#badbuddy prompt
inhumanevoid · 2 years
so my brain did me a bamboozle and gave me this idea of crossovers. what universes u might ask? kinnporsche x bad buddy. do I have any details???yes. yes I do. many of them. pran is porsches bff. he keeps porsche in check, rides his sexy ass motorcycles w him and has his own Ducati or smth (which might be the source of pat's wet dreams but no one needs to know that), gives his gorgeous dimpled smiles to porsche's antics, gave kinn multiple death glares and threats after the diamond auction fiasco, and both Porsche and Pran occasionally team up with Vegas to bring chaos into their boyfriends' lives. also pran is an assassin. yes he is working w the theerapanyakuls.
as for pat, he is a businessman. handles kinn's legal fronts. all the revenue they earn from their stocks and casinos(the legals parts at least) and other companies, pat earns it and keeps the law enforcement away. he wears those ridiculously beautiful suits like kinn, sits in meetings with an aura that has u trembling the whole time, keeps a blank stoic face throughout presentations and then cracks his neck before taking over because those pieces of shits can't do one job right. he is also trained just like every other theerapanyakul and their bodyguards. Close range hand to hand combat is his strong suit, though he does dip his toes in the sniping pool once a while. Pat, kinn amd Pete all sit together to drink their neat whiskies at least thrice a week and more often than not the topic of discussion in the hangouts is the headache caused by bfs of said gentlemen through the said week.
khun korn is a good man here. he didn't shoot khun chayaphat and hasn't hidden nampheung for 20 smth years. porsche and chay's parents are alive and khun chayaphat is the head of the kittisawasd family. theerapanyakul, kittisawasd and jindapat are big3 of Thailand. the jindapats do the legals works, provide fronts for the illegal businesses. the kittisawasds handle international trade and relationships. and theerapanyakuls mainly work the illegal works, weapons transport, hits and bountys on people, the works.
free for use!! just tag my user/five proper credits if u use this prompt. please share them with any writers yk. also I would love to read u guys' take on this prompt so send me a link to ur work.
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suniteh · 3 years
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#BADBUDDY has come to an end but it will always hold a special place inside my heart!I have a lot of things to say but words are not enough! Here the comic project soon to be translated in a few languages ):) thank you to everyone that joined! I’ll also say this is a FAN project! It’s made by fans for other people that enjoyed this show! I made the drawings but it was made with other people that put their effort in giving me prompts and translating everything 💓 Thank you for joining me and indulging this girl in this small but crazy project! If you want to translate or give me other ideas just tell me, I don’t think I’m ready yet to say goodbye to this amazing show 💓
A lot of people helped me, they will all be credited inside the comic project cardd, I’m just figuring out how it works ! 🥲
Check the link to see the full project and also support me on Twitter please ? 🥲🤌 (Twitter link)
badbuddyfancomic.carrd.co ⬅️ here for the comic ⬅️
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@all-the-amazing-badbuddy-fanfic-writers. I have a soulmates AU prompt that I cant get out of my head. So if anyone is willing to write it, I will love you forever and ever and ever
"In a world where everyone is born with a time stamp on their wrist counting down to the moment they will meet their soulmate, as long as Pran can remember his timestamp has said 00:00:00:00"
I didn't send it to any specific writers because not everyone might like it. But please SOMEONE write it. 🥺
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