked a bit tipsy already and had a knowing glint in their eyes.
"Guys... we're just going to go... somewhere" Pinoe said, slurring a bit already.
"Yeah. What she said" Sue quipped. The pair didn't even wait for (Y/N) and Alex to respond before they were scrambling off to god knows where.
"They're definitely hooking up" (Y/N) said, chuckling at the situation. Alex sighed and shook her head.
"I told Pinoe not to leave me alone" Alex said.
"Come on, is it that bad to be stuck with me?" (Y/N) said, grinning at Alex. The latter shot a playful look.
"A bit, yeah" Alex said. (Y/N) faked offense and scoffed.
"Rude. Come on, let's dance" (Y/N) said suddenly, taking Alex's hand before she could protest.
Alex planted her foot to the ground.
"Nope, nope. Not gonna happen" Alex said, feeling laughter bubbling up as (Y/N) tried to drag her to the dance floor of the pub.
"Come on, I bet you're really good" (Y/N) said, laughing as she tugged on the other woman.
"I'll step on you" Alex said, finally giving up and letting (Y/N) lead her into the crowded dance floor.
"I don't mind" (Y/N) said, grinning at her.
Alex rolled her eyes but started swaying to the beat of Major Lazer, Justin Bieber and Mo's Cold Water.
The two moved in sync to the beat, sharing smiles and laughter as they tried to weave through the crowd.
"You've got moves, Morgan" (Y/N) said, winking at Alex.
"I could say the same for you, (Y/N)" Alex replied. Seemingly like magnets, the two athletes continued on to close the distance between them until they were practically grinding on each other.
It took Selena Gomez's Hands to Myself to snap them back to reality and move back from each other a bit.
They were both flushed and had a sheen of sweat from dancing too close.
"Wanna get out of here?" (Y/N) offered breathlessly. Alex nodded and the basketball player took her hand and led her out of the club.
"I wonder where Sue and Pinoe are" Alex wondered out loud once they were out of the club. (Y/N) shrugged.
"They're big girls, they can handle it" (Y/N) said, grinning. Alex laughed.
They walked together in comfortable silence before sitting down in a patch of cool grass a few blocks away from the athletes' village.
"You know what I've really enjoyed about being in Rio?" (Y/N) said, looking up at the sky full of stars.
"Getting to meet me?" Alex said, laughing at her own reply.
"Well... other than that" (Y/N) said, smiling sweetly at the forward.
"What?" Alex said.
"The stars" (Y/N) replied, looking up at the sky again. Alex followed her lead and looked up too, indeed, the sky was full of stars.
"It doesn't look like this back in Connecticut and star gazing is definitely one of my top date ideas" (Y/N) said, subtly inching her hand closer to Alex's.
Alex blushed but kept her eyes up to the sky. For some reason, she could sense (Y/N)'s hand moving closer to hers and was anticipating the contact.
"So, is this a date?" Alex teased, but the blush on her cheeks betrayed the confident facade.
"If you want it to be" (Y/N) said, finally reaching Alex's hand. They intertwine their fingers and keep their eyes glued to the stars.
Alex only hummed in response and inched closer to the other woman, soon enough, she was already leaning her head on (Y/N)'s muscular arm.
They sat in comfortable silence for about 10 minutes before a yawn made its way to Alex's mouth before she could stop herself.
"Sorry. Must be a bit tired" Alex said, facing the other woman -- their hands still intertwined.
(Y/N) smiled and pulled Alex to her feet.
"Come on. Let's get back. We need our rest" (Y/N) said, glancing at the watch on her wrist.
It was getting pretty late and Alex nodded her head.
"I'm taking you up on that offer to walk you back to your dorm, by the way" (Y/N) said, grinning. She had let go of Alex's hand, the latter could only stop herself from frowning at the loss of contact.
"My knight in shining armor" Alex mused. (Y/N) guffawed and they started walking towards the USWNT's dorms.
Easy conversation fell between (Y/N) and Alex, sharing stories about their journeys to their careers.
They were both very passionate about inspiring younger generations to pursue their sports, despite being conceived as a male sport.
It didn't take long before they were in front of Alex's dorm and (Y/N) began shuffling in her place.
"So uhm, I wanted to ask you Alex if you wanted to go to the finals game next week. Us players have a few seats courtside reserved for us. My family couldn't make it because of schedule problems... but I'd really like you to be there" (Y/N) said hesitantly, she began to scratch the back of her neck again.
Alex smiled and pretended to think about it for a while.
"I mean-, only if you want to. I think Sue's inviting Pinoe to watch too. It's alright if you don't want to-" (Y/N)'s rambling is cut off by Alex's finger shushing her.
"I'd love to, (Y/N)" Alex said, smiling up at the taller woman.
"That's great. I'll see you then?" (Y/N) said, a faint blush on her cheek. Still having a bit of liquid courage left from earlier that night, Alex caught (Y/N) by surprise by pecking her on the cheek.
"See you then" Alex said. (Y/N) was slack jawed at the sudden display of affection and the forward couldn't help but find it cute.
"Good night, (Y/N)" Alex said, already making her way to the door. (Y/N) seemed to get snapped back into reality and grinned at the forward.
"Good night, Alex" She said, instinctively holding her hand up to touch her cheek.
Alex Morgan just kissed her freaking cheek.
Soon enough, Alex and Pinoe found themselves inside the arena and took their seats courtside while Team USA was warming up.
The latter had narrowed her eyes at Alex after she told her she wanted to go watch the Finals game with her.
"Did something happen between you and (Y/N) the other night?" Pinoe probed but Alex kept her mouth shut.
"Not exactly. But she invited me to come so..." Alex said, avoiding Pinoe's eyes.
Sue and (Y/N) spotted the pair in their seats and waved while doing warmups on the sideline.
Alex couldn't help but chuckle at the faint blush on (Y/N)'s cheek, one that probably painted her own cheeks as well.
Alex and Pinoe got comfortable while the official warmups rolled on.
It didn't take long before it was tip off time. The starting lineups were called and Pinoe nudged Alex when she cheered loudly as (Y/N) was introduced.
"What? Just supporting my friend" Alex said, shrugging.
"Yeah. A friend you called hot and cute just the other night" Pinoe said, laughing.
"Well, she is" Alex defended. Pinoe could only roll her eyes playfully.
Team USA was killing it against Spain, they were dominant and being a power forward, (Y/N) was always crashing the glass for rebounds and easy layups in the paint.
(Y/N) made a long bomb from beyond the arc to beat the buzzer in the second quarter and decided to give a little show to Alex.
Both she and Pinoe had a good front seat view to the shot and once it swished through the net, (Y/N) pointed at Alex and winked.
Alex blushed and hid her face behind her hands.
"Okay, what was that?" Pinoe said, guffawing at Alex's red face.
"Shut up" Alex said, but she couldn't stop the smile creeping up her face.
(Y/N) would once again interact with Alex when she swatted a shot away from a Spanish player -- she flexed her arms after the block, right in front of Alex and Pinoe's seats and the Orlando forward couldn't help the rush of blood to her face.
"Appreciating the gun show, Al?" Pinoe teased.
"I am actually, yeah" Alex said through gritted teeth. She wondered what else those hands can do other than do magic on the hardcourt.
The game ultimately ended with a lopsided 101-72 victory for the Americans.
Sue and (Y/N) came over to Pinoe and Alex to celebrate, already with their medals hanging around their necks.
Pinoe crushed Sue with a hug as Alex and (Y/N) were a little more hesitant.
"Sorry if those things I did during the game were a bit too much. I think I become a whole different person when I'm on the court" (Y/N) said chuckling, but Alex shook her head.
"It's fine. It's cute, really" Alex said, biting her lip. (Y/N) glanced down at her lips.
"T-thanks" (Y/N) said, wanting desperately to hug and kiss the other woman but didn't want to invade her personal space.
"Congrats on winning the gold" Alex said, wrapping her arms around the other woman's neck.
(Y/N) instinctively put her hands on her waist and blushed.
"Thanks... I'd say this is the highlight of my trip but I'd be lying" (Y/N) said, wriggling her eyebrows.
Alex laughed and kissed her cheek once again, but this time she leaned in to whisper something to the basketball star's ear.
"Take me out on a date back in the States and you'll have even more highlights to experience" Alex said in a sultry voice.
(Y/N) gulped and pulled away from the hug with a blush on her face.
"I-i'll definitely do that" (Y/N) said. Alex winked at her.
"Now go celebrate with your teammates, (Y/L/N)" Alex said.
(Y/N) grinned and ran back to her squad in the middle of the court, with Sue reluctantly in tow.
"Maybe this wasn't that bad of an Olympics" Pinoe said, staring lovingly at Sue.
"Mhm, not that bad at all" Alex replied, her eyes set on (Y/N).
The End
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sundayinthcpark · 5 years
me: *opens mouth*
my family: Yes we know you love the USWNT and love Alex Morgan and would die for the whole team and think they deserve equal or better pay and think Megan Rapinoe is a goddess and that Tobin Heath is the most beautiful woman on the planet and think Rose Lavelle is the most badass human on earth WE GET THAT.
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itsbuckysworld · 5 years
I shared an infographic regarding the USWNT game and the crowd chanting EQUAL PAY! Explaining why they were chanting it, and comparing the women team’s pay and successes to the male team’s... A friend of my brother seemed to take it to heart. This happened:
- Disclaimer, spanish is my first language when i say football i mean soccer :)
A friend of my brother just popped in my IG dm’s to tell me how the comparison between the women’s us team and male us team was terrible, basically trying to explain to me why the equal pay thing was nonsense – as if the women’s team doesn’t deserve it or are being paid justly for what they are.
It was the first time I’ve had one of those moments I see posts about on tumblr where men try to basically hijack/complain/mansplain any femenist/equality posts they see and women talk back. It had never happened to me.
Of course, I talked back.
Truth be told, I have never felt so much power than making him explain things (genuinely, cause I’m not well versed in the football world, male or female, I admit it) to then use them to prove my point. With basically the same claims over and over. 
He says the men’s team makes more publicity, more audience, more funds than the women’s team, because it’s also a traditional sport. I say it’s tradition because they didn’t let girls compete for so long. Are we paying based on tradition? Men didn’t let women do anything much before (still don’t in many regards), it’s unfair, men had DECADES of a head-start in making everything a male centered tradition.
He says there’s more competition when it comes to men trying to get into professional football. He says less women try to become sports athletes. I say maybe its cause men are given more opportunities? Girls try to play football and still get shut down cause in many places there’s still the stigma that it’s a men’s sport.
He says it’s a new market: there will be difference in pay. I say yes, I expect that from any point of view, in the beginning. Granted it shouldn’t happen but we still haven’t gone past that so yeah, but the fact remains it has to change, you can’t tell me we just have to live with that forever. It’s been however many years since the women are allowed to play football professionally. Enough years for this to change.
He says it’s a new market, and new markets need to adjust. I say yes... this is that. This is the way the market adjusts. So long as no one says anything, no one will do anything. If an office doesn’t stand up and tell their boss the work is unjust, the boss will never believe there’s reason to adjust what’s happening. This is the market adjusting: demanding what they believe is fair.
He says male football players are overpaid and overvalued. I say true: not female players tho. So it’s not the sport, it’s the genre, and that’s not enough base to do anything. Given talent has been demonstrated. 
He says there’s more male talent, I ask why? He says cause it’s cultivated more, I say yes... which is unfair, innit? All we want is equal opportunities.
He explains to me how football players get paid, not necessarily based on their performance. I say isn’t that a little unfair? And bad? That you don’t get paid based on what good job you do? Isn’t that how it should be?
He says in women’s games you don’t see the same quality of gameplay. I ask him what he means by that. He says he’s not a fan of the female sport. He says he doesn’t know of the female market of the sport.
I tell him to check the sources on the post I shared saying the women’s team has won more games, called more publicity and audience. That he sees if it’s true. He claims he never said it wasn’t true – yet his introductory comment was that the comparison is terrible and the men’s team calls more audience and publicity – I ask him how can he tell me then that the male team does more this or that, if he doesn’t know the numbers of the women’s team. He says the infographic I shared on my story (the one that started the debacle in the first place) gave him a “mini resume”, and based on what he knows of the male sport and economics he formulated an opinion. 
I say ok, good enough. Then take the male info you have to the same level or else it’s not fair. I say we both should look more into it then. I myself didn’t know there even was a big championship happening until I saw it around and people told me and shared their stand on the claims. On how Megan Rapinoe (and the whole team) is a badass and the team should get equal pay. (And every women’s team in every sport if you ask me)
And then I tell him until then, I stand by it, because I am that woman getting paid less just for being a woman. Because I’ve seen it before and I know this gender based pay difference nonsense exists in almost every aspect of society, and so long as no one says anything it will continue. The markets should change. They are changing. This is how they change.
He tells me yeah, but it’s annoying to the fans of the sport. I tell him it annoys me that there’s a pay difference in the first place, so... What should we do? I tell him that with his knowledge of economics he should do a whole study, compare it from the point of view of an economist. Get info, come back with hard facts, I tell him I’m not mocking him: I mean it. Cause I would love to see that report. I tell him to share it on his platforms, along with his annoyance over the matter and his opinion. It lets him voice his claim and it spreads the word and makes a conversation about the topic. Win win. In the meantime my point stands:
There needs to be a conversation. The longer no one says nothing, the longer nothing changes. The truth remains women are not given the same opportunities. The market needs to adjust; this is it. This is how it adjusts.
He doesn’t reply.
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woso-confessions · 5 years
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Megan Rapinoe Is a Badass Woman — Let Her Tell You Why via /r/NWSL https://ift.tt/31ed0pt
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via InStyle
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thegeekherald · 5 years
Megan Rapione adorned ESPY Awards in formal shorts
The women’s national soccer team of the United States are on their cloud 9 tours. The much-deserved victory celebration is bound to continue for days. For they had proudly won a record-setting victory of FIFA World Cup in France!!
After their victory parade in New York, the next stop for the team is ESPY Awards. Megan Rapione like all other times stood out in the crowd of 22-woman. However, this time it was not just her purple hair that made the difference, it was her attire!!
Megan Rapione once again surprised us all!!
The United States Women’s National Soccer Team accepts the Best Team award Source: People
The soccer squad rushed towards Los Angeles to get their hands on the Best Team Trophy. People waited to once again get a glimpse of the purple swoop of hair that sparkled all through the tournament. Of course, Megan Rapione did not disappoint any of her fans. She appeared on the red carpet looking immaculate in her tailored blazer which she coupled with formal shorts!!!
#MeganRapinoe wore formal shorts to the #ESPYs and now all we want to wear is formal shorts. https://t.co/dSIHLuDEzY
— InStyle (@InStyle) July 11, 2019
God, she has some sense of dressing!! Not a single person on earth could have seen this coming. Her unique purple hair perfectly complimented her badass formal look. However, she was not the only one who opted for a formal blazer.
Megan Rapinoe celebrates after scoring the opening goal Source: For the Win USA Today
Christen Press and Tobin Health were her two partners in the blazer attire category. Though non-of-them went for formal shorts!! However, Tobin Health kept her cool a level up to be wearing sunglasses all through the program. Well, they are not just good at playing football, they know how to play with people’s heart as well!!
All about the ESPY Awards
The entire team of 22-woman dressed and got their make-up done on the flight itself as reported by Carli during her speech. The acceptance speech was given by Lloyd and the reason behind it is way more funny than formal!
Having fun backstage @ESPYS with @Zionwilliamson and Megan Rapinoe pic.twitter.com/GwwjGW5Grq
— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (@kaj33) July 11, 2019
Megan Rapinoe said that she had dropped the F-bomb ever single time she was on the stage in the past three days. So in order to spare the audience from such a moment, she decided to stay for a lesser amount of time with the mic.
Looks like she is trying to allow her teammates an equal share of spotlight!! Well, she might be considered as audacious but her team spirit is definitely something worth admiring!!
For more updates and information stay tuned to The Geek Herald.
The post Megan Rapione adorned ESPY Awards in formal shorts appeared first on The Geek Herald.
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graphijane · 4 years
Me replonger dans les rushes pour faire cette vidéo est l'occasion d'acter définitivement que c'était une sacré aventure que de faire le clip "Badass Woman" ( dispo ici https://www.facebook.com/135408949937...​ et là https://youtu.be/mXE8K-US3BQ​ ).
Je le chérie d'autant plus dans la période que nous traversons où les relations sociales légères ou amicales se raréfient de mois en mois.
Le clip a demandé une quarantaine de mails, plusieurs heures de rushes, des dizaines d'heures de travail, il concerne vingt-cinq femmes, treize villes, trois pays, (...) et tellement d'imagination ! Sans parler des dizaines d'heures de travail pour disséquer les discours de Megan Rapinoe, les transcrire, composer la musique, accorder le tout avec mes bases de MAO apprises en six journées (sur deux mois). Le résultat est que c'est un des projets dont je suis la plus fière. Réunir autant d'amies -et amie d'amie- dans un laps de temps court, où une partie d'entre-elles a du comprendre à distance ce que j'espérais comme rushes (sans que je sache précisément où je voulais aller ?), le temps qu'elles ont consacré à tourner avec un•e proche et surtout : la confiance absolue qu'elle m'ont offert, ne sachant pas précisément ce que je souhaitais réaliser. Je voulais conserver l'effet de surprise ou le plaisir de la découverte et je n'avais pas dévoilé qu'il s'agissait d'un clip autour de la parole de Megan Rapinoe. J'ai également gardé la musique pour moi jusqu'à publication du tout. 
Aujourd'hui, dix mois après sa publication et avec le quotidien que nous connaissons, j'ai pris le temps de faire une petite vidéo qui donne un aperçu du peu de moyens matériels utilisés et surtout : des rigolades que certaines sessions ont engendré. C'était à la fois sérieux, drôle, intense, fort de composition et plein de générosité. Je ne sais pas si vous imaginez le personnel et le matériel que demandent la réalisation d'un clip, mais pour celui-là, chacune s'est improvisée cadreuse, comédienne, coiffeuse, maquilleuse, accessoiriste, gestionnaire de projet et tellement d'autres rôles ! Si je suis aussi fière de ce clip, ce n'est pas spécifiquement pour le résultat final ou les mois de travail que j'ai consacré personnellement pour qu'il voit le jour. C'est pour tout ce qu'il incarne. Un combo d'amitiés, de patience, d'énergie, de valeurs, d'apprentissages, de forces collectives, fédératrices et de créativité. Pour tout ça, j'adore le fruit de ce projet créatif loin de mes habitudes solitaires. J'ai réalisé cette vidéo "bonus" car derrière le clip final et l'image des femmes que je voulais véhiculer, il y a aussi beaucoup de sourires et de rigolades que j'ai plaisir à partager, d'autant plus en ce moment où la tristesse est latente dans les sphères publiques et privées. Encore une fois merci aux femmes qui ont participé à ce projet, merci aux personnes qui ont pris le temps de le découvrir, de le partager ou d'en discuter. Forte de cette expérience et des enseignements que j'en ai tiré, j'ai hâte de plancher sur un nouveau projet. "Badass Woman" est une première étape, clairement ! D'ici là, je vous souhaite de prendre soin de vous et de votre créativité. Graphijane. [Toutes les femmes qui apparaissent dans le clip final, ne sont malheureusement pas dans ces images, sauf pour le panneau de fin qui les rassemble] Musique de cette vidéo-bonus : "Summer Dress ft Bryan Simmons Oaklan - Hearts".
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