sweetcatmintea · 6 years
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Bakamilk is hosting a design contest on Deviantart and I managed to get an entry finished  (Magical kids are a weakness of mine <u<;) 
I tried to make outfits that fit the category, but weren’t super similar to the staple dress. The bear dress (2) is probably the cutest, but the circuit board (1) one is very sleek :3
Theodore belongs to Bakamilk and was designed by Misheta
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avernale · 6 years
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asahina-banana · 9 years
"A Palette of You and Me" - drabble for Milechin’s bday 2015
Hello! This drabble is dedicated to my friend milemiru a.k.a. milechin’s (super belated) bday this year! It’s a story based on her OC, Jun and her friend, Milk’s OC Chester!  Their OCs look really nice together ;w;b
“If this is what happiness is supposed to look like, then I refuse to be happy.” Growing up, those were the words I used to tell myself every single day. Indeed, that was not an encouraging principle to grow up with, but what could I do? I was born and raised around people whose entirety were forcibly smeared in pure white, even if they have intentions of darker shades beneath it. Everyone was attempting to create an everlasting euphoria, although it will dilute the true colours of one’s soul sooner or later.  I, on the other hand, refused to participate in such blasphemy and kept my palette clean out of the substances that may dilute it. Others had always labelled me as a smidge in their superficial world of absolute purity, in which I gave absolutely no heed about. I have no need for mouths who speak of only white lies and hearts filled with intentions black as the darkest of nights. The only thing I needed was to keep my colours true–but that was before he came into my life like a bolt from the blue.  “You’re Jun, right? I’m Chester, your class captain! Do you want to play with us?” Those were the first words that he said to me, in which I responded silently by shaking my head. He had the fake smile and messy palette of colours everyone had, so I refused to get involved with this guy.  “Hey Jun! Do you want to eat lunch together?” He approached me with that smile still carved on that conspicious mask of his, which was clearly painted in nothing but white lies. Again, I vowed to myself that I would not succumb to the people of this world enshrouded in a shade of blinding white that I despised so much–so I rejected him once more. “Jun, you really have a nice hat! Did you make that by yourself?” He came to me for the third time, this time with a seemingly empty compliment. I gave him a quick nod, before I walked away again from him. Chester–or so he was called, never gave up in approaching me since then. I had no idea why he harbored such intentions, especially being the person that he was. Basically speaking, the black-haired, cheeky boy was the perfect embodiment of a person belonging to this incredulous euphoria. He was cheerful, kind, talented in various fields, and was also adored by many. The boy was oftenly referred to as the jester of the community too, as he had the capability to create a joyful atmosphere as he tickled the tummies of most of the people surrounding him. I suspected that those were just merely an act that he kept on the surface of his mask, just like how everybody else would live their daily lives.  I was repulsed by how fabricated the entirety of this boy was, but eventually after five long years, I was somehow forced to get to know him better. Chester was a pretty decent guy and was quite enjoyable to talk to if you open up to him. I now understood what all the positive response towards him was about, even if I refused to accept it initially. I’m still not content on how he was trying so hard to dilute his colours into the euphoria, but I didn’t know exactly what to do about it either. In the end I remained silent about it, as I stood by his side for another five long years. That meant more talks about random subjects and minor life problems, ranging from what to eat for the day until girl problems that Chester had.  Honesty was one of the brightest colours I had in my palette, and I won’t lie to myself that those were the best moments of my life. Who knew that by blending in for a bit, I could share so much joy with another human being that I despised in the beginning. Life was beginning to get much more colourful compared to the blinding shade of white I used to see– before it took an unexpected turn. It was a supposed to be a normal day, just like any other one. The two of us would walk home together, carrying a hefty stack of books against our backs as we chatted idly. But the skies were of different colour that day–and so was he.   “Hey, can I tell you something?” Chester asked me casually, with that usual ‘smile’ of his. I gave him a nod and replied with nothing in mind, “Sure.” Little did I know, how I would view this soon-to-be good friend of mine would change drastically since then.  “You see, it’s raining badly in here.” Chester answered with a trembling voice, before he slowly revealed what’s beneath his mask covering all his lies all this time.  “Chester… You…” “Jun, can you do me a favor? Can you help me… Stop the rain? Life’s been quite a hassle lately, and I just created this mask to hide it all.. So I…” He began talking again, this time with his eyes completely drenched in tears and words only escaping between soft sobs. There was a huge bruise underneath his right eye, which had the darkest shade of purple I’d ever seen. Not to mention he had a tremendous amount of scars all over his face, which might be too horrifying for the public to see. However, since that moment– I could see Chester with a symphony of beautiful, and much brighter colours painted all over him. He was slowly turning away from his old palette which I hated so much, and of course– little did I know will also change my life in the latter future. I then walked up to him and gave him my brightest smile. After a short nod, I simply answered him, “Of course, Chester. Of course. I would love to. In fact, I’ll gladly take that mask away from you right now."  — (hello milechin sorry for being so late!! But here’s your birthday present, sorry it took really long cuz I was in the middle of a writing block. I followed Milk’s and your artworks on Chester and Jun for quite some time ago and I liked it (I know you love them too //shot).. so I decided to 'try’ and make up a story based on what I see on your artworks! I hope it works tho ahahah;;;  HAPPY BELATED BDAY ONCE AGAIN THO thanks for sticking around with me for the past couple of years!! I’ll always be your no.1 supporter in anything you do *^*))b  So have a nice day and I love you <33) ~yuta
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avernale · 6 years
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avernale · 7 years
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