#bailey faxton fanfic
cherries-blooming · 3 years
You've spent most of your day outside your university, trying to write an essay on the best experience you've ever had. You gently tap the end of the eraser on your bottom lip as you think of what that could possibly be. Sure, you've been to weddings and family reunions but nothing really struck out to you as 'the best'. Sighing as you pack up for the day, you look over to the sign of your university; "Rosenburg, home of the arts". "If being an artist means back to back pain and artblock then sure, I'm home alright." You mutter to yourself. Maybe a nice calming cup of decaf from the local coffee shop will give you some inspiration. You check your phone as you walk onto the sidewalk, 7:40 pm, if you wanted coffee then you'd best hurry. Placing your phone in your hoodies pocket, you start your walk down town.
You weren't really paying attention to your surroundings, more or less spacing out as the sunset casts a large shadow besides yourself. There's a song stuck in your head, you hum along to it, blissfully disconnecting from the world around yourself. By the time you arrive at your favorite coffee shop, you barely get to sneak by the last customer and order yourself a cup. The cashier gives you a lackadaisical stare past their boxy glasses before going to make you your drink. "Thank you- and- sorry." You say, waving a hand as you stand by the pick up area to wait for it. The song playing on some hidden radio lulls you to glance around the room, your eyes land on a corkboard with some pictures on it. One of them being a group of girls. You take a closer look and the words 'Cherry Bombs' is written on it. A friend group of some sort? They look very happy, the one in the middle catches your attention. She's taller than the others and has a gleaming smile on her face. Stunning. "Ma'am-." The cashier's voice grabs your attention, "-your drink is ready."
"Yes! Thank you. I'll get out of your hair now." You say in a soft tone, gently grabbing the cup out of their hands. There was a moment of silence as you grabbed and pocketed a few sugar packets and a stirrer "Uh ma'am-! I don't think it's safe to go out alone..." the now nervous looking cashier calls out to you, earning a raised brow from you. "Huh? Why, is something wrong?" They shift around a bit, tapping their fingers on the counter, "Well, it's rumored that young women are being targeted by a group of guys.... Call themselves the 'Lady Killers'. S'like something right out of a cheesy 90's horror film but I wouldn't risk it." They look pretty serious about that. You weigh your options before shrugging a bit, "I'll be okay, I mean, no one's really out here LOOKING for a chubby girl like me to try 'n snatch, haha." You joke as you push past the front doors and onto the dimly lit sidewalk. You check your phone, it's 9:30 now.
It's about an hour or so walk back to your campus at the university, and you weren't about to let some rumors deter you from finally getting home and putting the essay paper off for later. You've traveled a few blocks down with no issue at all, though, you're extra cautious about the shadows that catches your peripheral. You deicide to calm your nerves by looking at the pictures you took on your phone of a lovely small pompom dog you saw on a trip with family somewhere. It started to work... For awhile. But it only took a moment before you could hear it, a distant sound of a car in the distance. It was getting closer. You slowly move the coffee away from your lips as you look towards the noise. Suddenly, your body ran cold as it started to head toward you. You run off, trying to make some distance between you and this jackass trying to run you over.
You dip into an alleyway, hoping it was a shortcut to a nicely lit neighborhood, praying that someone there could help you. You can hear the sound of car wheels skirting to a halt  behind you. You shake your head, it's better not to look back. You run into something, something hard. A wall. Your blood runs cold as you stumble backwards to catch yourself. No... No! You have so much you haven't done yet in life! You can't possibly be the victim to something as stupid sounding as the 'Lady Killers'!. You haven't even finished that stupid essay yet! The car door shuts as heavy footsteps come closer to you, the sounds of muffled chuckles could be heard as you slowly turn to see three men. One of them was quiet tall and lanky with purple straight hair. The other was shorter but bulkier, a spiked mohawk on his. And lastly, a guy around the height of a shack, he was beefier than the other two and had a bald head. How classic. Were you really dealing with some reject TMNT villains right now?
"Hey, don'cha know little piglets like you gotta get home before the farmer comes in?" The purple haired one said, a crooked smirk on his face as he stepped closer. Slowly reaching for your hoodie pocket, hoping maybe you could 'accidentally' dial 911. "Hey! Does the little piggy speak? You look like you got sum nice bacon, hm?" The man spoke again, he was a foot away from you now. He smelled like cigarette smoke and old fruit. Mind racing, thinking of something you could say to get them to back off, your heart was the only thing you could hear now. As he closed the distance between you, you start thinking about how boring your life was, and how much you felt horrible for letting it be that way. You clenched your hands into a fists, stopping once you felt the hot cup still in your hands. You get a spark of confidence. "Well- How would you like some hot beans to the face!" You open the lid and chuck the cup at his head. It lands, the hot bean juice leaving him red where it had landed. He yells, waddling back a bit as he tried to wipe away the hotness from his face. His two lackies chuckle a bit, stopping when their boss shoots them a dirty glare. "You're gonna regret that." He growled, stomping his way back to you. But before he could even lay a hand on you, the roaring sound of motorcycles came into earshot. The three looked at each other then to the entrance of the alleyway. You lifted up your gaze, the blaring lights of the motorcycles blinded you as you tried to make out your saviors. Well... You hoped that's who they were.
"Hey Lady Killers!" A raspy and excitable voice said, "I suggest you leave that poor chick alone, or else!" the one closest to you scoffed and walked over to the voice. "Oh yeah? And whaddya gonna do! You're just some flashy bimbo onna bike!" You slowly pull yourself away from the wall to get a better look. The bike turned off and from it stood a giant, curly haired, goddess of a woman. She took off her helmet and you could've sworn your heart skipped three beats.
She had baby blue eyes, sharp features, a scar over the eye that wasn't hidden by her hair, and a smirk on her face. Raising and pointing to the three men, she spoke, "You're gonna regret fucking around with the Cherry Bombs, boys!" the next few minutes were like a movie, you couldn't look away, you were too enraptured by the golden goddess and her gang of 6 other girls beating the men to a pulp. Before long, the woman was throwing the head honcho back into his car with a slam, the other guys scurrying in after, beaten and missing a few teeth. They made a speedy escape into the cold night, honking their car horn as they did. You blinked, taking a moment to process things.
"Hey, babes, you aight?" The woman spoke again, she was walking towards you, as she did you started to notice just how big she was. Maybe 6- no- 7 feet tall, exposed arms covered in muscles and an eyefull of... Chest. Needless to say, you were at a loss for words. Your face became hot as you looked up at hers. She had a gentle expression on, offering a hand to you. You looked down at it, ignoring the little bit of blood from the Lady Killers that was sprawled onto her fingertips and knuckles. You held it, surprisingly soft, you noted. She walked you out of the alleyway, the other members were speaking amoungst themselves, they were all stunning as well. Damn- how'd you get so lucky to fall into the hands of gods most powerful and prettiest women?
"Where you live? Me and the girls will ensure you get back there safely" The mysterious woman asked, still holding onto your trembling hand. "Ah- oh! I uh- I live on campus at the.... University not too far from here. I'm uh... Writing major." You stammered, nice going you. She nodded, a toothy grin on her face. You two walked over to her motorcycle, letting go of your hand to pick up something, a helmet. She placed it carefully onto your head before putting on her own, "Just tell me the address and I'll get you there, trust me." you didn't have to be told twice. You trust with woman with your whole life, your future, hell even with your KIDS. You gave a gentle nod, earning you her toothy show stopping grin. She mounted her bike and rounded up her girls before patting the seat behind herself, "Hop on!"
The drive was a lot shorter than you were hoping, you wanted to have your arms wrapped around the goddess before you forever, but alas, you were home now. Your roomate, who was standing outside of the campus, came running over and nearly fainted when she saw that you were safe and sound. You got off the bike and returned the helmet, giving the driver one last longing look before rushing over to stable your fainting friend. "You had me scared! You weren't answering my texts all day and now you come home with a bunch of mysterious bike ladies!?" You try to calm her down and explain that there was a bit of a holdup with... Everything. You took a moment to realize that the trip for coffee was kind of a lost cause, considering you only took a few sips.
After she calmed down, your friend walked back into your shared room, leaving you some alone time with the gang. You turned and looked back at the female equivalent of Hercules before you. She still had a smile on her face as she watched you get closer. "You uh-... You never told me your name." You said shyly, trying not to mess around with your fingers as you avoided staring right at her tattoo. "Oh- I knew I forgot something! Hehe. I always do this." Sliding off her bike and closer to you, she handed you a little note before saying, "Bailey, I'm Bailey Faxton." you slowly took the note and unfolded it. On it was a scrawled out string of numbers... Her phone number! You look back up to say something but she's already mounted her bike and placed her helmet on.
"Call me when you're in need of a hero, okay babe?" Her words danced on your ears as she and her gang, The Cherry Bombs, rolled out of your campus and into the dark. The cool 10 PM night air swam its way through your hoodie, shaking you out of your thoughts. You turned to walk up to the campus, making it halfway up the stairs before stopping to look back at the road again.
"...I think I know what that essay is going to be about."
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