#mafia pt2 vegas
inhumanevoid · 2 years
so my brain did me a bamboozle and gave me this idea of crossovers. what universes u might ask? kinnporsche x bad buddy. do I have any details???yes. yes I do. many of them. pran is porsches bff. he keeps porsche in check, rides his sexy ass motorcycles w him and has his own Ducati or smth (which might be the source of pat's wet dreams but no one needs to know that), gives his gorgeous dimpled smiles to porsche's antics, gave kinn multiple death glares and threats after the diamond auction fiasco, and both Porsche and Pran occasionally team up with Vegas to bring chaos into their boyfriends' lives. also pran is an assassin. yes he is working w the theerapanyakuls.
as for pat, he is a businessman. handles kinn's legal fronts. all the revenue they earn from their stocks and casinos(the legals parts at least) and other companies, pat earns it and keeps the law enforcement away. he wears those ridiculously beautiful suits like kinn, sits in meetings with an aura that has u trembling the whole time, keeps a blank stoic face throughout presentations and then cracks his neck before taking over because those pieces of shits can't do one job right. he is also trained just like every other theerapanyakul and their bodyguards. Close range hand to hand combat is his strong suit, though he does dip his toes in the sniping pool once a while. Pat, kinn amd Pete all sit together to drink their neat whiskies at least thrice a week and more often than not the topic of discussion in the hangouts is the headache caused by bfs of said gentlemen through the said week.
khun korn is a good man here. he didn't shoot khun chayaphat and hasn't hidden nampheung for 20 smth years. porsche and chay's parents are alive and khun chayaphat is the head of the kittisawasd family. theerapanyakul, kittisawasd and jindapat are big3 of Thailand. the jindapats do the legals works, provide fronts for the illegal businesses. the kittisawasds handle international trade and relationships. and theerapanyakuls mainly work the illegal works, weapons transport, hits and bountys on people, the works.
free for use!! just tag my user/five proper credits if u use this prompt. please share them with any writers yk. also I would love to read u guys' take on this prompt so send me a link to ur work.
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heretherebedork · 2 years
Ok this may be kind of long so please bear with me. It seems like VegasPete are better suited for the Mafia lifestyle than KinnPorsche. I like BLs but at times it seems too sweet...almost cavity inducing. That's why I like a bit of a darker show (TharnType was the first BL I was actually interested in watching if that gives any context) so although I can enjoy most series, I am usually not fully engaged. But when this series was announced I was hooked immediately. And from what I see so far it seems clear that KinnPorsche could exist outside the mafia which is why the date episode didn't seem strange or out of character. Porsche is trying to adapt but you can tell he is an outsider because of his humanity. Kinn is doing what is expected of him which is why I get his dad's concern of him being in love because deep down he is truly just a lovable sap. Yes Kinn can be cut throat but I think that's survival and maintaining the image especially after the lessons learned from his last relationship. But I don't believe this is who he truly is or wants to be. I view them like chocolate; has different sweetness levels, sometimes messy, great in all different recipes/environments and just overall enjoyable(Pt1.)
(Pt2.) VegasPete on the other had are my SourPatch babies. Vegas is sour to all and sweet to who he let's in whereas Pete is sweet to all but will show his sour side to the right person. I can't imagine Vegas in a regular life that doesn't involve violence and deception because that's just who he is. Pete I feel is a chameleon where he can naturally fit into any environment that's why his goofy sweet moments are as reasonable as his darker complex moments. (These characters assessments are purely based on spoilers as we haven't had a chance to fully see both sides of VegasPete yet). I feel Pete probably didn't have moral dilemmas about his job and the violence required like we have seen with Porsche. For him if someone had to die they just had to die rather than their being a purpose or an end goal which is why I think he will do well as Vegas' partner because with him there might not be a reason. All this was to say that I can imagine Kinn as head of the minor family where he isn't as deeply involved in the mafia as he currently is and is viewed as a hard but decent business man to the community with Porsche. VegasPete I could see as being the head running the underworld with whatever means necessary to keep others in line. Like having a public face to the company (KinnPorsche) and the illusive CEO (VegasPete).
Ah, so we have very different taste as TharnType was one BL that had me mostly pissed off because nothing had real consequences and all the drama felt manufactured specifically to play into scenarios that didn't work well for me. That is always interesting to know. And that's what makes this so interesting to me.
In any other BL? I'd be eating up these cute scenes. I normally love them. I normally adore them. But here? It doesn't feel right. It doesn't sit well for me. I just can't get past the two halves of the relationship they share to find the whole.
I get that they're going for that but my problem is that the way they show those sides isn't working for me. I get that it is for most people and I wish it was for me but the tonal shifts and changes are just making my head spin instead of drawing me more into their loving relationship.
A lot of people are talking about how this episode is needed to explain why they love each other but for me this episode already assumed that they loved each other and went from there. I don't know any more why they love each other or what they're doing together or why from this episode because I feel like we skipped a whole bunch of that because it was all tied into trauma and they can't handle that alongside the fluff.
But anyway.
Yeah, anon, I get what you're saying and what they're trying, it just doesn't work for me.
As for VegasPete... I just don't know. I feel like there's a lot of things going on with them that are gonna turn out different than we expect.
I mean, honestly, at this point I expect the same tonal issues with them so I'm no longer trusting anything I've been trying to analyze or predict because the tonal shifts means I can't.
I'll probably still try once I get another chance.
But... expectations set to confusing.
(no book spoilers)
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