#bae jacob fic
daisyvisions · 10 months
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The Boyz - NSFW Links Edition (Pt.4)
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI because as the title literally states… NSFW links! (all links are afab! reader and are sourced from twitter!)
A/N: Happy Anniversary TBZ! And what better way than to post some spicy videos of our lovely boyz? 😏 (and with extra spice included if you know what I mean 😘) As always, if there are links that don’t work or don’t exist please let me know! Enjoy 💕
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Bully!Sangyeon begging you to do this to him after having a dream about you
You and Roommate!Jacob can never get enough of each other after that one night
Returning Enemy!Younghoon another favor you owe him after helping you out again
Classmate!Hyunjae always making your study sessions a little more interesting than the last
Brother’s best friend!Juyeon joining you during your morning shower when he sleeps over
Agreeing with classmate!Kevin your favorite thing to do together when you hookup
What Spoiled Rich Kid!Chanhee dreams about at night if he had you as his
Going back to Ex’s rival!Changmin’s house for some more fun after the party
Fratboy!Haknyeon letting you take the lead to help you practice your skills more
CEO!Sunwoo calling you into his office for some “disciplining”
Trying out more things Boyfriend!Eric after he get so turned on by that side of you
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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cupidjyu · 9 months
good for you
jacob x reader (requested by the one and only @zzoguri!!)
the 3 times you and jacob could have had something more and the 1 time you actually did.
genre: best friends to lovers, university au, pining by mostly jacob, confessions, misunderstandings, mentioned exes, reader has abandonment issues oops, kissing for practice, cuddles, their love language is sleeping together, gentle kind understanding sweetie jacob notes: i hope you enjoy this !!! i loved writing this request!!! <33 and again, im sorry this took so long :( see you whenever i can! word count: 14.7k
“You’re a lifesaver,” You groaned once you noticed Jacob entering your dorm with a paper bag of freshly baked cookies in his hand. You jumped off your bed, slightly crumpling the endless papers of notes laid out across your sheets. Stumbling over to where he was staring at you with concern, you clung to his arm, cupped his face with one hand, and pressed an obnoxiously loud kiss on his cheek.
“Is it that bad?” He stared at you, unimpressed. 
“Yeah?” You narrowed your eyes at him before snatching the bag from him and bounding back to splay out your bed.
“Didn’t you say that you were going to stop eating sugar? Yesterday?” He followed you further into your dorm. He set down all of his things and put back all of the clutter that was laid out on your table and the floor. He knew where everything went after the countless times he’s lounged around here.
“Okay but I cannot stay awake without sugar and I have an exam tomorrow,” You grumbled, gesturing for him to sit next to you. You turned back to your computer, rolling onto your stomach and scrolling through the endless slideshows to try to pretend like you were retaining any information. Frankly, you were more focused on the delicious cookies melting in your mouth.
He shrugged, silently reaching over and organizing your papers. He knew that you often got stressed when your environment was messy. You made no effort to keep it clean though because he always did it for you.
“And how was your day, Cobie?” You mumbled, glancing at him briefly before turning back to your notes, You shifted slightly on the bed, allowing him space to lie down next to you.
“Boring. And you shouldn’t be studying on your bed, you know. You always fall asleep.”
You huffed. “Just because you’re my best friend doesn’t mean you have to dote on me.”
“You know I’m right.” He smirked.
“I won’t, I promise.”
“But you always fall asleep. Like last time.”
You rolled your eyes, burying your face in your arms. “Stop bringing that up. It’s been five years already.”
“But I’ll never forgive you for embarrassing me in front of Sunwoo.”
“C’mon, you always let him tease you anyway,” You retorted.
Your eyelids threatened to shut any minute now. You had managed to find a spot to finally escape the stress that was called high school responsibilities. It wasn’t the most comfortable spot though–against the brick wall of the building, sitting on the concrete floor. Still, you couldn’t care less, enjoying the sun that perfectly hit the side of your face as your uniform fluttered in the wind.
After that point, you didn’t know what happened until you woke up. But Jacob had vividly described it to you because he found it that amusing. Though, he always told the story with a fond smile on his face.
“Can you pass the ball?” Another student called out to you. His uniform was messy and crinkled after playing with his friends for so long. When he noticed no response, he jogged over to pick up the soccer ball that rolled over and knelt down. He snickered slightly, tilting his head to peer at you curiously. “That can’t be comfortable…” He muttered. 
Silently, he contemplated what to do. Ultimately, he stood up. Not to leave you, but to kick the soccer ball back to his friends. Then, he turned back to you and gently lowered himself down to your side. Almost immediately, like a magnet, your head found its way to his shoulder and you were already dozing away. This time, with a lot less neck pain.
His lips quirked up as he played with his fingers quietly. He ignored his friends who were gesturing to him in the distance to come back, instead choosing to lean closer so you could sleep more comfortably. 
But then he heard footsteps approaching.
“Oh, shit!” Sunwoo gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth after appearing from around the corner of the same brick wall.
Jacob jumped, waving with his hands frantically to tell his friend to go away. But Sunwoo only began to jump up and down in excitement.
“Shhhh–” Jacob whispered. “They’re sleeping.”
“You’re dating someo–”
“I don’t even know who the hell this is.”
You smiled to yourself, long roused awake.
You had already heard the whole conversation but found it all too amusing so you ended up pretending to sleep for a few more minutes. Once you were sure that his friend had wandered off somewhere else, you blinked your eyes open. The curiosity got the best of you as you slowly lifted your head up to peer at the mysterious student’s name tag. He’s got an amazing shoulder for a pillow.
“That’s a bit rude, Jacob.”
He jolted once again, turning to you in surprise. You smiled lazily back at him.
“You’re awake.”
“Yeah,” You yawned. “And thanks for your shoulder but also I don’t thank you for not even bothering to look at my nametag.”
“Even if I knew your name, I wouldn’t know who you are.”
“Fair,” You hummed. You looked him over. He had a friendly look to him. Gentle eyes, a nice-looking smile, and brown tousled hair that shone in the sun. “You look like a Jacob.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He raised an eyebrow. “You do know that I gave up my soccer time to let you sleep on my shoulder, right?”
“Shush.” You stuck your tongue out. “It’s not like I forced you to. You’re just too nice with your super nice smile.”
“I can’t tell if you're insulting me or complimenting me.”
“Both.” You leaned your head back against the wall with a tired sigh. Then you turned back to him with a mischievous smile before setting your hand out for him to shake it. “Friends?”
He blinked at you. And then he smiled back and took your hand in his. “Friends.”
“I’m tired of this,” You whispered, thumping your forehead against your now-closed computer. 
“At least look this over.” He held out one of your papers, with a title clearly underlined with red. “Looks important.”
“It is but—“
“Just one,” He encouraged. “I’ll hold it for you.” And just as he said, he shuffled closer to you, holding the paper for you to read. You sighed but obliged, your eyes scanning over the words. Gradually though, the sentences began to grow blurrier and more jumbled. His arm looked awfully comfortable right now.
“Jacob,” You warned, turning to him. He stared curiously, his face surprisingly close to yours. “Jacob, I’m gonna go.”
“Go where?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
“To sleep.” You grinned before slumping down. No longer were you propped up on your elbows. Instead, you laid down, your cheek squished against his forearm as you snuggled close to his body warmth.
You heard a disappointed yet fond sigh leave his lips. He put down the paper and cleared the bed of everything so you could properly cuddle up to his side.
“You always take care of me,” You mumbled quietly. “Why?”
And for some reason, even with your eyes closed, you could sense his soft smile—the one with the gentle gaze and warm cheeks.
“Because you deserve it.”
“You flunked it, didn’t you?” Jacob grinned, standing up from where he was leaning against the wall. “I told you to stop studying on your bed.”
You scowled, walking alongside him. “You shouldn’t have waited for me, I’m getting coffee with a friend.”
He smiled wider. “Right now?”
You froze, staring at him sheepishly. You shifted on your feet. “…no. But soon.”
He hummed. “Good, cause I’m giving you this.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. It was beautiful with an opal charm in the middle. 
You stared at it with awe in your eyes and then turned your gaze up to Jacob. Already, you could feel tears prick your vision at which he only chuckled at the sight.
“Don’t cry,” He giggled, reaching an arm around you to pull you close to his chest.
“Why?” You pouted. “Did I miss my own birthday or something?”
“No,” He laughed. “I just wanted to give it to you. I thought of you when I saw it.”
You narrowed your eyes through sniffles before slapping his chest weakly. “How much was it?”
He shook his head. “It was on sale, so it was  cheap.”
You nodded before lightly touching your own bare neck. You smiled at your best friend.
“I want to put it on,” You stated, reaching your hand out. 
“Okay,” He whispered. But instead of placing the necklace in your palm, he stepped forward and reached his arms around your neck to clasp it on himself. He moved any strands of hair that were in the way, his fingertips just grazing over the back of your neck. You shivered and stayed completely still, staring straight ahead into his chest with wide eyes. 
It felt like hours but he finally stepped back with a soft smile.
“I knew it would suit you.”
You beamed. Just before you were about to say anything else, you heard a voice call out your name. It was your friend, standing just meters away waving excitedly.
“I have to go,” You said, looking at Jacob with bright eyes. 
“See you at your dorm?” He joked.
You thought for a moment before nodding. “Sure, I’ll bring ramen.”
“I was jok—“
“Still, I need my pillow to sleep on tonight.”
“My arm or my chest?” He lifted an eyebrow.
“Still deciding!” You called out, running towards your friend. You skipped over to her and immediately started rambling about your new necklace.
“It’s pretty!” She fawned. “Sometimes I think you’re actually dating.”
You gawked and immediately started laughing. “No! That’s— that’s so wrong.”
She blinked at you, completely confused.
“Have you seen the way he looks at you?”
It was stuck in your head–what your friend said. He looked at you like any completely normal person. He always had a friendly, caring expression on his face simply because that was his nature. There was nothing different and nothing more in your relationship except friendship. 
You couldn’t focus on that anymore though since you were now caught up in a game of truth or dare. After exams, the whole floor of your dorm decided to gather for a party. You hated going alone and so of course, you had to bring Jacob. 
The two of you tried to sit together on the floor but quickly became separated by the amount of people crowded into one room. You frowned, settling onto the floor next to two complete strangers.
Help me, You mouthed to him.
He shrugged. Wanna leave? He mouthed back.
You shook your head. This will be fun.
He nodded and turned his attention back to the bottle spinning in the middle of the circle, about to choose its first victim. It slowly came to a stop, landing on a guy who you remembered his name to be Sangyeon. He was nice. He once let you borrow his umbrella.
“Truth or dare?” Eric leaned excitedly.
“I dare you to… text the person you have a crush on and ask them out on a date!” 
Sangyeon’s eyes widened in horror. Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone and soon, it was like the whole population was crowding around him, cheering giddily when Sangyeon began to text a message. 
You locked eyes with Jacob who’s across the room, obviously out of place. You smiled with amusement and silently shuffled over to him. 
“I don’t get this game,” He grumbled.
“You don’t get any fun. You only like soccer and basketball since you’re so good at it.” A familiar image appeared in your mind of Jacob, left only in the white dress shirt of his school uniform, wiping sweat off his forehead as he easily shot a goal.
“Thanks.” Jacob grinned stupidly.
“I wasn’t complimenting you.”
“Alright.” He eyed you skeptically. “So can we please not get separated again?”
“We can try,” You mumbled. Without a warning, your hand trailed down to his, grabbing hold of it and placing your intertwined hands in your lap. He stared at it briefly before clearing his throat and looking away.
“Is that the most effective way?” He muttered.
“I said I’d try,” You whined, your eyes traveling over to where the crowd around Sangyeon began to dissipate back into its circle. You were confident that no one would notice that you had switched places. But of course, Sunwoo, who was so adamant about going to the exact same college as Jacob because he “admires him so much” (he actually just wanted someone to pay for his meals occasionally), noticed your connected hands.
“No PDA!” He dramatically yelled, covering his eyes with his hands. Everyone immediately turned to look at the two of you.
Jacob immediately pulled his hand out of your grasp almost like you burned him. You groaned and glared at Sunwoo.
“And go back to your normal seat,” Sunwoo smiled teasingly. “Get off your boyfriend for just a minute.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” You gritted out, standing up and stalking back to your original seat. You plopped back down on the floor and stared at Jacob with clear anger in your gaze.
He’s annoying. You glanced at the smug boy who was still smiling proudly over the fact that he separated two perfectly normal best friends.
Tell me about it. Jacob rolled his eyes, leaning back against his palms as his eyes wandered down to where the bottle was spinning again. This time, it landed on the stranger next to you. He wasn’t bad-looking and had a polite aura to him.
Eric gasped excitedly. “Juyeon! Truth or dare?”
The man thought for a second, humming. His voice was deep, you realized.
Almost instantly, Eric was leaning forward. He must have rehearsed this dare like his life depended on it. “Kiss the person on the left of you.”
It took Juyeon a while to process what Eric just said. But when he finally did, he whipped his head to look at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You stared back, completely bewildered. 
“That’s cruel,” You groaned, staring at Eric in disbelief. “We don’t even know each other that well.”
“Fine,” Eric huffed. “On the cheek at least.”
Juyeon continued to stare at you, his gaze gentle and understanding. “Sorry,” He whispered sheepishly. “I can’t drink this one off. I’m a huge lightweight.”
You shook your head with a kind smile. “It’s fine. Just get it over with.” 
Juyeon nodded and he leaned in. You turned your head slightly so that he wouldn’t have to twist his neck in an awkward position. Just as you were about to focus on the lips being pressed to your cheek, your gaze locked with someone else’s. More specifically, Jacob’s.
Your breath hitched and your heart seized. There was something different about his gaze. It was filled with a flame and you could see that his jaw was clenched ever so slightly. His hands fidgeted as his eyes stared straight into yours, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.
It felt like time had slowed down. You watched as he leaned forward, propped his elbows on his knees, and tilted his head, obviously annoyed. Over what? You weren’t too sure. But you could see through the way his jaw tightened further that something was genuinely bothering him. Yet why was he only looking at you?
You were so focused on Jacob that you didn’t even realize that Juyeon was already pulling away.
Everyone in the room was cheering over the measly cheek kiss but it all felt silent to you. Your ears began to ring as you stared straight at Jacob, his eyes filled with a clear anger tinged with a small bit of hurt. 
You tilted your head worriedly.
Are you okay?
He blinked, his eyes softening. It was like what came over him just magically disappeared. Yeah.
You stared at him quietly before nodding. One more and then we leave.
He eagerly agreed, his head bobbing much like a puppy’s. You huffed out a laugh. You should have never dragged him out with you.
“Who’s next?” Eric spoke up loudly. Everyone’s attention turned back to the bottle that was spinning. You held your breath watching as it slowly came to a stop. You turned your gaze up to see who it was pointing at and—
You winced. 
Jacob stared at you with wide eyes before pointing at himself. You nodded with a grimace. 
He shook his head with a smile before turning to face Eric who was practically brimming with excitement. 
“Truth or dare?”
Jacob sighed. “Truth.”
Eric groaned. “Boring. But fine, I can make this fun.”
Jacob waited patiently. He was always patient—so patient that it annoyed you. You were always the one to tease and annoy him yet he took it like it was his sole job. Even if you could tell he was getting ticked off, he continued to smile and play along.
“Don’t you want to see my performance?” You twirled in your new outfit.
Jacob shook his head. “Not now, I have an art project due. You look pretty though.”
And you should have stopped there and said thank you. But instead, you continued to cling onto him and ramble in his ear.
At some point, in a flash of color, you knocked over the cup that Jacob used to wash his paintbrushes.
You watched in horror as it spilled over his painting. He only stared silently.
“I-I’m sorry, Cobie,” You whispered. 
“It’s fine,” He muttered, standing up and picking up the soaking-wet canvas. “I’ll just go dry it off.”
You gulped, searching his face for any sort of frustration. He definitely looked disappointed but… nothing else.
“Wait.” You stopped him, your hand coming to his wrist. You promptly ignored the cold feeling of the water that spilled over your new clothes as well.“Are you mad? Let me make it up to you. I can do the whole project for you if you want.”
Jacob turned to you, his expression blank. But much to your surprise, his face softened into a reassuring smile, his gaze gentle and warm. He set the canvas down and stepped forward, pulling you closer in the process.
“No,” He whispered. “You make everything look more beautiful anyway.” He turned to look at where the canvas which was previously plain and gray, was now splashed with a mix of colors.
You frowned. “But—“ 
“I’m more mad that your new clothes are ruined.” He paused, stepping back and looking you over. Then, he scrunched his nose teasingly. “It was pretty.”
“Jacob,” You huffed. How could he be so unbothered by this? You ruined his project that he had been working on for days yet he was more worried over you? “This is not about me.”
His eyes sparkled.
“I can always make it about you.”
“Okay! I got one!” Eric exclaimed, sitting up. “If you could date anyone in this room, who would it be?”
Everyone fell silent, staring at Jacob like curious cats. You weren’t any different, desperately wanting to know his answer. Jacob never spoke about his dating life. In fact, whenever you asked him if he had a crush on anyone, he would immediately reply no.
Much to your dismay, he didn’t say a word. His lips were shut as he stared around the room like a deer in headlights. 
“So?” Sunwoo pried.
Jacob gulped, his cheeks slowly turning red. And then his eyes landed on yours. When you stared back, he instantly tore his gaze away. But you quickly noticed a pattern. He would look at something, then back at you, at something else, and then back at you.
Your breath hitched. 
Why are you looking at me?
He widened his eyes and adamantly stared at the floor instead. I’m not, You could see him whisper to himself. The two of you always had conversations across the classroom during your high school days, hence your great skill of reading lips.
Jacob, you have to answer.
I can’t—
“It’s Y/n isn’t it?” Eric finally spoke up, wiggling his eyebrows with a knowing look.
His head shot up and his eyebrows furrowed. “I didn’t even say anything.”
“You were looking.”
“No, I—“ He groaned, his cheeks reddening further by the minute. “I was looking because I always look for them. Not because I would date them.”
Sunwoo snorted. “Do you hear yourself?”
“I always look for them.” 
Jacob froze. And now, he refused to look you in the eye. “I…”
“Hey,” You spoke up with a frown on your face. “He doesn’t want to answer, let him off. It’s obviously not me.”
Jacob’s gaze wandered to yours. There was a sparkle behind his pupils this time, his lips parting as if he’d been keeping a secret all of his life.
“But it is you.”
You inhaled sharply. Tension filled the air, thick enough that even Juyeon stiffened next to you. Eric had grown quiet which was a very rare occurrence and Sunwoo’s jaw was dropped.
You forced yourself to shake out of your trance. Abruptly, you stood up and grabbed your things. 
“We’re leaving.” You forced a weak smile. “Have fun!” You tried to wish a farewell but instead, your voice came out shaky.
You didn’t even need to look back. Jacob was always behind you.
The walk back to your dorm was painfully quiet. You walked down the hallway, your fists painfully clenched as you periodically squinted your eyes and tried to make any sense of what Jacob had just said. You were filled with a jumble of emotions–a wave of immoral anger for Eric to ask such a question to lead up to this situation in the first place, a relief that you finally escaped that tension-filled party, but most of all, confusion over the fact that Jacob, your best friend of multiple years, had just said he would date you.
When you finally reached your dorm, you took in a sharp breath before whipping around. Jacob, who was biting his lip nervously, came to a halt to stare at you almost in… shame. He refused to look you in the eye which began to annoy you, considering the fact that he kept on staring at you when asked that stupid question just previously.
With a frustrated huff, you walked forward, pinned the side of your forearm against his chest, and pushed him against the wall.
“Jacob, look at me,” You warned, your eyebrows furrowing.
He finally did a guilty look on his face much like a puppy’s. “What? And why’re you pinning me to the wall?”
You scowled. “Because.”
“Just shut up,” You groaned. “Did you mean it? What you said.”
He only gazed at you, completely calm. But something was different. His gaze didn’t just keep its place on your eyes. Occasionally, it would slip down to your lips.
You stepped forward, close enough that you could feel his body's warmth against. You tilted your head, trying to intimidate him. But still, he continued to stare at you like you were a bright flower in the midst of a gray landscape.
“Why aren’t you answering?”
“Because you told me to shut up.” A small grin appeared on his lips.
You groaned once again. “Please, just answer. Did you mean it when you said that you would date me? If so, then I…”
What were you going to say? You weren’t even sure yourself. Would you reject him? Or maybe consider changing the whole trajectory of your life?
But this wasn’t just about you. It was about your relationship which was what you feared most. If he said yes, then surely, your relationship would change. In what way, you didn’t know. But you were scared. A bit curious, but mostly terrified–terrified of losing him in some way.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a quiet sigh.
“Of course not.” 
You blinked, looking at him in surprise. 
He laughed. It was a weird laugh though–nervous, almost like he was still hiding something. But you chose not to dwell on it anymore.
“There was no one else I knew, so I just said you to get out of the situation,” He weakly joked. His eyes darted away.
“Oh,” You stuttered, stepping away and letting your arm fall from his chest. You felt a bit weak. Maybe it was from relief that you didn’t have to consider the possibilities if he said yes. “Yeah, I get it.”
“Mhm,” He hummed, his eyes softening. “You should get some rest. It’s dark.”
“Okay.” You smiled. But before he could turn away, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug. As an immediate response, he pulled you closer by the waist though he let out a small, confused sound.
“What’s this for?” He squeezed you closer.
“I felt like it.” You nuzzled into his shoulder. Even whilst being surrounded by beer bottles and drunken peers, he still manages to smell good—like a warm cup of sweet tea. You pulled away and peered up at him. “Stay the night?”
He gulped, his eyes widening slightly. “T-to do what?”
You snorted. “To sleep of course. You’re the only one who helps me sleep, you know.”
He followed you inside though he was still hesitant. After the two of you changed into something more comfortable (Jacob even has a change of clothes and a toothbrush in your dorm), you climbed into bed and immediately rested your head on his chest.
“Are you sure you’re in the right state of mind?” He murmured, gently rubbing your side. “You won’t regret this tomorrow?”
You shook your head. “I didn’t drink at all tonight. Why’re you being so cautious all of a sudden?” You pouted. “We always sleep together.”
He hummed. “Just making sure.”
After what you said earlier?
You wouldn’t lie and say that you definitely felt a bit different about asking him to stay over. But he already said that it wasn’t a serious statement. You chose not to think about it any longer, instead choosing to just doze off into his warm embrace. 
He was just your best friend. And a great pillow.
“I’m going on a date.”
You both hated and loved that phrase. You loved it because it left a thrilling, exciting feeling in your heart. But you mostly loathed it. It left your lips far too many times for your liking. The phrase never ended well. You’ve had a few relationships and obviously, they didn’t work out.
You put much effort into those relationships but never received the same amount. You were always regarded with a weirded-out stare or a quick roll of his eyes. But those were somehow on the higher end of the scale. At the lowest, was when you were insulted and pushed around. It was Jacob who first noticed.
“He’s hurting you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, your fists clenching with denial. “But he apologized. He said he was just in a bad mood.”
Jacob frowned and took your hands in his, gently spreading your fingers to relax your fists. “No one in a bad mood should insult you or call you names.”
You gulped, tears starting to well up in your eyes. You knew that Jacob was right yet you were afraid of letting go of someone that held so many bright and fun memories.
“Love is hard,” You whispered. 
“It is,” He sighed. “But I’m always here for you.”
You exhaled shakily. You ran through multiple scenarios and possibilities. Some of the imaginary outcomes were positive but most were negative.
“It’s your choice if you want to stay with him. But promise me that if you’re ever hurt, just come find me,” He spoke softly. His hand gently came up to your cheek and wiped a stray tear away. It was at that moment that you realized what true care felt like. It was in the way he never pushed you into making a choice. It was in the way he promised you that he would be there for you. It was in the way his fingertips brushed against your skin.
That was what true care was.
And because of that realization, the very next day, you appeared outside of Jacob’s dorm room with a proud smile on your face.
“We broke up.”
His eyes widened and you could tell he was searching your face for any trace of tears. “Did he–”
“No, I did.”
His expression melted into a softer one. “I’m proud of you.” His lips pulled into a soft smile as he pulled you into his dorm and hugged you to the point that you had to repeatedly shove him until he let go.
“With who?” Jacob looked up from his computer. He watched nonchalantly as you started discarding your coat and bag on his bed. It was normal for you to crash at each other’s dorms. It was so normal that some people had even assumed that you were roommates. That didn’t make sense since there’s only one bed.
You reached into your bag and started pulling out the outfit you chose. “This guy in my literature class. He asked me first and he seems sweet.” He had a kind smile and he was polite. He even helped you pick up your books when you clumsily dropped them on the floor.
He was almost like Jacob. Though Jacob could go to… concerningly high extents sometimes. He tended to drop anything, even if it was a glass cup if he noticed that you were hurt or upset. 
But still, this man who asked you out seemed better than your other dates. It wouldn’t hurt to try. 
Jacob nodded, turning back to his computer while you used his bathroom to change into your date outfit. 
A few minutes later, you open the door and walk out. You don’t even bother to twirl or ask him about his thoughts as you were too busy digging through your bag for your wallet. But then you paused, interrupted by a sharp intake from none other than your best friend.
He was staring at you with his eyes round and his cheeks slightly colored. His gaze wandered down before coming back up to your eyes, his body utterly frozen.
“What?” You asked in confusion. “Does it look bad?”
“No!” He blurted out suddenly. He teared his eyes away, clearing his throat. “It’s just… different.”
You peered at him nervously. Why was he acting so weird? “In a good way or a bad way?”
“Good,” He breathed. He gave you a small yet sweet smile. “You look beautiful.”
“Oh.” Your frown quickly widened into a grin. “Thank you.”
After finally confirming that you did not forget your wallet, you took a seat beside Jacob on his bed. He used to be focused on his computer but it seemed that after you changed outfits, his eyes were darting elsewhere. He was losing his composure for some reason.
You let out a long sigh, rubbing your thighs with the palms of your hands. “Cobie, I’m nervous.” 
He turned to you with a soft look in his eyes. He even shut off his computer, turning his undivided attention to you. “Why?”
You pouted as memories came flooding back of your past relationships. It was always you who was left alone, broken into pieces until Jacob came along to put you together and patch you up. After your failed dates, you began to lose confidence in being able to keep anyone in your life, even if it was someone as loyal as your best friend. 
He always reassured you though.
“I won’t leave you.”
You laughed bitterly through your tears. “How do you know that?” 
After disappearing for almost the whole day, Jacob finally found you, sitting in the dark corner of your closet. You remembered him crouching down next to you and tucking a tear-soaked strand of hair out of your face.
“Because I don’t think that in any universe or timeline, I could stand being torn away from you.” He smiled.
You frowned, blinking away the tears that continued to trail down your cheeks. “Even if I’m undesirable?”
He looked at you taken aback. “Who told you that?”
“Him,” You whispered. Another one of your past dates that didn’t end well. When you had asked him why—why he didn’t want you, he began to list heart-wrenching words that still spun in your head. “He wouldn’t even hug me back because I’m undesirable or whatever.”
And in just a second, you felt a pair of strong arms being wrapped around you.
You inhaled shakily.
“You’re hugging me.”
He hummed and nodded, placing a hand on the back of your head to pull you in closer if that was even possible.
“Because you’re not undesirable. I will always want to hug you. And care for you. And lo—“
He cut himself off. You were too exhausted from crying to figure out what he was going to say anyway.
“Just because,” You sighed. “It’s been so long since I started dating again. What if I mess up?”
“You won’t,” He immediately replied. “You’ll do amazing. Just be yourself.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Easier said than done.” You could feel Jacob wince beside you because he already knew what you were talking about–how even if you acted like yourself, you were never accepted or loved enough.
You shook your head. “Don’t be.” You looked down to play with your fingers nervously. Multiple scenarios began to play through your head like a jumbled-up movie. What if you laughed at something he said when it wasn’t meant to be a joke? What if you blurted out your deepest darkest secret and caused him to look at you weirdly? What if–
“What if he kisses me?”
Jacob froze, turning to you in disbelief. “That’s what you’re worried about?”
“Well, one of the things I’m worried about,” You mumbled, shrugging.
He searched your eyes as if to make sure you weren’t joking. Which, you definitely weren’t, as your jaw clenched unsurely. 
This time, his tone was softer and more gentle. “Are you not confident?”
You sighed, slightly embarrassed. “No– I don’t know, maybe? I just don’t want to… disappoint.”
You can see a small smirk appear on Jacob’s lips. “I’m sure you won’t.”
“How would you know?” Your eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“I just assumed,” He whispered. And you could have sworn his eyes darted down to your lips for a split second. Then, he took in a deep breath and scooted just a bit closer, facing you so that your knees touched. He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve kissed before, haven’t you?”
“Yeah.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Not enough to be good if that’s what you’re wondering.”
He seemed to be deep in thought before something shifted in his gaze and his lips parted to ask you something. It wasn’t teasing anymore, nor was it questioning. It was a serious look in his eyes, almost heart-stopping, as he stared at you as if to contemplate if what he was about to ask would change anything. And it definitely did, as it was already sending you choking on air.
“Want to practice?”
“With who?” You stared at him, acting innocent as if you didn’t already know what he meant.
“With me.”
“Oh,” You breathed. You didn’t know why but in the deepest part of yourself, reserved only for the most important secrets, you knew that your heart thumped erratically when he spoke those two words. “I mean– okay. I-I guess.” 
He was just doing it as a friend.
He smiled softly and you watched as his hand very slowly came up to cup your cheek. He leaned in but stopped just before your lips connected. You peeked an eye open–yes, you already shut your eyes–and stared at him in perplexion.
A corner of his lips lifted. He must have already noticed your eagerness.
“Promise me, you’ll tell me if you don’t want to do this.” He looked you in the eyes, searching you with almost what you could tell was affection. 
You nodded quietly.
He seemed confident but you could tell he was feeling nervous too with the way he swallowed thickly and his eyes darted across your features unsurely.
“Can I kiss you?” was his final question.
“Yes,” You whispered.
And then he leaned forward, attaching his lips to yours. You felt your heart stop before it came back to life again, this time, much faster than before. Your eyes carefully fluttered shut as you allowed yourself to melt into his touch. His hand stayed on your cheek, gently caressing your skin with his thumb as he slowly kissed you, almost as if he was savoring the moment.
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t also want to savor the moment.
You let out a small involuntary sound once it registered in your brain that he was deepening the kiss further. He tilted his head and soon enough, his hand was leaving your cheek, trailing down your side, and grasping onto your waist. You gasped and furrowed your eyebrows in concentration.
You were lost. Completely lost from the fact that this was supposed to be a practice kiss for your future date. That kind man from your literature class was long gone from your mind. Instead, every coherent thought of yours was replaced with one single person. Your best friend. The person you were kissing right now. 
Jacob, Jacob, Jacob.
“Jacob,” You rasped in between kisses. 
Even though your hands rested on his chest, creating some sort of distance, you didn’t make any further move to end the kiss. You felt butterflies erupt every time his hand ever so caressed your side.
“Hm?” He kissed you like he meant it. He kissed you like he actually loved you and that was what sent you reeling.
Shivers traveled down your spine once his hand wandered from your waist down to your lower back. The warmth of his palm and fingers splayed across your skin as it slowly lifted up the fabric of your outfit, leaving cool air to make its way through. 
That small breeze was what sent you out of your trance and what led you to finally pull away. 
“I think- I think that’s enough,” You panted, your heart rate refusing to go down.
Your lips felt sore and almost bitten and when you looked up to meet Jacob’s eyes, he was staring, stunned yet with a slight smug expression.
“Yeah,” He whispered. It took him a while for him to let go of the small of your back. “Sorry.” 
You huffed out a laugh, patting at your cheeks to let them cool down. “Sorry for what?”
He smiled shyly. “I got carried away.”
You snorted. You were glad that there wasn’t any lingering awkwardness after that… kiss no matter how oddly real and passionate it felt. “Am I at least a good kisser? Am I set for the date?”
It looked like he was just shocked by lightning. “Your date. Yes, your date.”
You stared at him with confusion. “My… date. That’s what we were practicing for.”
He gulped and nodded quietly. “Yeah, yeah.” And then he leaned in again. But this time, he positioned him right by your ear, his breath that you just recently felt shuddering against your lips, now lingering on your earlobe. You hated yourself for closing your eyes and bracing for a kiss. What were you thinking? You swallowed nervously.
“You’re a great kisser, just as I thought.”
You resisted the urge to choke on air. “Th-thank you,” You blurted stupidly before abruptly standing up to grab your bag and aiming to run out the door.
But he stopped you, gently taking your hand and pulling you back.
“What?” You squeaked, your hands growing sweaty and your heart speeding up for the nth time.
“It’s a bit…” You felt his fingers brush against your skin once again, creating flashbacks back to the kiss. You heard the sound of the zipper on the back of your outfit being zipped up. Since when was it undone? You were pretty sure you pulled it all the way.
“My fault,” He teased. So it was him who unzipped it.
“Perv.” You tried to elbow him. But of course, he caught your arm and turned you around. 
“Have fun on your date,” He smiled gently.
You breathed out shakily. “Okay.”
You were not having fun. Well, your date was all but a gentleman. He pulled the chair out for you, shielded you from incoming cars, and everything. But you couldn’t help but let your mind wander, distracted by the fact that Jacob already did all this anyway.
You were also distracted by the kiss. You could still feel the sensation of his lips moving fervently against yours and the warmth of his hand moving up your back and unzipping your outfit unnoticeably. You still wondered why he did that in the first place.
The two of you stopped on the trail that beautifully looked out to the sea. It was the perfect scene—the kind man in front of you, waiting for something. More specifically, a kiss. You could just lean in and kiss him right now but you… couldn’t.
“May I?” The man's voice interrupted your rushing thoughts.
“What?” You dumbly replied.
“You know.” He grinned shyly and stepped forward.
“Oh, I—“ You cleared your throat. Why wasn’t your heart beating fast like it did with your best friend of all people? Why didn’t your cheeks feel warm like how they did when Jacob looked at you with such a soft gaze? Maybe you were just going crazy, you figured. Maybe after this kiss, everything would go back to how it was. “Okay.”
But just as the man was leaning in, you suddenly planted your hands on his chest, pushing him away. When the man stared at you in alarm, you stuttered, “S-sorry. I actually don’t think we can.”
His expression saddened. “Why not?”
You didn’t know either. You could only offer a pathetic shrug.
“I just don’t think we’ll work out.”
His jaw clenched but he eventually stepped back. “Alright then, I guess. Want a ride home?” 
You gave him a weak smile and shook your head. “It’s fine. I’m sorry.”
He never accepted your apology.
When you called Jacob to pick you up, he looked you over in worry.
“Did something happen? Did he break it off with you? What—“ He didn’t even start driving, rather he parked and turned his attention to you.
You laughed and shook your head. “We didn’t kiss. And it was me who ended it.”
He frowned. “It was only your first date.”
“I know but I decided not to look for anyone right now. I’d rather just stick with you.” You smiled sweetly. Jacob replied with an incoherent sound as he abruptly turned away to stare out the window.
“That’s fine with me,” He muttered, his ears red even under dark evening light.
You huffed out a quiet laugh and sat back in the car seat. Jacob started driving, the low hum of the engine lulling you to sleep. Slowly, you shut your eyes and let out a content sigh. “I’m tired.”
“From what?” He mused.
You grinned to yourself. “From kissing you. You’re quite the rough kisser.” You paused. “Not that I didn’t enjoy it of course.”
And thank god for your seatbelt because, for some odd reason, Jacob suddenly slammed on the brakes.
But even after that throwaway comment, the two of you never spoke about the kiss again. Except, speaking and thinking are two different things. For the next coming days, you thought about the kiss again, and again, and again, even if it didn’t turn into something more.
“So you really didn’t kiss?” Jacob questioned a few days later. The two of you walked down the main street of your campus, window shopping and sipping on warm lattes. It was the perfect day, slightly chilly with clear skies. You loved moments like these–the ones where all you could do was chatter about random things that came up in your mind and Jacob would always listen intently. 
“No, we really didn’t.” You rolled your eyes. If you peered just a bit closer, you could see a wave of relief wash over his face.
As the two of you walked together and as more time passed by, you began to realize that what you and Jacob had wasn’t the most normal friendship. You had other friends too and you certainly did not act like how you did with Jacob. You glanced down to where you two were literally holding hands, intertwined fingers and all.
“So you don’t get lost,” Jacob whispered when the two of you graduated together. “I can’t lose you.”
Your mind wandered back to when Jacob fixed your hair oh so gently after it had gotten just the slightest bit messy from the wind.
“Why do you always fix my hair for me?” You narrowed your eyes.
“I like it when you look up at me when I do,” Jacob teased, pinching your cheek. “Your puppy eyes.”
You always thought he was just joking, but the more you thought about it, the more it felt like he meant it. He always seemed to love yet hate eye contact. Sometimes, he would stare back with a soft, admiration-filled gaze. Other times, he would tear his gaze away because he was flustered.
There was also the jealousy. You weren’t a blind fool to never notice it. He was always supportive of your dates and he always comforted you whenever they didn’t work out. But for some reason, what really ticked him off was physical touch by any guy that’s not him.
“What were you doing with him?” Jacob had asked you when he walked in on you hugging one of your classmates.
You widened your eyes. “Well he– he lended me some notes that I missed, that’s all.”
“And that earned him a hug?” Jacob’s eyes, ironically turned into those irresistible puppy eyes.
You stared at him in awe. “Are you…?”
Jacob gulped. “No.”
And that was the first time Jacob asked you to fall asleep on him instead of the other way around. You would never complain though. His chest was very comfortable.
Then there was the kiss. 
It was one. You never kissed him again after. And at the moment, it seemed like a perfectly normal thing to do. In your mind, you thought he was just offering you an opportunity to practice. 
But every time you thought of it at night and in your dreams, you began to realize that it was anything but practice. There was no need for him to caress your side, cup your cheek so gently, tilt his head for a better angle, and for him to deepen the kiss.
Your friendship wasn’t a typical one. It was something more. Yet, you didn’t know what to do with it.
You turned to look at him, wondering if studying his features would give you a clearer answer. But much to your surprise, Jacob was already staring back. There was a small smile on his lips, his eyes sparkling as he looked—as he looked at you.
“Why?” You blurted out.
“Why what?” 
“Why do you always stare at me?”
He paused in his tracks. It took you a moment to realize that it was really only the two of you on the sidewalk. The sun had already set and so everyone had gone home. He turned to you, pulling you closer, causing you to stumble slightly. He then brought your connected hands up to his chest. You inhaled quietly once it registered in your head that you could feel his erratic heartbeat. You looked up at him, searching for any sort of answer. Yet he still remained like a book in a completely different language that you didn’t understand.
“Because you never fail to take my breath away.”
Your heart felt like it was caught in your throat. And as dumb as it may seem, you looked down at yourself, wondering if you had dressed up in a particular way for him to say that. But then you felt a gentle hand on your cheek, turning your attention back up. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
“Always,” He replied quietly as if he read your mind. “You always, always take my breath away. Even on the day you fell asleep on me in high school. Even when you say that you look bad, I think you’re beautiful.”
“Jacob… I—“ You stopped once you felt a stinging cold on the very tip of your nose. It was a snowflake, you soon realized. You used to love it when it snowed, up until you found out that you had a horrible tolerance for cold. But who was it who took care of you when sick? It was always Jacob. It was always him who wrapped you up in blankets and cuddled you, even when you warned him that he would also get sick.
His eyes filled with worry as he glanced up at the sky. “Let’s run before it gets too slippery.” He smiled mischievously, grasping your hand once more and leading you toward your dorm. You laughed loudly, trying to catch up with him. 
“Too fast!” You complained.
He turned back to look at you and oh, how handsome he looked even while running. That pretty smile with his bright, even prettier eyes. “I don’t want you to get sick,” He replied, accompanied by a cute laugh. “Do you want me to carry you?”
You flushed and shook your head immediately. “Let’s just keep running,” You huffed, allowing Jacob to lead the way. 
The whole run back was filled with giggles and giddy smiles. You couldn’t have it any other way. The two of you, panting, finally managed to burst into your dorm. There was this exhilarating feeling in your chest. No matter if you stopped running or not, you would feel so… out of breath. It could be because of Jacob, it could be the beautiful snow, or it could just be the constant pounding of your heart. It could be all three.
You finally let go of Jacob’s hand, completely missing how he instinctively chased after your touch. Then, you stepped away to brush off the snowflakes that’s built up on your coat. Once you were sure that you were free from looking like a sugar-powdered donut, you looked up to where Jacob had already closed the door and was leaning against it.
His hair was messy, but what caught your eye the most, were the flurries of snow trapped between his locks. Somehow, he made looking like a sugar-powdered donut a good thing. He grinned at you with slightly rosy cheeks and gentle, gentle eyes.
He looked attractive. Since when did he look so attractive? You weren’t completely unaware that he was a fairly good-looking guy, but with the way his coat slipped off one shoulder and how his smile shot straight for your heart, you began to realize he was a lot more than just good-looking.
You were frozen, your arms straight at your sides, completely distracted by your best friend’s smile and the annoying thump of a heart–specifically, yours. 
And one would think that he was looking at you, weirded out by your staring. But instead, he was gazing at you just the same. And this time, you had an explanation for all those lingering, soft looks he would give you for the many years that you’ve been friends. His words rang in your ears.
Always. You always, always take my breath away.
His smile slowly fell and before you could even register the way his gaze fell away from your eyes and downwards, he was walking towards you and cupping your face. Not even a second later, you felt a pair of lips being pressed against yours. 
And just like before, your eyelids were already fluttering shut. This time though, you stayed without movement, simply allowing him to kiss you ever so gently and lovingly.
When he pulled away, that was when it finally hit you. You didn’t have a date to practice for, nor was this some sort of dare. Jacob, your best friend of multiple years, just kissed you on his own accord.
You brought the back of your hand up to your lips, staring at him in startlement. “Why’d you do that?” Your voice came out weak.
“What?” He blinked, and you could see how his cheeks began to flush. “Oh, I just– you know, in case you were thinking of going on another date with another literature class guy. It would be good practice since I know that you’re nervous so I just– I kissed you.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Is that really it?”
He gulped, his eyes searching yours before he sighed. “I’m sorry. You just looked really pretty.”
“You kissed me because I looke–”
“Yes,” He blurted out, wincing. “And I’m sorry. That was stupid of me and I should have asked before and now you think that I’m–”
“Jacob.” You stepped forward, placing your hands on his shoulders. “Jacob.”
His eyes softened. “Yeah?”
“Be completely honest,” You looked him straight in the eyes. However, it began to feel a bit hard not to let your gaze fall to his lips because my god, was he a good kisser.
“I just was,” He muttered shyly.
You huffed. “Not that. I know you already answered that question. You kissed me because I looked pretty, which thank you, by the way.” You batted your eyes teasingly. Jacob let out an incoherent sound and tried to look away. But instead, you cupped his cheek and turned his attention back. “I have another one.”
He frowned, which would be a sorrowful sight if it wasn’t for the fact that he was blushing like crazy right now. You held back a smile.
“Do you like me?”
Jacob’s eyes widened. “What?” He squawked.
The puzzle pieces were already coming together for a while now. The longing gazes, acts of kindness, his occasional kisses (definitely not normal)–you knew there was a root to all those. But you still had that small feeling of insecurity. Well, up until now. That kiss just confirmed everything.
“Do you like me?” You repeated. “Last time, when you said that you would date me, you weren’t lying. You meant it, didn’t you?”
“I…” He trailed off. The room was dead silent. All you could do now was see, smell, and feel. You could see Jacob’s eyelashes as they fluttered when he blinked profusely, trying to come up with some sort of excuse. You could smell his cologne, which always smelled good especially when you buried your face into his chest. And you could feel his hand hovering just over your wrist.
He let out a low sigh and he looked you in the eye, his gaze nervous yet filled with something new–hope.
“I did,” He finally whispered. “I meant it. I would love to date you. And I like you. So much and for a very long time now.”
And even with all that evidence that you’ve thought about late at night, you still couldn’t help but be taken aback. You swallowed thickly and took a step back. “Oh.” It all felt real now. Deep down, you were hoping that he denied it. You wouldn’t have to actually think about your feelings for him like you had to do now. You weren’t prepared for this.
“I– I was just curious,” You stuttered. But that hand that was hovering over your waist suddenly grasped it and pulled you close. You yelped quietly before finding yourself right up against your best friend’s chest.
“And you don’t have an answer?” He asked, his voice teasing yet trembled slightly. 
“Why do you need an answer?” Your heart thumped.
He hummed, his eyes glinting with mischievousness. “I want to know. You’re the one who brought this up anyway.” 
“Yeah, well–” You inhaled sharply when you felt a hand on the side of your face, cautiously tucking a piece of hair back. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.” He looked you over in a way that made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. And for some reason, it wasn’t an unfamiliar feeling. You’ve felt this before, multiple times, which was what baffled you even more.
You didn’t know when it started happening and you didn’t want to dwell on it either, but everytime he ever so smiled or placed his hands on you, you felt that weird thing in your stomach. All the recent times that you’ve cuddled and fell asleep with him began to do just the same. Sometimes, you couldn’t even fall asleep because your heart was beating too fast. The only way you could fall asleep was by pressing your ear to his chest and counting his heartbeats.
Jacob quickly noticed your silence and hesitance. His voice quieted down to that caring version that he always used when you were on the verge of falling asleep—whether that be on his shoulder or chest.
“Y/n,” He gently spoke, grabbing your attention.
“What?” You winced.
“I’m sorry if I pressured you or anything. You don’t have to answer right n—“
“I like you too.”
His breath hitched. You couldn’t see his expression though, as you had shut your eyes with a grimace.
“Oh,” He breathed. You heard him step closer. “You do? You… like me too?”
“Yes,” You whispered in a small voice.
And yet again, your stomach did that funny thing because when you opened your eyes, Jacob’s face was a lot closer than before. He had a shy yet cautious smile on his face as he watched you silently.
“So…” He tilted his head expectantly. “We both share feelings. It’s up to you what you want to do now.”
This wasn’t even the bad part, you realized. It was the next words that left your lips that was.
“Nothing, let’s just move on.”
Immediately, it was like something had stabbed him in the heart and oh, did it feel the same for you. You bit your lip, willing your tears to go away. All you wanted to do was reach for his hand and pull him in and let everything else fold out naturally. But no, you stayed back against the wall, refusing to look him in the eye.
“What?” He muttered, a clear look of confusion in his eyes. 
Your voice wavered as you forced sounds out of your clenched-up throat. “I said, that we should just move on.”
He let out a breath in disbelief. “Why? Is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong? If so, I’ll fix it. Is it because I didn’t let you borrow my hoodie that one time? I’ll let you borrow it whenever you want from now on.”
“It’s not,” You cried, your heart aching at the fact that he still tries to take the blame. “I want to be more with you, Jacob. I just can’t. It’s my fault, not yours.”
He fell quiet, watching you with care. “What’s stopping you?”
“Me,” You shamefully replied. “I’m afraid.”
“Afraid?” He inquired quietly. “Of what?”
“Of taking you for granted. I don’t want to possibly lose you and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He frowned. 
“But I should.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Because what if I push you away, then what?”
He looked like he was going to say something else but he ultimately swallowed his words and let out a low sigh. “Okay,” He whispered. “I understand.”
You felt the need to apologize over and over again. You hated the look on his face as he tried to hide the pain he was feeling. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” You began to say over and over again. “It’s not because of you. It’s—“
“I know.” He gave you a soft look. He always remembered and could always tell when you were sensitive about a past relationship, no matter if it was just a fling or not.
He slowly stepped forward again and he carefully rested his palm on the back of your hand. When you didn’t flinch or pull away, he gently wrapped his fingers around your hand, holding it firmly.
“So why did you tell me?” He finally asked. “If you didn’t want this to go further.”
You tightened your hands into fists—a nervous habit you had. But, he was quick to soothe them back open as he quietly whispered a small, “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“I don’t— I don’t know.” You paused. “In a perfect world, you’re aware of my feelings and we go further. But that’s in a perfect world. I just thought… if I told you it might magically happen but it didn’t and that’s stupid, I know.”
Jacob never took his eyes off you and he never pulled his hand away. That’s what you liked so much about him. He never failed to be your anchor, the one to ground you when you felt like floating away.
What confused you though, was that he wasn’t saying anything. He seemed to be deep in thought as if he were changing his mind about something. But, he wasn’t changing his mind about his feelings for you. You could tell by the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly when you tried to hide away from his soft gaze and by the way he never let you clench your fists, holding both of your hands tightly but never enough to hurt.
You were lost in his eyes—those who have seen you at your best and lowest. He’d seen you smile and come running into his arms and he’d seen you cry and break down until you fell asleep in his embrace.
“Then I’ll wait for you.”
You inhaled sharply and widened your eyes. “What?”
“I’ll wait for you,” He repeated, a small yet reassuring smile on his lips. “That perfect world you talked about–it’s a possibility, right? So I’ll wait. I’ll wait for your perfect world to come.”
“Jacob.” You stared at him unsurely. He didn’t even know when that would happen. You didn’t even know either. So why was he so sure of waiting for you?
He leaned in and you felt a hand leave yours. And almost like he read your mind, you felt the warmth of his palm on the side of your cheek, caressing it soothingly.
“No matter how long it takes.”
Your brain was rushing with a million red warning signs. Multiple questions threatened to spill out of your mouth yet the only one that could leave was a choked, “why?”
“Because all I want is for you to be happy. Why should we rush when it means you won’t be happy? That’s all that matters to me.”
“But you—“ You let out a frustrated sigh. “You might lose interest. Or what if we do get together and something happens and—“
He grinned. “You’re thinking too far ahead. Didn’t I tell you I would wait?”
You grumbled, yet the weight in your heart lightened at the change in the surrounding mood.
“Whenever you’re ready, we can talk about this again,” He said. “In the meantime, we can go back to what we were before.”
You rolled your eyes and bit back a shy smile. “Okay.”
“And…” His eyes sparkled as he leaned forward. Immediately, as if on instinct, you shut your eyes and expected a kiss on the lips. Instead, though you felt him press one on the very top of your forehead, almost as if that was his final move of showing how much he respected you. “If you ever decide to go further, I promise that I will be good for you. I’ll be so, so good for you.”
That was when your legs began to feel like jelly. You could feel yourself melt and your brain go fuzzy. 
But just as you expected, Jacob was always there to catch you.
+ 1
It was one thing to be best friends with Jacob and another thing to be best friends with a guy who recently confessed his feelings for you. No matter how hard you tried to bring things back to normal, it was of no use.
Every smile, which would be a normal thing whenever you crack a joke, now was a smile that caught you off guard and made you stumble over your words. Whenever he touched you somehow, whether if it was simply to guide you down a sidewalk or to pull you into a hug, you felt a spark that never quite left you until you fell asleep.
But still, despite the many times your heart had beaten towards Jacob, you could never find the courage to take things further. Even so, he always made it clear that he would wait.
“You can stop waiting,” You once blurted out when you noticed him hesitating to grasp your hand. 
He looked at you in slight alarm before softening his expression. This time, without hesitation, he took hold of your hand, pulling it into his lap so that he could play with your fingers, bending them and squeezing them.
“Tell me the reason first. Then I’ll decide.” He eyed you knowingly.
You blushed and looked away. However, you never made a move to pull your hand away.
“Just… I feel bad,” You muttered. “It must be awkward or difficult. So you can just leave if this is bothering you.”
“Ah,” He breathed. He didn’t say anything after that, instead turning his attention back to your hand.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and turned to him. “So you’re going to stop waiting?” 
He smirked slightly before shaking his head. “No.”
You gaped at him, pulling your hand away in shock. “What?” You stammered. “But I just said–”
Your words were cut off by Jacob taking your hand and instead of bringing it back into his lap, he brought it up to your lips and left a soft kiss on the back of it. You immediately choked on your spit as you blinked, flustered.
“So your reason is that you’re worried that I might get impatient, correct?” He looked up to you, smiling.
You nodded your head, too lost for words.
“Then that’s not a valid reason,” He whispered. He set your hand back down, but still held it in his lap. “If you feel uncomfortable, then I will stop waiting. But me? You don’t have to worry about me.” He leaned in, staring at you completely endeared. You tried to glance away. “Like I said, I’ll always wait. No matter how long it takes.”
You breathed out shakily before nodding.
It always ended like that. It didn’t matter how hard you tried to convince him to give up, he would always come back to you like a lost puppy.
Jacob also started to take care of you more. At first, you thought it was some way to win you over like your exes liked to do right after an argument. But, over time, you began to realize that his actions were genuine, though silent and hard to notice.
“I’m hungry,” You mumbled to yourself one day. Jacob was walking behind you, seeming busy on his phone. Turns out, he wasn’t, because a few hours later, you found a bag of food placed at the entrance of your door. 
Or, the other time when you just finished up your upcoming assignments and could barely walk straight with how exhausted you were. All you could remember was a pair of worried eyes that belonged to Jacob who was guiding you to bed. When you woke up, you were wrapped comfortably in blankets and most of all, his sweater that seemed to magically appear on you.
And then there was that one time. The most important of all.
“Which one is better?” You asked, holding up two scarves for your classmate to see. She peered at it curiously before pointing at the one in your left hand.
“Who’s it for?” She wiggled her eyebrows.
You scoffed, putting the other one back on the shelf. “Jacob.”
“Are you really sure that you two aren’t a thing?” 
You hesitated before shrugging weakly. “It’s complicated.” You tossed the scarf into the cart before turning away, yawning. On nights when Jacob was too busy to visit your dorm, you never were able to sleep well. “I’m going to order a cup of coffee, I’ll be right back.”
You stretched your limbs and walked over to the nearby coffee shop. Buying gifts was a hard task, especially when it came to Jacob. He always made these intricately crafted gift baskets for you, filled with everything you could possibly want. 
“Y/n?” A gruff voice called out to you.
You froze in place. You recognized that voice and oh, how you despised it. Still, you plastered on a smile and turned in the voice’s direction.
“Hey, it’s… you.” You looked the man over. He was the ex who stated so bluntly that you were undesirable. He certainly looked worse for wear—dark circles under his eyes, clothes with unknown stains on them, and an unkind sneer.
“How’ve you been?” He took a step forward. You were quick to backtrack, your fists clenched.
“Fine,” You forced out. “You?”
“Could be better.” He shrugged. Something suddenly shifted in his gaze though, as he looked at you differently. It was in a way that made you feel sick to your stomach, as opposed to the butterflies that would appear when you two were still together. “Listen,” He started. “I’m going to get straight to the point.”
You stared at him, perplexed.
“Get together with me again.”
You jerked away, your hands coming up defensively. “What?”
“You heard me. I’m sorry that you got offended by my words before…”
You scoffed. And he still won’t apologize.
“…but after we split, I realized how much I missed you. C’mon sweetheart, you know you feel the same, hm?”
You felt like you were about to throw up as you glared at him in disbelief. “Do you hear yourself right now?”
The man feigned innocence. 
“Okay, I guess not. And I don’t have the energy to explain it to someone like you,” You spat. “So no. My answer is no. Besides, I have a boyfriend.”
That last sentence you sort of didn’t think through… but everything else you’ve practically perfected after rehearsing it with Jacob many times before. 
“If you ever see him again, promise you’ll tell me,” Jacob muttered, his fingers trailing circles on your arm. It was late at night and you could barely keep your eyes open. But, it was always at this time that Jacob became sentimental and protective.
“Okay,” You whispered, your voice muffled in his chest. “Don’t worry, I’m over him.”
“That’s good.” You could hear him breathe out in relief. “And if he ever wants something from you, say no. You deserve so much more than he can ever give you.”
You smiled and snuggled closer to your best friend’s warmth. “Okay, okay. In love with me or something?” 
“...go to sleep,” He mumbled, pulling the blankets closer over your figure. Completely forgetting the fact that he never answered your question, you peeked over his shoulder and realized that he was barely covered. 
You frowned. “You’ll get cold.”
And instead of readjusting the blankets, he tightened his arms around you, burying his face into your neck. “I won’t.”
“Boyfriend?” Your ex’s jaw clenched scarily. “What do you mean boyfriend? Who?”
You gulped but still lifted your head high. “Jacob,” You lied straight through your teeth. 
The man’s sneer only grew further as his eyes narrowed. “Of course,” He hissed. “Of course it’s always him.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused of his response. “Yeah, so…” You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at the sight of the man, red-faced and with almost smoke coming out of his ears.
“Just leave,” The man grunted. “I’m fine.”
“I never asked if you were fine.” You suppressed a laugh which quickly fell short when he snapped his head towards you in a warning. “Okay, okay,” You snorted. “Have a great day!” You waved and ran away before the man could explode once more.
As you walked back in the direction of your classmate, you couldn’t help but smile stupidly to yourself. To be truthfully honest, you were always terrified for this day to come. That you would run into one of your failed dates and absolutely freeze up, making a complete fool out of yourself. That was what you thought for the longest time.
But now, you realized that the interaction you just had was a lot easier than you thought. Sure, it left your heart seizing nervously, but after having someone–Jacob–stay by your side everytime even a single tear left your eye, you realized that you were healed.
You swung the bag in your hand, smiling brightly. You’ve never felt so happy before. Your eyes wandered across all the stores, casually window shopping until you suddenly came to a stop. 
You squinted your eyes and stepped closer. There, on the display of one of the most famously expensive jewelry stores, was the necklace worn on your very neck–the exact same one that Jacob had gifted you. You peered in and spotted the price tag. That was when you stumbled back, slapping your hand over your mouth.
You stared in astonishment at the necklace. “He said that it wasn’t expensive…”
But of course, it was always Jacob who said not to worry about him. You sighed all too knowingly though you couldn’t help but bite back the smile that was forming on your lips. 
Just as you were busy admiring the bracelet just like you’ve done many times before, you heard your phone ring. 
“Y/n,” He sounded breathless. Almost like he was… running. “Where are you?”
You blinked in confusion. “Where are you?”
“The park. Are you–” 
You accidentally hung up. You winced and whispered a quiet sorry before heading to the local park.
It’s a common occurrence for Jacob to find you wandering around the park, clearing your mind after hours of studying. It was not a common occurrence for you to find Jacob standing in a secluded garden area, looking around frantically for something–someone.
You bounded over to him, ready to greet him cheerily. But, as soon as his eyes landed on you, he was immediately reaching forward and pulling you into his arms. 
“Oh,” You breathed stiffly. His hold was tight and protective, yet you had no idea why.
He pulled away and looked you over worriedly. His eyes were soft and his hands held gently onto your shoulders. “Are you okay?” He asked. Then, his hands came up to your cheeks as if to check for invisible tears. “Did he hurt you?”
You stared at the man in alarm, your lips parted in confusion. “Who?”
“Your ex.” 
Your mouth fell further open. “How’d you know I met him today?”
Jacob sighed and pulled out his phone. “I got a text.” You couldn’t help but melt at his small, worried pout. “He said that he had just talked to you and sent you home crying.”
You blinked. And then you snorted, much to Jacob’s surprise.
“That weirdo said that?” You laughed. “He did not. I was the one who sent him home. He’s bluffing!”
And even though the man in front of you looked slightly embarrassed, you could tell that he was relieved. He stepped forward and pulled you back into a hug, his hand stroking the back of his head. “Thank god. I thought you were hurt.”
You shook your head, smiling as you listened to his beating heartbeat. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”
It was you who pulled away first but it quickly became a regret. You so badly wanted to melt back into his arms. You’ve never been treated with so much care before–the way he held your face so gently to make sure you weren’t crying and how he held you close. God, how he made you swoon.
You cleared your throat, completely forgetting that you were staring in awe into your best friend’s eyes. Jacob smiled shyly.
“So!” You blurted, playing nervously with the sleeves of your coat. “What brings you to the park? You never come here.”
Jacob seemed to choke on something. Hm, you didn’t remember seeing him eating anything. He glanced around and you quickly noticed how red his ears had gotten.
“Oh, I–I was on a run and this was part of the… route.”
“Really?” You wondered, looking around. This area of the park was more closed off though, surrounded by more plants than people. “Interesting.”
“Yeah,” He laughed nervously.
It grew awkwardly silent then. The two of you were simply facing each other without anything to say or do. But that silence gave you more time to observe and notice the small details like how Jacob’s hair was tousled in multiple directions, meaning he wasn’t running in one straight path, but rather on multiple. His shoes were untied, which didn’t make any sense with his run, but instead showed that he was in a hurry. And then there was the phone call. The first thing he asked was where you were and as soon as you met up with him, it was like he was looking for…
“You were looking for me,” You breathed in realization. “You ran here because you were looking for me.”
Jacob’s cheeks immediately reddened as he stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. He winced as he tried to avoid eye contact. You leaned forward, making him breathe in sharply.
“I…” He sighed in defeat. It seemed like your best direction was simple eye contact. “Fine, I was looking for you. I was worried about you.”
Your eyes softened as you reached a hand up to fix his messy hair. “Why? You know that I can take care of myself.”
He frowned and you couldn’t help but think how adorable he looked when he was protective. “Still. I hate to see you hurt.”
You smiled, endeared. “Oh, Jacob…”
“Ever since you told me that you were afraid that one day, I wanted to take care of you more. And I’m sorry,” He whispered, slightly leaning into the touch of your hand. “I’m sorry if I intruded too much or made you uncomfortable. I promise that I’ll step back if you want. Or if you–”
He let out a muffled sound though, as you grabbed his collar and pulled him in to plant a kiss onto one of his cheeks. When you peeked an eye open, you smiled when you realized that his eyes were wide open in shock. Stifling a laugh, you pulled back and softly poked the spot that you just kissed.
“Wha… you…” He stared at you, completely dazed. Then, he giggled, completely flustered, as his hand came up to touch where you had just kissed.
You finally let that laugh escape, hiding your face in his chest. Then, you looked up at him, smiling widely. 
“You really do know how to make me fall, don’t you?”
He smiled goofily, almost like he was drunk after that one kiss. “You’re still standing though.”
You huffed fondly and slapped him bashfully. “You know what I mean.”
“Wait, but–” He widened his eyes. You felt his hands sneak around your waist, holding you securely and protectively. “Are you sure about this? I told you I’d wait. You don’t have to…” He bit his lip shyly. You could tell that the feeling of your lips on his cheek came rushing back. He shook out of his trance though he was still blushing. “You don’t have to kiss me if you’re not ready.”
You smiled softly and shook your head. You knew it was the necklace that did it for you. It served as further proof of how much Jacob cared for you–that he always thought about you even when you were apart and lied about the price so that you wouldn’t worry. Jacob was always like this. He always had you in his mind and would do anything if it meant that you would smile. Sometimes, he would even tell you that he liked your smile.
 “But I am ready. I want to go further with you.”
That was what made him jump in surprise. “You– you want to be more? Like me as your boyfriend? And you as…” He paused, his smile giddy and so in love. “Mine?”
You nodded excitedly. “Yes, Jacob.”
“But you said…”
“I’m still afraid,” You replied, looking down at where there was barely any distance between you two. “But I would love to try with you.”
“Are you sure?” He furrowed his eyebrows slightly which you couldn’t take seriously with the way his eyes were filled with so much eagerness.
“Yes.” You copied his expression jokingly.
“One hundred percent sure?” 
You sighed fondly and instead of replying, you stepped forward and pressed yet another kiss on his cheek. That seemed to be a good enough answer because Jacob was staring down at you as if you were the brightest star in the sky.
Jacob then used his finger to tilt your chin up. His smile was what left you feeling breathless. “Then I promise you, Y/n, that I’ll be good for you. If I do anything wrong, tell me. I will be my best for you. All the time. I like you so much”
You felt your composure melt as you couldn’t even control your grin anymore. 
“Okay,” You giggled. “I like you too. And this time, I want to do more. Only with you. You are my perfect world.”
Then, your expression quickly changed into a teasing one as you leaned in and fluttered your eyes shut. You expected Jacob to become flustered but instead, he smirked and tightened his hold on your waist. You were glad that the park was empty right now as you peeked an eye open, slightly flustered.
“What are you doing?” He teased.
You smiled shyly. “I’m asking for a kiss. And not as practice this time.”
“Of course, beautiful.” He drew circles on your hip before yanking you close and against his lips. It felt like fireworks going off in your stomach. And the fact that this was real was what made every sensation stronger than it was before.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and tilted your head slightly. Jacob smiled against your lips, holding you close without any intention to let go.
Jacob suddenly pulled away, leaving you to chase after his lips. When you stared at him with both confusion and want at the same time, he smiled knowingly before muttering, “You taste sweeter each time.” 
Instantly, you were coughing with a rising blush on your cheeks. The fact that this wasn’t even your first kiss is something to think about. But still, his eyes watched your every move, completely smitten before he leaned back in.
He made it feel like your first kiss everytime.
A few months later
“Why didn’t you tell me that the necklace was actually expensive?” You mumbled, your question briefly cut off by a yawn. The two of you were cuddled up in bed, late at night. It’s not like you two didn’t cuddle before so there wasn’t much of a difference–the only one being that there were now kisses added.
He hummed, the vibration resonating through your chest. “Because I knew you would worry too much and make me return it.”
You huffed grumpily and turned away, your back facing him. He let out a small sound of confusion and peeked over your body to poke your cheek.
“Did I say something wrong?” You already knew he was pouting.
“Yes,” You whined before quickly turning back around. You punched him in the chest though he didn’t flinch one. “Why do you always tell me not to worry about you? This is a teamwork thing. I want to worry about you.”
Jacob stared at you, a completely smitten look on his face. His gaze was soft and you yelped as he suddenly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you back to his chest.
“Okay,” He replied.
You froze. “That’s it? No arguments?”
He laughed quietly. “No, because you’re right. We should be taking care of each other equally.” Then, he tilted his head back to look you in the eye. “Plus, I like when you worry about me. So do that more from now on.”
“Good.” You rolled your eyes. “I will. You think I don’t notice when you’re shivering from the cold?”
He frowned. “But you need the jacket or else you’ll get col–”
“Jacob,” You warned. 
“Fine, fine.” He scoffed, squeezing your arm playfully. “But you do know that you deserve the best? So in my defense, you deserve that jacket.”
You bit your lip and sighed, defeated. You were glad that the room was dimly lit so that he wouldn’t notice your blush. As you were getting lost in your thoughts, you felt a hand caress the side of your face, turning your attention back.
“Can I ask something?”
You tilted your head, willing yourself not to melt into his touch. You couldn’t handle that stupidly loving smile he would give you everytime you did.
“What is it?”
“How have I been as a boyfriend? I told you I would treat you well. If there’s anything, let me know. All I want is for you to be happy when you’re with me. Of course, if you want…” You could tell he was nervous with the way he began to ramble.
You smiled fondly and leaned in to kiss his jaw. “Jacob, Jacob,” You spoke, interrupting his fast-paced words.
“Yeah?” He looked at you like an eager puppy.
“Don’t worry,” You whispered. “You’re doing amazing. You’ve been the sweetest boyfriend ever.” 
“Oh?” His focused expression quickly turned into a teasing one. “That’s a relief. I love being good for you.”
“My god.” You tried to act nonchalant, but you couldn’t ignore the skip of your heart. You were about to add on, but your words were muffled by him leaning in and kissing you. His lips moved against yours as if you had all the time in the world which you did–you loved to savor the moment. 
You barely noticed that he had shifted his position so that you were caged under his arms. You could feel him giggle against your lips, his hand coming up to comb through your hair. You would never get over the fact that he had been a good kisser all this time. You wondered just how many kisses you’ve missed out on. 
But then again, his kisses were all for you from now on. You liked–no, loved–the thought of that.
It was still late at night and so, your kisses started to grow more slow and relaxed. Your arms around his neck slowly fell to your sides. 
“Hey, don’t fall asleep on me now.” Jacob smirked, pulling away as he stared down at you, your eyes fighting to stay open.
“Can’t help it,” You mumbled. “Come down already.” You grabbed his arm that was holding him up as he hovered you and pulled him back down to lie with you. Automatically, you were climbing into his embrace and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
“Does my kissing make you sleepy?” He teased.
“Yes. I sleep when I’m in love,” You huffed, your thoughts jumbled and messy from both the kiss and your drowsiness.
“That doesn’t really make sense.” He still kissed the top of your forehead anyway.
“Shut up and go to sleep.”
“Okay, beautiful.”
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING Preachers Son Jacob x Innocent Reader ft demon Sangyeon
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DNI Jacob likes corrupting you, Sangyeon tempting Jacob, mentions of masturbation, porn without plot, degradation, corruption, pet names like darling, mature language, vaginal fingering, oral, penetration,etc
SUMMARY Jacob isn’t the sweet angelic preachers son everyone makes him out to be. Behind closed
doors he just can’t stop thinking about corrupting you.
An old story of mine rewritten for tbz, i haven’t read through again so sorry if there are typos
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“Jacob, tomorrow morning make sure that all pews are neat and each seat has a bible, along with the tithe envelopes, we’ll be having a few new families joining us today for sister leah’s baptism.” His father spoke authoritatively over the phone, having left Jacob alone while he and his mother went on their yearly anniversary vacation. Which meant it fell upon Jacob to take care of their upcoming service since they weren’t home.
“Yes father.’’ Jacob absentmindedly scribbled down all of his fathers orders on a piece of paper
Being the son of a preacher and the town's golden preacher's son meant that everything about him, the family, and its church must be perfect and in no shape or form show anything that presented them as anything other than pure. While Jacobs' father believed he had the perfect family and the most innocent and well put together son he had been completely wrong about the innocence of the man. Growing up his father had always taught him the things that were right and wrong in the eyes of all those holy within that list was the conjuring or deal making with demons or devils, like any kid he would listen and it would all go through one ear and out the other.
“What a daddy’s boy, still following all of his orders like you always did back when we were kids.’’ His mischievous voice cuts through the silence of the place like a knife.
“Sangyeon , I told you to stop showing up here.’’ Jacob sighs as he sits his phone down on the bed and continues to jot down tomorrow's preparations before the next upcoming service.
“Awe now where's the fun in that, i already own half your soul so there's really no getting rid of me unless you bind me to someone else.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as he kicks back on one of the benches with his hands behind his head.
And he was entirely right. When Jacob was younger, Sangyeon and him had been the best of friends, of course any outsider would assume the two hated one another the way they always bickered or annoyed one another. Jacob being the more calm and level headed while Sangyeon had always been the more risky and rowdy one. Well one night Jacob had gotten a call from Sangyeons mother telling him that Sangyeon was gone. Not wanting to lose his best friend Jacob took it so hard that he went against his morals and brought a spirit board home one night. He had been tampering around with things he knew nothing about and somewhere along the line without realizing he made a deal with a demon to bring back his friend. A demon that now not only owned Sangyeons soul, but part of his as well.
“Why is it that even through death and damnation you find ways to annoy me Sangyeon.’’ Jacob shakes his head as he finishes up with preparation notes.
“You’re the one that brought me back, stop acting as if you wouldn’t have missed it.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and sits up from the bench and as if on queue theres a knock on the door and Jacob makes his way downstairs being followed by Sangyeon. As he opened the door there you stood.
Sangyeon didn’t miss the way Jacobs gaze immediately took you in from head to toe and there was a sudden shift in his mood as well as the look in his eyes. Sangyeons lips immediately curled at the sides, a mischievous grin now decorating his lips as a lightbulb went off over his head.
“Well she’s cute cobie, is she the one you’re always moaning about whenever you jerk off alone in your shower.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as his tongue grazes over his fanged teeth, as you look up at Jacob your gaze was so sweet and innocent, Sangyeon couldnt help but eye you with an amused look on his face and a glint in his eyes.
Jacob gave the latter an annoyed look before looking back at you.
“What it’s not like they can see or hear me? Afraid they’ll find out innocent little Jacob isn’t so innocent and pure?’’ Sangyeon stands at his side and watches the interaction between the two of you.
“y/n what are you doing here? were we supposed to study today, did I forget?” Jacob speaks with the softest tone, it was enough to make Sangyeon laugh, having seen straight through his bullshit.
“Actually my parents thought that it would be a good idea to help you out with prep for tomorrow since your parents told them you’d be alone. And they wanted to make sure everything will go well with my sister's day tomorrow.” She gave him an innocent smile, one that Sangyeon found oh so enticing.
Your parents had been quite fond of Jacob since the moment you all first started attending his family's church. They saw him as a sweet well put together man , not to mention he and his family's faith seemed to be quite strong. Unaware of who he truly was behind the scenes they felt he would have been perfect for you. You, their sweet innocent daughter who they raised to be pure and sweet under the eyes of god, which you were. Never been to parties, never caught drinking or smoking. You were exactly what they had raised you to be, a good girl, one that Jacob who was also meant to be pure had thought of corrupting time and time again, but never put into action.
“You think she’s a virgin too? That’ll make it even more fun to corrupt her right Cobie? I bet she is a cute little virgin that's why you like her so much.’’ Sangyeon chimes in and Jacob simply ignores him, trying his best to focus on you alone.
“I see you don’t need to worry I’ll make sure your sister's day goes perfect, but i could still use the help, come in.’’ Jacob responds while leading you inside and over to the couch to have a seat.
“I have no doubt that it’ll be perfect my parents think very highly of you and your father.’’ She laughs as she takes a seat and adjusts her dress.
“Do they now? I wonder how her parents would feel if they knew the things you think of their daughter, she’s cute Cobie, seems innocent too, makes me want to play with her even more.’’ Sangyeons finger slid over your thigh sending a shiver through your body, you being entirely unaware of his presence caused you to believe it was simply just a chill.
“Sangyeon.’’ Jacob calls him through gritted teeth which only earns a laugh from Satoru.
“Just say the word and i’ll leave her alone.’’ His fingers slowly grazed the skin up your legs until he reached your skirt. As he watched as Sangyeon opened his mouth and flared his fangs Jacob could no longer stay silent.
“Sangyeon enough.’’ his voice was so loud it startled you for a second, you were even more startled to see another man appear at your side kneeling at eye level with your thighs.
“Now you’ve done it Cobie, you know the rules looks like she could see me now.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as Jacob silently curses himself for having said Sangyeons name in front of you.
“W-what? Where did you come from? Jacob?’’ Your eyes frantically move back and forth between Sangyeon and Jacob.
“This should be fun. Go on Cobie tell her about your deal.’’ Sangyeon leans against the couch behind her with a huge amused look on his face at his friend's sudden silence.
“Not gonna tell her? Alright, well angel i’m Lee Sangyeon a demon and Cobies best friend, Cobie here gave up half of his soul to a demon to bring me back when i died, but i could only come back under unfortunate circumstances, so guess you can say im his own personal demon.’’ Sangyeon ignores his now annoyed friend sitting there with a look of disapproval on his face.
“You know you really are pretty, I see why Jacob is always thinking about you.’’ he continues on, disregarding the silence between the three of them.
“Sangyeon.’’ Jacob finally glances at him, his eyes now darkening as if queueing Sangyeon to shut up.
“What? I just want to play with her a little. Don't act like you're some sweetheart wanting to protect her. Go on tell her about all those times you’ve jerked off thinking about her, about all those times you’ve had to force yourself to behave around her when she would show up to study sessions in her cute little skirts. What’s stopping me from playing with her now that she knows I'm here? What stops you from playing with her now that she knows you aren't as sweet and innocent as you look?’’ Sangyeons hand wraps around your neck earning a gasp from you as his other snakes around her waist.
“Just look at her Cobie, the way she trembles at my touch and looks to you just to save her and protect her from me. Be her savior then.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and licks a slit up your neck earning a soft whine from you that makes Jacobs cock twitch against his pants.
“She’s so believing in you being her cute little savior, sweet innocent preacher's son, save her then Jacob, live up to your title.’’ Sangyeons tone was quite menacing as he tries to talk Jacob into giving in to his desires.
“Jacob...’’ His name spills from your lips like a silent plea, you were looking for him to help you unaware that you had given him the very push he needed just by calling his name.
“Listen to how desperate she sounds calling out for you Cobie.’’ Sangyeon chuckles as he slides his fingers up your skirt and pushes his fingers past your folds.
“She’s perfectly ready for you to save her.’’ Sangyeons other hand holds your skirt up in place against your stomach revealing how tight you were wrapped around Sangyeons fingers. Seeing such a sight and hearing a cry spill from your lips, nothing else mattered to Jacob but this.
“That’s it show her the real you.’’ Sangyeons fingers moved so quickly against your clit that you had no time to refuse him.
“J- Jacob please.’’ You choke out soft pleas which Jacob simply ignored, he was done putting up his facade especially having gotten to see you in this position, legs spread wide on his own couch with his best friends fingers buried deep in your cunt.
“God your whining is so pathetic it makes me want to ruin you even further.’’ Jacob finally speaks, making you fall silent and Sangyeon laughs behind you.
You were completely taken back by Jacobs sudden change. Moving closer to the two of you he lets out a dark chuckle as he helps Sangyeon hook your panties to the side, pushing a finger through your folds he then brings it to the lips. This was the complete opposite of the Jacob you knew, the Jacob he pretended to be around you.
“How is she?’’ Sangyeons face had been close to your neck, you felt his fangs graze your neck as if warning you not to make one move. Which meant you were forced to keep your eyes on Jacob, watching the way his head falls back and he lets out a soft hum at the taste of you.
“Such a sweet girl, let’s take our time with her Yeon.’’ A desperate whine spills from your lips as Jacob buries yet another finger inside of you.
“Make sure she doesn't get too rowdy Yeon, shut her up until she learns to be silent, wouldn't want your parents to hear anything from next door now would you darling? Their good little girl being fucked by a demon and the person they think so highly of.’’ Sangyeon whispers near your ear before biting into the skin on your shoulder earning a loud scream. Your scream is swallowed up into Jacobs mouth as he takes your lips against his in a kiss.
While he had you distracted with his kiss he took a moment to unbuckle his belt and pull out his cock, he didn’t miss the soft whine that spilled out from your lips and into his as he kissed you. Grabbing hold of your hair he roughly pulls away from your lips before shoving his cock deep down your throat without warning.
“Shit.’’ he grunts out as he thrusts into your mouth the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over as he disregards every gag or cry that spills from your lips as well as the tears that form in your eyes slowly falling down your beautiful face.
“Shit look at how wet she is Cobie, she likes it, how cute, corrupted little angel getting turned on while she’s being used like a fuck toy.’’ Sangyeon presses his thumb against the sensitive bud between your folds, smiling at the way your body jerked and convulsed at his touch.
“And here we were thinking you were just a good little girl that did everything her parents asked.’’ Sangyeon chuckles and watches as his friend simply went crazy showing no mercy whatsoever as he abused your throat.
“Tell me princess will you still play innocebt after this, fucking someone who isnt even your boyfriend and a demon right next door to your own home, how naughty. I guess i’ll have to continue to fuck away your innocence every time i see you from now on.’’ Jacob holds a fistfull of your hair, his grunts and moans of pleasure echoing throughout the entire house so loud he would have expected a noise complaint.
“Does this make her ours? Our personal little plaything.’’ Sangyeon chimes in cheerfully earning a glare from Jacob.
“Don’t act as if you haven't marked her already I saw you bite her Sangyeon.’’ Jacob growls and the moment he gets ready to cum he could hear a knock at the door and a chime on your phone and he was forced to stop.
With a chuckle he he places you on his lap as he takes a seat on the couch, while Sangyeon slips your phone from your purse.
“Looks like mommy and daddy are at the door sweetheart, i think i'll let them know you aren’t here at the moment.”
“Remember pretty girl, you make a sound and your entire family will know their innocent yn is just a dirty little girl that likes fucking demons.’’ Hoisting up your skirt Jacob places his hands on your ass and lifts you up gently sliding you down into his cock. After having texted your parents that you and Jacob had taken a break from studying to go out into town for food, Sangyeon places your phone down and walks over to you. Hovering over you he takes a fistfull of your hair and shoves his cock into your mouth until he completely bottoms out.
Jacobs eyes fixate on your bouncing figure as he watches your desperate movements. He found both amusement and pleasure at the way you so willingly gave in to him and Sangyeon now. his breath catching at the sight. Hearing your moans of pleasure and loud exclamations, a primal growl escapes his lips. Sangyeon tightens his grip on your hair upon feeling your cheeks hollow around his cock. As Jacob caught sight of you reaching up to stop Sangyeon from fucking into your throat he’s quick to grab your arms and force them behind your back.
“Nono angel, go ahead and take him like a good girl, i'm sure you can take it baby.” he thrusts his hips up with increasing force and speed. The sound of your bodies colliding fills the room along with the sweet sounds of your moans as if you were harmonizing, a symphony of your own pleasure and desire.
His eyes lock with Sangyeons, a mixture of lust and tenderness in his gaze. "You’re lucky to even be this close to her, enjoy yourself while it lasts Yeon" Jacob warns Sangyeon before letting out a breath, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and adoration.
His sultry voice only makes you eager to have him finish inside of you. The rotation of your hips and force of her bounces became stronger. As youre riding him so desperately your eyes catch a glimpse of Sangyeon, you immediately clench at the sight of him loving the way that his head fell back and loud groans spilled from his lips at the way your lips so skillfully sucked him off.
your gaze losing all its innocence, suddenly changing into one so lustful and sensual that it would make any man crumble at your feet. In that moment you didn’t seem to care about the consequences of your actions as you had both of them invoking unawakened pleasures within you you had never felt before that day. The more they gave in to their desires the more compliant you became, you wanted them to do whatever they wanted with you from this point forward, you'd allow them to completely destroy you however they wanted.
“Looks like you’re ready to cum already Cobie, she that good?’ Your hips rotation and skill of your tongue pulling the lewdest of moans from both parties.
Jacobs body tenses under the intensity of your movements, his breaths becoming more ragged as he nears his peak. Only thing you hated about this was the fact that you couldnt take in how beautiful he looked behind you. The sweat dripping down his neck as his hair fell loosely upon his face
He watches you, captivated by the way your hips rotate and the force of your desperate bounces. The feeling of your tightness and the way you clenched around him driving him wild with pleasure. The sound of their moans fills the confession box, a testament to the pleasure they're experiencing together.
Sangyeons eyes meet yours, his own filled with a combination of desire and a hint of dominance. His hips continue to move with a fervent rhythm as he takes control, giving in to the primal urge to dominate and see you crying at the force of his thrusts into your throat. The squelching sound from Jacob burying himself deep into your cunt intensifies the pleasure building within you.
Jacobs hand wraps around your neck, his grip tightening immediately around your throat as your body convulses with pleasure, his fingers combined with his rough thrusts earning gush after gush from you, your squirting only fueling his desire further. He watches your reactions, attuned to your every whimper and moan, while maintaining a careful balance of control and intensity. With a growl, he delivers harder thrusts, his hand still firmly wrapped around your throat, his dominance and control evident in his movements. He takes in the sight of you, the way your body trembles beneath him, your moans of pleasure echoing in the room.
"Too much, pretty girl?" he taunts, his voice laced with desire. "Or is it just enough? I want to make you lose yourself, to make you completely mine. My pretty little sinner. I'll corrupt you over and over again."
As the intensity between them reaches its peak, Jacob also continues to ravish you, the both of them taking you to the brink of ecstasy. All of your bodies move in unison, a dance of passion and pleasure, until you’d all succumb to the overwhelming release that awaited.
“Fuck look at her, shes making a mess.” Sangyeon groans as he looks down on the scene before him. You had never squirted so much in your life, actually you had never even squirted before in your life. Jacobs' couch had been completely soaked after Jacob having made you do it over and over again after seeing you do it the first time. He didn’t even care even if you begged him to let you cum. He found pleasure in edging you in ways that brought tears to your eyes and had you trembling for your release.
Sangyeon took pride in the way you gazed up at him, mouth full of his cock while drool spilled down your chin, your lip gloss a complete mess.
Upon feeling your body convulse and your trembling legs against his lap Jacob knew you were reaching your breaking point. His eyes darken with a mix of satisfaction and desire as he takes in the sight of you in such an overwhelmed state. Your body trembling, the evidence of the three of your escapades staining the couch. He relishes in the marks he's left on your skin, the hickeys adorning your skin a testament to him having corrupted you. Feeling your desperation and hearing your whimpered please, His own control begins to waver. He knows the both of you are on the edge, bodies yearning for release. With a final, powerful thrust, he pushes you both over that edge. Sangyeon is not too far behind allowing you all to release in synchronicities.
A guttural moan escapes his lips as he finds his own release, the intensity of it coursing through his veins. As you ride the waves of pleasure together, he holds you close to his chest savoring the aftermath of the encounter. THe way you lay against him so fucked out and pretty.
“From now on you’re mine, no one else looks at you or touches you, the only one allowed to corrupt your pretty little mind angel, is me.”
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slytherinshua · 7 months
genre. fluff. crack. fake texts. warnings. a lot of my bad humor and attempts to be rly sweet over text. not rly jokes abt cheating but it could be read that way?? it's all lighthearted so don't take anything too seriously lmao. some marriage talk too. pairing. jacob x fem!reader. a/n. to read pt 1 of jacob texts, click here!! also i probably wouldn't have done a pt 2 if it weren't for @mysuhlody sort of asking for it lol thank you for enjoying the original jacob texts and these ones are for you lovely person out there <33
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↳ tbz taglist: @eternalgyu,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @cosmicwintr,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien,, @lecheugo
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jinkoh · 4 months
being selfish
jacob x gn!reader
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part of my soulmate series
summary: jacob doesn't need a soulmate, after all he has you. so why do these marks have to show up on his body now?
tags: soulmate au (sharing bruises), established relationship, angst; SFW, warnings: vague non graphic descriptions of bruises
wc: 1.1k
a/n: i know i mentioned about sang being up next but then i finished jacobs part in time for his birthday so ofc he had to come first~
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When he spotted small bruises here or there, Jacob thought nothing of it. He must have bumped into something without noticing, these things happen. After all, he was already 27. If he had a soulmate, he would have known by now. And it wasn’t like he wanted one—he’d already found his home in you. He didn’t need fate to tell him that you were the one, he knew that well by himself.
However when a huge bruise appeared on his back, it got a little hard to find an explanation for it that wasn’t a soulmate he hadn’t been aware of. It threw him off, because he had long come to terms with the fact that he didn’t have one. He’d been a little disappointed about it as a child and a teenager, jealous of his friends who seemed to have these connections he could only dream of. But when he’d met you a few years ago, it almost seemed lucky, because you were the same, because you could find your soulmates in each other even without any shared bruises. But now it suddenly seemed like his long buried desire for a fated love was being answered to, way too late and without the choice to opt out. 
Jacob didn’t know what to do. What was the right path for a situation like this? He knew he had to tell you sooner or later, but the consequences scared him. Was it okay to stay with you despite having a soulmate? Would that be unfair to them? Would that be unfair to you? Jacob didn’t know.
To his dismay he couldn’t hide it for long. You were attentive enough to notice that he stopped changing in front of you and you saw the difference in the way he was looking at you. So really, it was a trick question when you let your fingers trace over his lower arm one evening, asking where the small bruise came from that he hadn’t even noticed himself yet.
He stared at you like a deer caught in headlights. It was quiet for a good five seconds before he could finally muster a reply. “I don’t know. Just…somewhere.” 
You gave him a small sad smile. “It’s someone else’s, isn’t it?”
Jacob pressed his lips together, unable to confirm it even when you clearly already knew. It pained him to see you look at him like that and he felt guilty for not having the courage to tell you first, putting you in a position where you had to puzzle the pieces together by yourself.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“Why are you sorry? Isn’t that good news? You have a soulmate, that’s a beautiful thing.” You clearly tried to smile, but your voice was shaking and there were tears in your eyes. Jacob felt like he was going to be sick.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated and his own voice sounded strained and unfamiliar.
“Isn’t it better to find out now? Imagine we would have gotten married already, that would have made things so complicated.” It was a horrible attempt at gallows humor, and the fact that Jacob had a small velvet box hidden away in his nightstand, waiting there from before he’d started noticing the bruises, only made it worse. He wanted to cry. Maybe he already was. If only he could have kept the secret a little longer, if only he could have lived in the pretense that there was only him and you for a few more weeks. Then he could have daydreamed about asking you to marry him instead of having to return the ring to the shop. He could have imagined what your wedding would be like and how you’d smile at him brightly while walking down the aisle. But of course you wouldn’t want to marry someone who had a soulmate waiting for him. It would be so unfair to expect you to stay with him while someone else’s bruises showed up on his skin. And it would be unfair to his soulmate too, because maybe they were eagerly looking forward to the day they’d meet and how awful would it be to find their soulmate already happily married? Maybe ending things was the only right thing to do, regardless of what Jacob wanted himself. 
He dropped his face into his hands, screwing his eyes shut in hopes not to cry, but his cheeks were already wet with tears.
“It’s okay,” you assured, your voice soothing even through your own tears. “I’ll be okay. And I’ll make it easy on you, I won’t make a scene.”
If he’d had a little more courage he would have said that he wanted you to make a scene, he wanted you to be angry and to fight and to tell him not to go. He didn’t want you to accept fate this easily and he couldn’t tell if it was your selflessness or if you couldn’t bear the thought of staying with him if a soulmate was part of the equation.
“How could it ever be easy on me?” He pressed out, lowering his hands to look at you.
“I know,” Your lower lip was trembling and your fingers found his wrist to rub circles into his skin that were either meant to soothe him or yourself. “I know. But just this once, think only about yourself, about what you want. It’s okay, Jacob. You can be selfish now.”
“Can I really?”
There were tears streaming down your face, but you still smiled when you gave him a small nod and the sight of it tore him apart inside. 
“Okay,” he said, cupping your cheeks and catching your tears with his thumbs, “I’ll be selfish.”
Then he leaned in to kiss you, his lips brushing against yours so carefully as if it was your first time.
“What are you doing?” you whispered in confusion when your lips parted.
“Being selfish,” he replied before he leaned in to kiss you again. “Didn’t you tell me to think only about what I want?”
“I did, but—”
“And what I want more than anything is to be with you. I don’t care about soulmates and shared bruises or whatever. It can never be worth losing you. So I’m staying.” He leaned his forehead against yours, “Please let me stay.”
At his words, new tears were welling up in your eyes and you barely managed to stop the sobs wanting to escape your throat. All this time, this had been what you wanted more than anything, but you’d been too scared to voice it, too worried about ruining his chances at happiness. But maybe this was enough for him, maybe he’d already found his happiness here with you.
You wrapped your arms around him, hugging him as tightly as you could. “Yes,” you pressed out through your tears, “Please stay.” 
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ericsprincess · 11 months
keep it coming like that roar
nc-17, Jacob Bae/reader, incubus!Jacob, inexperienced!Jacob, penetrative sex, a bit crack-y
You get visited by an inexperienced incubus. 
Sheet mask on? Check. Glass of wine? Check. Favorite drama ready to be played? Check. 
You take a sip from your wine and lean back onto the pillows on your bed. You pull the blanket over you so that you’re nice and cozy. 
Finally the weekend, finally some time to unwind. After as much chaos at work as you experienced this week, you really deserve some me-time. You’ve been looking forward to catching up with this drama for the whole week, but so far, every single day, when you finally crawled back home from work, you managed only to shower, eat, and drop dead into your bed. 
But now, nothing is standing between you and some well-deserved relax. Who knows, maybe you will even dig out something out of your long abandoned box of sex toys under the bed and make the evening even better. You will see where this bottle of wine will take you. 
You take the tv remote and you’re just about to press play when you get suddenly startled by a sound. 
Knock knock. 
You sit up. What was that? Did you imagine that? You take off your sheet mask and quickly look around. It was not a door knock, it sounded more like something tapping on a glass, but you’re alone in your room. Ghosts? No, that’s stupid, you scold yourself. It was probably something that carried over from the neighbors’ apartment and you just misheard. You lie back down on the pillow, trying to calm down your quickened heartbeat. 
Knock knock. “Excuse me?”
Well now you definitely didn’t imagine that - neither the knocking or the feeble voice.
You quickly kick off the blanket and get out of your bed. The voice clearly went from your window. Burglars, you think and grab the lamp sitting on your nightstand, as a measly tool for possible necessary self-defense. It briefly flashes through your mind that it’s odd that burglars might be trying to get into your apartment through the window on the sixth floor, but you’re too distressed to think more about it. Your heart is beating so fast and it’s like you don’t even have time to be scared, you have to do something. 
You get closer to the window and there it is. Or, more like, there is he. 
You can barely see anything in the night light, but right outside of the window, perched on the windowsill, there is a guy, knocking on the glass panel. 
“Uh, hello? Can you please let me in?” he tries, with a soft voice and knocks again. He looks awkward and almost apologetic, but you know not to trust anyone. Especially not burglars. 
You grasp the lamp tighter and full of adrenaline yell back at him. 
“No, FUCK OFF! No idea who you think that you are but, I’m calling the police right now!!” You quickly look around to find your phone and jump onto the bed to fish it out from under your blanket, when you hear him sigh. 
“Ah, I really tried…” *swoosh* 
You look at the window after the sound but it’s…empty? There is nothing behind it anymore. 
Did I imagine that? you think. You walk back to check the window but there is really nothing, just the night skyline with a view over the city. But before you even have a chance to calm down and reconsider your future alcohol consumption, you hear it again, now behind you. 
You turn back. And there he stands. The same guy, but now he’s right in your bedroom. 
You take a deep breath to start screaming for your dear life, when he runs to you and grabs you by your shoulders. 
“Hey, don’t scream, Y/N. Calm down, I’m not a burglar. I won’t hurt you, I promise,” he says with a gentle and soothing voice. You look into his eyes and they are glowing red. His touch, as well as his voice, is strangely calming, and both are so pleasant. Despite everything, you take a hold of yourself. WIth just one touch, all the stress in your body fizzles out. 
He seems to notice it and lets you go and steps back, which gives you a chance to look at him better, now that you’re not panicking. 
He’s not tall, but not short either and he is nicely built - kinda muscular, with really nice broad shoulders, He’s wearing only a simple oversized white shirt with black jeans, and it’s unbuttoned enough that his (nicely developed, you couldn’t help but notice) chest is peeking through. 
His hair is honey blond and falling into his face in a sexy way and his face itself is also very striking - with pretty eyes and enviable jawline, he’s definitely your type. 
All the fight leaves your body and you helplessly ask: “What do you want from me?”
“Uh,” he shifts his weight awkwardly. “I guess I should explain everything. My name is Jacob and I am an incubus. Our systems detected a very high level of…uh…sexual energy from you, therefore I am here to offer my services,” he adds, with a smile that’s only a bit nervous. 
Ah. You have, of course, heard about incubi already. 
“That sounds suspicious. What do you want in exchange for it? Money? I will definitely not pay for anything like that. Or..” a thought occurs to you. “My soul? Do I have to sign off my soul to the devil or what? I mean, I guess I’m probably already not going to heaven, but like, at least I’m trying to be a good person sometimes,” you ramble.
“No such thing, don’t worry,” Jacob hurries to reassure you. “Us, incubi, we feed on sexual energy. You will just feel really tired after that and fall asleep immediately, that’s all.” 
“Oh. And by that you mean…?”
You consider your options. He already semi-ruined your nice evening with a drama and wine, and you know you would be probably too shaken to even fall asleep if you just sent him away now. And it’s not like you haven’t already planned to put your vibrator to use after a couple of glasses. And it will cost you basically nothing. And he’s your type. It’s just practical at this point. 
It’s really not at all difficult to convince yourself to give in. 
“Okay. I guess I agree. You’re better not pulling some stunt on me though,” you threaten, frowning. 
“I’m not, I swear.” he smiles at you gently, and this must be some part of his special incubus charms, because it completely disarms you. He’s too cute. And his voice is just beautiful. 
Can’t wait to hear him moan, flashes through your head. 
He closes the distance between you, his eyes not leaving your face. He gently touches your chin and next moment his lips are on yours. He’s a good kisser, starting with slow, small kisses while his hand sneaks around your waist and hugs you closer. He licks your bottom lip and you get the question hidden in the gesture and let his tongue slip into your mouth. He feels really good, you think. His body is so warm and his scent is heavenly, even the little gasps and noises he sometimes lets out while kissing, even those sound like music to your ears. 
You can really understand how he was made to be attractive. Made for people to want to have sex with him.  
You feel yourself getting wet and you decide to move things a little. You start to unbutton his shirt and he gets the hint and helps you out of your pyjamas. Running your hands over his body, you really appreciate everything you see. You squeeze one of his pecs while he leans down to kiss along your neck. So good, you could play with just his chest for the whole night. 
“Let’s go to bed,” you whisper and he stops sucking hickeys into your collarbone and nods eagerly with a smile. He unbuttons and unzips his jeans and takes them off with surprising elegance. 
He’s not wearing anything under his jeans and you can’t help your curiosity, so your eyes get immediately lured to his cock. It’s not like there is any kind of pretense anymore so you just stare unashamedly. He’s a nice decent size, not too big, but definitely not too small either, with adequate thickness and pretty shape. And it’s uncut, you notice, and you can feel yourself start to salivate. Everything about him is simply perfect. 
He throws the pants away and takes you by the hand to your bed. You’re almost expecting him to push you roughly on the bed and straight up ravage you, but no such thing happens. Instead of that, he surprises you by getting on the bed alone, setting himself up on all fours, waiting. He even throws a sexy smoldering bedroom eyes look over his shoulder. 
“What are you doing?” you ask incredulously. 
“Waiting for you to fuck me,” he sighs and lowers down his upper body to rest on the bed, in face down ass up position, to make himself look even more attractive and fuckable. 
You would be lying if you didn’t find it hot, but you can clearly see there is some kind of misunderstanding going on right now. 
“Like, in your ass? And how would I do that? Not sure if you have noticed, but I am a woman and I don’t have a dick,” you ask him, wildly gesturing around your crotch. 
He seems caught off guard by that. He drops down on the bed and sits up, looking confused. 
“Oh. I’m sorry. I guess…. I did not consider that?”
“How could you not?” you ask in complete disbelief. “You’re an incubus, for fuck’s sake!” 
“Uh..well yeah, but so far I’ve been sent only to men.” he scratches his head awkwardly. He’s blushing and definitely embarrassed by this situation.  
”I’m actually sort of new to this? And, usually we don’t get sent to women until we get some practice. Men are easier to satisfy, like, it’s mostly enough to just be there, so we sort of have to earn being sent to women. But Hyunjae - uh sorry, that’s our dispatcher demon - he said that he thinks that I am ready and that he’s getting unusually high sexual energy levels from you, so you will definitely know what to do with me. I should know better than to trust Hyunjae, but…” he shakes his head. 
“So like, what are we going to do now?” you ask, getting impatient. Ah, a way to be disappointed… 
“Uh, do you like… have a strap-on, perhaps?” he beeps meekly, looking down at his hands folded in his lap awkwardly. 
You roll your eyes. “Actually, I do. But fucking you with plastic cock will not make me cum, so it’s pointless, isn’t it?” 
“Ah…” he sighs. He seems to be thinking for a moment. You let him go through whatever thought process he has in his mind, gathering all the patience you’re capable of.
“Okay, I guess it’s time to be a man.” He straightens up, and looks up at you, with newfound determination in his eyes. 
“If you excuse my inexperience, I would like to continue with our arrangement as we agreed beforehands.” 
“Really?” you doubt. “What convinced you?”
“Uh. Honestly? I’m still scared, but I doubt I will have another chance to have my first time with a woman with someone as attractive as you,” he replies and you smile smugly. Even in case he’s buttering you up a little, it’s the correct answer. 
“And also, Hyunjae will laugh at me forever if I chicken out,” he shrugs. Well, can’t have it all, you snort. 
He reaches his hand to you and you take it, joining him in bed. You lie down and let him lean over you so that he can kiss you. It doesn’t take long to build up the atmosphere again and after a few moments the kiss gets really heated. His hands are roaming all over your body, touching and squeezing, learning where everywhere you’re sensitive and where it feels good. 
He lowers his head to suck on your nipples while you’re just lying down and enjoying his attention and you use the opportunity to reach for his cock. He’s already fully hard again, wet with precum and pretty much ready to go. You pump it a few times and he hums in appreciation with your nipple in his mouth. He clearly figures out this is the way to go and copies you, brushing his hand down your body to your pussy, fingers dipping between your folds, just to find out how wet you are. 
He rubs gently over your clit and he does it already with perfect pressure and angle, clearly executing his talent and special ability to figure out in an instant, what would make you tick.
“Hmmm, so good, you’re doing well, Jacob,” you praise him and he lifts his head from your tits to smile at you, happy that he seems to get the hang of it. He kisses you again while he keeps touching your pussy and you know at this point he could easily get you off like that - but that’s not what you want right now. 
“Wanna try it first from the opposite side?” you talk low into his ear and gently push him off you, so that you can settle into the same face-down-ass-up position he did just a while ago. 
“Oh, yeah, that sounds really good,” he situates himself right behind you and looks down between your bodies. 
“Do I just..put it in?” he hesitates. 
“Yeah,” you chuckle. You’re dripping wet and definitely more than ready. “At this point it’s the only thing left to do.”
“Okay,” he breathes out, bracing himself at the last moment and pushes in. “Ohhh,” he lets out a moan, and you peek over your shoulder to look at him. His eyes are closed and mouth open in pure bliss. 
“Oh god, please, Y/N, can I move?” he begs, his hips already thrusting into you a little, as if he’s not able to completely stop himself from fucking. 
“Yes, please,” you whine. “You don’t have to hold back, I’m sure you’ll figure it out quickly.”
He doesn’t waste even a second and starts fucking you with strong hard strokes, and the only thing you can do is hold on to the bed sheets for your dear life. You would never guess that this is his first time fucking, he’s already getting the perfect tempo and depth, and his cock feels so good as if he was made exactly for you. 
He’s holding onto your waist, fucking you vigorously, while letting out heavenly sounding moans, his cock stretching you in the most delightful way. His tempo is unwavering and as he’s fucking you, he pushes you even lower by your waist and the change of angle makes you lose your mind with pleasure. His cock is rubbing into all the best spots inside you, and you are almost screaming with pleasure, barely having the presence of mind to try to sneak a hand down to rub at your clit, but you don’t even have time to do that and you’re already coming, just from his cock. You bury your face into the pillow as you moan and gasp through your orgasm and his relentless fucking is just prolonging it more and more, and you can’t even tell clearly, but it feels like you’re coming for a second time too. 
Jacob behind you is also gasping and moaning and he lets himself cum as if on command only at the moment he feels you come down from your orgasm, pumping you full of cum, until it drips from you on the bed when he finally pulls out. 
He drops next to you on the bed, just as you slump down on your belly. He’s barely out of breath, even after such strenuous activity. You reach out a hand to pet his chest.
“Wow, not bad at all for a first timer,” you sigh in bliss. “I should have expected such talent from an incubus,” you turn to smile at him and kiss him, just to meet his eyes, wide open in surprise. 
“H-how are you not falling asleep? People usually drop dead right after.. ” he stutters, completely taken aback. 
You shrug. “To be honest, I’m not even tired.” 
You stretch like a cat to help your stiffened muscle, then roll over and push him lying down to bed and straddle his lap. 
“Next round? I’ll teach you how to eat pussy.”
***3 hours later***
“Oh god, Jacob, ah,” you moan while he’s fucking into you from behind, spooning on the bed. He’s all read and sweaty and out of breath, fucking you despite being oversensitive and probably in pain, but you’re not letting him stop, not until you cum again. He brings his hand in front of you, rubbing at your clit to get you off, fighting a cramp in his wrist. He’s completely ruined, you realize as he’s whining into your ear, when you finally spasm with orgasm in his embrace. 
He buries his face into your neck, breathing heavily. He seems to not even care anymore about whether he gets to cum too, since it’s probably too painful for him at this point. 
“One more?” you taunt him. 
He groans and pulls away. 
“I-I think I got enough energy from you now, thank you. Actually, I think it’s counterproductive to continue now, and I am starting to lose it,” he stutters. He stumbles out of bed, clearly completely fucked out, his muscles screaming in pain. Aww, you think. 
“Uh, I think I have to go now. But, uhh,” he blushes, forcing himself to look at you. 
“This was really great and I learnt a lot, I hope I was able to catch up with you at least a little. Even though I doubt so. Uhh,” he clears his throat. “I can visit you some other time too, if you would like to. Maybe you can show me some other new things?” 
“Sure,” you nod nonchalantly. You’re not even hiding your satisfaction about wearing out an actual incubus like that. 
“Okay, thank you,” he bows a little. He quickly grabs his clothes and quite fucking literally jumps out of your window naked into the night. 
You run to the window and lean out of it, shouting after him. 
“Hey! Bring your demon friend next time!”  
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sanaxo-o · 2 months
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Reaction to their S/O wanting a pet (Hyung Line)
Genre: pure fluff, slightly sad for Jacob but reader comforts him, very very very cute, pouty hyunjae haha, not proofread
Sana: I know I disappeared for more than a month ig and I am not at all totally back but this is a draft I had for a long time and decided to finish it before sleeping. So here it is as I promised @from-izzy this hyunjae did see the light of the day (we cheered lol)
Word count: 1288
Tagging: @deoboyznet @a-dream-bookmark @mosviqu @kimsohn @cloverdaisies
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Getting tired of trying to get your boyfriend’s attention you sit back down on the couch with your head placed on Sangyeon’s lap as you stare up at his face which was buried in the book he was currently reading.
You knew he was busy, but he had been busy with his work for the past few days which made you want to crave for his attention more than anything.
You closed your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of Sangyeon petting your head with his hand while his other continued to use the phone.
The silence continued until you decided to ruin it by the most sudden question you could think of.
“What do you think about having a pet?” You ask out of the blue, which made Sangyeon stop using his phone while his hand took a complete halt which was busy petting your head a while ago as he diverted his attention to you.
“Huh?” He says in confusion as he keeps his phone away before he stares down at you. Leaning down he gave your lips a small peck as he decided to speak again, “Why this sudden thought?” He asked softly, his hands raking through your hair soothingly.
“I don’t know, it would be nice to have some company. I am bored most of the time when you’re busy with your work..” you tell him as you bring your hand up and poke his cheek with your finger which made him give out a small grin.
“I don’t know sweetheart, we both are busy most of the time with work. Who will take care of the pet when we’re not here?” He asks softly.
He had a point, you both were pretty swamped with work on the weekdays so having a pet will only increase your work.
“Can’t we just get one pet? Please…” you plead, you knew you wouldn’t be able to take care of a pet because speaking logically you cannot even take care of yourself without hurting yourself at least once.
“Do you promise you will take care of it?” He says suspiciously, his hands coming to a halt as he brings them up to scratch his neck.
“Yes, I promise I will take care of it!” You say with enthusiasm, happy that Sangyeon is agreeing to you getting a pet only for your smile to get replaced with a scowl when you hear his answer.
“The answer is still no. Maybe sometime in the future when we have more time for us. At the moment, I am the only one who should be having your attention.” Saying that Sangyeon brought his hands to your waist as he started tickling you which made laughter erupt from your throat.
You sit beside Jacob who was busy keeping his niece entertained, letting out a small sigh, you stare at his brother playing with their pet dogs.
“What are you thinking about?” Jacob whispers softly as he places his niece on the couch beside him once he was asleep.
“Do you ever think about having another pet? You ask softly as you stare at him.
Seeing the slight hurt in Jacob’s eyes immediately reminds you about the recent passing away of one of his dogs.
Inching your hand closer to Jacob’s, you hold it in your in a comforting grip as you slide closer to Jacob to pull him closer in your warm embrace.
“I am sorry, I didn’t realise that you must be still trying to move on from the recent death.” You say, your voice coming out hushed since your face was buried in Jacob’s shoulder.
“It’s okay…having another pet is a huge responsibility and I don’t think I am just ready to get another one…” Jacob mumbles as he buries his face in your neck to try and stop himself from crying.
“I am sorry for bringing it up.” You apologise as you pat his back comfortingly.
You stared at Hyunaje who was trying to get Darong’s attention for the past half an hour.
You came to his folks place to look after his pet while his family was away for some time. You have known Hyunaje for almost seven years and you surprisingly warmed up to Darong quite well.
Darong himself would always jump in your arms whenever you came over at his place which of course made Hyunaje pout. His girlfriend was giving her attention to his dog who would ignore him while his dog was busy cuddling his girlfriend instead of meeting his own owner.
You smiled in adoration when Hyunaje gave up on trying to get Darong’s attention as he just settled down on the couch beside you with a tired sigh escaping his lips.
“Why do puppies hate me?” He mumbles softly as he slowly lays his head on your lap and hums in satisfaction when he feels your fingers gently brushing and massaging his scalp in a soothing manner.
“Maybe because you always annoy them?” You suggest with a small laugh escaping your throat when you see Hyunaje pucker his lips at your mean, mean words.
“Don’t say that..” he says that as he pokes your cheeks with his fingers and plays with your fingers while humming to a song.
“Why don’t we adopt a pet? A pet who could also accompany Darong and give him company?” You say with excitement as you pick Darong up, who was standing beside you while wagging his tail waiting for you to take notice of him. You place him on your other lap and pet his head, “Would you like that darongie?” You call out his name and smile when he barks in response.
“I think he’s on board with the plan Jae..” you tell him as you pick up Darong in your arms and stand up from the couch which led to hyunjaes head falling back on the couch. You turn a blind eye to your boyfriend who was calling out your name in desperation.
“What’s the point of getting another pet if I am going to be ignored either way?” He mumbles to himself as he slowly sits back up and scoffs when he sees you playing with Darong.
He could still feel his cheeks turning upwards in a smile when he hears your laugh echoing throughout the room whenever Darong listens to your orders.
If getting another pet made you happy, he would gladly buy how much ever you wanted if that’s what makes you smile this huge.
Entering the house you gasp when you see a dog (who was not Bori) playing with Younghoon.
You immediately drop your bag on the floor and sit down on the floor beside Younghoon to pet the new puppy which was busy biting and playing with Younghoon.
“You’re back!” Younghoon exclaims as he hugs you tightly.
“Where did you get this dog?” You ask while slowly picking it up and booping your nose with the dog.
“Some person abandoned it on the street.” Younghoon replies sadly as he goes into the washroom to clean his hands.
Hearing the reply you gasp as you look at the cute puppy with sad eyes, upset that someone could dare to do something so demeaning.
“I knew you always wanted your own dog…thought you’d take a liking to it so I went to the vet and got him checked and everything.” Younghoon says once he comes back to the living room.
“I love it.” You mumble, your whole attention on the puppy as you continue playing with it.
Younghoon smiles softly as he takes a few photos of you with the puppy to store it as a memory (and to also keep that picture in his wallet.)
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dreamyzhou · 4 months
31st Alternate Universe by Elinor
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To: @sanaxo-o who accompanied me since I opened this account, @from-izzy who sees the worth in me, and finally @quaissants who i can talk to almost about anything and the rest of @deoboyznet who I just realized helped me find joy in writing again. Seeing you all thrive makes me want to soar along with you.
"31st Alternate Universe" is an upcoming non-idol AU series filled with fluff and angsts for the members of TBZ. Below are the fic ideas for each member. Let me know in my ask box of you want a tag for one of them!
Lee Sangyeon: It was another day in the year of 2085. When your barista coworker crush Sangyeon was framed to diffuse a deadly gas in the train you took to go home, nobody was alive as the train stopped at Station 11. Yet, surveillance camera showed a girl and Sangyeon leaving the train.
Bae Jacob: A comet was approaching. People were panicking here and there, performing their own chaos. So did Jacob by trying to find a safe bunker or anywhere to survive with you. Jacob found the train to the last bunker 15 minutes prior to the predicted time of impact… but it only lets 1 more person to go in.
Lee Hyunjae: When Eric said he will sit in Chair 16 in Chemistry, he knew you were about to come early to pull it before he gets to sit. And when you did, you realized it was a set up. "Lemme guess, you're trying to get onto my pants, so some friend set you up to pull my chair?" It's the way, you said "not exactly" with a tomato face that made him think you could be different.
Kim Younghoon: You didn't like small dogs, but when a poodle with a tagged collar named Bori slept in front of your gate cold and lost, you took her in and let her sleep with you. After missing posters were spread around the neighborhood, you thought the poodle was ready to go home. Not until she barked to her own owner, Younghoon, and bit him. He then suggested to visit Bori everyday to your house until Bori goes home, but now that she did, why did Younghoon felt like he was more at home with you than Bori was?
Lee Juyeon: You and Juyeon had to make a couple dance project. In your head, you asked the leader of your crew to set him up with you. In his head, the moment you choreographed suggestive moves, confirmed your feelings for him since he usually could tell when a girl had a crush on him. However, something about the way you tried to earn his trust and love was different. None of the girls who liked him even knew he loved dancing. It scared him a little… but excited him enough that he stayed to know more.
Moon Kevin: Kevin loved being an artist. What he hates is not being able to be one for a living. One day, you came up to him in front of an ice cream truck. You told him you know his works and you recognize the meaning. On the other hand, Kevin was too stunned to remember to ask for your phone number. As soon as her got a chance to exhibit his art, he submitted his artworks so that only you can get the hints.
Ji Changmin: Sci-Fi AU where humans are no longer the dominant species anymore. As clans of humans hide in futuristic domes that disguises as gigantic rocks, humans who reached adult age have to prove their worth by searching for food.  You were just doing so by trying to find spices and animals. What you didn't know is you took another clan's food by mistake. . and the only one from that clan who would help you escape was a guy named Changmin.
Choi Chanhee: Both of your parents are enemies. Your mother is a scientist who ditched her family for a theory, his mother is a mathemathician who is distant with her own family for her math theory to prove your mom's invalid. As you go to the same school, both of you gain each of your mother's loves in exchange that you both fight in an uneccesary academic battle. One day, you both realize that you didn't want any of this, and the only way to heal your wounds is to love each other.
Ju Haknyeon: Haknyeon and you were childhood friends, but Haknyeon befriended people who peer-pressured him into not treating girls right, and sadly it included you. One day, you cried at the way he treated you, but Haknyeon didn't know why hurting you hurt him more than it should.
Kim Sunwoo: You didn't know the spinning vision you see every day is a symptom of a life-threatening disease. So when there was a mail from the hospital to your house, Sunwoo opened it first and put it in the trash. That's how 15 minutes later, he got down on one knee.
Sohn Eric: Eric was frustrated when he felt like he wasn't talented enough to make you, his crush, impressed. But what he didn't know is that you listen to a soundcloud account with @/youngjae_sohn as their username.
All will be released before July (Not a promise, just in case I can't keep it)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Summary: Trying to branch out of your comfort zone, you try a haunted house installation in the middle of March.
Fluff, Meet-Cute, Non-idol au
Trigger Warnings: It is a haunted house, so it has light/minor horror themes.
Word Count: 2,056
Jacob X Reader
[A/n: As @jinkoh said; we watched Wings of Escape together and well, here’s another addition of that brainrot we experienced there. To check out jinkoh’s addition(s) to it you can find ‘em on kebbi’s blog 🥰]
This year, you were determined to try things outside of your comfort zone. So when they announced a haunted house installation in March at an old youth hostel near you, you were all for it because “It’s just a haunted house. How bad can it be?” You were confident that it definitely couldn’t be spooky because it was becoming spring, daffodils were starting to bloom, and the outside ambiance would make for a non-scary experience. But what you underestimated was that it still was a haunted house. It wasn’t the outside that mattered. It was the actors and ambiance inside that did. 
---Pov Switch---
Jacob had applied for countless jobs and finally heard back on a security job. He was getting desperate, and anything would do for rent money at this point. So when he walked in, he wasn’t sure what the position entirely entailed until the person said, "You're aware this is for a security position watching live CCTV footage at a haunted house?" He nearly threw up, but considering it was also his last option, and that he was running low on funds, he could do it, right? "Yeah, that's fine." He should have never agreed to this. Although, he’s met all the scarers and has been friends with them long before this installation began. He still refuses to enter the ‘scarer floor’ after they decorated it, or he’d feel his stomach tie in knots. 
Even driving to work made his stomach turn. His guts twist every time he puts his car in park. All he ever wants to do when he walks up to the building is turn ducktail and run to his car. But that’s money on the line he can’t risk. He goes down the basement steps, unlocks the door, and gets inside, quickly turning on the lights and locking it behind him. He sighed in relief before checking everything over, inspecting all the cameras to see if they were working correctly. Before turning his two-way radio on and going, “Good afternoon!” He hears ten friendly voices greet him back. And he asks, “Anyone on the floor? Or are you all getting ready?” Getting various answers of; “Getting ready.” “Waiting.” “Snacking.” He laughs, “Any good snacks?” “Gummies, you want some?” “Hell yeah.” A few minutes later, a knock rings through the door. He peeks through the peephole and sees Kevin, “You’re not in costume. That’s nice.” “Don’t need you sick.” He puts out his hand, “Gummies?” Kevin hands him the pack, and he asks, “Everyone’s doing the same routine as usual, right?” Kevin nods, “Yeah, as always. Hopefully, no dates go awry this time.” Jacob laughs, “It was cute to see Younghoon take them around, though. It was much more pleasant to watch than your gorey scenes~.” Kevin rolls his eyes, “All I do is chop jello.” Which makes Jacob shiver, “It doesn’t read the same on the CCTV. It really looks like guts.” Kevin shakes his head at him, “Later?” He nods, “Yeah, later.” 
He eats his gummies, looking over the main control panel as the ‘night’ starts at the hotel. “Overhead lights off in 3… 2… 1… Stage lights on!” There are little cheers before they get into character, and he refuses to look up, only listening to his two-way radio and hearing the random songs Haknyeon performs every time Haknyeon turns on his radio, “Spooky scary plumbers~” Which makes Jacob tune in and cackle over the radio. He looks at his designated camera and sees him singing his heart out into the plunger. Jacob shakes his head and carries on playing on his phone. He looks up occasionally, assuring no one is actually getting murdered there. And he laughs as he watches a couple cowering behind Younghoon as if that would help their case. Younghoon, as if on cue, turns around with a sinister grin, effectively spooking them. Which makes his nerves stand on end at the motion. He shakes it off and goes back to his phone. 
And that’s how he spends the majority of his shift until he hears a door slam over the two-way radio someone’s turned on. He looks up to see Juyeon and Younghoon staring at it curiously. When Juyeon goes over the two-way, “Jacob… Uh… Someone just ran right into the utility closet and locked the door. We can’t help them out. I think Younghoon terrified them too much.” Younghoon scoffs, “I did not!” Juyeon continues, “Sure. Anyways, you’re the only one who has keys…” Jacob couldn’t believe his ears. This was the first time the crew didn’t have the situation under control. And of course, because he refused to do a floor check when the decorations were finally up, a door was left unlocked. 
With haste, he looks at his keys and the panel before deciding to go and get you. And with nerves shooting through him, he goes over the two-way, “You all go to our assigned rooms and stay in there!” Eric calls back, “Where do you want me to go!?” “The other side of the building- I don’t care!” He throws the door open after flipping the overhead lights on and rushes into the building as he searches for the correct key. He refuses to look ahead, only down at the floor, “Fuck! Why are there so many fake mice!” He rushes to the room you’ve locked yourself in, and unlocks it. He tries to push it open as he calls out, “Hey!” Inside the closet he hears you yell back, “Leave me alone!” “I’m not a scare actor!” He hears your mumbles, but you still don’t budge from the door. He sighs, “Please come on... This building scares me so much. I want to be out of here just as much as you do.” You ask softly, “You promise me you’re not wearing scary clothes?” “Promise. I’m wearing a jean jacket with flowers on it if that helps.” You sigh, “Pinky swear?” “Pinky swear.” 
---Pov Switch---
You hesitantly lift your weight off the door, and he carefully pushes the door in. You cover your eyes with your hands and peek out of them to see his blue jean jacket with pretty painted flowers on it like he said. No blood in sight. And you whisper, “I don’t… I don’t think I can move.” He gulps, “You want to stay here for a minute with me?” You nod, and he walks in and leans against the door. He mutters, “I hate working here.” Thinking he meant because he had to save scaredy-cats like you, you apologize, “Oh, I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, “Oh, that’s not what I meant!” He looks at you and says, “It’s not your fault! I just get scared easily and like, uh… It’s just not good for a person who doesn’t stomach this well.” You giggle at him and go, “Really? Then why are you working here?” He sighs, “It was my last option left. No one else would hire me.” You shake your head, “Is it good money?” “Not in comparison to being scared shitless every day at work.” You look at him confused, “Why don’t you quit?” “Until I find something else, it makes due. Plus, I've known my coworkers since high school, so it makes it easier.” You shake your head, “Well if it makes due and they’re genuinely nice guys outside of work. I understand.” He nods before asking, “Are you okay to go back out there?” “You can get us through? No scares?” “Yeah, promise, they’re all away.” You hear his two-way radio scratch, “I’m getting bored!!” He rolls his eyes, “Eric, our gardener… He’s a little excitable when it comes to scares. So we better move before he decides to be a meanie.” You agree and he calls back, “We’ll be out in three, no funny business.” “That’s my job, though…” “Eric…” “Fine.” He laughs as he opens the door and looks down. 
You follow suit gulping as you exit the doorway with him to see the fake mice, snakes, and spiders on the ground, “Can um… Can you hold my hand?” He nods, waiting for you with his hand out. You quickly grab it and cling to his side. “Not that far, right?” “No, but look down. Mice and snakes are somehow easier to stomach compared to the rest.” You let out an, “Uh-huh.” But your curiosity gets the best of you. You look up and see the amber lights illuminating the spiders and spiderwebs above along with the netting with fake limbs entangled in it dangling down at you. You let out a small, “Yikes!” He laughs, “Told you not to look up.” And you quickly look down with him. Every time the building creaks, you shiver, and he does too. When you see the bottom of the curtain, he says, “Here’s our exit.” He moves the curtain, and the sunlight greets you as he opens the door. You nearly kiss the ground as you mutter countless thank yous. 
You don’t let go of his hand even though you’ve made it out. Feeling a sense of comfort with his hand in yours before you ask, “Um… is there any way I can stay with you for a bit until I get my nerve back up to drive?” He nods, “Yeah, that’s fine. I just need to go back to my security room.” “Is it okay if I go with you?” “Yeah.” He leads you along the side of the building and down the stairs. He unlocks the door and leads you in before calling on the two-way radio, “Back to business.” He flicks the overheads off, and you watch as everyone exits their rooms on the cameras. He gestures for you to sit in the spinny chair, “I’m gonna grab the chair from over there.” He points to the corner and lets go of your hand before getting it. He joins you, his knee touching yours under his desk. You watch the CCTV roll, seeing all of the scares live at once, making you feel sick to your stomach again. And he goes, “I wouldn’t watch that if I were you.” You gulp and nod before looking down at your shoes. 
He distracts you from it by asking, “So what scared you so bad you ran to the first open door?” “Uh… It sounds silly.” He laughs, “I’m just as much of a scaredy cat as you, so it’s not silly. I promise.” “So uh, the one with the doll face? Yeah… So he was stitching that Frankenstein or something together. And it freaked me out… And when the butler-dude turned away from me to show me to the next room. I made my break for it, thinking it was the exit…” He laughs, and you pout, “I thought you promised it wouldn’t sound silly….” He shakes his hand, trying to hold his laughter back, “No, it’s funny, 'cause I would have done the same thing.” You grin and end up laughing with him. You stay with him his whole shift as he tells you a little about each actor to ease your nerves. “And the doll guy?” “He's a good dancer. But he loves what the two of us would consider scary dolls.” “Oh.” “Yeah, and he calls them cute.” You laugh, “Of course he does. What about you: any weird hobbies?” He shrugs, “Well, it’s not weird, but I like to play guitar and sing.” You smile, “That sounds lovely.” He smiles, “Maybe I could play for you sometime?” You ask, “There’ll be a next time?” “I uh… well, I’d hope so. You seem fun.” You laugh, “You just watched me get trapped in a haunted utility closet.” He laughs, “Yeah, I did.” “But I’d like to hear you play sometime soon.” 
You exchange numbers before he turns the overhead lights on and the stage lights off as all the actors head to the basement to change back into their casual attire. You start to leave since you and Jacob already had plans to meet again sometime soon. You figured it was best to get going while the going was good. Until he asks, “Since we both had a scary experience, what do you say to getting some ice cream with me?” You grin, waiting for him to join you, “I’d love to.”
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hongyangi · 1 year
see for yourself | jcb.
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warnings: one shot explicit content! smut, minors dni, mirror sex, lower case intended, depictions of dom!jacob, foreplay, marking, and i love jacob's arm and leg hair sorry about that, dacryphilia if you blink for a sec— rushed work that's why it's short hehe net: @deoboyznet
his muffled groans behind you bring sensations down your spine making your body shiver. your bare back against his chest felt hot and you're almost going crazy as you feel his own goosebumps and the way his heart beats. jacob ghosted his lips over your shoulders, your nape, and behind your ear. his hands gripped on your arms as he wrapped his own around your frame. his arm hair felt ticklish against your soft hands.
you stared in front of you. the reflection of the two of you being seated on the floor looked like a painting. the nakedness of your reflection made you blush and feel hot and his hands travelled down your sensitive bud. not wasting any second, he strokes it in circular motions. you whimpered, pursing your lips and shutting your eyes closed. "s-stop..." head turning away from the mirror as your legs curled up and covered your wetness. your toes are still curling from all the sensations and this is just a foreplay.
a smirk formed on his lips. "no," jacob's hands that were gripping your shivering frame rested above your knees, spreading your legs open again. the beat of your heart sound like it's almost ripping out of your ribs. your brain feels mushy and you can't make up proper thoughts right now.
"you look beautiful like this." jacob whispered in his low voice, giving you those goosebumps again. your body voluntarily submitting to him. your eyes remained closed but you can feel his smirk on the crook of your neck.
jacob's fingers grazed on your delicate skin, his palms softly caressing down from your knees to your inner thighs until his one hand reaches your wetness, the other one groping your right chest. "see for yourself." his voice sound so menacing but tempting. everything about that voice gives you all the affection and desire for his smile, his touches, his satisfaction.
your eyes slowly open at his last sentence. few tears clouded your vision but soon enough, you caught the sight of his face resting on your shoulder. his hair disheveled and wet from sweat, lashes fluttering over his dark orbs. he looked so pretty with his dark brown hair down sticking on his forehead due to sweat. jacob's gazes are full of desire as he stares at your teary eyes through the mirror. "see? you're beautiful." he says again and nibbled on the skin of your shoulder. it sure will leave a mark later.
you don't know how and why but there's something about jacob that makes you feel the want to be taken care of. you're certain and convinced enough that he's someone so different from you and it makes you two incompatible. but once he'd talked to you, you're completely smitten. completely out of your wits when it gets filled with thoughts of him. his words and actions broke all barriers you've safely built. and you don't even know how you got in this situation. not that you're complaining anyway.
it's all making you embarrassed to think of, your body moving voluntarily to hide your bareness. but as if he's reading your mind, jacob grounds your position by placing his legs over yours, keeping them wide open. it's too embarrassing and provocative. but it's turning you on that you can't manage to stop him anymore.
"jacob...?" you almost choked out, voice getting stuck in your throat.
"what is it, babe?" he provokes as his middle finger slides up and down over your folds, teasing your cunt deliciously slow the same time he pinches your nipple.
you huffed a breath and moaned, your vision spinning, head thrown back on his shoulder. the pleasure makes you grip on his muscular thighs, digging your nails a bit. some crescent shapes already visible on his hairy skin. "please.. please.." you begged.
"you have to tell me what you want, babe." jacob teases and presses his thumb on your clit. his breath getting deeper and shorter as he clenches his jaw.
"i want you."
jacob felt fulfilled when he hears your words. you managed to say it without stuttering, making his smirk wider. he removes his legs that were grounding yours open and grabs your inner thighs. you looked at him, turning your head behind you instead of looking at him through the mirror. jacob immediately ravished your lips. one hand yanking your hair. moans and wet kisses are the only sounds that you can hear now aside from how loud your heart is. your tongues danced together and as his face pulled away, he lifts both of your legs up again and sinks you down on him. his hardness prodding on your folds from behind. you whimpered, your sounds driving him crazy.
"i want you too."
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daisyvisions · 6 months
[12:43AM] All to Myself - (jc.b)
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Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), newlywed!Jacob, fem!reader, unprotected sex, breeding, creampies, mentions of multiple orgasms (fingering and oral), drunk sex (if you squint), slight dry humping, a lil manhandling, some good ol’ cock rubbing, lots of kisses, “sweetheart” used. Word Count: 0.8K
A/N: Happiest birthday to the lovely @jasminexox5, don’t think I didn’t forget about writing a bday fic for you hehe thank you for our friendship and hope you had a good day! This one’s short this time around but hope you still like it 🥺 been having trouble writing again but this is a good start I think! Proofread once, also tagging @deoboyznet
(p.s. this is a short fic based on a blurb mentioned in this Jacob fic. iykyk 😘)
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Thinking about newlywed!Jacob, who stumbles into your hotel suite while attempting to carry you with all his might and whatever’s left of his rational brain. Both of you had been exhausted from all the festivities your wedding day had to offer.
Everything had gone beyond perfect, but as much as he wanted the celebration to never end Jacob could not wait to have you alone all to himself.
Sure you’ve had your fair share of intimate moments together as you were dating, but to finally be able to call you his and to fully love you the way he wanted to… That’s all he could ever think of as soon as he woke up this morning.
He still couldn’t believe that he was finally married to you. Truth be told, he had been wanting to marry you since the day he laid his eyes on you. You were already the prettiest girl in the room, but the moment he truly got to know you, that’s when he knew you were it for him.
You both giggle nonstop from all the champagne you drank running through your system, barely making it to your suite without nearly falling on each other. Both your minds were drifting into a state where you could only think of nothing but your inner desires for one another as you hurried your way back to the suite.
As soon as Jacob sets you down and closes the door he has your whole body instantly pinned against the hard surface. His lips pressing onto the column of your throat, kissing every space he could like it was his last.
Jacob’s kisses were messy, hot, sweet and dirty at the same time and it was making you incredibly delirious. His hands were everywhere trying to grab all the softest parts of your body while your fingers ran through his hair, grinding himself on your thigh as you elicit the softest but incredibly erotic moans known to man.
“Finally get to call you mine.” Jacob whispers as his hands snake behind you to unzip your dress, kissing your shoulder as the straps start to fall.
As soon as Jacob saw you wearing this gorgeous dress at the reception, he had to pull all his willpower just to keep it together. You were so beautiful in your wedding dress, a literal goddess walking down the aisle. But this? He felt himself throb beneath his slacks. He couldn’t wait to get you out of this dress and have his way with you as soon as you were finally alone together.
A trail of clothes were starting to form from the front door to the king sized bed, both of you eager to strip down and just bask in each other’s love. Jacob was like a mad man, you’ve never seen him this feral over you before. And it was getting you wetter by the second.
Jacob doesn’t waste any moment with you under him. Kissing every inch of your skin from top to bottom, praising you like it was something he was born to do, making you chant his name as he touched you like he never had before. Leaving you absolutely breathless after god knows how many orgasms he’s given you tonight from his mouth and fingers alone.
You feel his manhood slipping in and out between your folds as he kisses you passionately, mumbling incoherent words against your lips as his hands gently knead your breasts.
“What did you say?” You pant as he kisses that spot you love below your ear.
“Wanna put a baby in you so bad…” he slurs.
“Fuck Jacob… Please” You grab his hair tight, making him groan as you feel his cock twitch between your folds. Your moans gradually increasing as you feel the tip nudge your sensitive bud over and over again.
“Yeah? Want me to fill you up sweetheart? Fill you up so good ‘til your belly swells up? Hm?” His hot mouth presses against your ear as his fingers pinch your nipples in the process.
The thought of him breeding you and getting you pregnant does nothing but short circuit your brain, leaving any coherent words fading at the back of your mind, making you elicit a very desperate “uh-huh” instead.
You squeal as you suddenly feel him manhandle you. Pulling your legs over his shoulders, hooking his arms under your knees to lock you into position, and instantly folding you into a mating press as his mushroom head eagerly inserts inside your wet entrance. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you as you both moan from his length slowly fill your entire hole all the way to the base of his cock.
He looks into your eyes lustfully, pulling his length out and slamming it back into you with one thrust, “Good, because I’m gonna keep fucking my cum into you no matter how long it takes.”
And boy did he keep his promise…
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sangyeonsmuse · 1 month
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PAIRING solo artist Jacob x fangirl reader
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ‼️ tit fucking, oral fixation, spitting, he owns your tits, pet names like sweetheart, honey, & bun, finger sucking, hair pulling
SUMMARY Meeting you once again the day after his concert, Jacob can’t help but realize how different you are from the night before, but he can’t deny he finds both sides of you attractive.
MORE | Day four of the Groupie Love Series
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You had just had the time of your life and you were more than sure the next morning you’d be hating yourself for having screamed your voice away. You had just finished singing your heart out at a concert you had been preparing for since the year prior. Now you stood outside amongst the crowd, the very first person at the barricade awaiting the man himself to make his exit. Usually when it came to this you had never been lucky enough to be this close to the barricade, you would always end up somewhere in the middle or in the back practically hidden away from his view, but tonight you sacrificed hearing the last song on the setlist just to be the first to touch the barricade. Needless to say your choice was completely worth it.
He stepped from the building with a smile on his face, that smile that always made your heart melt the moment you set eyes upon it. Jacob bae was an absolute Ace when it came to the music industry, good at everything singing, playing guitar, piano, drums and on top of that he looked as if the gods themself had hand delivered him to earth.
“Looks like you’re first up.” He stepped in front of you before anyone else, giving you that smile that you could have sworn had made your heart stop the moment he stepped in front of you. You found yourself speaking before you could think and boy did you wish you had never opened your mouth.
“Can you sign my tits?” At your request Jacobs brows immediately perked up in amusement.
“Come here.” Was all he said, and frankly that was all it took for you to immediately lean into him. Your gaze was glued to him taking in his every movement. From the way he opened the marker with his teeth to the way he so effortlessly wrote his name on your chest as if he were claiming you. As he backed away you caught a whiff of his scent which almost instantaneously threw you into a daze. Once again you opened your mouth to speak allowing your intrusive thoughts to get the best of you. Oh how you wished you had just shut the fuck up after the first time
“Since you’ve signed here, guess this means you’re claiming them as yours, since you put your name on it.” At your words a chuckle spilled from his lips while he moved over to sign a few pictures, due to his managers and guards trying to get him to hurry along
“My god what the fuck was I thinking.” You fought with yourself over what you had done on the entire ride home. From the moment you stepped foot into your house and laid your head down to sleep your brain just continued to play the moment over and over again. You were praying to god that you would wake up the next morning and have forgotten entirely. Unfortunately for you, you did in fact not forget a single moment of it. Adding further more onto your embarrassment from the night prior, your voice was completely gone. Sighing as you stepped foot into your cafe, you were somewhat dreading the oncoming day knowing that it was always slow on tuesdays. Which means that just left hours upon hours of you to think about last night's embarrassment.
“My god why the fuck would I say any of that.” You pulled at your hair letting out a huff before standing up straight upon hearing the bell to the entrance door, signaling that someone had just come in. You quickly fix your hair before turning around to greet them.
“Hi, welcome to..oh my god.”
“Oh- it’s you, the girl from yesterday.” There he was again standing in front of you with that bright smile, only this time you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
“You didn’t wash off my name did you? I think it looked pretty good on you.” You couldn’t tell if he was being playful or serious but either way it made you completely speechless. The way he looked at you stirring up a feeling inside you that you had felt home and time again every time you’d watch him perform.
“I- I- did you- did you need something?” To Jacob's surprise that bold and spontaneous girl from last night was nowhere to be seen right now. In this very moment it seemed you could barely look him and he was starting to think that last night was only an act. He wasn’t complaining though , he found you cute this way. It would give him the opportunity to play with you a little.
“Ignoring my question after asking me so easily last night to sign your breasts? I’m hurt.”
“I didn’t..I didn’t wash it off, it’s still there. Wait, that makes it sound like i didn’t shower, i did shower by the way i just when i got into the shower i covered it with tattoo coverage, and now I’m talking a lot.” Jacob couldn’t help but laugh, you were entirely different from last night, whereas last night you seemed a lot more daring, the girl he was talking to right now seemed shy, anxious and talkative.
“Lucky me, guess that means you’re still mine until the signatures are gone right?”
“Since you’ve signed here, guess this means you’re claiming them as yours, those were your exact words right?” A blush forms on your cheeks as he recites your exact sentence from last night. There was no way that this was happening right now.
“You can’t take it back now by the way, you’ve already labeled them mine, so until that signature is gone from your chest, don’t allow anyone else to sign there.” He was enjoying the reactions he was getting from you, you are so cute that he found himself wanting to just corner you against the wall to watch you shy away.
“Don’t tell me you didn't mean what you said?”
“No, I meant it!” There you go again blurting out words quicker than your brain could comprehend.
“Oh so if I can claim them as mine then that means I have every right to do what I please with them”
“Yes, I mean. If you want…if you want to.” Your voice grew quiet, earning a chuckle from Jacob who was simply enjoying how you’d speak and immediately shy away.
“You’re so cute, I think I'd rather have you all to myself than the coffee. Would you let me have you instead bun?”
Unable to form any coherent words you simply nod in response to his words which lead to you in the back of the shop with him standing over you as you kneeled before him.
“You look even cuter than I'd imagined with your pretty eyes gazing up at me bun. I won’t ruin you today, Since I marked what’s mine I think it's only fair that I use them how I please.” He gently traces over your neck and collarbone before resting on the neckline of your shirt, he slips it to the side peeking beneath and a smile curls onto his lips upon seeing his signature still there.
“Such a good girl, making sure to cover up my signature before you clean up.”
“You’re gonna be a good girl and let me fuck them too pretty?” He brushes his thumb over your lips as he gazes down at you. Despite the vulgar words that spilled from his lips he still looked and spoke as sweet as ever. As much as you liked it, it made your head and vision fuzzy thinking about how one person could speak such words looking as sweet and charming as he did.
“I’m waiting for an answer honey.” His capability to code switch from sweet to dirty, was completely throwing you through a loop. From the names he called you to the way his fingers caressed your face all while such lewd words spilled from his lips. His ability to suck so easily was making you dizzy.
“Yes. I- I want you to use them.”
“Good girl, take off your shirt for me bun.” He was well satisfied with how obedient you had been. You looked so sweet and innocent kneeling beneath him that he wanted to do far more than just use your tits to get himself off, but he knew if he went further than that now it would be harder to contain himself.
“Look at how pretty my girl is.” The nickname spawned butterflies in your stomach. You watch in anticipation, your heart racing as you watch him unbuckle his belt and shove down his pants and boxers. Part of you was grateful that he’d only be using your tits for the day because if he were to fuck you anytime soon you’d have to close up the cafe for days. His thumb brushes across your lips and a soft hum spills past his lips at the way your big eyes gaze up at him in anticipation
“Open up sweetheart.” Your mouth fell open almost immediately and he slipped in two fingers. Without having even awaited him to tell you to you began to suck on his fingers.
“My sweet girl already knows what to do, look at how pretty you look with your beautiful lips wrapped around my fingers.” He spoke softly even while pressing his cock in between your breasts. A soft whine spills from your lips as you catch sight of the tip of his cock slipping out from between your breasts.
“Go on and prep it for me, sweetheart.” While looking into his eyes you pull your mouth away from his fingers leaving a string of saliva behind. As his fingers tangled in your hair you opened your mouth to spit out over the tip of his cock, using your tits to rub it in. The sight of Jacobs head falling back and his tightening grip on your hair sent your thoughts into chaos. His reaction was enough to get you into a nice rhythm, using your hands to push against the base of his cock with your tits and jerk him off just like that. The feeling of your soft skin making his cock twitch against your chest. The friction and the speed of your movements drove him mad almost instantaneously. While you used your hands to get him off he began to thrust against your movements warning loud groans and low growls from him.
“They’re so fucking perfect sweetheart, keep doing what you’re , youre doing so well.” His praise only made the butterflies in your stomach enter a frenzy like state and as you looked up at him watching his face contort and screw up at the pleasure you became completely intoxicated by the view. Looking down upon you and watching the way you sucked on his fingers all while getting him off with your perfect tits made him territorial. He wanted right then and there to ruin you come completely corrupt you. To ruin you for anyone else, the thought of having you spread out before him, your perfect little cunt on display just for him drove you made. But since he couldn’t fuck you today he would make the best out of fucking your perfect tits.
“Gonna cum all over your pretty tits bun, they’ll so cute signed with my name, so full and dripping with my cum.” All it took was a few more pumps for him to be cumming all over your perfect tits, a view that Jacob wished he could savor forever.
“Mmm, so fucking pretty I think I know just the place I want to claim next.” He said as he held your face in his hands, his gaze falling upon your plump lips as you stared up into his eyes. His thumb tracing over them once again. He was looking forward to corrupting you, and when he finally does he wouldn’t stop until he saw tears running down that beautiful face of yours and you were begging for him to stop fucking you
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slytherinshua · 7 months
genre. fluff. fake texts. warnings. none. pairing. jacob bae x fem!reader request. no. a/n. so akshually ☝️🤓 jacob is my boyfriend like fr guys like hes my ideal type like i want a man like him like i'll cry if i don't find someone like him like i want him so bad. read pt 2 here!!
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↳ tbz taglist: @eternalgyu,, @cyberpunksunwoo,, @cosmicwintr,, @weird-bookworm,, @haecien
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jinkoh · 18 days
welcome back
jacob x gn!reader
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wc: 0.4k, tags: ex!jacob, angst, meeting again
a/n: i found this blurb in my drive and i honestly had forgotten i'd written it but here we are lmao
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“I didn’t know you’d be here.” Of course Jacob had followed you out of the bar, even when he was the reason you’d decided to take a breather in the first place. Actually, he probably followed you precisely because he was the reason. It was his poor attempt at being considerate.
 “Well, neither did I,” you said without looking up, “but what difference does it make? Would you not have come?”
Jacob didn’t reply, his eyebrows drawing together. It was clear he didn’t know what to say. Maybe you were being unfair to him.
“Sorry, I—these are your friends too, you’re allowed to be here. But I just—I wasn’t even aware you’re back in the country.”
“Just a few weeks. I wasn’t sure if I should tell you.”
You huffed a laugh. “Makes sense, why would you tell me?” Not like you told me much before you left.
“Don’t be like that.” His voice was soft. Why was it always so soft? Why couldn’t he ever be loud or mean or irritable?
“Then how am I supposed to be? You just left.”
He pressed his lips together as he slowly nodded. “Yeah.”
“Yeah? Don’t I at least deserve an apology?”
“I had to go. You know that.”
“And I wouldn’t have stopped you. But—” You felt all your old frustration bubble up in your stomach again and to your utter dismay tears were welling up in your eyes. “You didn’t consult with me even once, you just—I felt left out.”
“I didn’t want to leave you out. But the decision to go was already made. What was there to consult about?”
“Us.” You looked at him in disbelief. “You decided to go abroad by yourself and that’s fine, it was your decision to make. But you made the decision to break up all by yourself too, presenting me with accomplished facts as if my opinion on it didn’t matter at all!”
His eyes widened, as if it only just occurred to him that perhaps there could have been some sort of solution for the two of you or at least an attempt to find one. But then he shook his head with a sigh. “How could I have asked you to wait for me? I left so selfishly, how could I have asked anything of you?”
You swallowed around the lump in your throat. “You wouldn’t have had to ask me,” you whispered.
“I didn’t think there’d be any hope for us.”
“Maybe there wasn’t. After all, you didn’t even want to try.” You blew out a breath, blinking away the tears in your eyes. “I’ll go inside. Welcome back, Jacob.”
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sanaxo-o · 1 year
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Rainy Days (Jacob Bae)
|| Inspired By Taehyungs song Rainy Days||
Warnings: angst, fluff, a happy ending folks, kind of like ex 2 lovers (THEY WERE ON A BREAK), mentions of kissing
Sana: hello (awful British accent) my very first Jacob fic and me is very very proud of it because I like it very much for the very first time. Yes. Your girly is proud proud. I don’t even care if it does not reach a lot of audience because I am just very happy and proud to write for Jacob ❤️‍🩹
Word count: 1,637
🎵Rainy Days, I’m thinking ‘bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to🎵
Tossing and turning on his lone bed the young man continued to stare out of his bedroom window in wonder while he watched the rain drops pour on the glass.
Slow music playing in the background the lone boy continued to be in his own bubble of loneliness. In thoughts he constantly checked his phone to see if he at least got a small text from her. But nothing. He got nothing in return.
He could not clearly remember the reason for a break you both had in your relationship. He wondered back to the time when he had that conversation with you. It was pouring that time just like now. But that was the only sad moment he had with you when it was raining.
“Jacob..maybe we should take a break,” you said slowly as you stared down at the table. Too afraid to look in the eyes of your lover who you still loved dearly. You knew you would feel bad if you would look at him.
“Wh..what?” You closed your eyes in guilt when you heard his voice break “Why? Everything’s fine. Then..why?” You could see a lone tear drop fall on the table. Slowly looking up you managed to stay calm somehow.
“It’s just…there’s too much going on. My work has been piling up. I am not able to give any time to you. I think…it’s best if we take a break for now and pay more attention on our life’s. I love you Jacob but right now…I want my job to be steady before anything else. I am sorry..” staring up in his eyes you could feel your eyes well with tears. You leaned back a little in your seat and took a deep breath in.
“I am sorry. I feel like…I just need a break from our relationship..” you could feel your voice shake while saying that. Standing up you stormed out of the place to afraid that you will cave and feel guilty when you hear Jacob speak.
End of flashback
Sighing Jacob abruptly stood up from his bed and walked towards the fridge. Opening it he sighed in disbelief when he saw that there was nothing in there.
Lazily walking back to his bed he sat down and grabbed his phone, opening his message his fingers automatically clicked on her profile
💬 Love 🫶
Contemplating on whether to send the text or not Jacob threw his phone beside him and grabbed his head in frustration.
He knew that he should not be afraid to text her. I mean you can still talk to her even if you’re on a break, right? There’s nothing wrong in that. There should not be anything wrong in that.
He could remember all the hurtful words you said to him that day. It was still clear to him how hurt he was, how he barely slept for the first few weeks while reminiscing about your past, how he was the one who made you laugh in the hard time but still you left him hanging like that. But no matter what, Jacob still found himself only thinking about the good memories. The memories in which you both were laughing, while being in each other’s embrace.
He still remembers that one rainy day where you had caught cold because of the sudden whether change, but he was the only one who was there with you by your side, to take care of you.
🎵On rainy days, I’m thinking ‘bout you
What to say, wish I knew how to🎵
It was rainy days like these he thought the most about you. Walking towards the windows Jacob stood there and looked outside. The sky was dark. The rain still pouring on the ground. The sound of thunder coming from time to time. There were still people who were going on with their lives despite the rain. Why couldn’t he do the same?? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about you?
“Is this how you make the batter?” You heard Jacob ask you from distance. Looking up from the recipe you were reading you walked towards him and stared at the batter which he was mixing.
“I..I don’t know. Is the batter supposed to look like dough?” You ask him another question as you stare up at him.
“I have never made this before. How would I know?” Jacob stared at you back. Shrugging you told Jacob to continue mixing it.
“If it tastes good then that’s all that matters,” you say as your gaze goes to the window. Gasping in delight you shook Jacob’s shoulder and dragged him towards the window.
“Look! It’s raining! Doesn’t it look so pretty?” You say with delight, huge smile spread across your face. “Your apartment gives such a great view when it rains.” You say with excitement. Agreeing with you Jacob dragged you in the kitchen with him.
“Help me figure this out. Why is the batter so runny?” Jacob asked “Should I add more flour?” He said in a questioning tone as he grabbed the bag of flour and started pouring it into the batter without any thought.
“Jacob no-” you stopped talking when you realised that you had knocked the bag out of his hand in panic. By then the flour was everywhere. Looking up at Jacob you widened your eyes when you saw his face being fully covered by flour.
“I am so sorry. I did not mean to..” you mumble as you grab more of the flour which was on the counter and poured it on his head. Laughing you noticed how Jacob just stood there as he tried to process the whole situation. Looking around the kitchen Jacob finally spoke up again. “The kitchen’s a mess, love,” Jacob said softly. Laughing you looked at the kitchen in wonder. From your peripheral vision you noticed Jacob grabbing some of the flour. Before you could react he had already smeared all of the flour on your face. Laughing Jacob pulled you closer to him and stared you in the eye
“How do you still manage to look so beautiful with all that flour on your face?” Jacob said softly as he grabbed your chin and kissed your lip’s gently. Giggling in the kiss you looked at him lovingly when he pulled away.
“I could ask you the same question. How do you manage to look so handsome but look like a dork at the same time?” You said with a smile as you ruffled his hair which made some of he flour fall off.
End of flashback
Wiping the lone tear he grabbed his phone
🎵Remember how I used to
Make you laugh the most?🎵
💬 Love 🫶
Let me make up for all the time we lost. Please don’t tell me it’s over. Can we start over?
Sending the text Jacob threw his phone beside him as he started biting his nails in nervousness.
Taking his phone back in his grasp Jacob contemplated on whether to delete the message or not when he heard his phone ting.
💬 Love 🫶
Can I come over?
It felt like his world stopped for a second when he saw your reply. With shaky hands he typed out a sure as he started pacing back and forth in the apartment.
Stoping in his tracks Jacob took a deep breath in before he went to open the door. Seeing you stand there, beautiful as always he could feel how he stopped breathing.
Letting you in Jacob closed the door gently.
“How..how are you doing?” You asked softly as you sat down on his bed, which was quite messy but you did not seem to pay any mind to that which Jacob was glad for.
“Okay..I guess? I don’t know. It’s just..it does not feel the same without you around.” Jacob admitted softly as he stared everywhere but at you.
“Jacob..I also missed you. A lot to be fair. You don’t know how much I regretted saying that we should take a break. It was a stupid decision I made. Maybe it was the work load but I won’t blame it on that when I know that I gave that a lot of thought.” Jacob looked up when he heard you say that. He could feel his heart beat again.
“You don’t know how much I missed you, your touch, your kisses, your smile, i missed everything..” Jacob said as he walked towards you and picked you up in his arms.
“You don’t have to anymore. I am here now in your arms again.” You said as you kissed his cheek softly with a smile on your face.
“I am glad we found our way back to each other on a rainy day like this.” Jacob whispered in your ear as he walked towards the kitchen with you still in his arms.
“I am glad. I should have known better that no matter what you would always be there for me. I am sorry for being so stupid on the past.” You told him in a quite voice.
“It’s okay. I understand, work must have been hard and stressful. You don’t have to apologise love. And stupid or not, I would love you no matter what, love” Jacob replied as he leaned down and kissed your forehead, coming down he kissed both of your cheeks. Smiling in middle Jacob kissed your chin.
Pulling away Jacob grinned at you, leaning back in he finally attached his lips on yours. Grabbing the small of your waist he pulled you closer to his body. Your body heat keeping you warm in the chilly rainy day.
Tagging: @deoboyznet @zzoguri @hongyangi
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jacobbaeluvr · 1 year
you can flirt now?
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genre: fluff
pairing: (the boyz) jacob bae x gn!reader
summary: in which you try many ways to flirt with jacob but it suddenly backfires
warnings: uh uses of pickup lines (non-sensual ones), kissing on the neck and lips obvi, whispering, a lil cursing, uses of love, babe, cob and baby, bad humour cause i have em
notes: my woo fic is still ongoing lol idk when i'm gonna finish it
word count: 460 words
warnings pt2: this fic is not real! it's all fake so if you're uncomfortable pls block me
you sigh, the book in your hands no longer you find interested. instead, you're interested at your boyfriend's back profile. god he even looks good sitting there with his headphones on. jacob had a day off today but it seems that he's too focused on his work that it doesn't look like he has a day off.
feeling bored you got up and grabbed an extra chair before making your way beside jacob. noticing you, he placed one side of the headphones aside.
“hey baby, what's up?”
you shrugged.
“the ceiling obviously. anyways when are you done? i'm bored.”
you whined and placed your head on his shoulder. his head rested on yours after, rubbing it against yours.
“just a bit love, i'm almost done”
he then took out his headphones and started typing on his laptop.
still bored, you thought of a good idea. pickup lines.
grabbing your phone, you went on safari and searched 'pickup lines for flirting'. pressing on the first link, you tap jacob on the shoulder.
“babe, something’s wrong with my eyes because i can’t take them off of you.”
jacob chuckled.
“thanks a lot baby but i need to get this done”
giving a short peck on your lips, he continued typing on his laptop. damn it, it didn't work.
hm, let's see. ah huh, what about this one.
“babe, i’m going to complain to spotify about you not being in this week’s hottest singles.”
jacob let out a smile and ruffled your hair gently, putting your hair behind your ear before going back to his laptop. letting out a big exhale, you went back to bed. all your flirting doesn't work, fuck. hm, maybe some kisses would work.
getting up again, you tiptoed behind him carefully placing your hands on his chair before getting near his neck and giving it a peck. he made a sound of surprised but quickly recovered from it. going back to his ear, you whispered.
“are you done?”
he shook his head.
“do you really need me that bad?”
“yes badly, you don't understand”
jacob laughed, it was the cutest thing ever.
“alright alright, i'll be there. let me just save this and i'll be cuddling with you okay.”
“okay!” you smiled before getting under the covers.
realising jacob is done, you open the covers before making grabby hands at him. making himself comfortable, he spooned you with one of his arms under your head and one on your waist.
“happy now?” he whispered.
“very” you replied happily.
“you know i must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art.”
did he just...
shocked, you turned with your eyes wide open.
“since when you can flirt now?”
he smiled before kissing your neck like you did to him previously.
“aww come on, i'm not that innocent love”
he rubbed his nose against your neck, kissing it at the same time. you were hot from blushing really hard.
your boyfriend can flirt now.
masterlist <3
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