#bodyguard/boyfriend porsche
respectthepetty · 2 years
Bodyguard -> Boyfriend -> Boss
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Porsche and Palm, sleeping their way to the top, literally.
Good for them.
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
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You know what's (extra) funny about this scene? It was totally unnecessary for Porsche to use Kinn's phone here -
Because we see later that he had an actual camera on him:
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Okay, I can hear you asking - where was he keeping that thing? And that's a fair question that we'll never get the answer to...
(or maybe he bought it at the café giftshop after they ate)
But regardless - Kinn also had a whole new phone that he was planning to give Porsche:
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So, Kinn totally could have taken the opportunity at the café to give Porsche his present - let him take as many pictures as he wants, and let him know at the start of the date that he trusts Porsche to have a phone outside of missions, because he's more than just a bodyguard
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But then - Porsche wouldn't have been able to leave his mark on Kinn's phone. To make sure Kinn always has something to remember Porsche by, in case he just so happens to miss him too
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shou-jpeg · 8 months
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The Care and Keeping of Weird Guys
by disast3rtransp0rt
AO3 | 2,092 words | T rating
Chay once read online somewhere that you can lure skittish cats back home with blankets that smell like their favorite human. Looking down at the huge ergonomic beanbag and blanket he has 'casually tossed' (very carefully positioned) near the corner of his room where Kim pretends he isn't Edward Cullen for 1-2 hours every night, he crosses his fingers that the same tactic will work on his adorable not-quite-burglar/not-quite boyfriend. --- On a mission to gather information about Kinn's newest bodyguard and his Father's strange behavior as of late, Kim stumbles upon one (totally not adorable beyond all reason) boy who poses a couple problems. The first is that he's a major security risk if Porsche shares intel. The second is that Kim can't stop thinking about him.
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@live-from-flaturn and I work together bring you a healthy dose of nonsense.
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Kinnporsche The Series Fans, what do we think about the bodyguards manhandling the heirs?
Cus like, both Pete and Porsche are trained bodyguards right? When shit hits the fan, they are going to get their heirs/boyfriends out of the fucking way. And if they notice something before Kinn and Vegas do, they might have to act before explaining.
I keep thinking about the main four in like, a VIP section in a club, Pete leaning on Vegas lounging on a couch for support while Kinn and Porsche while are talking to some smugglers or something. Suddenly, Porsche notices some weird movements from the other side's guards, and he catches Pete's eye. Immediately they both grab their respective Theerapanyakuls and shove them behind some piece of furniture and start shooting.
Meanwhile Vegas and Kinn are looking at each other in shock from where they landed, clothes rumpled and yanked out of place, sprawled out inelegantly because they didn't have time to think about how they landed. They forgot that their lovers are also badass fighters, they had to have been, to become bodyguards for the biggest mafia family out there. They both just realize that they are really really into it.
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the-babygirl-polls · 3 months
Porsche - Kinnporsche: The Series
he is THE babygirl. literally a brown eyed bisexual man so what else do you need. is a street fighter and bartender who rides motorcycles and ends up becoming a mafia bodyguard where he has a bisexual awakening and discovering the joys of bottoming. gets railed by his big tiddy mafia boyfriend and does some killings on the side. is a total himbo with a heart of gold but WILL fuck you up if he must
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discluded · 1 year
In this we walk hand-in-hand as equals: Revisiting KinnPorsche episode 8
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A quick and dirty meta in honor of the anniversary of KPTS episode 8: the date 😊
I think now with the entire arc of the series ironed out and all the haters having left, we can say this was definitely the second best episode of the series (behind 6, of course! sorry to episode 7!!!) and also definitively not a filler episode. I'm breaking this into two parts: some of which other folks have said already, and some which I don't think anyone has explicitly said though maybe many people feel.
Part 1: Hand-in-Hand
You know media literacy is bad when a character explicitly says why the events following the statement need to happen and people still call it filler. 🙄
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The events of episode 6 established that Kinn and Porsche love each other, not just desired or were infatuated with each other, but truly love each other in a soul-crushing, earth-shattering way that they're wiling to give up their own happiness and safety for the other. Episode 7 established they may love each other but they still don't know each other well. There's work that needs to be done.
So what does episode 8 say?
That it's not just infatuation, it's not just being in love, it's not just sex or desire. What they built when sheltered from the storm is strong. It's a foundation for a love that will weather the storm.
They're not just two people who love and care about each other, they're also two people who can build a life together and are doing just that. Episode 8 is them putting in the work.
So that despite what lays ahead for them, what they have is worth fighting for.
Oftentimes, what we see in romantic dramas (BL or otherwise) is solely focused on the earth-shattering feelings of emotion, about two people finally getting together. To be honest, I'm bored by that. And half the time, I'm not convinced it's a relationship that will last. Just because there are feelings doesn't mean it's meant to be. People fall in and out of love all the time.
It's so refreshing to see a series make an argument that says it's not just about the feelings, it's about two people who are working on making it work. It gives us the reason they keep fighting for each other and their relationship. And that's why KinnPorsche's episode 14 marriage vows are so believable. We saw them fighting for it, and we have a glimpse of what it could be. They love each other in the way adults who want it to work love each other.
Part 2: As Equals
The second part of this I don't see discussed as often is how it (re)establishes them as equals in the relationship, both within the context of the show and metacontextually.
Let's discuss within the context of the show first.
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There's a notable power difference between Kinn and Porsche as members of society and of course, as mob boss and bodyguard. However, episode 8 lays out the argument that within their relationship, they are equals and it's important to them that they are equals. Emotionally, they give as much as they take from each other. (I'll discuss the physical aspect in the next section.)
Especially because this episode serves as a prelude to the Tawan arc, episode 8 importantly contrasts boyfriend!Porsche against Kinn's relationship with Tawan, and also Kinn's relationship with escorts. Kinn, being who he is, is often expected to be the one who provides: who provides comfort, or entertainment, or gifts, or experiences or luxury or money. And with those, there is an expectation to the quality of what he provides.
Tawan betrayed Kinn because he was bored and greedy and dissatisfied with what Kinn provided. Tawan saw what Kinn had to offer, both physically and emotionally, as deficient of what he could get elsewhere, and this is the basis of his betrayal.
Kinn's experience with his escorts is purposefully emotionally vacant, but even with those escorts, there is a certain expectation to what Kinn provides as well. While this is not explicitly textual within the show, the escorts gossip among each other and within high society. Kinn's life is full of expectations of who he is to even people who he doesn't know but who know him.
And instead Porsche came in and said: I want to take my man out on a date. I think he will like tiny cupcakes scones. (And Porsche was right.)
Though Porsche was worried about the restaurant being closed ruining the date and disappointing Kinn, the secret ingredient was there from beginning: when Porsche said, I want to romance Kinn, I want to take him on a cute date.
Kinn deserves to be romanced as much as Kinn wants to romance Porsche. The secret ingredient is that Porsche cares and Porsche put in the effort. That he doesn't see Kinn as a means to an end of where he gets something shiny, but as a partner in a relationship they are building together.
It was never going to be about the specific date experience or how expensive it was -- it's about effort. The main thing that Kinn and Porsche can put into their relationship in equal amounts is effort.
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Metatextually, Porsche being the one initiate and organize the date is also important. To understand this, we have to back up to look at the context of heteronormativity and gender role expectations within society that is reiterated and reinforced by drama tropes.
I've mentioned to friends that romantic dramas, particularly a certain class of kdramas, reinforce to their primarily straight female audiences expectations of falling in love and being romanced, without taking into consideration the realities of relationships. And I don't mean the mundanity of the day-to-day here, I mean specifically that women expect to be romanced without expectation that they have to romance someone in return. Or if it is, the gestures are gendered in specific ways (e.g. flowers and being taken out for an expensive dinner vs. cooking a homemade meal).
The thing is, we do see those types of heteronormative tropes reinforced in gendered ways in BL dramas as well, where the [straight] audience brings in expectations of gender roles based on who tops and bottoms in the relationship, not even taking into account that many queer people are switches.
But even putting that aside, there is nothing wrong with queer folks having a top/bottom preference, sometimes even a strong preference. For one, it's refreshing to see Porsche being portrayed as a bisexual man who didn't realize he was bisexual until he realized being a bottom was an option and that his preference in bed (and this one is a preference) isn't tied to his masculinity, his physical prowess, or being kickass and kind of scary.
I also found it so refreshing that Porsche deciding he wanted to go on a date wasn't tied to hokey gendered roles of who asks whom on the first date. In fact, it was even more pleasantly surprising to have Porsche reveal he's never gone on a date before: so his initiative can't be tied to the fact he's "used" to play the "masculine" role of initiating dates. It's just Porsche deciding he wants to go on a date to romance his boyfriend and even though he doesn't have the experience, putting his whole heart in it.
Even something as simple as this can be demystifying of the queer experience. There is no "man" or "woman" assignment in the the relationship, even when there are sexual preferences. And having a sexual preference doesn't reinforce or take away from masculinity. They are two men who are both men and are in a relationship. And they both put equal effort into romancing and taking care of each other.
Episode 8 supremacy forever. 💖
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It's been six months since Pete and Vegas started living together, and while many things are amazing ( i.e. the many and mutual orgasms)  sometimes Vegas is really…off…
Yes, he is still dealing with the effects of being shot and helping Porsche run the minor family; because Porsche still doesnt know what the fuck he is doing most of the time, but there's something else going on  
Something more.
Something deeper than just the trauma of being shot, or losing his father.
He sees it sometimes when they are having sex, or when it's late at night and Vegas gets quiet and has a far away look on his face. He feels it sometimes when the younger man flinches away from his soft touches, when he doesn't exactly apologize, but says he's just distracted and tired. 
He hears it when Vegas is sleeping and cries out, eyes shifting quickly behind closed lids, quiet moans and protests leaving his lips as his body trembles next to Pete in their shared bed. 
Pete tries to ask him about the nightmares  about the looks, about the times he feels like he's disappearing, but is met with resistance and repeated I’m fine's. 
It doesn't matter, though. 
Vegas doesn't have to admit anything. 
Pete starts piecing things together little by little on his own.  
They don't talk about Khun Gun. 
But he’s with them all the same. 
In those first fragile weeks after, when his thoughts and feelings were a festering open wound as raw and real as the ones maring his chest, Vegas would scream, and sometimes he would cry.
Never in front of Macau. 
Never in front of the doctor or nurses. 
Never in front of anyone but Pete. 
Because Pete had stayed. And he knows that means something to Vegas. 
He knows because of the way Vegas holds him and squeezes his hand in the dark hospital room and lets out a bitter angry sound before hissing. “I'm glad he's dead. I fucking hate him.” 
Pete hums in agreement. He's glad the bastard is dead too.  
“I hate what he did…what he made me into, made me do….but a part of me still ….it still loves him….wants to have made him proud.  Fucking ridiculous. I'm so fucking pathetic.” 
The words are heavy, weighted in a strange way that Pete can't quite place. 
He tries to comfort him anyway. “You're not pathetic. He was your father, Vegas. It makes sense that a piece of you will always be a little boy that loves him and hates that he never gave you validation.”
Vegas gives him an unreadable look before muttering, “If you say so.” 
It isn't exactly him accepting Pete’s words, but he takes it as a win. 
Vegas has always liked to play rough. It's one of the things Pete fucking loves about him. He knows just how to get Pete to that distance floaty place where Pete the bodyguard nee-boyfriend ends and Pete the pet begins. He knows just how much and where to hurt him. Vegas loves to tie him up, belt him, flog him, use all the right toys and clamps to make Pete squirm. To make him scream. 
But there is always one thing that he doesn't do that always surprises him. Even that first time, when he was still technically Vegas’ prisoner, even now when they're role-playing and Pete asks to be fucked raw and without any prep….
Vegas's idea of no prep is obviously different than Pete's. 
Because no matter how or what they are doing, Vegas always makes sure he's wet. If not with lube, with copious amounts of spit. Even now, when Pete is practically begging him to shove his fingers inside of him dry, it's like he physically can't do it. He's already shoving his fingers into Pete's mouth to make sure they're coated. A quick don't want you to tear, baby whispered in his ear. 
Pete grunts in disappointment, he wants it to hurt dammit, but he knows this is not something he wants to fight right now when he's so close to having a mind blowing orgasm. 
Instead, he just files his observation away to look closer at it another day. 
When Vegas was in the hospital they'd had a lot of time to talk, and while Vegas refused to discuss certain topics in length, (his father's death) he was more than willing to answer Pete's questions. Especially those regarding Porsche. 
It wasn't a…fun…conversation, but since Pete was aware that Vegas was behind his best friend being drugged, he felt like he needed to know how far Vegas had been willing to take it. He'd needed to know if he'd planned to assault him. 
Vegas hadn't shied away from the question. He'd held eye contact and insisted that it had never been his intention to sleep with Porsche. He'd only wanted to leave a few marks to make Kinn think someone had. 
His face had gone a bit tight, his mouth a bit pinched, when he'd added that he didn't Like having unwilling partners and that he had even told Porsche that when he'd left the hickey on his neck. (Porsche  later confirms that he remembered  muffled words being muttered in his ear) 
Pete believes him. 
Mostly because of their own fucked up beginnings. 
Because despite the neck licking, and the wandering hand brushing close to his cock, Vegas hadn't actually done anything explicitly sexual to Pete when he'd caught him. 
It was simply torture, and it had been expected. Sure, It had turned Vegas on, and he'd made a couple lewd remarks, but he hadn't forced himself on Pete. It wasn't until Pete himself kissed him in the safehouse that it became purely sexual. 
And now when they play, when they do scenes, they have safewords and check ins and Vegas always makes sure Pete is good and that he's not too far gone or in too much pain. He gets off on hurting Pete, but he also likes taking care of him afterwards. He's strangely attentive and somewhat tender. 
So he is fairly confident that while Vegas is a sadistic, manipulative asshole most of the time, he actually cares about the consent of his sexual partners. 
Which should be the norm, if you asked Pete  but he knows it isn't. Especially in their line of work. Even Khun Kinn had….
Well….that's beside the point. 
The point is that this is another piece of the puzzle that makes up Vegas and his past that Pete is trying to put together. 
Vegas doesn't bottom….
Or he doesn't usually bottom. 
And that's fine with Pete. He is more than happy to be the one getting his back blown out. Prostate orgasms are great, thank you very much. 
But Pete had made a post coital comment about how sexy Vegas's body was and how hot it would be to watch him riding Pete’s cock, and Vegas had said he wouldn't be opposed to that as long as he was on top. 
So they tried it. 
And fuck. Pete had been right.
It was the hottest thing he's ever seen. 
But when he'd moved, lifting Vegas up to flip them over and pin him to the bed, his boyfriend had gone completely rigid and dislodged himself from Pete, moving to the other side of the room  with a deep frown and a quiet I told you, l need to be on top. 
Pete had apologized profusely and suggested that Vegas just tie him up so he wouldn't get any stupid ideas like that again. After a few minutes he'd nodded and done just that and they'd ended the night fully satisfied. 
But Pete couldn't forget the look of fear on his face when he'd flipped them. 
There was a reason why Vegas didn't bottom. 
Why he wanted consent. 
Why he wanted at least a little prep.
Why he didn't want his partners to tear.   
It reminds him...
There had been rumors at the Main family compound….that the Minor family heir sometimes sweetened arms deals with his charm….with his body. 
Pete had scoffed at them in the past. Just because Khun Vegas liked having sex and blatantly collected Kinns throwaways like trading cards, didn't mean he was sleeping with the family's business partners for better deals. 
But now? Pete is starting to believe that maybe there is some truth to those rumors.
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airgiodslv · 5 months
I chatted with a friend about how to share fanworks on Tumblr, and she suggested it might be too much to share them in individual posts, so here's a monthly wrap-up instead. I'm including late March, because I rewatched KinnPorsche over spring break and it jumpstarted my creativity.
Wikubus, Kim/Chay, rated T
Chay knows that summoning a demon is a bad idea. He knows, okay? There are countless media depictions of what happens when someone decides to bargain with their soul. It never ends well.
It’s just.... There have been a lot of rumors popping up lately in the fan spaces Chay frequents. Comments that suggest Chay’s pop music idol Wik might secretly be a demon.
Specifically, an incubus.
Mafia Wife, Porsche & Chay, background Porsche/Kinn & Kim/Chay, rated G
“Hi, Hia,” Chay chirped. “I’m your backup.”
Porsche was here tonight to meet with a crime boss who’d been cutting into the minor family’s profits. He couldn’t imagine Chay being appropriate backup.
“I have bodyguards,” Porsche reminded him. True, they were Gun’s people. He and Kinn trusted them about as much as they trusted rival crime bosses, but they were trained. They had guns.
Chay had better not have a gun. Porsche gave him a once-over, then squinted. “Are you wearing eyeliner?”
bring you to your knees, Kim/Chay, rated G
Kim’s free arm is around his waist, his chest warm down the length of Chay’s spine. They’re pressed so close together that Chay can feel it when Kim huffs out a laugh.
“I thought you wanted to see the cover photo. It’s okay, I cleared it with the magazine. You can look.”
“I can’t,” Chay says, “or I will die.”
Mafia Mistress, Porsche & Kim, rated G
“For the record,” Porsche said, “I’m very uncomfortable with this.”
Beside him, Kim tilted his chin up to give Porsche a withering look. “Do you want to talk about comfort right now? Which of us is wearing heels?”
Guardian, Kim/Chay, rated T
Chay registered the stench of the canal, and the drag of water pulling him slowly, relentlessly down. His clothes were a sodden weight he struggled against as he kicked toward the surface. They hadn't tied his hands and feet.
It didn't matter. He was drowning.
the closer I am to you, Kim/Chay, rated T
“Is this for the mystery sex box?” Porsche asks. He follows Chay to the bedroom and stops in the doorway, looking around with open curiosity.
“It’s not a sex box,” Chay protests.
time to make a choice, Porsche/Kim, background Kim & Kinn & Khun, rated M
Their parents set the wedding date. Kim is officially out of time.
Minor kidnapping & light murder, Kim/Chay & Macau, rated T
Macau gets kidnapped by douchebags right before school. At least he has company. Although this is how he knows it’s amateur hour, because when they grabbed Macau, they took Porchay Kittisawat along with him.
looking back, moving forward, Kim/Chay, Kinn/Porsche, past Porsche/Kim, rated G
“Hia!” Chay can’t resist his curiosity. He’d really thought he’d have to make introductions. “You’ve already met Kim?”
“Kim?” Porsche asks.
“My boyfriend,” Chay explains slowly.
“Your boyfriend,” Porsche repeats.
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snickerdoodlles · 6 months
kinn being a cheater
Kinn is a horny bastard that have tasted half of the bangkok gay population before Porsche but he is a romantic at heart and he loves deeply which is why the betrayal from Tawan cut him so bad and took him so long to move on to the point that he had to resort to escorts because he doesn't want to get his heartbroken and go through the pains of another relationship. So him finally getting together with Porsche after all the shit they go through together makes their relationship even more precious to him.
Kinn loves and adores Porsche to his core, and we have seen this again and again from taking a bullet for him in the forest to him moving out of the compound with Porsche. He worships the ground Porsche walks on. And he is smart enough to know how to value someone.
Also, people keep forgetting how he was groveling at Porsche when he got home and saw that he was angry with him. He didn't even know what he had done but man was already about to cry 🤣
And remember after their confession at the bathroom, the following day Kinn was already like "should we announce????? 🥰🥰🥰" he was gone gone and I bet he was already planning their wedding that day hahahaha
So making him cheat on Porsche with another bodyguard or whoever doesn't make sense to me. never has, never will. 🙅‍♀️
so for a hot second i forgot about the tea asks thing and only saw the first line of this and i was immediately puffed up like "THE FUCK YOU SAYING ABOUT MY BOY?!?!" 😂😂 so HARD AGREE ANON lol. i personally haven't read anything where Kinn cheats on Porsche, so cheers to that, but Kinn is just. so ready to be a boyfriend. he literally refuses to kiss people because he has a soft heart he yearns to give no matter how many stupid apple knife talks his father gives him or how dangerous it is for someone like him to love. and then when Kinn gives it anyways, he wants everyone to see he gave it to Porsche, because he is in LOVE and SO HAPPY about it. he is the cutest person, i adore him and his big soft heart so much 😭❤❤
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shubaka · 1 year
okay what about a KimPorsche fake dating au but it's ACTUALLY just fake dating and the endgame is KimChay & KinnPorsche? (although we could go the KimPorsche route, but i feel like it could be funnier if it wasn't)
So the premise is that Wik has been getting some alarming stalkery letters and his management is seriously Worried. Kim isn't, but he can't really explain why, but Kim also doesn't want to let any word of it get to his family because, A, if they take care of it, his father will undoubtedly count that as yet another thing Kim owes him; and, B, if it blows up in public it'll be a headache dealing with the press and he doesn't want to give the stalker the satisfaction of knowing that he's getting any of Wik's attention -- let alone the fan's and the public's.
And so to keep his manager/agency happy he agrees to hire a bodyguard as long as they're inconspicuous but the dude they hire? Porsche? He's far too pretty and people keep noticing him at events and Kim doesn't want to say that he needs a bodyguard and blurts out that it's his boyfriend.
ANYWAY, Chay finds out and is DEVASTATED. "Hia, you lied! You said you were just his bodyguard??? You know how much I love him. People are already writing RPF about you two. This is the worst day of my life."
Kinn is immediately suspicious but wants to find out for himself and when he finally meets with Kim & Porsche, he's initially antagonistic but somehow finds himself charmed by and falling for Porsche and he's So. Guilty. About. It!
And something something Porsche really likes Kinn and Kim really likes Chay but Kinn and Chay are, at this point, convinced that Porsche and Kim really do like each other -- sure, Porsche and Kim are always fighting (affectionately) each other, but that's also how they show their love, right? And they don't want to interfere because they are happy for their brothers. Really!
Anyway shenanigans and miscommunication and an eventual conflict with the stalker-dude leads to everyone figuring out what the fuck is happening and they live happily ever after.
Has this been done? If not, can someone please write this for me? Thanks :')
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saturnskyline · 1 year
I love protective!Kim, after the promotion Porsche assigns bodyguards to Chay and they happily report that nobody ever has even tried to do anything to Chay. But they just don’t know that Kim is always a step ahead, eliminating threats from other mafia families before they even get close enough. Kim’s love language is dead bodies. 💚
okay yeah, i'm obsessed with this. the progression of things post-canon drives me insane... like. imagine the whispers among the other mafia families once porsche becomes the minor family head. he's like a nepo boyfriend (baby even? stuff with namphueng is complicated), and it's no secret to anyone paying attention that he's not qualified for this job. now imagine them finding out about his little brother, and thinking they've struck gold with how vulnerable and naïve he is. imagine them going after chay, so pleased with themselves at their discovery, and one by one, getting taken out. and then suddenly, the whispers change. "don't go after that kittisawasd boy; he seems like an easy target, but no one who gets close to him makes it out alive." it's startling, since no one was expecting that level of vicious retaliation for approaching such a new mark. it goes well beyond the work of typical bodyguards with its precision and brutality.. and yet, even the bodyguards are clueless. in fact, the only clarity comes to those in their final moments, who, after taking one step too close, come face to face with the youngest theerapanyakul son, a wild glint in his eyes before he sends them to their maker 🫠🫠
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the-cookie-of-doom · 11 months
okay @fawndlyvenus @shubaka this is for you lol
Chay learns, very quickly, that there are a lot of things he and Porsche no longer know about each other.
For example: Porsche had no idea that his own boyfriend's youngest brother is the same guy that's existed within a shrine on Chay's wall for, oh, five years? And when he found out about Kinn's AWOL brother, Porsche had a name, but was never able to put a face to it, because Kim was too busy stalking Chay, and giving him guitar lessons - which Porsche never found out about, either - and taking him on dates, and then ripping his heart out of his chest. Chay decides not to tell Porsche about that last part, because by the time he can, he and Kim have already made up and gotten back together, and it would make things very awkward with Porsche. Who already disapproves of Kim on principle.
So, there are still things Chay and Porsche don't know about each other. And there are more things they wish they didn't know about each other.
Still, somewhere during Porsche's apologetic, secret-sharing mood, he revealed some things about his early days as Kinn's bodyguard. Namely his interactions with the Minor Family. Chay has gotten some of the details from Macau as well; how the first time they met, Porsche shoved him into the koi pond and broke his face on a statue. (Porsche fiercely insists that's not the real story).
Between the two of them, Chay is able to piece together a story.
Kan demanded that Vegas keep an eye on Porsche. Vegas enlisted Macau's help to reel him in with a false apology, and bribe him with the cherry red Ducati he's always wanted. Chay also learns Vegas kept a much... closer... involvement with Porsche than strictly necessary. And this part of the story always makes his stomach turn, the way Vegas would push and push and push, trying to take what wasn't his, and Porsche never quite looks at him when he talks about it. Chay doesn't look at him, either.
Porsche insists that he and Vegas are cool now. Pete insists Vegas has changed, and Porsche tells him that as far as he can tell, it's true. Vegas no longer acts like the monster his father forced him to be, now that his father is dead.
Still, he tells Chay these stories, because there's a part of him that still believes Vegas is dangerous, and Porsche needs him to know. To understand. To be safe.
Macau, to his credit, doesn't take offense to the way Chay always flinches when Vegas is mentioned. They never hang out at Macau and Vegas' new house - they're not unwelcome at the minor family house, but they stay away, there's too many memories - and bringing Macau to the main compound always make him a little nervous - Khun loathes Macau just as much as he adores Chay - but they figure it out. Pour over google Maps for an hour trying to establish an acceptable No Man's Land where they can meet in peace, without painful memories bleeding out between them.
Mostly that takes place at an internet cafe roughly in the middle of them, where they can game and bicker and act like normal kids for a while. In another year Macau will join him in university, and it'll be even easier to negotiate their interactions. For now, Chay will continue to feel like he's sneaking behind enemy lines the handful of times he picks Macau up directly from his house.
"He really has changed," Macau says one day. They're in the compound this time, at Khun's koi pond, and Maucau keeps looking around like he's waiting to be shoved into it. They're the only ones in the garden. Neither of them comment on Tankhun standing in his window, watching them fiercely.
Chay tosses a torn off piece of bread into the pond and says, "Mhm," and pretends he doesn't know who Macau is talking about. But Macau is kind of an asshole, and won't let him.
"He feels bad."
"I don't know why, it's not like he kidnapped me." He technically didn't. Chay knows that. He still doesn't like him.
"He keeps making sad faces at me and asking if you hate him."
Chay laughs at that. The next piece of bread is thrown at Macau. "Liar."
"Yeah, I am," Macau laughs. "He really does feel bad, though. He's got a thing about fucking with little brothers, y'know?" He tears into his own loaf of bread. It mostly crumbles into the grass as he picks at it. "Vegas really didn't mean for you to get caught up in everything. Tawan went behind his back."
"Yep. It's cool. Really." It's really not.
Macau sighs.
He stops trying to convince Chay, though. Maybe it's because he looks up at Tankhun's window, sees the unfiltered loathing pouring through it, and shudders, and yeah. He understands. And Tankhun never ever really did anything to him, not like Tawan - and Vegas - did to Chay.
"You know, that was the worst day of my life," Chay says casually. "Well, second worst. Actual worst was way worse, emotionally at least, but that day started as the best day of my life-"
"Because of Kim?"
Chay nods, a blush dusting his cheeks. They've finally managed to get their shit back together, so they can get back together, but it's only been a few weeks. It's still new and kind of scaring, and sometimes Chay still thinks he's going to wake up and find it was all a dream. He's working on it.
Macau scrunches up his nose and says, "This family is so weird. You don't have any other brothers, right? Because I think I'd be genetically obligated to try and smash, and I don't really want to."
"Dude! You're actually insane."
"Dude, come on - think about! Your brother is banging Kinn, Vegas tried to bang him, and you're doing your thing with Kim-"
"No one's tried with Tankhun, right?"
"Yeah, but that's cause he's weird. So that just leaves me, right? The last eligible Theerapanyakul bachelor." They both break into laughter so deep it hurts, and Macau throws himself into Chay's side, batting his lashes. "But hey, if you and Kim don't work out..."
"I hate you," Chay says, and Macau's worst fear finally comes true as Chay shoves him into the koi pond, and a pair of guards come running when they hear screams.
By the time they get there Macau has pulled Chay into the water, and the two are playfully trying to drown each other, and the guards look at each other, unsure if they should get involved.
In the end, they're called off - by Tankhun, who secretly hopes Chay succeeds in drowning Macau, eagerly watching from his window - and the boys eventually drag themselves out, waterlogged and sore from laughter.
No one could tell they're crying beneath it all, months of pent-up emotions finally released. They cling to each other as they catch their breath, and maybe it's a little desperate, grasping hands that hurt, but it's okay, because even if their ribs are aching and their lungs are burning, and nothing is certain, they're okay.
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silviakundera · 2 years
hilariously the 1st time I watched Kinnporsche I was feeling pretty neutral about it, and now in my 3rd view I'm like STUPENDOUS AMAZING JAZZ HANDS EVERYBODY WHOOOHOOOO.
other than the all too rare Evil Wins ending, my other favorite thing is that our protagonist absolutely at no time in the series is a competent bodyguard. BLESS HIM.
in episode 1 he declares he'd rather die and damn it, my boy Porsche is the voice of a generation. u can make gen z & gen alpha get a soulless job they hate to pay the mortgage BUT U CANNOT MAKE THEM DO IT WELL YO FUCK CAPITALISM.
malicious compliance icon in the first days on the job and then he puts in just enough effort in order to achieve the least painfully boring position
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during the first 6 episodes he lets his boss get strangled, gets yanked away from gun fire by his boss, is saved from a kidnapping by his boss, and finally his boss directly takes a bullet for him.
with his charge finally, inevitably, hospitalized, porsche takes a break from bodyguarding in episode 7 to do some very capable henchman work. and then thankfully for everyone involved he is transitioned to Secret Boyfriend and then Offical Boyfriend Who is Also Henchman #2, his most powerful hybrid form. take a bow my dude.
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shou-jpeg · 1 year
-Back on the Beat-
Part 4. 06
One year later
November 19th, 9:50pm 
Kim hits a high note and the crowd goes wild. 
He’s sweaty and high on adrenaline, approaching the end of his largest show yet. 
It’s only a few hundred people, but it’s also a sold out show, and Kim still feels a little overwhelmed with that knowledge.
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Porchay is in the crowd. 
He had walked into their apartment five weeks ago and announced to Kim that he was going to celebrate the end of his first year of university by devoting himself wholly to being WiK’s #1 fan; a job he then applied himself to with as much, if not more gusto than he applied himself to studying medicine. 
He looks ridiculous right now, dressed head to toe in unofficial, homemade WiK merch. He’s also holding a handmade sign above his head and Kim has to stop himself from smiling like an idiot every time he looks over at him so his fans don’t start rumours.
They'd agreed to keep their relationship on the down-low, for now. Only while Kim builds his audience, since being single sells.
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He holds Chay’s gaze throughout the entirety of the song they wrote together and the people around Chay are definitely noticing. Kim isn’t doing a very good job at being subtle, he thinks.
Oh well. 
He’s exhausted, but he raises his arms over his head and makes a heart with his fingers to thank his audience as he closes the set. The crowd goes wild once more and Chay is giggling into his hand over something.
He’s so cute. 
He’s probably laughing at Kim though, Kim thinks warily. 
A few days later, Chay announces that a photo of Kim from his concert is going viral on twitter and is doing wonders to boost his popularity both nationally and internationally. Something about people thinking he’s cute?
Kim considers how much he can press and the wary way the bodyguards back at the compound look at him when he walks past. 
He’s definitely not cute.
Porchay won’t let him see his phone though, and he can't be bothered to check himself.
Whatever. So long as it’s getting him good reviews.
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May 23rd, 6:05pm - a few months earlier
“I think Jimbo likes you more than me now.”
Porchay scoffs. “That’s just because I’m the one who feeds him most of the time. You’re always out these days, being all popular and in demand. What will we do when you become proper famous?”
“You don’t like having a popular boyfriend?” Kim pouts, turning to look at Porchay from where he lies on the bed, watching him play with their cat. Porchay only moved in last week, yet he’s taken on being a cat parent like nothing else. Kim has barely even cleaned the litter this past week. It’s been a weird disruption to his daily routine, but it has given him a lot less to worry about with his increasingly erratic schedule. 
He released the song they wrote together last month and it hit the national top 10. He’s had three different studios reach out, wanting to sign him. 
Kim tries not to think about it too much; it’s too overwhelming, how good he feels about it. The bars he usually performs in are starting to become too small for the crowd that he draws. 
He should probably hire a manager. 
Porchay looks up at him. “P’Kim as your biggest fan, I could not be more thrilled to be dating my idol. It’s like I’m living inside of a fanfiction.”
Kim hums, hesitant.
“Does that mean we get to live happily ever after?”
It’s way too soon, they’ve only been together six months. Kim was ready to spend his life with Chay from the moment Chay unblocked him, but he’s pretty sure there are rules around these things. 
Kim isn’t good at this. Porchay told him so himself… though he was smiling at him fondly when he did. 
He’s smiling that same smile at him again now. 
“Yeah,” Chay says, soft. “We get to live happily ever after, p’Kim.”
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February 10th, 9:28am
“I want to study medicine.”
Porsche looks at him with almost comical surprise, and Porchay tries not to laugh at his expression.
They’re out at their new weekly brunch date together, and Chay has been waiting for the right moment to bring this topic up. He’s spent a lot of time over the past few months, both on his own and with Kim’s help, figuring out what he wants to do with his future. He’s feeling pretty confident in his choice, but he hasn’t even begun looking at universities yet and enrollments are coming up soon. 
“I’m not sure what field I want to specialise in yet, but I’ve thought a lot about it and medicine feels like the right direction for me. I should have at least a year of classes before I have to choose my field - I want to feel it out a little and see what feels right for me. I was hoping you could help me look at university courses?”
Porsche puts his fork down and settles back, serious but obviously trying to hold back his glee. “Of course, Chay. We can get you into any university you want.”
“No!” Chay interrupts him, “I want to get in on my own merit. I only want help finding a good course… please…”
Porsche smiles at him, big and wide and happy. “You can do it! Come around here, let’s start now!”
Chay gets up and moves around to join Porsche on his side of the table, bringing his phone with him. 
“Okay, so I’ve already been looking at a couple courses. Tell me what you think, hia…”
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February 6th, 11:39pm
“What about some sort of doctor?”
Porchay looks up at Kim. 
They’ve been going through lists upon lists of career ideas and quizzes and self help guides. It’s been nearly four hours and Porchay really shouldn’t have been as surprised as he was with the seriousness and intensity at which Kim approached the task. 
Kim loves solving cases and sorting through things. It’s something Porchay discovered recently, and even though the topics themselves sometimes aren’t so cute, the way Kim gets when he has something to solve in front of him definitely is. 
He reaches over to smooth the little furrow between Kim's brows. “What kind of doctor?”
“I don’t know. You said before that you wanted to do something to help people, but didn’t put your own self at risk.” He's right, but it’s also a little left field. All the results from Porchay’s quizzes have pointed him in the direction of something creative, and they haven’t done much research outside of creative careers yet. 
Porchay thinks about Porsche and his new, scary job. He thinks about Kim and his tendency to push himself too hard. 
He thinks about Khun, and Kinn and all the bodyguards.
Yeah. Something about that feels right.
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January 26th, 10:45am
It’s their two month anniversary and Porchay is nearly jumping on his heels as he waits in the lobby of Kim's building. Kim approaches slowly, trying to look cool and not at all as nervous as he feels inside. 
Chay has been secretive about today, only telling Kim to keep his schedule completely clear. He's been distracted every time they've seen each other over the past couple of weeks abd Kim has had to put a surprising amount of effort into not trying to suss out what Chay has been planning for them. 
An effort that proved even more challenging when Khun's crytic texts began rolling in even couple of days.
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Of course it turns out Khun was on the money with everything. As usual.
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“You never use it, so I stole it back the other week and made you this.”
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November 28th, 10:35am 
“I’m a little nervous.” Chay is sitting across from him, boba tea in hand and a light flush to his cheeks. 
They’re at their usual boba tea spot, but it’s also their first date.
Kim is feeling the same. 
Chay laughs at him lightly. “P’Kim! Are you nervous too? You’ve hardly said anything since we got here.”
Kim takes a moment to consider, looking up from his tea at Chay’s slowly growing smile. 
“...mmmm.” Chay laughs loudly enough that a few people around them turn in their direction. Kim smiles. 
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misspoetree · 1 year
So the lovely @haahka and I were talking about Tay and how it's a bit sad that the fandom only ever seems to send him on shopping tours or focus on his fashion (you guys know that I'm obsessed with the KinnPorsche Fashion myself, but it's just a little...unadventurous, you know).
And then I got waaay to deep into headcanons with the equally lovely @tumsa (I'm not even sorry for the spam 😌❤).
Now, there are two things I want to do: first, I'd love to hear more Tay headcanons - feel free to throw them at me (as an ask, in the tags, added to this post, whatever you prefer). Because I'm really curious. 👀
And second, I'm going to share a few of mine:
Tay is way more capable than anyone thinks. (But no one needs to know that.)
People treat Tay like a princess within the show - I mean, he isn't even allowed to help in the kitchen at Porsche's. But I don't think Tay IS a princess. I think it's a protective façade. Because letting oneself be underestimated is a (survival) strategy in a world of money and constant power struggle, and a smart one at that. Yes, Tay is really good at reading people in general, but I also feel like people tend to let their guard down around him. Because he's kind, and understanding, and compassionate - and he seems harmless, a bit spoiled even. His 'softness' puts people at ease, makes them talk, makes them more honest than they probably should be. He's not a threat after all. I bet he knows a lot of things he shouldn't. I bet he's smart enough to use that knowledge (to help other people, to help himself, if needed). And I bet Tay could be fucking dangerous if he ever chose to (and wouldn't that be exciting 👀).
I also like to think that Tay has a strong survival instinct that goes beyond 'pretending to be incapable'. He and Kinn have been friends for ages, their families know each other, he basically grew up surrounded by mafia. He probably witnessed Tankhun's kidnapping back in the day. The horror and trauma of it. Tay's family is rich. He's close to the Theerapanyakuls. To the future head of the family. But he DOESN'T have an army of bodyguards following him around. And the downside of 'being harmless' is looking like an easy victim. Tay is too smart to be unprepared. So in my headcanon he knows how to handle a crisis, knows how to deal with danger, knows how to survive. Knows how to get out of the country quickly, how to get money without leaving a trail, how to get an unregistered gun. How to land a mean punch even though he hates it, how to apply (good) first aid EVEN THOUGH HE HATES IT. (I do think that he really isn't a fan of physical stuff, so the princess image is not completely off. Or, well, he lets it work in his favour.)
Tay's reaction to being hurt, being really hurt, is to shut his emotions down completely.
I don't enjoy how Tay's often written as dramatic and over-emotional in his confrontations with Time after what happened at Hum Bar. He isn't sober when he catches his boyfriend shoving his tongue down another man's throat, and well, his boyfriend is shoving his tongue down another man's throat. So of course he's fucking angry. And emotional. Right then and there. But the thing is, Tay had time to think, time to cool off in those other confrontations. And that's just the way to describe Tay's demeanor then: cool, cold, like ice. I like to think that he just freezes over. Turns into a statue of neutral disinterest. Just imagine: someone like Tay, always so kind and compassionate, staring you down with an expressionless face, not reacting to anything you say, looking close to fucking bored. Imagine what that would do to Time, always so full of himself, always so used to getting reactions out of Tay. Walking straight into a wall of ice. Completely out of his element. Really forced to put the work in for once. And it truly is hard work to break through to Tay once he closes his feelings off from you. A little bit of grovelling might be necessary. (That said, dealing with his emotions like that isn't good for Tay either. Of course not.)
There's...'something' between Tay and Vegas, some kind of understanding
I never got over TAY asking after Vegas in the final episode. Or the way Tay watches Vegas as he passes him during the auction. So I'm having a lot of fun wondering about the 'relationship' between Tay and Vegas, or how potential interactions could have gone down.
I mean, Tay 'belongs' to Kinn. We know that Vegas wants everything that belongs to Kinn (I bet he thinks Kinn must have fucked a pretty boy like that at least once. Even though it's not his usual type. Why else would he stick around?). Tay's caring and understanding. We know how Vegas can react...to something like that. (Not him falling in love after one free therapy session or something like that.) Tay is really good at reading people, he is really good at reading Kinn. And we know Vegas is not so different from Kinn (in some ways), even though he would murder anyone suggesting something like that to his face. Or maybe that's exactly what Tay does. Telling that to his face. As Vegas tries to seduce him, in the earlier days. But Tay doesn't try to wound him with that, to be cruel or mean, it's just an observation, spoken in that calm and understanding tone of his. And a younger Vegas is so shocked by that statement that he just...stops? And stares at Tay who just keeps going with that warm look in his eyes and those observations that hit a little too close to home until he can't take it anymore and turns on his heel to...definitely NOT run away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Vegas keeps his distance after that. That princess isn't worth the effort, he tells himself. Or maybe he doesn't. Maybe he stops trying to seduce Tay, yes. But they end up talking again. And again. Because Vegas desperately needs to know what Tay meant with those things he said. And there's just... something about their conversations that keeps Vegas coming back. Until (stealing some thoughts from @tumsa here <3) Tay tries to convince Vegas that the competition between him and Kinn is dumb. Vegas does keep his distance, then.
And Tay gives up trying to help, trying to make him see how futile all of this is because it's clear Vegas won't listen to anyone but his father. But he still cares about Vegas, and seeing all the things Vegas does to himself without realising, seeing that ever-growing self-destructive obsession with Kinn sits like a leaden ball in Tay's stomach. The knowledge that he can't do anything to help is a bit like its own form of torture.
Anyways, (stealing again from @tumsa) Tay definitely ends up going to the hospital to visit Vegas. In secret, of course. And seeing Vegas and Pete together, seeing Vegas being changed by love, seeing him try to be a better person for Pete, putting all this effort in to make it work - maybe all of this forces Tay to reflect on his own love life for once. To reflect on the things he wants. The things he deserves, after all.
Nearly everyone had a crush on Tay, one time or another
You guys know the thing we do with Vegas? Like how VegasPete is the holy grail of endgame ships but it's so much fucking fun to ship Vegas with everyone and to imagine all his possible encounters and escapades? Because he's manipulation, seduction and psychological issues stacked on top of each other and wrapped in a velvet shirt?
Well. I like to do the same thing with Tay. For more or less opposite reasons. Because he's understanding and warm and compassionate and smart (and really pretty). In a world full of violence and trauma and repressed emotions, only sharp edges. I mean, who wouldn't crave the warmth, who wouldn't want to bathe in the sunlight for a while? I'm pretty sure people are falling en masse for Tay. And I think Tay doesn't always know how to handle it. Or genuinely doesn't realise what kind of effect he has on those poor bastards for doing nothing more than showing them a bit of kindness. Or maybe he's simply choosing to ignore it because he only has eyes for one person and one person alone.
Anyways, a lot of fun directions to go with this last headcanon for now. (And I'm keeping it intentionally vague and without examples because otherwise, this would turn into a multichapter fanfic I don't have time to write just now. 🤡)
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lily292 · 2 years
Pete and Porsche’s Drunk but Not Marriage
So I’ve seen that text post where Pete and Porsche married their best friends and Kinn and Vegas are mad about it. I’ve been thinking about this a lot and went what if it was deliberate and not accidental.
So very very early on in canon, Porsche has a meltdown of oh my god if something happens to me what happens to Chay. He is freaking out in his room. Pete comes back somewhat tipsy from drama night. Pete has just watched a kdrama about a marriage of convenience and his tipsy brain has a lightbulb moment.
What if they got married and then their dependents (grandma and Chay) can rely on the other one if something happens. After all, neither of them have had a serious relationship and in their line of work it seems unlikely to happen. Why not marry your best friend? (I don’t think Thailand allows same sex marriage at this point but for plot purposes suspend disbelief)
This was a drunk idea but Porsche thinks it’s brilliant. Sober Pete also has no objections. So the next free day they have at the same time, they go register their marriage. Pol also has a free day so they drag him with them as second witness (Chay is first)
Afterwards, they stop for lunch where Pol tells the waitress that his friends just got married and they proceed to get couple discounts on their food. (Pete and Porsche are regretting they haven’t gotten married sooner) They video call grandma and tell her the news. They go back to the main family compound reassured there is now a backup plan if something happens and as long as they don’t die at the same time it’ll be fine.
They forget about their marriage.
Canon happens. Pol is sweating bullets once he realizes that Porsche and Kinn are a thing. Does he tell Pete? Pete surely knows, Arm’s mentioned his suspicions to Pete. Surely it’s nothing. Pete knows that Khun Kinn announced his relationship with Porsche. Is this an open relationship? Is Khun Kinn a home wrecker??? (Pol is losing his mind because he is the only person in this house who has not forgotten about the marriage)
Tawan happens, Chay gets kidnapped, Pete gets kidnapped, Chay moves to the main family compound. He is very confused about where this Kinn person came from. What about Hia’s husband P’Pete?? It takes him a few days of confusion where he’s trying to figure out how to ask but then stumbles upon Tankhun’s funeral plans for Pete. Oh. Hia has become a widow and this new boyfriend is a rebound. Chay decides not to poke what is surely an emotional sore spot and goes with it.
Pete reappears. Chay promptly decides that he is not getting involved in this drama he has his own heartbreak to deal with thank you very much. (He thinks this is why they leave the main family compound so doesn’t question it when Porsche wakes him suddenly and takes him away)
Post canon, Chay (and Pol) have lost the plot. What is happening between Pete and Porsche and Kinn and Vegas. They don’t know. It all comes to a head when one day Kinn and Porsche announce they’re engaged.
Pol doing bodyguard duty is very very confused. Chay is also very confused but actually in a position to ask questions.
Chay: Hia, weren’t you and P’Pete already married.
Cue various shocked reactions
Pete and Porsche now have to explain how they got married and then promptly forgot about it.
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